Ole and inge preparing for sex

sex stories

Ole took Inga home with him and took off his shirt. Inga says, "Ole, dat's some chest you have dare."
Ole says, "Inga, dat's a hunnert seventy pounds of dynamite." Next he took off his pants.
Inga says, "Ole, dat's nice calves you have dare."
Ole says, "Inga, dat's a hunnert seventy pounds of dynamite." Ole quickly reached down and pulled off his underpants and Inga screamed and ran out the door. Ole put his clothes back on and ran out after her. Catching her, Ole said, "Inga, viy did you run out like dat?"
Inga said, "Vith all dat dynamite around, I taught it vas going to explode ven I saw how short da fuse vas!"

story by: The Porn Joker

Tags: sex joke sex story

Author: The Porn Joker

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