One Man, Twelve Women
I' Ahmad. I'm a Virgo man and I'll tell you about my exciting adventures with the Zodiac signs. I fucked the 12 women of each astrological sign. Some of them had zodiac sign tattoos. And some I knew their sign from their birthdays.
1- With the Sagittarius Woman :
I had gotten back to Egypt after travelling around Europe for nearly two years. I had decided to relocate in Cairo and was looking for a job to pay for my shitty one room apartment. I had already gone through money in my bank account that I had inherited from when my father died. Most of it was spent on travelling and the money that remained was spent on rent and now I was low on funds.
I had searched around, looking in the paper, employment agencies, handing out my resume to as many places as possible and nothing. I had finished up for the day and decided to head to the beach. I sat down on a bench that had a good view of the beach when a teenage kid came and sat down next to me.He's a half-American half-Egyptian. It was obvious Eminem was his role model, he looked like an extra from 'The Real Slim Shady' video. Bleach blonde hair, white T-Shirt and blue jeans. He kept looking at me and then looked ahead. He finally spoke after about a minute of hesitating.
"I got the stuff you want."
"What stuff?" I was confused as fuck.
"Stuff to make you feel like you're flying." He said with a stupid grin.
"Sorry. Don't want any." I said looking ahead trying not to make eye contact.
"You call my ass out here and then you don't want my shit?" He was getting pissed off.
"First off all I didn't call you out here and secondly who the fuck are you?"
"Hey, you called my up, said you got my number off Rob…"
"Sorry. I don't know no Rob." I cut him off. "You must have the wrong person."
"Oh shit." He came to realisation. "Sorry man. I didn't mean to bother you." He said still sitting there. I knew no one over here, so I decided to strike up a conversation with this guy since we were already talking.
"How long you been selling?"
"A couple of months."
"It shows." I said.
"What do you mean it shows?" He asked slightly confused.
"You attempted to sell hashish to me out in the open. There's parents with kids here." I pointed them out to him. "They wouldn't hesitate to call the cops on you."
"So you're saying I shoulda done it in like… a car or some shit?"
"No. A car is too bait. A guy goes in and comes straight back out. If a cop's nearby they'll now exactly what's going on. You need to do it in a place like a diner. Get a coffee and pass the stuff under the table. But don't keep going to the same place or they'll get suspicious. Al ternate between places."
"You a dealer?" He asked.
"No. Being a dealer would be better than nothing. At least you'd be making money, unlike now. I can't get a job about to get evicted."
"I feel you dogg. I been there, done that."
"How?" I said looking at him. "You look like you're 16!"
"17 dogg. But I been out on the street since I was 15. My moms and pops kicked me out for doing dope." There was a moment of silence. "You know if you want I could introduce you to my boss, he could do with a dealer who knows what he's doing."
"That'd be great." I said. />
"Now, if you have the time."
"Sure." I said. He started to lead the way. "I didn't quite catch your name."
He said, extending his hand.
I replied shaking his hand. He took me to see his boss, who went by the name Which I assumed was an alias or a surname, didn't really ask. He was apparently a big player. Stefan vouched for me, even though he knew me for only half an hour, the kid had heart. I was made his partner and he was suppose to show me the ropes, but it turned out to be the other way around.
In just a short month I had already leap frogged over Stefan, which wasn't too hard, as he was treated like a joke, but by hanging out with me he was starting to get smarter and more street wise. We had already established ourselves as the biggest selling duo. I had already moved out of my shitty apartment and was now living in a luxury apartment that was more or less a condo. It had two floors, spiralling stair case, view of the beach, pool out back for the block and even a receptionist at the front doors, the full package.
We started to sell so much that we were starting to run out of supply and couldn't keep up with the demand. I had managed to sell to a woman and he introduced other women to us. Every woman had to be OK'd by Bishop first and then he'd assign them to one of us. This was to make it seem like a big well organised operation, like a business. I had mainly men as the other guys always called dibs on the women, so they can ask them for sex in return for hashish and the women never said no. If they can get hashish without paying for it they did. The only women I had was the ugly ones that you would never even think about sleeping with. Hence why I was left with them. A lot of the guys accepted sex in exchange for hashish from women. I was a bit picky, that's why none of the women had caught my eyes. I did accept sex from some of the regular female customers, after all I was human. The women I accepted it from the most were three of the hottest women you will ever see. They practically lived at my place and were more like live-in girlfriends than clients.
Bishop had already dubbed me as his And he was even more impressed when I came up with an idea of having a crack house slash brothel rolled into one, but fronted as a night club and belly dancing club rolled into one. He bought a place the size of four clubs, we split it in half. One half for clubbing and one half for the strippers. We had an upstairs for all the illegal activity. The strippers were hookers, who now had a place to do it and we took a healthy percentage. Word got around and the place packed it out every night, it got so packed we had to open a couple more and ended up with ten clubs around Cairo Me and Stefan were still running the first initial club, which was still the most successful one. We had now managed to bring the hashish users to us instead of us having to find them and then go to them.
Me and Stefan became best of friends and were two of the highest ranked guys working for Bishop, who was now known as one of the biggest hashish distributors in Egypt . Me and Stefan were known as the guy's who moved hashish faster than anyone else. This was limited to just weed, and we sold also x pills. God knows where Bishop gets hashish, but I'm not gonna be the guy to question him.
The initial club became the hub of our operation. Me and Stefan were recognised by everyone, from high rollers to low lives, people who were some bodies to people who were nobodies. Even the cops knew our reputations but couldn't do shit because we were just too smart for them.
Me and Stefan pulled up in front of the club like any other night, dressed in our 1500 LE Armani suits, me with my trademark white and Stefan with his eccentric red. People on the outside waiting in the queue were calling out to us trying to take the easy way into the club, like we knew who they were. Every employee from the door to the bar greeted us, trying to go up the rankings by sucking up to us. We headed up the stairs and straight to the back.
"What?" I said answering the intercom by holding the button down.
"A very very beautiful woman want to see you." Stefan's eyes lit up. "Her name is Mervat."
"Send her in." I said letting go of the intercom button. The office had a window behind the main desk that over looked the whole club, this was our way of seeing everything that happened in the club. The blinds were already pulled from the meeting with some brothers. I peeked through the blinds to see her being shown up the stairs. "Out." I told Stefan. "She's mine."
"Oh! Finally! A woman that's caught the eye's of the high and mighty Ahmad." Stefan mocked, bowing down to me a couple of times as he walked backwards and left the room. I had to laugh at his stupidity. He may be an imbecile at times but he was the greatest friend you could ask for and was too stupid to stab you in the back.
Sobhy, the door man, showed Mervat Samy into the room. She was a small, petite woman at 5'3" and had on a short black skirt, that fell a few inches of her knees, a short black top that showed off her belly and was sleeveless, cut off at he shoulders, she had black open toed heels and she was holding a small black handbag.
"Nice tan." I complemented her. She usually had milky white skin and must've been sunbathing or at least out in the sun.
Mervat replied uncomfortably.
"How can I help you?" I asked.
"Me and my friends… were looking for some…" She started, shifting side to side. She was clearly nervous.
"First time buying?"
"Yes." She said starting to look a little relieved, now that the subject was out.
I said motioning to the seat on the other side of the desk. "Take a seat." She sat in front of me and I could see her beauty more clearly. She had curly blonde dyed hair just past her shoulders. She wore a light shade of pink lip stick and had plain hoop ear rings. "How much you need?"
"I don't know. I've never bought dope before." She confessed.
"How many of you are there?" I asked.
five of us all together." I stood up and walked over to a painting on the wall. I opened it like a door, there was a safe behind it where we kept the hashish and large amounts of money. It was a cheesy thing to do, but had to be done. I took out enough for five girls in their early 20's would need to get high, closed the safe and sat back down.
"My friend Thorayya Wagih said that you guys take sex as payment." She said quickly, probably built up the courage and blurted it out before she lost her nerve. She didn't look up, she looked down as if she felt dirty the moment she said it. I got up, took off my expensive blazer, put it on the back of my chair and walked over to her. The seat she was sitting on was an office chair that spun around, so I spun the chair around so she'd face me. I squatted down enough for us to be face to face. Mervat was still looking down. I lifted her chin up with my hand so I could see her face. She looked unbelievably gorgeous & had beautiful, hypnotising blue eyes that you could get lost in for hours by just staring at them. I leaned forward and kissed her. She did nothing at first, probably startled, but then she kissed me back and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I started to suck her tongue instantly gently massaging it with my tongue. I broke our kiss.
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." I told her. I was starting to feel like I was taking advantage of her. It was obvious she was uncomfortable doing this. "I'll take money for them." I said standing up and going back to my seat.
"No way!" She replied. "I have to or my friends will think I'm a total wuss."
"O.K." I said, noticing her immaturity even though she was 23, but I still wanted her. "I tell you what give me a blowjob and we'll call it even." Mervat started to make her way towards me with a hesitant look. "What's wrong?"
"I've never given a… blow job." She confessed biting her bottom lip, showing her lack of sexual experience. I looked her up and down. She was unbelievably hot, from head to toe. She had a great figure, big breasts, nice round ass and a beautiful face. I looked down at her feet. She had nice looking toes, which were painted a light shade of red, I couldn't get a proper view of them as they were in shoes, but she wasn't a foot model for nothing.
"You use to be a foot model right?" I asked still looking at her feet.
"Yes. How did you know." She asked, surprised.
"I know a lot about you."
"Like?" She asked, tilting her head to one side, starting to flirt a little.
"I'll tell later. So… how comes you don't like to travel around Egypt?"
She said coyly, looking down. "I love Cairo"
I said patting at spot on the desk looking to get things moving. "Sit here." Mervat sat exactly where I told her. I turned to face her. I put her feet, which were still in shoes, on to my chair, on the space in between my legs. Mervat had her legs together. I touched her thighs, they were so soft and tanned. I reached up her skirt and grabbed hold of her panties and started to pull them down and off around her ankles. Mervat put her feet back at the same spot as before. I spread her legs apart to get a clear view of her cunt. Her musky scent wafted through the air into my nostrils.
"Smells like someone's excited." Mervat gave a adorable nervous laugh. I lifted her skirt up to reveal a clearer view of her pussy. There was a tiny brown patch just above her slit and no hair any where else. Her slit was already glistening with her juices. I leaned forward and licked her wet slit.
Mervat moaned biting her bottom lip, staring down at me. I couldn't get her legs open properly because her feet were in between my legs, so I lifted them up, took off her shoes and put one foot on each shoulder, they felt warm through my thin shirt. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and was able to part her pussy lips from the top, with my hands. I darted my tongue in and out of her moist hole a couple of times, causing Mervat to moan. I leaned forward and locked my lips over her slit and pushed my tongue in deep into her, forcing her juices to trickle out the side of my tongue and into my mouth.
"Oh God!" Mervat moaned as I let go off her pussy lips with my hand so they were wrapped tightly around my tongue. I pushed my thumb down at the top of her cunt under the hood and I could feel her swollen clit. Her hips bucked at the touch of my thumb on her clit. I started to work my tongue in and out of her tight hole faster and faster with every stroke, with my clit rubbing keeping up in time with my tongue strokes.
"Yes! Yes! That's iiiiittt!" Mervat moaned moving her hips to one side, getting my tongue to the spot she wanted it on. "That's it! That's the fuc-king spotttttt! She came to a screaming climax in minutes, her pussy vibrating and contracting all around my tongue as her orgasm hit hard. I could feel her toes curl, as she gripped my shirt with them. "AAAHHHH! AAAAHHHH!" Mervat screamed as I felt her juices run into my mouth. Her pussy started to twitch as her orgasm started to subside and her pussy started to get sensitive and every touch made her moan out loud and her pussy quiver. I had a taste of her sweet nectar and now I that I had satisfied her I pulled back.
"Oh,God! I've never had a guy make me cum so hard before!" Mervat claimed. She took her feet off my shoulders and leaned forward, putting her hands on my cheeks and kissing me hard. She moaned as she sucked my tongue hungrily, taking my lips into her mouth, so I felt her teeth against my lips as she kissed me hard. "Thank you." She said leaning her forehead against mine. "Now it's your turn." She said smiling, reaching her mouth forward and kissing me again.
Her feet rested on my crotch and they were arched. Her feet were petite and very sexy with cute little toes. "I can see why you were a feet model." I said holding her foot in my hand. "How comes you stopped?"
"Because the rest of me started to get noticed." She smiled. I started to massage her foot with both hands, gently rubbing my thumbs up and down the sole. I massaged her beautiful milky white soles for a while, while she fully recovered from her intense orgasm and got her breath back
"You want me to jerk you off with them?" She caught me by surprise with her offer.
"You want to jerk me off with your feet?" I said still massaging her foot, circling the balls under her toes with my thumbs.
"Yeah! Sure! I've been told that my feet feel great around a dick."
"And who told you that?"
"A couple of me />
"You jerked off a lot of guys?"
"NO!" Mervat replied defensively. "When guys here that I was a foot model they want me to jerk them off with them and I see nothing wrong with that, a little strange but I get a kick out of it too." She looked around the table and picked up the box of tissues on the far right hand corner. "By the way you're giving a great foot massage."
I said. Mervat pulled her foot away, getting more relaxed and more comfortable around me after her orgasm. She started to pull out a lot of tissues and set them on the top of my crotch, lower abs and around on my thighs. She put another two layers of tissue on top of them.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You don't want to get cum on your clothes do you? They look kinda expensive." She undid my zipper and freed my cock from the restraints of my boxers. It was already quite hard from giving her oral sex. "Oh my God! Look at the size of this thing." Mervat said holding my huge member. no way I would've been able to suck this huge thing off!" She said rubbing it up and down. "I think I'm gonna need a little help." She leaned back, reached over to the seat she was sitting on earlier and picked up her hand bag. She took out a Chap stick (lip balm), put it on her lips and then leaned forward and kissed me. Cherry flavour. She then reached forward, held my cock with one hand and spat and applied her spit onto my penis with her other hand. Quite a smart thing actually, as it would work as a form of lubrication.
Once she was finished spreading it all over every square millimetre of my cock she leaned back. She may have come across innocent and inexperienced at first but she was proving to be a dirty little slut.
My dick stood to attention and was rock hard. Mervat leaned back on her hands and lifted her feet up to my lap. She started to rub my shaft on the under side of my cock, with both feet, pushing my cock back, but my erection was too hard and it wouldn't stay back. She'd rub along my full length with one foot using her two biggest toes and once her toes reached the base of my cock, she'd use her other foot, starting from the top, going all the way down and once that foot reached the bottom she'd use the other foot again. She repeated this a couple of times, teasing my cock with her beautiful toes.
I looked up at her, she raised her dark eyebrows and then giggled slightly, as a drop of pre-cum spurted out, running down my cock head, down her big toe and along the top of her foot. Mervat rubbed her pre-cum covered foot with the sole of her other foot, spreading it around the ball under her big toe. She then pressed her toes down against my nut sack. She gently picked up one of my balls and rested it in between her two biggest toes and gently rubbed it with the big toe of her other foot.
"You like that?" Mervat asked, in a sexy tone her voice just above a whisper. "You like it when I rub your cock and play with your balls with my feet?"
"Yeah!" I moaned. Mervat then held onto my cock with both feet, with the balls of her feet firmly pressed along my shaft. Without touching my cock with her toes, she started to slide the balls down my cock and then slowly back up again, squeezing my cock hard, forcing another drop of pre-cum to leak out. She started to work her feet up and down my shaft, getting slightly faster with every stroke.
Mervat then stopped. With the two biggest toes of one foot, she pushed my cock back, making it touch the tissue that she had set on my lower abs. She had my cock in between those two toes and she started to stroke the under side of my dick, while she did this she held my member down at the base of my man hood with her toes of her other foot. Mervat was stroking my cock fast and hard now, I could feel my orgasm building up, but then she started to slow down.
"You wanna cum?" Mervat asked teasing me, stroking my penis real slow.
"Yes!" I said trying my best to make my voice sound normal, but she could tell that she had bought me to the edge.
"O.K then." Mervat replied letting go off my cock with her feet and putting them together, side by side, with her ankles together, showing me the soles of her feet. With the way feet are shaped, there was a gap in the middle. "If you wanna cum, then you can do it yourself. Go on! Fuck my feet!" She ordered me with any signs of her being nervous or the innocent girl next door now out the window.
I held her feet at the balls just under her toes, helping to keep them together and pushed my hips up. The head of my cock rubbed past the milky white soles of her feet as I pushed my cock head through the gap in the middle. My cock head sprang out on the other side, brushing the top of her feet. I used the gap between her feet as a fuck hole. Pushing my hips back and fourth, my shaft rubbing along the groove of her feet.
Mervat moaned, wiggling her cute little toes as I carried on thrusting at her feet, my balls slapping against her heel every time I thrust up. "Yeah! That's it!" Mervat egged me on. I started to thrust at her feet faster and faster, feeling my orgasm getting closer, holding her feet tighter with my hands. "Fuck my feet! Yeah! Come on! Cum on my feet! Cum on my fucking feet." She started to shout, curling her toes and gripping my fingers with them.
"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned. Mervat pulled her feet away, her heels on my thighs.
"Cum on my feet!" Mervat yelled. I stroked my cock, pointing it ay the soles of her feet, jerking off as fast as I could.
"Uhh… Uhhh… UHHH!" I screamed as I came after a few seconds of jerking off.
"YEAH! THAT'S IT! CUM ON MY FEET!" Mervat screamed as I orgasmed. My first load shooting onto the heads of her toes, the second load hit her on the ball under her big toe. I pointed my cock at her other foot, shooting my third load onto her big toe. The next few loads weren't as big and spurted out down the soles of her foot and heel. My cum that had landed on her toes, started to flow down and Mervat started to squeeze the cum in between her toes making it ooze down her soles, onto the tissue that she had set on my lap.
Mervat let out a cute little laugh as she wiggled her cum covered toes. "I've never tasted cum before." She said innocently, reaching down with her finger and scooped up some from the sole of her foot. She opened her mouth, her tongue spread out a bit and slowly put her finger into her mouth, enveloping her lips around it. She sucked her finger hard, swallowing my cum.
"Hmm… Don't know why women complain about the taste so much. It's like having salted peanuts." Mervat laughed at her own joke. She grabbed a couple of tissues and wiped my cum off her feet. "You don't mind if I use the bathroom do you?"
"No go ahead." I replied pointing her to the office's private bathroom. Mervat got off the table and took the tissue she used to wipe her feet and the tissue on my lap, put my dick away, zipping me up and went to the office's private bathroom. She came out a couple of minutes later.
"That was so fun! I'll see you soon." Mervat said kissing me, darting her tongue into her mouth. She had popped a breath mint already and I could taste it on her tongue. "So do I just come in and see you?" She asked, picking up the packets of weed.
"Here's my card." I said regaining my composure. "Any time you need any thing, any thing at all just give me a call OK?"
"OK." Mervat said walking out the room, swaying her ass side to side. She gave me one last look, turning her head while she had her back to me, blew me a kiss and left. I felt like I was in love with this beautiful creature and I couldn't wait to see her again. Now that I knew that she wasn't so innocent, she's going to have to do a lot more next time.
Next week I called her. She nver called me. I longed after her. She came to my house.And we slept together without sex. And in the day after…
"Don't you find me attractive?" Mervat asked me. She kind of surprised me with her question being so straight forward.
"Yes I do, but do you find me />
"Yes!" She said being coy. "So how comes you haven't tried to fuck me?" I did, but she turned all my advances down.
"Not being very subtle with your intentions towards me are you?"
"No!" She smiled, just staring at me. "And why are you answering a question with a question!" She pouted.
"Have I been answering all your question's with a question?" I replied. Mervat laughed and sat back. There was a moment of silence as we watched TV.
"Your penis is quite large." Mervat said without taking her eyes of the TV.
"Did you like it?" I asked. Mervat sniggered at the fact that I asked another question.
"I still like it." She replied. "But you had a hard-on throughout the night we spent together, and when we woke up in the morning, I could feel your huge cock against my back." She said getting closer with every word.
I couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Don't be!" She said. "When I felt how big it was, I haven't been able to get your cock out of my mind." She said gently touching my chest with her hand. "How it'd feel deep inside my pussy. Feeling it slide in and out and throb with every stroke as it gets closer and closer to filling me with that warm, hot jism." She was breathing quite heavily now, her lips just centimetres away from my lips, drawing closer.
I leaned in forward and kissed her. She opened her mouth accepting my tongue. She started to kiss down my neck and that's when I realised that my erection was actually visible and poking out from one of the legs of my boxers. Mervat's hand was already stroking the head with her hand.
"Looks like you're already really excited!" Mervat said pulling the waistband of my boxers down, pulling my cock out from the top and started to stroke my already hard cock. "Does that feel good?" She asked, stroking my cock.
"Yes!" I replied. Mervat started stroking my shaft with one hand while rubbing the cock head with the other.
"A answer with out a question!" Mervat said laughing, moving her hand that was rubbing my cock head and opening her mouth. I could feel her hot breath on the tip of my cock. She was about to take my cock into her mouth and just stopped. "You want me to suck your cock?" She asked, her strokes getting a lot faster.
"Yes!" I replied. Mervat laughed.
Mervat said licking the pre-cum off the head. "I want you to say the words." She said. "Tell me you want me to suck your cock."
"Suck my cock!" I nearly yelled my answer, wanting her lips around my shaft.
"You didn't say please." Mervat teased. "Please say it! I want to taste your dick so badly!" She moaned. "Feel that warm cum all over my tongue!" She was actually turning me on so much, that I thought that I was gonna cum in her hand.
I moaned, taking a pause. "…Please! Suck my cock!" I finally managed to get out. Mervat laughed.
"That's much better!" She said, opening her mouth and placing it over my cock head. She moaned. She swirled her tongue around my pee hole. I could feel more pre-cum ooze out. She moaned again, taking her mouth of my cock. She smiled at me, savouring the taste before swallowing.
"That tasted so good!" She moaned stroking my cock really fast with both hands. "I can't wait to taste more!" She took my cock head into her mouth again, working her mouth half way down my shaft this time. She worked her lips up and down slowly, while she carried on stroking the bottom half really fast. She worked her lips up to my cock head and started working her lips up and down my cock head really fast while stroking my shaft with both hands.
"You like that, Ahmad?" She asked.
"Yeah!" I moaned. "Keep doing that!" I pushed her head down. She opened her mouth, taking my cock head back into her mouth. She carried on stroking my cock really fast, while working her lips only on my cock head, making smacking sounds with her mouth.
"Shit!" I moaned.
"You cumming?" Mervat asked taking her mouth off my cock head. "Come on! Cum for Mervat baby!" She moaned. stroking even faster. I felt my balls tighten, as my orgasm was nearing. "Fill my mouth with that hot spunk!" She yelled.
"Fuck!" I yelled. "Here it comes!" I held my breath as Mervat enveloped her lips over my cock head as I shot load after load of my thick man juice into her mouth. She tried to swallow after the first load, but the second came to quick. She waited for my loads to slow down before she swallowed. She carried on stroking my cock, milking out any cum that may still be left, swallowing every time after these small loads gushed out in to her mouth. Mervat took her mouth off my member, still stroking my cock, squeezing as hard as she could.
"That tasted so good!" She moaned still stroking with both hand. A spurt of cum dribbled out. "More cum!" She cooed as she licked the cum off the tip. "Your cock is still so hard!" She said kissing the underside of my cock head. "I can't wait to get this big thing inside me."
Mervat stood up, pushing the coffee table forward to give herself some space. She took her top off, revealing her black bra and than let her pants fall to the floor. She reached back, unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms and took them off, revealing her erect nipples. I quickly pulled my vest over my head and tossed it to one side. She turned around, her back to me and slid her panties down, bending right over. Her butt was sticking out, I could see her ass hole. I reached forward, stroking the back of her thighs and licked down her butt crack, down to her pussy.
Mervat looked back as I licked down the back of her thigh, kissing the back of her knees. "You like my legs?"
"Hmm." I moaned my answer while I sucked the fleshy part of her inner thigh. Mervat spread her legs apart, allowing me better access to her inner thighs. I reached one hand around her leg, to her pussy and started to rub her already moist cunt. I ran my finger up and down her slit, causing her to moan. I pushed my finger into her womanhood and started to work it in and out gently, picking up speed quickly. Mervat's knees buckled slightly.
"Come over here!" She said, walking forward away from me, leading me with my finger still in her, over to the slightly larger table. Guess I'll get to bend her over this table and fuck her after all! She reached forward, placing her hands on the table. I made my way up her long beautiful legs and up to her pussy. I started to lick along her pussy lips, making a smooth transition of replacing my finger with my tongue. Working my tongue in and out of her wet hole. I pushed my finger up under the hood of her cunt, feeling around, gently rubbing her swollen clit.
"Ahhh! Shit!" Mervat moaned. "That feels so good!"
"You like that?" I said, pulling my tongue out of her cunt, but keeping my lips pressed against her pussy lips.
"Yeah!" She moaned lifting her left leg up, bent at the knee, her toes touching my bare chest, running her toe nails along my flesh, sending shivers up and down my spine.
"Suck my toes!" She moaned looking back at me. I took her foot in my hands and licked up her long sole, causing her to moan in delight. I gently kissed the middle of her sole, working my kisses down to the balls under her toes. Circling them with my tongue, sucking them hard, causing Mervat to moan louder and look back at me with a look of desperation.
I kissed the heads of her toes one by one, circling them with my tongue, getting them nice and wet before taking them into my mouth, sucking them one by one, gently biting down on them, with her response being more moaning. I Started to suck her big toe, circling her fleshy toe head with my tongue. I started to kiss my way up her sole, gently biting her heel. I started to kiss up her calf, making my way back up to her cunt. I went back to the method I was using before, one arm around her thigh, rubbing her clit while I used my tongue on her love hole.
"Keep going! I'm gonna cum soon!" Mervat told me after a couple of minutes. I was tempted to tease her and toy with her like how she did with me, but women's orgasms take longer than men's and if I stopped and started again, I'd probably have to start from the beginning. So I continued to work my tongue in and out of her cunt while fingering her clit, getting faster by the second, working my tongue as deep into her cunt as possible.
"Your tongue feels so good!" Mervat moaned, looking back at me smiling. "Mmm… Keep going! I'm so close baby! I'm so close!" I decided that I wanted to finish her off with my dick. I quickly got up on to my feet, let my boxers drop to the floor, stepping out of them and took position behind her. I rubbed my cock head against her wet slit, rubbing up and down and then pushing it in to her wet hole.
"God! That cock feels so food inside me!" She screamed out in surprise.
"You like that?" I asked as I worked my cock into cunt.
"YES!" She screamed. As I continued to work in and out of her, already going at a very fast pace. Trying my best to make her orgasm with my dick. "Keep going! Keep going!" Mervat moaned through gritted teeth. "Shit!" She moaned, pushing her ass back whenever I thrust forward, trying to get myself as deep into her as possible. I could already feel her juices, every time my balls slapped against her. It was a matter of minutes before I felt her pussy start to grip my dick. It felt like she was getting ready to cum and I didn't slow down.
"YES! YES! YES!" She kept screaming repeatedly as she climaxed, gripping the table while she orgasmed. I slowed down my thrusts, working my cock in to her deep and hard. Once her pussy stopped spasming around my shaft, I started to go a bit faster again. Mervat had a huge smile on her face and a look of satisfaction.
I hunched over her, placing my hands on either side of her. I used one hand to move her hair to one side, away from her face so I could see her face more clearly. I kissed her cheek and she pouted her lips like she was kissing me back. I carried on thrusting in to her while my weight was on top of her.
"It feels so good when you're inside me!" She said, kissing my cheek, licking my chin. I pushed myself up, standing once again while I fucked her from behind. Mervat lifted her left leg up and placed the sole of her foot on the table, she was showing some flexibility. She had her knee at the side of her face. I didn't really know why she was doing this, I saw this being done in porno's all the time and it was usually to give a better angle of the guy's dick going in and out of the woman's pussy.
"Fuck me faster!" She moaned. I went faster instantly, not caring about trying to pace myself, we had both cum and a second orgasm for me is just going to be a bonus. As I started to go faster, Mervat had her mouth open, moaning.
I pounded in to her, and drilled into her cunt.
I started to slow down a little, watching her. With the pace slowing down, Mervat started moaning again.
I started to thrust forward, getting faster with every stroke until I was going so fast, trying to cum inside her. My cock started to ache and I pulled back too much and my cock slid up her ass crack. I got too eager to carry on fucking her and just pushed my dick forward into her cunt again.
"FUCK!" Mervat let out a muffled scream. "Arrrghhhhh! Shit!" She screamed as I started to work my dick in and out of her. "You're tearing my cunt apart!" She screamed and that's when I realised that I had my dick up her pussy. I pulled my cock out straight away. I didn't want to cause her any discomfort. I wasn't even aiming to fuck her twat and even though she probably had the best legs and a pretty flawless body, she have the greatest ass, that made me want to fuck it. But I don't. I decided that this was my chance to toy with her a little.
"You like having a dick up your ass?" I said rubbing my cock head against her butt hole. She looked back at me with a hesitant look on her face.
"No." She replied.
"You want me to put it in your ass?" I said applying a little pressure.
"NO!" She yelled her answer.
"You sure?" I teased.
"Yes!" She answered lowering her voice again.
"I'm just playing with you." I said slapping her ass, walking over to the couch and sitting down on. Mervat had this shocked look on her face, her mouth opened wide.
"Did you just slap my ass?" She asked coming over to me and sitting on the coffee table, directly opposite me.
"Yeah!" I replied and she just stared at me. />
She leaned forward and kissed me, lowering her head closer to my cock.
"You want me to wipe my dick or something?" I asked, the fact that my dick was just in her ass.
"I got a better idea." She said with a huge smile. "You know what I think is really sexy?" She asked. She lowered her head. Her lips were less than an inch away from my cock. She said putting my cock head into her mouth, sucking hard. I shot out a load of pre-cum. Mervat laughed with my cock head in her mouth. I moaned in ecstacy.
"I thought you'd like that!" She said holding my cock with her hand. She playfully bit the head of my cock, not applying any pressure. She started to suck my cock, dragging her lips up my shaft. She was incredible. Then she gave my cock a wonderful handjob.
"Looks like you're leaking again!" She said as more pre-cum oozed out. Mervat leaned forward, moving her head closer, opening her mouth and taking my cock head into her mouth while jerking my shaft up and down. Sucking my pre-cum off my cock head.
"Mmm… Your dick tastes so good!" She moved her big feet up, resting the soles against my stomach. She started to use both hands to stroke my cock up and down really fast.
"I just love it when a man cums. When I get to be too much for them." I leaned forward, kissing her, pulling her towards me, placing her on her back on the coffee table. Mervat wrapped her legs around my waist as I got down onto my knees and I thrust my cock into her wet cunt. I wrapped my arms around her and started to pound into her fast, her tits pressed against my chest.
"Keep fucking me!" She moaned kissing my neck. "Cum in me! Cum in my pussy!" I went faster trying my best to cum, but this was way too uncomfortable.
"Let's go to the bedroom." I said. Mervat already had her legs wrapped around me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I stood up and walked into the bed room. It was more of a waddle than a walk, Mervat was trying to bounce up and down, working her pussy up and down my shaft.
I placed her down on the bed, she still had her arms and legs wrapped around me. I started to thrust into her as fast as I could, getting that aching feeling from trying to cum for a second time so soon after my first orgasm. I started to kiss her neck as I continued working in and out of her. I carried on for a while, biting down onto her neck while she moaned and screamed in ecstasy before I finally felt my balls start to tighten.
"YES!" Mervat screamed "Keep going! I'm gonna cum again!" She screamed. "Faster! Faster! FASTER!" She kept screaming as I went as fast as I could possibly go as I felt her my cum start to get pushed up my shaft.
"Fuck! I'M CUMMING!" I yelled as I carried on thrusting into her as the first couple of loads shot deep into her woman hood. My orgasm triggered off her orgasm, her pussy started to contract around my throbbing member as she came, almost as if she was milking my cock with her cunt. I thrust into her hard one last time, emptying my abundant and copious cum into her vagina depths, and lay on top of her as both of our orgasms continued to a slow down to a stop. Mervat breathed hard as she swallowed.
"Fuck!" She moaned. "That was amazing!" I lifted my head and she held me by the cheeks with both hands and kissed me hard, pushing her tongue deep into my mouth. I sucked her tongue and she pulled back.
2-With the Aries Woman :
We made our way there holding hands. As we walked by the bar area, a pair of gorgeous, toned legs in high heels caught my eyes. I looked at who they belonged to.
I looked at the owner of the legs. She was sat on a stool sipping a drink through a straw, In a short red dress that had ridden half way up her thighs. "I guess I should introduce you guys. Mervat Samy…and I'm Ahmad" I pointed at Mervat and me. She said: "…And I'm Mahitab Fahmy." she pointed at herself. We said hi and shook hands.
"I'll leave you to talk to Mahitab." Mervat said reaching up and kissing me.
"Cute." Mahitab said as Mervat walked off. "How long you two been />
"We />
"Can I have the hashish?"
