New Mexico has this marvelous spa/hotel/hot tub complex ” THOUSAND WAVES” in the mountains outside of Santa Fe… high quality, and bueatifully done. Complex is stepped into the side of the mountains and ht has maybe 12 exterior Hot tub deck areas all with different menus, and privacy levels..massage and exercise services can also be had… This complex has a world wide reputation for it service and demeanor.
We had read about it, and it options for tubbing nude, outdoor, exposed to nature in the Sun and fresh air, and mixed nudity for an erotic component. Judy and I while motorcycling in the West..routed ourselves to check it out..and ultimately tried it services… We after being shown the menu deceided to try the optional Mixed Tub deck for a two hours period…We decided to rent swimsuits as were were uncertain it all were nude, or not as it was shown as clothing optional.
Judy went into women locker area, and decided to go for it..(Her term) got naked, and showered as directed..NO DOORS, asked some other women who walked through about nudity, and them said “no problem”…She put on her rented one piece suit ( she is 5/4 – 125 ) and found she had a super SMALL ..lot of items hanging out..Put on her White terry robe as required between the many different tub areas, and away we went to out unit..
As she lead up the stairs to the mixed deck level..she stopped and said ..”They are ALL NUDE”..let go back and take off our suits too. Ok..suits off, and with trepatdation climbed back up and found a large 12 person hot tub…200 feet of redwood deck..flowers and trees sun, mountain’s and sheilded privacy. 6 gentlemen and two ladies greeted us..3 gents in tub ..other three sun bathing…2 gals on another raised deck sunning themselves all attractive weight to height OK….
Off came our robes, and in all our natural glory boobs bouncing we entered the hot tub…EXCITEMENT..our first group nudity experiment.. 15 minutes later we left bubbling foaming tube (some cover) and layed on deck sunning…What a unique feeling…I had to go into cold pool to get Mr. Softy back in town…. Another bueatifull 25 ish young gal came in ..said HI all, a regular, and took of her robe and spashed about in the hot tub..
My wife was talking normally to a fit regular featuring 30 ish gent who had only a neck chain on, and a fine tan, and 6 flacid inches displayed about 2 feet from my naked mates bush and boobs on display..
Mixed feeling, Protective..Jealously..Pride in my nude wife, and my own sense of modesty surfaced and bobbed about, and for the first time I realized how valid my previous opinion regarding …one’s mind is who you R…with clothes and status of them..that’s it and your fitness level.
After an hour we left..and returned to Santa Fe and our motel..
Our sex life was highly stimulated, and led to other adventures over the years due to this first experience in sexual stimuli..
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