I was loaded in Tampa on a wednesday going to Portland Oregon.
The load delivered on Monday morning.
I had plenty of time to get it there on time.
I stopped at the 76 fuel stop on I 10, it was 9 pm.
I pulled into to fuel up.
As I was fueling up A drop dead beautiful girl walked up to me and asked where I was heading to?
You must understand if you have been trucking as long as I have and a woman walks up to you and asks you where you are going the answer you would give is to the same place you are Doll.
Her name was Jill and she said she 22 years old, I said I need to see some sort of ID, I did not want to be taking a minor across state lines.I love my job, I hate jail.
Anyway She was all of 22, from her tiny little feet to the top of her beautiful head.
She was a Blondie maybe 4 foot 10 inches tall.
She might have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
Small boobs,nice legs, and a killer ass.
I said I was going to Oregon for Monday morning.
i asked her where she wanted to go and she said she will know when she gets there.
I said I can take you if you like but only have one bed in my truck.
I have what you call a freight liner condo.
It has all you could want inside.Killer sound theater etc.
I have a very large music collection, NO COUNTRY AND WESTERN.
Sorry cowboys and girls no my kind of sounds.
Her answer was you are going to need only one bed.
Well I guess my chin hit the ground at that one, she giggled and said she will do anything I want just to catch a ride to the west coast.
I said OK, and do you have any luggage?
She said just this backpack,but I have everything I need in it.
OK I said Hop in doll and let me finish fueling and then grab a bite to eat and a shower and rest up for a early morning start.
OK she said, I really have to thank you, i needed this ride and did not want to hitch hike it on this road.
Trust me doll if you hitch hike on this road you may end up dead,there are to many crazy sick people in this world that would love to find you needing a ride, It would be your last.
And yes all this time I had a hard on to beat the band.
I saw her looking at it and she said you know we may have to take care of the lump in your pants.
I said honey I need to shower and eat and then I will more then happy to have you take care of this lump.
Well I parked the truck and grabbed my travel bag, went inside and got a shower for two.
My company had arrangements with the truck stop that if you fuel up you get a free shower.
I told Jill that we get a shower every other day unless we unload or load a truck then we take a shower to stay nice and clean.
She was ok with it and I told her I also had stuff in the truck she could freshen up with if the need arises.
We both cleaned ourselves first then we went at it.
She said that would be better because she was horny and wanted to get that out of the way then have a nice supper.
I was old enough to be her father at 45 but she said it was a turn on of hers and that she liked older men.
Well I had not gotta any for about a month and was way over due for some good pussy.
She was more then I have ever had or wanted. She had no hang ups as to what she wouldn't do, WOW I thought this is going to be really fun.
I picked her up in my arms and planted her on my hard- on and slowly eased into her. She was so tight and so small it felt like I was going to cut her in half and ruin a good thing.
She grabbed the soap and lubed us both up just to get the head of my cock past her tight lips.
I had to really go slow it was so tight.
I am not the size of a porn star but my 7 x 6 inch prick was having a tough time getting into this little girl.
It took us a good 5 minutes to finally get it deep inside this little bitch. It was off to the races once we got our timing going.
I have fucked a lot of women in my life and this girl by far was the smallest, tightest little pussy I have ever had the pleasure to fuck.
After all the time going slow it paid off BIG time with her. She was dripping pussy juice like a faucet was turned on.
It was the best part of this encounter, a young, beautiful 22 year old girl as horny as me and then some and soaking us both making it so much better fucking her.
She said in my ear by the time this trip ends I will not have to ease into her for long, and Man was she right. All I had to do after our first killer fuck was to touch her pussy and let the juice flow.
It was more then I could have hoped for. We pounded each other for a good ten minutes and both had killer orgasm's to make our legs feel like rubber.
We dressed and went to supper and on the way to eat she whispered in my ear, just think of your dessert after supper.
Chapter 2
This was more then I could have wished for
and I was taking as much as I could and getting it to.
We were up most of the night getting to know each other rather well.
I was glad I had four days to get this load to it final drop because of being up all night I was not going to get a early start. I woke up at 9 am,way to late for me to get up.So now after getting a Quick bite to eat I was trucking again.
I told her she needed to be belted in and if she was in the back she needed to be sitting, if I stop short I don't want your beautiful body going past me and through my windshield.
There are some rules that I follow to the letter, I myself have broken one by letting you ride with me. It is against company rules for a passenger to be riding with you unless your training or married.
So if you follow all these rules I have then it will be a lot of fun, trust me doll.
She looks at me and says so these other rules?
I said no horseplay while I am driving, this rule must not be tested, do you understand?
Yes but I would love to suck your cock while you are going down the road.
And I would love for you to be sitting on my lap and fucking my brains out driving down the road too, but No!!!
Ok, I get your point, but I still want, I cut her off, No means no that's final.
Think of this as a boat,I am Captain of this boat,my rules on the door!!
OK OK she says, These are set in place to keep us from driving over someone and to keep from killing us or them.
No flashing someone, no matter how much of an urge you have. The truck number is on your side and can be called and reported, that means the sightseeing tour is over for both.
When I go into a terminal you must stay with the truck until I can let you get out.
If we were married you would have free access, but not here, ok?
Ok I guess so rolling her eyes being a little brat. I can never have any fun.
She was pouring it on thick, I knew she was kidding by trying to be stern, I was on to her.
You do not walk alone in any truck stop day or night, you will be with me at all times, do you understand me?
Yes but and I cut her off in mid sentence, it is for your protection, truck stops are nasty places with high crime rate unless there is some kind of security
I do not want someone getting a hold of you and killing you because he wants his way with you.
You want a safe and fun trip this is the way it is. You see doll there are things in this world you have never seen yet, but trust me you will see a lot of things being with me.
I mean after all Jill you have made me a very happy man so far, I like this feeling and want to keep it this way.
I understand Hun, I think we are going to have a very good cumming time, and she giggles.
Ok doll off we go, I pushed the on the road driving button to let my travel agent know we were rolling.
20 Minutes later it beeps, message reads, your on the road late,whats up? Need this load there by Monday you know?
I sent the answer, got some sleep after doing 3000 miles in five days. load will be on time free of damage, out task will be met, I want my bonus points just like you, 10 / 4 ?
His answer was AOK be safe.
I told her we would be going through Mississippi, Alabama,Louisiana up to Arkansas,Oklahoma a little bit of Texas through New Mexico to flagstaff AZ. Wow she says,that's a lot of states, yes it is but sit back and enjoy the ride.
This is fun she says, Glad you like it so far.And the best part is that little bathroom for you, so we don't keep stopping every 100 miles.
We were heading on I 40 avoiding Texas. But I 40 goes through Texas through Amarillo. Its only a couple hours drive in Texas not a day and a half.
We stopped in okie city at the T/A truck stop.
I fueled up the truck, parked it and we both went in for a good meal and we both had desert on our minds.
story by: roofer2469
Author: roofer2469
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