The car stops in front of Sara’s house. Viktoria noticed there was a woman at the window and the girl told she was her mom. The woman felt her blood icing in her veins and she knew she needed to think fast.
“Sara, I can’t talk to her now. I have to arrange something before I can talk to your mom. Please keep the money in your pocket and don’t show to her. I promise I will talk to her very soon and I will be able to solve all the problems. Just give her my visit card and tell her who I am and about Cristina. Tell her I gave you a lift to home and I’ll look forward for meet her soon” Viktoria quickly said. She just kissed the girl on her lips and, waving the woman through the open car’s window, and ran away.
Sara closed the door and confronted with her mom. She was trying to hide the discomfort she was still feeling in her womb and the fear she was feeling in her hart. When her mom‘s sight met her, she busted in tears and buried her face in the valley between her mom’s breasts.
“Sara, dear, what happened??” Deborah asks to her. She waited until the girl stopped to sobs end and, after she wiped the tears from her glistened face She was just able to say “I met Mrs Viktoria” and she started to sob again.
After some times she become able to tell to her mom, avoiding to give the exact date of the meeting, about how she’s discriminated at school, how shameful she was when Mrs Viktoria catch her spying Cristina’s group. But before her mom was able to comfort Sara, she added she was much more ashamed of herself when she brought her to the club and how patient and friendly, Mrs Viktoria, was been with her. She was so sorry she made her understood her mom incomes weren’t very good. Deborah kept her daughter at her chest, saying how was all ok and how everything could go much better in the future. Everything while she was dyeing inside because she knew she was lying.
After they recovered the composure, Sara gave the visit card to her mom saying how Mrs Viktoria was afraid to be in late and not be able to meet her. Because of her lack of time she wasn’t able to made friendship with other school parents and, meeting such nice and polite girl, she surely would meet her mom.
Sara herself was wondered how good her lies were. Lies were so good that her mom was afraid the woman wants meet her immediately. She started to wonder what she could wear or how her hair could be combed but forgetting to call her for ask when or thank her about the lift for her daughter.
Viktoria was in fear. What if the girl will tell to her mom?? She was almost afraid to go to home because she could find the Police, there, in waiting. Her mind was working at light speed, finding a way for push the bitch from her side: She just has to find where she was working and, maybe, with all people she knows, she could be fired or threatened to be. Maybe, if the woman was in good shape, she could let her find an employ in one of the brothels she knew, bonding her daughter’s fate with hers if she would call the police.
Deborah watched at her daughter while she was going to bed. She perfectly knew how, in the actual conditions, she wasn’t able to meet the promise she did to her daughter. As she was packing the neat clothes just come out from the dryer, she realized all of them were old and cheap and she surely wasn’t able to buy new ones or, worst, expensive ones. She sighed and ask to herself what she could do for solve this and many other problems like the fact her old car was going to be old, one of her two jobs was sure anymore, and her own social life.. Well! What social life was talking about? She surely wasn’t able to find time and waste money in some relationship with some guy to share her bed with. She watched herself in the mirror: “I am 30, still nice but I should need a hairdresser, make up, and new clothes but I am feeling like an old nun.” she though by herself while she turned her body for watch her “B” side. Shaking herself from the open eyes dream, she felt so guilty for thinking about herself while her baby-girl was in crisis. Maybe she should accept the offer of her mom to send Sara to live with her but she wasn’t already so down and, before let her mom win, she was sure she was able to whoring herself for satisfy her daughter’s needs.
