A kiss, and yet so much more
Begins our love down on the floor
A touch a caress and warm soft hug
And kiss lower, hair gentle hard tug
Souls energy raised
Glassy eyed daze
Stroke and caress my sweet
Fingers tips slowly patient heat
Tease and please in selfless height
Hot breath near thy ear delight
Flowing tongue breast so bare
Kissing, pinching, touching near
Flowing rivers and nirvana silent
Playing fair mingling no relent
Our hands entwined, rhythm bodies one
Sensuous love of mingled souls fun
Rising up as the tides of the sea
We pour forth our cries joyous be
And hug and surge exhaustions bliss
We breath sighs into our last kiss
Bathed in sweat into oblivions face
Finding sleep our quiet embrace
story by: utumno
Author: utumno
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