Monday came and the real world returned. Their work awaited them and they faced it not looking back. After the weekend they had just had, they needed something to get their minds back on track again. Colin went to the dealership and Alisha to the ranch. They both smiled in their minds, knowing no one knew of their secret life, the sexually driven, perverted desires they both had when away from their respective professions. They shared these desires with Cody and Justin and now they would share with Alisha’s mother and her lover. But for now, it was time to run their businesses and continue their successful careers.
The breeding season was upon them at the ranch and most everyone was looking forward to it anticipating a very successful program. This week their first group of cows would be artificially inseminated followed by another group every 5 days till they are all bred. There will be preg checks on the cows 30 days after they’re bred and all the open cows will be moved to a separate calving group. Alisha is going to give the hands a class on how to use the I-pads when the cattle start calving next spring, which will make her job much easier. The weather is starting to warm up and Alisha is enjoying watching the calves play in the pastures. She thinks about Ben Williams and fantasizes about taking his cock again. She starts to feel a little wetness forming between her lips and thinks about getting Cody to come do a threesome with should blow his mind.
Justin comes into the office, followed by Ben. They weren’t sure about the breeding schedule and when to start flushing the cows. Alisha told them that BioGen would be there on Thursday to do the first group of cows, so they should flush the cows on Tuesday, tomorrow.
“They need the high protein flush two days before they’re she told them
Justin told her that he would see to it that Group 1 had the hot feed on time and he would take care of feeding the next groups on time. He and Alisha sat at her desk and filled out a calendar with the breeding schedule for Justin showing the dates he needs to flush the different groups and when BioGen will be here to AI the cows. Bob stood watching what was going on.
“Damn, this is too high tech for me, I was accustomed to the old way. Go out and feed all the cows the high protein flush then put the bulls in and let them go to fucking. It was pretty are sure changing. I can see how this way will be much more efficient and how the end result will definitely be to our don’t know why I didn’t think of ha ha. Alisha just laughed and said, “You just liked watching the bulls fucking the cows, ha ha ha ha ha.”
Bob told them that he had to go down to New Mexico tomorrow with Bob Bradley to look at the cattle they put in the feed lot in Clovis. He told them that it was sure nice to be able to come and go whenever he wanted and know everything was being taken care of.
Alisha and Justin smiled and told him to enjoy himself, he deserved it. Bob bid them good day and told them he was going to town and join in a bull shit session somewhere.
After he left, Justin went over a few more things with Alisha then asked her if she wanted to go to lunch with him, which she did. They went out to Clancy’s at the Inn of the Rio Grande. They knew it would be quiet out there and they needed to talk about the wedding that was coming up. He told her that Cody was in town and would meet them out there. He and Alisha got in her truck and went to lunch. On the way to lunch, Justin told Alisha that he had went to the south range and noticed a lot of truck tracks on their property.
“I don’t know if it means anything or not, but after Bradley’s experience last fall with rustlers, I think we should keep an eye on that part of the ranch and make sure they aren’t setting up to hit us this spring when we turn out the cows and suspicious to me.” Justin informed her.
“Good idea Justin, start sending one of the guys down there on horseback every day for the next couple of weeks. Tell them to ride up on top of Ute can see the whole area from up there. I want them to take the camera with the long range lens on it and some binoculars. Tell them no fires and have them stay up there till about 5 then come in.” she told Justin. “If those rustlers are still around, I want to get on top of this thing before we lose a bunch of cattle to them. If the guys see anything, tell them to just take pictures and note the time of day. We’ll get some electronic alarms and photographic equipment and saturate the area with them and see if we can get one step up on this gang.
“Will do Alisha,” he said as they drove up to the Inn of the Rio Grande. Cody was waiting out front for all went in and were escorted to a table. Cody was her usual bubbly self. Alisha could tell that she was excited about the wedding and was acting a little giddy, which was somewhat normal for her. Alisha told them that Colin had made arrangements for a house in Hawaii for their honeymoon. They decided that the wedding would be held at the Catholic Church in Alamosa and the reception out at Cattails. They could use the outside patio area for the entertainment and dance. Alisha suggested that they wait till the next morning to fly out to Hawaii, that way everyone would be fresh and all laughed. Justin said he thought that was a good idea. They made plans for about 200 guests. Cody was going to take care of the entertainment, Alisha would take care of the flowers and the arrangements with the church. Cody could take care of the menu for the dinner. Justin would take care of getting a steer butchered and cooked. Anne had volunteered to do the invitations, provided that Alisha and Cody got their name lists to her. Alisha asked Justin to arrange for the guys at the ranch to pick up the gifts and move them out to the office till they all got back from the honeymoon. They had lunch and finalized all the plans and decided to meet for lunch again in three weeks to make sure everything was done. Cody was grinning, “This honeymoon is going to be the best. I can just imagine all the fun we’re going to have.” Justin looked at Alisha and said, “I can too” Alisha just smiled and felt that wet feeling between her legs again.
When lunch was over, Cody went on her way to take care of some of the wedding stuff and Alisha and Justin headed back for the ranch. When they got back Justin took off to set up the surveillance on the south pasture and Alisha went back inside the office and went to work. After about an hour, she saw Colin drive up. She wondered what brought him out here this time of day. When he came in he kissed her and slapped her on the ass.
“What are you doing out here this time of day darling,” she asked him.
“Oh, no special reason, it was really quiet today and I thought I’d get out of the office and come out to see you,” he said.
“If I had known that, you could have gone to lunch with Cody, Justin and were the plans for the remember, it’s only a month away.” she told him grinning. “Or are you getting cold feet?” she giggled at him.
Colin just laughed and said, “No, I haven’t wish it would hurry up, I want to make you Mrs. Alisha Moore Braxton as soon as can’t wait.”
Alisha smiled, got up and went to him and sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He looked at her and said, “If you keep this up you’re going to get bent over your desk and fucked silly.”
Alisha got up off his lap and went and locked the door and pulled the shades. She looked at Colin smiling as she undone her jeans and pushed them and her panties down around her gave him one last look and bent over her desk, her beautiful ass and pussy only inches in front of Colin. He smiled as he stood up and pulled his pants cock was extremely hard. He walked up behind her and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her wet slit and teasing her clit. Alisha felt the head of his cock at the entrance to her vagina and felt him sliding it inside her very slow, making sure his cock was properly lubricated before he went all the way inside her. Alisha pulled one foot out of her jeans and panties and spread her legs wide, taking all of his cock she could. Colin slowly fucked could feel the head of his cock rubbing her G-spot and his balls banging against her engorged clit.
He had his hands on her hips pulling her to him on each stroke. Alisha had reached across the desk and was gripping the far edge of the desk. She was moaning as he continued screwing her slow and easy. She was getting close to an orgasm and felt his cock starting to swell. Her orgasm began, wave after wave of pleasure swept through her body as he started to shoot his load of hot, sticky semen deep inside her cunt.
Their orgasms continued for several minutes. Colin reached forward, up her sides and gave her tits a little squeeze before he pulled his cock out of Alisha. This sent shivers up her spine as her orgasm finished up. Colin pulled his pants up as Alisha got back to her feet. He stood there looking at her naked lower body and saw a big glob of his cum drop out of her onto the floor. Alisha grunted, “I wish you had to put up with your deposit. Colin smiled at her as he pushed her back down on the desk on her back. He pulled a chair up and started licking her pussy with his tongue. Alisha almost immediately started to cum again as he locked his lips onto her pussy and began to suck all the juices out of her.
She let go a small squirt into his mouth as he sucked his cum out of her and licked her whole pussy clean. He felt her cumming and continued to ravage her clit with his tongue until all her contractions subsided. He saw a few small streams of cum on her upper thighs and licked them clean for her too. Alisha was in heaven, never had a guy done that for her was so hot she was thinking to herself. Colin put his right hand on her tummy and told her to push as he locked his lips on her pussy again. She did as he asked and he pushed down with his hand on her tummy. Another stream of his cum came sliding out of her into his mouth. He stood up and pulled her to her feet and kissed her, pushing the cum in his mouth into hers. Alisha greedily swirled it around her mouth and swallowed it and kissed Colin again, tonguing the interior of his mouth to get all the cum she could.
Alisha pulled her panties and jeans up and closed them. She took hold of Colin again and kissed him deeply and told him, “Thank you Colin, I’ve never had a man do that to me feeling was fantastic and I loved love you.”
Colin hugged her and went to open the shades and unlock the door before someone came and got suspicious. They stood and looked at each other and held each other tight. Colin told her he had to get back and left. Alisha felt was quite a guy and she knew she wouldn’t ever lose him. About a half hour after Colin left, Anne arrived at the office.
“Hi Alisha, how are you doing today.” she asked.
Anne asked her, “Did you talk to Colin about getting together with David and I?”
“As a matter of fact I did Mom, he’s all for it, he said you have a body comparable to mine and that he thinks you’re very hot, he really wants to fuck you.” Alisha told her.
Anne was smiling from ear to ear and asked, “Well, when do you want to get together with us, soon I hope, I’m really ready to do this and so is David. He said he thought you were one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen and he’d love to make love to you.”
“Well Mom, how does next Saturday night sound?” Alisha asked her.
Anne thought for a moment, “I think that will work just tell Bob that I have a seminar to attend in the Springs next guess it’s ok if we stay with you guys till Sunday.”
“Yes, if it goes like we usually do with Cody and Justin, we’ll all screw till the wee hours of the morning.” Alisha told her.
“You guys swap with Cody and Justin? I would have never suspected. Of course you know that Justin has fucked me don’t kind of surprised me. What all do you guys do, you know, so I don’t get surprised.” Anne asked.
“Well Mom, anything prepared to give and receive oral sex, have anal sex and many times the guys do a double penetration on a woman. Sometimes the guys like to watch the two women pleasure each other while they jack you can handle that?” Alisha told her.
“I’ve done all of that stuff and like it you have a problem if you and I have to do each other?” Anne asked.
“No I won’t mom, I think you’re a hot woman also with a very attractive body.” Alisha told her.
Anne smiled and said, “I guess this is kind of perverted, but it sounds like a lot of fun. You know, Alisha, I really didn’t have much of a sex life till the past few years and I’m having to learn it can’t wait, just treat me like any other woman and tell Colin not to let up on me, he can take me any way he wants.”
Alisha smiled and said. “Come over about 6 and we do steaks and have a few drinks first, that should take the edge off before we get to the sex.”
Anne agreed and told her she was looking forward to it so much and that David is very excited also. She walked over to Alisha and gave her a kiss on the lips and slid her tongue into Alisha’s mouth. The kiss lasted for well over a minute and she caressed Alisha’s breast.
When she finished she said, “I thought I might as well start getting ready now, this is going to be a new daughter, my best friend and my good doesn’t it dear?”
Alisha was taken back for a second but then smiled and kissed Anne, grabbing her by the cheeks of her ass as she tongued her. right Anne, might as well get used to it.” They both laughed and came away from this meeting with a new view of each other.
When Anne left and went to her house, Alisha got on the phone and called Colin and told him about the date she had made with Anne and David. Colin was excited, “I think this could be a whole lot of you alright with it dear, if you’re not, just say the word and we’ll stop it right here.”
“I’m fine with it Colin, mom and I have always been close, this might bring us even closer maybe we have been alike for a long time but just didn’t know it. “ Alisha told him. They said bye and Alisha began to get ready to go home.
So it was set. The perversions expanded to another plane. Now Alisha will be pleasuring her mother and the channel from where she came. Alisha thought about this aspect but it didn’t really bother her, she would just look on Anne as a good friend and pleasure her like she did Cody. Now there’s another thing to think about. How will s Cody take this. Alisha felt she would be ok with it, but she would have to be careful when she told Cody about it. Alisha was finished with her work for the day and headed out the door to go home. Justin was driving by and stopped to tell her that the surveillance for the south pasture was set to start in the morning and that the high protein feed to flush the cows had arrived this afternoon. He would take care of feeding it.
Alisha got in her truck and started home. Bob was driving in as she was leaving. He waved and continued to the house. Alisha turned onto the county road and punched it. She was ready to get home and relax a had been a tiring day.
When Alisha got home, Colin was preparing dinner and told her to go into the living room and relax, he would take care of everything. He didn’t have to tell Alisha twice, she got a beer out of the frig and went to the living room and began to watch the news She was really beat and settled down in a recliner and took a long drink of beer. On the news there was a segment on a shooting out on I-70, west of Denver. It appeared that the driver of a west bound pickup truck had been shot from another vehicle as it passed the victim. Alisha was thinking that no one is safe anywhere anymore. Then the newscaster said the victim was Jerry Johnston of Meeker. Alisha almost choked on the drink of beer she had just took. She listened more intently. There were no witnesses and no suspects, it looked to be a random killing, the police had speculated. Alisha couldn’t believe her guy that had drugged her and instigated a gang rape of her was dead. She wondered, is this just a coincidence? She yelled at Colin to come in there and when he arrived she told him about the news segment. He shook his head and said, “Well Alisha, I guess he got his. Did they say anything about who did it.?” he asked.
“No, there are no witnesses and no suspects,” she told him.
“Well, all I can say is I’m glad he’s dead after what he did to was unforgivable. All he had to do was be nice to you and you‘d probably have fucked his brains out,” Colin stated.
so right,” she said, “Oh well, at least he got what was coming to him, the rat bastard. I had already fucked all their marriages ok with it, revenge is sweet.”
Colin went back to the kitchen and Alisha continued sipping her beer. Was this a coincidence, she asked herself, and if it wasn’t, who was responsible? Could Colin have had such a thing done? She just couldn’t believe he would. She would keep an eye on the news and see what developed.
Colin called her for dinner. She slugged down her beer and went to the kitchen. Colin kissed her and helped seat her then served was one of her favorites, orange chicken and a really nice white wine. She loved Colin so much, he took care of her so well and made her feel so good. She was ready for the wedding, she wanted to be tied to Colin, she wanted to be all his, for him to do with as he wants.
In business, Alisha was a ruthless business woman. She could hold her own against any man. In her private life she was totally submissive to had never been that way with any man before and she didn’t fully understand it now. Oh well, at least he didn’t put her in a collar and leash and beat her with a whip and tell her she liked it. The sex with other men was ok with her….she really liked to fuck, suck and swallow men’s cum and Colin seemed to like to watch as other men plunged their cocks into her time after time. He always came to her after she had been fucked by someone else and gave her fantastic sex. She did love him and loved the sex. It was what she wanted.
After dinner, Alisha went in and took a bath in the Jacuzzi tub. The hot swirling water felt great. After an hour she got out and went to bed. She was really beat. Colin came to bed with her and kissed her goodnight. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed about Jerry Johnston and the bunch that gang raped her. In her dream they just kept fucking her time after time, never stopping, their cum was running out of her and filling the room, she was feeling like she would drown in woke up, sweating, her heart beating rapidly. Once she realized it was a dream she settled back down and went back to sleep. Deep down it bothered her that Colin might have had something to do with Johnston’s killing. She slept well the rest of the night and awoke refreshed. She and Colin had breakfast and went to work.
When she got to work there wasn’t a whole lot to do and it was a nice day so she decided to take Jack out and ride the cattle. She went to the corals and saddled Jack. She put on her spurs and chaps and headed out. The cattle looked great and the calves looked really good. Alisha noticed all the wildlife. There were so many elk still down low, they hadn’t started migrating back up the mountain yet, a sure sign that winter may not be over. The elk are so graceful when they move she whole lot like Jack when he runs.
