Sharing cindy chapter 14 "louie and cliff take her"

sex stories

Sharing Cindy

After Cindy got hired on at the Harley dealer, we began to really embrace the biker lifestyle. I am not talking the whole “Sons of Anarchy” bike gang thing, but more the weekend warrior type thing. We enjoyed riding in Poker Runs with hundreds of other bikers. We enjoyed the parties that were always happening. We especially enjoyed the fact that the women liked to show off and wear very revealing clothes. Cindy in leather is something to behold.

It started off fairly innocently with going on rides with a few other people we knew who rode motorcycles. Seeing some of these otherwise conservative women wearing low cut tops and tight leather pants was an eye opener. It wasn’t too long before we were buying Cindy a lot of very sexy clothes to show off in. Seeing her in some of these items, not only turned me on but also got a lot of attention from all of the guys we would run into. Something we both enjoyed.

The dealership held an open house every year in the big parking lot next door. Cindy was required to help out during this event and headed down to the shop a couple of hours before hand. I sat around for a while, and headed down once our friends Mark and Patty showed up. When we got there, we saw that they had a stage set up with a band playing, a couple of huge grills going cooking some good food and a beer truck with lots of cold beer. Overall it looked like the makings of a good time.

Mark, Patty and I had been hanging out having a beer and checking out some of the sexy women there, when we saw Cindy heading our way. My jaw dropped and I am certain Mark and Patty’s did as well. When she had left the house, she had been dressed in jeans and a tank top. I am not sure if it was her boss Louie’s idea to change or her own, but I am glad she did. She had on a tight leather mini skirt, a studded leather bra and thigh high leather boots. She had a little extra wiggle in her walk and seemed to be thriving on all the looks from all the guys.

She came up to me and gave me a kiss and I am sure at that point I was the envy of many men. I told her how hot she looked and asked about the clothes. She said she had to represent the dealership and wanted to do it right. She pulled me aside and said that she was loving being so exposed in front of all these guys. She said her panties had been soaked the whole time, and as soon as she walked outside and all the guys were hooting and hollering. She then said that Cliff was there with a couple of his friends and had showed her off to them. (If you read the earlier chapters you know Cliff is a mechanic at the shop and had fucked Cindy over her desk once, and since then twice more away from work .) She said that all of his friends were drooling over her and she knew that they all must have known that Cliff had fucked her. I asked her if that excited her and she said it definitely did.

She said she had to keep working but would check in with me every so often. I watched her ass as she walked away and watched as that tight leather skirt hugged her buns. I headed back over to Mark and Patty and we enjoyed a fun time drinking, listening to the band and checking out all the bikes there. I also enjoyed watching Cindy mingle though out the crowd as she sold “split the pot” tickets. She was flirting something fierce, getting these big biker guys to spend even more money on the raffle. I loved watching it all. I looked around a couple of times and saw Cliff watching her and also Louie her boss watching her. Both of them had previously had the pleasure of feeling her soft, warm pussy wrapped around their dicks and I am sure they were thinking about that as they watched her strut around.

After a couple of hours the band took a break and they announced they were going to have a mini skirt contest and needed all the sexy women in mini’s to come on up. I saw several women head over to the stage. As they climbed the stairs, the announcer kept pointing out cute girls and tried to get them up on stage. Unfortunately only five women were brave enough. He kept it up for a few minutes and then I saw him point to Cindy and asked her to come on up. She declined but he was persistent and eventually all the guys in the crowd around her coaxed her into it. As much as she likes to show off, she had never done anything like this before.

On the stage were five other women and Cindy. Four of the five seemed to be rather plain looking and two were fairly overweight. There was only one other girl up there who looked like she could give Cindy a run for her money. She was a tall blonde who was wearing a pink spandex dress that was very tight. The announcer moved from one to the other, asking each of them their names and then giving then a minute or two to dance for the crowd, showing off their legs. When he got to the tall blonde, the crowd got louder and while she had a sexy ass and long legs, she was fairly flat chested . When it was Cindy’s turn she got a huge applause and turned around to show her ass. The leather skirt was tight, but not as short as the blonde’s dress. Cindy then grabbed the skirt and pulled it up on her hips higher, exposing more and more of her legs. The guys in the crowd started to cheer louder and just as it reached the bottom of her ass, she stopped, leaving everyone groaning. I guess she took pity on us all and then started to bend forward at the waist while keeping her legs locked. The bottom of her ass came into view encased in a pair of see thru aqua colored panties. They were sheer and I am certain those close to the stage could see the crack of her ass and probably more. She turned around when she heard the huge roar and shook her tits for us all. The bra top barely contained her tits. Needless to say she won the contest.

