Kelly Carlson was a beautiful and vivacious 24-year-old first grade teacher. She was 5' 7" tall with shoulder length blonde hair and sparking green eyes. She had a lovely smile, an infectious laugh and was well liked by students, colleagues and parents alike. While she was slim and shapely, she was endowed with rather large breasts that were firm and sat high on her chest. The nipples were large and pink, covering most of her breasts. She was often embarrassed because the nipples were so sensitive that the rubbing of a bra would make them grow hard. They were unmistakably visible through her apparel. In fact, they were so sensitive that sometimes just touching them would bring a tremor to her body. When very aroused she had been known to climax from just pinching them.
In college, Kelly had done a lot of sexual experimentation. She loved sex and decided early on that she didn't need to seal her marital vows as a virgin. She had had a number of relationships with men which she mostly enjoyed. She was once briefly engaged, but it hadn't worked out when divergent career goals interfered. Beyond that, she had a brief but intense relationship with a female classmate. The memory of the sensual exhilaration of a woman's touch excited her to this very day. She knew she would do it again should she ever have the opportunity. However, she didn't really look at other women with that in mind. Since her first and only lesbian affair, she hadn't happened upon another woman that stirred those feelings.
The autumn semester had begun and her third year of teaching was about to commence. As a teacher, Kelly took her job most earnestly. She felt there was nothing more important than teaching young people to read and write. Although she wanted to marry and have a family one day, her primary focus was on her students. They were her children. Teaching presented its own challenges for several years: developing lesson plans, dealing with her own training, and learning to handle the incredible bureaucracy of the public school system. While some teachers never learned to work within the system, she was determined to see her way through…in a positive way. Such was her personality. She adhered to the adage "you attract more bees with honey than with vinegar". To her credit, she cleared the bureaucratic minefields intact. She was perceived as an aggressive yet compassionate advocate for children's education. When comfortably settled in her job, Kelly could finally devote herself to teaching her students. Teaching was her passion and she was chomping at the bit to make a difference in their lives.
Stephanie Morrison hurried around the house trying to get ready for the first parents' open house. Her mother was coming over to watch her six-year-old son, Benjamin. She glanced at the notice from his teacher lying on the desk, confirming the presentation started at 7:30 PM. The handwriting on the note was perfect with large sweeping letters: Kelly Carlson, Room 110, Elm Street Elementary School. She wondered if Ben's teacher was an older woman or a green first year teacher. Noting the handwriting, it appeared to be that of a younger person. She often found she could read people by their signature. She knew schools often placed young teachers in charge of kindergarten and 1st grade classes. Stephanie disputed that wisdom, worrying that young children needed the know-how of an older, more experienced teacher.
"Benjamin, have you got your pajamas on sweetie?" Stephanie called down the hall.
"Yes Mommy," Ben answered, throwing down his comic book as he jumped off the bed and into his PJs.
Stephanie searched her closet for a suitable dress. She chose a conservative, if slightly tight-fitting little dress which hugged her body and revealed much of her firm thighs. She slipped it over her head and looked in the mirror, smoothing the sides down with her hands. Not bad, she thought as she gazed at her 5'5" frame. After Benjamin's birth, she was determined to regain her figure and was proud of her results. Her breasts were still firm yet larger than before; full and round in her 34B bra with large pink areolas and perpetually hard nipples. Her dark brown hair was streaked with auburn and hung in an attractive layered cut, falling just past her shoulders. She had a lot of natural curl to her hair, which complemented her pretty face and large blue eyes. Her hips were a little wider since the birth of Ben, but she didn't think they were too big as she still caught the attention of men… and even some women.