Alisha made a wide circle on the ranch while checking all the cattle. She loved this ranch and knew she would always be a part of it. There was a beauty about it that was indescribable, a peace about it that soothing to the soul and a timelessness that stretched out over the ages. She had grown up here, this land was a part of her being and her husband to be recognized her love for this land and never tried to compete with it. She turned Jack toward the headquarters and spurred him on. Jack loved to run and he took off like the wind. Not a fence could hold him, he would leap over them with ease and Alisha had the feeling they were flying. She loved to ride Jack and he loved to be with Alisha, he had proved that over and over again, she was his human and he was her horse.
The two of them were like one when they were together. Alisha and Jack literally flew into the yard at the headquarters coming to a skidding stop. Alisha dismounted and pulled the saddle off Jack. He stood there looking back at her as she brushed him down. She took the reins and led him around the yard, cooling him out, then went to the office.
She closed everything up and went to town. She had a few errands to run before she went home. When she got them done she went to the house. Tomorrow the furniture for the new house will be delivered. She will spend most of the day there, arranging the furniture. She has decided to call the moving company and have them come pack the things at Colin’s just doesn’t have time to do it herself. This way she can have the moving boxes put where they belong. Anne and Cody have told her they will be there to help her put things away. Hopefully they will be totally moved in two weeks.
The next morning she went to the new house and waited for the trucks to arrive. She and Colin bought all new furniture for the new house. Once they have moved in they will have an auction to liquidate all the old furniture in Colin’s house and her house. Hopefully the two houses will sell soon and they won’t have to deal with them. About 11 o’clock the first truck arrived. The driver and his helper unloaded the furniture and took it out of its boxes. They put it into the house where Alisha told them she wanted it. At about noon, another truck arrived and began to unload. By three o’clock all the furniture had arrived and had been placed inside the house. Colin came out about 5 to see how it all looked. He and Alisha loved the way the furniture fit the house.
The movers will be at Colin’s tomorrow to pack up and move the things they want to keep. It’s getting closer. Alisha has contacted and hired three more people to help her put the new house together. The movers will work on one room at a time tomorrow and move it to the new house as they finish each room. Alisha hopes they can have the house put together before Saturday when Anne and David are coming over.
The next days pass quickly and the moving goes smoothly. On Friday everything is moved and put away. Alisha, Anne and Cody have been hanging things on the walls most of the day on Friday. There will be a little to finish up on Saturday, but they should be done by noon. On Saturday morning the three of them finished up everything and Justin comes over to pick up Cody. They have plans to go to Buffalo Thunder Resort this weekend. The women show Justin the new house before he and Cody leave for New Mexico. Anne had brought her bags with her as she told Bob she was going to the Springs for a seminar. Bob and Bob Bradley had gone to Clovis, New Mexico this morning to take care of some business with their cattle in the feedlot there.
At noon Colin arrived home. Alisha and Anne had lunch ready when he got there. He told Alisha that he didn’t have to go back to the dealership today and could get into the garage and put his shop together. He had been working on it in the evenings this week and almost had it done…..he should finish it today.
Alisha had to drive over to La Jara and pick up the beef she had butchered and get it into her freezer. She asked Anne if she would like to ride with her. Anne thought that would be great to go with her.
They went to La Jara and Colin finished his putting his shop together. Alisha and Anne got back and got the beef put into the freezer in time to shower and get ready for the upcoming evening. David was supposed to arrive around 6. Everyone was a little anxious for this evening. At about 6, Colin got the grill women were working on the rest of the meal. Colin made a big pitcher of his famous margaritas and poured them all one. At about 6:15 David arrived. Anne introduced him to everyone and Colin poured him a margarita also. Colin and David went out on the patio to do the steaks and talk. Colin really liked him and they had a really good conversation about business, then it slowly moved over to sex.
“So, how does this kind of new to this sort of thing?” asked David
Colin told him that they would all get better acquainted over dinner and then they could go to the bar in the play room and have a few more drinks. “Once the edge is off, things will take take their own course, you’ll see how easy it will flow. If you want everyone can be in the same room or we can split up into two different we have 5 bedrooms in this house and they all have king size beds. Alisha and I have just one rule, no one uses the bed in the master our private sanctuary.”
Alisha and Anne came out on the patio to visit while the steaks finished up. David was checking Alisha out from head to toe…..she could see a bulge in his pants and knew he was getting excited. They talked about the new house and how well it was laid out. The steaks were ready so Colin took them off the grille and they all went inside. They had a wonderful time at dinner and drank two bottles of wine. When dinner was over and the dishes in the dishwasher, they all went into the play room and got comfortable around the bar area. Colin continued building his fantastic margaritas and it wasn’t long till everyone’s inhibitions were disappearing.
Alisha got up and poured herself another margarita and came back and sat down close to David and began talking to him while Anne and Colin were paired up at the bar getting close. Alisha noticed that David was being a little shy and she was going to have to make the move on him. She took a big drink of her margarita and sat it down. Alisha was wearing one of her little black dresses. Standing, the hem was half way up her thigh and the top was cut to about 3 inches below her tits. When she sat down next to David, her dress came way up and left very little to the imagination.
David put his hand on her thigh and started slowly rubbing the inside, moving up toward her pussy. Alisha leaned in close to him and kissed him and put her hand behind his neck. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and teased his tongue. That was all he needed, his hand immediately moved up to her panties and he began to stroke her outer lips through them. Alisha felt a rush, and she could feel herself getting wet. They continued kissing while David rubbed her pussy till her panties were sopping wet.
Alisha unzipped his pants and put her hand inside. She was pleasantly surprised at the size of his cock. It was long and thick. David was oozing some pre-cum could feel that his underwear was wet. After rubbing his cock for a little while and getting him more excited, she fished his cock out of the fly and went down on it and started by kissing it on the head. She could taste the salty taste of his pre-cum. She grasped the shaft and slid the head of his member into her mouth and began teasing it with her tongue. She moved her hand down further and took it down her throat. She heard him moan and felt a small amount of cum shoot into her mouth. She knew she had better not push it right now, he was about to cum and she didn’t want to ruin it for him.
She stood up in front of David and started a slow grinding dance to the music. She started doing a strip tease, looking directly into his eyes. She could see that his cock was standing straight up as she dropped her little black dress to the floor. Next she unfastened her stockings from her garter belt and pulled it down and kicked it across the room. David had his cock in his hand and he was stroking it slowly. She put her foot up on his hip and began rolling her stocking down. She took it off and did the other one.
She stepped up onto the couch and pushed her wet pussy against his face. She felt his tongue stroking her lips through her wet panties. She rubbed it against him for a little while then got back down on the floor. She kneeled down in front of him and unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. She slowly pulled them off of him then went back to his cock and deep throated him again. She pulled her mouth off his cock and pulled his underwear off.
David had a really nice cock it looked to be about 8 inches long and about two inches in diameter. She straddled his legs and began taking his shirt off. She looked over at Colin and Anne. Anne had her head buried in his crotch, sucking his cock like a woman possessed. They were both totally stripped and Colin had his head laid back moaning as she sucked his rod.
Alisha looked back at David. He had taken her bra off and was sucking her massive breasts and pushing his cock up against her wet panties. She stood back up and removed her panties then straddled his cock on her knees. He had his face buried between her tits and had his hands on her ass. She raised up just enough to get the head of his cock to the opening of her pussy, then slid down on it very slowly.
David let out a deep groan and she felt his cock unloading inside her. She kept pumping his cock while he was shooting his load. His cum was running out of her and down on his balls. She felt her orgasm coming and when he started sucking her breast and grasping her ass cheeks she blew. Wave after wave of orgasmic contractions shot through her body and she started to squirt. This was something new to David, he had never had this experience before, only heard about it. Alisha had a double orgasm then leaned over and pulled his head in between her tits. She backed off and looked at David and smiled.
was damn good. I didn’t know if I would ever stop /> He was grinning from ear to ear and looking Alisha over good. “Alisha I can’t believe how beautiful you over. I’m sorry I went off so quick, it was just the thought of my cock being inside your beautiful body and you fucking me so just couldn’t hold it.”
Alisha got up and took him by the hands. go to a bed where we can really both got our rocks off, now we can settle in and do some real slow want you in me again, now.” She led him down the hallway to the first spare bedroom, pulled the covers off the bed and laid on her back with her legs spread. David just stood there, looking at her naked cock started to rise as he went down on her and sucked on her clit. Things were fixing to get hot in that room.
Meanwhile back at the bar, Anne was just getting the first squirts of Colin’s load. Colin had been looking at her body since he got all her clothes off. She had a body that could be a twin to Alisha. For her age, she was fantastic. Her tits didn’t sag at all and had to be at least 36 DD’s. She had six pack abs and an ass to die for. Her figure looked like that of model. He knew that she had to be at least 56 or 57 but he could tell that she had taken very good care of herself. Her skin was tight and she had a flawless tan. He couldn’t wait to penetrate her shaved pussy and see how tight she was.
“Anne, if you keep sucking like that you are going to get a mouthful of cum.” he said. When she heard that she grasped his balls and started deep throating his cock, looking up into his eyes. He couldn’t take any more, he felt a load of hot sperm coming up from deep inside him, then he shot it into her mouth and down her throat. Anne could suck cock and swallow cum every bit as good as Alisha. She was taking all he could shoot and not losing a drop. When he finished his orgasm she stood up and kissed him, putting her tongue deep into his oral cavity. He stood up from the barstool and took her hand. He smiled and led her down the hallway toward an empty bedroom.
They stopped at the door of the room David and Alisha were in and saw David on top of Alisha, her legs and arms wrapped around him. He was pounding her pussy with long hard strokes and Alisha was yelling “DAMN IT DAVID, FUCK ME, CRAM THAT BIG ROD ALL THE WAY IN AND FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF DAVID, FUCK ME GOOD, GIVE ME ALL THAT BIG COCK, SHOOT ME FULL OF YOUR HOT CUM YOU STUD, I WANT IT IT TO MEEEEEEEEE NOWWWWWWWW DAVID, I’M GOD I’M ME UP….I WANT YOUR CUM GOD I CAN FEEL SO ME FULL.
After watching them, Anne wanted Colin’s cock. She grabbed him and dragged him down the hall to the next bedroom. She stripped the top covers off the bed and pulled him down on top of her. She grasped his cock and guided it to her wet vagina. When he felt where it was at he shoved it all in her in one stroke. She felt his balls bounce on her ass. She wrapped her legs and arms around him as he began long stroking her hot, wet pussy. Colin couldn’t believe how tight and firm her pussy was…..he was having a great time with Alisha’s damn sure didn’t feel or look like any 56 year old was definitely one good piece of ass and he was going to get as much of it tonight as he Anne was definitely going to get all of his cock she could get tonight also. They were fucking like two teenagers out for their first time. The squishy sound of his cock going in and out of her super wet pussy was filling the air along with her telling him, “Fuck me good me real cock feels so good inside touching places in there that have never been touched before and it feels so damn Colin, I’m cummming, I’m cummming, I’m cummmmmg.
Cum in me Colin, fill me up with that sweet cum, I want it running down my ass crack. She was thrusting her pelvis up to meet him on every stroke, her legs pulling him deep into her hot vagina. Colin let go of a huge load of sperm, shooting the hot streams of jizz deep into her womb and coating the walls of her vagina.
He could feel the muscles in her abdomen contracting and her vagina clamping down on his cock as her orgasm continued. She pulled Colin down to her took a mouthful and began to gently chew on her nipple, teasing it with the tip of his tongue at the same time. Her orgasm intensified and she was about to crush him with her legs and arms. She could feel cum running out of her pussy around his dick and down her ass crack.
Colin was moaning as he continued to shoot his load. Their orgasms ended and Colin collapsed on top of Anne, his dick softening and sliding out of her pussy. A huge wad of his slick cum ran out of her and down her ass. Colin pulled away from her and rolled her over on her stomach. He straddled her legs and fingered her ass hole, lubing it with his cum that was running out of her. He put two fingers inside her ass and lubed it good. He put the head of his hard cock at the entrance and started pushing it into her back door till his balls were against it. Anne was moaning as he began to slowly fuck her. She pushed her ass up to him, wanting more cock inside. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her up to her hands and she had it all. He leaned forward and grasped her tits as he began to plunge in and out of her faster and faster. He was getting close to putting a wad inside grasped her breasts and pulled her back against him as he shot hot cum deep into her was quivering as she came also. When they finished their release they collapsed down onto the bed, his cock still inside her.
The sex continued nonstop for the next three hours. All four of them were fucking their brains out and getting all of the pleasure they could handle. They all decided to take a short break and went out to the kitchen to get some iced tea. No one put any clothes on. Colin was still admiring Anne’s body…..it was almost perfect, like Alisha’s. David was still eyeballing Alisha, comparing her and her mother. He couldn’t tell the difference, they were almost a pair of and he was thinking.
They all poured some iced tea and stood around talking and laughing. Alisha and Anne both had big streams of cum running out of them and down their legs. They decided to go shower and freshen themselves up for the next round of sex. Colin and David decided to do the same thing.
Colin asked David, “Think you’d like to double penetrate these gals tonight?
David looked at Colin with a question on his face, that, I don’t think I />
Colin grinned, “Well David, one of us fucks her up the ass while the other one fucks her feels real good. There’s only a thin membrane between our cocks, we can each feel the other and when we all three begin to really good.”
David smiled, “Hell yes, I’m in.”
Everyone went and showered. The women douched and cleaned all the cum out of their pussies and asses. When they were all clean they all came back to the kitchen. The guys had fixed some nachos grande so they could regain their strength a little.
Colin looked at Anne, “Think you might be ready to let David and I double penetrate you?”
She grinned wide and said, “I’m up for anything you guys would want to do.”
They talked and joked around some more while they ate nachos and drank tea. Now, it was time for Anne to get a was going to take care of both the guys and the same it would be Alisha’s turn. They were all horny and ready to get back to the fucking, sucking and was going to be a long night.
They went to a bedroom and David laid down on his back, his feet on the floor. They got some lube and lubed Anne’s ass and slid his cock up her ass, then she laid back on top of David, he started fucking her. Colin stepped up between their legs and put his cock inside her pussy and started fucking her also. Anne had never had anything like this before, she was totally full of cock. Colin told Alisha to get up and straddle her head and let Anne eat her. In a matter of minutes they were all being pleasured one way or another. They were one large mass of sexual pleasure. They all pleasured each other for the next half hour then Anne began to cum, her body shuddering with each contraction. Colin and David both began to cum at the same time, their dicks each stimulating the other. Alisha soon began to cum and drop shots of her cum into Anne’s thirsty mouth. Everyone was cumming and feeling pleasure at the same time. When the orgasms subsided, they all separated and rested.
After about 20 minutes David looked at Alisha and said, “Your turn beautiful, I want in that tight pussy of yours.”
Colin laid down first on his back and Alisha took his dick up her ass, David walked up and slipped his hard cock inside Alisha’s pussy and began to fuck her and squeeze her beautiful tits. Anne straddled her face and fed her a cum filled pussy. Alisha loved every minute of it…..two big dicks inside her plunging deep into her insides and a cum filled pussy to loved the cum and went about sucking every drop out of Anne while teasing her stiff clit with her tongue. Anne was enjoying the head and the guys were definitely enjoying using Alisha. Their two big cocks were rubbing against each other. Anne began to cum and was very vocal about it. This pushed the rest of them into orgasm. Alisha was cumming and squirting all over while Colin and David were shooting huge loads of their hot sticky semen deep inside Alisha. She was yelling again, “FUCK ME YOU TWO STUDS, GIVE ME THOSE BIG COCKS AND FILL MY BODY WITH YOUR HOT THAT CREAM IN ME AND MAKE ME MY PUSSY WITH YOUR THIS IS GOOOOOOOD.
