Fbailey story number 739 Slide Into Dried Corn Kernels My wife and I took our thirteen-year-old daughter Desiree to a vineyard ‘bed and breakfast’ for three days. It was located in the beautiful Finger Lakes[…]
The academy: part two
PROLOGUE FROM PART ONE: Kenny Thomas is an eighteen year old senior who has spent the first three years of his high school career being kidded and ridiculed about his enormous penis!!! His mother has[…]
A good time at gym class
This is my first story and i have to admit i dont have good punctiation but my grammer is correct and spelling this is one of my fantasys in life but always to scared to[…]
Catfish -chapter 2-
Here's chapter 2… Right on time! I haven't gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it's really different, and[…]
Godmothers lust pt 2
It was just past 2am on Saturday morning. I was in my room with just my TV on lying on my back with my semi hard cock in my right hand slowly stroking it. My[…]
Alan's pet
It was as if my whole world had collapsed from under me. I had gone from being a happy 18 year old girl who was loved and cared for by her parents to being alone[…]
Linda and cindy (chronical iii)
Chapter III- Linda and Cindy I called Cindy at work that evening, and asked her if she was still ready to squeal like a pig. She said yes, and to pick her up in the[…]
just from the other night with my girl and i, i just thought i would share it in a story! CLICK “Did you just take a photo?” /> “Who said you could do that?” He[…]
Apocolypse chapter 8
Apocalypse Chapter 8 A hightened sense of my surroundings gripped me as I gazed at what lye on the floor of our safe room. Chris and Josiah cowering in the corner of the room naked[…]
Admiring our own work
A pianist was hired to play background music for a movie. When it was completed he asked when and where he could see the picture. The producer sheepishly confessed that it was actually a porno[…]
Mom-son parts1-5
Mom-Son Part 1 Our First Encounter. My husband Richard is on a business trip that involves being away from home an entire week. I love him dearly, but I will be damned if I stay[…]
Just perfect
Perfect! I thought as I walked home. It was my last school team baseball practice and from the last day of school. As I walked home to an empty house I happily thought, what more[…]
Mr. wong's curios: dragon's eye amulet
The dust in the back room was so thick, it was choking. I found the box of stuff Mrs. Wong had asked me to get and brought it out to the front desk. “Is this[…]
The night the boys were gone
The Night The Boys Were Gone It was the day of the prom, both my sons have dates and by 4:00pm the house will be empty except for Karen and I. The thought of having[…]
Wild neigbor(revised)
This is a revised version of the original story. I made some changes to the plot, expanding a scene or two, improving 1 area I thought did not really flow well. The two young ladies[…]
Awakened passionsch1
CH1 Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though[…]