The academy: part two

PROLOGUE FROM PART ONE: Kenny Thomas is an eighteen year old senior who has spent the first three years of his high school career being kidded and ridiculed about his enormous penis!!! His mother has[…]

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Catfish -chapter 2-

Here's chapter 2… Right on time! I haven't gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it's really different, and[…]

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Alan's pet

It was as if my whole world had collapsed from under me. I had gone from being a happy 18 year old girl who was loved and cared for by her parents to being alone[…]

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just from the other night with my girl and i, i just thought i would share it in a story! CLICK “Did you just take a photo?” /> “Who said you could do that?” He[…]

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Mom-son parts1-5

Mom-Son Part 1 Our First Encounter. My husband Richard is on a business trip that involves being away from home an entire week. I love him dearly, but I will be damned if I stay[…]

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Just perfect

Perfect! I thought as I walked home. It was my last school team baseball practice and from the last day of school. As I walked home to an empty house I happily thought, what more[…]

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