Senior bus trip to atlantic city

sex stories

A senior citizen's group chartered a bus from Brooklyn to Atlantic City. As they entered New Jersey, an elderly woman came up to the driver and said "I've been molested!"
The driver thought she was just being delusional, and told her to go sit back down. Ten minutes later, another old woman came forward and claimed SHE'D been molested. The driver thought he had a bus load of wackos – who'd molest them?
Ten minutes later, a third came up and said she'd been molested too. The driver decided he'd had enough, and pulled into the rest stop. When he stood up, he saw an old man on his hands and knees in the aisle.
"Hey gramps, what are you doing down there?"
"I lost my toupee. Three times I thought I found it, but when I grabbed it, it ran away…"

story by: The Porn Joker

Tags: sex joke sex story

Author: The Porn Joker

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