After some minute she decided to tuck Sara’s sheets and give her the goodnight kiss. She wanted be much present and be more friendly with her considering the difficult age the girl was passing through. She was going to open the door but, when she heard muffles from Sara’s bed, she decided do be discreet and just peek through the door. What she found left her in disbelief: Sara was in her nightdress but pulled out on her hips; her pussy was totally exposed and, through a mirror, she was exploring her baby hole. Deborah was petrified: her baby girl was discovering herself and, as her thoughts confirmation, Sara slipped her middle finger in her pussy and started to move it up and down, biting her lower lip for not moan too loud. She left the mirror, starting to rub her little cones and increasing the rhythm; her hips started to move as meet the finger which, now, was as deep as she can. Her moans were of full pleasure and not, like Deborah can remember from herself, a discomfort when she was going too deep. She suddenly doubt if her baby-girl was still virgin or not but she focused again on the act: Sarah was all sweated, the rhythm was so fast and her body started to shake until a long moan revealed the build of the orgasm. Deborah watched her daughter’s body breathing regular in the post orgasm until she decided to leave her position before her daughter could be able to see her; she closed the door and she went in her room, closing the door on her back.
She fell on the bed on her stomach and started to feel herself so guilty for stole a private moment like masturbation to her daughter. She wondered if her mom ever watched her as she just did to Sara and if she was disgusted from what her daughter was doing. But she realized she wasn’t disgusted: what was her feeling? Not surely disgusts. Surprise? Yes she was surprised but also something else: She was proud! Yes, she was proud of her baby girl; proud about she was growing in a wonderful and sane girl and, also, proud she was able to create a small, private place of happiness in the middle of her unhappy life. She felt guilty again because she covered her too much for her own fears and memories: for the fact her mom kept the young Deborah so strict so, at the first time she felt free, she let a boy fuck her unprotected womb and get her pregnant of Sarah. “Am I growing Sara at the same way?” She asks but promising to herself to not fall in the same kind of error. “From tomorrow,” she said to herself “ I’ll try to be her friend, and, if possible, let her grow, dress, and act like a girl of her age. I don’t want repeat my mom’s errors and she surely will not get pregnant, or worst, for lack of Watching the floor from her bed, she also started to be jealous of her baby girl and her youthness; how she was able to refuge herself in the masturbation. How long ago was the last time she touched herself? She always felt herself guilty every time she got an orgasm. Was her baby girl ashamed of herself minutes before?? In all her doubts, her hand fall discretely in her jeans’ waistband, wondered if she was able to find her little private, happy world, started her own masturbation, hoping to not feel herself ashamed again.
The next Wednesday Deborah was at work in the call center, busy as always in her impossible work for find some buyer for furniture, one time, and insurances the other. The boss assistant came strangely at her saying how the Boss wanted her in his office. She barely noticed, how young colleagues were often requested in his office and how, after they came out, many of them were used to go to toilette for refresh and how some of them just cleared their desk, leaving the job. In 5 years she was in his office just 3 times as her first day and other two for ask a change in her shift. Assistant was showing him some files and he gave some sight to Deborah’s. The woman’s eyes sauced as she noticed how the boss hand was under the assistant’s skirt. Suddenly he dismissed her .
“Mrs Deborah.. uhm.. I can see you are in with us from 5 years and I can see you did a remarkable job… It’s good considering this hard moment of crisis. “The man said leaving his words flying as he was studying Deborah’s face. “ I also can see you also refused neither a full time shift nor a salary reduction because you got a daughter and another job to attend. Let me say our policy of employment is changing and unfortunately, despite your good job, we can’t admit this kind of situation and, if you want to continue your job, we need to discuss uhm.. we need to arrange another kind of He added with a strange grin on his face.
Deborah’s world crashed down. It was her best job: the job to count on for bills and rent. The her daughter’s face came on her eyes and she was just able to mock some word before tears start to form in her eyes.
He stood up and came close to her , helping to sit and offering her a glass of water as Deborah started to ask what kind of arrangement she should accept for save her job.
“Uhm.. Let me see. I guess a salary reduction is out of your mind. Isn’t it??” he said as he started to caress her hair and his crotch came close her face. “I am afraid but I don’t see another way for keep you here” he added as, casually, his crotch, with a considerable bulge, bumped against her face. Deborah’s sight climbed on his face, terrified as she understood what this man wanted from her. “Mrs Deborah, before you start to say something you could regret, I invite you to consider your situation. What I am offering to you is to save your job, maybe considering a little salary rise, in change of a bit of your time and less of modesty.
