Rich boys love 13

sex stories

8 at night finally came i got out my car and knocked on harveys door. harvey answered it and told me to come in. i handed harvey a small square package. harvey laughed and said "this isnt the normal package you give me" i closed my eyes and smiled at the same time. when i reopened my eyes i noticed harvey was unwrapping the package when he opened it i said "told you i would buy you a new one" (for those who cant remember im talking about the top i fizzed my drink over at the hotel) i continued "you really did go all out to impress me i found this shirt at the prada store on Rodeo Dr beverly hills. harvey you dont have to have the nice fancy clothes and the big bucks to impress me. you being you blows me away" harvey smiled and took his top off he replaced his top with the one i just brought him. harvey turned and faced me and said "lets go i will drive" i thought go where but i didnt question him.

we arrived at cicada the restraunt i looked at harvey and he said "told you that you was going to make up to me big time" i said to him "we dont have a resavation" harvey smiled and winked at meand exited his car i followed him

going inside we was greated by the door man who opened the door for us i gave the man a $10 tip as we exchanged a smile. once inside a man greated us and said do you have a resavation sir (looking at harvey as if he didnt belong here) harvey sore the mans look saying in a way he thought he was better than him harvey smiled though it and said "yes it under L.spencer" i was shocked that harvey had used my name to reserve a table at a really exspence restraunt in downtown l.a. the man found my name then lead us to the table he waited around for a few second exspecting a tip. however i wasnt going to give him one because of the way he looked at harvey i told the man he could leave. after a little time we decided what we wanted to eat so i signed for a waiter he ordered are meals and i asked the waiter will he be serving are meals he waiter (after reading his badge called ted) said yes sir me and harvey was talking about all kinds of stuff when are meals arrived once again i tipped another member of there staff with $10 me and harvey ate are meals and desert after the meal. we had a good night and it felt like i had repaid the damage i had course with harvey. we both agreed it was time to leave i asked for the cheque. when i got it i hide the price from harvey i handed the chegue back over along with my credit card we waited and i got my card back and proof of purchase. on are way out the i thank everyone that had served us apart from the man who thought he was better i walked up to him and said "you need a attitude ajustment just becuase we are 18 doesnt mean we cant afford places like this" we left and the door man said got for you younge man i smiled again at him and said goodnight sir

back in harvey's car he said to me "ive always wanted to eat in there thank you babe" i smiled really widly and said "no problem i hope you enjoyed your self" harvey looked at me and said "i hope i didnt take the piss to much" "no not at all " i said (being honest) "how much did we spend?" asked harvey "$500" i told him and also said "but it was money well spent to repair the damaged i did" harvey started his car and drove me back home i kissed him goodnight he asked if he could come in and i said "not tonight baby ive had a perfect night and i think sex will just make it complicated" harvey smiled kissed me again and i got out the car and he drove off i went into my house and my parent asked how did it go acting all innocent i asked "how did what go" my mom looked at me and said "britney tld us that you was doing tonight did things wrk out and you and this harvey boy friends or whatever now" i looked at my mom smiled and said "yes we are and im glad we are to " i walked off to my room go undressed til i was completly naked got into bed and went to sleep ( i dont know about other guys but i cant ware anythink to bed it just feels to restricking ) the next morning i woke up at 6 like usal went for my morning run trying to forget it was my birthday because i hate getting older it means im one year closer to looking my looks and needing a wheel chair lol when i got home my parent was up and gave me my presents i said thank you and opened them i got a new flat screen tv and my dad had paid for me to have my room restyled how i wanted it i hugged them both then went upstairs to get ready for school hoping people wont make a big deal over it being my birthday when i was finished getting ready and drove to school of course my wish wasnt granted and brit made a big deal over it being my birthday singing happy birthday to me as she walked over harvey saw stood behind me with me unaware harvey spoke scaring me saying "its your birthday?" "yeah but its no big deal" harvey gave me the biggest shock ever when he grabbed hold of me and kissed me infront of everyone my head was spinning thinking is he really doing this or is it wishful thinking

story by: richbitch

Tags: true story sex story

Author: richbitch

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