They all finished cumming and separated. They broke off into couples and all fucked on the same thought this was hot to watch David fucking Alisha right next to her while she was taking Colin’s cock. They all fucked like this till almost 4 am. Colin and Alisha decided to go to bed as did David and Anne. They all went to their bedrooms. They all showered and the women douched and gave themselves enemas to get all the cum out of their bodies. When they were clean, they all went to bed and slept in each other’s arms. They all slept till well after noon. Alisha was up and started cooking burgers for them all. Everyone had all the sex they wanted. Alisha asked Anne if they would like to do this again sometime and include Cody and Justin. She and David were all for it. David was thinking how great it would be to have all three of the Moore of the most beautiful women in the San Luis Valley. He was in, he was addicted to their was thinking about how to get rid of his wife so he could try to get Anne as his. Little did he know that she would never leave Bob.
Everyone was totally fucked and very happy. Alisha told them that she would see if she could set up another night with Cody and Justin in the next couple of weeks. After everyone finished with the burgers, Anne and David left to go and Alisha went back to bed and slept till after 5. They got up and ate again, then went back to bed and made love for two hours. They then went to sleep and awoke at 7 on Monday morning, ready to start another week.
When Alisha got to the office Bob was there going over some records. Alisha greeted him and sat down at her desk. Bob got up and went to the coffee pot to get another cup of coffee.
“Hey Pumpkin, want some coffee?” he asked.
“Yes, that would be nice, you know how I like it.” she replied.
He fixed the coffee and brought it to her desk and sat down across from her. As he was sitting there, sipping his coffee, she asked, “Something bothering you Dad?”.
“No, not really, just can’t figure your Mom out. Ever since I got back from Vegas, she has been giving me the cold no sex and none in sight.” he told her.
“Well Dad, she probably knows about that little hottie in Vegas that you see when you go out figures you got enough ass in Vegas to last you.” she told him.
probably Alisha, I still think she is screwing someone else, just can’t figure out who or when she does it. I think I need a fuck buddy here, some woman that wants to have sex with no strings attached. I’ve always liked to have sex on a regular it’s nice to be able to talk to you like this. You and I have always been able to speak our minds to each other about any damn thing we want to talk about without being embarrassed or anything else. A woman like you is what I want….got any friends that want a sex buddy?”
Alisha laughed, right Dad, we’ve always had something special between us, more than just a father-daughter like we both know how the other feels and what it takes to satisfy we were lovers in another life.”
They both laughed, Bob told her, “If we were lovers in another life, I’d never have forgotten a beautiful and built woman like you. You would be a dream come jealous of Colin, if you want to know the truth.”
“Well Dad, I’ve always thought you were one hunk of a man, so handsome, rugged and at your age, you’ve got the body of a young guy….any woman would be glad to have you as a fuck buddy, hell, even me.” she told him laughing. She knew she was revealing too much. She didn’t want it to be obvious that she was flirting with him. After all, she had always fantasized about him fucking little perverted, but a real fantasy. She knew it wouldn’t ever happen, but she would always have her fantasies. She got up and went around the desk to him and held her arms out. He got up and she hugged he was really giving her a so than she had gotten before.
He put his hands on her shoulders and said, one hell of a woman Alisha and I love you very much.”
“I love you too Daddy, I’d do anything for you, I hope you know that.” Alisha told him, still kind of flirting. She noticed that he was looking at her tits. She had on a low cut tank under a light flannel shirt jac that showed at least half of her boobs. She didn’t mind at really kind of liked it, the fact that she could turn him on. He sat back down and took a drink of his coffee. Alisha sat back down at her desk.
“Did you know that Anne is going to Denver to a seminar next weekend?” he asked.
“No, I by myself next weekend too, Colin is going to Detroit on Thursday and won’t be back till the next Tuesday. He has a meeting with Ford, something about bringing all the dealerships in under one name or something like that. If you wouldn’t mind, I might come over and spend the weekend with you. Since I’ve moved out here from town, I’m a little uneasy about staying by myself.”
“Damn, I’d love to have you come over, I don’t really want to be alone either, heck, I think it would be good for both of us…..we might even get up on Sunday morning and go down to New Mexico and gamble some.” he told her.
“That sounds great a date. I’ll come over on Friday and stay, I think it will be fun….I always like to spend time with you….you know you’re still my favorite guy don’t you.?” she said still flirting.
They sat there and talked about almost everything. At about ten, Justin came in.
he said, had a little action over at the south pasture. Jed saw two pickups come through our gate. They went up that little box canyon where we round up the cattle in the fall. He said that the pickups stayed in there for over 5 hours then left. Do you want to go check it out and put out some motion sensors and trail />
She looked at her Dad and told him, “You were gone when we found out that there had been some traffic over in the south pasture area. I had Justin send one of the guys up on Elk Ridge and keep an eye on what’s going on. I was thinking it might be those rustlers that Bob was telling you about. Now that we know someone is doing something down there, I think we need to put up the motion cameras and the motion sensors down there so we know what’s going on before we put cattle down there. I don’t want to lose a bunch of cows, we’ve got a lot of money />
“Good idea Alisha, I think that’s what we need to do. After talking to Bradley’s about what went on down there last fall, I think that those damn thieves will come back to an area they know well. Keep me informed about what you find want to nip this thing in the bud before we take any losses.” her Dad told her.
Alisha went back to the storage closet at the back of the office and took out 5 satellite motion sensors and 5 camouflaged satellite trail cameras and gave them to Justin. disturb anything, send two guys down there tomorrow with this equipment and have them walk in through the trees and set them out a half mile either way from the gate those assholes are coming in />
“I’ll take care of it boss, want me to go down and check out the box canyon?” Justin asked.
“I think so, come in from the North and walk down in there through the trees, at least you’ll have cover if they suddenly show careful and take one of the satellite phones with you so you can call out of there if you have I’ll say it again, be careful.” Alisha instructed him.
“I will Alisha,” he told her as he left the office. “See you Mr. Moore.”
Bob asked her how the breeding day went last week. She told him all about it and that it had been will be back tomorrow to do the next group. Justin fed them the flush ration this morning so they should be ready to go tomorrow morning.
Alisha and Bob continued the conversation that Justin had interrupted. Alisha was thinking about seducing her dad this weekend. She knew it was perverted, but she really didn’t care. If she could cause it to happen, she’d love it. Her Dad was the one other person in this world she would do anything for. She loved her Mom and was holding her secret. She knew what Anne was doing this weekend and it wasn’t a class. She just wished they could work out their problem, but she knew that probably wouldn’t happen. She knew what Anne was doing and wasn’t going to tell Bob about it. She was thinking that if she could get her Dad in the mood, she could be his fuck buddy. Of course, if it did come to be, she wasn’t going to tell Colin, this is one thing that she would have to keep to herself and only herself.
The week continued, it was very eventful. The surveillance down on the south pasture was paying off. They had some really good pictures of the people involved in the trespass. Justin had found that someone had built a make-shift coral in the box canyon that would hold the cattle in there till they got ready to move them. They had fixed it so a portable loading chute could be used to load trucks. Alisha had informed the sheriff about what they were finding out. He was going to just let them continue till they started trying to take the cattle, then he’d nab them. Alisha kept subtly flirting with her Dad throughout the week. She could tell that he was slowly starting to think about fucking her…..she could see it in his eyes when he was secretly looking at her. Of course, Alisha had been dressing sexier this week also
Friday arrived, Alisha was finishing up some paper work about the breeding that BioGen had done this week. She sat at her desk and pondered the upcoming weekend. On Wednesday she had put some pictures, that Colin had taken of her during one of their wild evenings, in a small handbag she brought to the office. They were in a specific order. They showed her naked, posing differently, some showing her great boobs and some showing her beautiful pussy. She purposely left the bag on her desk hoping that Bob would look in it and see the pictures and when she checked it, she saw that someone had indeed changed the order of the pictures. She said to herself, staring out at the cattle in the near pasture, this is going to be a wild weekend, I can just feel it. She smiled as she went up to the house preparing to get laid.
Monday morning came and Alisha arrived at the office very early. She poured herself a cup of coffee, sat at her desk looking out the window at the beautiful morning. She was smiling, fulfilled again and recounting the events of the weekend in her head…..her fantasies had come to />
She was thinking, looking back, my constant arousal wasn’t lost on my Dad and our flirting became even more daring over last week until I finally upped the ante by leaving the pictures of me on my desk. I don’t really know what I was hoping for, but I really wanted him to see them. More to the point, I wanted him to see me naked.
When I got to his house Friday night I could tell that he had seen the pictures because they weren’t in the specific order I had purposely left them in. All kinds of thoughts went through my head that night. Was he shocked? Did he like them? I even wondered if he had jacked off to pictures of me. I could hardly believe it, but at the same time I was sure that he had. I guess I should have been afraid or even disgusted, but all I really felt was a creeping excitement that refused to go away.
So, by Friday, I was so excited that my whole body was tingling and my head was swimming from the fear and excitement of what my perverted desires were driving me to do. I was dying for my Daddy to touch me, but I was totally frustrated by how to get him to do it.
That night, when I would have normally put on the jersey I usually wear before bed, I chose instead, a tight fitting spaghetti strap top that formed up against my boobs and caused my pert nipples to be easily visible through the thin fabric. The top didn’t come down far enough for me to get away with only wearing panties though, so I slipped on a some thin pink cotton shorts that hid little more of my legs and hips then the panties alone would have. I had made up my mind to do more than just tease him this time and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was sure he’d take notice.
Grabbing my brush from the bathroom, I came out into the living room where Dad was sitting in his recliner. As I came out of the hall, his eyes got kind of big and I watched happily as his gaze traveled up and down my body. I walked up close until my thighs were touching his chair and handed him my brush. “Hey Dad, would you please help me brush my hair out? It’s full of all kinds of static and tangles and I could really use some help with it.”
“Uhm, sure Alisha. I’d be glad too” he said to me as he took the brush and sat up in his chair.
Once he was upright, I sat down on the chair between his legs with my back to him and fluffed out my long brunette hair for him. As he moved forward, I scooted my butt back a little until I felt the material of his sweatpants touching the bare skin of my lower back. Just thinking about his cock being so close to me had my heart pounding in my chest and my pussy was already wet enough to make my panties damp.
I glanced down at my titties as he worked on my hair and I was a little shocked at how far my nipples were protruding from underneath the fabric of my top. Between that and the telltale aroma of my wetness filling my senses, I had become dizzy with excitement and was finding it difficult to breath.
I love having someone brush my hair for me. Feeling them lifting my hair as they run the brush down my back is one of those sweet luxuries that really makes me feel feminine and beautiful. So when Dad took hold of my shoulder to steady me, I arched back toward him without thinking and he leaned back too, I felt something hard under his pants just brush against my ass. Oh my God!, I thought, his cock is hard! Oh fuck, I’ve given my own Dad a hard on!
Once I felt his dick touch me, even for that short moment, I knew I had to feel it again. I shifted how I was sitting slightly, rolling my hips up and back until I was pressing my butt into his crotch. Fuck, I’ve got to tell you that I’m getting wet now as I’m thinking about it, but back then, as it actually happened, my breath froze in my throat and I swear my heart must have skipped a beat as I felt the long underside of his cock fall against the top of my ass.
I was so focused on the sensation of his erection at the small of my back that I didn’t even notice that Dad had stopped brushing my hair. I moved my hips up and down a bit, savoring the light pressure that his cock put on my skin until Daddy took hold of my hips.
“Alisha, um, that’s not a good idea, Pumpkin.”
I froze right there, not daring to move for what seemed like forever. Then I slid off of the chair onto my knees, facing him. “Did I make you hard Dad?” I whispered. I couldn’t even meet his gaze because my eyes were locked on the bulge his cock was making in his pants.
“Oh, damn Pumpkin, I’m sorry I…” he was sputtering and trying to close his legs, but I was too close and all he ended up doing was pressing his knees into my sides right by my tits.
I interrupted his attempts to explain himself by holding my hand just inches away from his package. “Can I touch it? I really want to, Dad.” Without waiting for him to answer, I started tracing the outline of his penis with my fingertips. “Wow, you really are hard. Am I doing that to you?”
Dad leaned back into his chair and gripped the arms so hard that I swear his knuckles were turning white. “Alisha, oh my God. Do you know what you’re doing, /> I was so scared right then that I couldn’t speak so I just nodded my head and started squeezing his cock through his pants. In fact, I hadn’t been this terrified or excited since the day I had lost my virginity. I lifted up high on my knees so that I could use both hands and started to pull the waist band of his sweats down. “Can I see it Dad? Just for a second?”
“Oh shit, Alisha. This isn’t a good idea. It really As he protested, he rose up out of the chair and let me pull his sweats down past his knees, and there it was, right in front of me.
“Oh wow Dad, it looks so hot and it‘s so big.” I held it with both hands and gave it a few strokes, fascinated by how the skin of his shaft rode up and over the head.
By now he had given up his protests and just let me play with him. “Is this the first time you’ve done this?” he whispered.
I smiled up at him, knowing that there was no point in pretending to be something I wasn’t when he was about to find out the truth anyway. “I’m not a virgin anymore, Dad and haven’t been for a long you feel much bigger than the guys I’ve been with before.”
I can’t really say that was completely true because I‘ve had some really big ones, but Dad does have a really nice cock. Whether it was my compliment of his equipment or my admission that I had been fucked several times, he stopped trying to talk and just sat back to let me explore his toys.
When I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth, he groaned in surrender to me. I can’t even begin to explain how exciting that was, and fuck, I'm so wet now just thinking about it.
It was happening! I thought with a huge rush of excitement. I was doing it! I was having sex with my father and he was going along with it! My heart was pounding so loudly that I could hear my blood rushing in my ears.
His cock was so hard I thought I could feel it throbbing in my mouth as I licked his head with my tongue. I took a breath and sucked as much of him into my mouth as I could, swirling my tongue around his shaft and letting my drool run down onto his balls.
I loved how his dick felt in my mouth. The sponge like thickness of his head and the tangy flavor just made my pussy ooze with its juice. I ran my lips up the underside of his shaft and flicked my tongue on the little spot under the head that guys find so sensitive. I felt very pleased when he started thrusting his hips up, trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth.
As I lost myself in sucking him, I felt his hand begin to caress my shoulder and I pulled up and off of his penis.
“Oh yes,” I said, “please touch me, Daddy. Touch me like a woman. Touch me like you want me.” When I guided his hand to my boobs, he fondled them and tweaked my nipples through the cloth, making me swoon from the contact.
I sat back on my butt and gave him my most sultry look as I slowly pealed my top over my head, revealing my boobs to him. Knowing that he had already seen the pictures, I was really glad to be able to let him see them for real. I crawled into his chair and offered my breasts for him to kiss and suck.
Up until then, Dad had been very quiet, like he was shocked by my behavior, but having my tits in his face snapped him out of it and he buried his head in my cleavage. He licked and sucked at my tits with fevered lust and I arched back as he found my nipples with his mouth. It felt so fucking good to have him biting my nipples and feeling his moustache tickling my skin as he rubbed his face all over my heavy breasts. I wrapped my arm around his head, holding myself to him as he feasted on me.
He switched from one tit to the other, again and again, driving me crazy with his mouth until I reached down with my free hand and started pulling on his cock. I whispered at him, just loud enough for him to hear me, “I want you to fuck me, Dad, will you do that for me? Do you wanna fuck your little girl?”
He stopped kissing my tits and stared with this look of complete shock. Then he put his hand on my mound and stroked my clit through my damp shorts and panties. “Yeah, okay Pumpkin. I can’t believe you want me too, but yeah, I’d love to fuck you.”
I was shaking with fear and excitement as he rolled my shorts and panties down over my butt. When they dropped to my knees, I got up off the chair and kicked them away, leaving myself totally naked in front of my father. I turned around slowly so he could get a good look at me. “What do you think, Dad?”
