Such is life 9

sex stories

Fast forward quite a few months now. We had been together for close to five months and we still hadn't had sex. It may sound as though I am complaining, but let me make it very clear that I am not complaining. There was a reason for the lack of sex, and it was a very good reason. A reason that I can not blame her for at all, not even a little bit. How many of you ladies out there have been shmozzed, lied to and told things that got you to give an ass hat sex? How many of those fuckers actually stuck with you, after they were with you? She was only 19 and she was already ready to settle down. You have to understand that she was a stripper, this was something that I didn't know until we became official. She didn't know that I knew her reasoning for not having sex with me, she didn't have to tell me. In fact, I didn't really know if this was the real reason or not, but over the time we had known each other, I knew her well enough to come to this realization on my own.

As a dancer, she had come across a few guys that she thought were serious about being with her and that was it. Sadly, that was never the case. Every time we made out heavily, she would always stop it just before we lost it completely. She was feeling me out to see if I was serious about being with her as a person and nothing else. She already knew, but due to her past relationships there still lingered a lot of mistrust and doubt about that, and rightly so. You know some thing, I would have told her that, but how many times do you think she has already heard those words? How many times do you think she heard that "I'm not with you because you're a stripper, I'm with you because I want to be," hot steaming pile of bullshit from those ass hats? I'm sure she heard it a million times! Can you blame her for having that doubt, or mistrust? I sure as hell don't! It's those fucktards that got her to this point.

Let me make this very clear. I didn't give a shit that she was a stripper. Yes it was hot and sexy as fuck, but I genuinely wanted to be with her. I was in love with this woman, I loved her and was getting to where I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I figured that since she had heard that line of bullshit too many times before from assholes, I just preferred to show her instead. I did everything to let her know that I was serious about being with her. She really knew that I was with her for her, because every guy she dated, that she did this too, got incredibly pissed off and either hit her or scream at her because she didn't have sex with them. They would always end up dropping her like a bad habit. She was amazed that I would always end up cuddling with her every time and was perfectly happy about it. Hell, we would fall asleep together a lot after that. I would wake up and carry her to her room in my house, and tuck her in bed. God damn it she was so fucking cute! She was really beautiful, she was really really sexy, she was incredibly cute, she was all mine. How could I not be happy about that?

She really started to realize that after the five months had passed. She not only realized it, but she didn't have any doubt that I was with her for no other reason. I spoiled her rotten and made sure she was happy before I left for work. If we had an argument or a fight, I would make damn sure that she and I were, as the Hawaiians say, pono (Poe no). Which means we are as one, or more literally, to be in perfect alignment and balance with each other. This was something that she was definitely not use to at all! She was use to fights and arguments that would either lead to an ass beating or one that lasted for days. She was loving it and started to get use to it and after time she stopped screaming at me. We started to have very civilized conversations as those five months progressed. I never called her out of her name, and I always made sure I apologized. Her screaming at me was something she was always use to with other men, she wasn't expecting me to stand up for myself and do so without screaming, and doing so with respect towards her. Five months later, she does not scream at me, or call me out of my anymore. We calm down first and we would talk everything out. There were never feelings of animosity between us.

As more time progressed our love for each other grew so much deeper. She loved me so deeply that there wasn't any doubt in my mind that she loved me. She didn't make it official, but she had all but moved into my house. She felt like she was intruding after the first few months, but I started doing things to show her that I wanted her there. I would do her laundry when she worked and I didn't. I would very neatly leave her clothes folded on her bed and I would leave roses and chocolate with them every time. I would always leave her dinner in case she was hungry when she got home. I didn't know if she felt like she was welcomed as a result of that or not. I just hoped that she did. Here is what I loved, the room that she had in my house, she had made that hers. It was trashed. Her clothes were all over the floor, and her bathroom was kind of messy. But it smelled like her. I would just lay on her bed just to enjoy her scent, even when she was home. She would just snuggle with me and we would watch a movie together on her bed. I think I slept with her more in her bed than she did mine. What does that tell you?

