My busy daughter

Hello. My name is Dan and my daughter, Anna, is always busy. She works tirelessly at school, works a part time job at the local grocery store, helps me and her mother around the house,[…]

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A place

i am going to make you pay for making me wait. we have danced around this idea of us being together for almost 2 years now. time passes, and yet i think of you. you[…]

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Female stowaway

A young woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. She went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid water when[…]

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Billy and i

BILLY AND I I remember once after practice, Billy and I were the last in the shower. I was faced away from him when he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. He[…]

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Teaching the olsens 5

I awoke the next day bright and early. I cooked myself a large breakfast and slowly ate just to heighten the anticipation. It was time to lead Mary-Kate down the path of debauchery whether she[…]

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The ladder to success

One day, Harry came upon a big, long ladder that stretched into the clouds. He'd walked this way every day and this ladder was never there before. Curious and brave, he began to climb. Eventually,[…]

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