Officer james dreg – violating the captive's wife [#1]

sex stories

Black. That was the color of his car’s ceiling. He had stared at it countless times and yet still found it more intriguing than what happened outside the window, which was basically, nothing.

This beat was the most tedious he’d ever gone through. After all, you couldn’t expect much to happen in a block full of senior citizens. People didn’t even argue, much less stir up trouble, since; every raised voice would be inevitably followed by a hacking cough or in some cases, wheezing to death with a 50-50 chance of seizure.

Tearing his gaze from the enchanting ceiling of his squad car, he looked down at the batch pinned to his left breast pocket.

James Dreg

He had worked so hard to be promoted from Officer to Detective, had dreamed of a hardcore job in the Homicide department, earning a nice, four figure salary, going on nice, bloody crime scenes, cashing in the jealousy of his fellow batch mates. But instead, here he was, still working the streets like a common beat cop.

A loud knock on his window startled Officer Dreg out of his reverie. Looking up, he saw a couple of white teeth encased in braces, and, after a few moments, recognized the face accompanying them. Rolling down the window, James grumbled, “What now, Ted ?”. The teenager brushed back his disheveled red hair from his eyes and grinned even wider, “NOW can I take a look ?”.

The Officer sighed.

He had met the kid on the first day of his patrol. Well, arrested actually. What he had thought to be cocaine, turned out to be talcum powder.

Driving slowly down 5th on Brook, he had spotted a red-haired teen sniffing some white powder off the back of his palm behind a dumpster. Visualizing it as the first link in a chain that would invariably lead to an urban drugs operation, he had leapt from his car and cornered the kid, cuffing him to the dumpster’s handlebar before whipping out an evidence bag and scraping some of the powder into it. He hadn’t been sure whether it was cocaine or heroin from just a look, so had raised the plastic bag for a sniff . . . sneezing uncontrollably a moment later as he recognized the smell that hung about his boss every morning like a pestilence.

A bit miffed, he had nevertheless apologized profusely to the boy, whose name he had acquired later, as part of a pretense to write ‘an official letter to Mommy about how her son pretended to take drugs behind a dumpster’. Ted had been sorry then. He was cocky now.

An hour ago, James had sent the boy running to investigate a ‘mysterious bout of coughing’ some houses down the road. That was just to get rid of him. Since discovering Brook Avenue to be the most peaceful work area in the world, Officer Dreg had taken to parking his squad car in front of a Donut shop, with the added advantage of being in the center of his assigned block in case an emergency arose . . . like ferrying a dying old geezer to the nearest hospital. Now Ted had returned and, as always, was demanding a look at his handgun. James sighed once again, pulled the gun from its holster, checked to see if the safety was on and handed it to the over-enthusiastic teen through the open window.

A moment later, James couldn’t help smiling as Ted ran down the road shooting imaginary bad guys, ducking for cover behind trees and bushes and talking in military lingo, which sounded more like a foul-mouthed offspring of Star Trek and Police Academy.

Watching Ted take down imaginary snipers with a handgun, James couldn’t help but think. If only actual police work were so glamorous. While he had been a lieutenant, James had enrolled for a two-year course at a local gym, building up those biceps and abs for the grueling jobs that would follow his promotion. Grappling with murderers, punching goons’ faces in with his bare hands and being the fittest in his team, had been on the top of his to-do list.

If he had known he would end up back on the streets, keeping all six feet of him rippling with muscle cooped up inside a tin box all day, getting married wouldn’t have seemed such a bad idea. God knows his parents had pestered him enough about it.

27, James, it’s now or never”, his father used to say, “Look at me, I married your mother at 19, and what a beauty she used to be . . .”, then he would slap his wife’s buttocks.

James winced as the memory flashed through his mind. His parents had moved to Minnesota to take care of the family farm a year ago, selling his apartment behind his back and naming him the owner of their previous home, quite a big house over on 6th and Dale.

Now, sitting in his car in front of a donut shop, daydreaming was all he did. Like he was doing now. Shaking his head, James focused on the steering wheel. Ted. He was nowhere to be seen. In a panic, he fumbled for the door latch, pulled it and was about to get out, when he noticed the handgun lying serenely on the dashboard. The idiot kid must have been trying to skip another meal back home, without success, apparently. With a relieved sigh, James holstered the gun, got out anyway and strolled about a bit, working the chinks from his limbs.

