Iribis, the demon

He had spent years in study, years in how to summon creatures from other planes of existance useing science. After so many year he had succeeded where no one else could. He figured out how[…]

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Finally they meet

Mike's heart was beating real fast as he was turning into the coffee shop parking lot. Through the streaky windshield from the light rain he spotted the smal blue car with a person inside. You[…]

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Truckers lust pt 3

When baby girl could finally feel him back behind her, she grew frightened. Then she started screaming as a sudden infringement on her body caused her to faint. Peanut stopped and grabbed her hair. With[…]

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Santa iv

John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so[…]

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Jen's wild night out

One day, as the wind whispered soft promises of meadows blooming with spring and lazy streams with blue gills pussy willows robin red breast blue birds and soft sarsaparilla sodas, Jen Jizzwhistle wanted to get[…]

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