Then one night about a little over 6 months into my relationship with my Courtney, I had a day off after working for almost an entire month straight, almost 18 hours each day. Some days I worked 32 hours straight. That was when we did "operation clean sweep" with the Feds. Basically we ended up putting away almost 120 people with felony warrants. I kept her in the loop, and called her between each serve to let her know that I was ok. Holy god was my Courtney so amazing to me during that time. She drew a bath for me every single night and had breakfast or lunch, ready for me when I got home. How the hell do you expect me to not fall deeper in love with her when she did this for me? She was an amazing amazing woman. I wanted to slap the fuck out of every guy and girl she had been with, shake the shit out of them and ask them what the fuck was wrong with them! They had to be retarded!! Seriously! I hit the fucking jackpot with her! I didn't give a shit if we ever had sex! I seriously didn't. All I wanted was to be with her, be her man, and be the man she so richly deserved. That's how happy she made me, period!

As another week passed, I realized that she was getting more and more sexually flirtatious. Much more. After almost an entire month passed I finally got to take a few days off. She had to work on one of those days and I wasn't expecting what was coming at all. On my second day off she and I spent the entire day just relaxing and lounging together. I can not even to begin to describe to you how much I loved having her in my arms. She was so clingy and touchy feely that it was amazing. I loved every second of it. The Sparks and feelings I had for her were so strong that it was almost overwhelming. It never went away, I was still very, very attracted to her. As we watched tv together with her in my arms, she looked up at me.

"You know, you should really come see me at work tonight." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want you too. You should bring the guys you're going to be hanging out with tonight." She said.

"Ok. I'll see you tonight then." I said.

"Good….you promise?" She asked with a sexy grin.

"You really want me to go there tonight don't you?" I asked as I laughed.

"I won't lie, yes I do, in fact I kind of need you too." She said.

"Ok I promise you that I will be there even if I have to leave the guys alone, I will be there baby." I said.

"Mmmm, good, you won't regret it I promise. It's definitely going to be worth your while." She said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see lover." She said as she stood up and started walking to her room.

"God, I'm already anxious." I said.

"You should be baby. Be there by 10." She said.

"Ok I will. God you're so beautiful." I said making her giggle as she walked away.

She went and got ready for work. Once she was ready and had her things ready, I walked her out to her car. I gave her a very long soft kiss before she left. After that I went to my buddies and we all hung out. I looked at them after a few hours. It was only 9 and we were 15 minutes away from the place.

"We should go to the shady lady." I said.

"Are you sure that your girl would be ok with that?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure." I said.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Trust me, I know." I said.

"Sweet! I already love your girl and we haven't even met her yet!" He said.

We all piled into our cars and headed for the shady lady. Once there we stood at the back of the long ass line. A few bouncers walked up to us and looked right at me.

"Is your name Adam?" One asked.

"Yes sir." I said.

"We have been expecting you sir. At the request of one of our dancers, you are the VIP guest tonight. You don't have to wait in line sir, come with me, bring your buddies, there is no cover charge for you." He said.

"What the fuck?" One of my buddies said surprised.

"Whoa, what have you been keeping us from big guy?" Another asked.

I just smiled as we walked through the door. I saw pictures of my girl all over the place. I learned that she was the most popular, most loved dancer in that place. Every guy there came to see her dance, some regularly. I smiled knowing that she was all mine. As I walked in I watched one of the bouncers speak into a radio, and a woman make a b line for a back room. She disappeared into the room as we all were taken to a VIP area that was close to the main stage, as in, right next to it. I sat the furthest away from it. Soon we all looked over at this door and I saw my Courtney standing amongst a bunch of dancers pointing at me. They all looked at me and waved. I couldn't see her all that well because she was so tiny. All I saw was her pointing at me.

"Hi Adam!" They all said.

Courtney walked back into the room and at least 8 or more dancers came into the VIP area and walked right up to me.

"What the holy fuck?!" Several of my buddies said.

"Lucky mother fucker!" One said.

"So, you're Adam." One dancer said.

"Yes I am." I said.

"God damn, you are fucking huge! How the hell tall are you?" Another asked.

"7 foot 4 inches." I said.

"We have heard so much about you. She always talks about you, always." One said.

"She does, you are almost literally her night in shining armor." Another said.