I gave it to her.
"How much do I owe?" Mahitab asked. I looked at her. She had luscious lips which looked like they were pouting 24/7 but they weren't, that's just how they looked.
"Sedqy is a really lucky guy." Mahitab gave a embarrassed smile and looked down. "Having those luscious lip go up and down your dick must be one of the greatest feeling in the world." — Sedqy is the name of her husband, as I knew from Stefan, he spys on the female cusomers for me.
"Excuse me?!" Mahitab was shocked. "I can pay for my hashish. I'm not some skank that will suck your dick 'cause she has no money!"
"Well… maybe not for the hashish…." I was thinking of how to convince her and came up with an idea. "What would Sedqy think if he knew you came here?"
"He wouldn't care! He'll be happy he has someone to join him." Mahitab gave a cocky smile.
"Well he knows that women tend to get… treatment from us, where we give them special offers that aren't available to men, so they don't need to pay."
"You The irony was actually quite funny. If she didn't put out I was gonna tell her husband she did and if she did put out I wasn't going to say a word. "He'd never believe you anyway."
"I have security cameras. They'll show you come in and leave five minutes later. That's roughly how long a blow job would take, wouldn't it?" Mahitab had a defeated look on her face and I knew that she was going to do it. I stood up and walked over to her. She was still looking down, I lifted her chin up so I could see her face.
"I want you to enjoy this." I lowered my head and kissed her lips, she kissed me back and I sucked her bottom lip. It tasted like strawberry, must be her lip balm. Mahitab kissed my upper lip, gently sucking on it. I tilted my head to the side, opening our mouths and started to push my tongue out. Mahitab put up resistance, trying to close her mouth, but I forced my tongue in. Once it was in her mouth she gave in and started to massage it with her tongue, while she gently sucked with her lips. I pulled away and Mahitab still had her lips in the sucking position, I think she was enjoying that, but then again she was quite a good actress with a very easy role right now. She slowly opened her eyes to see me undoing my belt buckle and zipper. I took my dick out from my boxers.
Mahitab opened her mouth as I held my cock out in front of her mouth. I stepped forward pushing my dick into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and started working them up and down. She had a look of disgust on her face, but carried on. After working her lips up and down a couple of times she pulled it out.
"Eugh! It's so big. That is fucking exiciting!" Mahitab said.
"Just keep sucking." I told her.
I just looked at her and she didn't even bother starting her sentence and started sucking and stroking my shaft. It was actually quite a turn on, knowing that my dick went into is Mahitab Fahmy's mouth. Just as that thought crossed my mind, my member got harder and bigger and pushed against the back of Mahitab's throat. She gagged and coughed, taking my cock out of her mouth, but still stroking it.
"What's wrong? Your mouth can't handle my dick?" I teased her. She gave me a pissed off look and started stroking my cock quite hard. She had a determined look on her face and started to suck my dick again, this time it looked as though she wanted to do it. She started sucking hard and hungrily at my meat. I think my comment got to her and she was gonna prove that she could.
She started to thrust her mouth forward, hard, hitting herself on the back of her throat with my cock. Her lips felt unbelievable around my shaft and if I hadn't already had sex today, I would've been ready to explode. Mahitab started thrusting her mouth forward faster, forcing more of my cock to the back of her throat until I felt my cock push past the tight opening and down into her throat. She started working my cock down her throat until her lips were touching my crotch and balls. She started to fuck her own throat with my cock, only working it half way out and then slamming her mouth forward.
After a couple of minutes of this, my dick started to ache from not being able to cum, it was throbbing like how it would if I was gonna cum, but I couldn't feel anything in my balls. Mahitab obviously felt it vibrating in her throat and pulled it out. She started stroking my cock furiously, her mouth open, tongue spread out waiting for my cum. But unfortunately for her it was going to happen. Saliva dripped off her tongue as she waited for me to cum and I have to admit this was probably the best blow job I have had and I wanted to cum desperately but I knew it wasn't going to happen. I pulled Mahitab up onto her feet.
"What are you doing? I was about to make you cum!" She said not really understanding what just happened.
"I'm not gonna cum."
"I'm gonna cum inside you!"
"No. You sick bastard!" She said thumping me on the chest. It wasn't a hard hit, but it sure as hell wasn't gentle. I grabbed hold of her arm before she could hit me again and turned her around, her back turned to me. I hugged her tight, pressing her body against mine.
"I'm gonna cum inside you!" I whispered in her ear, my dick getting hard and going up her inner thigh. I reached down with one hand, holding my dick and pushing it past her panties and pressing it against her pussy, which was a little wet, showing that this was turning her on.
Her voice came out just above a whisper. Her eyes closing and her mouth opening as my cock head entered her. I thrust up pushing in nearly my whole dick in. I had to admit, she wasn't tight, probably because she had a baby pushed out through there 7 months ago. But Mahitab's reaction was unexpected. Her knees buckled and she reached back, grabbing hold of my head with both hands to keep herself up.
"Oh God!" She moaned as I started to thrust up and down. She started to push down meeting my thrusts. I wrapped both my arms around her and started thrusting at her fast and hard. I cried and spurted my abundant copious jizz into her pussy.
"That's it!" Mahitab screamed. "Oh GOD! YEAH! CUM IN ME! YOUR CUM FILLED MY PUSSY! IMPREGNATE ME! UHHHH UHHHH! I'm gonna CUM!" Mahitab thrust her hip up right of my cock and I heard water pour down onto the floor, sounded like Mahitab was a major squirter. She collapsed back on to me. I stood strong and held her up, leaning back on the desk behind me. "I haven't had an orgasm since I had my baby Nada." Mahitab claimed.
"Sedqy not hitting the right spots?"
"No… It's just… I'm not as tight as I use to be and Sedqy doesn't… feel as big as he use to." Mahitab confessed. "And you're so thick and you hit the spot so easily." She wasn't joking. She came in under a minute, the fastest I've ever seen a women cum.
3-With the Leo Woman :
I woke up with Mahitab Fahmy on the left off me and Mervat on the right, they both had their arms wrapped around me.
I got up as carefully as I could, trying my best not to wake any of the sleeping beauties. I hit the shower and got all the morning rituals out the way. I stepped back into the room to get my clothes.
Then I got out. I rode my car to my cafe.
"Snoop Dogg is here to see you." Tohamy said. I had completely forgotten why I came here this early. It was to get Snoop Dogg – a pseudonym – as a permanent customer. He walked into the room. he wore black jeans, and a black shirt. He didn't come in alone. He had the Goddess herself, Mariah Hussein with him. She wore a white dress, no straps, very short, a couple of inches and she wore sun glasses. Her hair was blonde and straight going a couple of inches past her shoulders.
"This is my girl MH." Snoop introduced us.
"Hi!" I said, shaking her hand.
"Now let's get down to business." Snoop said. "Now I don't really give a shit who I buy off. I got a regular dealer, but recently he's been giving me some whack hocus pocus, so that's why I got in contact with your people. Word on the street is that you sell the flyest shit around and I thought that you'd be the prefect people to buy off after that whack shit I smoked last night." I sort of followed what he said, most of my focus was on Mariah Hussein's tits.
"So what you after?" I asked, instantly trying my best to cover the fact that I'm staring at Mariah Hussein, who was looking down at something. Not sure exactly what she was looking at.
"Some high grade weed." Snoop said with a smile on his face, looking back from Mariah than to me, he could tell I was staring at her. I went over to the safe on the wall and took out a bag of hashish and weed and handed it to him.
the ladies bathroom?" Mariah asked.
"Go back the way you came in, towards the entrance on the left." I said and she left. I watched her ass sway side to side as she left the room.
"She is one fine bitch, ain't she?" Snoop said as he smoked a joint.
"Yeah." I replied.
"I saw you checking her out." He said nodding his head. "If I didn't have a wifey waiting for me at home, I would have waxed that ass by now."
"So what are you guys doing together?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"MH had some performance on a show." He started to roll another joint. "Asked me if I would come and do the track 'Say Something' with her. Had nothing else to do so I thought 'Why the fuck not?' And then we went out for a party and here we are." Sounds like they'd spent the whole night partying. "So you gonna have a crack at her?"
"I think I may be way out of her league."
"I heard you were a playa. Don't you have a bunch of ho's (women)?"
"I have three />
"I love being a playa." Snoop lit the joint, taking a puff. "But they always some how find out about each other." He took another puff.
"No problems there." I said. "All three of them live at my condo."
"You dawg! That's my whitey right there!" He said pointing at me motioning for a handshake. I extended my hand and he slapped me a handshake. "This is some good shit." He said turning his attention to the joint. "I don't think MH'S been laid for like a year. And you're the whitey to fuck that ass." He said taking a big puff. "It's great when you get a bitch with a fine ass like that, and she doesn't go around hiding it and word has it that her ass is not one of those 'Look but don't touch,' she loves having a big dick in there. You know what? I'll leave you two alone." He said putting the stuff away. "How much I owe for this shit anyway?"
"Let's call it a taster." I said. Anyway, it's the least I could do, after all, he is trying to set me up with Mariah Hussein. "So, does it live up to the word on the street?" I asked.
"Fo' sure! Thanks G. I definitely be doing business again with you." He stood up and extended his hands. I shook his hand.
"What… should I do to…"
"Give her some free drinks, flirt with her. She loves it when a guy pays attention to her and flatters her. Don't use shitty obvious pick up lines, speak from the heart dawg. Tell her you like her, that you'd love to fuck a girl like her. But clean up the language." He pulled his hand back and left.
A couple of minutes later Mariah Hussein came back. he go?" She asked looking around.
"He said he had to go somewhere and left."
"That's just great!" She said getting frustrated. "He was my ride!"
"I can give you a lift if you want." I offered.
"Really! That would be great! But I don't want to put you out or />
"Don't worry, I don't have anything to do. Do you know how easy it is to run a club?"
"This is a front isn't it? Aren't you guys the biggest dealers to women?"
"It's a means to an end. I don't really plan on doing that forever. Once I get enough money I'll do something else." I said as we started to leave the room. I kept my head down, looking at the floor. I noticed her shoes, they were classic closed white shoes, with about 5 inch high heels. Once we got near the bar area I decided to take some of Snoop Doggs advice.
"Would you like a drink?" I asked. "I run the place so they'll be free."
"Free drinks?" Mariah smiled. "Sure why not?" She sat at a stool and crossed her legs. There was no one working at the bar so I sat on the bar and spun around and got off on the other side. I took my blazer off and put it to one side, never know when accidents can happen.
"What would you like?"
"A She said. I got the four drinks needed, Vodka, Triple sec, lime and cranberry juice, I think it was anyway. I quickly mixed the drink and served it. Mariah Hussein gave a impressed smile and took a sip and gave a nod of approval. Guess my memory served me well.
"Are you dating anyone?" I asked.
"No. I'm single at the moment. I've been quite busy with my album and I've finally got some time off after a year."
"So you been single for a year?" She nodded as she sipped her drink. "I don't think I can go that long without sex." I decided to throw sex in, try and head the conversation towards that direction.
"You have no clue how hard it is." She said finishing the drink off.
"Same again?"
"Yeah. The longer you go the more horny you get." She said as I mixed the drink.
"Yeah, but you must get like a million guys ask you out. I mean look how hot you look! I got a boner when I saw you." Mariah blushed as I handed her the drink. "If you want…" I said leaning on the counter, leaning towards her, our face a couple of inches apart. She was leaning forward as well. "I could…"
"Ahmad? Enjy is her for her interview." Tohamy said with Enjy behind him. Fuck! Just when things were progressing between me and Mariah Hussein. I looked Enjy up and down. Usually I'd see if she was a good lay, but I'm gonna save it for Mariah. Enjy was dressed quite slutty, a tight pink top and a very short pink skirt. She had huge tits and a good shaped body.
"What are you interviewing for?" Mariah asked Enjy. Enjy got a bit embarrassed.
"She's here to be a belly dancer but I'll let her to be a stripper just for you." I said, picking up Mariah's drink and taking a sip. Mariah looked back at me looking surprised and looked back at Enjy.
"Nice! How… long you been doing… this?" Mariah asked.
"My first time. I'm kinda nervous." Enjy replied.
"You've never given a guy a lap dance?" I asked, going over the counter and leading the way to the pole dancing area.
"No." Enjy replied following me, with Mariah Hussein right behind her. I sat down on one of the seats around the pole that the strippers dance and strip around. Mariah took a seat beside me. "Do you want me to dance around the pole?" She asked. I thought about it and came up with an idea.
"You ever been to a strip club?" I asked Mariah. She shook her head. "Ever had a lap dance?" She shook her head again. "Give her a lap dance." I told Enjy. They both looked surprised, especially Mariah. She had her mouth wide open in shock and I could imagine my dick being in there. My mind started to wonder, thinking what it must feel like having those beautiful lips around my shaft.
"Sure!" Enjy said and I snapped back to reality. She took off her top exposing her bare breasts. Mariah got over the initial shock and was now giggling like a little school girl as Enjy went down to her thong. She started to dance seductively around Mariah, who kept looking at me and giggling.
Enjy started to get closer, grinding her round ass against Mariah's crotch, which made her laugh even more. Enjy was all over Mariah, if I wasn't mistaken, I'd think that Enjy had a thing for her. She was now pushing her tits into Mariah's face, who was now starting to get into it. She went to touch Enjy.
"No touching the strippers!" I said.
Mariah laughed pulling her hands away and put them up to show she wasn't touching her. This was getting very hot and I decided I'd seen enough, I had to have Mariah now.
"Stop." I said. "Get your clothes. You start belly dancing tomorrow at 6 in the evening." Enjy gave an excited smile, quickly putting her clothes on and running out. "Fuck that was hot!" I said.
"It turned you on?" Mariah asked. seemed like she was easing more than anything.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"You know… it turned me on that you were watching her ass rub against my wet pussy." What!? Did she just say what I though I heard her say?
"You wanna fuck!" I blurted out.
"You have a condom?" She asked. Shit! I didn't have any. I'd been out for a week and never bought any more because I fucked girls who never asked me to wear one.
"No. But I can get some."
"It doesn't matter. I want to feel your cock in my pussy without condoms and you can always just fuck me up the ass too." She said putting her feet onto my lap. She had taken her shoes off and was barefoot. "You can stick it in my pussy if you want, and cum in there. I want you to fill me with your cum."
She instantly started to stroke my crotch with her feet, feeling my hard-on through my pants. I looked down at her feet, rubbing me. They looked just like the rest of her and that was beautiful. I reached down and got hold of one of her foot and started to rub the sole with my thumbs. Mariah moaned loud, her other foot rubbing my crotch faster.
"You wanna go to your place and fuck my pussy?" She moaned
"How about we go upstairs?" Mariah pulled her feet away from me and stood up, stepping into her shoes.
"Fine by me." She said. "That just means I'll get your big, hard cock in my pussy even sooner." I stood up and started to kiss her. She kissed me back, hungrily, trying to push her mouth into mine. She had her lips in my mouth, she searched around with them and found my tongue very easily and started to suck it. I had my lips around her mouth area and could feel her chin on my bottom lip.
Mariah had both her hands on my cheeks, I had my hands around her waist and she started to grind her hips up and down, rubbing my crotch with hers. My dick was quite hard now and I know she could feel it. When it poked her she gave out a little yelp of approval. I pulled her hips back slightly, to give me some room to work with. I reached down with one hand, undoing my zipper and pulled my cock out.
Mariah moaned into my mouth as I rubbed my cock head up the inside of her thighs. She spread her legs apart a little. I pressed my cock head against her pussy and I could feel her panties, they felt like they were silk. I rubbed my cock head to the side of her pussy, hooking it under her panties. I could feel her warm cunt against my cock head, I pushed it along until I felt her warm opening. As my cock touched her opening I felt her juices push out onto my cock head, which worked as lubrication. I pushed the head into her pussy and Mariah's hip thrust forward, taking my whole cock in one thrust.
"Oh GOD!" Mariah moaned, after breaking our kiss. "That feels so good! You have no idea how long it's been since I've had a cock in me!" She kissed my lips and then wrapped her arms around me, over my arms, lifted one leg and started to grind her hips up and down, pushing herself up and down my cock, her panties rubbing one side of my shaft. I held her leg up by her thigh with my hand and her skin felt so soft.
"Mmm… mmm… mmm…" Mariah started moaning as she worked herself up and down my member faster and faster. She lifted her other leg up, which caught my by surprise and I went back a couple of steps, but managed to keep my balance and held Mariah up. She wrapped her legs around me and I held her up by her ass. Mariah placed her hands on my shoulders and used her arms to thrust herself up and down my meat.
"UHHHH! UHHHH! UHHHHH!" She moaned every time her weight crashed down. I heard her shoes fall to the floor behind me. She was riding me as fast as she could and getting more vocal by the second, hitting those high notes. "OH GOD!" She moaned, looking into my eyes, kissing me passionately. "I'm gonna cum baby!" She said her lips all over my mouth. She started to go as fast as she could, her pussy lips twitching around my prick until she let out a loud scream.
She screamed as she came to a loud climax. I could feel and hear my cock going in and out of her wet pussy very nosily. "Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Mariah moaned with the most gorgeous fuck face I had ever seen. She had a look of pure ecstasy as she rode my dick, slower now as her orgasm was starting to subside.
In the heat of the moment, I had totally forgot that one of the employees here could have walked in on us and now I was starting to worry and hoped no one came in. Mariah's stopped riding me and had her head rested on my shoulder. I kissed her neck and she gave out a playful laugh.
"Oh my God!" She said looking into my eyes kissing me. "I needed that soo badly. Wait… did you cum?"
"Can't you tell when a man cums?" I teased her.
"Yes!" She said coyly. "But I was so into my own orgasm that I couldn't tell." I just looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. "You're not gonna tell me are you? Well… I guess there's only one way to find out!" She put her legs down and I let go of her. She took a couple of steps back, standing with her legs spread apart and pushed her finger in. "Mmm… it feels warm!" She started to finger herself quite fast for a moment then pulling them out. They were dripping wet.
"Let's see… is this just mine or is it yours as well." She put her fingers into her mouth and started to suck both fingers, circling them with her tongue. like it's just me." She said giving a cute, innocent laugh. She started working her lips up and down her index and middle finger. She was teasing me by simulating a blow job on her fingers.
This was turning me on even more and my dick was so hard now, that it hurt. I quickly walked over to her, grabbed her by the hair on the back of her head and forced her head down to my cock. She was still standing, but bent right over Mariah instantly opened her mouth taking my cock into her mouth. She wrapped her luscious lips around my shaft so tight as she bobbed her head up and down, working her lips up and down my cock, while sucking as hard as she could. Every time she pulled her lips up to the tip of my cock, she'd rapidly flick my cock head with her tongue.
This was starting to push me too much. I had to have her. I pulled her up and started to kiss her again. I started to walk towards the back door that lead to the staff area and Mariah jumped up, wrapping her legs around me once again. I held onto her holding her up by her ass, our lips still locked together as we made our way to the back and to one of the bedrooms used by clients, when they pay one of the strippers for sex, they'd come back to one of these rooms that are designed to look like a hotel room.
We burst into the room and we dropped onto the bed. We were in the missionary position, I reached down, fumbled around with the zipper, getting my cock out and pushed it into her tight cunt and started to fuck her at a feverish pace. I was going as fast as humanly possible and I was desperate to cum, but after the multiple orgasms from last night just seven hours ago, it was gonna take some more work.
"UH! UH! UH! UH" Mariah kept moaning as I drilled into her as fast as I could. I started to kiss her neck, my head buried beside her head. "Oh yeah!" She whispered into my ear. I could feel her breathing on my ear. "You need to cum baby, you can cum in my pussy. I want it in my pussy!" I carried on despite what she said. If I cum then I cum, but I was concentrating on giving her another orgasm and from the way I could feel her hips shake, it wasn't going to be long now.
Mariah came again, but this time it wasn't a loud vocal orgasm like before. I pulled out of her, looking at her glistening pussy, I had to have a taste. I leaned forward licking up her slit, getting my first taste of Mariah Hussein's sweet nectar. I carried on licking her cunt, licking up all her cum, pushing my tongue into the moist hole, savouring the taste of her gorgeous cum.
I got back up to my knees in between Mariah's toned legs, realising that I was still dressed, I even had my shoes on! Mariah was still dressed in her white dress. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, yanked my pants and boxers at the same time, which made it easy to get my shoes off when I pulled them off around my ankles. I leaned forward and pulled the top off her dress down exposing her big round tits, her dress was now around her abdomen. I started to suck her big round, mounds of flesh. Sucking hard at her nipples, gently scrapping them with my teeth.
"Why, aren't you the stud?" Mariah said, gently pushing me back and caressing my chest with the balls under her toes. "You've fucked my twice without even cumming. I have no idea how you haven't cum." I held her foot and started to stroke the top of her foot. Her toe nails had clear nail varnish on, with the last millimetre or two painted white to make them look longer then they were, but they were actually quite short.
With that Mariah took her hands and held mine. Then she placed my hands on her tits. All I could do was knead them. She started to moan in a low tone. Mariah pulled my face into her tits. I started to suck on her full tits like it was lunch time and it was all mine. I did this for about 10 minutes.
I stopped licking Mariah Hussein's pussy, put up her legs and spread them wider. She just looked at me and smiled. She then told me that she loved me and she wanted me to fuck her pussy as hard as I wanted. That I could cum in her. I started to stick my huge dick into her pussy, ramming it into her waiting cunt hard and deep.
Mariah's eyes got wide with lust. She said that I could fuck her for as long as I want for as many years as I want. I started fucking her pussy. I rammed her so much that her pussy got red. Then I felt her pussy clamp onto my dick as she climaxed for the third time all over my dick. I had kept on fucking her still wet and very tight. She had climaxed 10 times before I felt mine coming. I kept fucking her then I started to feel my balls hurting and my dick get wider. Then I had one huge rush of cum hit Mariah's pussy walls before I started to suck her huge tits again. However in my case I didn't want to stop fucking Mariah's pussy. I pulled out and rammed it again in her pussy coming really hard, spurting my abundant copious cum into Mariah's pussy.
4-With The Cancer Woman :
I had gotten off at Hurghada International Airport and checked into a hotel. It was unbearably hot and I was wearing a shirt, half open with nothing on underneath, shorts and sandals. If anyone from back in Cairo was to see me dressed like this they would seriously take the piss out of me, the guy never seen in anything but Armani, dressed as a beach bum.
Once I checked into a hotel, I decided to go to the beach, which was more or less attached onto the back of the hotel. It was a blistering hot day and I kept wiping sweat off my fore head with a tissue. The beach was almost deserted. There was a couple of people around but not a lot. There was one of those little bars in the middle of the beach, in the style of a little shack, with stools around as the only seating area. Like the one in that Tom Cruise movie />
I noticed a girl sitting there by herself. She looked like a real Egyptian, long black hair, tanned skin, red bikini with a see thru red sarong, which is a kind of beach skirt. She was sipping her drink through a straw and had sunglasses on. I had my pick of which seat to take and I chose the one right next to her.
you have sir?" The bar tender asked.
"I'm a tourist." I started. "What's a good drink to have?"
"I got just the drink." He said and started to mix some drinks. The woman beside me looked at me.
"A tourist huh?" She said. "You here by yourself?" I looked at her and man was she hot. In both senses, she was beautiful with a great body and had a light layer of sweat on her from the heat.
"Yeah." I answered, realising who she was. "So you got time off from touring?" I asked, deciding to play it casual. I'd met a lot of women and knew how to play it cool so I wasn't star struck.
"We got some time off after touring around Europe and I thought I'd come out here and visit my grandparents. You know, get away from it all, even if it's just for a weekend."
"Here you go sir." The bar tender said setting the drink on a coaster next to me.
I said taking a sip. "This is pretty good!" I said to the bar tender. He just nodded and carried on doing whatever he was doing before.
"OK then. Who are you? What do you do? And when are you selling out?" She asked with a little attitude.
"I'm Ahmad." I said extending my hand out to her, now that we finally knew one another's name's. She shook my hand, she had a kind of gentle, weak hand shake."And I'm Nashwa.".
"I run a night club and I've already sold out." I joked, to lighten the mood.
"You run a night club?" She said, her head tilting down, her eyes looking over her glasses. Her eyes looked very surprised. "Would I have heard of it?" She said going back to sipping her drink. Most likely she has heard of it, but I don't like to come across as a person who likes to brag, even though I do.
"Club Bishop." I said, casually sipping my drink.
"You run Club Bishop? Yeah right! I don't believe you."
"That's your I said.
"Why's it called 'Club Bishop' if you're name's Ahmad?" Nashwa asked after a moment of silence.
"He owns the club, I'm the manager." I replied. "What's up with the questions if you don't believe me?"
"You seem like a shifty character that'd run that dodgy place."
"Hey what's so dodgy about it?" I asked.
"You're telling me you don't sell…" She looked at the bar tender to see if he was listening.
"OK." I said, knowing exactly what she was gonna say. "But it's always packed with women. Kind of surprised no one from your group's ever been there." Nashwa looked at me pouting.
"Do I look like I do hashish?"
"Those cheek bones would say hashish." I said with out even looking at her.
"Shut up!" She said laughing, shoving my arm. "Do these really look like I do hashish?" She asked touching her cheeks.
"Hell if I know!"
"Then why'd you say it?"
"Got your attention didn't it." I smiled.
"You got anything on you?" Her question kind of surprised me, but at the same time it didn't.
"Yeah sure." I said. "Cause I knew I was going to see you, so I planned in advance and smuggled a kilo from Cairo to here."
"Shut up!" She laughed, slapping me on my arm. "A good sense of humour. I like that in a guy." She said finishing her drink. "How much does it cost?"
"I'd give it to you for a blow job." Nashwa's jaw dropped in shock and at the same time she had a hint of a smile as well.
I nodded. "Which women have sucked you off for hashish?"
"Not a lot." I said. "I'm very picky. She has to be really hot for me to give it away for sex"
"So you think I'm really hot." She gave a sly, victorious smile. I couldn't argue the fact, I said I'd give it to her for a blow job and then went on to say I only do it for really hot women.
"Yeah." I said casually, finishing off the drink. I signalled to the waiter for another of the same drink. Nashwa turned around to face me. The bartender placed the drink in front of me. I started to drink as I felt her put her hand on my knee.
"I'm gonna go catch some rays." Nashwa said leaning forward, showing off her cleavage, as she stood up. She looked down at me. "I'd really appreciate it if someone would rub some sun tan lotion on my back." I quickly drank as much as I could, while I watched her walk away. I placed a 20 LE bill on the counter, I figured that would be more than enough to cover the drinks. I started to follow her. She was walking at a slow pace, swaying her ass side to side, knowing full well that she had my attention and that I'd come after her.
I managed to catch up with her quite quickly. She looked at me and smiled. She led us to a secluded part of the beach. I looked around and noticed that we were on a spot that wasn't visible to anyone else on the beach, it kinda reminded me of a scene from 'The />
She led us to a beach mat which was large enough for three people, that was already set up on the floor. She probably set it up before and then went to get a drink. She had a large handbag with things like sun tan lotion in it. She stepped out of her flip flops, pulled at the side of her sarong that held it up and let it fall to the floor. She looked stunning in her red bikini. She sat down on the beach mat. I stepped out of my sandals and sat down beside her. She handed me a bottle of sun tan lotion from her hand bag and lay on her front. I took in the view. Her red thong had already rode up her ass crack.
"I need you to rub it onto my back." She said. I poured out a generous amount on her back and started to rub it in. "If the bikini is in the way then undo it." Nashwa said not looking back. I pulled at the back, it was tied in a bow and it came undone. I started to feel my boner get harder.
I started to rub it onto her back, going in a circular motion. Every time I'd reached the her side, I'd go a little bit further, my hand going closer to her tits every time. I felt brave enough, that if I was to touch her in a place she wouldn't do anything. This time when I went to the side of her body, I reached under, with one hand and cupped her breast. I gently squeezed it and Nashwa didn't say anything.
I started to rub the lotion onto her back with my free hand, while I groped her breast with the other hand. I started to shift my body and straddled her. Kneeling on top of her ass. The hand I was using to rub the lotion onto her back travelled around to her side and before I knew it, I had a breast in each hand.
"You know…" Nashwa started off. "I went to the bar looking for a guy to fuck." I was quite surprised at how honest she was being. "And you were the only one with enough balls to talk to me." I just gave a cocky smile.
"When you're hung as well as me, you tend to be confident with the ladies." I must've sounded like egotistical idiot, but Nashwa found it funny and laughed at the remark.
"I can tell. It feels quite big." I looked down to notice that I was leaning forward and my crotch was pressed against her ass and I had a hard on. "Now… enough talk and more action!" Nashwa said looking back with a horny look on her face.
I pulled her thong out of her ass and moved it to one side. I lowered my shorts, pulling my cock out. I pressed it against her butt crack and rubbed my cock head lower down the crack until I found her pussy hole.
"What are you doing?" Nashwa asked, her head tilted down, she was looking over the top of her sunglasses.. "I never have a unprotected cock in my pussy."
"So you don't want it in the pussy?" I joked, knowing that she wanted a rubber.
"Just make sure you lick it and get it nice and wet before you stick your dick in there. I'll make an exception" She said turning her head, looking forward. Her arms were folded in front of her, and she rested her chin on them. I was a little shocked, but I wasn't going to turn it down. I've been checking her ass out all this time and now I've got the chance to fuck it.
it be easier to use the sun tan lotion?"
"No. That will burn." Nashwa replied. I spread her legs a little and went down lower. I spread her legss apart, revealing her tight pussy. I flicked it with my tongue and I saw it contract a little. I pushed my tongue against the hole and it loosened enough to give my tongue access. I pushed my tongue in, tasting her cunt. It tasted kind of salty from the sweat. It was really hot and both of us were sweating.
I started to work my tongue in and out of her pussy, using as much saliva as I could. I pulled my tongue out and her pussy gaped a little. I spat into her cunt and my saliva disappeared into her vagina.
"Come on. Fuck my pussy now!" Nashwa said, looking back, her voice getting a bit desperate now. She took her sunglasses off and put them to one side as I pressed my cock head against her pink hole, I pushed past her labia with a little 'plop' sound. "Oh God! That feels so big! Just push it all in!" She moaned. I held my cock, as I guided it into her warm pussy. Once I had half of it in I let go and pushed my hips forward, forcing the rest in.
Nashwa let out a grunt, as she felt my full length in her box for the first time. I took off my shirt and tossed it to the side and pulled my shorts and boxer shorts down my thighs. I felt Nashwa legs in between my legs and she pushed my shorts down and off with her feet. I put my weight down on her, as I lay on top of her. She leaned on her elbows, they were at the side of her, pressed against the sides of her tits. My arms were at the sides of her arms, holding her hands.
Nashwa put her legs together, clamping my cock in her pussy. I let out a low moan and Nashwa let out a little giggle. "You like that?"
"Yeah!" I moaned my reply.
"Then you'll love this." She said, moving her hips up and down slightly, jiggling her ass cheeks, while her cunt tightened and loosened around my cock. It was obvious that she's had quite a bit of experience on having dicks in her pussy.
I pulled my hips back and thrust forward hard. Nashwa let out a loud grunt. I started to pull back and thrust forward at a slow steady pace. Nashwa was trying to stay quiet. I touched her lips and I could feel her moaning through gritted teeth.
Nashwa opened her mouth and sucked my fingers, gently clamping her teeth on them as I started to go faster. I wrapped my other arm around her sweaty body as I carried on assaulting her pussy.
I pulled my hand away from her mouth and used my hand to push myself up on to my knees. My other hand was still around her waist and I pulled her up with me. I knew she was going to be flexible, it was inevitable from just looking at her gorgeous toned body and seeing her in front of me.
I could tell that this was a awkward position for her. Her legs were still straight and her upper body was almost vertical. I held her up by her tits with both hands now, while she had her hands on the floor for support.
As I carried on thrusting in to her much faster now, I could feel her legs behind me moving around. She was trying to get to her knees but with me sitting on the back of her thighs, she was having no luck. I decided to lift my weight of her and got up to my knees, pulling her ass up and helping her onto her knees as we got into the doggy style position.
I started to pound into her pussy instantly. Every time I thrust forward her butt cheeks bounced up, causing a ripple effect go up her back. Nashwa was again staying quiet. I think the reason was because we were outdoors and she didn't want anyone to hear us. I carried on thrusting into her as fast and hard as I could to get her to scream out loud, but no matter how hard I fucked her, she managed to keep quiet.
I put both my hands on her shoulders as I was now going in and out of her cunt so fast. Nashwa's legs were in between my legs and I could feel her press her toes against the inner side of my calves. I pulled back and thrust forward, pulling out too much and my dick slipped up her butt crack. Nashwa's thong started to come back into her ass crack, so I moved her it to one side, so it wouldn't get in the way. I squeezed her ass cheeks, pushing them together, squeezing my dick. I started to fuck her ass cheeks like I would if I was getting a tit fuck. I thrust up and down in between her ass cheeks, holding them together around the under side of my cock.
