CHAPTER 9 That academic year flew by, and I got laid more times than I could count. All too soon, Kaia's graduation was only months away, and she was deciding on a career path. I[…]
How the fish became popular
In the eight grade I had the most awesome teacher ever. She taught me sooo much and I still remember every bit of it, and envy those that have her now and will have her[…]
The algebra teacher 4 – bad teacher disciplined
Please rate and comment (recap: Phillip is a black student in Colleen’s, his teachers, class. Lisa and Kerri are fellow students and are part of an after school tutoring. Colleen and Phillip find themselves attracted[…]
Snow angel
The most annoying sound he could think of woke him from a sound sleep. The alarm siren on Martin’s phone told him it was Saturday and he had to get up for work. It’s a[…]
My mother, my lover, my mistress
My Mother: My Lover and My Mistress WRITTEN BY:{MuffDiver} Edited for readability by: EMPRESS LAINIE An excellent and well written story. This is a very long story. (Fm, MFF, incest, virginity, oral, masturbation) An account[…]
James & sarah in the booth
He scanned the room… He’d spent the last two hours doing just that. He wanted to be sure he picked the right girl, and now he could see her. Ironically, she was the first girl[…]
Fantacy? or reality?!
It was a stormy night in September and I had just finished a nice warm cup of coffee. I was lonely and thought a lot about women. My name is Jacob. I had often fanaticized[…]
Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty[…]
Claire # 4: the babysitter
Claire peered out the window checking to see if Becky was on her way from across the street. Not that it really mattered, it's just that she was all ready to go and was getting[…]
Nicole and her mothers boyfriends: pt.2
I’m sorry for the delay, my computer got a virus in the middle of writing, but I finished yay! This is part two to “Nicole and her mother’s I suggest you read the first story[…]
Collision course pt. 2
Collision course part 2 Realising their parents would be home any minute, Ethan and Amber quickly got up of the sofa to clean themselves up and with good reason. Amber’s feet were drenched and dripping[…]
A walk in the forest, bound for pleasure.
Sue is recently separated from her husband who offered little sensual pleasure, she met Chris sometime ago and a friendship grew into a realisation that they needed each other. Chris is over 10 years older[…]
Behind the scenes of blade trinity w/ ryan reynolds
The Contest I’ve been a fan of Ryan Reynolds since day one. He’s good looking, has an amazing body, and so funny. That’s why when I heard on the radio that there was a contest[…]
Mikey and nancy mickels part ii
Mikey and Nancy Mickels Part II Mikey Mickels woke up the next morning, the Hawaiian Sunshine coming through her window. She could feel the Ocean Breeze coming through her window screen and window slats and[…]
Alisha's big mistake
She had had enough. Enough of the sexual tension, she simply had to let it flow, in a distinctly unfettered and unbashful manner. There he was, the young man who she had convinced herself was[…]
Te life of james anderson pt:2
The Life Of James Anderson Pt:2 A second instalment of my new series. Hope it pleases people. Again this story is more storyline based than sex so if you are looking for sexual themes skip[…]