Stephanie had gone to a liberal arts college, majoring in English. She had originally intended on attending graduate school with an interest in teaching. She met her husband, David, who was two years her senior. They married when she graduated college. He was a third year law student at the time, so Stephanie took a job as administrative assistant for an investment firm to support them until he passed the bar exam. They agreed that she would return to school for her postgraduate degree once David was settled. She became pregnant and decided to be a stay-at-home mom to raise her child. When she gave birth to Benjamin, everything changed. He was the love of her life and. The joy she found in being with him made the long and sometimes boring days as a housewife worth the effort. She placed her career aspirations on hold and didn't for one minute regret her decision. However, like many stay-at-home moms, something seemed to be missing from her life. Was she missing the career she never had, or the opportunity to associate with people that weren't changing diapers or wiping runny noses all day, or was it just general boredom? She didn't know.
Perhaps her feelings were due to the fact that David wasn't home much. While he had worked hard at several different firms and was now a junior partner at Miles and Hamilton, the job still required him to work long hours, sometimes all night and on weekends. Therefore he had precious little time for his family. Nevertheless, he loved Benjamin and tried to spend as much time with him as was possible. As a consequence, that left little time for her. Opportunities to spend romantic time together were adversely affected. Their sex life took a back seat to work obligations and parenting. Sex was relegated to once a month or less. While Stephanie tried to convince herself that it didn't matter, she found herself thinking about it far too often. In fact, she began to masturbate… something she hadn't done since she was a teenager.
Tonight David was working late again and Stephanie was going to the open house alone. She was anxious to meet Benjamin's teacher. She knew that her son was crazy about Ms. Carlson; the work papers he brought home were excellent. She wondered what this apparently amazing woman had done to keep her son so focused.
There were only a few cars on the parking lot, but not nearly as many as Stephanie expected. She looked at her watch and realized that she was twenty minutes early. Rather than wait in the car, she decided to go ahead into the school in the hope that she could get some time alone with Ben's teacher.
As Stephanie entered the red brick building a flood of memories surrounded her, evoking those childhood days when the most important thing in her life was who she was going to play with at recess. How life had changed for her she thought as she looked at the poster boards on the walls with rules and regulations, pictures of kids, drawings and future events. She walked down the hallway, her heels clicking loudly on the floor, echoing from the painted cinderblock walls. The school seemed to be deserted. She wondered for a moment if she had misread the date. She looked at the first classroom door and saw 100, then 101 and 102. As she glanced into the rooms, she was happy to see some teachers sitting at their desks, obviously waiting for parents to arrive. It seemed that in each room the teacher was older than the last. She wondered idly if the room numbers were the teacher's ages and found herself smiling. When she turned to the doorway of room 110, she saw a young girl sitting at the desk.
"Ms. Carlson," she said hesitantly, wondering if it was she or a student teacher.
The pretty girl looked up and smiled. She stood to greet Stephanie, offering her hand. "Yes, I'm Kelly Carlson. Call me Kelly please."
Stephanie looked into the teacher's pretty eyes and found herself at a loss for words.
"And you are?" Kelly asked with a faint smile.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Stephanie Morrison… uh Benjamin's mother."
"Pleased to meet you. I didn't know that Ben had such a beautiful mother." Her green eyes twinkled.
Stephanie blushed unknowingly, still holding the young teacher's hand. she whispered shyly. "I didn't know Ben had such a pretty and young teacher either."
"Thank you," Kelly answered with a sweet smile, pulling her hand from />
Again Stephanie blushed. She had never been so embarrassed. It wasn't like her to lose her composure, but there was something about this girl… something she couldn't define that brought butterflies to her stomach.
"I adore your son. He's a bright boy and… quite a ladies' man I might add." Ben's desk is third from the front on the left. Have a look at his work while I get ready for my presentation to the parents… who will hopefully be arriving soon. They're supposed to be fifteen parents here tonight."
Stephanie walked over to her son's desk and squeezed into the small chair. It continued to evoke memories. Suddenly it dawned on her as to why kids didn't like to sit for long periods of time… the chairs were incredibly uncomfortable. When she looked down at the desk, she saw a stack of papers that Ben had completed. They all had good grades and she felt proud. She looked up to say something to Kelly and paused. The pretty teacher was reaching up to write on the top section of the chalkboard. Her short dress had pulled up in the back, revealing her thigh high nylons. Stephanie could see the seam at the top of her nylons and then the soft bare flesh of the backs of her thighs. She felt an exotic thrill shoot through her. She prayed Kelly would reach even higher.