“I think your beautiful Pumpkin, I‘ve told you that for years,” he told me as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away. Kicking off his pants, he sat back down on the edge of his chair. He put his arm around my lower back and roughly pulled me close so he could finger my pussy. As I felt his hand creep between my thighs, I spread my legs as much as I could and gasped as I felt his finger go up inside me. His finger pushed in and up till he found and massaged my super sensitive g-spot.
All I could do was hold onto his shoulders and rise up on my toes as he started banging my pussy with his finger. His face was buried in my chest again and he sucked on my tits, making me shake violently as he continued to finger fuck me.
The truth is that most young guys have no idea how to touch a woman, but Dad knew just how to touch me, curling his finger inside me and using his thumb on my clit until all I could do was lean against him, moaning into his ear. He must have felt me getting weak in his arms, because just before my knees gave way, he stopped, picked me up and laid me on the chair.
Dad grabbed me and pushed my legs up, lifting my ass until my pussy was wide open to him. “When did you start shaving your pussy?” he asked as he settled down on his knees.
I held my knees against my chest as I felt him start to kiss the inside of my thighs. “Mmm, I’ve been shaving for several years now” I told him. “There are lots of things about me you don’t know yet.”
Anything else I might have said was lost as he spread my pussy open with his hands and began licking me with long strokes of his tongue. I could feel his tongue pushing in and lathering my hole and then slide up and over my clit, making me squirm and tremble under him. Dad used his whole mouth to cover my sex and bathed it in the wet caresses of his tongue.
He pulled on my labia with his lips, making me buck against him as I cried out in near orgasmic fever, sucking at my juices like he wanted to drain my pussy. Despite his efforts, I just got wetter and wetter and soon I could feel it trickling all the way down to my ass.
Daddy seemed to notice this too and chased the fluid with his tongue until he was flicking it right on my butthole. “Ohh gawd that feels good” I moaned as Daddy probed my backdoor with the tip of his tongue.
“Never had that done before, eh?” he grinned as he asked.
“No, I haven’t, and don’t fucking stop!” I yelled at him.
was his only response and then he went back to rimming my behind until I could have sworn he was tongue fucking deep into my tender ass.
Now, as good as that felt, and trust me when I say that if you haven’t tried it you should, I had been riding the edge of orgasm for so long I was almost frantic with frustration. I began rubbing my clit quickly, trying to push myself over the edge. Dad continued tonguing my ass as I rubbed my clit, until my body pulsed and I finally started cumming in waves that rolled through me until I was completely out of breath.
After I came, I was expecting Daddy to be all over me but all he did was lightly stroke my legs. His hands moved up my thighs and caressed me all around my pussy without actually touching it, making me want to squirm right off of the chair. My pussy was purring and my whole body felt limp and relaxed.
When I finally opened my eyes, Dad was still sitting on the floor with a big shit eating grin on his face. “Wow Alisha, you are so beautiful when you cum.” Then it’s like he just realized what we had done and he got real concerned. “Are you okay Alisha? We can stop if you want.” I sat up and slid off of the chair in front of him and said “No, Dad, I don’t want to stop, that was fucking amazing! You made me cum so damn hard!”
My pussy was itching to be filled as I sat up and saw that his cock was still hard as a rock. One look at it almost made me drool in anticipation of fucking him and I slid off of the chair in front of him. Taking his penis in my hand, I squeezed and stroked it a few times. I wanted him to fuck me more than ever, but my orgasm had cleared my mind some. I spit on my palm to moisten it and then lubed his shaft by stroking him with my saliva lubed hand. “Dad, we don‘t need any condoms, if that is what you’re thinking, the Doctors have told me that I cannot have children, just fill me up.”
He brought my mouth to his and kissed me like he never had before, using his tongue and lips to suck my breath away. “No problem baby, I had a vasectomy ‘bout ten years ago so we‘re double covered.”
“Mmm, in that case we can do whatever we want, can’t we. Lay down, Dad, I want to be on top this time,” I told him as I scooted up over his cock.
He held his shaft up as I reached down and spread my pussy open with my fingers. My heart was beating so fast and my whole body was trembling as I lowered myself onto the thick head of his cock. I looked at him, feeling as frightened and sexually hungry as I can ever remember being since the day I had lost my virginity.
When I felt my pussy actually touch him I used my fingers to push his head into my hole and sank down until I felt him enter me. I held him there, with probably just his head inside me. “Oh fuck, do you feel that, Dad? I’m so fucking wet right now!”
He may have said something back, but I really don’t remember. He raised his hands up to steady me and I held them with my own as I sank down on him a little more. I loved how it felt as his cock started pushing into me and I started moving up and down, letting my pussy stretch open to accept his shape until I finally felt him slide all the way in.
Once I had him inside me, I just started rocking and grinding myself against him, loving the feeling of being stuffed full of his cock. He let go of my hands and held my hips, trying to get me to start that fucking motion that guys want so much, but I resisted. I leaned over and to let him kiss my wanting boobs and he put an arm around my back holding me against his chest. In that position, he was able to start flexing his hips and pumping his dick in and out of me.
He was holding my butt down with his arm, drilling into me as hard as he could. All I could do was brace myself with my arms and bury my head in his neck, moaning loudly every time his cock hit home. I felt his hand creep lower toward my asshole and when he forced his finger inside me I almost jumped out of his grip.
I felt a hot stinging sensation that made my ass wiggle and suddenly what had been a pleasantly hard fuck became a mind blowing ride that made me shudder each time he worked his finger into me. I was losing the strength in my arms and my body started to spasm uncontrollably until Dad rolled me over and threw my ankles over his shoulders.
I whined at him over the loss of having my butt frigged, but forgot about it the moment he drove his dick straight into me. With my legs up like that, I could feel every inch of his thick cock as it moved into my pussy. My boobs were bouncing so much I had to hold on to them and I pinched and twisted my nipples as Dad pounded his cock into me as hard as he could.
His hands were holding my calves so tightly it hurt, but that only added to the intensity of the fucking he was giving me and a delicious pressure began building in my belly as I started what I knew would be an incredible orgasm. I cried out to him, ”FUCK ME HARDER, OH FUCK YES, DADDY, FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRLS PUSSY JUST LIKE THAT!”
I remember hearing him grunting and I knew he must be close. Wanting to come with him, I started rubbing my clit frantically. At that moment, he pulled my ass up off of the floor and slammed into me hard, spraying his cum up into me. Oh fuck, I still remember the feeling of him holding me there so tightly, with his cock fully immersed in my pussy while he filled me with his cum.
It was all more than I could stand and just as he sat my butt back on the carpet. I felt my orgasm explode from inside me. I was moaning nonstop as I convulsed on the floor as my second orgasm of the night pulsated through me.
We ended the night sleeping together in his bed. We fucked all day on Saturday and into the night. I came so many times I lost count. I became his personal cum bucket for the weekend. I swallowed so much of his cum that my stomach felt full. When I stood, I had cum running out of all my holes and down my legs. He told me that that was sexy. But through it all, Dad taught me so many things about my body that I might have taken years to learn otherwise. He allowed me to experience my desires without the fear of rejection. He thought he was the first to take my ass, and he accepted some of my other, darker fantasies without judging me. I love him dearly as a man and always will.
I‘m sure that in the years to come, our sexual relationship will cool, but, we will get together from time to time and have unrelenting sex to satisfy our deep animal desires. If I can make my Dad happy, that’s what I want to do, after all, my Mom has, for all practical purposes, dumped this I can’t support her, but I will continue to love her. Those who will find fault in this can blame it all on me. Dad would never have touched me as a lover if I had not done what I did to lure him to me, so, the blame is on me and I proudly accept it as a very perverted daughter. I just want to continue to fuck him whenever he wants me, and, just as I will do for Colin, I’ll do anything for him, anything. Our first interlude ended and we both had learned things about the other that would be everlasting.
As a new week began at the ranch, Alisha snapped out of her deep thoughts as Justin comes into the office. “Just thought I’d check with you Boss about what we’re going to do about those thieves down south. Bob thought we should take all the guys down there, capture em and hang know that’s not what you want to do and I really think that Bob is just joking.” he told her.
Alisha laughed, “If you think he is kidding, you’d better rethink is as serious as the day is long and I really think that back in the early years, while he built this ranch, he’s done it more than once. Old wives tales say that there are bodies buried all over this ranch, bodies of the men that tried to steal it from no, we’re not going to do that, I’ve talked to the sheriff and we’re going to keep an eye on the situation and let it go till we catch them with their hands in our pie.”
Justin smiled and told her he would keep the surveillance get the sons of bitches red handed. Are you keeping the video surveillance going and saving it?
“Yes I am, I installed a 10 terra bite external hard drive and am recording everything and cataloguing it on a daily need it all for evidence.” she told him. By the way Justin, I’ve got a question for you. It seems that Mom has a lover. Colin and I entertained them a week ago with a swap. Do you think you and Cody would like to join in next weekend for a weekend swap. I know you have fucked Mom and enjoyed it, I thought I’d let you see if Cody would like to get her lover, is a great guy and a fantastic fuck, I know she would like him. Why don’t you talk to her and see if she wants to.”
“I know she’ll go for it, she likes to fuck around like the rest of us and she doesn’t have a problem with Anne, I know that. She told me once that she needed to get her Mom laid cause Bob didn’t take care of her anymore.” he said.
Alisha laughed to herself, probably true, just let me know so I know how to plan it.”
Justin told her he’d talk to Cody and get back with her. He had a lot to do so he left, just as Bob arrived. When her Dad came in he was whistling and had a big grin on his face.
“Good morning any chance, do you feel as damn good as I do? I want you to know that I had a wonderful time this weekend. I never, in my wildest dreams, ever thought I’d ever fuck my own I think that it’s the most satisfying, exciting and erotic thing I’ve ever done. You are beautiful Alisha, from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, and I‘ve personally inspected every inch of you. I have to say, you are one fabulous woman and I love you and I want to fuck you again.”
Alisha was smiling and blushing at the same time, “Thank you have a great body too, and that cock of yours is really something filled me completely and felt so good inside will fuck me again, I assure you. Let’s just say I’m your new fuck you feel the need to be inside a woman, just tell me, I like to fuck as much as you do and this will be our dirty little secret.”
Bob took hold of her shoulders and pulled her to him. He kissed her deeply and she slipped her tongue between their lips and entwined with his. Life, as they knew it would never be the same, but it would be good, maybe even a lot better.
The wedding was approaching very quickly now. The breeding was continuing on schedule and going very well. BioGen had returned and started preg checking the cows and finding they hadn’t missed any to date. So far, they had a 100% pregnancy rate. Justin came by yesterday and told Alisha that Cody wanted to do the swap this next was excited that Anne was involved and really anxious to meet her it was set, it would all happen this Saturday.
Alisha was still remembering last weekend with her Dad. Every time she thought about it she got sopping wet remembering how passionately he had fucked her and all the orgasms he had given her. Since then he had been a lot more affectionate toward her, coming in the office in the morning very happy and kissing her and caressing her body. Alisha loved it and had started dressing a little more provocative than she had in the past. The guys at the ranch really enjoyed seeing her like that showed more of her body than before and morale was at an all time high. Her jeans were so tight you could sometimes see her outer lips bulging slightly. The tails of her shirts were short and one could sometimes see her beautiful figure with ease. Many days, she went without a bra and her nipples would show through her shirt. All in all she had become a very sexy boss.
She sat at her computer, working, as her Dad came in. She was going to get a cup of coffee and asked him if he would like her to pour him a cup also. He told her that he would like that. When she brought the cup to him, he sat it down and put his hands on her midriff and pulled her to him.
“Alisha, everyone on the ranch is away from here working. I’d love to fuck you this morning, we won’t be disturbed as we’re the only ones here.” Alisha kissed him a long wet kiss, sending her tongue to the back of his mouth. He pulled her close to him and looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes. “What do you think?”
“I think I’ve been thinking about screwing you all get to it while we are still by ourselves.” she said as she locked the door and pulled the shades. “What do you think, a />
He smiled at he as he unbuckled his jeans and stepped out of them. Alisha had opened her blouse and exposed her braless breasts walking back to him. She unbuckled her belt and opened her jeans and removed them. “Bob had removed his underwear and his cock was standing totally erect. Alisha knew she was wet and bent over her desk and spread her legs wide, exposing the tender inner lips of her glistening pussy.
“Ok Dad, I’m ready for you, go for it and fill me up, I need you inside me.” she told him in a sultry voice.
Bob stepped up behind her and rubbed the bulbous head of his cock up and down her slit a few times to lube it, then he started pushing it into her love channel till she felt his balls bouncing on her clit. He started pumping her and all she could do was moan and groan with delight as she felt him fill her with his cock over and over again. She felt him exploring her ass with his finger as he fucked her. He slid it down into her wetness a couple of times then fully inserted it into her asshole. The feeling of his cock pounding her pussy and his finger deep in her ass was pushing her toward a big O. She lifted herself slightly off the desk top, her Dad’s hands went to her tits and grasped them, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. She looked down between her tits and she could see his big balls rocking back and forth as he fucked her.
With one hand she reached down between her legs and grasped his balls gently. She could feel that they were swelling, preparing to fill her tight pussy with thick ropes of his gooey cum. Her pussy was purring as he picked up the knew that they were going to cum together. He was moving faster as she felt the rippling waves of her orgasm begin deep within her body. He suddenly pushed his cock all the way inside her and she felt him shaking as his dick erupted shooting huge streams of his hot sperm deep in her womb. No one but a woman would know the intense pleasure of feeling that hot fluid filling her insides as her orgasm pushed wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body.
She collapsed down onto the desktop and her Dad lay down on her back breathing hard, his cock still injecting his love juice inside her. When their orgasms subsided, he stood and pulled his cock out of her dripping pussy. She stood and felt a rush of his hot cum run out of her well fucked pussy. She reached down with her hand and caught the hot sperm that was dripping from her pussy and licked it off. She put two fingers in her pussy and let more of his cum run out into her hand, which she licked off and swallowed as she looked into her Dad’s eyes.
Her Dad watched her clean herself and eat all his cum she could retrieve. She then kneeled in front of him and began to lick their juices off of his cock and balls, then taking his flaccid cock into her mouth and milking all the remaining cum out of it and swallowing it. The vision of his little girl cleaning and sucking him with her tongue caused his cock to become full erect once again.
“Damn, Pumpkin, I haven’t had this happen in a long time, you are making me feel so damn good.” he quietly said to her.
She looked up at him, her eyes smiling as she sucked on his cock. She grasped him by the hips and pushed his ass up against the desk as she continued to deep throat him and squeeze his balls.
She pulled away from him and said, “Now, I’m gonna give you something I doubt you’ve ever had.” She wet her index finger. She started pushing it up his ass as she took his cock back into her mouth. She finally got her finger lubed enough to fully insert it and begin massaging his prostate. That was all it took, he began to spurt hot cum into her mouth. She was swallowing as much of his load as she could, the rest was running out the corners of her mouth, down her chin. She felt his orgasm end and licked his balls and cock clean. She got up and wiped the streams of his cum from her chin and licked it off, swallowing every last drop. She then finished cleaning herself up with a Kleenex and put her clothes back on. By this time, Bob was dressed again also, he came to her and pulled her to him, squeezing her ass cheeks as he kissed her. He could faintly taste his cum in her mouth.
“Thank you Pumpkin, you are make an old man feel young again.”
“No, thank you make me feel just for your information, you’re not an old man, you’re only old if you think you are and after what we’ve done in the last week, you should be thinking of yourself as a very virile sexy just love making you feel good.” she told him.
“I think I’ll go out for a ride and look the stock over, want to join me?” he asked her.