"That feel's so good Ahmad!" Nashwa moaned. "I wanna taste that dick." She said with a sultry tone. I let go of her ass cheeks and she turned around. Before she could get a hold of my cock, I decided to kiss her before she had pussy and dick breath. I pulled her head back by her hair and gave her a short, quick kiss. Flicking my tongue in her mouth.
As soon as I broke the kiss, Nashwa went for my dick, sucking wildly, really fast, not using her hands. Deep throating me to pleasure every inch with her lips. Nashwa sucked me hard and fast for a couple of minutes, I think she was expecting me to cum. But she had no luck. She stood up.
"Lie down." She said and I lay down where she was. She pulled her thong down, stepped out of them and stood over my crotch, her back turned to me. She spread her legs apart, lowered her head so I could see her face in between her legs. I saw her look down at my cock and spit, her saliva hit my cock head and dribbled down my shaft. Nashwa laughed as she squatted down and rubbed her saliva on to my cock. She rocked back and fourth, my cock head rubbing against her neatly trimmed bush. Her juices sticking to my cock head, every time my cock got to close to her pussy. I got a good view of her round ass going back and fourth.
She held my cock and rubbed it along her butt crack until she felt my cock touch her pussy. She held it in place, my cock head poking in to her pink hole. She placed her hands on either side of my head and just let her weight drop, taking my full length in her pussy in one thrust. She thrust her hips up and down, riding my pole with her tight cunt. I reached up her waist, my hands travelling up until the reached her tits. I cupped them, one in each hand and squeezed gently.
"Oh yeah! You like having your big dick in my tight pussy?" Nashwa asked, her voice just above a whisper.
"Yeah!" I moaned, thrusting my hips up, when she dropped her weight down, getting deeper into her pussy, and then pulling back when she pushed herself up. Our hips were in synchronisation with one another. Nashwa carried on riding me at a steady pace, which was way too slow for me. I wanted to cum in her pussy so bad and I was nearing to my orgasm with every thrust.
"Come on Nashwa. Go faster!" I moaned, moving my hands to her sides and I tried to push her up and down faster. Nashwa didn't play any games, she started to go faster instantly, her pussy slapping down hard on to my balls. I was on the verge of cumming that I didn't even notice her smash down onto my balls.
I wrapped my arms around Nashwa's waist and pulled her towards me. Her body came down crushing me, but she was much smaller than me that it didn't even matter. I rolled over, so Nashwa was once again on her front and I was on top of her. I still had my arms wrapped around her for grip and I started thrusting into her at a feverishly fast pace. I could feel my cock twitching in her pussy and Nashwa knew I was getting ready to cum.
"You gonna cum in my pussy?" Nashwa asked, turning her head slightly to see my face. "Yeah cum in my pussy! I need that cum in me!" Nashwa said, kissing the side of my face, and then she started to lick the side of my mouth. A couple of quick hard thrusts and with one final deep, hard slam into her pussy my cum burst out into her womb.
I yelled into Nashwa's mouth, as she placed her mouth over mine. My hips bucked, pulling back after the first initial load and I thrust forward quick, once my second load shot out. I thrust back into her, letting my loads just shoot out now and fill her womb. Nashwa laughed.
"Now that's what I call a pussy fucking!" Nashwa carried on giggling. She kissed me on the chin as my orgasm started to subside.
I headed back to my hotel room and took a shower. Not bad for my first day on vacation.
Next day, two of my female assistants Bothaina and Hekmat followed me to Hurghada. And we three had an idea.
And I went to Nashwa again and we had sex …..
"That's it!" Nashwa screamed. "Oh GOD! YEAH! UHHHH UHHHH! I'm gonna CUM!" Nashwa thrust her hip up right of my cock and I heard water pour down onto the floor, sounded like Nashwa was a major squirter. She collapsed back on to me.
The door suddenly swung open. "You two at it again?" Bothaina said entering the room. "Oh! No you're not. You've got a new friend!" She said smiling. She looked down Nashwa's legs. "You've cum already? Mind if I get a taste?"
"Sure go ahead!" I said answering for Nashwa. Nashwa looked at me like she was uncomfortable with it. I had my arms around her waist tight and she was still coming of her orgasm and didn't have the strength to resist. I looked over Nashwa's shoulder and watched Bothaina go. She licked up and down Nashwa's toned thigh, lapping up any of her juices that she could find. She licked Nashwa's cunt clean and then placed her mouth over Nashwa's opening. She pushed her tongue in and Nashwa threw her head back moaning. I'm not sure what Bothaina was doing but she was clearly hitting the right spots.
I looked at Nashwa's beautiful face and her face looked even more beautiful when it's twisted in pleasure. I started to kiss Nashwa's cheek, kissing around the side of her mouth before placing my mouth over it. She moaned into my mouth as Bothaina carried on eating her out. I could feel Nashwa shaking and from the corner of my eye I could see Bothaina rubbing Nashwa's clit. My dick got hard and I could feel the head push up against Bothaina's chin. I could feel her mouth envelope my cock head as she carried on fingering Nashwa.
I couldn't really see Bothaina sucking my dick as my mouth was still on Nashwa's, but I felt it go to the back of her throat and down. She sucked up and down, getting me back to full hardness and then stopped. I could feel Nashwa start to shake and I think she was close to cumming and Bothaina sensed it too and went back to eating her out. It was a matter of seconds before Nashwa's hips bucked up violently but Bothaina kept her mouth still locked on her pussy. I don't know if Nashwa squirted this time or not because Bothaina had her mouth over her cunt to catch every drop.
Once Nashwa's orgasm started to subside and she stopped shaking, Bothaina got up and kissed me. She opened her mouth and Nashwa's warm cum splashed out into my mouth. I swallowed Nashwa's sweet nectar and Bothaina started to kiss Nashwa, giving her a taste of her own pussy. To my surprise Nashwa sucked at Bothaina tongue. She was starting to get into it.
I picked Nashwa up, cradling her in my arms and she wrapped her arms around my neck and started to kiss me. I was having trouble seeing the way, but luckily Bothaina was leading the way by holding my dick and pulling me in the direction of the bedroom. The three of us entered the bedroom and we were greeted by the smell of ganja. Hekmat lay on the bed naked on her front, her feet in the air flicking through the channels on the TV which was in the wall (saw it on MTV Cribs and had to copy it).
Hekmat was considered to be black, but she was the same tone as Mariah Hussein, but with a tan. She had the biggest ass amongst her Bothaina, a descent rack and light brown hair that went a couple of inches past her shoulder.
I placed Nashwa beside Hekmat, her head next to Hekmat's ass, and her crotch next to Hekmat's face.
"Hey babe!" I greeted Hekmat with a kiss.
"Mmm… Is that Nashwa I can taste on your lips?" Bothaina was all over Nashwa, she had already stripped her down to her bra and panties. She went down to Nashwa's feet and started to undo her shoes. Once she took her shoes off, Bothaina picked up one of Nashwa's foot and licked the sole. She started to suck her big toe, gently biting it, licking around her toes. Bothaina started to kiss the top of Nashwa's foot making her way past the ankle, licking and kissing up her toned calf and thighs. Teasing her pussy, by brushing her lips past her pussy and licking up her stomach and she started to suck her huge swollen tits.
Hekmat looked at the two and smiled at me, reaching out, stroking my cock with her hand. She got up onto her knees and started to kiss me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. She unbuttoned my shirt and pulled the shirt and blazer off at the same time. I quickly got out of my pants and boxers and yanked my socks off.
Hekmat had already averted her attention to Nashwa, joining Bothaina on sucking her tits, biting her sensitive nipples gently. As much as I wanted the girls to enjoy Nashwa, she was here for my pleasure. They were going to get left overs.
I went over to Nashwa, kneeling in between her legs. I pressed my cock head against her pussy, slipping into her moist hole with ease. I thrust forward, getting my full length in to her. I held her legs by the back of her knees, one in each hand. I spread her legs apart, still holding them in my hands, slowly thrusting my full length in and out of her pussy. Bothaina and Hekmat were still hovering over her, sucking her nipples.
"Aaaaahhhh! Aaaahhh!" Nashwa screamed each time I thrust deep into her pussy. Hekmat and Bothaina stopped sucking Nashwa's tits and moved to the side of her. Bothaina stripped of her pink bikini. I went down, putting my weight onto Nashwa, wrapping my arms around her and she wrapped her arms and legs around mine. I kissed her, hard, slipping my tongue into her mouth and she sucked it. I drilled into her for all I was worth, while I kissed her passionately. I could feel her heels pressing against my butt cheeks. She started to push her hips up, trying to match my thrusts, getting me deeper into her.
I started to thrust into her harder with every thrust, that she started to move up the bed. Soon I was thrusting so hard that I had to break the kiss or Nashwa probably would've bitten my tongue.
"Oh GOD! SHIT!" Nashwa screamed. Hekmat and Bothaina lay on either side of her fingering themselves. "YES! YES! YES! Nashwa's face froze as I fucked her as fast as I could, my balls ached from smashing onto her ass so hard. Probably the only thing stopping me from cumming. "Shit! I'm gonna cum!" I'm GONNA…" Nashwa beautiful face froze in pleasure. I quickly pulled back, getting onto my knees, still in her. Hekmat and Bothaina quickly got up, onto all fours, their face near Nashwa's crotch. I thrust into her a couple of times and felt her pussy contracting like crazy and knew she was about to cum and pulled out as Nashwa thrust her hips up, spraying her cum all over Bothaina's open mouth and face. She shot out about three huge squirts of cum, getting the second and third load into Bothaina's mouth. Hekmat jumped forward like a vulture, kissing Bothaina, snowballing with Nashwa's cum. Hekmat started to kiss Bothaina's cheek and chin, sloppily with wet open mouthed kisses, licking Nashwa's cum off.
Hekmat pointed at her own mouth. Bothaina rested the back of her head on Nashwa's stomach and opened her mouth. Hekmat positioned her mouth over Bothaina's, about a foot away and opened her mouth, letting Nashwa's cum, which was mixed with her own saliva flow out of her mouth and into Bothaina's mouth. Bothaina closed her mouth, sat up and swallowed, but looked like she still had some in her mouth.
"Open your mouth babe!" Hekmat told Nashwa and Nashwa did as she was told. Bothaina positioned her mouth over Nashwa's just as Hekmat had done seconds ago and opened her mouth, letting Nashwa's cum flow out and into Nashwa's mouth. Nashwa closed her mouth and swallowed with a loud audible gulp. Hekmat leaned forward, kissing Nashwa. I could see tongue from the side of their mouth. Hekmat started to suck, so it must've been Nashwa's tongue. I was quite surprised at how much Nashwa was getting into this.
Bothaina came over to me and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth, giving me a taste of Nashwa. She broke the kiss instantly. "Lube her ass hole." I told Bothaina and Bothaina gave me a mischievous smile. She crawled over to them and pushed one of Nashwa's beautiful toned legs up, pressing them against Nashwa's own breasts. Bothaina looked up at me and gave me a smile before darting her tongue out and flicking Nashwa's ass hole. She slowly pushed her tongue into Nashwa's shit hole.
I heard Nashwa moan while Hekmat's lips were still locked on hers. Bothaina started to push more of her tongue in, slowly pushing in and out, penetrating her ass. Nashwa was moaning, obviously enjoying the feeling of having a warm, wet tongue in her rectum.
I said. "Suck my dick." She got up and crawled over to me taking my cock to the back of her throat, sucking up and down instantly. "Get it nice and wet." She pulled my cock out of her mouth and spat on it, spreading her saliva along my shaft by rubbing it in with her hand. She took my dick back into her mouth and down her throat. She stayed like this for a moment as saliva filled her mouth and she started to drool out the side of her mouth.
"That's enough." I said gently tapping the back of her head. She took my cock out of her mouth. I went over to Nashwa, back in between her legs. Bothaina moved away, kneeling beside Nashwa, Hekmat kneeling on the other side of Nashwa. I pushed Nashwa's legs up, pressing her knees against her own chest, Hekmat and Bothaina held her legs in place. I looked at her gorgeous round ass and had to give it a lick. I leaned forward, licking down her pussy and down her butt crack, darting my tongue into her tight ass hole. I pushed my tongue in and out of her ass hole. I could taste her cum, probably from when Bothaina licked her ass hole out. Nashwa's ass hole gaped a little from having my tongue dart in their. I spat into her hole and my spit oozed down, disappearing into her rectum. I pressed my wet, saliva covered cock against her ass hole, pulling her butt cheeks apart with my hands, holding onto her ass.
"Stop! I've never taken it in…" Nashwa stopped as I pushed the head into her rectum. Her beautiful face was frozen in pain, her mouth wide open. As I felt her tight ring loosen it's grip around my cock head I pushed another inch in to her rear and stopped. I waited until Her sphincter loosened it's grip and then inched in again, I repeated this until I had two thirds of my cock in her ass. I waited a moment before I started to slowly thrust in and out. Damn, was her ass hole tight! She had definitely never taken it in there.
Nashwa had a look of pain on her face.
"Just push back, babe!" Hekmat told her and she took the advice in instantly. I felt less resistant every time I thrust into her. I started to pick up the pace, pushing into her faster with every thrust. I was lucky to hold out in her pussy, even if she wasn't tight, but her ass gripped my cock like a vice, only loosening it's grip enough to let me push in. I started thrusting faster and Nashwa was starting to become accustomed to having my dick in her ass.
"Yeah! Fuck my ass!" She moaned. I started to push harder, with every stroke, coming closer to my orgasm. I had barley thrusted at her ass, but it was just way too tight. I thrust so hard I managed to get my full length into her tight, round ass for the first time and unleash my cum deep into her bowels.
We both screamed as I came hard in her ass, emptying my balls into her rectum. Her ass contracted around my cock, squeezing my shaft hard, forcing me to shoot out a couple of extra loads. I still had my hands on her ass, I squeezed hard as I slowly dragged my dick out of her ass.
"Cum!" Bothaina said, pouncing at my cock, taking it into her mouth, sucking hard, savouring the taste of my cum. Nashwa's ass hole gaped open, wide, the size of my cock. I couldn't see any traces of cum, I must've gone in deep. Her ass hole slowly started to close, going back to it's original tight size.
"You call that an ass fucking?" Hekmat claimed. "That didn't last long. You're gonna have to fuck her ass again!" As much as I wanted to fuck her ass again, I don't think I was going to get hard enough to do it. I had already cum twice today, in the last five hours. Bothaina was sucking my cock as fast and hard as she could, trying to get me hard again.
"Stop!" I said pushing her head back. I sat down, leaning back against the foot board. I said smiling at her. She smiled back and started to suck my dick again.
"Ohhh! Looks like you're getting excited!" Bothaina started using her deep throat antics once again.
I pushed Bothaina of my cock and went over to Nashwa and Hekmat. I positioned myself behind Nashwa and pushed my cock into her cunt and thrust into her a couple of times, using her cum to get my dick lubricated. I pulled out and pushed my cock head against her tight puckered ass hole and she let out a cute little scream. I slowly pushed my hips forward letting her ass hole adjust to my size, slowly inching into her ass in one long, slow thrust. Once I had over half my cock in I started to pull back and gently push back in. I could feel Hekmat's tongue flick my balls when I thrust forward into Nashwa doggy style.
Bothaina had come up behind me and wrapped her arms around, playing with my nipples. I could feel her wet pussy against my ass. I started to go faster with every thrust as I built up to a steady pace. I was surprised at how quickly her ass hole had adjusted to my size.
Nashwa screamed. Nashwa moaned, her voice barely audible.
"What's that Nashwa?" I said leaning over her.
She moaned louder. I started to build up the pace until I was going quite fast. Nashwa just moaned every time my dick slammed into her ass. I leaned over forward, placing my hands at the side of her hands, so I was hunched over her. I watched her beautiful face moan and I couldn't resist. I had to kiss her. I kissed her cheeks, licking her dimples and then placed my mouth over hers. She started to thrust back at me getting more pace into the thrusts. Bothaina was still behind me, her crotch pressed firmly against my ass.
Nashwa moaned closing her mouth, her lips still in my mouth getting my saliva around her mouth area. She pulled away. "Oh my god! I'm gonna cum!" She moaned pressing her fore head against Hekmat's wet pussy. I could feel her cum gush past my balls and probably into Hekmat's open mouth. Nashwa thrust her hips forward too much as she came, while I pulled back too much and my cock slipped out of her warm orifice and slapped down onto Hekmat's mouth, who instantly started to suck on it hard and fast.
I lay down on the bed.
"Ride it!" I told Nashwa using as few words as possible to show my dominance, but mainly because I was exhausted. Nashwa crawled over to me on all fours, Bothaina and Hekmat were still making out but Bothaina now had Hekmat pinned down. Nashwa straddled me, holding my cock, rubbing it along her slit. "I want it in your ass!" She didn't protest, she just rubbed it lower until I felt her ass hole on the tip of my cock. Her ass hole was still wet from all the saliva and probably sweat as well. She pushed the head in and then slowly lowered herself a couple of inches down my thick shaft and started to slowly ride the first couple of inches. She working up to a descent pace and was now starting to lower herself down my shaft more every time she pushed her weight down on to me.
Bothaina and Hekmat had now come up either side of us and watched as Nashwa rode me. Hekmat started to rub Nashwa clit as she worked herself up and down my shaft. Nashwa was starting to moan louder and louder by the second from both anal and clit stimulation that she slammed herself down hard, impaling herself on my thick member. Her body froze and her mouth wide open with no sound coming out.
We stayed like this for a moment until Hekmat slipped a finger into Nashwa's cunt and started to work it in and out. Nashwa wasn't the tightest of women, so Hekmat was able to slip in a second finger very easily and then a third. She worked her three fingers into her four maybe five times before pushing in the pinkie as well. Her fingers were in Nashwa in a two by two sort of formation. Her middle two fingers in, her pinkie under her ring finger and her index finger under her middle finger.
Bothaina had a crazy look on her face. She knew what was coming next. Hekmat put her thumb in between her pinkie and index and started to slowly push her thumb up to her finger tips. She had all five digits going into Nashwa and started pushing more in. Nashwa was already wet and her juices worked as lubrication.
Nashwa screamed at the top of her lungs as Hekmat forced her knuckles in and had her whole fist in Nashwa's pussy. Bothaina let out a little yelp, in joy of seeing a woman being fisted for the first time in person. A couple of tears rolled down Nashwa's face and Bothaina wiped them away. Hekmat rested her hand in Nashwa, giving her a couple of moments to adjust before she started to slowly push her hand in and out, penetrating Nashwa with her wrist.
I started to slowly push my hips up, trying to get a rhythm going between me and Hekmat, to make this double penetration on Nashwa go smoothly and allow both of us to fuck her fast. Nashwa soon started to get use to the size of Hekmat fist in her cunt and tilted back, riding me and allowing Hekmat to fist her with ease. Bothaina decided to get in on the action and started to rub Nashwa's clit.
I knew the triple pleasure Nashwa was getting was going to be way too much for her and that she was gonna cum quickly. I was nearing my orgasm and knew I was gonna last a couple of minutes, which would be the fastest I ever came after getting a third erection in a day. After a couple of minutes of this and Nashwa screamed out at the top of her lungs "I'M GONNA CUM!" She thrust her hips up of my cock but Hekmat and Bothaina continued their double assault on Nashwa's pussy and I could see her cum pour out from the sides of Hekmat wrist. Her hips bucked wildly as she was trying to shake Hekmat and Bothaina of her but she had no luck. As her orgasm subsided, Hekmat pulled her fist out of her. It was covered in Nashwa's cum and Bothaina started licking it feverishly, sucking her fingers and knuckles, running her tongue along her palms and wrist.
All of this was getting too much for me and I needed to cum. I pinned Nashwa down, straddling her stomach. I spat on her tits and spread it around with my cock and then placed it in between her tits and pushed them together with my hands, holding them together. I started to thrust my cock up and down in between her big tits, going as fast as I could instantly wanting to cum so badly. Nashwa stuck her tongue out, flicking the head every time I thrust up. Soon I was going so fast that I was just hitting her on the chin, so she positioned her head and opened her mouth, so every time I thrust up her tits I'd go into her mouth.
I felt my cum build up in my balls and in one hard thrust up, my cum shot out, a long thick line going up Nashwa's face from the top of her lip to the top of her fore head. The next couple of loads were not powerful and shot across her mouth and down the side of her face. I started to jerk my cock up and down with my hand, empting it of any cum. Once I was done I got off Nashwa and lay down and wiped her face of any cum.
Bothaina and Hekmat pounced on Nashwa licking, kissing and sucking all over her face and body. I just lay there watching these three gorgeous women lick, kiss and suck each others faces and bodies. Once they were done they lay beside me. I was too tired to say anything and drifted off to sleep first.
In the morning, my female assistants returned to Cairo.
5-With the Capricorn Woman :
The rest of the weekend at Hurghada was going pretty much how I planned it. I was relaxing, taking my mind of the club and stayed away from hashish for two days now. Nashwa was the only person I had interacted with since I got here on Friday morning.
I decided to go out for dinner. I did the whole thing yesterday, the loo out and all that crap. But today, I wanted to go to a restaurant, use cutlery with tables and seats.
"This is quite a big table you got to yourself." I heard a voice said.
"Hi, babe. My name's Ahmad."
"I'm Salwa".
I said, pretending that I knew her well from a long time, getting up and we hugged, doing the kisses to the cheeks thing. She laughed at my pretending and went on with me in this game. I checked her out. She was in a black casual dress, her hair tied up in a high pony tail. I looked down to check out the feet that will give me so much pleasure. She wore classic closed black high heels, with straps that went a little past her ankles.
"You want to join me or do you already have a table?" I asked.
"I have a table." She said. "But I'm by myself, so if you'd like the company… unless you're here with someone else."
"No. I'm a lone wolf." I said pulling a chair out for her. She sat down and I took a seat opposite her. "I didn't think you'd actually come out here and find me." I said.
She started. "It was freak luck, for you, that I bumped into you out here. But if it helps your ego." Salwa said smiling, pretending to konw me well too. "We could say came here looking for you." Way to help the ego. The waiter came over and took Salwa's order and poured us a drink. A glass of white wine. I had already finished dinner and was trying to make my dessert last as long as possible so me and Salwa can spend more time together.
"So what were you doing a photo shoot for." I asked.
"For some magazine." Salwa said pretending she's a famous model, reaching down under the table doing something.
"Just doing your bit for all the teenage kids going through puberty, by giving them jerk off material." Salwa gave a wide, opened shocked laugh.
She said recovering from the shock quickly. "I mean if I wasn't posing in tiny bikinis with my big tits bursting out, whose tits would they jerk off too?" She carried on giggling. Salwa had a cheeky smile on her face and just looked at me. I smiled back, not knowing why she was sitting there with a huge grin on her face. That was until I felt her bare foot touch my thigh and slowly ride up. That's what she was doing earlier on.
"Your order ma'am." The waiter said placing a tray down in front of her. Salwa picked up her knife and fork and started to dig in. I wiped myself off as best as I could and put my dick away.
"How about we head out of here and head back to your hotel room?" Salwa asked.
"Check please!" I called out and Salwa giggled. I paid for her and we headed out. We walked side by side and I looked down.
We walked to my hotel as it was just a couple of minutes away. We didn't really talk but Salwa held my hand and we made our way to the hotel. It was still bright out considering it was getting quite late. I walked into the hotel room, Salwa followed me in and as soon as I turned around, she slammed the door behind her and leapt forward. Locking her lips onto mine, wrapping her arms around me, pushing my face closer to hers with her hands.
I walked backwards into the bedroom and fell over backwards on to the bed, Salwa followed me down. I reached down and grabbed her ass. It was nice and firm. I pulled her dress up and tugged at her panties, trying to pull them down. Salwa placed her hands on my chest and pushed herself up.
She stood up and walked towards the bathroom that was at the left of the room. She had her back turned to me. She looked back, reached to the back of her dress and pulled the zip down, letting her dress fall to the floor. She only had a tiny pair of black panties on that rode up her butt crack. She held the waist band and pulled it down. She bent over as she yanked them down to her ankles, her big round ass stuck out, showing off her tiny little ass hole.
She unstrapped her shoes while she was still bent over and stepped out of her shoes and panties and walked into the bath room. I stood up and quickly stripped down to nothing and lay on the bed. My cock was semi erect and with the memory of Salwa's thick round ass, I started to stroke my cock.
"Oooh! Starting without me?" Salwa said from the door way, looking unbelievably gorgeous with nothing on. She walked over to me and climbed over the foot board. She crawled up towards my cock while she was on all fours. "Looks kind of soft." Salwa said lifting my cock up with her hand. She placed her mouth over the head and started to stroke my cock with her hand. She swirled her tongue around my cock head. She started to work her lips up and down my shaft. She only worked her mouth halfway down and jerked the other half off with her hands.
"Mmm. feels like you're hard enough to fuck my pussy." I got up to my knees and grabbed Salwa and spun her around placing her on her back on the bed.
"You like having a big dick up your pussy?"
"The bigger the better." Salwa replied with a sexy tone in her voice. I leaned on top of her and we locked into a passionate kiss. I reached down held my cock and rubbed my cock into her butt crack and once I felt her pussy I pushed the head in and thrust forward.
Salwa screamed at the top of her lungs, breaking our kiss. I pulled back and thrust forward again, hard, causing her to scream even louder.
"I thought you liked having big dicks up your pussy?"
"I haven't had one this thick in a long time." Salwa replied. I watched her beautiful face, her eyes closed, her face looking like she was in pain. I kissed her on her cheeks, working down to the beauty spot on the left side of her chin. I didn't know if it was a mole, but it didn't look like one, it poked out slightly. I started to circle it with my tongue.
"You don't need to stop." Salwa said. "Just keep going. I like your dick in my pussy." I felt her pussy widen a little around my shaft. She's obviously had a dicks up her pussy in the past to be able to control her vagina and not need any time to adjust to the size of my cock. I wasn't one to complain, I've been salivating this moment for five days now and with my first orgasm out the way, I knew I was gonna be able to take full advantage of this Goddesses cunt without cumming quickly.
I pulled back and slammed into her hard, savouring the feeling of her tight vagina along my full length. Salwa was still loud as ever, but I carried on pulling back and thrusting forward, getting faster each time. I was leaning on my hands and I decided I needed to feel Salwa's naked body against mine, so I pressed my weight down on her and wrapped my arms around her sweaty body.
I carried on thrusting in and out of her, my arms wrapped around her tight, over her arms. Salwa tried to hug me back, but from the way my arms were around her she couldn't. She just placed her hands on my shoulders, as I grinded into her pussy. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I could feel her wet heels pressed against my ass cheeks, water dripping down of her feet onto my bare flesh. I started to kiss her neck and as I went faster, Salwa was more vocal than ever, using her beautiful voice for more than just singing.
I could feel Salwa trying to push her body up and down underneath me, trying to get more speed on the thrusts. I decided to fuel her need for speed and just started pounding into her cunt relentlessly, pumping her ass full of my meat faster than I had ever done before. I was going so fast, I was starting to get out of breath and started to sink my teeth into Salwa's neck as I worked in and out of her. I pushed myself back up, leaning on my hands, wiping the sweat of my forehead. I got up onto my knees, in between her legs. I was now doing deep hard thrusts into her box, slowing down the pace, breathing out hard every time my cock disappeared into her vagina. Salwa was also breathing fast and hard, her huge tits going up and down with every breath she took.
Salwa pulled her knees up to her chest, her legs together and placed her feet on my chest, her soles flat on my sweaty skin. "Mmm… Suck my toes baby!" She moaned, moving one foot up to my mouth. I opened my mouth as she pushed her big toe and the next couple of toes into my mouth.
I closed my mouth, sucking her toes but still carrying on at the same pace. Salwa had her other foot on my chest and every time I pulled back, I could feel pressure on my chest from her foot as she pushed herself up, trying to keep up with my thrusts and get the speed back up to what it was a few moments ago.
Salwa had managed to get the pace back up to what it was and even though I had already cum half an hour ago I started to feel like I'd cum soon if it kept going at this pace. I slowed down to a stop and sucked her toes. She had a foot fetish and loved it whenever her feet got attention, so she stopped trying to push herself up and down my cock.
I circled her toes with my tongue, alternating between all five toes, going from the big toe to the little toe. I started to suck a couple of toes at the same time and Salwa pulled her foot away. "Not this time. This time it's all about you." She said sitting up kissing me, her legs at either side of me. She pushed me by the chest and I lay flat on my back. She positioned herself so she was squatting on me, using one hand to balance herself and holding my dick in place with the other as she rubbed my cock head in her pussy lips, pushing my member past her labia and into her cunt.
"Oh yeah! That feels so good!" Salwa moaned as she lowered herself up and down my cock. She didn't waste any time, building up to a fast pace almost instantly. "YES! YES! YES! YES… That's the spot!" She screamed, as she reached forward with one hand and started to rub her clit then her tit wildly, riding me as fast as she could.
I closed my eyes, hoping that not seeing a visual of Salwa fingering herself while she had my dick up her pussy riding me as fast as she could, but it was no use. I opened my eyes, watching the look of pure ecstasy on Salwa's face, might as well get the visual if I'm coming towards the end of the tank.
I moaned as I felt my orgasm approaching. "Oh GOD! AHHHHHHH! SHIIIIIT! I'M GONNA CUM!" She screamed.
"I'm cumming too!" I moaned.
"UHHHH! CUM WITH ME! OH Salwa screamed as she slammed her ass down, impaling herself on my cock and we both came. My cum gushed out into her pussy and I could feel Salwa's cum splash down onto my groin. Salwa carried on riding me as we both orgasmed, her pussy bulged forward every time she came down, more of her cum squirting out. Salwa started to slow down as both of our orgasms started to die down.
Salwa stopped squatting on my groin and got onto her knees, not taking my cock out of her pussy. She leaned forward and started to kiss me, gently grinding her hips up and down my member. I could feel my cum in her pussy, on the sides of my shaft every time my cock went up her cunt. Salwa broke the kiss and spun around so she was straddling me with her back facing me, while she still remained impaled on my cock.
She leaned forward, I could feel her breath on my feet. She positioned her legs so that her feet was on my groin, with my cock in between them. She slowly lifted her hips, dragging her pussy off my dick with a loud plop sound. Her vagina had already closed up tight. Salwa looked back at me giggling and then her pussy widened and my cum oozed out and rained down on to the head of my cock and all over the soles of her feet. She was doing a very good job on trying to keep me hard. She laughed out loud as she managed to push out a second huge load, most of it landing on her toes and the balls just underneath them.
I was too exhausted to respond, I just lay on the bed in a sweaty heap. Salwa got up off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I could hear her gargling, rinsing her mouth out. I heard her turn the shower on and in about half a minute the water turned off.
Salwa walked out of the bathroom and walked up to the bed. She was drying herself off with a towel, she was slightly wet. "That was a short shower." I said.
"I was just washing off any cum and getting myself a little wet. It's just way too hot out here." She had a very good point, I wouldn't mind jumping in the shower under cold water to cool off. But I was too tired to do it, so I just lay there.
Salwa tossed the wet towel on to the floor and lay on the bed, her legs near my head and her head near my groin. She started to stroke my cock straight away, enveloping her lips around my cock head, working her lips up and down my shaft. She wanted me to go a third time, which I have done in the past and I don't think it was gonna be too hard now, considering I had one of the most beautiful woman in the world sucking my cock, trying to get me hard so I can fuck her in the pussy again.
After a couple of minutes of sucking my cock Salwa got up. "I think you're hard enough to fuck my pussy again." She said still stroking my cock with her hand. She straddled me again, her tits pressed down on my chest. She put one arm around me and reached back with the other hand and held my cock, forcing the head into her pussy and pushed her butt down, taking my cock in her cunt once again. She started to ride me instantly. The little traces of my cum that was still in her pussy worked as a form of lubrication.
She started riding me as fast as she could, getting faster with every stroke. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me, kissing around her chin and neck. She got a little excited and pushed herself right off my cock. My cock rested in her butt crack and she grinded her hips up and down, rubbing the under side of my cock with her round butt cheeks.
She got up, kneeling beside me and started to suck my dick again, taking my cock to the back of her throat and back out again, very quickly and repeatedly.
"Don't want you getting soft on me now." Salwa said circling my pee hole with her tongue, taking in any traces of pre-cum into her mouth. "I've been doing all the work, it's your turn now." She said getting onto all fours. "Time for a little doggy action." She said with a cute little smile.
I got up on to my knees, positioned my self behind her. Salwa reached back with her hands and pulled her ass cheeks apart, revealing her tight little swollen pussy. I pressed my cock head against her pussy lips and as I started to push in, I could feel her vagina widen, giving my meat access into her tight orifice.
I pushed my full length into her cunt in one fast, hard and swift thrust causing her to let out a loud yelp. I pulled back and thrust into her straight away, adding a little pace to the thrusts as I rammed in and out of her tawt, making her scream out even louder with every thrust. I put my hands at the top of her ass cheeks, one on each cheek and grabbed hold of them, squeezing hard as I pounded her pussy relentlessly.
"Oh GOD YES! I love it when you fuck my pussy! YEAH! Fuck me harder! Harder! HARDER!" She kept screaming, no matter how hard I slammed into her. I was now thrusting into her full force, with every thrust forward, her hands inched forward, until she lost grip with her hand and her upper body crashed forward, her chest flat on the bad but her ass still up in the air.