She came over to me and kissed me. Then she leaned in and whispered in my ear how hot that was and that she wanted to get fucked. I asked if she could leave yet but she said no. There wasn’t anywhere around that we could go as the place was packed. I told her we would have to wait. She moaned that it wasn’t fair but she knew she had to get back to work. I told her to be patient and I would see her back at the apartment when she was done. I headed out about six o’clock and expected Cindy home shortly after the party was over at seven. It was after nine-thirty when she walked in with a smile on her face. I knew something was up. She walked over to where I was sitting on the couch and sat down on my lap.

She leaned in and looked me in the eyes and said “I have been a very bad girl.”

Instantly my dick sprang to attention. This was becoming our signal that she had been fucked by someone else and had a story to tell me.

“Tell me all about it” I replied. I knew this would be good.

She said that once everything wound down, the employees that were still there had a small impromptu after-party on the sales floor. It was Louie, the owner, two salesmen, Dan and Billy, Billy’s girlfriend Karen, and two mechanics, Cliff and Bob. They had a big bottle of Jack Daniels and were doing shots. They were all having fun and Cindy said she had to go change out of the leather clothes and put her own back on. All the guys were upset and told her to leave them on. Of course one of them told her to go ahead and take them off right there. They all laughed and Karen told Cindy she wished she could wear something like that. She said she didn’t have the body for it. Of course her boyfriend Billy and a couple of the other guys told her she definitely did. Finally they told her and Cindy to try on some of the other clothes on the racks and give them a fashion show.

Cindy convinced Karen to at least try on some of the clothes. After a few more shots, the two of them began to give the guys a show by trying on some sexy tops and even matching leather dresses. By now Cindy said she was so horny from all the attention. She knew both Louie and Cliff wanted her and from the looks she was getting from the other guys, it might have been unanimous. She then decided to step up the teasing and put on a pair of chaps wearing only her panties on with them.

When she stepped out from behind the wall, the conversation stopped and they all stared. There she was, in front of some of her coworkers and her boss wearing nothing but a tiny pair of panties and leather chaps. She had her hands over her boobs at first but soon the guys were telling her to let them see. Cliff grabbed a helmet off the shelf and tossed it at her. She of course dropped her hands and caught the helmet, baring her tits to them all. They went crazy and were all hooting and hollering. Karen, not to be outdone, grabbed her top and pulled it up over her head. Cindy said that Karen came over to her and they began to bump and grind like a couple of strippers. She said that Karen stood behind her and reached around and grabbed her boobs. The guys were going crazy but she said at that moment, she began to look at Karen differently. She turned and faced her and without thinking, she leaned in and kissed her.

The guys loved it and couldn’t believe what was happening. Cindy pulled Karen over to one of the displays that was like a platform and sat Karen down. She said she was so tuned on and feeling no pain from all the shots, that she pulled Karens dress up over her hips and went down on her! They put on a show for the guys and before long they were on the floor of the dealership in a sixty nine, licking each other. As she was over top of Karen she said she felt someone behind her and then felt a hard cock push into her. She said that at that point she didn’t even care who it was, that she just wanted to get fucked.

Billy must have gotten freaked out and gotten worried things might go too far, because he grabbed Karen and helped her get dressed. Cindy said she wanted to keep playing with her, but before thought about it too much, there was a hard cock right in front of her face. She looked up and it was Cliff. She looked back and saw that it was Louie who was fucking her. Louie and Cliff traded off twice and at one point Cindy said she wondered about Bob and Danny. She looked around and didn’t see Dan and figured that he had left at some point. But there, off to the side, Bob was watching intently as she was fucked by Louie and Cliff. She made eye contact with him and she could tell he wanted to join in. She tried to wave him over so she could see what was in his pants, but he shook his head. Before she could think too much about it, Cliff unloaded all over her face.

She leaned into me and asked if I could smell it on her. I have to say, at that point just the story alone was enough to get me going. I grabbed her and planted a huge kiss on her, swirling my tongue around in her mouth that just a little while ago was wrapped around two other guy’s dicks. I stood up and helped her out of her clothes while she did the same for me. We spent the next hour or so slowly making love as she related more of the details and answered all of my questions. I came deep inside of her as I pictured her on the floor of the dealership, surrounded by motorcycles as she was fucked over and over.

I decided I liked being a biker and having a biker chick for a girlfriend. Next I will tell about our poker run

story by: KMan8698

Tags: hardcore males / female true story wife female exhibitionist sex story

Author: KMan8698

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