Deborah was crying openly and she was going to leave when he pushed her down. “Open my pants Deborah.. It’s easy. I promise nobody will know about it and your job will be safe. If you leave now I can promise you will never find another job in another call center!” Gently taking her hand and raise it on his crotch. Deborah closed her eyes for a moment, thinking about Sarah and unzipped his pants.
“Good choice Deborah. I promise you will not regret. Now, can you see how hard it is?? It’s hard for you and need to be sucked “He moaned as he pushed his cock inside her hot mouth and started to pump it up and down inside the woman’s cavity. Deborah was astonished but didn’t dare to stop him nor stopped one of his hands as they were grabbing her neck, for still her face, as another was unbuttoning her blouse. "oh yes..Mrs Victoria was right and this woman was easy to blackmail" He tough by himself.
Deborah was trying to not cry and hide her disgust. She knew what she was doing and, wanting it finished as soon as possible, started to suck hungrily as his hips was pushing his organ deepest and deepest in her throat. She tried to avoid the gag and started to breath with nose as he put both his hands on her back head for keep her in place while he was facefucking her; she forced herself to think about other, pleasurable, things “suck it.. Oh yess Deborah.. Yess suck it. I am so close.. Remember to swallow if you don’t want I spray it all on your face.” He said as he was increasing his rhythm. The woman was horrified as she was feeling he cock throbbing She sensed he was right and she needed to swallow it all if she wanted to avoid a mess. She just wondered how the taste wasn’t bad as she supposed
Deborah just back home from her shift when the phone rang. Mrs Viktoria was speaking and she was inviting Deborah to a Saturday night for relax on the pool.
Deborah, obviously, try to refuse adding, as excuses, the fact she couldn’t leave her daughter alone and she was going to back in late from her job.
“No sense..” Viktoria told her “..A friend of mine will keep Cristina and I can’t see why she couldn’t order more than 2 pizzas for a nice sleeping over also for Sara” and thinking by her “I can’t see why she will not bring the girl to a party where she will be fucked silly for all the night”. Deborah, after Sara’s scream of joy about the sleeping over, declared herself defeated and accepted the offer asking what she should dress but Viktoria said it was informal and if she was dressed in swimsuit or bikini and heels it could be good. She closed the conversation before Deborah was able to reply.
Saturday evening when Deborah, with Sara in tow, arrived near the car, she realized Viktoria was full dressed and she just dressed with heels, one piece swimsuit and a coat. “Nice to meet you ..Oh but you are already dressed.. My fault, as usual! I am so distracted. “She giggled while she approached and hugged her, kissing her cheeks. “..at club there’s a room booked at my name and we will be able to relax and refresh before the party, and we will be able to talk a little”. She greeted Sara too and showed the van ready for her and slapped her butt for send the girl there. Deborah never realized there was just Patrizia in the van.
They arrived at the club while staff was still preparing the indoor pool for the party and, after greeted, they went in the assigned room.
Viktoria kicked off her shoes and massaged her neck. “ Hell of week! “ she said with an half smile to Deborah.. “Please, be yourself. Sit, get a drink, get a shower or whatever makes you feel comfortable: for myself,“ Viktoria said, unzipping and let her suit falling on the floor, leaving herself in just a g-string, and approaching to the bathroom “I need a bath with a lot of bubbles. Oh.. I am sorry. Am I disturbing with my nudities?” she said provocatively but covering her big seines with her arm.
Deborah didn’t know where to watch: she never met a so open minded woman, so comfortable with her nudity, and then she decided to play bold and trying to hide her discomfort sitting on the couch but a knock at the door made her open it, revealing a young waiter with a bottle of Spumante and some sandwich. She felt much uncomfortable seeing where the young boy’s sight was directed because, suddenly, she understood she was just in swimsuit. Viktoria’s voice from the bathroom told to the waiter she was going to give him the tip later. After some minute Viktoria came out from the bathroom with just a towel around her waits and went directly on the sandwiches. She engulfed her mouth with one and drinking half glass of Spumante under the astonished sight of Deborah.