"You have changed her so much. We have never seen her like this, at least not until you two started to date." Yet another said.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"Oh god no! She glows everyday she comes in, she is so happy that when she cries this time, it's because she is so happy." Another said.

"And she cries when she talks about you. She is so so deeply in love with you." Yet another said.

"She makes me just as happy. And I am just as much in love with her as she is with me." I said.

"We are so jealous of her." One said.

"You have got to be thee best guy for her, I swear to god that you were what she needed." One said.

"She is what I needed too, you have no idea." I said.

"So when are you going to marry her?" One asked.

"I have no idea yet." I said.

"He said yet, so does that mean you want to marry her too?" One asked.

"I would love to be her husband, so yes I want to marry her." I said.

"Oh wow! God she is so fucking lucky, I fucking hate her now!" One said.

"She never said that you were so fucking hot." One said.

"Thanks, I said as I laughed.

"Well, we gotta go, it was an honor to meet her night in shining armor. Seriously, I have never seen her this happy, she is so lucky to have you." One said.

"Oh god girls, I am the lucky one, not her." I said.

"Aaaawwww, that's so cute! God I hate her!!" One said.

Each one hugged me and walked back to the room. All of my buddies were all staring at me with that, what the fuck, you fucking asshole look on their faces. They didn't hear any of our conversation, they were too busy wondering how the fuck they all knew me.

"You've never been here?" Mike asked.

"Nope, this is my first time." I said.

"Bullshit. How can you sit here and say that when they all clearly know you." He said.

"I have no idea who those girls were, they just know me." I said.

"But how? How you lucky son of a bitch?!" One of my buddies said.

"Look, we are cops too and we all know when we are being lied to asshole, now how do you know them?" He asked.

"I honestly have no idea how they know me!" I lied as they gave me a yeah right grin.

They had no clue that my girlfriend was a dancer there. They knew I had a girlfriend but most of them hadn't met her yet either. I pulled the one guy that had met her aside and told him that she was a dancer and to keep his mouth shut. He was shocked because he realized why we were getting the star treatment. He promised me that he would keep his mouth shut. There were six stages in that place, not counting the main stage. They all had dancers on them and they were the ones that hadn't met me personally yet. The music was loud as hell too. Soon we had food and drinks being brought to us. After another few minutes the music died down and the stages all went dark. Then the house lights went down and the main stage lit up.

The next thing we knew was that the bouncers all crowded around the stage and pushed everyone back. There was now at least a four foot gap all the way around the stage. They grabbed a chair and sat it right in front of the stage to where the stage could be used as a table by whoever got to sit there. One bouncer looked at me and pulled the chair back but left it there. Then a bunch of them stood around the stage. One looked at a sound booth and nodded. Just then all of the dancers came out and stood around the stage just as the announcer started talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen. This is the moment you have all been waiting for. Please show some respect, because this girls boyfriend is in the house with us tonight. This dance is dedicated to him, and is for him only. Please put your hands together for our hottest dancer Star!" He said.

Then the music started. It was shining bright like a diamond, or what ever it's called by Rihanna. When she walked out on that stage, I got a huge lump in my throat. I sat there with my jaw on the floor, and my eyes bugging out of my head. My cock started to swell as I watched her start moving. Holy fucking shit! Oh my god! She looked so so, oh god she looked so fucking sexy! I couldn't breath. I just sat there staring. Next thing I knew was that she was looking at me with this fuck me look on her face as she grinned. She gave me thee sexiest smile as she waved at me. I didn't even realize that my buddies were all looking at me.

I was getting so hard that it was starting to hurt as it grew harder and harder. She was dressed like a little school girl, a very very sexy little school girl. She had died her long long hair platinum blonde and had it up in piggy tails. She kept looking right at me as she danced around the pole and started doing some very sexy dance moves. She got onto her knees and started to remove her top. My cock got so fucking hard as I realized that she wasn't wearing a bra at all. She teased me as she very slowly removed her shirt as she danced. I was stunned, I mean I knew she was sexy, but god oh god was I way off about how sexy she really was. She started to play with her skirt and acted like she was getting ready to take it off. She stared at me the entire time. She started looking right at my bulge and it was so obvious that she was turned on beyond belief. As she slowly got to her knees, she pointed at me and very slowly beckoned me with her finger. Just then I realized that I was surrounded by the other dancers. They all helped me walk to the chair that the bouncers had placed in front of the stage. As I moved to the front of the chair, my girl looked at me with pure lust in her eyes. She had the incredibly sexy grin on her face. Once she looked down she could clearly see how hard I was, and I had jeans on. Her grin disappeared and her eyes opened wide. Her mouth opened wide and then she bit her lip. The other dancers sat me down and Courtney started to crawl up to me.