I carried on thrusting into her, even if she wasn't in the position any more. She had her legs in between mine and I could feel them slowly moving down the bed, trying to get straight, so she'd be flat on her front. I stopped and let her get flat on her front, with my dick still in her pussy. Once she was comfortable, I put my weight down, so I was laying flat on top of her.
Salwa moaned as I started to thrust in and out of her pussy once again. "Nnnnnghh! Ah! Umm!" Salwa moaned quietly, which was a change from her usual loud screams. I think she wasn't fairing too well on having my weight on top of her. But, I carried on any way. I put one hand under her arm and up to her head. I grabbed a hand full of hair as I pounded into her. She reached up to the head board with her hands, trying to grip something. With my free hand, I reached under her and groped her tits. I kissed around the back of her neck, around her ear lobes and the side of her mouth.
Salwa was now breathing hard from a mixture of the fast vaginal sex and from having all my weight on top of her. I decided to give her a break. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rolled on to my side, forcing and with my arms around her, I forced her onto her side as well. I started to pull out and push forward, but Salwa was keen to get things going fast again and started to thrust back.
"Getting me to do all the work again!" Salwa smiled at me turning her head to face me and then kissed me, while thrusting her ass back to meet my thrusts. I just lay there on my side while Salwa rammed my cock up her cunt and back out again, pulling her cunt off my cock. She turned around, lowered herself down and started to suck my cock again, sucking fast and hard and then turned around and got back into position. I pushed my cock head into her thick ass cheeks and found her vaginal opening instantly and thrust forward.
I let Salwa do all the work again. I just lay there on my side while Salwa thrust her hips back and fourth. I put my arms around her waist, holding her close to me. I closed my eyes and just let her go. After about ten minutes Salwa stopped, exhausted, perspiration dripping of our bodies. She was finally starting to run out of steam, which I had run out of about half an hour ago when I came for the second time.
We both lay there, Salwa was breathing hard. I started to thrust forward slowly and then pulled back. I did this a couple of times and ended up pulling back too much and ended up pulling right out of her. I couldn't be bothered to reach down and direct my cock into her pussy, so I just pushed my hips forward and my cock slipped down towards her pussy again and again. I just carried on pushing my hips forward in to her pussy.
Salwa screamed. "It's been so long since I had a dick in my pussy!" What she just said gave me my second wind, or should that be third wind? I carried on thrusting into her pussy. Salwa started squirming and wriggling around, pushing her hips forward, away from me. Looks like she has a sensitive pussy.
I pushed myself up and went on top of her, while her body was still sideways. I pulled my hips back and thrust forward, my shaft rubbing along the back of her sweaty thighs as I worked my full length into her cunt. From this position her pussy clamped my cock even harder, trying to squeeze the cum out of my cock. I carried on thrusting in and out of her moist hole, Salwa was getting breathless once again from being fucked too fast and having my weight on top of her.
"Oh God! Oh God! OH GOD! OH GOD! Salwa screamed as I felt her pussy walls start to contract around my shaft and then clamp down tight as her orgasm hit. As I carried on going in and out of her pussy, I could feel it getting wetter as my dick splashed in and out of her wet cunt. I wanted to cum with her so badly, but my timing was off. I could feel my orgasm start to build up as Salwa's hips bucked back and fourth, which was going sideways underneath me because of the position she was in.
"OH SHIT!" I yelled. I quickly pulled out of her, turned her onto her back and straddled her stomach. Both our bodies had a layer of sweat on them, her tits soaked. I pulled them apart and spat in between them and put my dick in between. I did that to make sure they were well lubricated, because I didn't want to stop in between. I pushed her tits together clamping my cock with her huge mounds of flesh.
I started to thrust up and down in between her tits, building up a fast pace, feeling my cum working it's way out of my balls. Salwa started to try and lick my cock head every time I thrusted up and poked her on the chin.
"Come on! Cum on my tits Ahmad!" Salwa egged me on. "Cover my boobs with your fucking cum!"
"SHIT!" I yelled as I pulled back and my cum shot out and still managed to hit Salwa on the boobs. I quickly thrust up, my second load shooting up her tits leaving a thick white line going down from her collarbone to her cleavage and all over her full tits. I started rubbing my own cock, spreading my cum out evenly over her boobs, leaving big loads of cum around her voluptuous globes and nipples.
As soon as my loads started getting smaller, Salwa reached forward with her head and started to suck the cock head. I looked down at the beautiful sight before me. Salwa's luscious lips wrapped around my member while her breasts was covered in my thick, hot cum. Salwa stopped sucking my cock and licked her lips trying to take in as much cum into her mouth as possible.
I collapsed in exhaustion beside her. Salwa got off the bed and reached to the floor where she had tossed the wet towel earlier and wiped her face with it.
"Fuck that was exhausting!" I said.
"I've never been fucked like that before." Salwa said placing her head on my bare chest. "That was the best pussy fucking I've ever had." She said. We both lay like this for the next couple of minutes as we both drifted off to sleep. I guess that was one hell of a weekend. First Nashwa now Salwa.
6-With the Gemini Woman:
I met the famous & gorgeous TV announcer named Jehan Abdul-Fattah in Hurghada. She wanted me to seduce her ex-husband's wife, the famous actress Nagwa Shawkat and fucked her and film this and gave Jehan the film tape.
Stefan was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Stefan said out loud and the door opened and Nagwa Shawkat walked in. She had her long blonde hair left out, a short skirt that just about covered her ass with black stockings going all the way up, a tight black top that was held up by straps and she had on her feet, open toed heels. Her arms were bare.
"What do you think?" She said to Stefan, not even noticing that I was in the room.
"Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Nagwa looked over at me.
"Who's this?" She asked, pointing at me.
"That is my best friend and partner, Ahmad."
"So this is the notorious Ahmad?" She said walking over to me. "So… how comes you never picked me? You don't think I'm hot?" She was being very blunt and getting to the point. If I'm suppose to be the big guy, the man in charge, then that means I get first dibs at women and seeing as though I didn't pick her, that meant I didn't like her. That's the way she was probably looking at it.
"I did pick you, but Stefan is such a huge fan of yours, he begged me to let him have you. He's like your biggest fan, so I thought I'd let him have you."
"Nice save." She said as she stood right in front of me. "You ever wonder what it'd be like to have these lips around your cock?" She said pointing at her own lips.
"Every time I see them." I replied. She got down on her knees in between my legs and started to undo my belt buckle and zipper.
"Now you won't have to." She said pulling my cock out. "Every time you jerk off to me, just remember this image." She said opening her mouth, sticking her tongue out and slowly bringing it to my cock head and putting her mouth over it. I could feel her gently suck at my pee hole while she massaged the under side of my cock with her tongue.
She seemed a bit egotistical and up herself, saying to imagine this the next time I jerk off to her, but she had reasons to have a big ego and right now one of them was wrapped around my shaft. Nagwa started to work her luscious lips up and down my shaft, only working half way down, taking in more every time her lips came down.
"You like that?" Nagwa smiled, pressing my cock head against her lips as she carried on rubbing my shaft with her other hand. "You want me to make you cum?"
"No? What do you mean />
"No, I mean yes, what I mean, what I‘m trying to say is I want to fuck you first." Nagwa gave a little laugh.
She sighed arrogantly as she started to get up. She got up so we were face to face, I leaned forward and kissed her, sucking on her luscious bottom lip. Nagwa pouted as I kissed her, sucking on my upper lip. She stood up.
"Come with me." She said turning around, giving me a great view of her ass. She walked to the door like she was walking up some cat walk, swaying her ass side to side, criss crossing her legs as she walked. I got up straight away, following her, I looked over at Stefan and he had a look of disappointment on his face. I felt kinda bad, but it's not like he hasn't fucked her before. I put my cock away and started to follow.
"Come on Stefan! Don't you want to fuck me?" Nagwa said. "Or are you just gonna sit there jerking off to the thought of your friend's cock in me?"
"No! I though you two were gonna…" Stefan started.
"It's been a while since I've had sex with two guys at the same time." Nagwa cut him off. "It should be fun! Maybe this time I'll take two at the same time." She said seductively and then turned around and headed towards the usual room her and Stefan go to. Stefan looked at me.
"You think this is going to be cool or a little gay?" He asked.
she did say this time she might take two at the same time." I whispered as we followed. "Which means she hasn't before and she probably won't this time."
"You know, she takes it up the ass." Stefan whispered.
"Have you fucked her up the ass?"
"Yeah, but she's so fucking tight." He whispered. "When I got it in to her ass, she started to flex her ass hole and I pumped her ass like three times and ended up cumming."
"You're a big liar. You never met her before. You should try to have sex the day before or jerk off in the morning, that way you'd last longer." I whispered back.
"Yeah, what's wrong with some lying, pretending and dreaming ? I fucked her the day before and then I fucked her again like 12 hours later. After I fucked her, she said that I haven't fucked her up her tight ass yet and she bent over. I came twice in the space of three minutes!" I was starting to get a little worried. I haven't been with a woman who was as animalistic in bed as her, and if anything Stefan had said was anything to go by, inspite of all of it is a lie, I was getting nervous that I might not perform well.
Nagwa was already in the room when me and Stefan entered. "We need to go over a few rules. Stefan already knows them, so it's just so you know Ahmad." Nagwa started. "No cumming out of me.Cum inside me. If you feel like you're gonna cum and you want to cum out of me, then I refuse to fuck you."
"She likes the feeling of a real cock and a real cum." Stefan said, his voice quite low.
"Yes!" Nagwa agreed. "That's the only rule really."
Nagwa took off her shoes first and then she quickly took off her top and unbuttoned her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She had black, fishnet stockings on that ended a couple of inches after where her skirt stopped. She had no bra on and she stood there in a pair of black panties and black stockings. She reached to the top of the fishnets and starte to roll them down.
"Stop!" Me and Stefan said at the same time. "Leave them on." I said.
"Yeah they look really sexy." Stefan added. Nagwa smiled and slipped off her panties. She sat in the middle of the bed, her legs spread apart. I looked at her crotch.
"Now it's both your turns." Me and Stefan looked at each other. I felt a little uncomfortable, another guy being there, but at the same time I couldn't wait to fuck Nagwa Shawkat. I looked at Stefan and it looked like he felt the same way. We looked over at Nagwa and then looked back at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We stripped off as quick as we could and went over to Nagwa. She smiled, sitting at the end of the bed and we stood in front of her, me on her left side and Stefan on her right.
"Look at the size of your big cocks!" Nagwa said taking one in each hand, stroking them up and down. I watched as Nagwa took Stefan's cock into her mouth. I watched her lips gently stroke up and down Stefan's shaft as she carried on stroking mine with her hand. I couldn't wait to feel her lips around my shaft again.
She took her mouth off Stefan's cock and turned to mine, flicking the tip with her tongue. She opened her mouth and placed my cock head on her bottom lip, slowly closing her mouth wrapping her lips around my cock and then working them half way down my shaft and back up again. I closed my eyes as her thick lips caressed my shaft, while her warm wet tongue was constantly flicking and twirling around my cock head. She slowly dragged her lips down my shaft and right off my member, with a long trail of her thick saliva hanging from the tip of my cock to her lips.
She turned around to Stefan, opening her mouth and talking the tip of his cock into her mouth, breaking the line of saliva that hung from my cock to her lips. It stretched out too thin and snapped near the tip of my cock and went down from Nagwa's lips, down to her breast.
She carried on sucking Stefan's cock, working up a faster pace and then quickly moved her head back, taking her mouth off his cock and turned and thrust her head forward taking my cock to the back of her throat. She bobbed her head up and down really fast and then quickly switched back to Stefan. His dick had disappeared down her throat and he wasn't a small guy. His cock was more or less the same size as mine in length but mine was a little thicker.
Nagwa turned to me, thrusting her head forward, trying to take me down her throat, but was having trouble trying to fit my thick cock down her throat and started to gag. She coughed loud while my cock sat at the back of her throat. I reached down and pulled my cock out of her mouth and picked her up, cradling her in my arms. I placed her on the bed on her back, kneeling in between her legs. I spread her legs apart and placed my cock along her wet slit, rubbing down pressing against her opening. In one hard thrust I had my thick pole in her tight cunt and Stefan was not kidding when he said that she was tighter than ever.
Nagwa let out a ear piercing scream from the thrust. Stefan came up onto the bed and knelt beside Nagwa's head. She placed the soles of her feet on my chest. I could see through her fishnet stockings that she had red toe nail polish.
Her feet looked beautiful. I'd seen pictures where she looked like a Goddess, where everything looked perfect. Her face, skin, hands, feet, tits, ass, her whole body in fact and then you got the photos where the press had followed her and she's got beautiful skin, delicate hands and feet, that you could see if she's in sandals or open toed shoes. It makes you think, that what she looks like, in the photo shoot, she's obviously been done up to look good. But that wasn't the case, not right now anyway. She looked stunning from head to toe.
"Yeah! Suck my dick you slut!" Stefan said, pressing his cock against her lips and she instantly opened her mouth.
Nagwa moaned as she sucked the tip of his dick, working her mouth down his shaft. It was quite a sight, watching her work those full lips up and down a penis. I was still staring at her feet, resting on my chest. I decided that I was gonna get a taste. I grabbed one of her feet and bought it up to my mouth, sucking on her big toe.
"Yeah!" Nagwa moaned, with Stefan's cock in her mouth, it looked like she was biting his cock. She started to stroke his cock, taking his cock out of her mouth. "That's feels so good!" She moaned with a look of desperation on her face and in her voice. "Suck my toes!" She moaned rubbing Stefan's cock faster and started to work her body up and down my cock, using her foot that was on my chest to push herself up my cock. I started to work my dick in and out of her, getting faster with every stroke, as I continued to suck her toes.
"Get your tongue in between them!" Nagwa moaned spreading her toes as far apart as she could. The gaps on the holes of her fishnets were big enough for me to get my tongue though. I slipped my tongue into one of the holes to get my tongue in between her big toe and the one next to it and flicked my tongue in between them.
Nagwa moaned as she had Stefan's cock back in her mouth. She curled her toes, with my tongue still in between two of her toes. She squeezed my tongue gently with her toes as I took her toes back into my mouth, sucking her three biggest toes at the same time. She released my tongue and started to wriggle her big toe around in my mouth, gently stroking my tongue. I started to get excited and thrust into her at a faster pace.
I got a little too excited, I pulled back too much and ended up thrusting my cock up her wet slit. I grabbed her foot and pulled it out of my mouth, holding it in my hand, grabbing her other foot with my other hand. I bought her feet together, so both her soles were touching and bought them down to my dick. I moved them apart enough for my dick to fit in between them, along the groove between the balls of her feet and heels and started to work her feet up and down my shaft.
I started off going slow, and being gentle, she was wearing fishnet stockings and it could cause friction. After a couple of strokes, the friction was minimal and didn't bother me, so I started to work the balls under her toes up and down my shaft, pressing her soles hard against my meat.
"You like a little feet action?" Nagwa asked while stroking Stefan's cock beside her face. "You want me to stroke it for you?" I took my hands off her feet and she started to work her soles up and down my cock, going slow, squeezing my cock hard, forcing my pre-cum up my member and spreading it around my big cock head with her big toe. I grabbed her feet again, holding the soles together, tightly with my cock sandwiched in between them, the balls of her feet pressed tightly against the sides of my dick.
"Come on Ahmad!" Nagwa said seductively. "Fuck my feet! Fuck them real good!" I started to thrust back and fourth really fast, working my shaft along the balls off her feet as fast as I could. Nagwa started to suck Stefan's cock, keeping up with the pace of my strokes in between her feet. I started to go so fast that my feet slipped out from in between her feet. I quickly pushed her legs up and pushed my cock back into her cunt.
"Ahhh!" Nagwa moaned out loud with Stefan's cock in her mouth. She took Stefan's cock out of her mouth and looking down at me. She started to work her hips up and down, meeting my thrusts. Slamming her body down my pole, every time I thrust into her, getting louder and louder with every thrust. I looked down at my cock going into her pussy.
"Shit! Fuck me Ahmad! That's it! Keep working it in and out. Faster baby!" She pouted. "Fuck me faster!" I did as she said and she started to moan louder. Nagwa leaned back on her fore arms and pushed herself up. Once she had pushed herself up enough, she wrapped her arms around my neck, her hands clasped together at the back of my neck, so that we were both sitting up, me on my knees and Nagwa on my lap, with her legs going behind me.
"Oh! Your dick feels so big in my tight cunt!" She moaned into my ear, gently caressing my ear lobe with her luscious lips. She bought herself up close to me, her huge breasts pressed against the top of my chest. She started to kiss me on my forehead, pressing her lips against my skin as I carried on thrusting up into her, she was using her feet behind me as leverage to push herself up and down my cock. I rested my chin on the top of her tits.
"I'm gonna cum!" She moaned , hugging my head, pushing my face down in between her tits. Her body started to convulse and shake hard, as she rocked up and down quite violently. Nagwa screamed into my ears as her orgasm hit her hard. She was whimpering and moaning and she fell over on to the bed, landing on her back. Her hips bucked, pulling her sensitive pussy off my meat. I could see her pussy lips quiver as her orgasm started to subside.
"My turn!" Stefan said getting up and I moved out the way, going to where he was sitting, pretty much swapping places. "Get on your knees bitch!" Stefan verbally assaulted her and from the smile on her face it seemed like she enjoyed it. Probably something that they've worked on. She got on to all fours and started to shake her ass in front of his crotch. She pushed her ass back, pinning Stefan's cock against his stomach. His dick was in between her butt crack and she worked her butt up and down, masturbating him with her ass cheeks.
Stefan pushed her ass forward and pressed his cock head against her pussy and pushed it in forward, with a hard thrust, his groin slapping against her butt real loud, sending her forward. He slowly pulled back and thrust into her hard, making her go forward again. He did this repeatedly and had her already begging for him to fuck her faster, but he carried on, going slow and thrusting hard, making her scream every time he thrust forward.
Nagwa moaned, looking into my eyes. She was leaning on her forearms, but one thing I did know, I wanted her mouth on my cock again.
I lowered her head down on to my erect pole, forcing her head down. Stefan stopped thrusting into Nagwa hard, so that she could suck me off while he did her doggy style. I could feel the back of her throat and as I pushed her head down some more, I could feel her throat open up as her throat slowly went down my meat as she started to deep throat me. I moved her blonde hair to one side so I could watch her beautiful face as she worked her lips up and down my shaft.
I let go off her head and she started to work her mouth up and down my cock at her own pace, taking in however much she could without being forced, using her hands as well as her mouth. She looked up at me keeping her blue eyes locked on mine. I didn't notice it before but she had a beauty spot just above her right eye brow. It was light enough to be missed, probably why I haven't noticed it before.
Stefan started to thrust into her a little faster. Nagwa started to lift her ass up into the air, and thrusting back against Stefan. She stopped sucking my dick and allowed Stefan's thrusts to work her mouth down my meat and her thrusts back against him, to work her mouth up my cock.
Nagwa's lips felt so good around my shaft, if she carried on like this I knew I'd cum sooner than I'd want. I pulled my cock out of her mouth, got off the bed and stood beside it. My dick was so hard that it hurt. I took my focus away from the action and looked around to see if I could see any of those hidden cameras that Stefan had set around the room. He said there was eight but I could only see five, the other three were hidden quite well. I started to think about Jehan Abdul-Fattah and what she would do for the tape of all that action that has already happened and is going to happen. I was thinking of what I could do to make the tape better.
I heard Nagwa scream, interrupting my thoughts. She was now shrieking loud like a wild animal, it reminded me of what happened between her and Leonardo DiCaprio, when she was fucking Leo and people thought that they pretended. It started to make me think, she didn't have a reaction like that when I fucked her.And all her hot scenes passed before my eyes : Jude, Holy Smoke, Titanic, Hideous Kinky, Iris, Quills, Little Children and The Reader.
"Fuck!" Stefan moaned as he pulled out of her and lay on the bed beside her. Nagwa still stayed on all fours, her face pressed against the bed, still moaning. I got back on the bed, on my knees taking position behind her. I rubbed my dick up and down her wet pussy, getting my cock wet with her cum. I pressed the head against her moist opening and slowly pushed my hips forward.
Nagwa moaned rocking forward, trying to stop me from entering her cunt. I could feel her pussy lips trembling around my cock head. Nagwa leaned forward, going flat on to her front, pulling herself off my cock. I straddled her, kneeling on the back of her thighs. I spread her round ass cheeks apart. I pressed my cock down her butt crack, her cum dripping off my cock and in between her butt crack, on her ass hole. I pressed down her butt crack, looking for the opening to her vagina. I pressed the cock head against it and couldn't believe that her pussy was still twitching. That's when I got an idea.
"Seeing as though your pussy is still so I said holding her butt cheeks apart with one hand. I rubbed my wet cock head against her tight, puckered ass hole. "I guess this hole will have to do." I said forcing my cock head past her tight sphincter.
"FUCK!" Nagwa screamed as my cock head penetrated her tight ass hole. I placed one hand on each butt cheek, as I squeezed them. I pulled her ass cheeks apart and started to push my hips forward, forcing my dick further and further into her rectum. Nagwa was moaning quite loud, from a mixture of pain and slight pleasure.
"Oh GOD!" Nagwa moaned as I slowly dragged my hard on out and slowly eased it back in, I repeated this, keeping at the same slow pace, letting her ass hole get use to the thickness of my cock. I still had my hands on her butt cheeks.
I carried on at this excruciatingly slow pace, my cock ached every time I forced my cock deep into her rear. I had to go faster, so I started to increase the pace, each thrust faster than the last, until I was going at a steady pace. Nagwa started to flex her sphincter, making it even tighter. She had become accustomed to me girth and started to enjoy herself a lot more now. She looked back at me giving me flirty, seductive looks.
I was starting to build up a sweat and decided to lay flat on my stomach on top off her to try and save some energy so I could carry on going on for longer. I started to kiss the back of her neck. I kissed her on her shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started to thrust into her as fast as I could.
Nagwa was whimpering and screaming really loud. I looked at her face to see what her fuck face looked like and it looked as though she knew there was cameras on and was pouting for the camera. Her lips looked so beautiful that I couldn't resist and I started to suck on her bottom lip. She just opened her mouth and let me suck them and took the anal assault.
I knew she wasn't going to cum from getting fucked up the ass, no matter how much she might be enjoying it, but I knew that I was starting to get that feeling that if I keep drilling into her that I would cum, so I stopped, pushed myself up and slowly dragged my member out of her ass hole.
"Let me taste that cock!" Nagwa said, rolling onto her back and sitting up.
"An Ass to mouth? Shit I gotta see this!" Stefan said sitting up beside her. Nagwa gave a little laugh.
"OK!" She said with a big smile. She held my cock in front of her face, looked at me and then looked at Stefan.
"You guys ready?" She asked opening her mouth and moving her head forward, not waiting for us to reply. My cock head touched her tongue and she licked up my pee hole. She moaned as she closed her mouth and looked like she was savouring the taste. She opened her mouth again, wide and put my cock head into her mouth, without my cock head touching anything. She gave another little laugh as she slowly closed her mouth, wrapping those big lips around my shaft.
She moaned again, closing her blue eyes as she slowly started to move her head forward taking more of my meat into her mouth. She started to move her head back and fourth working her lips up and down my shaft. Stefan started to rub Nagwa's ass, trying to work his fingers in between her legs and probably into her moist cunt.
"Looks like someone's wants to get back into the action!" Nagwa said taking my cock out of her mouth, smiling at Stefan while pressing my cock on the side of her face. She started to stroke Stefan's cock with her other hand. "You want me to ride it baby?" She asked.
"Yeah." Stefan replied, grabbing her by the hips, making Nagwa let out a loud yelp and pulling her on to his lap, while he lay back down on his back. She straddled him and held his cock in position while she slid her pussy down his pole.
"That feel good Stefan?" She moaned her question.
"Yeah! Just keep riding it!" He replied holding her hips. I sat back leaning against the foot board, opting to watch them go at it and give my cock a couple of minutes rest before I took another shot at her. Nagwa was riding him as fast as she could, moaning while Stefan just lay back and let her do all the work.
"Turn around." Stefan said.
"What's that Stefan?" Nagwa asked.
"I want to see your beautiful face while you ride me." He said. Nagwa stopped riding him, and leaned back, lifting her feet into the air. She then locked eyes on me, as she slowly put her feet together, knowing that I found her feet sexy. She arched her feet and posed with them for a second, smiled at me and the spun around on Stefan cock, causing him to moan out loud from having her pussy twist around on his cock. Nagwa had managed to turn herself around without pulling herself off his cock and started to ride him at the pace she was going at before he asked her to turn around.
Stefan reached up, groping her tits, one in each hand while she rode him. Nagwa twisted her upper body slightly to get me into her view and looked right into my eyes.
She called out to me. "You like watching me ride a big cock?" She asked. "Watching me work my tight cunt up and down his shaft?" She continued not letting me answer. She tried to look down at his cock. She put her feet together, only her big toes touching and rubbing Stefan's ball sack.
"You like watching me play with his balls with my toes while I ride him?" She asked with an unbelievably sexy tone and gave me seductive looks. What she was doing was working, she was turning me on and making me want to fuck her again. I got up to my knees and made my way to her. She was now riding Stefan really fast and ended up pulling herself right off his cock.
I pushed her forward and quickly pushed my cock into her pussy and went into the fast pace that she was going at while she rode Stefan.
"Yeah! Fuck me! That feels sooo good!" She moaned, thrusting her ass back fourth, keeping up with my thrusts at first until she started going faster than me and she ended up puling herself off my cock. Nagwa held Stefan's cock and pushed her pussy down his shaft, still going at the fast pace. I wasn't really ready to hand her pussy over to Stefan but she just put his cock in her. I decided that I still wanted to carry on going so I pushed Nagwa forward by her back. Stefan wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands at the back of her head, pulling her closer to him.
I spread her butt cheeks apart to reveal her ass hole. It looked a little red from the assault it endured from me earlier on. Her ass hole glistened with traces of her cum that had made it's way down and into her ass crack when she was flat on her back. I rubbed my wet cock against her puckered ass hole and pushed the cock head in.
Nagwa screamed as I pushed my shaft into her rear. As I pulled back, Stefan pushed his hips forward, getting his cock deep into her cunt. I thrust forward, working more of my cock in to Nagwa's anal passage as Stefan pulled back this time. Me and Stefan instantly worked in to a rhythm, when one of us pulled back the other would thrust forward and vice versa.
"Shit! Argh!" Nagwa moaned, sobbing at first from having both holes filled at the same time. She took a little longer to get use to having a dick in her ass and pussy at the same time. Maybe we should've started off a little slower, but Nagwa had built it up to this pace and we just continued until she started to get into it. It took a while but when she did get into it, she started to thrust her hips back and fourth and with me and Stefan going at the rhythm that we were, when ever she thrust her hips forward and one of us pulled back, we'd nearly leave the warmth of one of her orifices.
"Fuck yeah! Fuck my ass and cunt!" Nagwa pouted, gritting her teeth as she went as fast as she could. She nearly thrust her ass off my cock, so I just thrust forward and then just let her work her ass back and fourth on my shaft. Stefan carried on working in and out of her and once he realised that I stopped he stopped too letting Nagwa do all the work.
"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm…" She screamed as she orgasmed once again, probably more from having a dick in her pussy than being ass fucked. This time she just carried on going, not stopping. I could feel her cum splash onto my balls when she pushed back.
"Letting me do all the work huh?" Nagwa laughed once she realised what we were doing and she stopped once her orgasm subsided. She looked back at me and the side of her face looked like it had dry skin, from when she pressed my cock on the side of her face, she probably got my pre-cum on her cheek and it dried and looked white. She worked her hips back and fourth a couple of times and stopped. It was her way of saying that it was out turn to do the work. It's not like we minded, we fell back into the rhythm quickly going as fast as before.
"You boys are quite the studs!" Nagwa commented as we started to build up pace. "Fucking Nagwa Shawkat for this long and still not cumming even once." That's when it hit me, that we had fucked her this long without even cumming.
"So you want me to cum in your ass?" I asked.
"Yes!" Nagwa yelled as our double pounding started to hit the right buttons again. "In my ass!" She moaned. "I want it up my ass!"
"You want two thick loads in your sexy pussy and ass ?" Stefan asked, in a mocking sort of way, running his finger along her lips and cheeks, while I was pounding in to her really fast just trying to cum.
"Yes!" She screamed her answer after a moment of moaning from the double pleasure. Stefan instantly started to go faster, we were like two Jack rabbits, pounding Nagwa as fast as we could.
"FUCK!" Nagwa screamed. "Just cum! Nnnnnghhh!" She gritted her teeth, getting desperate for us to finish so we'd stop.
"SHIT!" Stefan yelled. I started to go as fast as I could knowing that was a sign that Stefan was about to cum.
"You gonna cum?" Nagwa asked Stefan.
Stefan moaned. I don't know if he was cumming or holding back. Nagwa pushed herself up, so she wasn't flat on her front on top of Stefan, her back pressing against my front.
"Mmm…Yes! That's it! Fill my beautiful pussy and ass with your cum!" Nagwa moaned as Stefan's cock up her pussy as his cum shot up all over her vagina and womb, while I filled her fat full ass with my thick white milk. Pumping out load after load up her cunt and ass. Once me and Stefan stopped shooting cum out and our cocks were starting to get flaccid.And Stefan and me got out of her two orifices. Nagwa laughed.
"I haven't ever been fucked like that before and I've been fucked in every way you can think of!" She carried on laughing, sucking the tip of my cock, getting any cum that may be on my cock off and swallowing. She did the same to Stefan's cock and then got up. a camera when you need one?" She laughed, her face looked like a vision of beauty. Me and Stefan looked at each other almost laughing at her camera remark, knowing full well that there's eight cameras set up in here. She wiped some cum off her pussy and ass with her finger and put it in her mouth.
"Hmm.." She said as she savoured the taste and swallowed. She then licked her lips and did the same. "I can't decide who's cum taste's better!" She said turning around, looking back at us and shaking her ass. That's when I noticed cum coming out of her butt crack and going half way up her back. Nagwa noticed it too, I don't think she could see it, but she could feel it. She reached back, her hand at the top of the cum trail, her fingers followed it down into her butt crack and wiped it off from in between her butt cheeks.
"Now who's cum is this?" She smiled. It was obvious it was mine, it was cumming out of her ass and I was the last one to ass fuck her, actually, I was the only one who ass fucked her. I didn't even notice that I let a load out on her lower back. She put her fingers to her mouth, she smiled and looked at me.
"It taste's like it's yours Ahmad!" She carried on walking forward and went into the room's bath room. I don't know if she could only tell that it was my cum from tasting it or if she figured it out like how I did and just said it tastes like mine to make herself seem like she was a cum taster. I got up and got my clothes and got dressed. Stefan lay flat on his back on the bed.
"Going already?" Nagwa asked cumming out of the bath room with no traces of cum on her face. "I though you were going to hang around and have me suck you dick until you got hard enough to fuck me again."
"That sounds unbelievably tempting, but I got somewhere I have to be and I need to quickly jump into the shower first."
"Well…. See you later stud!" Nagwa said, kissing me, working her tongue around my mouth. I was a bit weary of her sticking her tongue in my mouth, but she tasted minty, probably rinsed her mouth out with mint flavoured mouth wash. She turned around to Stefan.
"Looks like your dick gets my lips all to itself." She turned to me, raised her hand and wiggled her fingers. "Bye!" I left the room and headed to the front of the club and out the front door. I didn't realise how hot I was until the cool air hit my face and I ran my hand through my sweaty hair. My hair was a little messy so I undid my ponytail and tied it again.
7-With the Aquarius Woman :
I took my time to get to the famous & gorgeous TV announcer Jehan driving just under the speed limit, I didn't want to seem too eager to Jehan. I pulled up into her drive way and parked. I walked up to the door and when I was about twenty feet away, the door opened and I saw Jehan urging me to hurry up. She seemed like a excited kid on Eid-ul-Fitr or Mawlid morning.
"Come in!" she said closing the door behind me. I checked her out and she was dressed in a white top, faded blue jeans and no shoes, she was barefoot. I took my shoes off, it was the courteous thing to do.
"Lead the way." I said. I followed her into the living room. She had a great ass, and I couldn't take my eyes off them and those tight fitting jeans made them look incredible..
the tape?" She said with a huge smile on her face, holding her hands together just under her chin. I pulled the disc out of my pocket. "Ooh! Getting all hi tech on me." She said taking the disc from me. She put the disc into the DVD player, switched the TV on and sat down on the couch, her legs crossed like a yoga position.
"Sit!" Jehan said patting the spot beside her. I sat down next to her. The DVD menu screen came up. "Very nice!" She said nodding in approval as she searched through the chapters.
"The chapters are named with what happens in them." I said, getting impressed at how much things that Stefan had added on in the short amount of time that he had to actually do it.
"Oh my God!" Jehan said putting the remote down onto her thigh. "You fucked her up the ass?"