“I think that I would like that a lot, Dad, but I have to be back here by 1 o‘clock, Cody is coming by to finalize the plans for the wedding. You are going to get to walk your two beautiful and sexy daughters down the isle in a couple of weeks.” she replied, “think you can handle that?”
“I’m really jealous of your husband, he will have you all the time.” he told her.
“Yes he will Dad, but, you can have me any time you want love fucking you, a real man that knows how to treat a woman and Colin still has a lot to learn.” she confided in him.
They went to the corals and saddled up their mounts and went out into the ranch to look at the cattle, the ranch and check on the guys. It was a beautiful morning, in more than one way.
They checked everything out they wanted to see. Alisha needed to get back to meet with Cody. Time had flashed by, she and her Dad had been out over 4 hours. He told her that he was going to stay out with the hands and help them finish doctoring some sick cattle they had found. Alisha told him she would see him later and spurred Jack toward the office. She was going to be late, but she knew that Cody would wait. She gave Jack his head and spurred him again. He was off like the wind. When a fence appeared, he flew over it as if he had wings and never slowed a bit. They stayed at a full gallop all the way to the office and when they got there Cody watched with interest as they slid to a dusty stop in front of the office.
As Alisha got down off Jack, Cody told her, “Damn, I wish I could ride like that, I should have learned when I was young instead of hanging with my girlie friends in admire you Alisha, you are one fantastic big sister and I love you.”
Alisha took hold of Cody and pulled her close and hugged her. “I love you too Cody, and I’m really proud of my little sister and what she has beautiful, sexy and talented young woman. Now we will be married at the same time and have this memory for the rest of our lives. Then there’s the honeymoon where we will fuck our men silly, they will fuck us so much and so good, we’re going to feel like their queens.”
They went into the office and finalized the plans for the wedding, which was not quite two weeks away. They were both ready to take this giant step in their lives and were growing impatient waiting for the big day.
“Is this for real Alisha, does Mom really have a lover and are they really going to swap with us? I think this is really fantastic and really kinky. Justin said you guys swapped with them two weeks ago, how is her lover, is he good, how big is his dick, does he know how to fuck a woman good?” Cody excitedly asked.
“Slow down a little Sis,” Alisha told her, “Yes, we did swap with them and David is good looking and in shape, he is good, his cock is about 8 inches and thick and boy howdy, does he know how to fuck a woman. There’s a lot to be said for a guy that’s a little older, he fucked my brains out and I came almost know you’ll like him”
“Great, I’m ready for a new fuck and I know how good Fred was and he was a little older, he almost fucked me to death that day. If David is half that good I’ll be happy.”
“And Cody, Dad doesn’t know anything so don’t slip and tell him, there would be hell to pay for all of />
“Got it Alisha, it’s our little secret. And by the way, Justin told me that he had fucked Mom one day when he first started here, I never would have guessed we got our horniness from her, I always thought it was guess we got it from both of them., huh?”
“I think so Cody. I just know that Mom had a great time with Colin…..he poked it in every hole and she was wanting more. Then when David and Colin DP’d her, I thought she was going to lose her mind. Those two screwed the hell out of her and I stood over her head and she sucked the cum out of my pussy, kinda kinky huh,” she giggled, “I liked it, and let me tell you one more thing, if you put the three of us side by side naked with bags over our heads, I don’t know if anyone could tell us apart, Mom looks great.”
Cody smiled and told Alisha that this was going to be fun and that she was looking forward to it, “Hell, Alisha, I’m getting wet just thinking about it. Fuck am I ready.”
“Ok Cody, I need to get going, I’ve got several things I have to get done before I go home. I’ll let you know when to come over on Saturday. Dad should be here soon, if you want to talk to him. Colin is still in Detroit till tomorrow night so I have to run a couple of errands for him.” Alisha told Cody.
“Ok Sis, I’ll let you get have some errands to run also, I’ll see you later.”
Alisha took off for town, she had to go to the hardware and get some picture hanging hooks and had to go to the grocery store, then go to the dry cleaners. She needed some new panties and had enough time she just needed to keep moving.
On her way to town her cell phone rang, it was Bob. She wondered if he was wanting to come over to her house and fuck her the gate opened, the horses got out, she was laughing as she answered the phone.
“Hi Pumpkin, hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.” he said.
“No Dad, I’m still driving to town, what’s up?” she asked.
“Well, I was wondering if I could come over to your house tonight since Colin won’t be there and keep you Mom has a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce tonight and won’t be home till late.” he said to her.
“Sure, I’d love for you to come over tonight, I’m sure we can find something to do.” she told him giggling.
She could tell that he was in a good mood and very happy. She honestly wanted him to come over, she was like an addict looking for her fix. This thing with him was good and she wanted to get with him any time he was available.
“Why don’t you come over about six, I’ll do us a couple of steaks and get out the Crown.” she told him.
“Sounds like a date, darlin’, I’ll get cleaned up and be over.”
She smiled to herself, knowing she was going to get his cock again just kept getting better and better. She got to the grocery store and went in. She was in a hurry, she wanted to get home in time to get a shower, a douche and an enema. She wanted to get really clean because she knew he liked to rim her.
Alisha got home at about 5 and got two steaks out of the freezer and poured herself a double Crown and went to the shower. Alisha wanted to look really good wanted to turn him on the minute he walked through the door.
She spent quite a bit of time in the shower. She used a new lavender scented body wash, it smelled so good and when she douched she used a peach flavored douche that tasted and smelled heavenly. She wanted this night to be special. She used her best perfume and combed her long silky hair out. After she put on her makeup, she stood in front of the full length mirror naked and admired herself.
There was no doubt, she was one of the most beautiful women around. She put on a thin tank top, a lacey thong and a pair of short silk shorts. She looked at herself in the mirror again and saw a beautiful seductress standing there. Satisfied that she looked great, she went to the kitchen and began to grill the steaks on the JenAire. She fixed baked potatoes a tossed salad and some fresh broccoli with some fresh ground ginseng on it. This should spice things up a bit, she thought. It was 5 minutes till 6 and she saw Bob driving down the lane to her house. She quickly sprayed some Febreze around the area to freshen the air then went to the door when he rang the bell.
When Alisha opened the door, her Dad stood there looking really hot. He had on a new pair of jeans, his full quill ostrich boots, a trim fitting white shirt, his NFR team roping buckle and a new Black Stetson hat. She looked him up and down, “WOW DAD, you look terrific, damn you’re handsome. I’ve always gave the edge to a real cowboy and man, you look on in.”
As he walked through the door, he removed his the younger cowboys and the drugstore variety have forgotten how to do. He looked at her and whistled. “Alisha, he said, you are absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with. You are put together so damn well, it’s no wonder that all the men do a double take at you when you walk by…..and to see you in this attire, welllll, it gives me a boner just looking at you.”
Alisha took his hat and put it on the shelf in the entry area, upside down like all real cowboys and cowgirls lay there hats down. She went back to him, put her arms around his neck and gave him a very long, wet kiss….all the time pressing her warm body close to him. His hands went around her back then settled down on her butt-cheeks and squeezed. She could feel him becoming aroused and didn’t want to really push it right now, they needed to have dinner first. She pulled back from him and said, “dinner is ready, let’s eat it before it gets cold…..do you want a Crown first.
“Yes, that would be nice, just over the rocks please.” he said.
Alisha poured him a double and took it to him. They sat at the dining room table and talked about the ranch and laughed at old the while keeping the later events of the evening in mind. As he ate, Bob continued to admire Alisha’s body as she sat in the chair or when she went into the kitchen to get something. When she walked away, he couldn’t help but notice her great figure and perfect ass. He knew that he would be inside that body soon, and his hard cock was telling him it was ready. They finished dinner and Alisha put the dishes into the dishwasher. She poured them both another double Crown and they went to the living room and sat down. Alisha thought to herself, A little booze and a little chit chat, then let the fucking />
When they got to the couch, Bob kicked his boots off and sat down. Alisha sat close to him on the couch as they sipped their Crown. Bob’s eyes continued to undress her as they sat there. She looked at their a shot left in both. She held her glass up to toast her Dad saying, “To this new relationship with my father, we shall be closer in this life, than anyone else.”
To that, Bob touched her glass with his and they both shot it down and sat their glasses on the table. Alisha slowly crawled across the couch, on her hands and knees, to Bob. She kissed him hands came up off his lap and grasped her breasts. Her nipples were pushing hard against her tank. Bob gently pinched them and rolled them back and forth between his thumb and index finger, causing Alisha to let out a quiet moan. He cupped her tits and gently squeezed them, then moved his hands to the bottom of the tank, took hold of it and pulled it up and over her head.
She broke her lip lock just long enough to get the tank off, then went back to the kiss. Bob moved his hands up her sides, across her breasts, down across her taught stomach then to the waist band of her silk shorts. He hooked his thumbs in the waist band and slowly pulled them down over her beautiful ass to her knees. He ran his hands over her ass and down her thighs then back to her hips, up her sides and to her aching tits.
Alisha was going out of her mind from the feel of his hands caressing her body. She sat back slightly, and unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. She stood up in front of him and kicked her shorts away, then grasped his jeans and pulled them off. She stood there with nothing on but her thong.
She could see a big bulge in his underwear. She leaned forward and unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him. She reached down and pulled his boxer briefs down his legs and off. She stood there and looked at his hard cock, a little bit of pre-cum glistened on the tip. She hooked her thumbs in her thong and pulled it down and kicked it off, then got on her knees in front of Bob and took his cock in her mouth.
Moans of pleasure came from her Dad. He laid his head back on the couch as his cock slid in and out of Alisha’s talented mouth, her tongue caressing its length and removing any drops of pre-cum that appeared. She was holding his balls in one hand and the base of his cock with the other as she relentlessly sucked and licked his expanding member. Alisha knew that if she kept this all out assault on his cock going for very much longer, he would explode in her mouth.
She knew that when he got really excited like this that he would ejaculate prematurely if his cock slid into her wet pussy, so, she thought it was best if she pushed him over the edge and had him cum in her mouth now so when he penetrated her hot, wet box, he would take some time to cum again and their enjoyment would last.
Alisha lubricated her finger with her juices and saliva and probed his butt hole till she got about half of it in. She spit on it again and pushed her finger all the way inside him and started rubbing his prostate, then deep throated him and squeezed his balls lightly. Within seconds he was shooting a hot load of cum down her throat. She pulled back slightly to catch his cum inside her mouth so she could taste it’s sweetness before she swallowed it down. Bob continued to shoot the hot streams of cum in her mouth for several seconds, she could feel his balls swell as his orgasm continued.
When he finished cumming, Alisha smiled at him as she jacked him off, squeezing every last drop of sperm from his softening cock. “Did you like that Dad?” she asked.
“Yes my dear, I loved it.” he replied to her. She stood up and took him by the hands and pulled him up off the couch and led him to her bedroom. After her shower she had opened the bed. She crawled onto the bed followed by her Dad. He laid next to her and kissed her as he moved his hand over her naked body and down to her mound. He moved one finger down one side of her pussy lips, then over to the other, finally pulling them apart with two fingers. He slid his finger up and down her wetness then grasped her hard clit between his thumb and forefinger and slowly rolled it back and forth.
Alisha was feeling the pleasure he was giving her. He got up on his hands and knees and crawled down to her feet, then pulled her legs wide apart, exposing her pink inner lips and the entrance to her love canal.
He laid down on his chest and buried his head between her legs. He pulled her outer lips apart with his fingers and drove his tongue into her wet pussy, sucking all her juices out that he could get. His lips encircled her engorged clit, while his tongue flicked it rapidly. While his mouth worked on her clit, she felt him slip two fingers into her pussy and begin to finger fuck her, hitting that wonderful G-spot each time the fingers fully penetrated her.
Her juices were running like a river, she could feel them running down her crack. Her Dad raised up and grasped her under her knees and raised her legs up and back toward her tits. He held her by the underside of her thighs and attacked her pussy again with his mouth and tongue. He would push her legs back toward her tits and expose her tight little ass. He went down with his tongue and licked her juices from her crack, then put the tip of his tongue in the center of her ass.
It flicked like the tongue of a snake and began to spread her sphincter muscle and enter her ass. He would bring it back out and circle her hole then probe back inside her. She felt him push a finger inside her, then two, spreading the sphincter wide and relaxing it. He would let her legs back down then press his tongue deep into her pussy.
Alisha was intoxicated by the pleasure he was giving her. She knew that an orgasm was close at hand. He covered her pussy with his mouth, his tongue darting in and out of her and flicking her enlarged clit. He pushed two fingers into her ass and sucked on her clit causing the pleasure explosion deep inside her body. She felt herself squirting, she never squirted much more than a man would cum, so it didn’t drench everything in its wake. Bob was able to capture her squirt in his mouth and drink it down she felt wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure flow through her body. She was groaning like someone was beating her while her Dad continued to pleasure her with his tongue and mouth.
When her orgasm subsided, Bob mounted her, pushing his blood engorged cock deep into her hot wet pussy. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close to her as she began to cum again. She could hear the skin of his pelvis slapping against her ass and feel his big balls slamming against her GOD, THIS FEELS SO DAMN GOOD DADDY, FUCK ME GOOD DADDY!! FUCK ME HARDER! SLAM THAT MEAT INTO MY HOT CUNT! I WANT YOU TO FILL ME WITH YOUR HOT CUM !!!!!!!!!!!
Another orgasm consumed Alisha as her Dad shot stream after stream of his gooey white cum deep inside her pussy. Alisha could feel the hot spurts splashing against the walls of her uterus. She felt it start running out of her around his cock as he pounded his hot meat in and out of her like a piston in and engine. In a few minutes, their orgasms subsided and they lay there, Bob on top of Alisha, both gasping for breath, their hearts beating violently.
Alisha held her Dad close to her with her legs and arms. With his dick still inside her, they both drifted off into a short nap, recharging for the next round of animalistic and unrelenting night was yet young.
They woke up in about half an hour. Bob rolled off of Alisha and lay on his back. Alisha rolled over on her side and kissed Bob on the cheek and said, “That was absolutely great Dad, I haven’t came like that in a long time.”
He smiled at her and put his hand on her ass and squeezed, “Tell you what, Pumpkin, I don’t know where you learned sex, but you are really, really good at it…..I can’t get enough of you.”
“Thanks Dad,” she said, go have another drink and then resume, what do you say?”
“Sounds good, I need a little time to recoup before I’m able to fuck you again.” he told her.
Alisha stopped off by the bathroom and pushed out as much cum as she could and washed her legs and pussy off so she would be fresh when they came back in the bedroom. They just left their clothes off and went to the bar. Alisha poured the drinks and they sat at the bar and talked.
Bob couldn’t get enough of looking at Alisha. Her tits were so perfect, they were big and stood straight out, no sag in them. Her stomach was tight and he could see the faint outlines of her ab muscles. She was shaved and her skin tone was her legs were long and nice. As he sat there looking at Alisha’s beautiful body, he thought back to when he had first saw Anne naked. She could have been Alisha’s twin, they looked so much alike.
As they sat there Alisha asked him, “Hey Dad, I see you shaved your pubes, when did you do that? I think it’s hot when a man shaves himself down there. I never did like to give a guy head if he had a big bush around his cock. Those little hairs always get stuck in my I don’t like that. So thanks for doing it.