"Hi babyhhhhh." She said as looked into my eyes.

"Oh my god baby!" I said as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked as she continued to writhe and crawl closer.

"Look down and you tell me." I said as I spread my legs.

She reached the edge of the stage and looked down into my crotch. I watched her body shake for a second as she looked up at me. Her red eye brows were slanted and she had her lip between her teeth.

"Is that for me?" She asked as she got her face as close to mine as she could.

"Yeah it is. I love what you did with your hair." I said.

"All for you baby." She said slowly and softly pressed her lips against mine. She slid her tongue into my mouth and gave me the most passionate slow kiss of my life.

She broke the kiss and leaned back as she continued to dance. She never broke eye contact with me as she did. I watched her every single move, and took every inch of her body in. Her tits made my cock twitch. They were tiny yet extremely perky. She had bright pink nipples and almost no areolas. Her nipples were hard and it was very difficult for me to not stand up and take them into my hands or mouth. She got her skirt off and was wearing an extremely tiny little g string. She was obviously very very wet. She got on the edge of the stage and slid her hand down her body and on her covered pussy. As she continued to dance she started to mouth the words, I want to fuck you, really really slowly as she stared into my eyes. She got so close to the edge of the stage that her knees were hanging off of the edge. I continued to take every gorgeous and sexy inch of her body in as I watched. She rubbed her finger along her little slit slowly the entire time.

I was so hard it wasn't funny. I could feel my precum coating my leg. I watched her slowly slide her finger down her slit as she writhed to the beat of the song. She lifted her finger and I could see that her wetness had coated her finger. She leaned forward and slid her finger into my mouth as she got really close to my face again.

"Tonight, you get to have as much of this as you want baby." She said with a slight whimper.

"God you taste so good baby." I whispered after she pulled her finger out of my mouth.

She then grabbed my hand and placed them on her knees and guided them up her soft legs.

"No touch policy does not apply to you tonight. I want you to touch me." She hissed as she laid back, still writhing to the beat.

She kept her hands on mine as I slowly slid them up her soft thigh. I started to get glitter all over my hands and arms since she had body glitter on. My body shuddered as I slid my hand closer and closer to her covered pussy. She signed and thrusted her hips up as I deliberately brushed my thumbs against her soaking wet covered pussy several times. That was the very first time I had ever touched her there. I almost blew my wad in my pants when she reacted the way she did.

She moaned as I did that.

God damn that little tiny soft voice of hers drove me insane with lust! It quite literally felt like we were all alone in that huge place. I couldn't even hear any of the people in the crowd. Her tattoos, her soft pale white freckled skin, the way she moved, and how she looked at me made my entire body shake, and my cock twitch as precum continued to coat my leg. Soon the song ended and she stood up, lifting me by my chin with her finger as she did. She then had her fellow dancers lead me to stand behind the chair that I was just sitting on. She stepped off of the stage and onto the chair. She wrapped her arms up and around my neck and pulled me down. She kissed me very slowly and so passionately, I can't explain what it did to me. I could hear the roar of the crowd as she and I kissed. I lifted her of of the chair so that her feet were dangling. I could feel her arm lift up and some how knew that she was flipping everyone in that room the bird, making them cheer louder. Our tongues slid together and twisted slowly as we kissed. Then someone moved the chair allowing my Courtney wrap her legs around my body. I had my arms around her and was sliding my hands all over her soft back. She moaned into my mouth as I slid my fingers under the tiny string that held her little g string on. After several very long minutes she broke the kiss and looked around a little, then into my eyes as she pressed her head against mine.