Turning around, he caught sight of himself in the side-view mirror and bent down to take a better look. He was a handsome man by any standards. Had a strong jawline, blue eyes and wavy black hair. Had been a real chick magnet in high school. But here and now, he was just another beat cop.

Running a hand through his hair, James straightened with a scowl, ‘I swear, if I have to lead another day of this kind of lifestyle, I’ll plant a few drugs on some poor bloke myself, just to have the pleasure of arresting him’.

At noon, when his shift ended, he got back from a stroll, climbed into his car and drove to police precinct over on Central. Turning in his car, James walked back to his house, just a couple of blocks away. He threw his uniform on the bed, prepared a mug of coffee, and watched a movie . . . something about mercenaries who take control. Perfect.

He rarely slept at home, got enough shut eye on the job. Later, he cleaned his pistol, badge and baton, laying them out neatly on the side table. Brushing down his uniform, he thought about calling Cathy, but then remembered her expression when he’d proposed a different plan than hers . . . and it hadn’t exactly ended in a friendly handshake.

A week ago, Cathy had mentioned getting married. That was the time when James had still been gearing up for promotion and expecting a glittering career ahead. Of course he had turned her down, and, as expected, his sentimental girlfriend hadn’t taken it well. Then, to his eternal regret, he had mentioned taking a break. She had been out the door in an instant and hadn’t called since.

James spent most of the afternoon watching TV, lounging on the couch and wondering if becoming a street artist would have been more entertaining. Finally, the clock struck midnight and James donned the dark blue trousers and shirt, pinned his badge on, hooked the holster onto his belt, slid the baton into its strap, ran a hand through his hair . . . and sighed. His life had become one big sigh now.

He drove the squad car to brook avenue and parked once again outside the donut shop, settling in for the 7th most boring night of his life in a row . . . or so he thought.

As Officer Dreg turned off the ignition and the headlights of his car began to die down, an ear shattering sound broke the tranquility of the neighborhood. James was alert in an instant and brought his car to life. In the distance, coming closer, was a pair of headlights. Revving the gas, he turned on the turret lights, screwed his eyes against the bright light . . . and that was all it took. The headlights were past him, speeding down the road. James floored the gas pedal and maneuvered his car in a tight turn, shooting after the rogue vehicle.

Soon, the trees racing by were a blur, the accelerometer was just shy of 120 and he was drawing closer to the vehicle. This was what he had joined the police force for; apprehending criminals after midnight car chases at break neck speeds . . . okay, not really, but it was still better than sitting on his rump in a parked car outside a donut shop, half a day.

With his headlights illuminating the rear of the speeding vehicle, he could see it was a Toyota registered in Virginia. Fucking tourists. Honking like crazy, the car had skidded onto the intersection at Central, heading downtown. James’s hand automatically went to the radio, but then he realized that with a full squad chasing after the speeder, his name would once again be discarded on the sidelines once the arrest credits were handed out. Gritting his teeth, James floored the gas, bearing down on the gray Toyota. But just then, the speeder turned a corner. James went into the turn too fast, going into a sharp skid, trying to maintain traction with the road, his tires spinning wildly. Wrestling with the steering, he punched the brake pedal in short, quick bursts, gaining some control over his car before steadying the wheel and shooting after the Toyota, which was rapidly disappearing down Mason street.

Then it struck him.

One advantage of living alone was that he had a lot of free time, with nothing to fill it. More often than not, he’d climb up on his bike and drive down one street or the other. By now, he could draw an accurate street map of New York in under 5 minutes, knew every lane like the back of his hand, remembered every street sign decorating every corner . . . and in this case, a little detour sign at the end of Mason, with an arrow pointing left, towards Grove.

James turned the wheel sharply and brought his car onto a narrow, paved street which, quite conveniently cut through the back of a dozen houses and ended up on Grove a few hundred meters from the detour sign. Roaring down the pavement, he hit the road, spun the wheel to his right and slammed on the brakes. He could smell burning rubber as the handbrake engaged, fighting for domination with the wildly spinning wheels. The car spun around amidst a cloud of smoke, ending up facing back the way he had come, blocking the way of a certain Toyota which visibly struggled to slow down as it approached the one-car blockade.

