She's the one – part 2

sex stories

Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read my story. But if you're looking for a story with just lots of sex, sex and more sex then this story isn't for you and you're probably better off reading another tale by another writer.
This story will be a slow burner over lots of parts about a serial stalker mostly and the what he does that leads up to the final confrontation with the victim. That's not to say there won't be any sex scenes at all but probably a lot less than maybe you're looking for.
If you do read the story then I hope you enjoy it, if you change your mind and don't read it then there's no hard feelings on my part.
I do urge you to read every part in the right order simply because the are and will be references made to earlier parts of the story as well as parts that do assume certain things otherwise it will not all make sense.


It only took a few minutes, a few keystrokes and a few clicks of the mouse and he had Julie's home address, birthday (she was 16 only 3 weeks ago), home phone number, Julie's cell phone and other various private details including the details of her parents divorce 2 years ago. Infidelity, her dad couldn't keep his dick in his pants and would fuck anything in a skirt. Her dad moved out and was renting elsewhere and all this from her mom's license plate number. Easy.

She only lived 10 minutes away.

He closed the laptop lid and checked the time, it was just after 10pm and dark outside. He finished his beer, stood up and left his house grabbing his keys and a back pack full of things he might need.

The roads were quiet this time of night and it only took 8 minutes to pull up outside Julie's house, he switched off the cars lights and turned off the engine.

He looked up the house, a double storey, double width place. There was a double garage attached to the side of the house but Julies mom's car was parked on the street outside the house, just in-front of his car. Maybe crime around here was minimal.

The only light on was in the bottom right room, the drapes were closed so he couldn't see in. It stayed like that for quite a while, when suddenly a light came on behind the front door and the door it's self opened up and Julie and her mom came rushing out, slamming the door behind them.

What's going on here? He wondered.

“Come on mom, hurry up.” Julie was almost shouting to her mom as she reached the car, impatiently trying to open the locked front passengers door. Julie looked worried and her eyes looked like she had been crying.

“I'm here darling, it's ok. You'll have to direct me to Kate's place, I've never been there before.” Julie's mom's voice was calm. The door locks clicked as she pressed the remote and they both got into the car.

A smile formed on his lips.

So Kate is on the missing list. Things are moving along.

The car doors slammed shut and the engine started first time, lights were switched on and the car took off.

He would go by Kate's place later. He already knew the address after all Kate's purse was one of his souvenirs now and he had checked the purse and found a driving license in her name.

When the car was out of view he got out of his own, back pack in hand, locked it and he headed for the garage. Up close he could see that you needed a remote to open the doors, he would have to find another way into the house.

He cursed himself when he found a door at the side of the house, he forgot his lock picks, they were on his desk next to the laptop. But luck was on his side as he tried the door handle, it was unlocked and he pushed the door open and stepped into the kitchen.

The kitchen was in darkness and left it that way, no point advertising his presence. He let his vision get used to the dark room. It was a large kitchen and as he carefully walked around he could see everything looked expensive and new.

He found an internal door, opened it and stepping through he found he was in the laundry, opposite him were 2 washers and 2 dryers, the dryers on top of the washers . He opened one of the washers, it was empty so he opened the other and saw some clothing inside. Reaching in he picked up a garment, when he took it out he smiled. It was the white pleated skirt Julie had worn earlier today and it was dry and unwashed. He brought it to his nose and sniffed, he couldn't smell anything of Julie but his cock grew hard in the baggy shorts he was wearing.

He stepped up to a large wooden cabinet next the washers and opened a couple of the cabinet doors until he found what he was looking for. A couple of plastic bags from a supermarket. He carefully placed Julie's skirt inside one of them then reached back into the washer for the white panties he had caught a glimpse of Julie wearing underneath the skirt.

With the anticipation of finding the panties she had worn today his cock quickly grew thicker and harder and longer.

There were only a few items and it didn't take long to find her panties. He didn't smell them, he would have fun with them later. He put them into the same bag as the skirt then reached back into the washer and pulled out the final item he was looking for, the green tank top. He added it to his collection.