"You should see the looks on everyone's faces." She said as she laughed.

"I don't care." I said making her laugh more.

"Thank you." I said as she slid her hand onto mine behind her and slowly guided it onto her tiny tits.

"Mmmmm, you're so welcome baby. I just wanted to show my incredibly sexy man off to everyone." She said as I very slowly and gently massaged her tits one by one, holding her up by her ass with my other hand.

"You planned all of this didn't you?" I asked.

"Yeah I did baby. I've been planning it for the last two weeks." She said.

"I loved it! Oh my god I love what you just did for me." I said.

"Good. But your night is just beginning lover." She said.

"God I love your tits baby." I said.

"I love what I see in your pants. I have to see that thing, it looks huge." She whispered as she rubbed my chest and abs.

"Your sister didn't tell you about that?" I asked making her smile.

"That's the one thing she never told me." She whispered as she kept rubbing my body.

"You're in for a nice surprise then." I said as I smiled and making her giggle.

"Mmmmmm, I can't wait, I love surprises like that baby." She said.

"Well, depending on what you think about size, you may love it." I said.

"Is it big?" She asked.

"Do you like them big?" I asked.

"Mmmmmmm, God yeahhh, and you look really big babyhhh." She whimpered as she looked into my eyes.

"You've felt it on your little pussy when we made out." I said.

"Hun, it's hard to tell its size that way." She said.

"I see." I said.

She kissed me again as I lowered her back onto the chair after we moved back to it. We continued to kiss very passionately as everyone in that room cheered us on. After that she broke the kiss and climbed back onto the stage. I walked up to it and she actually had to bend down a little so we could kiss again. We broke the kiss and she waved at everyone as she walked off the stage.

"Don't leave baby, I'll be right out." She said as she pointed to me.

"I'm not going anywhere sexy." I said as she smiled and walked back stage.

I turned around and saw most of my friends with a completely dumbfounded looks on their faces. They all just stared at me in complete disbelief and aw. I just grinned at them and smiled.

"You alright guys?" I asked as they stared at me.

"Yeah, yeah we're good." One said.

"What the fuck just happened? What the fuck was that?!" Another asked.

"I just got molested by a really, really sexy dancer." I said.

"You're an asshole." Another said as we all laughed.

"Dude! Do you have any clue how famous she is around here?!" One asked.

"No I don't truthfully." I said.

"Every single guy in this place probably want to kick your ass! She is thee most popular, hottest sexiest dancer this place has ever had! Every single guy in here had tried to get with her. She never ever dated anyone, never took them to the champagne room, never did private parties or lap dances to anyone except girls. You come in to town and she is all over you like you are her boyfriend." Another said.

"Well, now we know why." My buddy who knew about her said.

"Yeah, that certainly explains it." Another said.

"I am a very lucky guy to have her guys. There is so much that you don't know about her." I said.

Just then my FTO, officer Burbank walked up.

"What the fuck Adam! You never told me that your girl was Star!" She yelled from excitement.

"I didn't know till she and I became exclusive." I said.

"You've been with her for six months you asshole, you still could have told me!" She said as she hugged me.

"Yeah well, I didn't know that you knew about her." I said.

"Are you kidding, I'm not a lesbian but that girl could certainly make me one." She said as she laughed and backed off.

"What can I say, I apparently have a local celebrity as a girlfriend." I said.

"What the the fuck?! She IS your One yelled.

"Hey, hey, she is coming." One of my buddies said.

I turned around and she was walking up to me at a fast pace. She had that little school girl outfit on, but she had let her hair down. Once she reached me I leaned down so she could wrap her arms around my neck. I kissed her as I picked her up off of the ground. After a minute or so of kissing, I lowered her to the ground gently and we broke the kiss.

"Fuck you're so sexy baby." She whispered.

"So are you, I'm getting hard just looking at you right now." I whispered in her ear.

"Mmmmm, I like it hard baby." She hissed.

She turned around and pressed her back against me and held onto my arms as I wrapped them around her.

"Gentlemen, please let me introduce my girlfriend Star." I said.