The Toyota stopped an inch away from the door, and then slowly started backing up. Shielding his eyes against the glaring headlights, James stepped out leisurely, and putting his hand on his holster, yelled, “Okay, pal, game’s over. Now cut the lights.” The Toyota stopped, then as the powerful headlamps began to die down, and James’ vision adjusted, he realized his mistake.

What he had previously thought to be a lone driver, turned out to be accompanied by a woman. The man was grinning. The woman, flushed with the thrill of the chase, with anxiety dawning on her face.

James whipped out his handcuffs and sauntered over to the driver’s door. Pulling it open, he leaned against the rear door and beckoned with a smile. The man hopped put with a spring in his step, grinning widely. Close cropped hair, in his forties, well-bred features, clad in a three-piece suit, didn’t look much like a regular offender. But what the hell was he so happy about ? James clapped the cuffs on him and leaned in to take a better look at the woman. But she was already out of the car and running over to them. She was a beautiful brunette, with open, shoulder-length hair, eyes done with mascara, and a tall, full figure. On top of that, clad in an aqua blue, close-fitting top and tight, black jeans, she looked absolutely stunning.

James just stared at her for a while, unable to hear the words being mouthed by those luscious lips, her beauty enhanced ten-fold by anxiety. After a bit of internal tumult, he finally paid some attention to her words and managed to catch something like, “. . . my fault entirely . . . my husband’s innocent . . . goaded him . . . mentally challenged . . .”

James thought about letting the poor bloke go, but then remembered why he hadn’t called for backup, “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Ma’am. Your husband was way over the speed limit and a potential risk to everyone around him.” “But there WAS no one around him !”, the woman cried out. “Sorry, Ma’am, I didn’t make the rules. Now, I’ll need you to climb into that patrol car and accompany your husband to the precinct. You have to fill out some necessary forms, get your husband’s DL checked out and probably tomorrow afternoon, your husband would be presented for a court hearing.” The woman started sobbing. Her husband looked heartbroken and tried to reach her but James kept a tight hold on the cuffs.

“Look, um . . .”

she mumbled.

“Yeah, Kate, if your husband had pulled over, I could have just given him a ticket for speeding, but he resisted arrest and that forces me to bring him in. My hands are tied over here.”

She nodded, barely perceptibly, and James gestured towards his squad car. He pulled the husband along and ushered him into the backseat, who had started grinning again. Kate opened the rear door to get in, but James was quick to stop her, no need for that. In spite of whatever you might say, you were an unwilling participant. You get to ride />
Confused, Kate got into the front seat. James got in, revved up the car and took a quick glance at the Toyota’s plates again. Memorizing the numbers, he drove back the way they had come.

Inside the station, barely two officers were still on duty, sipping steaming coffee from big mugs that said in big, bold yellow letters, ‘Cops = Cool’. Accompanied by the couple, James made his way to a fat guy with a moustache like a weed whacker, up, Joe ? Late night again ?”

Detective Joe Pegger looked up blearily, “Damn you, you young bastards. Old men like me, we need our sleep dammit, and instead here I am, mopping up the Bayer files which even Frank over there is quite well equipped to deal with.” “I heard that !”, came Detective Frank’s voice from one of the cubicles.

James smiled. He motioned to the man in handcuffs, “Speeder, resisted arrest. Driving at around 110. Apprehended on Grove. Name . . .”
“Tom . . . Tom Norbert”, Kate supplied.
“Yeah, Tom . . . Plate – /> Detective Joe wrote it all down carefully, waving them away when he was done. James pulled Tom along and Kate followed. Skirting the various work stations, James led the duo to a corridor on their right, which ended in a solid wooden door. Pushing through, they entered the temporary holding area. A middling room with a couple of detention cells, all empty, and an even smaller waiting room on the far side. James nudged his captive into a cell and looked at the beautiful woman staring longingly at her husband, feeling an engorging in his loins, “You can either stay in here with your husband or in the waiting room over there.” Kate made to enter the cell, but her husband gave a retarded grin and waved her away. Kate looked torn but then walked determinedly towards the waiting room. James locked the cell door and followed after Kate, shutting the door behind him.

The room was a spacious one, with plush couches lining the walls, a few potted plants here and there, and a lone desk pushed up against the corner. The officer on duty was nowhere to be seen. James entered his and Kate’s names in the ledger and told her to take a seat.