Happy with his new souvenirs he went back into the kitchen and over to a round wooden table with 4 matching wooden chairs. He placed the bag with Julie's clothes on the table and dropped the empty one next to it. He then undressed and was soon naked, his cock hard and proud and the head glistening with pre cum.

After carefully placing his clothes in the empty bag he went looking for Julie's bedroom.

At the top of the stairs he counted 5 doors off a corridor that ran the width of the house. Julie's room was behind the last door he tried.

He opened the door and stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

After dropping the bags on the bed in-front of him the first thing her did was go the window and look out. It confirmed what he thought, the room was at the back of the house and not easily over looked, he would turn on the bedroom light he wanted to see her room properly.

He pulled the drapes together and walked back to the door and hit the light switch next to it. Light flooded the room, he squeezed his eyes together slightly because of the glare and sudden brightness.

A moment later he looked around her room, definitely a 16 year old's room. It wasn't a huge room, maybe 15 by 15 with a plush light brown carpet. Posters pinned to every spare piece of wall, musicians, bands, actors and movies. Lots of stuffed toys and bears everywhere. A flat screen Tv and BluRay Player, messy piles of movies, school books in one corner, in the opposite a big comfy looking arm chair. Nic nacs filling shelves and other assorted stuff on everything and everywhere.

Her bed was a queen size with a large dark headboard, the flowery bedding a mess. Either side of the bed were night stands with lamps, an iPod dock, an iPod, more books, a laptop and the Tv remote. A modern looking dressing table with matching low padded seat tucked in underneath it filled the wall next to the window, her make up, perfumes, lotions and creams filled the surface.
There were 2 doors to his right, he opened one which was closet full to bursting with clothes, shoes and bags. And a large chest of drawers.

The other was small white tiled bathroom. He went in. he opened the 2 mirrored cabinets and saw 3 boxes of birth control pills. Each box had a printed label from the pharmacist with Julie's full name, birthday etc, but what was interesting was that on 2 of the boxes was the dates the preions were filled out. They were filled out when she was 15.

The little slut was under age and fucking but I bet she told her mom and the doctor she was having heavy periods so she could go on birth control.

He checked the 2 boxes, empty. The third was half used and her usage was up to date. He found nothing else of note but picked up her toothbrush and left.

Now the fun starts.

He sat on the bed and dropped the toothbrush with the panties and opened his back pack, unzipped it and pulled out a USB lead and a small laptop and connected the lead to an unused USB port then he opened the lid and booted it up, signed in and placed it on the bed next to him. Next to turned around and picked up Julie's laptop and plugged in the USB lead into a free USB port on her laptop and booted that up too. The Windows sign in screen appeared wanting a password to continue and placed her laptop next to his, then he hit a few keys on his laptop and started up programme that would override the sign in screen on Julie's laptop and allow him full access. He now had about 10 minutes to kill.

He pulled out the padded seat from under the dressing table and sat down and looked around for perfume bottles. He needed to find out what that fruity smelling perfume that she was wearing today. She had loads, some were still unopened in their packaging so he left them alone, the others he sprayed and smelled one at a time. With the 7th bottle he found it he was sure. Be Delicious it was called, a name he wouldn't forget. The bottle it's self was apple shaped and nearly empty but he gave himself a couple of squirts on either side of his neck and tossed it onto the bed. He loved the smell, his cock twitched and taking his swollen member in his hand and slowly caressed it.

He noticed the bottle of baby lotion in it's pink plastic bottle, picked it up flipped open the lid and squeezed some on to his free hand and massaged the lotion into his cock and balls. It felt good. Then he went into the closet and started opening drawers. The top 2 contained bras and panties full of various colours and styles and she smiled when he saw the new blue set with his cum on that he had substituted earlier.

He reached in and just took out 2 white cotton panties and as he did, felt something hard and dug down and found a vibrator and picked it up. It was a 6 inch smooth plain white vibrator. He twisted the top and it buzzed in his fingers. Switching it off her tossed in on to the bed along with the panties. He then checked the other 4 drawers they just contained socks, vests and the like. He closed the drawers untouched.

