during the time i was a 13 year old boy and had that craving for sex i was tall and a little on the big bone sized but not over weight i was and weighted 170 lb during this time i had many girl friends a few were long term but most were girls from the school that were known to be sluts i had a nice 7 inch cock. well during this time i had been in many fights and almost always came out unhurt but left the other guy beaten well i really liked martial arts and decided to try my hand at Tae-Kwon-Do. it was a perfect thing for me to do too channel out my anger. well i had gone through my belts and had just became black belt when this girl Miriam started Tae-Kwon-Do i didnt think anything of her until i was asked to help teach her the basics well she had jet black hair and still looked extreamly young. during this time she was a little on the smaller side only and i had to get on my knees to help her during this time i learned she was only 10 years old and very shy well after that we ended up being paired up alot more we ended up getting to be great friends
3 Years Later
It was Miriams black belt testing it was her time to shine we have been working together throught this she did everything perfect and was about to receive her black belt just as she walked up i noticed her parents wernt there and ask who she was going to do the bowing ceromony with and she said "with you of course" as it was about to begin she came over and talked with me she took the first bow the second and then finally the finnal bow as she bowed i realized she had grown into being a fabulous young woman growing into a 32 c and had grown to atleast with an hour glass shape and that jet black hair and looked as thought she was italian it gave almost an instant rock hard erection it had felt like that bow took 3 hours through my head were the thoughts of how i missed all of this after the bow was done she looked up at me and she had a tear in her eye i wiped it away and gave her a hug and she felt it i know she did she moved and said "oh" shocked " We better go get in the picture" with a studer. I had realized he parents still wernt there i asked her who is driving her home she said her mom sometimes works late on fridays and her dad had passed away 10 years ago. she said she was going to walk home but i wouldnt alow it she lived 5 miles away and across many major intersections i told her i will drive her home i was almost 17 and had my license my masters of course approved they thought it wouldnt be a good idea for a 13 year old girl to walk home alone.
Once we were in my car Miriam asked me why i offered her a ride i answered "Miriam your 13 and its night and you live 5 miles away why would i alow you to walk home"
Miriam replied "well i did it before besides im sure you want to go out and have fun its a friday night"
she had me there i did have a date with another girl from my school known to be a bit of a slut but this little girl needed the help besides i had 2 hours to go home shower and pick her up
i told her"i got all the time in the world to help someone and sweet as you" she blushed when i said that and got very quite i was thinking to my self damn it why did i say that but after that short silence she said "Do you ever think of me as more than a friend"
I thought to my self well not until tonight but i couldnt say that i told her"why do you wonder"
She replied"well back in Tae-Kwon-Do i noticed you looking at me differently" then i remebered my erection and realized my buddy was coming back
I noticed the light ahead was yellow and slowed down she looked at me expecting an answer i had no clue what to tell her i just wanted to scream yes but i decided that wouldnt work to well "well every guy has fellings for girls its just natural why are you so courious of this"
she went almost stiff when i asked she knew what i was doing "just /> with a smile i said "curiosity killed the cat"
she looked at me and pushed me "shut up i got no straight answer from you so im not giving you one" just then she realized i had a hard on i tried to somewhat hide it with no luck i decided shes felt it she will probably understand.
She cleared her throught and said " is it going to rain because you have an umbrela"
I was just lost in thought with what she said and i realized it was just making it harder "Im sorry i just lost my girl friend last week"it was a lie but better than saying i have a date tonight"and you are the first girl to talk to me about romantic stuff"
She looked me in the eyes "well if it matters at all i do have felling for you" at this point my cock was hard enough to chisel marble.
i looked at her "you know you are a great girl but it will never happen you know how our masters is towards relationshps of 2 students"
"Well he will never have to know" she said before i could even say another word at this point we have arrived at her house but her mother wasnt there whitch wasnt usual for her i offered to help her she accepted but on the walk inside she got a phone call from the hospital her mom had been in a car accident and is just waking up. she asked me for a ride up to the hospital and of course i said yes her mother was one of the best parents and most kindhearted person i knew the whole ride was quite except for one little conversation
Miriam asked me "why do i turn you on" i had thought she had completly forgot but through all this she still managed to remembered my Umbrella
"well i geuss just since we are friends and seeing you so happy and all that just turned me on
Miriam said "oh" and left it at that
As we arrived at the hospital she asked me to join her and i accepted and realized it was nearing 8:00 my date was at 9:00 i droped her off at the front nd went to go find a spot to park and called the girl i was supposed to meet tonight and told her i couldnt make it.