Personally, his guardian angel must have been feeling extra horny of late. Him, alone, with the hottest woman he’d ever seen. That Tom was a godsend. James could take her right here on the couch, but somehow, raping a screaming woman in a police station didn’t seem like a very good idea.

Tense, Kate was sitting straight-backed on the couch, three feet away from him, when they heard the screams. “Tom !”, Kate sprang up from the couch and raced towards the door, out in an instant. James ran after her and found Kate sobbing at the bars trying to force them open. Tom was delirious, screaming at the top of his lungs, clawing at his throat, banging against the walls.

going on in there ?!”, Detective Joe’s muffled shout reached them. “Nothing ! Crazy bastard !”, James yelled back.

“He’s dying, someone help him”, Kate cried in desperation. Rolling his eyes, James unlocked the latch and barged in, holding Tom in a full-nelson, while Kate cupped Tom’s face in her hands and cooed at him softly. Eventually, Tom calmed down, wheezing like he’d just run a couple of miles full tilt. James patted him on the back and guided him onto the small cot. Kate seemed reluctant to leave her husband, so James went outside and left the door open.

A moment later, Kate emerged, wiping tears from her eyes, “He needs to get out of here. He won’t survive the night, will claw himself to death.” As much as James wanted to abide with Kate’s wishes, it just wasn’t up to him, “I’m sorry, but believe me, there’s nothing I can do.” Kate teared up and turned away, whispering so quietly that he almost missed it, “Just let him go, I . . . I’ll do />
James perked up at that. Okay, this was unexpected. A hot wife was willing to do anything to free her husband, and by ‘anything ‘, she certainly didn’t mean, ‘sing your favorite song for you’.

James felt his loins stir. “Anything ?”, he whispered back. Kate turned around, her tears running through her mascara, leaving light black streaks across her cheeks, and nodded hesitantly. A certain something clicked inside James and he gestured for her to follow him. He led the way into an open cell right in front of Tom’s, and Kate followed. Locking the latch, he threw the key outside through the bars, but within reach. Then he turned and fully appraised the woman standing before him. Kate’s hair fell gracefully around her shoulders and forehead. Her dark eyes were full of indecision, and tears still ran down the twin, black streaks on her face. Her breasts heaved with anxiety. Her sleeves ended at the elbows and her long nails were painted cherry red. Those tight black jeans enunciated her full figure, hugging the curves of her thighs and butt.

James allowed his eyes to travel back to her face, her expression now tinged with fear. His own, with lust. he ordered in a commanding tone. Kate looked stricken, “Not in front of Tom, please.” James’ tone became stern. Fresh tears welled up in her eyes and she slowly grasped the neck of her top, pulling it over her head. James’ pants felt too tight, gazing at Kate’s amazing body. The red bra was tight-pressed to keep her ample breasts in place. Her flat stomach melted into the perfect curves of her waist, disappearing into the jeans.

James flicked his hand downwards, and Kate reluctantly began to lower her jeans, easing it past her luscious butt, James glanced back at Tom. The woman’s husband was staring at his wife through the bars, mouth wide open as if in disbelief at what she was doing. Kate looked at him and mouthed a silent apology. James looked at her legs and was certain his erection was going to burst through the zipper. Long, tapering, with full thighs and firm calves, they were works of art indeed. Glorious stems of ivory holding upright the flower that was her body.

Almost tearing off his shirt and vest, James quickly pulled down the pants and underwear. His erect manhood snapping back as it cleared the elastic waistband.

Kate looked desperate now, like a cornered deer. Even the sight of James’ ripped physique and his huge staff did nothing to divert her attention. Instead, she grew even tenser, conscious of her nakedness even though she still wore the lingerie.

James’ head was abuzz. All he could think about was this beautiful woman, clad only in tiny fragments of cloth, wet and willing . . . okay, maybe not, but that hardly mattered. She had said she would do anything to free her husband and now it was James’ duty to ensure she upheld her part of the deal.

He walked over to Kate and without taking off the bra, cupped one of her breasts in his hand, squeezing and caressing. Kate closed her eyes, her face full of shame and revolt, tears squeezing out from between her eyelids. James ran his tongue over her cleavage and hooking a thumb over the top of her bra, pulled it down her left boob, doing the same with the right. Kate squirmed and tried to step away, but James was now licking her breasts, and holding her tight by the waist, whispered, counting on you. You don’t wanna let him down, do you ?”