He turned his attention the hanging rails heaving with hanging clothes and fingered through them. Dresses, skirts, blouses, tops, pants, jeans of every style and colour imaginable. The shelves above contained handbags, purses and suitcases. On the thick carpet underneath there were about 50 pairs of high heels, flats, pumps and sneakers. He left them all as they were, but stood back a step in the middle of the closet held his cock up just behind the fat head and pissed all over the hanging clothes and shoes. He'd had several beers this evening and the last time he peed was when he emptied his bladder over Kate at the woodland so he managed to pee for a good 2 minutes and made sure he pissed over just about every stitch of hanging clothing and every shoe below on the carpet. When he finished he wiped his cock on an expensive looking white silk blouse. Happy with his work he walked back into the bedroom just as his laptop beeped.

He sat on the bed picking up his laptop and looked at the screen and message showed “Override Successful” Smiling he closed the message and Notepad opened with a list of login details for Julie's Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and a dozen other websites. But most importantly at the bottom of the list was the Wi-Fi password

Perfect. He said.

A few minutes later he had loaded a spy ware programme onto Julie's laptop, it would notify him that Julie was using her laptop and the same programme would allow him remote access to it, including the Webcam. And using his laptop he confirmed it worked ok.

He switched off her laptop and put it back where he found it.
From a pocket in his backpack he took out 3 identical objects. Each of them was cylindrical, 2 inches long and an inch across. One end had a lens, the other end had USB connection. They were remote HD webcams and once programmed and connected to a Wi-Fi signal would transmit their video and audio 24/7 via the internet to an anonymous web address on a server he had at home. From any where in the world he could watch the live feed or view the recorded footage on any web connected device. The battery in them would last 7 days before they needed changing.

It took him 10 minutes to programme and test the 3 cameras.

From his back back he fished out a cross head screwdriver and with help of the padded stool he removed the ventilation plate above the bathroom door and 5 minutes later a camera was calibrated and transmitting a perfect picture of most of Julie's bedroom and hidden behind the ventilation plate.

He did the same again in the bathroom, and just for the heck of it he put a camera in Julie's mom's room too.

After packing away his laptop and leaving it on the floor by the bedroom door, he put the perfume bottle in one of the plastic bags and put both bags on the floor next to it, there was just a couple things left to do.

Using the baby lotion he squeezed out a liberal dose on to the palm of his hand and massaged it into his butt hole and groaned when he pushed 2 of his fingers as far as he could get them up his ass.

That was so good.

He picked up the vibrator, the 2 panties and toothbrush from the bed, then climbed on to the bed and laid down on Julie's bed on his back, head propped up on the pillows and placed the panties and toothbrush next to him.

He bent his legs, pulling his feet closer to his ass then spread his knees as far apart as he could, exposing his ass hole. Then switched on the vibrator to it's max setting and inserted all of it into his willing hole and fucked his ass and also started masturbating his hard member.

Oh fuck that's fucking good.

The hard vibrating plastic felt so good violating his ass, it was smaller than he usually used at home but it was Julie's vibrator he was using and that's all that mattered. The buzzing on his prostate was almost orgasmic and he pumped his cock and fucked his ass as fast as he could manage, he knew he would blow his load quickly, he always did when he violated his ass hole.

He wasn't gay, the thought of a man fucking him made his stomach turn somersaults . But a couple of times a year he would call an escort service and he would speak to a lady there who knew exactly what he wanted and knew he paid well and 30 minutes later a whore either dressed in leather or PVC would arrive, then for the next hour would mercilessly abuse his ass with a various large strap-on dildos. But he wasn't allowed to touch his cock the whole time and he would be handcuffed behind his back. Only at then end of the hour would his hands be free and with in 3 hard quick strokes his cock would explode with a seemingly never ending stream of cum and his body would shake and shudder to the huge orgasm he was having.

He never fucked a whore even though he used them, he thought they were dirty and diseased sluts with no self esteem, he wouldn't piss on one if she was on fire.

He plunged the vibrator all the way into ass hole one last time as he orgasmed and loudly grunted. 3 thick ropes of sticky cum landed on his belly and started run down his sides and drip on to Julie's bed.

