Awakening erica pt. 1

Erica’s mind had been a whirl as she washed her soft body, and made sure her beautiful tight pussy was shaved smooth; just the way David her husband loved it. She couldn’t help massaging her[…]

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The hitchhiker

Mason Barnes squinted through his mud-streak, rain-soaked windshield. Despite the brutal rain and slushy falling snow, he could just make out the Panhandle Truckstop sign up ahead. For late winter in northern Texas, it sure[…]

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Dream lover

Dream Lover It was a dark and stormy night. The thunder rumbled and the lightning crashed as I attempted to wash off the day’s troubles. There I was naked in my bathtub filled with warm[…]

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The drive-in

"Oh my God." John shook his head as he drove and said it out loud again, "Oh my GOD!" He laughed out loud and re-played the evening over and over in his head. He knew[…]

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In memory of

The camera swims into focus on her breasts, filling the entire frame. Backing up a little, a hint of a smile can be seen at the top of the screen as she moves her hands[…]

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First impressions

Tara walked in a way that caught everyone's attention, guy or girl. Jake noticed her everyday as she walked across campus. Jake always wanted to ask her out, but he had heard so many stories[…]

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