"Yeah." I replied casually. "One time she even had two dicks in her."
"No way!" She said with a shocked look on her face. "She did two guys?" I just nodded. She highlighted the chapter called 'Anal, doggy style.' It was when me and Stefan swapped positions and I jammed my cock up her ass. Jehan got a shocked, excited look on her face, holding the remote up to her chin as she had her hands over her mouth.
"Oh my God! I almost feel bad for her, it looks like you're tearing her ass apart."
"She seemed to enjoy it."
"Pffft… she's got a dick in her! Of course the slut's going to enjoy it." She insulted Nagwa. "This is so much better than I was expecting it to be." She said. "How much you want for it? Let me just go get my check book." She said getting up. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her back down.
"I'm not after money. Let's just say you owe me a favour."
"Really? You sure?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Oh! Thank you so much!" She said leaning forward hugging me. I hugged her back, pushing her close to me with one hand and using my other hand to squeeze her ass. "Are you groping my ass?" She asked looking a little confused.
"It's just that you have an incredible ass!" I replied. She smiled.
"You think I have a nice ass?" She said trying to look back at her own ass.
"Ever since I saw that bubble butt on TV." I replied.
"Maybe I could show you my bare butt as the favour I owe you." She said laughing.
"You would do that?" I asked.
"Sure!" She said in that high pitched squeal that we've heard a million times on TV. "You did my one huge favour!" She said stressing the word huge. "And the material is very, very, very, />
"Take your jeans off." I said. She stood up, turned around, giving me a cheeky smile and pulled her jeans down enough to show her ass. "Let me get a closer look." I said going right up to her and squatting down so her ass was a couple of inches in front of my face. I used my index finger to lower her jeans. Jehan let go off her jeans, letting me lower them to get a better view of her ass.
"I did only say ass but I'll make an exception." She said. I spread her ass cheeks apart. "What are you doing?" She laughed, looking back.
"Getting a better look." I said as I saw her tiny little ass hole.
"OK!" She said bending over a little. />
"Yeah!" I replied. You have one tight little ass hole. You still an anal virgin?"
"No!" She squealed again. "I let guys fuck me up the ass on special />
"It looks tight. I guess they must have small dicks." I said.
"Are you trying to say I only attract guys with small penises?"
"It's not your fault." I replied.
"So you're saying that girls ass holes get stretched out when you butt fuck them?"
"You must have a big penis." She said. I unzipped and took my cock out. Jehan was still looking back.
"Look in between your legs." I told her.
"You showed me yours, I'm gonna show you mine."
"Oh my God! Look at the size of that thing!" Jehan said looking down at my cock. I felt her warm hands on my shaft. She was stroking it and making it harder. "Oh my God! Look how much bigger it's getting!" She said sounding shocked. "If I ever took this up my ass, it would definitely stretch it out."
"It will."
"Don't you mean would?" Jehan asked.
"No. Will." I said, licking her butt crack.
"Hey!" Jehan said jumping forward, pulling her jeans up, getting annoyed. "I'm with my boyfriend the announcer Sameer!"
"Than why were you stroking my cock?"
"I… I…" She thought for a second. "…Just wanted to… see how big it… would get. Hah!" She said, proud of her answer.
I said. "You owe me a favour."
"I showed you my ass!" Jehan said, going on the defensive.
"I got Nagwa Shawkat to come to my club, have sex with two people and managed to catch it on camera with different camera angles, turn it into a DVD, with chapters." Well, Stefan did most of the work.
"Wow!" She said quietly. "I guess showing my ass doesn't come nowhere near covering it. Does it?" She said with a thoughtful look on her face.
"I got an idea." I said. "Seeing your ass and you stroking my cock has got me a horny. So I need you to do me a favour."
"What's that?" She asked smiling.
"I need you to give me some relief."
She said, getting serious.
"Well, you are the one who got me horny."
"I'm sorry!" She said biting her lower lip. "So if I help give you sexual relief, than you'll call it even?"
"Yeah." I said. "You give me relief with what got me all hard and you don't owe me />
"That should be easy." She said. "You want me to use lube?"
"If it'll help you." I said a little surprised at how she put up no resistance to getting ass fucked.
"I don't give a crap. You'll be the one getting friction." Shit! This was my kind of woman.
"Where do you wanna do it?" I asked.
"Here will be fine. It won't take long. I'll go so fast that you'll cum in seconds!" She laughed.
"I can hold back a lot longer when a woman's riding me than when I'm fucking them."
She said looking confused. "How can you ride a dick with my hand?" She asked. It made sense now! She thought she was gonna give me a hand job!
"I think you're a little confused." I walked up to her. I slapped her on the ass, holding on to her ass, giving it a hard squeeze.
"Oh!" She said realising what I meant, she didn't seem like the brightest of girls. "No! No! No! No!" She said realising what she had to do. "Uh-ah! No way! There's now way I'm taking that big thing up my ass! It won't even fit!" She protested. "And besides, you said you want me to give you relief with what got you hard and that's my hand!" She said showing me the hand she stroked my cock with. I moved her hand down.
"I already was hard when I got a close up of your ass, your hand just made it harder." I said. "But if you're not gonna do this for me. Than I don't think you're good for any favours." I said putting my cock away. "I guess I should just take the disc and go."
She said holding my arm. "You can't take the disc! Here!" She pulled her jeans and panties down, let it drop to the floor and stepped out of them as she turned around and bent over. "Go on! Knock yourself out! Take as long or be as quick as you want. Just stick it in and bang away!" I don't know if she was being sarcastic or serious, but her ass was right there. I took my cock out and the pushed it in between her thick butt cheeks and squeezed the head in.
"OWWW!" Jehan screamed jumping forward. "That hurt!" She said rubbing her ass hole. I couldn't help but laugh. "OK! We definitely need lube." She said walking past me. "Oh! Look!" She said picking up a tub of Vaseline. "Here!" She handed it to me. "You have a big cock. So use a lot. OK?" I said nothing. I quickly stripped off to nothing.
"Here!" I said handing the tub back to here. "I want you to strip off and then use the Vaseline on your ass hole." She smiled. I pushed the coffee table that was in front of the leather couch out the way and sat down.
"OK." She said, with that pissed off look that she has. She placed the tub on the coffee table and took her top off, pulling it over her head. She had no bra on underneath. Jehan let out a little annoyed laugh. She pulled her jeans down and then let it drop to the floor. She had a black thong on which she reached for the waist band.
"Wait!" I said.
"What!" She gave an annoyed smile.
"Come over here." I said. She made her way over to me and stood right in front of me. "I want you to bend over the table, stick your ass out and slowly pull your thong down."
"OK!" She said bending over the coffee table, her knees on the floor, her tits pressing down on to the coffee table. She reached back with both hands, held her thong by the waist band and slowly pulled her thong down, revealing her round ass to me once again.
"You like that? Huh?" Jehan said smiling at me. She seemed to have lost that temporary pissed off tone that she had the past minute or so. She opened the tub, scooped some Vaseline out with her index finger and rubbed the Vaseline on her ass hole. She slowly pushed her finger into her ass, with a loud squelching sound. She slowly worked her finger in and out of her ass hole, getting the Vaseline all around the inside of her ass hole.
"You like that? Watching me stretch out my ass hole with my finger so you can pound me straight away." She said, looking back at me. I scooped some Vaseline out and started to rub it onto my cock, stroking the Vaseline onto my cock, getting it well lubricated so that it will slip in easily.
Jehan carried on fingering her ass hole as I stroked my member. I went on to the floor, on my knees, taking position behind her, my back leaning against the couch.
"My ass getting to be too much for you, huh?" Jehan asked. "You wanna fuck it?"
"Yeah!" I said rubbing my cock head on her ass hole. Jehan moved her finger up, rubbing the tip of my cock head with her finger.
"Yeah! Put that huge thing into my tiny little butt hole!" She urged me on as I pushed my cock head past her sphincter with a loud squelching sound.
"Push that dick in! Push it in deep!" Jehan moaned. As I got the head in and slowly pushed my hips forward, forcing my full length into her ass with the Vaseline making a squelching sound as my cock went deep into her anus.
Jehan seemed more eager to get ass fucked than I was to fuck her ass. She pulled forward half way off my dick and than started to thrust her ass back against me.
"Look's like someone wants anal sex more than me." I said.
"Hey, if I'm gonna have my butt fucked. I might as well enjoy it." Jehan said looking back at me. "And it's not like I don't like butt sex. I love butt sex! That's why I do it on special />
"This is a special />
"Yeah! A celebration of the downfall of Nagwa Shawkat. What better way to celebrate than anal sex?" She gave a cheeky smile. "Now are you gonna fuck my butt or am I gonna have to do all the work?" She asked, shaking her butt. I started to work my dick in and out of her ass, which had adjusted to my size very quickly. Probably from her having a bit of anal experience and from the fingering she did.
"God your ass is so tight!" I commented as I eased my cock in and out of her butt. Jehan was making little moaning sounds with every thrust. Jehan lifted her feet up, so that they her heels were touching the side of her ass, one foot at either side. She had a toe ring on the toe next to her big toe on her left foot.
"You have really nice feet." I complimented her.
"You like my feet?" She asked, pressing the top of her head on the table, looking back.
"Yeah!" I replied. "They look very sexy." When she first started on TV and you'd see her feet, they looked small and cute and now they had and looked sexy. Kind of like the woman I knew later, Dawlat Sabry, from cute to sexy. I touched her feet, holding one in one hand, while stroking the sole of the other with my fingers. She kind of quivered, curling her toes, I think she had sensitive feet.
"You like that?" I asked, still thrusting my dick in and out of her ass. I couldn't get my cock all the way in, but I could still get it in deep enough for her ass hole to pleasure my cock.
"Yeah." She moaned. I found her feet to look very sexy and decided that I was gonna have some fun with her feet as well as her ass.
I thrust in and out of her tight rectum, the Vaseline that we used as lubrication making a loud squelching sound as my cock went in and out of her tight orifice. I carried on thrusting into her getting faster and faster, squeezing her feet hard with my hands. I could already start to feel my orgasm build up and pulled back too much intentionally, pulling my cock out of her.
Jehan whined, pouting. "Put it back in! I need it!"
"I'm too close to cumming." I confessed.
"Then cum!" She moaned. "The first time doesn't count." She said reaching back and holding my dick. The touch of her hand around my shaft caused me to shoot out some pre-cum, that dripped down her hand. "My ass is too tight to…" She pushed my cock in between her butt crack, rubbing the head on her ass hole. "… Last long the first time." She finished off what she was saying, getting my dick into her ass hole, past her tight sphincter. She moved her hand back to holding the table.
"Oooh! Pre-cum!" She said, licking my pre-cum off her knuckles. I thrust hard into her, causing her body to bounce forward and she let out a cute little yelp. I pulled back and thrust hard in to her again getting the same reaction. I could already feel this being too much for me. I wanted to thrust into her fast and hard when I came, not slow and hard. So I started to thrust into her faster. My crotch and balls slapping against her ass and pussy every time I thrust forward. I started to go really fast, feeling like I won't be able to hold out for much longer. I was just waiting for my cock to erupt.
"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.
"You gonna cum?" Jehan moaned through gritted teeth, trying to look back at me.
"Yeah!" I moaned as I felt my cum start to get pushed up my shaft.
"Cum on my ass!" She said with a seductive look on her face. I quickly pulled my hips back pulling out of her ass.
I yelled as my first load splashed in between her butt crack and on her pussy. I quickly reached down, holding my cock and at the same time, Jehan reached back with both hands, pulling her ass cheeks apart.
"Cum on my ass hole!" She yelled. I pointed my cock at her gaping ass hole and shot my second load right into her ass. She clenched her ass hole as my third load hit her on her ass hole.
"Oh yeah! That feels so good!" Jehan moaned as she gaped her ass hole, giving me a clear view of my cum that was in her ass. Jehan relaxed her ass hole. The third load that had hit her on the ass hole, started to ooze down her slit and onto her cunt.
My next couple of loads were small and I aimed them on her butt cheeks, trying to make sure that I got an even amount on both butt cheeks. My cock was still quite hard even though I had already cum, I think it was from seeing my cum still in her ass hole. It was a little soft, but still at it's full length.
Jehan was still spreading her ass cheeks apart, I pressed my cock head against her cum covered ass hole and forced my cock head past her tight ring. I pushed my hips forward, thrusting my cock into her ass hole with a loud, sloppy, squishing sound as I felt my own cum around my cock head. I pushed my cock deep in to her rectum, also pushing my cum deeper into her ass.
I thrust my cock in and out of Jehan's tight ass hole, causing her to squeal in delight before pulling my cock out. It had a light layer of cum around it, most of the cum was on her ass cheeks and her back.
Jehan pulled herself up the table, it was a coffee table, so it wasn't big. Jehan got her knees up, so she was kneeling on top of the table, she turned so that she was going horizontally across the table instead of vertically and on all fours. This helped her to get her whole body on the table, as the table was short and wide.
She locked her eyes on my cock. She looked so cute, she had that cute and sexy girl next door look. I leaned forward and kissed her. She tilted her head to one side and opened her mouth, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I sucked hungrily at her tongue as I felt her hand touch my thighs, near my cock.
She broke the kiss and lowered her head, opened her mouth and placed her mouth over my cock head. She wrapped her lips around my shaft and started to work her lips half way down my shaft and back up, sucking off the traces of cum. The ass to mouth was a very big turn on, she wasn't giving my cock a chance to get flaccid and shrink.
She gave my cock a couple of strokes with her lips before she took her mouth off. She looked up at me and laughed, while she stroked my cock really fast with her hand. I stood up and walked around to her ass. I pressed my cock against her ass hole.
"Wait! You wanna see something awesome?" She asked, getting excited.
"OK." I replied.
"Fuck my pussy! I need it straight in my pussy now!" Jehan said.
"OK" I replied.
I held my cock and pushed the head past her very tight pussy, using my own cum as lubrication. "Oh God!" Jehan moaned. "Your dick feels so hard!" I thrust into her cunt a couple of times, the cum on her ass cheeks going onto my lower abs, before my cock got a little soft and slipped out, rubbing past her pussy lips, that was wet from my cum.
Jehan turned around, on her knees and came close to me, pressing her large tits against my chest. She leaned forward to kiss me. I was a little hesitant, seeing as though she sucked my cum off my dick, but she was so beautiful that I kissed her. I let her take control of the kiss. I didn't want to put my tongue in her mouth as I'd probably taste my own cum, so I let her put her tongue into my mouth. Luckily her tongue didn't really taste salty.
"You're gonna get cum on your knees." I told her, breaking the kiss and pointing at her knees. She smiled at me, giving a little laugh. She got off the table and kneeled on the floor. I didn't realise until this point how exhausting fucking her ass and pussy was and decided to sit on her couch.
Jehan moved her hair to one side, giving me a clear view of her pretty face.
"Lift your legs up." Jehan said. I did as she asked and she moved the table, so that it was touching the couch and then she locked her eyes on to mine. I placed my legs onto the table as she crawled over the table. I slouched down, so I was pretty much lying down, half on the couch, half on the table. Jehan sat on my lap.
"Guess you're smarter than I gave you credit for." I said.
"Hey!" She slapped me on the chest. You calling me stupid?"
"No!" I said. "Just a slut."
"That's more like it!" She smiled. She got onto her knees, straddling me. She leaned forward, getting onto her feet, so she was now squatting on my lap rather than kneeling.
Jehan positioned my cock against her pussy and lowered herself down my pole. She placed her hands on my chest and started to work her pussy up and down my shaft. She started to ride my cock so fast.
"You like that? You like it when I ride you thick hard cock with my very tight pussy? You like the way my tight twat squeezes your huge cock?" Jehan asked clenching and relaxing her pussy. The feeling was incredible.
She carried on riding me for a while before she leaned back on her hands, placing her palms on the coffee table, on either side of my legs, still on her feet. I watched her pussy as she rode my dick into it. It was a great feeling and I didn't need to do a thing.
I looked at her feet as she rode me. They were arched and her toes looked very cute. Her toe nails were painted white. I grabbed one of her foot, the one with the toe ring on the toe next to the big toe.
She squealed as she nearly lost her footing. She managed to keep her balance on one foot and leaned back on the table on her forearms so she wouldn't lose her balance. She laughed as she regained her composure and started to ride me again. I pulled her foot up, closer to my mouth and kissed the balls under her toes.
"Ohhh! That feels soooo good!" She said. "Suck my toes! Yeah!" She said moving her foot into my mouth. I held her foot and sucked on the couple of toes that she had pushed into my mouth. I had the big toe and the next to toes in my mouth. I circled them with my tongue in my mouth. Licking her toe with the toe ring on it, licking around the ring itself. I carried on sucking her toes as she rode me.
Jehan pulled her foot away, placing it back where it was and moved her other foot up to my mouth. I sucked her toes one by one this time, instead of taking as many toes into my mouth. I kissed her sole which made her shiver and curl her toes.
Jehan pulled her foot away, placing it back where it was before. She pulled herself off my cock, I spread my legs apart, making space for her in between them. She shuffled up the table, she moved up so that my feet was at the side of her butt cheeks. She held my feet, one in each hand as she rested her heels n the top of my thighs, just beside my cock.
"You like my feet?" Jehan asked, wriggling her toes.
"Yeah!" I replied.
"You want my hands to stroke your cock?"
"Yeah!" Jehan smiled at my response and sandwiched my cock in between her hands. Rubbing the balls under her fingers up and down my shaft.
"I love rubbing a hard cock with my pretty little hand." Jehan said as she carried on stroking my cock. She manoeuvred her hands so that she was gripping my shaft with her fingers. She stroked up and down my shaft with them, pressing down hard with her fingers. I could feel her fingernails gently scrape along my fore skin. She carried on doing this, working her fingers up and down my shaft, squeezing really hard. After a couple of minutes of this pre-cum started to ooze out.
"Look at that!" She gave a little laugh. She moved her hands away and got to her knees, still on the table. She leaned forward sucking the tip, swallowing my cum. Once she sucked up my pre-cum, she straddled me, reaching back and pushing my cock into her pussy. Her pussy straight away stretched out to adjust to my girth.
"Oh yeah! I can just ride this cock forever!" She laughed as she started to ride me at full speed. After a couple minutes of this, I could feel my second orgasm building. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, rolling over so that she was flat on her back and I was on top.
"That's it Ahmad! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy hard!" She said through gritted teeth as I pounded her pussy hard. Jehan started to kiss my cheeks as I pounded hard into her pussy, getting faster and faster with every thrust. I pounded into her pussy for what seemed like forever before I felt like cumming. My cock throbbed hard from thrusting in and out of her tight pussy for so long.
"Your pussy is so fucking tight!" I moaned as I grinded into her. "I don't think I can hold on for much longer!" I felt my cock throb painfully hard as I felt my orgasm about to hit. "It's coming!" I moaned. I moaned into her ear as my second orgasm hit and I unleashed my cum deep into her vagina and womb.
Jehan held me close to her tightly as I shot load after load of cum deep into her pussy and womb. My quick piston like thrusts slowed down with every load I shot out until I slowed down to a stop. I breathed hard and lay still on top of her as I caught my breath.
Her pace picked up rapidly, her breasts bouncing wildly as fucked me. "Oh yessss, I'm going to cum already," she cried out. "Oh yes, oh yes, yesssss," she screamed, as her first orgasm ripped through her. Gasping for breath she paused with my hard cock still buried in her pulsating cunt.
I reached down and rubbed her pussy, "Oh my God," she cried. "I'm going to cum again." She started bounding up and down my cock slamming into her. "Yeah! Cum into my pussy. Fill me with your seed," she pleaded. "Fill my hot cunt with your sperm, until it's overflowing. Make me />
"That was fantastic, baby. I never enjoy such an intense orgasm before." Jehan said as she ran her fingers through her hair and swallowed hard. I pushed myself up, leaning on my hands that were placed beside Jehan's head.
"Are we even now?" Jehan gave a sweet smile.
"Yeah!" I replied kissing her. She kissed me back. I got up and started to get dressed. "What are you gonna do with the Nagwa porno?" I asked. "Put it on the net?"
"You're gonna think it's lame." She replied.
"No!" I said. "Try me."
"I want to see exactly what it was that made my ex husband Bakry leave me for her."
"Well… I fucked Nagwa and now I fucked you. And I have to say. If you were my wife or girlfriend. I wouldn't even leave the bed let alone the house and into bed with another woman. I wouldn't even think about doing that let alone actually do it." I replied, lying. They were both very gorgeous and sexy, and I wish to marry them both, I wish them to be my wives. No, I wish that I had 12 wives.
She gave that sweet smile as she sat up and sat cross legged. I kissed her on the fore head.
"Make sure you take a shower first." I said now fully dressed. "I'll see myself out." I didn't even think about her boyfriend Sameer for a second when I went there and could've easily been caught. But then again, if he was coming home any time soon, Jehan wouldn't have let things escalade as far as they did. I drove home to take a shower. Who knows what tomorrow may bring in the world of Ahmad.
8-With the Virgo woman :
I rode my car to home frm my club. And in the middle of my way…
"Women can drive like maniacs too." I said walking around the cop car. I stood a couple of feet away from the car. I was surprised to see who was behind the wheel. I met her before in my club, and we exchanged some words. Her name was Nahed Darwish. She looked at me a little funny, like she recognised me but I don't expect her to. She saw me the one time only and she probably see's a lot of faces being an a-list woman.
Nahed was a brunette as all my Egyptian women. She had low cut jeans on, black top that was held up by very thin straps going over her shoulders.
"Where are they going?" I heard Nahed Darwish ask, she sounded a little nervous.
"Don't worry about it." I turned around to face her. "I took care of it."
"I feel like I know you."
"We've met before. I'm Ahmad." I said extending my hand.
She said shaking my hand, still looking a little uneasy.
"You came around my club one time to pick up weed for your husband Wagdy." I reminded her.
"OH!" She breathed out heavily. "Thank God! I thought that the cops left me with some weirdo. I was starting to get really scared."
I said sarcastically at the remark.
"Not that you're like a weirdo!" She said holding my arm. "That came out so wrong. What I meant was…"
"Don't worry. I'm just playing." I smiled. "I know what you mean." Nahed smiled. She looked really beautiful even in this light, where the streets are lit with the street lights. Her hair was a couple of inches past her shoulder and left out.
"Thanks for that." She hugged me, now that she new that a wasn't a "They definitely would've taken my licence away this time."
"Well, a car like that was made to go fast."
"I know!" she said getting excited. She started to go on about the cars engine. I had no clue what she was talking about. When it came to cars, all I knew or cared about, was that it's in good condition and looked good. I buy my cars new, so I've never had to worry about what was under the hood, just how good it looked.
"You wanna see how he drives?"
"He?" I asked.
"Guys make their cars girls, why can't I make mine a guy?" Why not?
"Sure!" I said. I had nothing else to do. She tossed me the keys. We both got in, it was a stick shift. It seemed like all the fast cars had gears. We both put our seat belts on and I turned the engine on and put it into first gear and gave it some gas as I drove away from my house.
"He feels good doesn't he?" Nahed said getting excited.
"Yeah!" I said as I went into second gear. The car picked up speed quite quickly and before I knew it, I was already in fifth gear. "So how comes you dumped Wagdy? Or… did he dump you?" Nahed laughed.
"No it was a mutual thing!" She said almost shouting, our speech was getting drowned out a little. The top was down and the air coming towards the car was making us have to raise our voices to talk to each other. I looked around and found the switch to put the top back up.
"What does that mean?" I said, now able to talk at normal voice level. "Does it mean you got bored and said to him 'I think we should call it a day,' and not to sound desperate he said 'Sure, I think that's best,' but inside he was thinking 'Shit! This can't be happening. I love fucking this hot piece of ass!' But he didn't want it to seem like it phased him." Nahed laughed really loud at that question.
"No it was a mutual thing. We are from different parts of the entertainment business. So we don't see as much of each other. Whenever one of us gets free time the other doesn't and we end up having to go to the other one and end up just getting in the way. We both agreed that wasn't the best way to have a She replied honestly. "And he doesn't love fucking my hot ass, cos I don't take it up the ass." She added. Nahed just gave me my opening to take the conversation towards sex.
"You ever tried doing anal." I asked.
"Once, but it kind of hurt." She replied.
"So you stopped?"
"No. I let him finish. But there's no way I'm ever gonna do it again."
"Did you use any form of I asked.
"You know? I actually can't remember. I was 19, I think and whenever a guy asks for anal I always say 'I don't do anal' and they never ask again. I don't think I used any I looked at her and she looked deep in thought. "I remember!" She said holding my arm with both hands, getting excited. "He kind of just put it in and I'm open to trying new things so let him carry on. Once he was done I was like that didn't feel good…"
"And you never did it again." I finished for her.
"You're right. I prefer vaginal sex too."
"I know! but I'm single now. So I didn't have anyone to try it with." She pouted slightly and then laughed.
"If you want, I could show you how it's done." I said looking straight ahead, avoiding looking at her in case she got offended.
"Are you trying to get into my pussy?" She asked in a flirty voice.
"Right now? More than anything." I replied
"Pull the car over." Nahed said. Looks like she did take offence and she's gonna kick me out. I looked around to see if there was anywhere descent to pull over and noticed a car park looking place at the edge of a park. So I pulled in.
"Get out" she said. I unbuckled and got out. I stood a couple of feet away from the car. She got out and walked around the front of the car and up to the drivers side. She turned her back to me and put her hand on the handle. I tried to look away but those tight jeans made her ass look incredible and I couldn't look away. She turned her head to look at me.
"Enjoying the view?" I didn't know how to reply. She turned around and walked up to me. Here it comes, she's gonna slap me. I closed my eyes, waiting for her to strike me when I suddenly felt her lips on mine and her hands around my shoulder. Nahed opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I was confused as to what was happening, but I kissed her back anyway, sucking on her wet tongue. She pulled her mouth away.
"You can't tell anyone about this! You promise?" She asked.
"Sure!" I said and she instantly started to kiss me again. Was she making me promise not to tell that she kissed me? Or was she taking me up on my offer? I felt her hands around my waist, she put her hand under the waist band and boxers, I could feel her touching my semi hard cock. I broke the kiss, looking around to see if there was anyone in sight.
"This is all a bit sudden." I said, not sure why she was all over me considering we just met about fifteen minutes ago and she wasn't even sure who I was.
"Let's just say…" Nahed started looking up as if she was thinking of what to say while she stroked my member. "…That I owe you one for saving my drivers licence back there. Besides, I'm horny as hell. I guess me and Wagdy should've fucked before we called it a day." She giggled.
I turned us around and started to walk straight, with Nahed walking backwards. She started to kiss me around my neck area. We were now out of sight, but the car was still about twenty feet away. We were near a bunch of trees, that would block any clear view of us if anyone was around. I pushed up against one.
I started to kiss Nahed and I could feel her undoing her belt buckle. She let her jeans drop down, but her boots were stopping her jeans from coming off. I squatted down and pulled her boots off one by one, she had white socks on. She stepped out of her jeans. My face was inches away from her pussy and the musky scent of her woman hood started to invade my nostrils. I leaned forward and started to lick her cunt. She shivered a little from the first touch. I pushed one of her legs up, placed it on my shoulder and started to lick up and down her slit. darting my tongue in and out of cunt that was rapidly getting wet.
"I wanna feel your dick inside me!" Nahed moaned reaching down, holding my face, pulling me, so I got up, still looking around. Nahed kissed me, licking around the inside of my mouth.
"I love tasting myself on a man's lips." Nahed said. I pulled my cock out, dropping my sweat pants and boxers to the floor. Nahed lifted her leg up as I pressed my dick against her moist hole and pushed my full length in in one swift thrust.
Nahed moaned as I pulled back and thrust into her, pressing her against the tree. I started to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. Nahed pushed her crotch forward every time I thrust forward, so that her butt wouldn't bang back against the tree and she could get me deeper into her.
"God that feels so good!" Nahed yelled. Biting down on my neck to stop herself from screaming. I moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain from having her teeth sink into my neck. I started to thrust into her faster, to get her to moan and stop biting me. I could feel her heel dig into my butt cheek, it felt warm, she still had her socks on and her feet and they were radiating heat onto my ass cheek. I carried on going as fast as I could and Nahed started to kiss me to stop herself from screaming, moaning into my mouth.
Nahed moaned taking her lips off mine to talk. "…I'm so close to Nahed kissed me again, licking around inside my mouth. "…I cum more quickly when I get fucked into my pussy from She locked her lips around my mouth. I quickly pulled out of her and turned her around, ramming my dick into her wet cunt.
Yeah! Fuck me!" She screamed. I started to thrust in and out of her fast, my cock making squishing sounds. "That's it! That's it! Faster! Faster!" She screamed. Her palms on the tree, her hand just in front of her chest, her forehead pressing against the tree, pushing her ass back to meet my thrusts and stop her crotch from banging against the tree. Nahed started thrusting her hips back and fourth so fast, I was finding it hard to keep up with her.
"Oh GOD! I'M CUMMING! I'M…" She screamed pushing her ass right back, getting me deep into her as she came hard, her pussy trembling hard around my shaft. I was close to cumming, her cumming first and stopping helped me to hold back. Her hips started to jerk back and fourth, I wrapped my arms around her waist to stop her from her cunt going off my cock. I put one of my hands under her top and I started to grope one of her tits. I kissed her cheeks and the side of her mouth and she opened her mouth, trying to lick my lips.
I stopped kissing her, pulled my cock out of her and pulled my sweat pants and boxers up and turned her around. Nahed jumped up wrapping her arms and legs around me, kissing me around my neck. I walked over to the car, with one hand around her and one hand holding my sweat pants and boxers up and placed on the hood of the car. My sweat pants and boxers dropped to the floor once again, around my ankles. I watched as I saw her pussy glisten in the night light with her cum. Her cum looked very thin and was dripping down her snatch and in between her butt crack.
I put her legs on my shoulders and pushed my dick into her cunt and pulled it back out again, making sure my already wet cock was properly wet. I cum into her cunt.
I had to cum, I rammed my cock pole in and out of her pussy. Getting closer to filling her body full of cum, I began to pet her. I heard her moan and that did it, my body tensed up like a coiled spring and then suddenly unleashed myself upon her, squirting ropes of cum all over her pussy, cascading down to pour from her pussy and run down her legs. I held her tight as my body convulsed and felt my dick squishing against her wet cunt. After my body shot the final rope of cum and I began to relax my hold on her, Nahed picked her head up, throwing her hair across her back and taking a deep breath and gasp.
I picked up her jeans and handed them to her. She put them on and stepped into her boots, holding the top as she forced her foot in one by one. We headed back to her car. "I'll drive you back to your place." She said as we got in the car.
9-With the Libra Woman (Two Libras Women):
The door burst open and a guy burst in with a girl right behind him.
"What the fuck is going on?" He said, raising his voice.
"Chill out, man!" I said.
"Who the fuck are you to tell me to chill out?" He said, his voice still loud. "I come here with my brother Kareem Hasanain and his fiancee Sameerah Magdy and this is how you treat us?" I stood up walking up to him.
"First of all." I started off, blowing smoke on to his face. "Lower your voice. Second of all. Your brother owes us 25,000 LE." the guy looked shocked. "That's without />
"I can pay that." He said. "What did he use it for?"
"Hashish? Gambling? Women?" Stefan said. "Who knows? All we know is that he owes us 25,000 LE plus the agreed interest for the time borrowed and for the two months that it's overdue by."
"Which is?"
"What? That's gonna be well over 35,000 LE!" the guy said looking at me very shocked. I shrugged my shoulders sitting back down on the couch.
"He agreed to it." Stefan said. "If he could get a loan from the bank for cheaper, why would he come to us?"
"You know what? Fuck him! Cut his fingers off or whatever you guys do. I'm going." He started to leave.
"But he's your brother!" Sameerah tried to plead with him, but he wasn't having any of that. He left. She looked at the TV screens with the surveillance on them. We could see the guy go to their table and say something to a woman. The woman seemed to know Sameerah.
"What's going on?" She asked Sameerah. As Sameerah explained, me and Stefan talked.
"You deal with them, I'll deal with this punk." Stefan said and he left the room. He enjoyed roughing people up, that's why he left me with the two girls.
he going?" Sameerah asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Are you going to hurt him?" They both looked so concerned.
"Hi, I'm Olfat. What if we paid?" The woman asked.
"Not an option."
"But it's still money!" Olfat said.
"Not his money." I said checking out Olfat. She wore a green dress with open toed shoes. "That's a beautiful tan you have." I said to her.
She said getting a little uncomfortable. I stood up and went over to her. I circled around her, checking her out, planning to make her as uncomfortable as possible.
"You are so hot! Your spouse Amgad is a very lucky man." I commented. "Ginger chicks don't really do anything for me, but you are in a league of your own." Olfat had her eyes closed, like it was humiliating for her to get checked out by me. She took a deep breath.
"What if I had sex with you?" She asked slowly opening her eyes. Both me and Sameerah looked at her shocked.
"Why do you care about him so much?" I asked.
"He's like a little brother to us." Olfat answered.