A moment later she chastised herself. She didn't like women… well, at least not in "that" way. She forced her eyes to look back down at the desk. Oddly, her hands were trembling as she picked up her son's paperwork and tried to focus on them. She soon discovered she couldn't. The next time she looked up, she saw Kelly bending over to pick up a piece of chalk from the floor. This time she saw the backside of the teacher with her dress pulled tight across her buttocks… there was no panty line. She wondered if she was even wearing panties. Probably thongs like all the young women wore nowadays, she thought.
As Kelly remained bent over for a few seconds, she looked behind her directly into Stephanie's eyes. She held her stare for several moments.
Stephanie blushed again and felt a tingling between her legs. "Uh… where is the… little girls' room?" she asked to cover the embarrassment of being caught staring.
"Down the hall and to the right," Kelly said with a curious smile.
When Stephanie exited the classroom she found parents filling the hallways. She turned and walked quickly to the girl's bathroom, avoiding eye contact with any parent. It was almost as if she were afraid that they would be able to tell what had happened by the by the look on her face. Inside the girls' bathroom, she quickly found a stall and stepped in, locking the door. She sat down on the toilet and took a deep breath. When she touched her cheeks she found that her face was flushed. She couldn't believe how she was reacting to being around Benjamin's teacher. No woman, or man for that matter, had ever had such an effect on her. She shook her head to clear the fog and stood up, figuring she may as well relieve herself while she was there. When she pulled her pantyhose and panties down, she gasped; the crotch of her panties was soaked. She sat down again quickly and moaned in mortification. Then she relieved herself having to use several pieces of toilet paper to dry her wet pussy lips.
This time when Stephanie entered the classroom, it was filled with parents. She was suddenly relieved that she wouldn't have to be alone with Kelly. She walked quickly past the animated group and sat down at her son's desk, looking up at the pretty young girl again. "I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight. It is very important that as your children's teacher I get to know each one of you on a personal level. I believe in that way we can work as a team to insure that your precious children get the most out of their education. Believe me when I tell you that the early years of education are the most important in your child's life."
Stephanie was fascinated by the uncharacteristic intelligence and knowledge of the young woman. During the presentation, she found her eyes meeting Kelly's several times. It seemed that Kelly held her stare for a second longer than necessary. Each time Stephanie's face colored in embarrassment. She suddenly wanted to be anywhere but in her son's classroom. Incredibly, when Kelly mentioned needing a parent assistant, Stephanie found herself raising her hand. After all, if she didn't help out, who would? she reasoned. Just like that it was settled; she would come to class two mornings a week and help with grading papers, and generally assist the teacher. Anyway, instead of feeling like she was doing a good deed, Stephanie felt a strange but undeniable sexual feeling wash over her. She wondered if she was losing her mind.
Chapter 2
Once again, Stephanie found herself searching through her closet to find the perfect dress. It had to be conservative but sexy. She yanked several out and laid them on the bed. As she stood looking at them, she began to wonder what she was doing. It wasn't as if she was going on a date. She was just going to her son's school for a few hours to help his teacher. Yet, even with this knowledge, she found it hard to make a decision on what to wear. She tried on several dresses before settling on a somewhat conservative black dress. It was one she had worn to several of David's business functions. It was snug to her bust and hips with a nice contour at the waist. While it wasn't short by today's standards, it was about four inches above her knees and an inch from being inappropriate for a school function. The top covered her ample bust and didn't reveal much. When she went to the dresser for pantyhose, she hesitated. It was still quite warm outside and her legs still looked good from her summer tan, so she decided to go without hose. A little chill ran through and she thought briefly about not wearing panties. Her better judgment took over and she left hers on. Finally, she put on a pearl necklace with matching bracelet and was ready to go.