Kate winced as James bit her nipple, not very hard but enough to cause waves of pain and pleasure to flow through her body. She looked over at her husband in his cell, who’d started banging the bars and calling out her name. She winced again as James bit her other nipple, running his tongue around her pink areola, squeezing her boob with his hand and chewing on it with his lips. Wracked with guilt and shame, Kate tried to push James away, but the Officer was nearly a hundred pounds heavier than her. “Please, I can’t do this. I’ll wait out the night.” Kate begged.

In response, James held her close with her one hand on her waist, and with the other, unhooked her bra, flinging it on the floor, “Too late. You try to get away now; I’ll have my way with you anyway. And Tom ? I’ll pile assaulting a police officer on him as well. He’ll be lucky if they let him out before a year.”

Kate wept silently and could do nothing as James bunched her hair in a ponytail and forced her head down, slapping his dick in her face, and then running it over her lips. He could feel she had pursed her lips. Applying pressure on the back of her head, he forced her face further towards himself. Kate let out a low moan as she had to open her lips and take James’ cock in her mouth, all eight inches of it. Gagging, she tried to pull back, but James held fast onto her hair, slowly moving his cock in and out of her lips, enjoying the warm, wet sensation of her mouth and tongue wrapping around himself. He increased the pace, and when felt Kate starting to gag, pulled himself out, and pulling Kate up the hair, kissed her full lips, still half open and buried his tongue deep, entwining it around hers and relishing her sweet taste.

Kate pulled back and James let go her hair, smiling. She had an expression of disgust, spitting on the floor as soon as James released her hair. “I’m not done yet, sweetie.”, James advanced on her, his cock pointing straight out like a slightly curved flagpole, thick and long, crisscrossed with veins. Kate backed up to the wall. James reached her and putting his hands on the wall on either side of her, kissed her again, deeply, opening his entire mouth over hers. Pinning her with his mouth, he let one hand slide over her figure, feeling the soft, milky white skin of her arms, stomach, and waist, before hooking her panty and pulling it down to her knees in one go. Kate blanched, but with James’ tongue down her throat, was unable to protest. She tried to pull her panty back on, but James was quicker, and with his foot, slid it down to her ankles and off.

Kate could only moan in protest as James wrestled with her own. She tried to claw at him, but the Officer was unrelenting, shrugging off her sharp, red nails as if they were nothing. Still kissing her, looking into her anguished, dark eyes, he brushed back her hair with one hand, while the other went exploring between her legs.

Kate bucked, but the wall was at her back and it did no good. James was now running his hand through the light patch of pubic hair above her womanhood, taking his time. He finally broke the kiss and ran his lips down her neck. He could feel Kate drawing in breath to scream. “A year. Poor Tom.” he whispered.

The scream never came. Kate swallowed her rebellion but she just couldn’t let this man do whatever he wanted to her. By anything, she’d assumed that he’d understood that there were certain boundaries but his man had leapt over the fence, and getting raped in a police station by a police officer with her husband watching wasn’t exactly on the top of her to-do list. Ohhh, but it was so hard to resist. The Officer’s hand was now caressing her nether lips, brushing over her clit. Her body was betraying her; she knew that, as her cunt began to get wet.

James could feel it, the woman’s wetness on his fingers and lifted them to smell it. It was a strong, heady scent and he licked her juices clean off his fingers, tasting sex on his tongue.

James’s dick was throbbing with desire and he put Kate’s hand on it, exploring her vagina with one hand, while clasping her firm, round ass with the other. Kate made to draw away but felt the thing in her hand leap, hard as iron. She moved her hand back and forth, her fingers barely able to encompass its girth, and moaned in pleasure as James dug his fingers into her, moving inside her cunt, sending waves of unbearable pleasure through her body. James could feel Kate responding, and dug his fingers deeper into her vagina, increasing his pace. He watched in satisfaction as Kate moaned, moving her hips in response to his fingers, trying to get as much of him as she could.

James’ own blood was on fire. He could smell the body of the woman in front of him, a sweet fragrance, and knew he could do anything to her right now. Her slim, nimble fingers danced on his cock, teasing him, and there was a hint of a smile on those luscious, slightly parted, red lips, as she moaned, her eyes closed.