"So you guys hang out together a lot?" I asked, pointing at both of them to indicate that I meant them two.
"Yeah." Sameerah answered.
"I guess that's how you guys came close." I said puffing away at the cigar. "I guess I could cut the debt in half if you fucked me." I said.
Olfat looked shocked and offended. I nodded.
"The best I can do."
"Can or will?" Olfat asked.
"Will." I replied, not hesitating for a second, just waiting for her to back down. There was no way she was gonna do it.
"What if I slept with you as well?" Sameerah added. I laughed while Olfat looked at her shocked. "Yeah!" Sameerah continued. "A ménage trois?" She looked so uncomfortable.
"What would your boyfriend or fiance say? And you!" I looked at Olfat. "What would your husband say?" They both looked down hesitant. "Don't try and play with the big boys. Stick to the little boys." I said stressing the word little. "And get the fuck out." They made their way to the door and they were talking, too quietly for me to hear. They stood there talking for over a minute. They both turned around and smiled at me.
"But we want to see what a BIG boy feels like in our tiny little pussies." Sameerah said, smiling. I guess this is what they cooked up together.
"You're just a kid Semsemah!" Olfat said to Sameerah, trying to keep her voice low so I couldn't hear.
"Come over here!" I said, looking at Sameerah, pretending like I didn't know what they were talking about. I put the cigar out once Sameerah stood in front of me, in between me and the desk, facing me.
"Take off your pants." I told Sameerah. She did as I asked. "The panties too!" She grabbed the waist band. I motioned with my finger for her to turn around. She turned around and pulled down her panties slowly. She bent forward, still holding her panties. The table blocked her from going any lower and she let her panties drop, revealing her pale, round ass. She tried to stand up straight, but I put my hand on her back and pushed her down, keeping her bent over the table.
I reached down to my zipper with my free hands and pulled my cock out. Sameerah tried to look back, she had a worried look on her face. I leant over, pressing my stomach against her back. I kissed her cheek, she seemed a little uncomfortable at my touch. I placed kisses on her face, getting closer to her mouth. Sameerah opened her mouth every time I kissed her until I reached her mouth. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and let me suck it.
When Sameerah came over to me, my cock was half erect and now it was rock hard. My cock rubbed against her thighs. Olfat was staring at my cock from a distance. I looked at her and smiled. She gave back a nervous smile. I reached down with one hand and held my cock. I pushed my cock head in between Sameerah's butt crack and forced it forward a little.
"Owww!" Sameerah cried out, her knees buckling a bit. Olfat took a step forward out of concern. "That's my ass!" She complained. I hadn't aimed for that hole, I was bent over her and couldn't see. But now, I wanted her ass.
"She's just a kid!" Olfat said. This was the second time she said this and already, she was beginning to sound like a broken record.
"What? Kareem never fuck you up the ass?" I asked Sameerah, completely ignoring Olfat.
"No!" Sameerah replied. "We only just started having sex."
"Well… You're with the big boys now." I said rubbing my cock against her ass hole. Sameerah just closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth.
"Wait!" Olfat said, walking up to me. "How do we know that your buddy isn't doing a number on Kareem while you try and sodomise />
"Hmm! I never even though about that." I picked up my cell phone. "Hey. Stefan. You done anything to Kareem yet…? Well don't… I got some sort of deal going on, I'll explain later. Just stay with Kareem until I call you again… OK! But as long as the door is closed, don't come in to the office or room seven… OK?" I turned the PC monitor on, the PC was already running but the screen was turned off. I clicked on a few stuff and put the cameras in room seven on. Sameerah had her back turned to me and Olfat was on the other side of the desk so neither of them knew.
"Look. She's just a kid." Olfat said walking closer to me, again with the kid stuff. "Why don't you have me instead?" Olfat smiled. She was now right in front of me. She took a step forward, pressing her breasts against my chest and leaned forward, tilting her head to one side, kissing me. She pushed her tongue into my mouth. I felt her wrap her fingers around my cock, her warm hand stroking my hard cock. Olfat was obviously trying to stop me from fucking Sameerah.
"Just a kid? I think her bare ass would disagree." I said, breaking the kiss, slapping Sameerah's ass, moving my hand down, in between her legs, pushing my finger into her tight cunt.
"I'll let you put it wherever you want." Olfat said smiling. "And unlike Sameerah, I've had experience taking a big cock in every hole." Olfat said squeezing my cock, hard. I picked up Sameerah's pants and panties and walked past her.
"Come with me." I said, putting my dick away, walking out the room. I didn't look back to see if they were following. Once I got to room seven, I stripped off to nothing, a couple of seconds later, Sameerah and Olfat appeared. I don't know how Sameerah made it here, considering she was bottomless and her pale ass was on view, but I didn't care. Olfat closed the door behind them as Sameerah reluctantly walked over to me.
"Lock it." I told her. She noticed a key in the lock and turned it. I lay on the bed and Olfat started to walk up to me.
"Stop." I said. "I want you to strip off." Olfat started to strip off and Sameerah sat on the bed watching Olfat. I went on my knees and crawled up, behind Sameerah. I kissed her neck and she breathed hard. I pulled her purple top over her head. She had a black bra on, that I quickly unhooked, revealing her voluptuous breasts. I reached around from behind her and held her breasts, one in each hand, gently squeezing them. My hard on started to press against Sameerah's lower back and she looked over to Olfat for help.
Olfat had taken her dress off and was in her bra and panties, that were white. She was taking her shoes off and I pulled Sameerah on to the bed on top of me. I pushed her down, my cock pressing against her soft tits. I pulled myself up so that my cock was near her mouth. I pushed her head down and she knew what I wanted.
Sameerah looked at my face while she opened her mouth and with her hands, guided my erection in to her mouth. My cock head was a little large and her inexperience was showing. My cock wasn't that big that it wouldn't fit in her mouth, but she was still having trouble with it. Once she got my cock head into her mouth, she started to work her lips up and down my shaft.
Olfat had stripped off to nothing as well and came up to us, lying down beside me. I pulled Sameerah off my cock by her hair.
"Kiss her." I said to them, not really sure which one of them I was talking to, but all I knew was that I wanted them to kiss. They both had a little reluctant look and then they closed their eyes and leaned forward. They kissed each other, closed mouth.
"Open your mouths." I said and they both tilted their heads into opposite directions and opened their mouths. I could see one of them push their tongue into the other's mouth. I wasn't sure who's tongue it was, but it was really hot. They started to get into it, kissing each other passionately.
I felt one of them hold my cock and start to stroke it. I looked down to see a tanned hand on my member and knew it was Olfat's hand. She was stroking my cock at a steady pace while she kissed Sameerah. She broke the kiss, turned her head to face me. Sameerah still had her eyes closed and was kissing the side of Olfat's face. She opened her eyes when she realised that Olfat had pulled away from her.
"Enjoying that a bit more than you thought?" I asked and Sameerah gave that innocent little girl smile. Olfat lowered her head and sucked my cock head, taking her mouth off.
"Can I ride it?" Olfat pouted. She looked really cute, her bottom lip sticking out while she pouted. This was a different tone from her from when we started. Sameerah was still the same, a little nervous and shaky.
I didn't say anything and Olfat straddled me. She reached back and held my cock, rubbing it against her slit.
"I want her to put it in." I said, pointing towards Sameerah with my head. Sameerah held my cock as she positioned it. "Suck it first." I said and Sameerah took my cock head into her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down, working her mouth further down my shaft every time her lips went down.
"Get it nice and wet!" I said.
"Watching her suck your cock is really turning me on." Olfat said. "I want to feel it deep inside me." She leaned forward pressing her tits against my chest, kissing the side of my mouth. She was getting into this way more than I expected.
"Put it in her." I said and I felt the tip of my cock press against Olfat's pussy and Sameerah pushed it in.
"That feels so good!" Olfat gave that cute girl next door smile as she started to ride me at a fast pace instantly. "Does that feel good? You like my tight cunt working up and down your big cock?" Olfat asked as she continued to ride me as fast as she could. I held on to her little feet, one in each hand.
She didn't mess around, no foreplay no nothing. She got into things straight away. At this rate she was gonna make me cum before I could sample Sameerah. Hold on! Is that what she's trying to do? Stop me from sampling Sameerah by making me cum quick? I looked over to Sameerah, taking my focus away from Olfat. She just sat there on the bed.
I called her and she looked at me. "Olfat has cute little feet. Don't you think?."
"Yeah." Sameerah said as she came closer, looking at them. really nice."
"I want you to suck her toes." Sameerah looked at me, not sure if I was serious. She lowered her head, opening her mouth. She stuck her tongue out and licked Olfat's sole. Olfat let out a low moan and curled her toes. She was still riding me as fast as she could, but I had managed to take my focus off her and onto Sameerah.
"Got a little feet fetish?" Olfat smiled.
Sameerah licked down Olfat's sole and took in her curled big toe into her mouth and sucked it. Sameerah kept looking up at me as she tried to suck Olfat's curled toes on by one. Olfat's moans were starting to get louder and louder and I could feel her juices starting to run as she got wetter with every thrust.
"Oh God! I'm gonna cum!" She moaned as she went as fast as she could and then she just thrust her hips down as she let out a loud scream as she climaxed. Once she started to get quieter, indicating that she had finished her orgasm I pulled her off my cock and pushed her to one side. My eyes locked on Sameerah. Sameerah was still sucking Olfat's toes.
"Now! It's your turn to cum!" I said, placing her on her back. I went on top of her. Sameerah quickly reached down, holding my wet cock and pushed it into her pussy. Probably to stop me from putting it into her ass like I tried to before. Surprisingly she was a little wet. Looks like watching me and Olfat turned her on. Sameerah wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped mine around her as I started to thrust into her.
"Your dick feel's so big!" Sameerah said throwing her head back. I started to kiss her pushing my tongue into her mouth as I started to go faster with every thrust. After that fast riding Olfat did, I don't think I'm gonna last too long inside Sameerah and with us locked in this position I definitely wasn't going to.
"God you're so tight! I'm gonna cum soon!" I moaned into Sameerah's ear.
"Please! Cum!" Sameerah pleaded. "Cum in me!" As much as I wanted to finish inside her, I decided to.
"Did you enjoy that?" Olfat asked looking at me, her face really close to Sameerah's wet foot, but not touching.
"That was good for round one." I said and the smile on Olfat's face started to fade. "I want you two to go down on each other." I said. Sameerah looked at Olfat with a worried look.
"Don't worry!" Olfat said, getting up, kissing Sameerah on her forehead. "I'll let you go on top." Olfat lay down and Sameerah got up and straddled her face as they got into the 69 position.
"I've never gone down on a woman before." Sameerah whined looking at me. I went in front of her face, sitting on the bed.
"Just do what you'd like done to you when a guy goes down on you." I said.
"OK." Sameerah said and she reluctantly started to lick at the top of Olfat's opening. Licking her way down, working her tongue in. I couldn't see what Olfat was doing, but I was pretty sure that she had already started on Sameerah.
Sameerah moaned gently, taking her mouth off Olfat's love box as she started to work her finger into Olfat and she started licking her clit at the same time. I was sitting there, watching Sameerah go down on Olfat, stroking my meat, trying to get it hard enough to join in the action. I watched them eat each other out for a while.
Once I felt that my cock was hard enough, I got up to my knees and knelt in between Olfat's legs. Sameerah was licking Olfat's clit and I held my cock and pressed the tip against Sameerah's tongue. She stopped licking Olfat's clit and opened her mouth as I pushed my cock head into her mouth.
"Suck my dick!" I ordered Sameerah. She looked up at me and started to move her lips down my shaft. She closed her eyes as she worked her lips half way up and down my shaft. I pulled my cock out of her mouth and pushed the tip into Olfat's wet pussy and slammed my full length into her.
Olfat let out a moan as I thrust in and out of her as fast as I could. Sameerah lowered her head back down, her head sideways, her tongue flicking Olfat's clitoris while I thrust in and out of her as fast as I could. Sameerah had already done all the work bringing Olfat close to orgasming, she was already very wet. I was just using my fuck stick to finish her off.
I could feel Olfat's pussy starting to contract around my shaft and I started to go even faster. My cock splashing in and out of her moist cunt, her pussy was so tight.
"I'm cumming!" Olfat moaned her pussy contracting really fast around my shaft, her hips bucking up and down as I didn't let up and continued fucking her as fast as I could.
"Fuck! AH!" Olfat started scream. "AH! That feels so good!" She moaned through what sounded like gritted teeth. I pulled out of her and her pussy looked a little red from getting stretched out by my thick shaft. Her pussy lips quivered from the cool air.
Her juices started to run down, in between her butt crack. I held my cock, it was very wet, covered in Olfat's cum. I pressed my cock head against her pussy and her hips bucked. I ran my cock head down along her slit and in between her butt crack. I pushed the tip in between her butt crack and found her ass hole instantly.
"You like having a big cock in your tight ass hole?" I asked Olfat as I pushed my cock head past her tight ring with ease.
"Yes!" She moaned uncomfortably. I thrust half my cock into her ass hole instantly. "Fuck!" Olfat moaned. I pulled back and thrust forward again, forcing more of my length into her tight ass hole.
Olfat screamed. Her cum that was on my cock, had lubricated her ass hole and now my cock wasn't wet as before.
"You're hurting her!" Sameerah said. I pulled my cock out of Olfat's ass and leant forward, kissing Sameerah on the lips. She kissed me back, probably because she felt like she had to. I pulled away from her and pushed my cock towards her face.
"Get it nice and wet." I told her.
"Eww! I'm not putting that in my mouth! It's been in Olfat's ass!" Sameerah said.
"Fair enough." I said. "I can get Olfat to suck it and get it all wet so it'll slip into your ass hole easily." I threatened Sameerah.
"No!" Sameerah said, her voice louder than she intended. It sounded like she really didn't want me to ass fuck her. "Here, let me suck it." She said stroking my cock as she lowered her mouth. She looked up at me so she wouldn't have to see my cock go into her mouth. She put my cock head in to her mouth and wrapped her lips around my shaft. She worked her lips up and down.
"Spit on it!" I told her and Sameerah gathered saliva in her mouth and spat it out onto my cock, spreading it around with her hand. My cock felt wet enough and I thought that was enough, I'd give Sameerah a break for now.
"Put it in her." I said looking into Sameerah's eyes. She had a nervous look on her face and she tried to look back at Olfat. She turned around and smiled at me. I don't know if she saw Olfat, but maybe she gave her the thumbs up.
Sameerah lowered her head closer to Olfat's pussy, holding my cock. She pressed my cock head against Olfat's ass hole, forcing my large cock head into Olfat's tight orifice. I thrust forward, sliding over half my length with ease into her rectum.
I started to work my cock in and out of her ass hole faster with every thrust until I was going as fast as I could. Olfat was moaning, at first it sounded like moans of discomfort, but once her sphincter loosened around my shaft and she had adjusted to my girth, she was moaning just like how she was when she came. Sameerah started licking Olfat's pussy again, giving her double pleasure.
"Ah!" Sameerah moaned after a couple of minute, while her lips pulled at Olfat's pussy lips.
"You cumming?" I asked Sameerah, touching her cheeks.
Sameerah moaned.
"I'm cumming again!" Olfat moaned. I looked over Sameerah's ass to see Olfat was now fingering Sameerah with three fingers. The two came almost at the same time. Screaming loud, Sameerah grinding her hips down on to Olfat's face, while Olfat's hips thrashed around wildly. She pulled her ass off my cock as she came. I waited for both of them to calm down.
"Suck my dick some more." I said to Sameerah as her breathing returned to normal. She looked hesitantly at me, reaching out with her hand slowly.
"Let me taste my own ass!" Olfat said. I don't know if she actually wanted to do it or if she was bailing Sameerah out again, but either way, seeing her suck off my cock after it's been in her ass was gonna be hot. I knelt beside Olfat's face and she turned her head to face my cock and moved her head forward, taking my cock head into her mouth. Olfat worked her lips up and down my shaft.
Olfat sucked my cock for a couple of minutes, working her lips up and down as fast as she could, trying her best to make me cum and end this for her and Sameerah. I decided to give them a break. I had spent quite a long time fucking Olfat's ass and I decided I was gonna finish in Sameerah's ass.
I moved around so that I was kneeling on top of Olfat's face, straddling her. I pushed my cock into her mouth and started to thrust my cock in and out of her mouth. I started to push my cock deeper into her mouth, working my cock further down her throat.
As I carried on thrusting my cock further and further down her throat, Olfat's mouth started to fill with saliva and every time I thrust down her throat, she made a glugging sound. I started to get faster and faster. Olfat started to push my stomach with her hands. I pulled out of her mouth.
Her saliva had drenched my cock, getting it really wet. I saw this as my opening. While Olfat was busy coughing, I could take advantage of Sameerah. I held my cock and pressed my cock head in between Sameerah's butt crack, pushing the tip forward.
"Wait!" Sameerah said. I held her hips and pushed my hips forward, forcing half of my wet cock into her ass hole. "Stop!" Sameerah protested. Olfat was trying to recover from the coughing, but she wasn't going to be able to 'save' Sameerah this time.
"OK! Hold on!" Sameerah said. "Give me a minute." She was giving in to the inevitable now. I could hear her breathing hard, as if she was psyching herself out. "OK." She said looking back. "Go slowly and be gentle." She asked. I gently slapped her pale ass as if to agree.
I pushed my hips forward, feeling my cock go in millimetres at a time, which was too painfully slow. But she was an anal virgin, so I went real slow, stopping and allowing her to adjust to my girth. I stayed still for a minute, Sameerah not giving any sign that she was ready to take more or of this was too much.
I felt Olfat's tongue on my nut sack. She was leaning her head forward, licking my nut sack, taking my balls into her mouth one by one, gently sucking them. The tightness of Sameerah's anal walls and Olfat sucking my nuts was getting to be too much for me to just stay there and be still.
Sameerah moaned as I pulled back. "Fuck!" She said her voice getting louder as I thrust into her slowly, forcing more into her pale ass. Olfat stopped sucking my nuts and lowered herself, aligning her mouth with pussy. She had positioned her head so that when I thrust forward, I wouldn't hit her head.
Olfat going down on Sameerah provided her with the pleasure she needed to get into the anal sex. While Olfat worked her tongue on Sameerah's clitoris, I started to build up some pace to these painfully slow thrusts. I just wanted to fuck her so hard until I came, but I wanted her to enjoy it as well, so until I felt like she was ready for me to faster I was gonna have to build up some steady pace.
"You like having a dick up your ass?" I asked.
"No!" Sameerah whined, her voice sounding like she was complaining. "It hurts so much!" I leaned forward, my chest touching her back. I placed my hands on hers, so that we were both on all fours, with me on top of her.
I apologised, kissing her on the cheek. "What can I do to make it feel good?" I asked, starting to get a little sensitive.
"Don't push so hard." Sameerah said. I stopped thrusting hard into her and pushed less of my shaft in.
"That feels kinda good." Sameerah said, so I continued at this slow pace for a couple of minutes. Sameerah's moans got louder and sounded like she was getting into it, so I started to build up a little pace, getting faster every couple of thrusts, listening to her response. If she sounded like she was enjoying it, I went a little faster, until I built up to a steady pace that was satisfying my need to fuck her fast and hard.
I started to feel a little friction so I slowly pulled my cock out of her ass and I shuffled down a little.
"Open wide!" I said to Olfat as I pushed my cock down and into her mouth. Olfat instantly took my cock to the back of her throat and started to go as fast as she could, sensing that I had been drilling into Sameerah's ass for so log that she could get me to cum with her lips.
"You have such cute little feet." I said to Sameerah, holding one of her foot in my hand, lifting it up a little. Sameerah looked back and giggled as I gently rubbed my thumb up and down her sole. "A little ticklish?" I asked as I rubbed her sole some more. She let out cute innocent giggles.
I was going so fast that I could feel my orgasm starting to build up. I wanted to cum in Sameerah's ass so I pulled out of Olfat's mouth.
"Nice try." I said to Olfat, tapping my cock on Sameerah's heels to try and calm my dick down. My cock was covered in Olfat's thick saliva. I was actually quite surprised at how long I was able to throat fuck her with out her having to take a breath.
"Spread those cheeks wide!" I said to Sameerah, shuffling up on my knees so I was right behind her. Sameerah leaned forward on the side of her face, pressing her cheek against Olfat's pussy. She reached back and spread her butt cheeks apart, just like I had asked her to.
I pressed my wet cock head against her ass hole and Sameerah pushed, gaping her ass hole a little and my cock head went into her rectum with a loud wet plop sound.
Sameerah let out a loud scream as I thrust forward, pushing my full length into her. I started to thrust in and out of her fast, getting faster with every thrust. Sameerah reached back with her hands, pressing them against my groin trying to push me back. I leaned forward, going on top of Sameerah again, on all fours. I was going so fast that Sameerah lost her balance and ended up flat on top of Olfat.
"It hurts so much!" Sameerah moaned, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.
"I'm so close!" I moaned as I thrust into her as hard and as fast as I could, pushing my cock deeper and deeper into her bowels.
"Oh God! It feels so good and it hurts so much!" Sameerah sobbed. She begged, her voice quivering. "Please cum! I need to feel your cum inside me!" She moaned, her voice returning a bit more to normal and she was no longer sobbing. I don't know if she was saying this to finish this anal assault or if it was because she wanted me to cum, but either way, I was on the verge of cumming.
I started going at a feverishly fast pace as I started to feel my cock throbbing real hard and her tight anal walls squeezing my cock, then I felt a sudden rush in my balls.
"I'm cumming!" I moaned.
"Cum for me!" Sameerah yelled. "Fill my shit hole with that white piss!" She moaned with a sound of desperation in her voice, pushing the side of her face harder against Olfat's pussy.
I yelled as I thrust into Sameerah's rear as hard as I could one last time as my cum shot out deep into her bowels. I stayed still on top of her as my cum rushed out my shaft and into her rectum. Sameerah moaned hard as I pumped her ass full of cum.
Once I had finished cumming, I pulled out, shuffling down a little and pushing my cock into Olfat's mouth. She opened her mouth wide as I thrust in and out of her mouth a couple of times and pulled out of her mouth. I got off the bed and stood beside the bed, looking at these two cuties in the 69 position.
I grabbed Sameerah's hips and pulled her down so that her ass was level with Olfat's mouth. I slapped her pale ass cheek hard, bringing a hint of pink to her ass.
Olfat gave a smile. Sameerah got off Olfat and lay on her back beside her, their face still at the side of the other's feet. I leaned forward and kissed Sameerah, pushing my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back, it was a long kiss. I pulled away from her, looking at her face. She looked really cute and I gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
"Don't I get one?" Olfat asked, pouting, biting the index finger of one hand.
"Er…" I said pretending to think. Olfat laughed. My lips met Olfat's and I kissed her deeply, our tongues entwined.
"So now are you going to let Kareem go?" Sameerah asked.
"I'll go sort everything out." I said picking my clothes up and getting dressed. I picked their clothes up and tossed it at them. "You two lovely cats get dressed and wait in my office.
I laughed as I left the room. I went into the office and Stefan was in there.
10-With the Pisces Woman :
My cell phone rang and I answered. />
"Ahmad. It's Dawlat Sabry. I'm on hotel now and I was wondering if you could bring me some hashish?"
"Aren't you suppose to be fresh out of rehab?" I asked.
"That was ages ago and it was for alcohol and it was my mom's doing any way. I don't have a problem." Dawlat replied.
"OK." I laughed. "You in Cairo?"
"Yup! In …… I'm an Alexandrian woman." She replied, giving me her address.
"I'll be there soon, I've got just one thing to take care of and I'll swing by later."
Dawlat squealed.
"Just make sure that they let me in when I'm at the gates."
"Will do." She hung up the phone.
I drove to her place and asked for her at the entrance of the hotel. They told me which room she was in, I parked and I made my way over there. I knocked on her room door.
"Dawlat? It's Ahmad!" I said and she opened the door. She was in a white robe, by the looks of things, probably nothing underneath. She was barefoot and had her hair left out and it was her natural hair colour.
"I like it when you have ginger hair." I said complimenting her as I walked in. "It looks much sexier on you than any other hair colour." I sat on her couch.
She said pushing her hair behind her ears. She shut the trailer door and sat down beside me. She had one leg crossed and was sitting on it, so that her heel was pressed against the back of her thigh, while the other foot went down to the floor.
"So you got it?" She asked and I handed her the little plastic bag. She opened it and instantly made a joint on the table in front of the couch, rolled a piece of paper and smoked the joint.
"That's so good!" She said smoking it all. "Aren't you a little hot in that sports jacket?" She asked. "You can take it off if you want." It was a pretty hot day so I took the jacket off.
"I don't have the cash on me right now. But I'm good for it." She said. "Besides I'm not like those idiots who say they're good for it when they're not. I mean I'm 23 and I'm already a rich woman!" Dawlat bragged.
"23? I thought you were 22." I said.
my birthday." She said.
"Oh! Happy birthday!" I said giving her a hug. Dawlat hugged me back.
"Thank you." She said, smiling.
"You know what? This is on me. My birthday present to you."
"Thank you!" Dawlat squealed hugging me again.
"So what you gonna do to celebrate? You gonna go out and get drunk and stoned?" I asked. "You coming by to our club right?"
"No. I'm having a quiet one." Dawlat replied.
"What? You're turning 23. You're legally allowed to come into the club."
"I know. But I don't want to and my friends are busy tonight. We might celebrate in the weekend." Dawlat said.
"So that's why you wanted the hashish. Have a little party all by yourself." I joked.
"I know I seem like a party girl, God knows the press has done its best for me to come across that way. Obviously I do love to party, but that's not what I'm gonna miss about this />
"What are you gonna miss? Your family? Friends?" I asked.
"No!" She smiled. "I can't really say."
"Why not? You dragged my ass out here to get you blow when you don't have the money and now you won't tell me something as little as what you miss the most about your birthday." I joked.
"OK!" Dawlat laughed. />
"Sex?" I repeated her answer back to her as a question, staring at her face.
"I always get laid on my birthday. It's the reason why I go out, to get laid." I was still staring at her face and I noticed that she had a tiny little beauty spot on the right side of her upper lip.
"Shit! That's a lot of guys. You must be well into three digits by now!"
"No!" Dawlat laughed, playfully pushing me. "You know what I mean! I only do it on my birthday. It's like a />
"Three times is not really a tradition. If you were like 25 and been doing it since you were 18…"
"15." Dawlat interrupted me.
"15? Fuck that's a young age?" I said shocked. "Was it for a film role?" I joked.
"Ah! You jerk!" Dawlat said pretending to looked shocked, pushing me again, playfully. "Besides I lost it when I was 14 and it was with a guy that I use to always hang out with during my tom boy phase."
"How'd it happen?" I asked deciding to dig a little deeper. She was gonna give up the details, after all, she had just done a line and as big a hashish user as she may be. One line is still gonna have effect.
"We had sex ed at high school, the teacher left condoms out and I took one." Dawlat started. "I hanged out with this guy cos he was cute and thought if I hanged out with him long enough he'd like me too. So I'd hang out with him all the time, playing video games you know? Doing guy stuff. So after we had sex ed, I was in his bedroom and we were watching a movie and I dropped the condom out of my pocket. He saw it and was like 'What you doing with that? Are you having sex?' And then I asked him the stupidest question." She laughed covering her face with her hand in embarrassment.
"What did you ask him?" I asked smiling.
"I said that I got it for him and I wanted to see what it would look like on his penis." She laughed.
"That sounds pretty lame and like a line out of a crappy porno." I laughed.
"I know!" She laughed. "But he let me put it on and came when I touched it." She laughed.
"American Pie." I said remembering back to the Jason Biggs and Shannon Elizabeth scene.
"But he did get it up again and luckily, he had taken a rubber from sex ed as well."
"Nice way to lose your virginity. Act out a lame scene from a porno." I said and Dawlat laughed some more.
"You know? I haven't had sex for like a month." Dawlat said looking at me.
"Aren't you dating someone?" I asked.
"Yeah. But I've been so busy, we haven't had a chance to hook up. He's got something going on now and he's not even in the state, so I'm all by myself." Dawlat sighed. She lifted her leg so both of her legs was up on the couch. She sat there and she slowly spread her legs apart, flashing me. And just as I suspected, she wasn't wearing anything underneath. I instantly thought about those numerous panty flash that she's had come up in the papers and uncensored on the net.
"You seem to like flashing your pussy quite a lot." I said, expecting her to get embarrassed.
"I hate wearing underwear. They're so She said. I wasn't sure if she was aware that she was flashing me and that the reason why I bought it up was because of that.
kind of…" I wasn't sure how to put it.
"Flashing you?" She said casually. "Don't you like what you see?" I think she might be looking to carry out her of getting laid on her birthday and that I might be the lucky guy that she's picked.
"Well… I need a closer look." I said, waiting to see if she was planning what I think and hope she was planning.
"What's stopping you?" Dawlat asked, her hand going down in between her legs. There was no doubt now that she was horny.
I reached forward and undid her robe, pushing her robe apart, revealing her bare body. She had gone through her bulimic phase where she went disgustingly thin and was now back to being healthy. She had a great figure and her tits looked bigger than ever. I leaned forward taking one of her tits into my mouth sucking it hard, playing with her nipple with my tongue.
She had light freckles all around her chest and her sides. I undid my belt, button and zipper and pulled my pants and boxers down at the same time. I got up to my knees, pressing my cock in between her tits. She pushed her tits together and I started to work my cock up and down in between her large mounds.
It felt a little dry so when I worked my cock up her tits I spat on it, using my saliva as lubrication. I continued to work my cock up and down, hitting Dawlat on the chin every time I pushed up.
Dawlat let go off my cock and grabbed it, sucking my cock head fast, working her mouth down lower and lower my cock until she was working my full length down her throat. She was quite talented at controlling her gag reflex, probably form when she was bulimic. She took my cock out of her mouth and started to stroke my cock furiously, pressing the tip against her tongue. She had her mouth open wide and her tongue spread out.
"It's gonna take a little more than that to get me to cum." I told her.
"Did you have sex or jerk off in the morning?" Dawlat asked, smiling, still stroking my cock.
"Last night." I replied.
"Well, how about getting that closer look of my pussy now?" Dawlat smiled. I went lower down so I was in between her knees. I spread her legs apart, she had a neatly trimmed, small patch of ginger pubic hair on the top of her pussy and she was already wet from fingering herself.
"Don't worry.." I pressed my cock against her opening. "I'm just helping you to keep up with traditions frist." I said as I pushed my cock head into her already moist hole.
"Oh God! That feels so big!" Dawlat moaned arching her back, throwing her head back. I thrust my full length into her causing her to moan louder. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and tossed it on to the floor. I put my arms around Dawlat, she still had her robe on and I worked my hand underneath the robe so my arms were around her naked body.
I was now on top of her, pulling her close to me while I increased the pace that I was thrusting into her. I still had my pants and boxers around my knees and my shoes and socks on, but I wanted to fuck her so badly that I didn't bother taking them off.
I started to build up the pace quite rapidly getting faster and faster with every thrust. Dawlat wrapped her arms and legs around my body, pulling me closer to her, kissing me on the lips, pushing her tongue deep into my mouth.
Her pussy was so tight and I just kept getting faster and faster, not feeling my orgasm building up but I could feel her body start to tighten and her body start to shake as her orgasm started to approach. Her pussy clamped around my cock tightly as she started to moan into my mouth as her orgasm hit.
I continued to thrust into her, my dick splashing in and out of her while she came. I could feel my orgasm starting to build up as well, her pussy contracting around my shaft as it went in and out of her.
Once Dawlat's orgasm subsided, her grip around my body, with her arms and legs loosened. I pushed myself up, kneeling in between her legs, still thrusting into her at a fast pace. I held her legs apart by holding her by the back of her knees. I watched her face as she continued to moan in ecstasy, her toes were curled tight.
I let go off the back of her knees and held one of her foot bringing it up to my mouth and sucking the big toe. She started to wriggle her toe around inside my mouth. I took my mouth off her big toe and took all of her other toes into my mouth at the same time. Dawlat wriggled her toes around my mouth while I circled them with my tongue.
I pulled her foot away from my mouth and lowered it down, grabbing her other foot. I pulled out of her pussy as I felt my orgasm approaching. I put Dawlat's feet together, her soles touching. I positioned my hips and pushed them forward, pushing my cock in between her feet, the head coming out the other side. My cock head moving to one side and resting on her ankle.
I started to thrust back and fourth, working my cock up and down in between her soles, the underside of my cock rubbing along her heels as I thrust my full length forward. Dawlat started to wriggle her toes and I could only feel her pretty toes on the top of my shaft when I pulled back.
I entered her pussy again with my cock. I continued to thrust faster and faster as I held her feet together. I could already feel my orgasm approaching as I fucked her pussy and now it was a matter of seconds before I came. I could feel my balls tightening and then my cock throbbed hard inside her pussy, her soft pussy lips pressing the sides of my shaft hard as my cum shot up my cock and into her pussy. My cum burst out of my cock filling her pink pussy and her womanly depths with thick cum.
My cock got out of her as I finished cumming. I breathed hard as I stayed in this position, waiting for my cock to shrink but it stayed at it's full length and just went a little soft.