He savoured the feeling as he slowly pulled the plastic out of his ass, switched it off and sat up to get more comfortable on the bed. The vibrator was shiny with baby lotion. He grabbed one of Julie's white cotton panties and used it to wipe some of the lotion off the vibrator, but not all of it. He brought it to his nose, it smelled of a mixture of baby lotion and mustiness of his ass, he breathed it in. Then placed them both on the bed and picked up the toothbrush and rubbed the bristles in some cum that had pooled in his belly button. It gave him a thrill that she would be unknowingly brushing her teeth using his cum as toothpaste. Dropping it on the bed he picked up the 2nd pair of white panties and cleaned up some of the cum from his belly, then used it to rub his now soft cock and for good luck he scraped it across his ass hole too, then placed it with the other panties.

He realised he forgotten something and stood up at the dressing table and found what he was looking for. Lipsticks. Julie had 3 of them in various shades of red, he opened them all up and using his finger to scrape some up some cum he smeared his cum over each of the lipsticks. Then placed them back on the dresser.

He picked up the stained panties, toothbrush and vibrator and put the toothbrush back in the bathroom cabinet then the panties and vibrator back in the drawer her found them in and cleaned the rest of the drying cum off him using a pillow on Julie's bed.

Standing at the bedroom door, bags in his hands he checked the room was as he found it. Happy it was, he switched the light off, opened the door, left and headed for his car, he was still naked but he would drive to Kate's house like that.

20 minutes later he drove passed the house, the single story house had every light on, and he caught lots of movement in one of the bright rooms. Parked in the street were 2 black and whites. The Police.

He saw all he needed and went home.


His cell phone loudly beeped, announcing an email had arrived. He stirred from his sleep and read the 2 letter message. “JL” It simply meant that Julie was using her laptop. He got out of bed and headed for his home office. It was 2 in the morning.

He woke up the sleeping computer and 3 large screens on the large desk in-front of him flickered to life. He concentrated on the middle screen. It showed the live feeds from the 3 hidden cameras. Julie's mom's room was in darkness as was Julie's bathroom but her bedroom was brightly lit and she was sitting up in bed, the flowery bedding hid her legs and the laptop was on her lap. She looked sad, but then her friend Kate was still missing. But the first thing he noticed was that she was topless. Her perky 36c breasts were on full display.

He silently mouth the word. />
Grabbing the mouse he clicked a couple of icons on the screen and the 2 dark feeds disappeared and the camera over her bathroom door zoomed in on her, her image growing bigger on the screen. Her breasts were slightly paler than her tanned skin of her shoulders and arms. He reached out and touched the screen where her breasts were and imagined that he was really touching them.

Soon Julie, soon your tits will be mine, all of you will be mine.

His felt his cock harden.

Julie was typing something, so he started the programme that allowed him to access her laptop. She was writing an email to someone called KarenJ22, he read the email as she was typing.

Hey Karen
No news about kate yet, im really worried its not like her to go off like this. I hope shes ok. I feel really bad coz when mom picked me up from shopping I offered Kate a ride home but she insisted she was ok walking home. God I hope she didnt walk through the park its creepy in there on your own. The police said theyre gonna search the park when it gets light
Mom said I dont have to go to school tomoz so i'll help with the search instead.
If I hear anything i'll let you know.
Love J

Good, he was thinking, perhaps then I'll do my civic duty and help with the search too.

Julie sent the email and closed the laptop and the email disappeared from his screen. He watched her place it on the night table. He expected her to turn off the lights and go to sleep, but she surprised him by getting out of bed. She was naked. He pulled back on the zoom and saw her just as she was walking into the bathroom and out of view.

He quickly got the bathroom feed back on the screen to see her sitting on the toilet, the cameras microphone was working well and heard her pee splash as it hit the water in the bowl. She then ripped off a length of toilet tissue and when she finished pissing she stood up and wiped her pussy with it then drop it in the bowl and flushed. He couldn't make out if she had any pubic hair or if she had it shaved, she was so blonde it may not have shown. He would check the recorded video to make sure, if she didn't shave it off, he would do it for her. He preferred a hairless cunt where possible.