As i was wallking up to the the front i noticed Miriam sitting and crying it looked like when i walked up i confermed what i saw her eyes were red as we walked in she grabed my hand and started to cling to me this wasnt the first occurance of something like this durring Tae-Kwon-Do class she grabed my hand a few times to get up and she didnt let go right away she said she wanted to make sure she was stable before she let go.
As we got to her room she stoped me and kissed me it was a little hard for her she was 5'6" and i was 5'11" i did have to crouch down a bit to let her but i knew it would comfort her as we walked in we realized her mom had suffered a pretty brutal crash she rolled her car in a ditch and broke her arm and collar bone and had fractured her skull Miriam walked out she went to the bathroom crying during this time her mom asked me i would help watch Miriam and make sure she is ok i being a little bit of a push over agreed it was summer time and Miriam wasnt a very outgoing girl so she spent alot of time at home with her mother. Becca was her moms name she ended up falling asleep as Miriam came back and grabed my arm and didnt let go 5 minutes later the nurse asked us to go we couldnt stay because Becca suffered light head trama and is being imaged every 5 hours so they didnt want anyone in there to worry about
once we made it down to the lobby Miriam started to cry again we walked out into the night and sat at a bench she curled up next to me and started to sob i held her and reassured her she will be fine and that the doctors will be taking great care of her after that she slowed down crying and kissed me again i told her again that our relationship wouldnt work but she just kept kissing me harder i told her we better start heading home she agreed and on the way home we talked a bit she asked me more personal questions like why my ex and i broke up but then a crazy question came out
Miriam "Are you a virgin" at that i more or less jumped
I replied "well no but its not like i go out to have sex with every girl i see like my ex and i never had sex."
Miriam looked at me and asked "well how many gils have you had sex with"
Me "3 but none of them were long term "how about you are you a virgin" but she didnt answer we had pulled into the drive way
Miriam "come on lets go inside i need to use the /> i decided i could stay for a while it was only 9:15 my dad knew i was going out tonight. i had been in her house a few times when her mother needed help with some things when Miriam came back down she had changed into some cute short shorts and a tank top that left little to the imagination
"So who is the guy with your mom all the time"
Miriam said "My uncle hes been helping alot around since my mom ripped her tenden"
with that in mind i asked "Oh i see where is he now"
she looked sort of happy "He left for new york last week" at this point she was sitting next to me cuddled up she had put in a movie.
"What movie are we watching" i asked
She replied "Crazy Stupid Love" at this point i realized that she was expecting me to stay a while and i couldnt blame her for wanting me to stay she has gone though hell today with everything after a while she said "so what were your real plans for tonight i heard you talking to someone saying you couldnt make it" she had me i t was as good as a time than ever
"Well i had a date with a girl from my school"
"oh what is she like" she asked turning around giving me a look down her shit she had 32 B and i felt my self getting hard again she must have felt it because
she smiled and said "oh shes a slut isnt she"
i blushed and said "well not really a slut more or less a girl that i saw as nice and asked out .
she looked up again giving me another great look at her nice chest "by nice you mean hot and ask out you mean hoping to get laid" damn she had me there.
"ok yes you got me"
"well im sorry for screwing you over" as we both started to laugh and for the first time i felt a need to kiss her so i leaned in and remained the for about 30 minutes we were french kissing and my phone rang and Miriam answered it was jane the girl i was supposed to be with right now Miriam started screaming and i took the phone and by time i got it jane hung up
Miriam decided that it was time for her go take a bath durring this time i called my dad and told him im spending the night at a friends after i hung up and i reallized i better freshen up i keep an extra set of clothes in my car when i came back in Miriam was still in her bath so i decided to take a shower in the other bathroom when i got out Miriam was out and in the living room i got dressed and joined her we sat for a while and she decided she was tired and went to bed i layed on the couch i feel asleep it was around 10:45
2 hours later i felt some one shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up it was Miriam she couldnt fall asleep so we went up to her room and helped her fall asleep but Miriam had different ideas as soon as we got up there she said " i never answered your question"
i asked "what question"
She said "well im a virgin" and that got my cocks attention he spang up and was ready "that got someones attention and when she grabed me i realized she was completly nude i sat up but didnt prevale if anything i made it easier for her to take my pants off once they were off she grabed my hands and put them on her pefect tits while she reached down and grabed my cock and started slow stroking it.