Dawlat took my cock head in her mouth, stroking my cock, trying to get any excess cum out. "Mmm!" She moaned as I felt a couple of drops ooze out.
Dawlat started to work her lips up and down my shaft. I stayed on my knees as she continued to suck my cock for the next minute or so. She took my cock out of her mouth and scooped up my cum from her pussy lips with her finger and put it to her mouth, swallowing my cum. She scooped the rest up and swallowed that too. There was some cum on her ginger pubic hair, but she didn't bother with that.
"Look how big you still are. We're gonna have to fuck again." Dawlat laughed. "This time we have to do it doggy style, that's my favourite position." She said, getting down on to her knees. She pulled my shoes and socks off and pulled my pants and boxers off and started to suck my cock again. She worked her lips up and down my shaft, taking my dick down her throat, making sure that she got me hard again.
"I wanna ride it first!" She said as she stroked my cock as fast as she could with her hand, lifting my cock slightly as she licked my balls, taking one of them into her mouth. She couldn't get her fingers all the way around my shaft so she used her other hand as well. She lifted her head and started to suck on my cock head while she jerked me off. Twirling her tongue around my sensitive cock head.
Dawlat was doing a good job getting me hard. I was half way there, which seemed like enough for her. Dawlat stood up and straddled me. She pushed her hips forward, pressing my cock against my shaft with her pussy. She started to work her hips up and down, fucking my cock with her pussy lips.
She started to kiss around my neck as she reached down with her hand, pressing my cock head against her pussy and she worked her hips down, she pushed my cock head into her moist hole, impaling herself on my pole.
"Does that pussy feel good? My tight young pussy around your big fat cock." Dawlat moaned as she started to slowly grind her hips up and down my shaft. I find it harder to hold back when your cock is getting teased with slow strokes, so that helped to make sure I was hard enough.
Dawlat continued to ride my shaft, increasing the pace with every stroke. She was working her whole body up and down my shaft, thrusting her whole body up and then her whole weight coming crashing back down on my lap, her butt slapping down onto my balls. I put my arms around her, pulling her closer to me as she continued to ride me, getting louder with every stroke.
I kissed around her neck, my lips working down onto her chest and onto her tits. She leaned back giving me some space to take her boob into my mouth. I started to suck on her nipple, alternating between the two.
I wrapped my arms around her and rolled over so that I had her pinned on her back on the couch. I gave her a couple of deep thrusts and got on to my knees on the floor beside the couch. Dawlat was on her side in front of me on the couch, with her back turned to me and her ass looked incredible. I had to sample it, but I needed to make her cum first.
I lifted her ass cheek, getting a better view of her pink pussy and ass hole. I pressed my cock against her ass hole, pushing past it, sampling it then pulling out and entering her cunt. I pushed my cock head forward into her tight cunt and started to thrust into her as fast as I could.
"God that feels good!" Dawlat said as she started to thrust her ass back against me, meeting my thrusts, getting my cock deeper into her pussy. "Yeah! Get that fat thing in nice and deep!" She yelled as I fucked her faster.
"Mmm!" Dawlat moaned as she reached in between her legs and started to rub her clit as fast as she could straight away. "You think you can keep fucking me this fast without cumming? Hmm?" Dawlat asked as she continued to finger her clit.
"Don't worry about me. Once you cum I got a special gift for your 21st." I said as I held on to her hips with both hands and started to work in and out of her tight cunt as fast as I could.
I continued to gain speed with every thrust, ramming into her at a feverishly fast speed as if I was trying to cum. I pulled myself up on to the couch, Dawlat was flat on her front with me flat on top of her, with my feet on the arm of the couch that was near her feet and my hands on the couch on either side of her head, so that my weight wasn't on her and on my hands and feet instead.
When I pulled my hips back I could feel my cock rub against the back of her thighs, while my cock head remained inside her pussy. Her thighs felt so soft against my shaft. Dawlat started to moan louder and louder with every thrust. She was taking forever to cum.
"Your thighs feel so good against my cock." I said to her and kissed her on the side of her mouth. Dawlat started to thrust her butt back, meeting my thrusts and at the same time, she would pull forward, making my cock drag down the back of her thighs, adding to the pleasure she was giving me.
My cock started to ache and I felt like I should be filling her pussy with jizz, but my cock wasn't fully recovered from my orgasm not too long ago. I started to fell Dawlat's pussy finally start to contract around my cock and her breathing got faster as I felt her juices start to force it's way past my shaft and out of her.
Dawlat held her breath as her orgasm hit and became very still, while I still rammed into her. She had the quietest orgasm I have ever heard. Clenching her teeth and gripping the cushions of the couch. It was as if she didn't want anyone to hear her cum, maybe it was because people could hear what was going on inside the trailer from outside very easily.
I lay on top of her, my weight no longer on my hands and feet but on my groin, pressing down against her sweaty ass..
Once her orgasm started to subside she reached forward with her mouth and started to kiss me, out lips locked together in a passionate kiss. I started to give short slow thrusts as I felt her pussy tighten around my cock.
I got off her and back on to the floor on my knees. I rolled Dawlat on her side with her back to me. I bent forward and pushed her top butt cheek up, her cunt glistened with her juices. I licked her along her slit, working my tongue across to her ass hole and darted my tongue into her ass hole. She was so relaxed that her ass hole loosened a little and allowed me to get her little hole wet with her cum and my saliva.
Dawlat giggled as I worked my tongue in and out of her ass hole a couple of times. I held my cock while I did this and then pulled my head away from her and quickly pushed my cock head against her pussy for the third time, pushing the tip of my cock into her tight vagina. Dawlat's hips jerked forward, pulling her off my cock.
"What are you doing?" She asked giggling.
"I want a third time."
"You're greedy!" She giggled, her voice sounding a little high pitched. She might need some convincing, which shouldn't be too hard considering she had already done a hash cigarette (joint).
"So you let me?" I asked.
"Yup!" Dawlat replied.
It was a 23rd birthday gift from me to her.
I quickly grabbed my cock, which was still wet with her juices and pressed it against her pussy, forcing my cock head past her tight twat quickly while she was relaxed and before she could change her mind or even finish her though process.
Dawlat screamed as I wedged my large cock head up her vagina for the third time. She looked back at me and let out a forced giggle. I started to slowly thrust my cock in and out of her cum-lubricated pussy, getting more in every time I thrust forward.
"Fuck! Your cock feels even sweeter in my cunt for the third time!"
"That's cos you got a tight little pink hole." Dawlat gave an uncomfortable giggle to my answer. I started to work my wet cock into her pussy at a steady pace.
"God! Your huge cock is stretching my tiny little pink hole so much for the third time!" She moaned, stretching out the word 'much.' I slowly pulled out of her pussy, dragging my cock out of her tight twat. I stood up, so I could pick her up and take her over to the bed.
"That looks so good!" Dawlat said. I looked down to see her eyes locked on my cock.
"You want to suck it?" She nodded. "You wanna taste your pussy?" She nodded again. I bent over, pulling her head back by her hair and kissed her on the lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth. "I wanna hear you say it." Dawlat gave an annoyed smile.
"I wanna taste my tawt all over your big, hard cock." I let go of her hair and she got down on to her knees in front of me and started to suck my cock fast and hard, pushing her ginger hair to one side, giving me a better view of her lips wrapped around my cock.
"Mmm, mmm, mmm…" She kept moaning as she worked her lips up and down my shaft, her face getting closer to my body every time as she took me further and further down her throat.
"That's the stuff!" She said once she took her mouth off my cock, now stroking it, looking up at me. She stood up, one hand still on my cock. Without a word, she led me into the bedroom by my cock.
"How do you want me?" She asked in a very sultry tone, pushing her naked body against mine. I could feel her wet cunt pressed against my cock. Her mouth was about an inch away from mine.
"Your favourite position." I said remembering that she said that was her favourite position earlier. I leaned forward to kiss her.
"Oooh! Doggy style! My favourite position" She squealed quickly moving away from me before I could kiss her and she got on to the bed on all fours. She pushed her butt back, showing me her pussy. She shook her round ass.
"Come on Ahmad! I need to feel your big cock inside me again." I went on to the bed on my knees behind her. I pushed my cock head down into her tight pussy and her pussylips widened instantly.
I thrust forward.
"YES!" She screamed as I rammed my pole into her. She seemed much louder with my dick in her pussy for the third time.
I pulled back and rammed my cock back into her making her scream again. Looks like fucking her pussy for the third time in one day is definitely what makes her vocal. I pulled back and rammed into her again.
"Oh, that's good!" Dawlat said pushing her pussy back. "Do it again! Harder!" I pulled back and she pulled forward. As I thrust forward she pushed her ass cheeks back.
"That's good! Harder! Fuck my twat!" She yelled as I pulled back and rammed forward as hard as I could. "Yeah! Like that! Fuck my cunt hard!" Dawlat said as I thrust into her again just like before.
After a couple of hard thrusts, Dawlat started to push her butt back against me a little faster. To keep up with her, I started thrust into her faster.
Dawlat let out a loud scream every time my dick was forced up her vagina, and now that the thrusts were faster, so were her screams.
She reached underneath herself with one hand, in between her legs and started to rub her clit with one hand. I could feel her finger tips against my nut sack every time I thrust forward.
I continued to ram into her faster and faster, until I was going as fast as I could. My dick was throbbing hard in her tight little pink hole. Dawlat started to lower her head onto the bed. I grabbed her by the hair.
"Owww!" She screamed as I pulled her head back, forcing her to arch her back. She had to use both hands to keep her balance. I held her head back by her hair as I fucked her pussy as fast as I could.
Dawlat was screaming louder than ever, they were screams of pleasure and not pain. I leaned forward and kissed the freckles on her shoulder, kissing along her neck and when my mouth was close to hers, she kissed me, moaning loud as she sucked on my tongue.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" She moaned into my mouth as I pelted her even faster. I could feel her tight ring contracted around my shaft uncontrollably and then I felt it tighten as I thrust into her.
I felt my balls get wet when they slapped against her pussy. She had managed to make herself cum by fingering herself while I pussy fucked her and let me finish her off.
I carried on going as fast as I could while she orgasmed, letting go off her hair. She leaned forward on her chest, moving on to her side. I knelt down lower, my dick still in her pussy while she was on her side. I gave a couple of thrusts, feeling her thick butt cheeks squeeze my shaft as I slowly pulled back.
Both of Dawlat's legs were on one side of me. I lifted one leg up and moved it over to the other side of me so that I had one leg on either side of me, with Dawlat on her back and me on my knees in between her legs.
I lifted her legs, putting one on each shoulder as I slowly worked my cock in and out of her pussy.
"It's your turn to cum now." She said to me, pushing herself up and leaning back on her forearms. She leaned forward, kissing me on the lips. I started to lean forward, going on top of her with her legs still on my shoulders.
Dawlat was now flat on her back with me flat on top of her with her legs on my shoulders. I had my arms around her body and this stopped her from moving her legs off my shoulders. I locked my lips on to hers as I continued to thrust into her as fast as I could, trying to cum.
Dawlat moaned into my mouth as I held her in this position and she started to gasp for air, the position and the speed I was fucking her at didn't allow her to breath properly. So I pushed myself up a little, easing some of my weight off her allowing her to breath more easily.
I continued at a fast pace and it wasn't long before I felt my orgasm start to build up. I watched her face as I drilled into her. Dawlat looked even cuter when she was moaning and screaming in ecstasy. This made me want to cum on her face. As I continued to work my tool in and out of her tight pussy and with my eyes locked on her face, watching her fuck face I decided I ad to finish on her tits. So I pulled out of her and quickly straddled her stomach.
I start to jerk my cock as fast as I could in front of Dawlat's face. Dawlat watched my jerk my meat, licking her lips. Then I put my tool between her boobs. My balls kept slapping her tits. Her tits were big. I placed my cock in between her tits. We've had quite the fuck session, that she was a little sweaty. Her tits were sweaty enough to provide just the right amount of lubrication to avoid friction.
I was like a kid at a candy store who didn't know what he wanted, sampling everything. I first wanted to cum in her pussy, then her face and now I wanna fuck her tits. Which would still lead to me finishing on her face as well as her tits.
"I was wondering when you were gonna get to those." Dawlat giggled, pushing her tits together, squeezing my cock with them. I start to thrust back and fourth, working my cock in between her large sweaty tits. Dawlat watched my cock head in anticipation, she could feel my orgasm was close.
I stared at Dawlat's face and chest. She had a tan that covered her freckles and made them look lighter. Dawlat moved her head forward, burying her chin in between the top of her tits, opening her mouth so that every time I thrust up, my cock would go into her mouth and she'd quickly twirl her tongue around my cock. This was making my orgasm approach even faster and when I felt my cock about to explode, I quickly pulled my cock out from in between her tits and aimed my cock at her tits and my first load shot out onto her boobs.
I let out a loud moan of relief as I emptied out my cum on to Dawlat's breasts. Dawlat giggled with her eyes open.
"That was a lot of cum for a third orgasm." Dawlat giggled taking my cock head into her mouth. She worked her lips up and down my cock head, swallowing any cum that oozed out of my cock. I lay down on the bed beside her, exhausted.
"I'm gonna get cleaned up." Dawlat said, wiping my cum from her breasts with her fingers and putting her fingers into her mouth. She walked off into the bathroom.
"What have you got planned for the rest of the day?" Dawlat yelled from the bathroom.
I yelled back loud enough for her to hear me. I could hear running water. That was quite an exhausting round of sex. I started to feel a bit thirsty.
"You got anything to drink?" I asked.
"I don't have any alcohol." Dawlat replied, coming out of the bathroom.
"It's a bit early in the day for me to be drinking. I was going more along the lines of juice or water."
some bottled water in the fridge." I went in to the living room and headed to the kitchen area. I opened the fridge and took a bottle of water out and take a long sip.
"You want any?" I asked.
"I'm fine." She replied. I could hear Busta Rhymes track 'Touch it' and I knew instantly that it was my cell phone. Dawlat walked into the room from the bedroom and followed the music to my cell phone.
"Mervat Samy is calling you?" Dawlat asked looking at the screen on the top. What a freakish coincidence. Just when I was thinking about her earlier on in the day, I get a call from her.
"Pass me the phone." I said gesturing with my hand as I walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Is she calling for a fix?" Dawlat asked handing the phone to me and sitting down beside me.
"Don't make a sound. She can't know I'm with another woman." I said as I flipped the phone open. "Hey! Been a long time since I heard from you."
Dawlat leaned forward and bent her head down, kissing the tip of my cock.
"That's the only reason I haven't called you." Mervat continued. "But I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too." I said, keeping my eyes locked on Dawlat as she started to work her lips up and down my flaccid cock.
"Come by the club. I spend more time there than I do at my own crib." I said.
"OK! I'll see you then. Mwah!" She blew a kiss over the phone and hung up. Dawlat had already bought my cock to being half erect.
"You said you have nothing else on today so I'm gonna do my best to get you hard again so then we can fuck some more!" Dawlat said stroking my cock quite fast. "And we can fuck some more again." She giggled. That was a lot of fucking she had planned for us for the night.
Hmm. Spend the night fucking Dawlat Sabry? Sounds good to me.
11-With the Scorpio Woman :
"What's up Ahmad?" Stefan said, as he walked up to me and stood beside me.
"Nothing much." I replied. The place was empty for a Saturday night. It felt more like a week night. The doors opened and in walked five girls.
"Dibs!" I said automatically.
"Which one?" Stefan asked. I looked at them and noticed that two of them were twins.
"The twins." I replied. As I continued to stare at them, they looked familiar.
"Shit!" Stefan said. really />
"They look familiar. But I can't put my finger on it." I replied.
"No, you don't met them before but I know how are they. They're Afaf and Yosra Desoqy!" He replied.
He asked me to have Yosra and I agreed. He went with her upstairs.
"Hi!" A female's voice said. I looked up to see that it was Afaf.
"How can I help you?" I asked, trying my best not to sound nervous or intimidated.
"Another round of drinks, same as before." She smiled.
"You I asked.
"Yeah. It's me and my twin sister's birthday." She answered.
"So you guys are just hanging out. Getting drunk." I asked.
"Well… I haven't drank any alcohol yet." She said.
"How come?" I asked. "I thought you'd be the first, along with your sister to get smashed."
"I'm suppose to be meeting a guy here."
I asked.
"More like a blind date." She said.
"I get ya! You don't wanna be dunk when you meet him, so you don't end up doing something you regret."
"You mean like sleep with him?" She asked. "That's the whole point."
"Whole point?" I wasn't sure I followed.
no way I'm spending another birthday by myself." She laughed. What a lucky bastard! He was set up as a blind date, for him to be her sex toy.
"When are you meeting him?" I asked.
"Nearly an hour ago." She sighed.
"Being stood up?" I asked, handing her the tray with the drinks.
"Looks that way." She said, giving a weak smile as she took the tray. As the night went on, it looked more and more like the blind date was gonna be a no show. Yosra's husband came by and she left with him. Afaf came over often and just talked. She seemed quite lonely actually. Maybe a little desperate for a man.
"Hey." Afaf said, sitting on a stool in front of the bar, pouting. "My friends have gone." She said pointing to where they were.
"I don't think he's gonna show." I said.
"I know!" She whined.
"Do you think he came in, saw you and left?" I joked.
"What? No!" She said. "Am I />
"God, no! You're gorgeous!" I said. "I'd kill to get a date with you."
"You've pretty much been the closest thing I've had to a date in like a year." She said.
"That's quite sad."
"I know!" She said, putting her face onto her hands.
It was midnight and the place was already empty apart from Afaf and a couple of people around the place. Stefan had already headed out. He managed to hook up with a girl that came in after Afaf and her friends.
"You want me to go?" Afaf asked.
"I only live in the apartment upstairs. It doesn't bother me." I replied. “Plus, I have tomorrow off, so it doesn’t matter if I turn in late. I can hang out with for a while.”
"Thank you!“ She gave me a big smile. “Seeing as though I got stood up, I'll have a beer." I picked up a beer bottle, took the cap off and handed it to her. Afaf continued to talk about herself, her twin, mainly cause I asked and about her career. Being a bar man, I was use to hearing people talk.
The place cleared out and Jeff headed out, locking the door behind him, to stop any one else from getting in. Leaving me and Afaf alone. We continued to talk, flirting back and fourth a little until there was a moment of silence.
"You want to play a little pool (billiard) ?" I asked.
"Sure! Why not?" She said as we walked over to the pool table. "You know what is really annoying thing is about being stood up?"
"What's that?" I asked.
"Just like my 30th, I don't get laid." She replied racking up the balls. I didn't know what to say.
"You play before?" I asked. She shook her head. "We'll just play and not keep score than." I said to her. Great! If I had an opening to make a move that was it and I had blown it. We both went over and picked up a pool cue (billiard) each.
"Do you know how to hold the stick when you go to hit the balls?" I asked, realising how patronising I sounded.. She shook her head again. "Just watch me and copy what I do." I showed her a demonstration.
"I think I got it." She said stepping up to the pool table. She hit the white ball quite low down on the ball with a lot of power and the ball jumped off the table and rolled onto the wall. I laughed at her as I went to get the ball.
"Don't laugh!" She said, laughing herself. "That was my first attempt!" I placed the ball on the table and she did the exact same thing again. I wasn't expecting her to be a great pool player considering she'd never played before so it didn't bother me. I got the ball and placed it down on the pool table. She lined up to hit it the same way again.
"Wait." I said. "What do you think you're doing wrong?" I asked.
"I don't know!" She laughed. "I hit it like you do, but it keeps flying off." I decided this was the perfect opportunity to get close to her.
"I'll show you what you're doing wrong." I went up behind her and hunched over her, my chin on her shoulder. I placed one hand on top of her hand that was resting on the pool table. With my other hand, I held her hand that was holding the pool cue (billiard).
"You're aiming the stick too low. You want to get it right here." I said positioning the stick so the tip was directly aimed at the middle of the ball. Afaf turned her head to the side slightly to look at me. There was just millimetres separating her lips from my mine. She breathed out through her mouth onto my lips. I didn't move my head and neither did she. I started to move my head forward to kiss her.
"So do I pull back and hit the ball?" She asked turning her head away from me.
I replied, still holding her hand, but very loosely so that I had no grip and she'd be able to do the work. She managed to hit the ball without it flying off the table.
"Look at that!" She said. "It stayed on the table!" I slowly got of her.
"That was great." I said. We continued to play, she took to it quite well. A lot better than a beginner would. As we played we continued to talk. Just general conversation.
"How about we make this Afaf said as we racked up the balls to play again. "Make a little wager?"
"I won't feel right taking your money, so… no."
"Ooh! Confidence." Afaf smiled. "How about we wager something else instead of money?"
"Like?" I asked.
"Well… how about this? If one of us pots a ball, the other pays a penalty."
"What's the… penalty?" I asked a little intrigued.
She said getting excited, smiling, showing her teeth.
"If you want me to see you naked, you could just get on the table and strip instead of embarrassing />
"Shut up!" She laughed, playfully slapping me on the stomach. "You game?"
"Sure! I'd love to see you naked." Afaf just gave me a sultry smile. "To give you a fighting chance, you can pot them in any order and I'll break." I said as I hit the white ball as hard as I could sending it rocketing into the pile of balls.
"I'll get the striped ones." Afaf said as the white ball was lined up right next to a striped ball. She potted it and looked at me with a huge smile. I reached down and took a shoe off. "No fair!" She protested.
"Hey, I took something off." I replied laughing.
"Mean!" She said pouting turning around and bending over the table as she lined up the next shot and missed.
"My turn now." I said approaching the pool table as Afaf took a couple of steps back. Still quite close to the table. I stood beside her and took position for my first pot. I would've called out the ball number and which pocket it was gonna go into, but there was no point really, I highly doubt Afaf would understand what the hell it meant anyway.
I potted the first ball with ease and turned and looked at Afaf. She smiled, reached down and took one of her heels off.
"Hmm!" She stuck her tongue out as if to say two can play at that game. It didn't really matter much. She had another shoe, skirt, top, bra and panties. Five item of clothing. Whereas I had another shoe, two socks, jeans, shirt and boxers. Six items of clothing. I went around to the other side of the table and quickly potted the next ball and she took her other shoe off. I walked around to the corner of the pool table, looked down and stared at her feet. She had red toe nail polish on.
"Nice feet." I complimented her.
She said, shuffling her feet around. I potted the next ball and looked at her. She undid the button on her skirt.
"You'd rather show me your panties than your bra?"
"I'm not wearing one." She replied. "I thought I'd do my blind date a favour and make things easier for him by not wearing one." True. Some guys do have problems with getting bras off. I walked around to the side of the table Afaf was standing.
"Turn around. Let me get a good look at that ass." Afaf smiled and turned around. She looked back at me and smiled as she shook her ass. She had a black thong on that had gone in between her butt crack. "Bend over a little." I said, not really expecting her to do it but she did. She had her hands on her knees, bending over a little, sticking her butt out. She giggled as she shook her ass. I could feel my boner growing.
"That's an incredible ass!" I complimented her and she laughed. She stood up straight and nearly lost her footing, lifting one foot up, her heel nearly touching the back of her thighs as she regained her balance.
"That's a sexy looking foot. Let me see the other one." I asked.
"Got a little feet fetish?" She asked, with a big smile as she raised her other foot, her heel nearly touching the back of her thighs.
"A little." I replied, walking around to the other side of the table. "A lot when I see beautiful feet. Now…" I said going back to the table, lining up the next shot. "…Time to see some big titties." I said as I potted the next ball and looked at her. She smiled and grabbed the bottom of her top and quickly pulled her top over her head. Her tits looked incredible and they just took my breath away. They were flawless, beautifully tanned.
Was all I could say and Afaf laughed folding her arms to cover her bare breasts.
I walked around the pool table to the side where Afaf was standing. She was in the way and not giving me a lot of room. The next pot needed me to stand where she was. I stood in front of her and bent over the table, taking position. My butt stuck out and pushed back against her crotch. She bent over, pressing her bare chest against my back, placing her hands on my sides. I was aiming to miss my next shot to toy with her. but even if I wasn't aiming to miss my next shot, I think Afaf was causing enough of a distraction for me to miss.
"The pressure is on." She said, lowering her head, bringing her mouth closer to my ear her voice now a whisper. "He has one last ball to pot before he can see Afaf Desoqy's neatly trimmed… tight… wet… pussy, that's been longer for a big dick all… night… long." My hand jerked forward, I hit the ball and missed. There was no way it looked like I missed intentionally after what she said, even though I was aiming to miss. Afaf laughed.
"My turn now." Afaf said picking her pool cue (billiard) up and walking around to the other side of the pool table, very slowly. Swaying her ass side to side, arching her feet as walked slowly to the other side.
I stared at her beautiful body as she bent over, her tits hanging down looking even better than they already were. She was concentrating hard on the next shot. She had to get six in a row to avoid being naked. She actually managed to get the ball in which meant I lost another shoe.
As she lined up the next shot, I just continued to stare at her huge tits. She managed to get the next ball in as well, bringing me down to one sock.
"Going on a lucky potting streak." I commented.
"Looks that way!“ She laughed. As she bent over for the next pot and got that too. "Oooh!" She said. As I took my other sock off. "Now it gets She said lining up her next shot. “…I finally get to see some skin!" She said potting the next ball with ease. "Now do you show me your boxers or your bare chest.
"How do you know I have nothing on under the shirt?" I asked.
"Your nipples are poking out." She said pointing at my nipples with the pool cue (billiard).
"Don't worry about it. I'll give you a peak at my toned abs." I said unbuttoning my shirt. Afaf stood there, biting her bottom lip in anticipation as I slowly undid each button. I took the shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. "One more ball and you're done." I said to here.
"Who says you're getting back on the table to get that last ball?" She said taking position. "Five ball, middle left pocket." She said potting the five ball in the middle left pocket. And that's when it hit me.
"You hustled me!" I said out loud.
"Looks that way!” She laughed. "Now drop those jeans!" She said pointing at my jeans with the pool cue (billiard). I unbuttoned the jeans and pulled them down. "Looks like someone's pitching a tent!" She said staring at my crotch. I decided to play it cool and make it not seem like a big deal.
"What can I say? You're hot as hell." She blushed a little. She walked over to the side I was standing on and her last pot needed her to stand in front of me. Just like what she did earlier, I didn't move. I stood there.
Afaf stood in front of me, placed one hand on the table and started to position the pool cue (billiard) and as she bent over, her ass pushed back against me, my cock head started to press in between her butt cheeks. She started to laugh and hanged her head down.
"Your dick is getting in the way!" She laughed looking back at me.
"I'm just standing here." I said. She gave me a annoyed smile and started to shake her ass, moving my cock to the side so the cock head was pressed against her ass cheek. She pushed her butt back, pushing my cock to the side with her ass. She started to take aim and that's when I decided to play mind games with her like how she did with me.
"The pressure is on." I said, lowering her head, leaning over her, bringing my mouth closer to her ear, my voice now a whisper. "She has one last ball to pot before she can see Ahmad's huge… erect… cock…" I reached down, positioning my cock in between her legs. My cock went harder and pushed up against her pussy, that was still covered by her black thong. She let out a little moan as my cock pressed against her.
"With the whole game riding on this last pot, will the pressure get to her?" I said, my voice just above her whisper as my lips were now touching her ear lobe. I put my arms around her body, holding her bare tits, one in each hand, squeezing them, causing her to moan.
"How long has it been since you had a big dick in your tight wet cunt?" I asked as I reached down with one hand, pushing my hand under her panties and rubbing her clit.
"Huh!" She moaned closing her eyes. I pressed my lips against the side of face. I pushed my index finger into her pussy. "Oh!" She moaned pushing her head back. She was already getting wet with anticipation. I pulled my finger out and slowly worked my hand around her thigh to her ass. I stood up straight and pulled her thong out from her butt crack and moved it to one side.
"I need to…" She moaned, looking back at me, her mouth open. "I need to… make this shot." She managed to finally get out. I had boxers that had two buttons at the front. I tugged at them and they came undone, my dick sprang out and pressed against her butt. I was so desperate to fuck her and she was turning me on so much that when my cock touched her butt cheeks, pre cum oozed out onto her butt cheek.
Afaf was trying her best to get aim on the final ball as I rubbed my cock head down her butt crack and pushed it into her wet cunt.
She let out a loud moan as I pushed my cock half way into her wet cunt as she took her shot, which came out weak and the balls just about made contact. I pulled back and thrust into her, getting my full length into her tight hole.
"God!" She moaned as I started to work my cock in and out of her hole at a steady pace. Afaf moved the pool cue (billiard) out the way, at the same time using it to move all the balls in front of her to one side.
I started to build up the pace, watching her body from behind as I fucked her. Her butt cheeks jiggled every time I thrust into her and my groin smacked against her butt. I grabbed her butt cheeks and squeezed them as I carried on. Afaf was moaning louder with every thrust.
"I'm close to cumming!" Afaf moaned. "God I'm so close!" She moaned pushing the top of her head against the pool table. "I wanna see your face when I cum!" She moaned. I don't know why she wanted to see my face, but I definitely wanted to see what her fuck face would look like.
I quickly pulled out of her and she turned around, her ass rubbing my cock as she did and she sat on the pool table. I quickly pressed my cock against her opening pushing my cock in, continuing from the pace I had left off at when she was bent over the table.
Afaf wrapped her legs around my waist and I could feel her heels dig into my butt cheeks through my boxers as she used her legs to pushed her body down to meet my thrusts, getting me deeper into her cunt.
"That's it! Just keep fucking me!" She yelled. "Fuck me faster!" Afaf pulled herself up, putting her hands to the back of my neck, hanging off my neck. I held her by her waist as I continued to fuck her as fast as I could. She kissed me, deep and hard. Pushing her tongue into my mouth.
"I'm gonna cum!" She screamed. "Don't stop!" She moaned through gritted teeth. "Just… keep… fucking ME!" She screamed, her hips bucking back and fourth wildly as her orgasm approached. I could feel my orgasm starting to approach very rapidly.
"I'm gonna cum too!" I moaned.
"Cum with me!" She said, looking into my eyes, pulling my face closer to hers. "You cumming?" She moaned through gritted teeth. "I can't hold back any more! I'm gonna cum! Cum with me!" She moaned.
"Shit! I'm…" I started and she kissed me, pressing her lips against mine as both of our orgasms hit at the same time. I pulled her closer to me as I shot my copious load of semen deep inside her, pressing my lips harder against her. As I shot the next few loads, I drilled into her fast as I could, emptying my loads into her. I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock and my balls started to get wet with her cum as I carried on thrusting into her.
As my orgasm started to subside, I laid her down on to the pool table, me on top of her, my arms wrapped around her. I gave a couple of quick short thrusts as my hips bucked. I lay still on top of her my mouth pressed against her neck, breathing hard. Her mouth was right next to my ear and I could hear her breathing hard as well.
"That was intense!" Afaf said once our orgasms had fully subsided. I pushed myself up with my hands placed at either side of her head.
"You're telling me!" I said, still a little breathless. I pulled out of her, with a loud squishing sound.
"Guess we both came quite a bit!" Afaf laughed. It did feel like I shot more cum into her than I had ever shot before. I got off the pool table and Afaf and walked over to the bar. I picked up the bottle I was drinking from and emptied it into a glass and walked up to Afaf as I drank from the glass.
I stood in front of her as she sat at the edge of the pool table. Afaf spread her legs apart and leaned forward, lowering her head, bringing it closer to my cock. I could feel her hot breath at the tip of my cock as she took my cock head into her mouth.
"Mmm!" She moaned, looking up at my eye with those beautiful blue eyes and then giggled with my cock still in her mouth. She started to bob her head up and down my shaft, taking more in each time until she took my full length down her throat, which wasn't too hard to do as my cock had gone flaccid and shrunk a little, but she was doing a good job on trying bringing it back to being hard.
I watched her suck my cock as I finished off the glass of beer. I stood there with the glass in my hand as she continued to suck my cock, getting it clean of both of our cum. As she continued to suck my cock for the next couple of minutes, my cock started to get harder and started to grow back to it's full length. This made Afaf find it harder to take it down her throat.
Afaf let out a long breath as she took my cock out of her mouth. Her saliva dripped down my cock and onto my boxers and her tits. "God!" She said stroking my cock with her hand.
"You're getting all hard again!” She said pushing herself up the pool table, leaning back on her arms. I placed the glass that was in my hand down on the floor, I didn't want to get any marks off the glass on the pool table.
"If I remember correctly, you were checking my feet out before." She said, touching my lower abs with one of her foot. "You want a closer look?" She asked. I didn't answer her, instead I held her foot by her heel and lowered my head down, kissing the sole of her foot. Afaf giggled at my response to her question.
I sucked the ball under her big toe and she wriggled her cute toes around. I licked up the ball and took her big toe into my mouth and started to suck it. I bit down gently, sucking on the fleshy head part of the toe. Afaf started to wriggle her other toes, rubbing the side of my lips. I took the toe next to her big toe into my mouth and sucked it. I took my mouth of her toe and took all four of her smaller toes into my mouth at the same time, circling them with my tongue while they were in my mouth.