He was thrilled and disappointed at the same time, he loved watching his girls piss and as he watched her sitting on the bowl pissing, he was masturbating. But obviously wasn't her time of the month because he would have loved to have seen her inserting a tampon in her bloody cunt.

Can't have everything.

Julie left the bathroom after washing her hands and as she passed her dressing table she picked up the bottle of baby lotion and squeezed some onto her hand. She put the bottle down and rubbed both hands together for a second. She then lifted her left foot and place it on the padded stool and run both hands up and down her leg, massaging the lotion in to her skin. She repeated the same with her right leg. The she sat on the edge of the stool more or less side on to his view of her. Her legs were spread and with bottle of lotion she squirted the lotion over her breasts and belly.

He was intently watching and he was still masturbating.

With a breast in each of her hands she slowly and deliberately worked the lotion into her breasts, her head bowed and looking at her gentle ministrations. Occasionally she would rub her thumbs across each nipple and when the lotion had gone her nipples stood hard and proud. Then she cupped a breast in each palm and squeezed,pinched and tugged at each nipple between her fingers and thumbs and Julie opened her mouth and closed her eyes as she tilted her head back and let out a low moan.

Her right hand worked it's way down her body, massaging the lotion into her supple skin then continued down until it disappeared out of his view between her legs, but from her actions it was obvious what she was now doing.

Her left hand was still at her breast, but it was her nipple she was almost abusing now between her finger and thumb. She was pulling it as if she was trying to dislodge it from the breast. Then she would let it go and her nipple would snap back and then she would do it again and again.

Although he couldn't see her right hand, he could see her right arm and it was rapidly moving backwards and forwards just a few inches, almost a blur.

She's finger fucking her cunt, he thought and masturbating at almost the same speed.

From her open mouth he could easily hear a continuous moan, it was getting more and more urgent and he knew she was near to her orgasm.

Then her body seemed to contract as she was pulled into a sitting foetal position. Her right arm stopped moving, she let go of her breast. Her feet and legs were pulled high off the carpet and her back was bent over, her head all but between her knees. Her eyes were shut tight but her mouth was moving and almost shouting out.


Her body shook uncontrollably as her orgasm touched every nerve in her body.

He had cum himself at the same time she did.

He could hear her heavy breathing and saw her chest rapidly heaving but her body was relaxing and her feet were back on solid ground and her back was upright and straight.

Her hand was still between her legs for a moment then she brought her hand to her mouth then sucked on her fore and middle fingers. Tasting her orgasm, her cum. She closed her eyes as she did this.

She obviously likes the taste of her own cunt. He thought.

Julie stood up on slightly unsteady legs turning towards him slightly. His eyes were drawn to her pussy. The lips were very puffy and swollen and he could make out that her pussy was shiny with her own juices.

She then climbed in to her bed and the lights went out.

I've chosen well, with this one.

He cleaned himself of his own cum that he had squirted over his chest and belly and was back at his computer.

The 3 live feeds were all on the one screen, 2 on the top with 1 underneath. They were all a glowing green colour, Night Vision. An expensive option for the cameras but worth it he'd seen some very interesting video taken in Night Vision.

With a couple of mouse clicks he had set a timer on the Night Vision to be be switched off at 5am, just before it was getting light otherwise he would just be recording white light and it would also damage the lens.

He could see Julie and her mom were both fast asleep, bedding tightly wrapped around their shoulders.

He had just one more thing to do before he went back to bed himself.

From the images of Kate naked, unconscious and tied up he had taken earlier yesterday on his smart phone, he had chosen the best one and had attached it to an an untraceable and anonymous email to Julie. He was typing the message.


I'm sure you will miss your best friend Kate, here is a reminder for you to keep.

He hit the send button.

It didn't matter to him when she saw it, but then he heard a beeping noise from the computer speakers and saw a small white glow coming from night table in Julie's room on the screen. Her cell phone, she received the email.

He went back to bed, set his alarm clock to wake him in 2 hours, after all he was going to help search for Kate.

story by: demonrape

Tags: fiction masturbation exhibitionism voyeurism male solo toys water sports/pissing sex story teen female solo

Author: demonrape

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