They all came up and shook her hand as I introduced her to every one of them. I sat down and she sat in my lap. I had her wrapped in my arms the entire time. She started to squirm around a little and I could hear her sighing. As we sat there, she looked up at me with her gorgeous smile and I leaned down and kissed her. We kept kissing this time. As we kissed she slid her hand up my arms and shoulders and onto my face. After a little while we broke the kiss and she laid against me. It was hilarious to watch all of the guys stumble over their words as they tried to talk to her. I just smiled, mainly because I knew her, and she was coming home to me.

We sat there for quite a while and I met all of her fellow dancers. Every one of them told me the same thing, and every one of them referred to me as her night in shining armor. I was very flattered. She would give me the warmest smile and kissed me every time. After a while it was getting close to closing time. As I sat there with her in my arms, they started to play music again as the other stages had girls walk onto them. She stood up and slid into my lap facing me and started to give me a lap dance. She started to grind and bump on me. She kissed me and slid her hand down my body and back up as she unbuttoned my shirt slowly.

She groaned in disappointment when she realized that I had a t shirt on under my button down. She danced in my lap and then started to slide down my body. She looked into my eyes as she got onto her knees and pushed my legs wide open. She slowly put her face in my crotch and licked it and slowly sat back. She slowly slid her hands onto my knees and slid her hand very slowly up my leg. She didn't make it very far before she felt my cock. Oh god it was throbbing again. Her eyes opened wide as she squeezed me from the head and slowly up the length of my cock towards my balls. I leaned down and started to kiss her as she explored me. She broke the kiss and the looked in my eyes. The look on her face started to change to lust. She exhaled hard and looked into my eyes.

I watched her red eye brows slant and her mouth open. I watched her neck tendons stick out and her face turn red. She gasped as she started to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating by slowly stroking and squeezing me through my jeans. I exhaled hard as her tiny hand squeezed up and down every inch of my cock.

"Oh fuck baby, that fff, oh god that feel so good." I hissed.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"About what baby." I asked as I started to thrust my hips ever so slightly.

"Is this, is this really you?" She asked between two sharp breaths.

"Mmmhmmm. Is it as big as you hoped?" I asked.

"Mmmhmmm, yeah." She replied as she started to slide her lips and mouth along my length, then stopped.

"Oh shhhhhhhit…oh my fffffuck..oh my god.." She moaned as her eyes closed slightly.

She sat there and shook as she grabbed my shirt and pulled on it, with one hand and gripped cock, squeezing it. She bit her lip as her eyes closed slightly. I watched her body jerk and shake. After a few minutes she licked my covered cock several times before she sat back and took her shirt off.

"Oh fuck baby." I moaned as I looked at her very small, extremely sexy tits.

She started to slide up my body all the way as she continued to stroke and squeeze me slowly. She straddled me again and started to grind on me hard as I leaned down and kissed her. She broke the kiss and looked in my eyes.

"Your cock feel so so big babyhhh." She whimpered.

"Just wait till its inside of you." I whispered.

Again, her body shook and her muscles tightened. She pulled my head against hers and stared into my eyes. She slid back so that of her pussy was over the floor and not on me. I slid my hand into the back of her g string, pulling it down as far as I could.

baby… Ooooohhhhhh my god, oh god no, pleas no, no, aaa….uuuuuhhh, ooohhh She moaned as her hips jerked.

"Are you ok baby?" I asked.

God yeah baby. I'm really really goodhhhh." She whimpered through sharp breaths after she regained her composure.

"Are you sure sexy?" I asked.

"Oh god yeah." She said.

That lap dance seemed like it lasted forever. After it was finished, she just sat in my lap and kissed me. The club was going to be closed in less than an hour and the lap dances were over, at least for a lot of us. She was still in my lap and had the sexiest look on her face.

"Do you work tomorrow?" She asked as she kept grinding slowly.

"No, I'm off baby." I replied.

"Good, because you're not getting any sleep tonight." She said.

"Mmm, I hope not." I said.

"I absolutely have to see that monster in your pants." She whispered.

"Is it bigger than you thought it would be?" I asked.

"Mmmmmmm, much." She hissed.

"Hurry home to me baby." I said.