“Not a problem Pumpkin, I’ve always thought about it and when I saw you were shaved, I just had to do it, so, when I got home this afternoon, I went and done it.” As he took a drink he asked Alisha, “Do you think we should be doing this, I mean, we could get in a lot of trouble if anyone ever found out…..and kind of something that’s just… not done, you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean Dad, it’s just something that fathers and daughters don’t But you know what, they don’t know what they’re missing. The sex we’re having is the best I’ve ever had Dad, and I love you more for it. When you’re inside me, we can’t get any closer and I feel safe with you. Some of the guys I’ve been with, I didn’t feel really safe with, like, I never knew just what might happen. I feel good with Colin, I know he will take care of me and protect me and we have good sex, but nothing to compare what you and I are experiencing. So, Dad, don’t beat yourself up about it, what we’re doing may not be right, but it’s damn sure not wrong either. Just so you know, I want to continue, I want to fuck you and suck you any time I can, ok?”
He took another drink and looked at his shapely daughter, “Alisha, I’m really ok with this. Down deep inside me, I’ve wanted to do this for a lot of years, probably since you were 18 or 19, and never thought that you’d want it too…..And I don’t want to stop either, I like giving you pleasure and I love knowing you like the pleasure I give Lord knows Alisha, you give me an abundance of pleasure, more than words can express and I just love looking at you naked.”
Alisha drank down the last of her Crown. She spread her legs wide on the bar stool and put her arms on the arm rests. She scooted her ass to the edge of the chair and said, “Ok stud, here it is, come and get need you bad.”
Bob finished his drink and sat the glass on the bar, he stood up and stepped up to the front of Alisha’s bar cock was fully erect and he could see the pink inner folds of skin around her love tunnel, glistening with her juices. He took his manhood in his hand and rubbed its bulbous head up and down her soft pussy then slowly pushed it in till his balls lay on her nice round ass.
Alisha gasped as he penetrated her. She wrapped her long legs around his ass and pulled him in closer. Bob grasped her by her sides and commenced to slow fuck her, watching her eyes as they rolled around in sublime ecstasy.
Bob leaned into her and kissed her swollen nipples and gently chewed on them, sending shivers down Alisha’s spine. She held his head in her hands as the oral assault on her boobs continued. Her Dad’s dick was so deep in her pussy that she could feel it bumping against her cervix, the head attempting to penetrate its small opening.
Alisha was lost in a realm of total pleasure as Bob’s big cock continued to slowly slide in and out of her soaking wet vagina. She could look down and watch as her Dad’s cock disappeared into her spread open vagina. It would come all the way out and she could see it glistening, covered with their combined juices, then feel it go inside her, filling her void to capacity.
Her body was reeling from the intense pleasure she was that climactic feeling hit her as a surge of warmth filled her insides and pushed her into an orgasmic stupor. She looked at her Dad’s face and his eyes had disappeared from sight, his mouth was open and he was drooling saliva down onto her mound. His engorged cock was erupting, filling her with his super heated semen.
She gritted her teeth and her whole body tensed as she began to cum. She put her arms around Bob and pulled up close to him, pressing her hard, erect nipples into his chest and squashing her full breast between them. She felt as though she had left her body and drifted in the air above.
When their climaxes stopped, Bob lifted her ankles up onto his shoulders and pressed his, hard phallus into her tight ass. He slowly pumped it in and out in very short strokes, his thick penis catching the juices dripping out of her wet them as he drilled deeper into her colon. When he attained full penetration, he just stood still, she could feel his cock throbbing inside of her.
Then he began to fuck her, with long hard strokes, grasping her by her calves as he plunged deep into her stretched ass, all the while rubbing her engorged clitoris with his thumb and slipping it in and out of her well fucked pussy. She felt it explosion of pleasure deep inside muscles tensed and she began to shake all over as the orgasm spread like wildfire throughout her squirted on Bob as her climax continued. Then she felt her Daddy shoot his hot juice deep into her bowels, filling her till it started to run out and puddle on the floor beneath her ass. They held each other tight as they kissed passionately, lost in the orgasms they were experiencing.
When Bob pulled his softened cock out of her ass, a gush of his cum ran out of her and onto the floor. He sat back in his barstool and wiped the sweat from his breathing hard. Alisha stood to go behind the bar and pour them another Crown. When she stood, a huge gush of his sperm came out of her and ran down her legs. She looked down as it came out, then looked at her Dad. “boy when you unload you really fill a girl to the brim don’t you?” she jokingly said to him.
He laughed, also watching his cum run out of her, “I did shoot quite a load didn’t I…..I don’t think I’ve ever cum so much with anyone just you that brings the best out in me. She went behind the bar and retrieved a bar towel, moistened it and wiped herself clean. She poured them another double and came back around the bar. Alisha took a sip of her drink and sat down.
“Hey Dad. I’ve got a question for you, you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want you have any desires to fuck Cody?” she asked
He looked at her rather seriously, “To tell the truth, Pumpkin, have always been my favorite daughter. You love animals, you’ve always took an interest in the ranch and worked hard out there from the time you were a young girl. We were always close and talked a lot. It seems you confided in me and asked my advice quite regularly. You were always my girl and I was always very proud of you.
Cody, on the other hand, was too good to work out on the ranch and she didn’t really like animals. We never talked too much, she seemed to always confide in your mother and ignore me, I think because I am a cowboy. She has never been interested in the ranch, that’s why I told you two, the ranch will be yours and I’ll give her 5 million dollars. She is a beautiful young woman also, but I don’t have any desire to fuck her, I’d never enjoy it like I do with you. I‘m glad that you pushed the issue and we did it. Speaking of doing it, let’s go back to the bedroom, I’m going to have to go home soon and I just can’t get enough of you.”
They went back to the bedroom and Alisha told him to get on his back. His cock was hard and she straddled it a lowered herself down on it till he was completely inside her. She put her hands on his chest and began to raise and lower her ass on his erection, she heard a slurping sound as his cock slid in and out of her. She laid over forward and started kissing him again while he caressed her tits and played with her nipples.
This was the best fuck of the night, slow and easy. Neither of them rushed it and it took over an hour of slow steady fucking to bring them to another orgasm. They both had an earth shaking orgasm, one that rocked their worlds. Alisha dismounted and laid on her side looking at him. She smiled and told him to lay still as she went down and tongue cleaned his dick and balls, which brought him to a full erection again. She looked up at him and he was grinning saying, “I just can’t help it, honey, you just bring it back to life so easily.”
Alisha laughed and went back to giving him a blow job. She loved to suck cock and even more than that, she loved the prize she got at the end. Her favorite taste in the world is the taste of cum, ooey gooey cum. She loved swishing it around in her mouth, tasting it, feeling its thick texture, then the look on her guy’s face when she swallowed the whole load while looking deep into his eyes. She felt that one of the biggest compliments to a man is to swallow his cum while he watches. She was really enjoying taking his cock deep down her throat. She picked up the pace and felt his cock suddenly start to expand again, and here it came, another tasty load of hot semen. She gulped it down then commenced to suck every last drop out of his cock. She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow.
“Well Dad, are you satisfied, or, do you need some more of my pussy.” she asked
“I want some more of your sexy pussy, but I need to go home….your mom should get home soon and I don’t want to have to come up with a lie to tell her.” he said.
“Well Dad, just tell her you were over here having dinner with me and talking. Tell her Colin was in Detroit, so I asked you over for dinner since she had a meeting. You just don’t have to tell her about the desert.” Alisha was giggling.
Bob started laughing, “and that was the best part of the meal, several courses of desert.”
Alisha giggled at her Dad then kissed him a long extended kiss. “Dad, I’ve really had a good time with you tonight and my body feels like, you know, fucking good. When you want me, just ask, I’m Dad, I’m not telling anyone, this is our little secret and as long as we are discreet, no one will ever know.”
why I love you Pumpkin, we are so much alike.” he told her.
“And I love you clarify it, I love you Dad, I’m not IN love with a big she told him.
“And I feel the same, my dear.” he said.
Alisha got up off the bed as did Bob. He went into her bathroom and took a shower to get the smells of sex off of him so Anne wouldn’t get suspicious. He got out of the shower and dressed. Alisha put on a robe and walked him to the front door. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him goodnight. He gave her a little squeeze and told her he would see her tomorrow. Alisha closed and locked the door and went to take a shower and clean herself before bed. She went to the bar and cleaned the cum from the floor and put the cum soaked towel in the laundry. She washed up the glasses and straightened up the room and went to bed. Colin would be home tomorrow afternoon, she was missing him terribly. She went to sleep thinking about the fantastic shagging she had gotten tonight and looking forward to the next encounter.
Alisha is still sitting out on her patio enjoying the morning. She has remembered so many things that she has done in her lifetime. Some good, some bad and some self destructive. Her memories of the seduction of her Dad are vivid and she still is not sorry she did it. To her, some of her fondest memories of her Dad, are of him fucking her in all her holes. Sometimes she wonders if it was her that seduced him or if he let her believe it was her that did the seducing. All in all, they both enjoyed the sex that they neither really ever realized that they were both sex addicts, always on a quest to satisfy their insatiable obsession. She gazes out at the elk in the meadow, one bull has mounted a cow and his cock is fully visible to her. She remembers the sight of her Dad’s cock, glistening with their juices, pumping her pussy at a feverish rate till he froze, his cock pulsing and pumping her most intimate parts full of his thick semen. As she sits in her chair, she can still feel him inside her and she longs to have him there again, holding her close to him and feeling his hot cum filling her belly. If only the past years could return and she could do a few things differently.
Alisha was up early the next morning having breakfast and preparing for a very busy day. She had a meeting at the bank at 9, then she had to see her accountant at 10:30 then she had a lunch date with her Mom. The afternoon would be tied up with BioGen, she wanted to observe the AI process and get a little more familiar with Dad is supposed to be there also to observe.
She would really rather be out doing anything other than all this stuff this morning. Maybe it will go quickly, she is looking forward to lunch with Mom…..she wants to see how her pulse is beating. She is laughing to herself as she drives down the street and says, “Alisha, it’s not every girl that has had consensual sex with both her such a I love myself.”
She pulled into the parking lot of the bank and went in. She got her business done at the bank then went to the office and laid out how she wanted to manage their profits, then went to Anne’s office to pick her up. When she gots there, Anne was still with a client so Alisha went to her own office to wait. As she goes through the door, she sees that nothing has changed, it still is just as she arranged it. There haven’t been any special clients that needed her expertise so she hasn’t been in here for a while. She hears Anne escorting her client to the front door so she goes out to meet her. “Hi Mom, you ready to go?” she asked.
“Just let me get my purse,” Anne said.
She emerged from her office and the headed out the door. “What say we go to the new restaurant at the heard it’s really good.”
“Sounds good to me,” Alisha said.
They got seated and ordered their drinks, then looked the menu over. When they settled on what they wanted, Anne asked her, “How are the wedding plans coming along?”
Alisha told her that everything was finalized and they were ready for it to happen. “Dad and I talked about his part when he was over for dinner the other night and you know what you’re doing so we’re almost done and ready for the hitchin’ ” Alisha said. “I really am ready to do this. By the way Mom, how does this Saturday night sound for getting together again, Cody and Justin will join us and we can have a 3 way.”
“Oh my Alisha,” Anne said, “I’m so glad that Cody has agreed to be a part of this, it’s going to be fun to be involved with my two beautiful girls and their guys. David had such a wonderful time with you, he still talks about Colin is fabulous, you’re a lucky girl Alisha. I’m looking forward to having Justin again, he has such a nice cock and knows how to use it too. What time on />
“I think maybe about 7. I’m not going to do dinner again, we’ll just have drinks at the bar then go from there. What are you going to tell Dad?”
“Well, it seems that he and Bob Bradley are going down in New Mexico to buy some more yearlings to go into the feedlot at Clovis. He said he would be back Sunday evening, so, I have all night Saturday and David’s wife will be out of town till next David and I stay at your place all night Saturday?” she asked.
“I’ll set the swap up for an all nighter and we can have a brunch on Sunday. If I can get you and Cody out from under whoever you end up with on Sunday morning, you can help me fix it, I’ll get all the stuff and have it there.” Alisha told her.
“That will be perfect dear, I’m ready for some good sex again, did I tell you that I got some female Viagra to help me along?” she said.
“Noooooo, you didn’t, I didn’t think you needed any help the way you performed last time. Heck, you kept up with me easily.” Alisha kidded her.
Anne grinned and waved Alisha off. She really just wanted to be super ready for three guys. She was thinking about the DP she did, now there will be 3 guys and she can have one in her mouth at the same while it was going on she would like to be able to watch Alisha and Cody go at each other. No doubt, Anne was almost as perverted and obsessed as Alisha.
“Mom, I’ll get everything set up and I know we’ll have a lot of we have the wedding the next weekend and the four of us will be gone to Hawaii for a week on our honeymoons. You will have to be with Dad that weekend, so you guys had better get all the screwing in you can this />
no doubt about that, dear, no doubt at all.” Anne grinned.
They finished lunch and Alisha took Anne back to work and headed out to the office. She needed to get there by 1 pm when BioGen arrived so she could get better acquainted with their breeding procedures. Bob should be there too…..she grinned and wondered if he would want to get in her pants again is so horny and I love it, she thought to herself.
When she got to the ranch, she could see that BioGen’s vans were parked down by the corals and they were setting up. She could see the guys bringing in the next group of cows from the pasture. This was going to be a real educational day. As she pulled up, she saw her Dad driving up behind her. When he got out of his truck, they greeted and Alisha asked him, “did you get into any trouble last night when you got home?”
“No,” he said, “she didn’t get home till well after midnight, said that she and some of the other members went out after the meeting and had a drink at Chili’s. You know Alisha, she can do whatever and whoever she wants, I really don’t give a fuck anymore. Hell she can fuck he whole board of directors if she wants. I’ve decided I’m going to enjoy the rest of my life and not stress about her. I’ve got Patti out in Vegas, I’ve got you here and I’ve met this woman down in New Mexico that takes real good care of I’m going to quit trying with Anne.
I doubt that we’ll get a divorce or anything like that, but I think I’m going to move into another bedroom at the house. I know that she won’t do anything to screw up the business end of this family, she thinks too much of you and Cody to do that. So I would presume that we’ll just lead separate lives together. But don’t let any of this bother you or Cody. I just want you there when I need this still ok with you />
“Yes, Dad, you two have to manage your personal lives, it’s not up to me or Cody to try to two just do whatever it takes to make yourselves you know, I will be here to take care of and ALL of your needs.” she told him.
“Speaking of needs, want to have a quickie later?” he asked her, checking out her cleavage.
“You bet I it will have to be a quickie, I have to meet Colin when he gets back. He wants to go over the new structure for the dealerships he worked out in Detroit. He said it would take us a while and since I am half owner, he said I need to understand what he did.” she said.
“I didn’t know that you were half owner of all the dealerships girl you’re soon to be one of the richest women in Colorado. Somebody told me that they thought you and Colin had bought that hog operation down in the south end of the valley, is that right?” he asked her.
She wondered who told him about that, “Yes it is Dad, we bought it a few months ago, thought we’d change the way it’s run and get it to making money, then maybe sell it to a corporate hog farm somewhere. So far, the changes we have made have increased the income by almost 80%. In this short time, it’s really turned around from showing a loss to showing a good solid profit. Last month alone, we cleared over $70,000. We have put quite a bit of money into the operation and hired a new manager, but the profits its making are more than supporting what we put in.”
“Why didn’t you say anything about it to me, hell, I would have helped you guys.” Bob asked her.
“Nothing personal Dad, we just wanted to do it on our own and if it failed, we didn’t want anyone to think we were stupid, so we kept it don’t take it personal, we didn’t tell anyone.” she told him.
“It’s no problem Pumpkin, I understand. But anyway, with that kind of income and improvements, it should be worth a pretty penny by now…..you guys gonna keep it or sell it?” he asked.
“The value has increased dramatically, we had it appraised a couple of weeks ago and they valued it at $2.7 million. We are in the process of another expansion to be completed by July. That should add another $1.5 million to it. We don’t know if we really want to sell it or not. We had an inquiry from Premium Standard Farms down in Texas whether we’d be interested in selling or not. We haven’t responded yet.” she told him.