Everything would have been perfect had it not been for the scream which rang around them a moment later, “Kate !”. Tom was going crazy in his cell, banging against the bars like a maniac as if all of it was wrong and didn’t fit.

The spell broke, and Kate was flushed with shame and guilt, her cheeks turning rosy red. She stepped sideways, away from James, her face contorted with grief at the pain she’d caused her husband, and bent down to pick up her clothes. But James was faster. Pushing her bodily, he threw her down on the cot, her hair splaying out around her face, streaking across her forehead. Startled, and with real fear dawning in her eyes, she put her elbows under herself and tried to get up but James was already there, on top of her. She clawed and resisted but she might as well have been caressing him for all the good it did. Kissing her lips, neck and stomach, he ran his hands down her smooth waist and over her legs, “Sorry babe, but I’m not done yet, hell, I haven’t even started.”, he whispered as he sucked her earlobe. He was on the cot when he said this, but then quickly leapt to the floor, facing her feet.

With fresh-streaked mascara, Kate again tried to get up, but James grabbed hold of her ankles and pulled her towards him, leaving her on the bed. As he pulled her legs apart, Kate tried desperately to resist him, but it was useless, he was too strong. With her thighs wide open, he lifted her legs in the air, forming a wide ‘V’. He looked at her and found her staring back in horror, similar reaction being expressed by her husband across the room.

“No, you wouldn’t do that. You bastard ! Let go of me !”, Kate cried out helplessly. Aiming his cock at her wet cunt, he plunged in, driving deep inside her body as he pushed with all his might.

!”, Kate screamed, her body a maelstrom of pain and pleasure, and her mind, of conflicting emotions.

James almost came as he entered Kate. He’d known women before, but this one was different. Her passage was tight and hot, clinging at his penis, luring him in with its wetness.

Tom wailed.
James drew out form Kate and plunged in again, relishing the sensation of her pussy wrapping around his cock, reluctant to let go. “Aaahh . . . aaahh . . . aaahh !”, Kate cried out every time James rammed into her. She couldn’t help it. He was just too big.

He seemed to fill her to the point of bursting, titillating the core of her womanhood with that huge dick. She knew that this was wrong and ought to be stopped, but with her legs in the air and in the hands of that muscle-bound officer, there was nothing she could do about it.

Grunting every time he slammed into Kate, James increased his pace. Letting go of her ankles, he bent forward and planted his arms straight on the cot, trapping her legs around them, with the back of her knees pushed up against his biceps.

Kate winced as her knees were suddenly wrenched down against her boobs, her cunt projecting a few feet into the air, and James’ face appeared right above her, his arms locking her legs in place.

James pounded into Kate with a renewed fervor, invading deeper with each thrust, their grunts and moans filling the small cell he stared into her dark eyes, watching her internal conflict as her face screwed up with pleasure, crying out in time to his thrusts, “Aaah, aaah, aaah !”

Kate was in both heaven and hell at the same time. She was being fucked like never before, but on the other hand, her husband was actually watching her getting violated. The sense of shame and revulsion mixed with the tempest of pleasure raging within her seized her core. Her body convulsed as she came, wave upon wave of unbearable ecstasy running through her.

James felt her pussy tighten, milking his cock, and almost came himself. Almost. Driven by the lust boiling within him, he ravaged her cunt with all the more vigor, pounding into her soft, hot flesh like a charging train. His muscles clenched and unclenched like clockwork, driving him deep into Kate’s body, making her scream out her wanton pleasure with abandon.

He slammed on between Kate’s thighs, staring into her eyes as he grunted with each thrust that sent an eight-inch, rock-hard rod of muscle straight into Kate’s pussy. The second time Kate orgasmed, both of them were in heaven. Her vagina constricted around his cock, the hot, damp walls trying to squeeze out the invader, dripping her juices onto the white sheet of the cot. James swabbed up the sticky ambrosia and licked it clean.

Ramming for all he was worth, Kate’s third orgasm proved too much for James. He shot his huge load inside the woman’s convulsing cunt and pulled out, beads of sweat glistening on their naked bodies.

Tom had given to grasping the bars of his cage and glaring at them with an unfathomable expression. James didn’t really care as he bent down to eat his wife’s pussy. What could that retarded possibly do ? Claim he saw his arresting officer banging his wife in the cell across from his ? Not likely.