"Oh trust me I will be. The girls all wanted me to hang out with them tonight." She said as I started to massage her tits and pinch her nipples.

"What did you say to them?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked.

"Of course I do." I said.

"I told them that I can't." She said with the sexiest fucking look on her face.

"Did they ask why?" I asked.

"Yeah they did. Do you want to know what I told them?" She asked.

"Yeah I do." I replied.

told them that I couldn't because I'm going fuck my boyfriend tonight." She said as she ground into my cock hard three times.

"I'll be waiting for you." I said.

"You better be. And don't be naked, I want to peel your clothes off of your sexy hot body." She hissed.

"Mmmm, fuck I want you now." I said.

I know, I want to pull that monster out and suck it so bad baby." She whimpered.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She replied as she kept grinding. I had been playing with her tits with one hand the entire time.

I slid my hand into her g string and touched her clit for the first time. She gasped and her eyes and mouth opened wide.

"Mmmmmmm, gggod." She hissed as she ground forward pushing her clit into my finger.

"You better get going before I pull your cock out right here." She hissed as I rubbed her clit in very slow soft circles.

"Yeah I should before I cum in my pants." I said.

"We wouldn't want that now would we." She teased.

"No I think we will save it for something else." I said.

"Yeah, my pussy is what we will save it for." She said as she pressed her head against mine.

"Mmmm. Sounds amazing." I said.

"I know. I have to go to the back now. Can I borrow your shirt?" She asked.

"Of course you can." I said.

"You know why I need it right?" She asked.

"No, why don't you tell me." I said.

"Because I don't need everyone here to see my cum running down my legs." She hissed.

"You mean to tell me that you came?" I asked.

"Twice during the lap dance I was giving you." She said as she giggled.

"I didn't even touch you." I said as she took my shirt and put it on. She then leaned down and gave me another, very passionate long slow kiss. It lasted for a little over a minute before she broke the kiss.

"What does that tell you sexy?" She asked.

"That I drive you crazy." I replied.

"Yes you do. You know that because you can even make me cum without touching me." She said just before she kissed me again.

I handed her a roll of 20s that I had gotten from my secret stash and she refused it.

"I'm your girl baby, its free for you." She said as she giggled.

"I love you." I said.

"God I love you too baby." She said.

She kissed me again and started to walk off as she looked back at me with an extremely sexy grin. She stopped and looked back at me.

"Hey baby, make sure you don't start without me. I'll be home soon." She said loud enough that anyone close to me could hear her.

"I'll save it for you." I said making her giggle.

"Good. Love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said.

I turned and looked at the guys and everyone of them had a look of envy in their eyes.

"What? You didn't hear the conversation we had during the lap dance did you?" I asked.

"No we didn't, but we heard that, you lucky mother fucker." Mike said.

"Ok, thank god." I said.

"Jesus Adam, how the hell did you get her?" My FTO asked.

"Seriously, look at me, c'mon." I said making everyone laugh.

"God it looked like you two were about to go at it there." One of my buddies said.

"Yeah, I know." I said.

"So guys what do you say we go ahead and head out. I need to get home." I said.

"Fuck you, don't talk to me you ass hole." One of my buddies said as he laughed.

"What? You jealous?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know, YOUR GIRLFRIEND, happens to be thee hottest, sexiest dancers in the entire state. What do you think?" He asked as we all laughed.

"Yeah, I am a lucky mother fucker." I said.

"That's putting it lightly." Another said.

We were all walking to out cars during all of that. Every eye was in me. Several of them patted me on the back, the rest looked at me with great envy. I got into my truck and headed straight home. I ran into my room and jumped in the shower. I had let my balls and cock go a little so I had to shave everything again. It felt great, damn I forgot how it felt to be bald. I put my tightest pair of boxer briefs on and got dressed. I wore jeans and a button down shirt on with nothing on under it. As I sat there I couldn't help but be nervous. You have to understand that it had been a very very long time since I have had sex at that point. Oh my god she made me so horny and now I knew she was ready for sex now. That told me one thing, she had no doubt that I was there for her, and no other reason.

Now I was waiting for her to get home to me…

story by: Pussyeeter

Tags: fiction sex story

Author: Pussyeeter

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