“Damn girl, you are one hell of a business woman and with me and that husband to be of yours involved with you, you are going to be the richest, the most beautiful and powerful woman in so damn proud of you.” he complimented her.
“And one more perk we just became aware found out that the land the hog farm is situated on has gas under it. We’ve been approached to lease the mineral rights so they can do some exploratory drilling. There are over 3000 deeded acres there and we own all of the mineral rights. It’s all Chico brush so drilling won’t harm just exclude the land the actual buildings are on and a little of the adjacent land so we could do our expansion without any that’s something else to look at.” she told Bob.
building an empire Alisha. I think that both of you are smart enough to manage it correctly. Again, I’m so damn proud of he said.
They saw that the BioGen team was ready to begin the AI process, so they went over to the corals and observed. The area rep was there and eyeing Alisha and smiling at her She knew what he was like, “Yeah, bring that brunette over here and put her in a chute and I’ll breed her myself while I’m just had that look on his face. She went over and greeted him, “I’ve missed you the last several times you’ve been here, I’ve been pretty busy.”
“I’ve been looking for you when we were here but never did see you or your truck. I was hoping we could get together and have a he said to her.
“That would have been nice, but, work first. Hopefully, we can get together sometime during the breeding when you’re here.” she told him.
“How about tonight? I’m free and staying over till morning.” he stated.
tonight, my fiance has plans and it’s going to take some time, maybe next time…..oh hell, I’m getting married that next weekend and will be gone to Hawaii for a week on our I’ll try to get together with you after that, we’ve still got another 3 weeks of AI till we’re finished.” she said.
“Getting married?” he said with a puzzled look on his face, “I didn’t know you were tying the knot, I guess you won’t be messing around then,” he said.
“On the contrary, my man and I have this little arrangement, we both still get to fuck whoever we want, whenever we like a little variety to make the heart fonder,” she told him laughing.
“Well then, I’m up for it, I’ll be ready and willing when you get back.”
“One more thing darlin‘, Colin will probably want to watch us fuck, I hope you don’t mind performing in front of another you?” she told him smiling.
“I don’t mind as long as I get to get inside you, you’re well worth it Alisha,” he told her.
Alisha went over and began to observe the AI process with her Dad. They stayed there till all 200 cows were bred, then wandered up to the office. They sat and discussed what they had observed, waiting for everyone to leave for the evening so they could have their clandestine fun. By 6:00 everyone was gone. Alisha went to the door and locked it and pulled the shades. She turned around and looked at her Dad, “Are you ready?” she asked.
Bob smiled and started removing his jeans and boxer briefs, Alisha stripped so he could see all of her. She laid back on her desk and spread her legs. Bob put her ankles on his shoulders and slid his hard cock all the way into her dripping wet pussy.
“I’ve been thinking of this all afternoon Dad, see how wet I am?” she cooed.
“My dick sure went in easy, you are really wet and the vision of you naked gets my dick so hard it wants to split apart,” he said as he began pumping her with his hard cock. The pleasure she was feeling was a great end to the day, she did know though, that she had to be ready to perform for Colin later, he would be horny after being away. Bob continued screwing her for the next 20 minutes. His climax filled her with hot sperm one more time. She had a great orgasm, not a stupendous or out of the galaxy type. After all, it is just a quickie and not a long full blown fuck. When they finish, Bob pulls out stands back and watches his cum run from her wet pussy.
“I just love to look at that creampie when we’re finished. It looks so damn hot to see my cum running out of your beautiful he told her.
She stood up and put her hand under her dripping pussy, “Think that’s hot, watch this !”
She pushed and pushed till most all his thick, white cum had puddled in her palm. She brought he hand up close to her mouth, leaned over and began to lick it up and swallow it down. She licked her hand clean and put her index finger inside her pussy then brought it up and sucked it like a cock. “How did you like watching your little girl eating your cream pie?” She didn’t have to hear what he thought, she looked and his cock was rock hard again. “I can’t let you leave like that Dad,” she said as she went to her knees in front of him. She took his total length into her mouth and began working it over with her tongue and mouth. She grasped his balls and began gently squeezing them, once even taking both his balls totally inside her mouth while she jacked him. She deep throated him a couple of times and then teased that little spot just under the head of his cock with the tip of her tongue. In a matter of minutes, she had a mouthful of his delicious cum and she greedily swallowed it her lips as she stood up.
I hope you didn’t mind Daddy, I just didn’t want you leave like that and have blue the taste of your cum made me want more, he he he,” she said as she began to put her clothes back on.
“Alisha, you have to be the best cock sucker I’ve ever been with, I felt like I was going to blow my balls out the end of my Johnson, you’re so damn good. Thank you my dear, you make your old man feel pretty special.” he said to her as he left the office.
She had to get going, she was to meet Colin in about 15 minutes. Sucking Dad’s cock used a little more time than she thought it would, but, it was well worth it. She loved eating cum. She thought to herself, I’d like to get cum from 25 guys in a glass and be able to drink it all. Have a gang bang, but have them mostly shoot their wads in a that sounds yummy, I’ll have to talk to Colin about it and see what he thinks.
She drove up to the dealership and saw Colin sitting at his desk. When she went in, he got to his feet and met her in front of his desk. He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately then held her close in a hug. He backed away from her, holding her hands, and looked at her from head to toe. “Damn I’ve missed you my love.” he said.
“Oh Colin, I’m so glad to have you home, I want to get you into bed and welcome you back as soon as I can.” she said to him, looking deep into his eyes.
a date dear, but first, we need to go over all this paperwork on my desk and I need you to sign two places.” he told her as he pulled a chair up to his desk. He explained, in detail, how the whole process would work after merging all of the dealerships together. Everything would run from one central computer server located here. He was going to build another building just to house the servers and other tech components. All the dealerships would be linked together, including a database for the current inventory at all of the dealerships so if they needed to find a particular vehicle for a customer, it could be done from any of the computer terminals at any dealership. Then all the bookkeeping components would be merged into one. All invoices would be received and paid from one location. He would better equiped to manage their business and not have to travel so much. Plus, from his office he could monitor every location through the security cameras at the dealerships. “It’s state of the art Alisha, I need you to spend some time with me getting a basic knowledge and understanding of how our business works, you know, just in case something happens to don’t want you to be at the mercy of some ruthless individual trying to take advantage of you should I not be here.”
“Ok Colin, I’ll plan some time with you after we get back from Hawaii. Things should slow down at the ranch till we get ready to move the cattle up to the high range. I’ll plan on it then. Are you planning to come out and see what I do too, darling? You know, the same is true for you, you need to know what I do and get the basic knowledge of running a ranch.” she told him.
“I will do that Alisha, you’re right I need to know that too. Maybe when you guys move the cattle up to the high range, I can come along and try to help.” he volunteered.
“I think you would like it, Colin. It’s a lot of work, but at the same time it’s a lot of fun. We could even, maybe, you know, have sex under the stars…he he he, “ she said.
“Now that I could handle for sure,” he laughed.
They worked at Colin’s office for the next two hours familiarizing Alisha with the new format for the dealership. When they left there, they went over to Chili’s and had dinner and a few margaritas. When they got home, Alisha told him she wanted to shower since she had been in the cattle pens all afternoon. He told her that he would shower in one of the other bathrooms and meet her in the bed.
Alisha cleaned herself completely, after her quickie with Bob then went to the bed and stood there, naked looking at the man she loved. He was so damn good looking, a man any woman would be proud to have. She could see a big bulge under the sheet and knew he wanted her. She slowly crawled on top of him, with the sheet between them. She could feel his excitement against her stomach as she kissed him and caressed him. They held each other tight and he ran his hands all over her bare skin, feeling her full breasts and the cheeks of her beautiful round ass.
He rolled her over and lay on top of her and continued kissing her, taking his warm kisses down to her waiting breasts and nipples. He rose up and removed the sheet from between them and took in the total beauty that he saw lying on the bed. From her beautiful face down across her magnificent breasts to her flat toned to that fleshy mound just above the place that gave him so much pleasure. He legs were long and slender and perfectly shaped.
He reached down and pushed her legs further apart and laid down between them. With his fingers, he separated the puffy pink outer lips that surrounded her pleasure hole and looked at the light pink folds of skin that lay between them. Alisha is so beautiful between her legs, he thought as he gently licked those delicate folds of skin that guarded the orifice he intended to enter. Above all of this, under a hood, stands a small protrusion that when caressed with his tongue, will drive waves of pleasure throughout her luscious body. He lightly licked her clitoris and watched as it grew and hardened. How it stretched out in front of her lips getting hard, the same way his cock was hardening.
He gazed at that small woman penis in amazement. How could such a small thing give so much pleasure to its owner. He took it between his lips and sucked on it as his tongue flicked across it, making Alisha arch her back and moan in total bliss. He continued to tongue the small penis as he slipped two fingers into her wet cunt. He found that small fleshy area about 3 or 4 inches inside of her that he knew would send shivers up her spine when he massaged it.
Alisha spread her legs further apart, arched her back and pushed her pelvis into his probing fingers. Her head was writhing back and forth and she was moaning in a deep soulful groan. He put his hands under her ass and lifted her up off the bed then slid a pillow under her. He pushed her legs further apart and began to lick her from her ass hole to her clit in long broad strokes. He teased her ass with the tip of his tongue, feeling the sphincter muscle contract as he tried to probe her ass with his tongue. His fingers were busy probing her vagina and rubbing her was moaning loud, almost THAT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD, I LOVE YOUUU SOOO OH SHIT, I’M CUMMING COLIN, I’M CUMMMMMING, AAAAAAAAAAAAH, FUCK ME, FUCK ME QUICK COLIN, I WANT YOU INSIDE ME, NOW COLIN, NOW, FUCK />
At those commands Colin came to his knees and slammed his hard phallus deep into Alisha’s hot wet cunt making her scream his name that much more. He had tantalized and pushed her into an earth shaking orgasm that had her muscles tensed hard. Her vagina had clamped down hard on the length of his penis, while wave after wave of vibrations shot through her body and into Colin’s hard cock.
He had never in his life ever experienced the vibrations he was feeling emanating from her body. Those vibrations were stimulating his hard dick to the point he felt himself preparing to cum, even though he had not pumped her at all. Then, he shot a load of cum out of his cock that he knew had the pressure of a water hose and a volume to match. Alisha, in the midst of her internal earthquake, felt his hot sperm hit her cervix with such a force if felt like a cock trying to penetrate it’s small opening.
She wrapped her long slender legs around his ass and pulled him into her with dynamic force. Her arms were wrapped around his torso and were holding him so tight that he could barely breathe, and in the meantime, his cock was flooding her entire womb with his hot, gooey, white love juice. Alisha was still yelling in ecstasy, savoring every orgasmic shockwave that exploded within her. Their orgasms lasted for a full 4 minutes, cum flowed out of her like honey running from a hive. Colin was locked to her by her arms and had never felt the strength she was displaying at this moment, but it was, by far the most intense fuck he had ever had in his Alisha was feeling the same thing as her body was uncontrollably ravaged by the orgasmic waves pounding inside her.
When the storm quieted, they both lay there in each other’s arms completely exhausted from the intense pleasure they had both experienced. Colin managed to roll off of Alisha onto his side, but still holding her in his arms. Neither of them awakened until the sun was high the next morning. When Alisha opened her eyes, Colin was lying beside her, his arm across her breasts and a leg across hers. There were no covers on them, just wrinkled sheets under them. She felt a very large wet spot under her ass.
She removed Colin’s arm from atop her tits and slipped out from under his leg and got out of the bed. She could see the wet spot she felt, it was a full 20 inches in then felt Colin’s zest running down her legs. As she looked down she saw the white streams of his thick love juice flowing downward. She walked to the bathroom and started the shower.
When the water warmed she was under the rain shower head letting the warm water flow over her entire body as she leaned against the clear glass. Colin came walking into the bathroom. He walked into the shower with Alisha and hugged her from behind.
She quietly uttered, “Colin, what the hell happened last night, I’ve never felt anything like that before, I feel like I ran the Boston Marathon this morning. My muscles all feel like I‘ve been out weight training all night.”
Colin stood there holding her, “I don’t know Alisha, but something we did, I released a climax, that honestly, I still feel. I ejaculated so hard my balls are hurting is more the word for my cock is so sore I can hardly touch it.
They both stood there under the water, holding each other, trying to recover from the most intense pleasure either of them had ever experienced in their whole lives. When they got out of the shower, they both made calls to their offices and stayed They went to one of the other bedrooms, got in the bed and went to sleep, still exhausted. Whatever had happened, completely drained them of their strength and stamina. When they woke up the next time it was 4:30 pm. Slowly they both got up and went to their bedroom and put on robes and went to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink, to replenish their bodies. Several hours later, they were starting to recover and feeling strong again.
As they sat, watching the Denver news, a report was aired about the murder of
Jerry Johnston, the guy that had drugged Alisha and then he and his friends gang raped her. The reporter was saying that an arrest had been made. His wife had been charged with his murder. She had followed him to Denver, thinking he was meeting some other woman there. It was suspected that she thought that he was having an affair as she had received a CD in the mail recently showing him having sex with another unknown woman. She followed him and found he was staying at a local motel with a woman for two days. She had kept him under surveillance for the two days and had followed him as he drove back toward Meeker on I 70. When she saw no one else around, she pulled up beside him and shot six shots from a 357 magnum into the drivers window of his truck, killing him. She had then driven back to Meeker and went home.
Alisha, upon hearing this, felt a heavy load lifted from her mind. It hadn’t been Colin that had been responsible for his death, she sighed a sigh of relief and snuggled up next to him. Alisha had told Colin they would have a three way swap on Saturday, to which he was very pleased. “I’m looking forward to having your Mom again, she is one great piece of ass !” he said, “but nothing to compare with what we had last night.
“Alisha, that was the most intense and pleasurable experience I have ever had in my entire life, I just wish I knew how to do it may have been a once in a lifetime experience and if it was, it was the greatest.” Alisha agreed with him whole heartedly.
They watched some more late night TV then went to bed and slept till sun up the next morning, then it was back to work and two more days till the swap night. Alisha had to go out on the ranch today and check the groups of cattle that had been bred. She wanted to try to scan the ear tags with the portable scanner and see if the system was working the way it should.
She had a wireless scan system installed on the ranch in the area where all the cattle calve out. That way, when a calf is born, one of the guys puts a new ear tag in the calf’s ear and scans then pairs it with the mother’s ear tag. There are visual numbers on the tags plus a bar code. Any individual animal’s history can be accessed instantly, even out in the pastures.
Alisha invested in a technology of wireless communication that works anywhere on the base ranch property. She had radio repeater towers installed in key spots on the ranch that can pick up a handheld radio transmission or a data stream link from the hand held scanner. Then they can access the information they might need out on the ranch.
Any doctoring the animals receive is recorded by the scanner. The operator scans the ear tag, then inputs the data. When he pushes the send button, all the information he entered is transferred to the main frame computer in her office. They should be able to keep track of each individual animal. When they sell those animals, she can print out a history of the animal for the new owner to inspect. She has spent a lot of money on this system and it should pay for itself within the first year.
Her Dad can’t get his head inside it yet, but he is trying. She will have a couple of days soon to teach the ranch hands how to input the information or retrieve information about the animal they need to know. But today, she is going to put the system through its paces and see just how it works.