Kelly was sitting at her desk when she looked up for some unknown reason. She glanced around the classroom and then out the window. She saw Stephanie Morrison getting out of her car in the parking lot and smiled. Her heartbeat increased just a touch as she watched the pretty woman walk toward the school. It had been a long time since she had felt this way about someone. There was something that she couldn't explain about Stephanie. She could remember her stares and the sparkle of her eyes when they glanced at one another the other night. The feeling in her stomach took her back in time when she had her first lesbian experience. It had been a warm, sensual, and intense affair that ended at college.
Still, for Kelly, after all of the men she had dated, she somehow felt empty… as if something was missing. She knew that she wasn't a whatever that meant. She enjoyed her sexual relationships with men. Except there was that undefined something she had only felt once in her young life. Those twinges had returned full blast.
Kelly smiled to herself, adjusting her white blouse and while she tugged her short skirt down her thighs. Even then the skirt was still a full five inches above her knees.
Stephanie smiled to cover her nervousness when she entered the classroom. It was almost as if it was her first day of school. She was happy to see that the kids had not arrived yet.
"Hi Kelly," Stephanie said.
Kelly looked up and smiled as if she was surprised to see Stephanie so early. "You're early," she said. "Are you trying to get on the good side of the teacher?"
Stephanie saw Kelly's bright eyes staring at her and found herself flustered again. "Uh… I… I like to be />
"Did you bring me an apple?"
Suddenly Stephanie's smile was genuine. "Uh, no but I will the next time."
They laughed.
Soon the two were talking and sorting out lesson plans for the students. They found that they had a lot in common, from music to political persuasions and almost everything in between. Stephanie liked the fact that Kelly was easy to talk to and was soon revealing things about herself she would normally only share with a good friend.
A few minutes later, the kids arrived, rushing into the room, laughing and squealing, pushing and shoving, like typical six-year-olds.
When Stephanie saw Ben come into the room, she smiled at him. While he smiled back, he didn't otherwise acknowledge her. Even at his tender age, the peer pressure to be independent was apparent. She knew that his friends would tease him if he showed undue emotions toward his mother. No boy of any age wanted to be called a boy". Several times she smiled at him and he secretly smiled back.
The morning passed quickly. Before Stephanie knew it, it was time to leave. The kids had been sent to Mrs. Williams' art class. The room was finally quiet. As she was straightening up, Stephanie knocked a stack of papers to the floor. She squatted down to pick them up and Kelly came over to help.
"I can be such a klutz," Stephanie said as she gathered up the papers.
"I'm the same way. When I was a kid, my parents used to say I had two left feet," Kelly laughed.
As Stephanie reached for a paper, her eyes glanced at Kelly's legs. Her squatting position allowed her knees to slightly open. Suddenly the older woman's heart skipped a beat… she could see all the way up the young woman's skirt… and she didn't have any panties on. Stephanie's head began to spin as her eyes continued to stare between Kelly's legs. The sun's rays illuminated the normally dark area. She could see under her skirt straight to her pussy. Stephanie was shocked to see she didn't have any pubic hair. She could plainly the puffy bulge of her pussy lips.
"Is something wrong?" Kelly asked when she saw Stephanie staring. Her facial expression appeared serious. A hint of a smile curled at corners of her lips.
"Uh… no," Stephanie quickly said. Inhaling a long, slow breath, she averted her eyes. Too late, the damage had been done. Stephanie could feel her pussy lips swelling and juice begin to drip into her panties. As soon as the papers were gathered, Stephanie hurried out of the room and to the girls' lavatories. In the privacy of the stall, she masturbated like some half-crazed teenager who had been kissed for the first time by the captain of the football team.
Stephanie was somewhat more composed and less anxious the next time she played assistant". However, a touch or smile from Kelly would increase her heartbeat. It was ridiculous, but she couldn't deny the way she felt.
The following week, as Stephanie was just about to leave for the day, Kelly asked if she would like to get together for dinner one night. "We get along famously. We have so much in common Stephanie. I thought it might be fun to go out this Friday evening… that is if you aren't busy." Kelly touched Stephanie's hand warmly.
story by: Mister
Tags: fiction cheating lesbian female/female female solo sex story
Author: Mister
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