i decided its best to just let her do it i slowly ran my hands over the length of her body and stoped at her little slit she was moist when i started to rub her slit slowly she slid up and sat her cunt on my face and i started eating her out this was the first time i ever tasted pussy and definatly not the last she had shaved thats what took her so long in her bath i grabed at my pants trying to find my condom but she stoped me and said she said "we dont need it ive been on the pill for 2 years
"why so young"
"Does it matter"she had me hooked
she slowly went dont and slowly licked my cock from the head all the way to my balls as she slowed i stood up layed her on her back and got into position i slowly went in only about an inch and came back out then i want in again this time just touching her maidhein "the next time i go in im gonna break it, it will hurt a bit last chance" I told her lightly she came back with
"please just do it it feels so good!"
with that i mounted and pushed in quickly and broke it when i did she moved i could tell it hurt but i continued on after a few minutes we changed into doggy style she said it was her favorite position and almost imedeantly i started to feel the orgasm come on i told her "im gonna cum"
she looked me in the eye pulled me in and kissed me it felt like no other i cam instanly she loved the feeling of my hot cum in her tight little pussy and started to moan when she started moaning my semi hard cock got rock hard again a girl had never done this to me i was hard in seconds from cumming she looked at me in astanishment and said
"how did you get hard so quick my uncle could never do this"
"i dont know i geuss your special" i put her back onto the bed and started pounding that little hole so hard that my balls started to hurt she started to moan harder then i felt it she started constricting my cock like a boa and then i felt her juices squirt down my rod i started to cum and she maoned louder and louder until she just went almost limp she was in such an estacy that she went limp and continued to fuck i pulled my dick out and she put me on my back once again getting me hard and started humping me with all her force as she was humping i squezzed her beautiful tits not long after starting i was cumming i burst like a firework in her tiny little cunt after that she kissed me with my cock still in her we fell asleep
when i woke up i was greeted by my cock still in miriam i had always wanted to fuck a sleeping girl i slowly reached around and grabed one of her beautiful tits and lightly squezzed as i did i felt my cock get hard the i remembered im half off the bed i stand up and slowly insert my rod into miriams tight little hole i could feel my cum still in there form the other night just as i slowly inserted i felt something sniffing my ass i remebered Miriam had a german shepherd as he sniffed my ass he licked it and then tried to mount me but i put a stop to that but thought about it and woke miriam and told her my idea
"Miriam wake up"i say as i lightly rub her arm as i did she awoke and saw my cock and said
"good morning"
i replied with "i have an idea and i think you will like it"
"Well what is it"
"well i was just having a little fun with you and the dog came up behind me and tryed to fuck me"
"are you saying you want me to fuck the dog!"
"well if your up for it i think it would be hot as hell if you did it"
"just let me go do something" she walked away and came back with a small bottle of lube from her moms room
"I just want to put it in my ass just incase he gets the wrong whole like with my mom"
"your mom?"
"yeah she fucks the dog and if he gets the wrong whole i eat my mom out"
"well thats what ill on bruce"
"do you think it will hurt"
"not as bad as /> "ok"
the dog came in and saw her on the floor he imedeantly went and mounted he found his hole luckly not her virgin ass that was my next whole as he slowly stuck it into her he started to hump at first his penis was only 4 inches or so and supper thin but as he began to stick it deeper it reached about 8 inches and he huge gursh as he was fucking her i had my dick in her mouth she sucked it amazingly as the dog fucked her i could tell he was hitting her cervix and now at roughly 10 inches his knot was coming in and as he slamed it in the tied and got enourmous and then within 10 sec he realesed a huge wad causing Miriam to fall in sexual delight but as she did she noticed she was stuck with the dog his knot was bigger than my fist and held her tight she started to hump withch excited the dog enought to make him hump her for about 15 more minutes as he did he came again but this time his knot swelled up huge stretching her pussy like a ballon i went down and started licking her pussy you could see the bulge of his knot i licked her stomach where it was and he blew another load this time so deep miriam felt it in her stomach but then we herd the door open and herd im home Miriam looked at me and said "its my sister"
i looked back "you have a sister"
"yeah shes only 11 tho"
i got dressed and walked out to greet her she wanted to know where Miriam was i said she was sleeping she didnt buy and she opened the door to find her sister getting fucked by the dog
story by: wes1125
Author: wes1125
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