Susans curiosity

sex stories

Sue leaned back in her chair relaxing, after yet another grueling day of school.
Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to.

Over all Sue was a good innocent little girl who never caused anyone much harm. No one ever gave her any credit that she could be good on a computer, and athletic. They would all think; “Come on, she’s only twelve, really fit and drop dead gorgeous? She can’t have the time to be good at anything but brushing her hair!”

But how wrong they where.

When Sue got a bank account for her 12th birthday she transferred all the money that she had saved up in her parents account and went on a shopping spree. And not just any shopping spree, where you where confined to the pale walls of the local mall. She bought all kinds of thing over the web. From snakes to firecrackers to swords and lots more.

It had been four weeks since her birthday, and the school holidays had begun. She only got
two weeks every holidays and six weeks at christmas because she lived in Australia, where the system was different to the American system. All of her friends had gone on holidays, even the 14 year old twin boys from acoss the road had gone to the Alps for skiing. And her parents were working untill their relatives came down for her great-aunts re-marriage.

She was very bored and had exhausted most of the things that she wanted to buy. As she browsed she came across a pop-up of a mysterious wrapped oblong box, while she was going through her Youth-Cen mail. Slowly she dragged the arrow over to the close button. She would have closed it but something caught her eye.

Poking out of the wrapping was a patch of pale-blue rubber material, but more solid and round. Sue had never seen a dildo before so she was oblivious as to what she was looking at. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she clicked the little bow and in second another page came up.

On it there where pictures of beautiful men with these giant pieces of flesh coming out of their crotches. Sue's parents were very strict with them selves, and as such, had always been sure that they where never seen naked by her so she had never seen a soft penis or even her mothers nipples.

When Sue found her slowly expelling breath begining to puff steam a little and tingles began to wriggle down her spine she wiggled her toes in a tingle of pleasure. She logged into one of her messenger clients and began asking her friends what it was. Most of them just replied with silly little emotes and "lol"s. But one, a female friend who had the net alias linked her to a wiki detailing what it was she had seen.

It wasn't a wiki with lots of "Oh My God this is bad" on it. It told the browser about the joys of stimulation and the means to reach something called an Sue didn't know what that ment but as she continued reading, it slowly became apparant.

After thanking her friend Juicepopcat and ctrl+D'ing the wiki, sue slowly pulled her tracksuit pants down to her knees while she was still on the chair. She fingered the cotton of her blue panties. She was really nervous about what she was about to do… so she was darn sure that she was going to get it right.

Hooking a finger under the elastic she brought the panties around her thighs, leaving her sweet little mound exposed to cold winter air. The wiki had told her that a girls first time almost allways hurt. For some girls it hurt alot, and for others it hurt less, and unfortunately "most" men didn't ever seem to care about that. Sue hoped that she would find a nice guy.

muttered to herself, "time to, uh… what did it say? Loose my virg… />
She closed her eyes and rubbed a finger along her slit, making tingles shoot up her back. She began to push the finger slightly deeper, untill she came against some resistance, She thought to herself, "This must be my She pushed and tore softly through the and suddenly the tingles came shooting back down, through her tiny pre-pubescent breasts and through her flat little stomach.

She, amazingly, found her clitoris and began rubbing her slit, every now and again, her finger, brushing against "it". After about 2 minutes she came, her small amount of pre-teen juice making her inner-thighs wet. She moaned small tears of happiness coming to her eyes, bluring the desktop infront of her.

Her relatives came and went, her aunt went of on her honeymoon, and Sue's parents got back to their busy desk jobs. Naturally, Sue bacame bored again. She hadn't maturbated since the time when she though she had taken her virginity, (She hadn't) because she just hadn't felt the, well… she didn't know what else to say other than the />
Thankfully the twins from across the road had gotten back.

The twins were named Lars and Pat. They wern't hulking guys, but they were well muscled, from being the ones who went with Susan to the beach the most, and they were the stars of their highschool tennis club. Girls would sigh over them, but the twins always said no, because (and they didn't tell anyone else this) they were afraid that their mother would mess us any relationship they got into, being the concerned mother she was. Sue envyed them for that, but they didn't know what she ment. They told her that they would love to be able to do anything they wanted like her.

Lars was the taller of the two, about 3 inches more than pats 5'9". Lars dyed his hair dark-blue and Pat kept his raven-black. There eyes were both an dreamy green. and their faces were almost always with-out blemish.

Lars played on the Xbox 360 with Susan most of the time, and Pat played online RPGames with her, although he played alot more hours than her.

On their first satuday back they realised how sad and lonely Sue looked so they decided to go to luna park with her, to try and cheer her up. They had a great time with Pat and Sue spinning for hours on the rides at the St Kilda Beach "Luna Park" rides. Lars spent most of the time sick in a bin.

On the trip home on the train, Pat and Lars sat on either side of Sue. This was probably the thing that made her the happiest she thought to her self. Lars looked a little green again, so sue tol him that he could lean against her.

He did and was soon feeling better from her warmth, then he drifted of into sleep. Mean-while poor Susan was feeling scared as she realised that this really pretty boy was falling asleap on her. But she didn't know what to do. Slowly Lars' head slipped downonto her lap, with his face away from her stomach.

This contact made Sue remember her previous fun… she blushed but that was it. When they got to their station pat put Lars on his back piggy-back style and they walked home, with nothing else happening.

When Sue went to bed that night, she masturbated, and thought of Lars' face on her lap and Pats warmth by her side.

The next day they planned to go to the beach. And Sue planned to tell them… well she didn't konow what she was going to say about how she felt but… she "knew" it needed to be said, if she was ever going to be comfortable around them again.


story by: fluffy

Tags: fiction masturbation exhibitionism anal teen female solo female exhibitionist sex story

Author: fluffy

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