“Oh yes” she said stretching herself “I was hungry! You know: too much work and not time for eat properly or take care of myself.” Sitting on the couch she started to eat another sandwich “I am sorry..” she said softly “ I am talking too much: why don’t you eat something too?? Tonight will be a social party and just some snack to eat. Please tell me about yourself”
Deborah considered the woman for a moment and then, knowing what Sara already told to her, decided to not lie and told her the whole story. When she finished she just lowered her sight and blushed.
Viktoria felt sympathy for this woman. She was so similar to her and, despite her apparent fragility; she was a strong woman. She just choose, considering her background, a most difficult way and she did the best for grow her baby-girl. She smiled warmly and, picking her hand, she pulled her up, leading her in the bathroom and saying her to take off the swimsuit and sink in the hot tube.
Deborah was so embarrassed but she understood Viktoria was doing for her best for make her comfortable; she undressed herself, noticing how Viktoria was deliberately keeping herself busy and sank in the hot tube.
“Oh my God!” She tough “It’s wonderful. I barely remember how was relaxing in a bath. I was. So much time. I was pregnant of Sara the last time I did it.” She closed her eyes, relaxing her body and trying to not think about all her problems. Suddenly she felt hot water running on her head, shampoo on her hair and Viktoria’s hands starting to massage them. She was surprise but the warm smile of the woman reassured Deborah. She let the woman wash her hair, sipping the glass of Spumante she gave her, until she felt totally warm. Viktoria finished to wash her hair without a word then help to stand up, naked but she was immediately wrapped in a warm robe. The woman made her sit in front of the mirror and started to brush Deborah’s hair. The hot bath, the Spumante and being treated so nicely made her shields crashed and suddenly she started to sobs and hot tears started to came from her eyes.
“Ush Deborah! Nothing to cry. I know how it’s hard growing a kid all alone. I would so much help you because you are so similar to me. I had so much hard times in my life and I don’t want you can suffer as much as I did.” She smiled to Deborah and added “This evening I’ll introduce you to some of people I know. I’ll tell the a little of your trouble and they will introduce you to others they know. Just be relaxed and who knows?? Maybe some of them will be able to help you. Do you believe in me??” Deborah nodded and the woman picked up the phone and made some call. Almost immediately and hairdresser, followed by another girl, came in the room. Deborah started to protest but Viktoria just put her finger on her lips and insisted for relax. As the woman started to comb her hair, the other girl started the manicure. She felt embarrassed form the hairdresser compliment about her hair and how nicer they could be if treated in the right way. An hour passed away and what Deborah was seeing in the mirror was a beautiful woman she barely recognized as herself. Viktoria was on her back, smiling and asking if she was ready for the party and when she noticed Deborah’s eyes getting moist again, she told her to stop to crying because she was going to ruin her make up.
The two women were sipping their spumante near the pool as the first couple came close and Viktoria introduced Deborah to the couple and after some instant she was able to chit chat without problem, wondered how easy these people were. After a while Viktoria was busy in conversation and Deborah was there, alone, when another stunning couple greet her and started to talk. The woman was sophisticated but easygoing and the man was very gentle. Suddenly the woman excuses herself leaving both alone. He smiles and complained how his wife was too talkative and hoping she wasn’t too bored. Deborah just smiled, saying she didn’t mind and how glad she was being there. They started to walk around and he leaded her out. She actually was enjoying his company and laughed at some of his sketches but, suddenly, she realized how chilly the temperature was, out of the indoor pool. The man offered his suit for covers her and, as he put it on, he kissed her neck. She turned immediately her face to him and, before she could stop, he kissed her on her lips. Surprised, Deborah, didn’t stop him nor he insisted much in the kiss. “You are a very desiderable woman. Where does Viktoria kept you before?” he said smiling.. “ I hope I didn’t offend you but your lips seems just for be />
How it should continue??
story by: HillaryT
Tags: fiction job/place-of-work reluctance oral sex blackmail sex story
Author: HillaryT
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