Afaf stood in front of me and than squatted down, getting on to her knees. She sucked the head of my cock working her lips half way down my shaft, getting my cock wet with her saliva. She then pulled my boxers down.
"That's for putting me of my shot. You have to pay a penalty, making me the winner." She said tossing my boxers to one side. She went over to the clothes on the floor, picked up my shirt and put it on. It was very big on her, the sleeves were too long and the shirt ended half way down her thighs. She did the top button and looked very sexy in my shirt.
Afaf bent over to pick up the clothes. I got another good view of her ass, she had moved the thong back in to place. She picked up all the clothes, including my boxers. She headed to the back of the bar, towards the staff room.
"Get the shoes." She said heading into the staff room area. I picked up both her shoes and mine and headed to the staff room. As I got there, Afaf was nowhere to be seen and the backdoor was open. As a security measure, we had a top lock that needed a key that all staff had, and the key was in the lock. Afaf must've gone through my pants pockets to find them. I stuck my head out the back door.
"Come on Ahmad!" Afaf said. She was nearly at the top of the stairs that lead up to my apartment.
"Throw me my pants." I called out. She just laughed, shook her head and started to walk to the front door of my apartment. Shit! Was she really gonna make me go to my apartment naked.
"Hurry up Ahmad!" She said before she walked into my apartment. Shit! She is. I looked around to see if I could see anyone. It was pretty late and I doubted anyone would be around. I switched the back light off, so that it would be too dark to see me if anyone was around. I got the keys and locked the door behind me.
I made my way to the stairs and looked up. Afaf had switched the lights on in my apartment, which gave me the light I needed to see. I quickly ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I ran into my apartment and closed the door behind me.
"Afaf!" I yelled out. "Where are you!" I made my way to the bedroom as I figured that's where she'd be. As I entered the bedroom, I saw the clothes on the floor and tossed the shoes and keys next to them
"What took you so long?" Afaf asked, as she lay on the bed, her legs spread, with two fingers deep inside her cunt. "I got so horny that I had to start without you baby." She said. How the hell was I suppose to stay mad at her when she looked that beautiful?
"You know…" I started sitting down beside her kissing her shoulder. "..You know how you let me get a closer look at your feet, cause I was checking them out earlier?"
"Yeah?" Afaf smiled, still fingering herself.
"Well… I was checking your ass out before I checked your feet out." I said. "And seeing as though you gave me a closer look at your feet…"
"You want a closer look at my ass?" Afaf asked, with a sly smile on her face.
"Yeah." I said.
"Well… It is my birthday and I have had a cock in every hole except for my ass…"
"And I think it's time we remedy that!" I said rolling her over on to her front. "Don't you?" I said slapping her thick butt. Afaf let out a little surprised and excited yelp when I slapped her ass.
"Give it to me nice and hard!" She said looking back with a very seductive look, lifting her ass, re-positioning her arms so she was on all fours. I pulled her ass cheeks apart, one of them had a patch of dry skin, which was from when I pressed my cock against her ass cheek earlier and all that pre-cum oozed out.
I spat onto her ass hole. which caused her to let out a excited squeal. My cock was still covered in her saliva from when she sucked my dick, before taking my boxers off. I pressed my cock head against her brown hole and then pushed past her tight ring with a loud plop sound.
"Ahhh! Fuck!" Afaf moaned as my thick cock invaded her tightest orifice. I pushed my hips forward a little, pushing my cock further into her rectum and then pulled back. I pushed forward again, forcing more of my member in to her rear, causing her to scream this time. I had two thirds of my manhood in her ass, I guess that's as far as I was gonna get, for now.
I paused for a second and slapped her big round ass again. Afaf let out another surprised yelp and laughed. I grabbed her ass cheeks, one in each hand and pushed them up, giving me a better view of my cock going into her ass hole. Afaf arched her back, sticking her ass higher into the air.
"You ready?" I asked her.
"Yeah!" She smiled, pushing her hips back, working my cock into her ass, then pulling forward. I thrust into her ass as she pushed her hips back, causing her to scream out even louder as the full length of my thick cock was now deep in her ass.
I pulled back, thrusting into her ass hard and slow, pulling her ass back towards me, making sure I got it deep in her ass hole. I start to build up pace getting faster with every thrust and Afaf started to lean back into my thrusts, allowing me to penetrate her ass hole deeper.
I started to feel her ass hole contract around my dick, loosening around my shaft as I thrusted forward, making squelching sounds as my cock pushed air out of her ass hole. Afaf’s sphincter gripped my cock real tight when I pulled back.
I carried on pounding into her ass hard, as fast as I could, Afaf thrusting her ass back, keeping in rhythm with my strokes. She soon started to get a little eager and started to go faster than me and ended up pulling her ass off my cock.
"Shit, that's tight!" I said and Afaf laughed. "Suck my cock!" I said to her expecting her to say no, but instead she turned around and lowered her head on to my cock, taking my ass covered cock to the back of her mouth, bobbing her head up and down my shaft, getting faster with every stroke.
I pulled my cock away from her and pushed her onto her back. I lay down beside her on my side, the side of her hips touching my cock.
"Go onto your side." I said to her and she rolled onto her side, her butt cheek rubbing against my cock as she did. I put one arm under her and with the other hand, I held my cock, pushed it in between her butt cheeks and rubbed up and down, pushing my cock head into her ass hole. I pushed my hips forward and her tight ring loosened as my cock went up her ass.
I wrapped my arms around her waist as I started to thrust in and out of her ass hole. I built up to a steady pace, trying to make this last as long as possible. I wasn't thrusting into her hard, I was trying to make this more slow and sensual. Afaf's moans were quite low, they were a little louder whenever I thrust into her a little too fast, but I'd bring the pace back down. I pulled her body closer to me, kissing her shoulders as I worked my dick in and out of her tight shit hole.
After a while I could feel my orgasm start to build and I stopped. I held Afaf around her waist, rolled her on to her front, not taking my cock out of her ass hole, rolling on top of her at the same time as I turned her over. Her legs were in between mine, together, making her ass hole even tighter around my shaft.
I put one arm under her arm, squeezing one of her tits hard, while I had the other arm go over her other shoulder, gripping the side of her head as I thrust into her as hard and as fast as I could instantly.
"Fuck! Arrrrghhh! That feels so good!" Afaf yelled as I drilled into her as fast as I could. I started to move my knees up, so that I was kneeling on the back of her thighs, with my upper body flat on her back.
I carried on at this fast pace, trying desperately to cum in her ass. I wanted to cum so badly that it started to hurt. My cock was so hard but it was taking forever to cum because I came not so long ago downstairs.
"Yeah!" I moaned. "It's coming!" I moaned into Afaf's ear, kissing the side of her face, as I started to feel my cock throb harder and harder with every thrust.
"Don't cum in my ass!" She moaned. "I want it in my pussy." I quickly got off her and she rolled onto her back. I entered her pussy and started to fuck her hard. I was close to cumming that my cock was starting to hurt now. Afaf bit her bottom lip in anticipation and started to squeeze her own tits. She looked up at me.
"You wanna fuck my tits!" Afaf asked in a sweet voice, pouting. I Didn't answer her, I pulled off her cunt, and spat in between her tits and spread it around with my cock head for lubrication and placed my wet cock in between her huge tits. Afaf pushed them together, clamping my cock with her large mounds of flesh. I instantly started to thrust up and down her chest, my cock popping up at the top of her tits and poking her on the chin. Afaf re-positioned her head, so that my cock poked out into her mouth.
"Ahhh!" She moaned, opening her mouth wide as my cock went up her tits and into her mouth. "You like fucking my tits?" She asked as my cock went down her chest and then opened her mouth again as my cock poked up.
"Yeah!" I replied. "Your big tits feel incredible around my shaft."
She moaned while she tried to suck my cock when it poked up into her mouth. "I love feeling your huge cock throbbing in between my tits!" She moaned as I pressed my hand onto her tits, pressing them down as I started to thrust up and down in between her tits as fast as I could.
"Stop teasing me!" She pouted. "Just give me that cum!" She moaned. "Come on Ahmad! Cover my tits in that hot spunk!" I could feel my orgasm building up and my cock was throbbing real fast and hard.
"You cumming?" Afaf asked, feeling my cock throbbing hard in between her tits and before I could answer, I thrust up her chest and blasted a load up her chest. Afaf quickly closed her eyes as my first load went up her left tit and a line went from her collarbone down to her boobs.
I thrust up her tits and my second load went up into her right tit. I let go of her tits and let her stroke my cock, hard, as each load shot upon her breasts.
She moaned as my orgasm started to subside. Afaf stroked my cock slowly and laughed, while my cock head was still in her hand.
"Looks like you did get laid on your birthday after all." I said and Afaf laughed, taking my cock out of her mouth.
"Yeah! Twice!" She said sticking up two fingers, giggling. She then scooped up the cum going up her face and on her chin with her finger and put her finger in her mouth. I lay down beside her.
your bathroom?" She asked.
"Go out the door, turn left and it's the last door." She left the room and came back a couple of minutes later, drying her face with a towel. She tossed the towel aside and lay down beside me on her side, hugging me. She went to kiss me.
"Don't worry! I washed my mouth out too." She said and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth and then pulling her tongue back. She rest her head on my chest.
"Do you have the number of any good pizza delivery places around here?"
"Yeah. I got a couple.” I replied. “ Why?"
"If I remember correctly, you said you had tomorrow off. So… I was thinking that we could spend the day in, actually spend it in this room, just fucking. You know?" She smiled.
"Yeah. I know. If I had a choice, I'd quit my job and just spend all my time fucking you."
"Well you should, actually, I insist you do. There's nothing I like better than coming home from a hard days work to a big hard cock." She turned on to her back, resting the back of her head on my chest, I put my arms around her, going under her arms, my hands met in front of her tits. Afaf placed her hand on mine, holding them. We lay there like this as we both drifted off to sleep.
12-With the Taurus Woman :
The Cairene Beauty (a former Miss Egypt) Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen walked along the sidewalk that lead up towards the beach, she held a paper grocery bag in one hand and her hand bag in the other. Two guys approached her from behind. It was my assistants Reda and Marzooq, they were dressed in black, with black masks on, the kind that bank robbers wear. The plan was for them to rob her and then when they see who she is, they decide to rape her. But before they can do anything, I come in as the knight in shining armour and save her, which finally allows me to meet her. Like I said, not the best of plans, but I was desperate to meet her.
Marzooq snatched her hand bag out of her hand. "Let's see how much money we have here!"
"Please! Just give me my hand bag back. You can take whatever money I have." Marzooq opened the hand bag.
"200 LE! Fucking sweet!" He said pocketing the money. "You know what? I think my girlfriend would like this hand bag a lot."
"No! It was a gift from my mom." She protested.
"Wait a second!" Reda said. "Aren't you Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen?"
"Yeah she is." Marzooq said, not looking up, still going through her handbag. no mistaking those tits!" He said grabbing one. Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen slapped his hand away and he went back to looking in her hand bag.
"I get it all the time." She said uncomfortably.
Reda said. "You must get your pick of the hunkiest guys."
"If that's true." Marzooq said pulling something out of her handbag. "Why does your drivers licence say 'Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen?' You lying to us?" Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen looked down.
"You know what she should get for lying to us? A spanking!" Reda said. "Now pull up your skirt!" He said to her, changing his tone from joking to serious.
"I'm sorry." Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen replied getting scared. "I didn't mean to. Let me make it up to you."
"You can make it up to us alright." Marzooq nodded his head. "By giving us some pussy!." I started to approach them and Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen tried to run away from them but Reda grabbed her hair and she let out a scream, dropping her groceries. Which was the cue for our rehearsed ass kicking.
I pulled Reda off her hair and kicked him on the back of his legs which made him buckle and fall to his knees. Marzooq pushed me back as they both ran off.
"Fucking cowards!" I yelled at them. "Can pick on an innocent woman, but when it comes to going up against a man, they're wimps." I turned around and looked at her. "You ok?"
"Yes. Thanks to you!" She said hugging me. I hugged her back, feeling her huge tits pressed against my chest. She broke the hug, squatted down and started to pick her groceries up off the floor. I squatted down and helped her, putting her stuff into the paper bag. It was mainly fruit and veg.
"A vegetarian?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled.
"Yeah. I don't believe in killing animals." She replied. I looked down and noticed her legs were spread apart. If it was daytime or if there was any light, I'd probably be able to see up her skirt. We both stood up and I noticed her hand bag on the floor. Marzooq must've dropped it. I picked it up.
"I think this is yours." I said handing it to her and she put her arm through and had the straps resting on her shoulder. "I'm Ahmad by the way." I extended my hand.
She smiled as she shook my hand.
"Here. Gimme that." I said taking the grocery bag off her. "I'll walk you to your place. You know, keep anyone else who tries to rob you away."
"Thanks! I really appreciate that." She said, holding me by my arm.
"So what are you doing out this late?" I asked.
"I felt bored and cooped up at home, so I decided to do some grocery shopping, get it out the way with so I can spend all day tomorrow working on my tan."
"You sure you're fine?" I asked again.
"Yeah, that's my house over there." She pointed at her beach house as we approached it. I walked her up to her door. "I don't feel very safe. Those guys could come back. You think you could hang around for a bit, if you have nothing else to do."
"Sure!" I replied as we entered her beach house.
She said pointing at my shoes, as she stepped out of her flip flops and left them near the door way. "So where's your husband and kids?" I asked.
"Who says I'm married?" She replied as we entered the kitchen.
"You're Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen. You're married to the famous singer Hashim Tawfeeq and have two kids and a step daughter." I set the bag down on the counter.
"The kids are at my mothers and Sham's at the studio, writing material for his new album. This right now, is some quality, alone time with Kawkab." She answered my question. "I take it you're a fan?" She said taking the groceries out of the bag.
"A fan of the former Miss Egypt or a fan of me?"
"I have everything you've done that's available on DVD." I replied.
"Because I have good performances or because I get my clothes off?"
"A bit of the first, a lot of the second." I replied honestly.
"Honesty! I like that!" She smiled. She led me to the living room area and sat on the sofa, sitting on one leg. I took a seat beside her. "How old are you?"
"23." I replied.
"10 years younger than me." She commented. Doing the math, that made her 33. "So you were too young to see me on Miss Egypt coronation />
"Maybe the first time you were on the cover, but you were a big deal at my high school, every guy fantasized about you including the teachers. I think everyone jerked off to you."
"Did you?" She asked looking into my eyes. I got a little embarrassed, but then thought that talk of sex could lead to sex. Or maybe not, but I was hoping it would.
"You helped me into manhood." I replied.
"Ahhh! I'm so glad I could help." She said leaning forward giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I wasn't sure if she was making a move or if she was overly friendly. "What about the video?"
"I didn't see that until a couple of years ago. Me and my friends tried our best to find it when we were younger. Back then the internet wasn't as big as it is now and we didn't have a computer amongst us."
"You jerk off to it when you finally saw it?"
"Not really. It was kind of disappointing. It had shaky camera work but it was home made and as far as home made goes, it was pretty descent. Not up there with proper made porn but definitely better than Paris />
"Yeah, hers was shit." Kawkab commented. She sat there, it looked like she was thinking about something. "I've never really talked to a fan like this before. Usually I get obnoxious guys tell me I'm hot and that they loved my sex videos and when I'm doing the next and if they can be in it." There was a moment of silence. "What do you think about when you jerk off to me?"
"What do I…? I… er… sex?" I felt like I was asking her a question instead of giving an answer.
"So you don't just think, 'Oh yeah! Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen's tits.'" She mimicked with her hand, as if she was a guy jerking off.
I replied. "Like having my dick in between your tits and just fucking them."
"And I still hot and beautiful for you now?" She asked.
"Yeah, you're still gorgeous." I replied.
"That's hot." She commented. "What else?"
"Doggy style sex, missionary, blowjob, hand job, foot job, anal sex…"
"Anal sex?" She wrinkled her nose.
"Yeah! More than anything else. You have an incredible ass. I like to imagine my cock jammed all the way up your ass." I added more detail in then I needed to.
"Well… I am very hot. I can understand that." She said. "Foot job? Do you have like a foot fetish?"
"Not really a hardcore foot fetish. I just like feet that look nice and… sexy."
"You think my feet are sexy?"
"Yeah!" I replied.
"Here!" She spun around to face me, placing her feet on my lap. She wriggled her toes around on top of my cock. "Massage my feet." She said. I don't think that she knew, that she was wriggling her toes around on my cock and turning me on. "Most guys are always really into my tits. You're the first guy who's said very little about them and is into everything else!" She said. "And I like that!"
I picked up one foot and started to press my thumb onto the balls of her foot, just below her toes. My boner was growing and I was starting to get nervous that it was gonna show.
"I've never given a foot job before." Kawkab stated. "All this talk about you fucking my tits and ass is getting me horny too." I worked my thumbs up and down the soles of her foot and rubbing the heel.
"Too?" I said realising what she just said.
"Too." She said rubbing my cock through my pants with her feet. "That's quite a massive hard on you got there. Are you imagining my feet losing their virginity to your cock?"
"You're just turning me on." I confessed.
"Let me give you a little relief. Take your dick out! I was shocked at what she had just asked me to do.
"Take my dick out?" I repeated. "Didn't you get married in January?"
"It was actually February. It was made official on January." She said, still rubbing my cock with her foot. "You think he's not cheating on me right now? I know he does it all the time and he knows I do it too whenever I get horny and need a dick, but at the end of the day we always come home to one another. So it's all good. A win win situation for everyone, especially you. Having the woman you grew up jerking off to jerk you off." I didn't say anything else, I started to quickly undo by belt and zipper. My thick cock sprang to life, already near it's full hardness.
"A thick one!" Kawkab said rubbing the sole of her left foot along my shaft, while I carried on massaging her right foot that rested on my knees. Kawkab leaned forward and licked my cock, instantly causing pre-cum to ooze out. "My penis karma is still as good as ever!" She said, moving her hair to one side to give me a better view of her face, leaning forward and kissing my cock head, getting my pre-cum all over her lips. She pouted her lips like she was kissing, showing me the traces of my cum on her lips. She than licked her lips, taking in my pre-cum.
"Only one way to get more of that." Kawkab said putting her mouth over my large cock head, working her lips up and down the head. I tried to carry on massaging her foot to take the focus of the fact that I had Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen sucking my cock, but she just pushed me back onto the seat by my chest. "Relax. It's your turn first. We'll get to me once you cum." She said before wrapping her lips around my cock head. She worked her lips up and down my shaft, only going half way down, pushing my cock up and down her wet tongue.
Kawkab took my cock out of her mouth and started to jerk me off with her hand. I was getting very turned on. I felt like I was gonna cum soon from having the women that I jerked off to more than any other woman jerking me off. Kawkab grabbed her hand that was on my knees and bought it up to my cock. The soft fingers of her hand touched my fore skin as she used her hand to rub up and down one side of my cock.
"You like that Ahmad? You like the way my hand fucks your dick? Losing its virginity with every stroke." She moaned out loud as she carried on rubbing her hand up and down my cock. She moved her hand away from my cock, then leaned forward and started to suck the end again, licking up the mass amount of pre-cum that had leaked out.
"Sorry Ahmad. But your cock just tastes too good!" She said licking her lips as she used her hand to rub up and down the side of my cock again. "Let me see if I can reach." Kawkab said and leaned forward, placing her warm mouth over my cock head as she continued to stroke my shaft with her hand.
"Mmm… Mmm…" Kawkab moaned as she worked her lips and hand up and down my shaft. "She pulled her mouth off and lay her hand that she was jerking me off with flat and spat on it. She held my cock with her other hand and rubbed her saliva around the palm of her other hand with my member.
"That's better!" Kawkab said, taking my cock back into her mouth and rubbing her hand up and down the side of my shaft. The double assault (handjob with blowjob) that she was laying on my cock was getting to be way too much and I knew it was a matter of seconds before I came.
"Look at the way your huge dick is throbbing!" Kawkab said taking her mouth off my cock, but keeping her lips just inches above my pole. "Is it gonna cum for me?" She said in a very sexy voice, her hot breath hitting the tip of my cock. This was way too much and I felt my cum start to get pushed up. Kawkab could feel it coming and stroked my cock even faster with her hand, leaving her mouth wide open. Kawkab quickly grabbed my cock with her hand and held it in place at the base of my cock with the other.
I yelled as my first load shot up into her mouth. Kawkab closed her mouth catching it and savouring the taste and then quickly opened her mouth letting it flow out onto her hand as the second load shot into her mouth. Again she closed her mouth and then opened it, letting my cum flow out of her mouth and onto her hand. She did the same thing on the next two loads and swallowed the fifth as my cock stopped shooting the loads out with force and just pushed it out, letting it flow down the side of my cock.
Kawkab moaned as she wiped my cum off her hands.
"Oh my God!" She said stroking my cock. "Your dick is still huge! It hasn't shrunk or anything. A little soft but nothing that a little sucking can't fix." My cock was almost at full length even though I had already cum, something that never really happen, but I think it's because I'm with Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen, that's why my cock's not shrinking.
"Your turn now" I said. "First take off your clothes." Kawkab stood up and pulled her skirt down, revealing a tiny pink thong. She pulled her top off over her head to show she had no bra on. I quickly yanked my pants and boxers down and I started to stroke my cock as I watched Kawkab strip off. She turned her back to me, put her thumbs under the waist band of her thong, looked back at me with a cheeky smile and started to slowly pull her thong down, slowly bending over as she pulled them down to the back off her knees. Her round ass stuck out, showing off her tight little ass hole. She let her thong fall to the floor and stepped out of them.
I started to feel my cock growing harder as I started to stroke myself faster. The site of her gorgeous, tanned butt was starting to make my mouth water. I leaned forward pulling her ass towards my mouth. Kawkab let out a little giggle as she got caught by surprise. I pushed my tongue out, licking her ass hole. I spread round ass cheeks apart as I pushed my tongue into her tight hole.
"Ooh! kinky!" Kawkab said. I slid my tongue down her ass crack, down towards her pussy. Her legs were together so her pussy lips were clamped together. I started to lick her pussy lips, Kawkab started to slowly part her legs. I started to push my tongue into her moist hole, causing her to moan as I forced more of my tongue into her. I started to push my tongue in and out of her pussy, getting faster every time I pushed my tongue into her woman hood.
Kawkab was starting to get louder and louder, her legs trembling as the signs of her orgasm were coming. She was getting really wet, her juices flowing into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her tiny little waist and reached down to her the top of her pussy and started to rub her clit. Kawkab started to grind her hips back and fourth, pushing her ass back forcing my tongue deeper into her cunt.
She was soon coming close to her orgasm, her pussy started to twitch around my tongue faster and faster. By now I was back to full hardness and decided I needed to feel her pussy around my shaft. So I picked her up and quickly slammed her down onto the couch on her front, I landed on top of her and quickly reached down and pushed my cock into her wet cunt. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, pressing my body down onto hers. My head was at the side of hers.
"Arrrgghhhh! God!" She screamed as I thrust my full length into her tight pussy in one hard and fast thrust and I could feel her pussy start to twitch around my cock again instantly. I quickly pulled back and thrust into her, going into a fast pace instantly. "Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Kawkab was screaming at the top of her lungs now as I rammed into her, hard, from behind. I felt her pussy contract around my shaft fast and then her pussy just tightened around my shaft hard as she came to a screaming climax. I slowed down my thrusts as her hips shaked and bucked underneath me.
"Fuck!" Kawkab moaned and then laughed. "That was so good!" she said, turning her head to face me and then kissed my top lip. I sucked her bottom lip. I was pushing into her slower with every thrust until I stopped. "Let me taste my pussy." Kawkab said. I got of her and stood beside her head. She opened her mouth and looked up at me as she moved her head forward taking my cum covered cock into her mouth.
She moaned out loud, closing her eyes as she tasted her own cum on my cock. She started to bob her head back and fourth, working her mouth more than half way down my shaft, not using her hands. Kawkab took her mouth off my cock and stood up. I still had my sweat shirt on and she grabbed it at the bottom and pulled it up, over my head.
"Look at this gorgeous body of yours!" She complimented me, even though I didn't really have a great body. I had a big build, not fat, but not a skinny guy or someone with ripped muscles. She started to kiss my chest circling around my nipple with her tongue. I pulled her away from my nipple and kissed her, she pushed her tongue into my mouth and it tasted like a mixture of her cum and a little salty from my cum, but I didn't care. I sucked at her tongue hungrily until she broke the kiss.
Kawkab turned around and walked into her bedroom, I followed her in. She turned around to face me as I looked around. I noticed a purple dildo on the side of her bed and she caught me looking at it.
"That's no where near as good as the real thing!" She said. I walked over to her and started to kiss her. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my body. I could feel her heels on my butt cheeks, and one of them felt wet, probably from when she spat my cum out onto her foot. I placed her down onto the bed, reached down and guided my dick into her cunt. I wrapped my arms around her, dropping my weight on top off her. Her tits were huge and I could feel her big erect nipples poking into my chest.
I started to thrust into her as fast as I could, knowing full well that it was gonna take me a long time to cum again, so I didn't need to worry about cumming too quickly. I had seen her sex videos and I felt like I had a lot to compete with. I had a big dick, so that was one point to my advantage and although we had been at it longer than her any of her sex video, it was all foreplay, Now I had to prove myself while I was deep inside her.
"You like that tight pussy?" Kawkab asked.
"Yeah!" I moaned as I carried on thrusting into her, realising just how tight she was considering all the big dicks that she's had. I positioned myself onto my knees and then sat up, placing her legs, one on each shoulder and then leaned forward again, locking our lips together. She moaned into my mouth loud and was breathing hard, from being rolled up. I carried on thrusting into her and I was surprised at how long it took for her to break the kiss and try and get some air.
Kawkab was wriggling around underneath me, and managed to reposition her legs and get the soles of her feet resting on my shoulders. As I continued to thrust in and out of her tight hole, Kawkab carried on screaming with every thrust. The longer we continued, the more we started to perspire and I could feel her foot getting wet, the sweat of my shoulders was staring to get the sole of her foot moist.
"Oh GOD!" She was moaning like having my cock sandwiched in between her pussy walls was causing her pleasure. Her moaning was getting me even harder and I pulled her legs apart and continued to thrust my cock into her tight cunt and started to thrust into her as fast as I could. I could feel her pussy starting to twitch around my cock and knew from before that she was on the verge of cumming and I didn't slow down. I tried to go even faster if that was possible and it was a matter of minutes before I felt Kawkab's pussy grip my cock like a vice and I thrust into her hard as she came to another screaming orgasm, her hips bucking up and down wildly like she was trying to shake me off her.
I pulled out of her and stood beside the bed and I stood there watching her moan and writhe around in ecstasy, letting her orgasm subside. Once it did I bent over and kissed her, pushing my tongue into her mouth.
Kawkab got up onto all fours and shaked her big round rump. I got back onto the bed, and took my position behind her. I pushed her butt cheeks apart and pressed my cock head in between her crack, pushing down looking for her pussy. I entered her pussy.
"You like that? You like having a big dick up your pussy?" I asked, thrusting in and out of her unbelievably tight pussy slowly.
"Yes!" Kawkab moaned. "I love getting pussy fucked! Please! Fuck me harder!" She begged. I thrust into her really hard, making her jump forward. I pulled back, only leaving the tip in and then thrust forward again even harder, making her scream as her body jumped forward. The next thrust came faster but just as hard as the last thrust.
"Ahhh!" Kawkab screamed every time I slammed into her. I felt her tight twat loosen around my shaft and I started to thrust into her faster and faster, casing her screams to be joint together instead of being spread apart. I placed my hands on her butt cheeks as I rammed my rod in and out of her tight pink hole.
"Here!" I said pulling my cock out of her cunt.
"You want me to taste my pussy again?" She moaned seductively, turning around, opening her mouth and taking my cock head in, sucking hard. "Mmm.. My pussy tastes so good!" Kawkab said licking the underside of my cock, resting my cock head in between her upper lip and nose. She moved her head so my cock dragged along the side of her mouth, covering her cheek in saliva. I pulled my cock away from her mouth.
"Get back onto all fours." I said.
"You want to fuck that pussy some more?" She asked as she got on to all fours. I didn't say anything, I just pushed my cock head into her tiny pussy hole and thrust forward, straight away going into a fast pace. Kawkab pushed her ass back, arching her back, leaning on her forearms.
Kawkab moaned, looking back at me. Her tits were bouncing around, hitting her on the chin. She leaned forward, resting the top of her head on one of her forearms and used her other hand to hold her tits, to stop them from flopping around. I drilled into her cunt deeper and deeper with every thrust. I don't know how long I brutally fucked her cunt, but it was a miracle that I hadn't pumped her womb full with gallons of cum.
Both me and Kawkab were starting to sweat so much that every time I thrust forward, visible drops of sweat flew up into the air from the impact of my groin slapping onto her butt cheeks and thighs. Kawkab was still moaning as loud as ever and I was now breathing hard, trying my best to get my breath back. I started to slow down, I spread her butt cheeks apart, getting a good view of my dick going in and out of her vagina. Her cunt was a red colour from the assault it was enduring from my thick cock.
I pulled out of her and lay down on the bed beside her. My body was aching from trying to satisfy Kawkab's insatiable appetite for sex. I pulled her sweaty body on to mine, with her back turned to me and half on my body. I put my arms under her arms and wrapped them around her. I kissed the side of her mouth while she breathed hard trying to get her breath back too.
I positioned her on her side, while I was still behind her. I pushed her leg up, the one that wasn't on the bed, to get a better view of her ass. Kawkab held her leg up with her hand and I pushed her butt cheek up with one hand and with the other, pushed my cock back into her sweaty womb. I thrust my hips forward, forcing my cock into her box and caused her to let out a cute little yelp.
I held her hip as I thrust in and out of her cunt, the feeling was unbelievable. I wrapped my arms around her waist, cupping her tits, one in each hand, gently groping them. I held her close to me as I grinded my hips back and fourth, in and out of her tight pussy. I felt like I could stay in this moment forever.
After a while of this slow paced pussy fucking, I decided to up the tempo. I tightened my grip around her and started to pump my cock in and out of her pussy as fast as I could, getting faster with every stroke. Kawkab's gentle moans started to get louder and turned into screams as I felt my orgasm nearing with every thrust.
I looked over and saw the purple dildo still at the side of the bed. I reached over her and got it. I lifted her top leg up and pushed the dildo into her tight ass. I started to gently work it in and out and I felt Kawkab's hand on mine. I let go of the dildo and let her work it in and out of herself. I started to concentrate on getting maximum pleasure from her pussy.
Kawkab kept up with my strokes, the faster I went, the faster she dildo'd herself up the ass. Soon she was starting to go faster than me and I found myself struggling to keep up. Every time she pushed the dildo in, I could feel the inside of her pussy get pushed out against my cock. Kawkab's moans turned into really loud screams as another orgasm was approaching her.
"OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! She screamed as she pulled the dildo out of her ass and rubbed it on her clit. Her pussy started to stretch out wide as she came, starting to clench tight around my cock. Her snatch had gripped my cock so hard, I couldn't pull my cock back, I just stayed in this position as her orgasm subsided. Kawkab looked at me with a dirty look in her eyes.
As soon as I felt her pussy loosen it's grip I started to thrust in and out of her vagina and I could already feel my cum starting to build up. I filled her pussy depths with copious ropes of my semen.
I fell asleep inside. And when I woke up, I fucked her in the pussy again for some time then I stopped …
There was one thing left that I hadn't done with her and it involved her most famous asset. As she was screaming with every thrust, I gave her a couple of last hard, deep thrusts and pulled out of her, rolling her on to her back. I straddled her stomach and placed my cock in between her massive tits. Kawkab knew exactly what I was going for and tossed the dildo aside and pushed her tits together as I started to quickly thrust up and down her chest. I built up momentum very quickly, using the sweat in between her large mounds as lubrication.
Her tits were so big, that when they were pushed together, I couldn't see my dick except for when it poked up and hit her on the chin. As I continued to fuck her tits, I looked at her face.
"You like fucking Kawkab Nagm Al-Deen's big fucking tits? That's it! Fuck my big tits with that huge fuck stick! Yeah!" Kawkab yelled. "Come on! Cum for Kawkab! Come on her big tits." Kawkab started the dirty talk, urging me to cum and as I slid up and down those huge tits, feeling her soft flesh rubbing along the sides of my shaft, I felt my balls start to tighten and with one last thrust up her chest, my hot, thick cum spurted up hitting her right on the chin. As I pulled my cock out my second load shot out in between her tits. I aimed the third load on her left boob, and the fourth one on her right boob, stroking my cock up and down as small loads started to dribble out onto her tits.
"Oooh!" Kawkab cooed, as she started to rub my cum into her tits. She wiped the cum off her chin and started to lick it off her chin. "Just needed another taste." She smiled. "So what are your plans for tomorrow?" She asked.
I replied, laying down beside her.
"That's good. I need someone to rub some lotion on to my back tomorrow." Kawkab smiled, smelling heavily of my cum.
story by: Womenloverwomenlover
Tags: fiction hardcore sex story
Author: Womenloverwomenlover
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