I don't know what came before or what'll come after, but now, you are my now. You blaze me with your passion, your flames of desire, of extacy's inferno engulf me and shatters my inhabitons. You twists around me and through me, taking my being whole. You raise above my expectations and take me for a ride through my fears to my thrill, your touch, your scent, your vision rattles my mind with lust and need. I don't love you but I will, for now I'm in lust with you, in lust for you, and will to give you my heart and soul to please you. I'll follow your body's twists and turns, the intricacies of you in order to raged through you as you have me. You are my mythology, my creature of fantacy and I will explore you and explore with you. Your cries and moans of pleasures and more, charges me with lust's red hot heat. I maybe nothing more than a mere mortal compared to you magesty, but tonight you will remember me. I'll trace my name in your back with my tongue, place my seal in your womb with my being, surge through you with my seed, and mark you with my hearts rhythm and you set my being ablaze. I am nothing more than another victim of you my dragon, an Eastern Temptress, but I will take you as far as you'd take me. I can not tame you or slay you, but I'd never betray you or this moment. You have left your claw marks in my body and chard my heart with your heat, and I thnk you. I thank you for my wounds and my scarrs. I gather myself and kiss you for the last time and mark my place in your heart. Enjoy Eternity my Myth and remember me as I dissapear into nothingness.
story by: LK6D9
Tags: asian males / female poem interracial black sex story
Author: LK6D9
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