James smiled as he licked Kate’s vagina, running his tongue over her wet folds and watched her moan. Squeezing her boobs, he started sucking her clit. Kate went wild, “Aahh, aahh, aahh, yesss !”, bucking her hips and writhing like someone possessed. He dug his tongue deep, tasting her juices, chewing her pussy with his lips.

Kate was still breathless when James jumped up and flipped her on her stomach as easily as he might a doll. He slapped Kate’s ass and she mover further up the cot, getting her full body on the sheets. James crawled over her and swept her hair all on one side, exposing her neck. Kissing her smooth, arching back, he squeezed and sucked on the big, round globes of her ass.

Then, unexpectedly, Kate felt her waist rising off the cot and into the air. She tried to lie down, but the Officer had a firm hold. Her face and arms were still on the white sheet with her back arching up to meet her butt and her knees too were still on the cot. Kate cried out as James slapped her ass cheeks, leaving red finger marks. He brushed his huge penis against the crack of her ass and the horror of what he was about to do dawned on her.

It was unthinkable. She’d never allowed Tom to do that, not even her, on those lonely nights when Tom’s parents took him home for private treatment. “NO”, she pleaded, fear clogging her throat, “Please, not that . . .”. James’ only response was to slap her ass harder, making Kate wince, and leaving another red handprint on the white flesh of her butt. Standing on the cot, he knelt down and licked Kate’s ass, running his tongue through her crack, lingering over her puckered little asshole. He could feel Kate’s body tensing up in fearful anticipation of the unnatural invasion. James smiled and straightened up. Putting his dick to her crack, he rubbed it lightly against her anus. Then, spitting on his fingers and wetting her hole, he ploughed in slowly. Kate grunted and balled her hands up in fists, trying to get up. With both hands on the small of her back, he held her down forcefully and dug in deeper, pushing against the resistance. Almost half of his cock was buried in her ass when Kate groaned, “I can’t take it, please . . .”

James could hardly have cared less as in a single motion, he rammed all eight inches of cock down her ass. Kate screamed and clawed at the bed sheet, tears beginning to stream down the well-used streaks of eyeliner on her cheeks. James closed his eyes and let out a moan as his dick throbbed inside the woman’s ass. It was so tight ! He began to move in and out, slowly at first, then increased his pace, ramming against her butt cheeks. The sound of slapping flesh and Kate’s groans bounced off the concrete walls. James focused all his strength and drove into Kate with a wild frenzy, fucking her like a demon. Sweat was rolling down his glistening muscles, mingling with Kate’s, her body, too, glistening like she’d just been oiled.

After some minutes of this frenzied fucking, Kate’s groans of pain turned into moans of pleasure, her boobs rocking in harmony with her body as James violated her like a dog does his bitch.

This was too good. He went on. After who knows how long, James glanced at his watch and was surprised to see the needle strike 4 in the morning. He had been fucking Kate with both of them lying on their sides, him behind her, holding her one leg in the air and ramming away into her pussy. He had cum some time ago, but Kate’s mouth and cunt had revived him. James let go of Kate’s breasts and pulled out of her. Getting out of bed, he started putting on his clothes.

Kate sat on the edge of the bed for a while, her hair disheveled and falling over her eyes. She tried to get up, but stumbled. James caught her and helped her back to her feet. Both of them were weary, sweat running freely down their bodies. James helped Kate put on her bra and panty, teasing her as he brushed over her clit. Kate looked startled and smiled, and was about to kiss him, but probably the enormity of what she had done dawned on her and she held back, pulling away and getting dressed, rearranging her hair.

In court the same day, James related how he had realized the blunder he had made by arresting the wrong person, since the innocent and the ‘actual criminal’ had been driving the same car. He got a slight reprimand from the judge and Tom, his freedom, who, quite ungraciously, James thought, had been staring daggers at him throughout the trial.

After getting bail, James offered to drive the couple back to the precinct to pick up their Toyota but surprisingly, it was Kate who refused his offer, giving a curt shake of her head and a hostile, “No, Thanks.”

Strange thing, a woman’s heart, James thought incredulously as he watched the couple walk down the road, Kate’s dark hair bouncing against her shoulders and her sexy ass swinging in rhythm to her gait.

story by: SK999

Tags: fiction blowjob erotica anal rape coercion male domination sex story

Author: SK999

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