Alisha is uneasy about the presence of the strangers in the south pasture area. One of the hands is posted on Elk Ridge every day to keep an eye on what’s going on, plus, all the electronic surveillance input. This equipment all works on the same radio system the handhelds and the scanners work on. When they are in a part of the ranch where there is a blind spot and no radio service, they can use the satellite phones. Her prime goal is to have instant communication across the ranch. With these strangers roaming around, she has required each hand pack a hand gun and a saddle rifle. As remote as some of the areas on the ranch are, one needs to be able to take care of themselves till help can arrive. Today she is packing her .40 Sig Sauer. She just never knows where one of these creeps might show up.
She loads her saddle bags with all her equipment and heads out on the ranch. She packed herself a lunch because she doesn’t plan to come in till almost dark. She gave her Dad a handheld radio so she can check in with him periodically and test the radio system. Jack is ready, standing with his ears alert and keeping an eye on Alisha. she gets her chaps and spurs on and packs a jacket in case it gets cold later. Her Dad is close by and watching her, admiring how she dresses and looks. A black hat, long sleeve flannel shirt, jeans, chaps boots and oh yes, her .40 Sig on her hip. She looks just like the guys when they head out on the ranch to work. Her rope is hanging on her saddle and a rifle butt protrudes from its saddle her beauty shows a good looking in her western gear.
She rides away from the headquarters and out to the first holding pasture to begin her day. It’s going to be a long one. The best part of the day is riding on the ranch enjoying the beautiful scenery that abounds here. She and her Dad believe that taking care of the land is their first and foremost goal. They practice conservation of the natural resources and try to keep vehicle traffic to a minimum, only on established roads on the ranch. The drainage from the old mines on the property are contained so the flows do not contaminate the flowing streams on the ranch. They allow logging on parts of the ranch where the trees need to be thinned, but do not clear cut any of the timber land. Their income from timber sales tops half a million dollars a year. It could be more, but they do not over cut the forest. Their ranch is a model for others in the area. Her Dad began the conservation approach to preserve the ranch resources and she is carrying on the tradition.
She has checked about half of the cattle and the radio system in several areas, she is close to the lake and thinks that would be a great place for lunch. She stops at the lake and pulls her lunch out of her saddle bags.. It’s a beautiful day and the sun feels warm on her skin. She wishes it was a little later in the spring so it would be warm enough to take a swim. She just loves to swim naked up here, it’s so peaceful and quiet. As she sits on the dock eating, she sees some of the ranch hands riding toward her. She says to herself, “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t get naked and get in the lake, these guys would have had the vision of their life.” She is laughing out loud as Jed and Hank ride up.
“What are you doing way up here by yourself and what’s so funny, Alisha,” Hank asked her.
‘Hi Hank,” she said, “Oh, I’m up here checking out the new scan system and radio system I had installed. Just took a break and having a little lunch and just had a funny thought when you guys rode up.”
“Mind if we join you?” he asked her.
“Not at all guys, step down and relax.” she told them.
Hank had worked for her Dad for as long as she could remember. He had taught her how to rope when she was about 16 and how to ride a cutting horse. He and a couple of the other guys had given her most of her knowledge about ranching and cattle. They taught her how to ride the barrels and how to sit a saddle bronc. They were like a dad to her, teaching, mentoring and challenging her as she grew into a woman. Her toughness came from them and they would protect her against anything bad that might come up.
She enjoyed sitting and talking with them. They laughed about the clumsy little girl she used to be and compared that little girl to the woman she had grown into. She felt good when they told her how proud they were of the woman she had become. She knew she would keep the ranch going, just to protect their livelihoods if not for anything else.
They finished their lunches, mounted up and went on their way. Alisha went to the next groups of cattle and checked them all out. She checked in, on the handheld, with her Dad a few more times. It was getting late and she had about a 7 mile ride to get back to the office. She knew that she had pushed her time to the limits.
She would have to hurry a little to get back before dark. She didn’t worry, she was on Jack and he would get her home. He could find his way on the darkest night. She remembered once when she was around 19. She had stayed up at the lake too long and darkness fell before she could get back to the corals. She became disoriented and panic took over her mind. She didn’t know which way to go and sat on Jack wondering where she was. She remembered something that Hank had taught her about a horse. “If you get lost, give your mount his head and leave him alone, he’ll take you home.”
So, reluctantly, she slackened the reins and lightly touched Jack with her spurs. He took off walking. She didn’t guide him with the reins and let him walk. In an hour or so, she saw the lights of the headquarters down below her. Jack had walked straight home and took her right to the coral gate. If she needed, she could do that again. She headed home. As the moon was rising, she arrived at the corals. She unsaddled Jack and put him away, then walked up to the office. Her Dad was waiting for her.
“I was beginning to get a little worried Alisha, didn’t know what had become of you.” he told her.
“Yes, I did press the time a little, but I wanted to get this all done today. I should have went to the herd that was farther out and started there and worked my way back. I’ll remember that the next time. But it was such a beautiful day I kind of got lost in it.” she told him.
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you got back ok before I went home. You take care and I’ll see you in the morning, Pumpkin.” he told her as he went out the door.
She put her .40 away and the radio and scanner and locked up and headed home. Colin would be waiting for her. When she got home, Colin had dinner ready and a cold craft beer opened. She was tired, her ass was sore from sitting a saddle all day, she hadn’t done that that for a while and had to get used to it again. She told Colin about her pain and he just laughed at her.
“Ok, my dear, drop your pants and I’ll rub it for you, maybe even kiss it and make it feel better.” he laughed.
“Sure you smart ass, I’m serious, my ass hurts,” she growled at him.
He was still laughing under his breath as she gave him one of her “fuck you” looks. She told him that she was going to take a shower and would be back to eat. She took her beer and went to the bathroom and decided to fill the Jacuzzi tub. When she settled down in the hot, jetted water, it felt so good. She took a long draw from the beer bottle and laid her head back and closed her eyes as the hot water swirled around her body. It felt so good.
She soaked there for about half an hour then got out and put on her short robe and went to the kitchen. Colin had made Orange Chicken, one of her favorite dishes. She took a helping and wolfed it down, she was hungrier than she thought. She finished off her beer and poured herself a glass of iced tea.
She and Colin sat and talked for over an hour about the ranch and what she had been doing all day. He told her he would like to ride with her when she did it again. She told him that it would be good experience to get to know how her new system worked and also how to get around on the ranch. He was genuinely interested in her work as she was of his. They were a good combination, kindred spirits if you will.
Colin put the dishes in the dishwasher, then led Alisha to the bedroom. He removed her robe and told her to lie down on the bed on her stomach. She really didn’t want to have sex tonight, but she wasn’t going to deny him. She felt him straddle her body and prepared to begin sex. Instead she felt him sit sitting back on her thighs and his hands massaging her back. He was talented with his hands, he made her muscles relax and worked out the knots.
He worked down to her ass and kneaded it, rubbing the soreness away. He worked on her back for over half an hour then worked her neck and shoulders, then her thighs, calves and feet. He never offered to touch her private parts, only her muscular areas. He retrieved some lavender massage oil and rubbed it into her skin while he worked the knots out of her muscles. The scent of lavender relaxed her immediately. It felt so damn good, soon she fell asleep and Colin covered her with the covers and got into the bed himself.
They slept peacefully all night. But after the rest, the morning came again and they had to pursue their careers. After the wonderful massage and a good sleep, Alisha felt great, her ass didn’t even hurt. She got up and fixed breakfast for them. They ate and went to their respective offices
It looked to Alisha that this Friday would be a fairly easy day. Bob had left for this trip with Bob Bradley, to New Mexico to buy cattle. “Buy cattle my ass,” she thought, “he’s going down there to get a piece of ass.” She laughed hoping he would have fun. All of the guys were busy out on the ranch today, so she had to go to the Coop and get a load of feed to flush the last group of cattle. She backed up to the flatbed gooseneck trailer and hooked it up and took off for town. It was going to be another beautiful day and she was really enjoying it. She thought back to last night and what Colin had done for her. He had been so sweet. He knew she was hurting and put his own desires aside to do for her. The massage he gave her absolutely was what the doctor ordered, it had loosened up those tight muscles of hers and relaxed her to the point she slept soundly all night.
She pulled up to the feed dock at the Coop. As she got out of her pickup, she saw Fred coming out to meet her. “Hi Fred, I need that last load of hi protein feed today.” she told him.
“It’s so nice to see you Alisha,” he said, “and I mean all of you. When are we going to get together again, I’ve missed that tight body of yours.”
Alisha smiled at him, “And I’ve missed that giant organ of yours too, Fred. What cha doin this afternoon, I’ve got an hour or so free about 2.”
“I can make myself free if it means being with you,” he said.
She didn’t want to spend the whole afternoon with him, but she would spend an hour getting her rocks off with him. He did know how to fuck, she’d give that to him. “Ok then, I’ll meet you at your place at about going to have to get right to it, I’ve got a meeting at 3:30.”
“I’ll take anything I can get, damn you’re a hell of a woman, Alisha,” he said.
The trailer was loaded, she had 15 tons of feed on. She told Fred, “I’ll see you at 2.” She pulled her hat down and got in her truck and took off for the ranch. When she got back to the ranch, she parked the trailer and unhooked it. She went to the shop and got a tarp and put it over the feed on the trailer, in case there might be some moisture fall. She was done for the day, except for getting worked over with that giant cock of Fred’s. She saw that her Mom was at the house so she stopped by there to have a cup of coffee with her and make sure she and David were still coming over tomorrow.
Anne was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking coffee and watching Rachael Ray on TV when Alisha came in. “Looks like you took a day off,” she teased her mom.
“Yes, I had no appointments to day so I decided to rest up for tomorrow,” she giggled.
Alisha poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down . “So, I take it you’re coming tomorrow />
“Well hell yes, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve got a free weekend, Bob told me he wouldn’t be back till Monday, so I plan of getting more sex than I can handle. I talked to Justin earlier as he rode by going to the south side of the ranch, he told me that he was looking forward to it also…..I tried to get him to come in and have a cup of coffee and a piece of me, but he declined saying he had too much to get done today.” she told Alisha.
“I guess I work him too hard,” Alisha laughed as she said it to her mom.
They heard the front door open and turned and saw it was Cody. “Good morning ladies,” she merrily said as she came in, “or should I say BITCHES….I hope the coffee is on, I need some.”
Alisha said, “it’s ready and it’s real good.”
Cody poured a cup and sat down with Alisha and Anne. “Are you two ready for tomorrow night?” she asked.
Anne looked at her and said, “Yes I am, I’ve finally found something I can share with BOTH of my daughters, or should I say, they can share with me, he he he.” she said.
“It’s going to be a lot of fun, having grown up fun with you and Alisha,” she told them. “Alisha and I have been doing this for a while, I’m so glad you’re joining our little group.” Cody told her.
“So, what are you two doing today, just hanging out or do you have something going on?” Cody asked.
Alisha told her that she had went to town and got a load of feed and really didn’t have anything else to do. She took a sip of coffee and got a devilish idea, “Are you two up for an erotic />
Cody’s eye’s lit up and Anne got a questioning look on her face. “I’m always up for something erotic,” Cody interjected. Anne said, “How erotic and exactly what do you have in mind?”
Alisha smiled, “Well, while I was at the Coop this />
Cody butted in, “You set up a date with Fred didn’t you, you slut.” She giggled as she said it.
“Well, if you’d let me finish, little I was at the Coop this morning, Fred came out and was making a pass at me, like he always does. After we talked a little while, I agreed to meet him over at his place about 2. What I have in mind, is for the three of us to show up over there and get screwed all afternoon, what do you guys think, want to give it a try?”
Cody excitedly said, “I’m in, Fred has the biggest cock and damn he knows how to use it, makes a woman moan.”
Anne was smiling, “Have you two girls been with him before?”
Alisha sipped her coffee and said, “yes we have Mom, several times. Cody is right, he knows how to make a woman feeeeeeeel really good, over and over and over and />
“I don’t know, I’ve never really been involved in this, not, hell yes, I’m in too, let’s see if we can fuck him to death,” Anne giggled.
They decided to have lunch there and go over together. They fixed a light lunch and talked and giggled while they ate, in anticipation of a fulfilling afternoon. By the time they did the dishes and put them away, it was time to leave and head over to Fred’s house. They all were giggling like a bunch of school girls as they loaded up in Alisha’s truck.
It took about 15 minutes to get to Fred’s. As they drove up, as usual, he had the garage door up and was standing outside. They could see a questioning look on his face as they drove up. They got out and Alisha said to him, “I brought along a couple of friends, I hope you don’t mind.”
Fred stood there in shock, looking at three of the most beautiful women in the area, I don’t mind, my god, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven, I can’t believe thinking about you alone, Alisha, was enough to give me a hard on all morning, but, all three of the Moore the same is a dream come on in and I’ll get us all something to just hope I live through this.”
They all went in the house and Fred poured them all a tall glass of iced tea. Alisha said to him, “Fred, I hope that you took the whole afternoon off, we’re here for the rest of the day.”
“I’ve got to make a call, and I’m free till Monday, if you all want to hang out.” he laughed. He went to the phone and told them he wouldn’t be back this afternoon. He hung up and said, “Ok, who’s first.” they all were laughing as they stood up and began to was getting his eyes full as he fumbled with his clothes also.
In a matter of seconds, they all were stripped and standing in the kitchen. The three of them went to Fred and began kissing and caressing him, causing his 11 inch cock to stand erect, at full attention. Alisha was first to drop to her knees and begin to suck his cock and squeeze his balls while Cody and Anne kissed him and nibbled on his nipples. His hands were all over their tits.
Alisha stood up and Cody took her place sucking his cock. Alisha went behind him and explored his body with her hands while he passionately kissed Anne. In a few minutes, Anne took Cody’s place, taking his balls into her mouth and gently chewing on them while jacking him off. After a little while, they all retired to Fred’s bedroom.
Cody pulled the covers back and crawled on the bed. Fred leaned down and licked her wet pussy as he slid a finger along Anne’s crack and stroked her clit. Alisha straddled Cody’s head and let her lick her for a few minutes. They all pulled Fred down on his back and Anne straddled his hard cock and slid down on it, while Alisha straddled his head facing Anne and lowered her pussy down to his lips. Cody was kissing Alisha and Anne had two fingers inside Cody’s dripping pussy. Everyone was feeling good. Taking that big hunk of a cock inside her, Anne came very quickly as did Alisha. Fred’s tongue had drifted from her pussy to her ass, driving her over the edge.
Soon behind them, Cody had an orgasm. They all dismounted Fred and Alisha laid down on her back on the big bed. Fred immediately mounted her and began desperately fucking her, she could see by the intense look on his face that he was getting close to cumming. Anne and Cody had gotten into a sixty nine position and were pleasuring each other right next to them. Alisha felt Fred push his long cock all the way into her and begin to blow his hot load of sticky white cum. The warm sensation of him ejaculating in her and watching her mom and sister, pushed her into an orgasm that tightened all the muscles in her abdomen.
Wave after wave of orgasmic explosions inside her made her buck and moan. He pulled out of her and took Anne next. She and Cody had both came and Anne had rolled over on her stomach when Fred caught her and gripped her ass. He spread his legs on both sides of her legs and inserted his cock deep into her wet pussy. She gasped as he put it all the way in. Fred started pumping her, never losing his erection. Alisha looked at him and said, “Fred, how the hell can you keep it up after cumming as much as you did.”
He looked at her and said, “I knew you were coming over and I didn’t want to miss out on any time I could have, so I took a things will keep me hard and cumming for hours.” He kept pumping Anne, pushing her to a gigantic orgasm. He asked her, “Where do you want me to deposit this load of cum />
Anne’s hands were gripping the top of the mattress and she was pushing her ass up into Fred’s cock, “Put it inside me Fred, I want to feel it coat my />
With that being said, Fred began to shoot his cream into her. She felt the warmth spreading throughout her vagina and moaned loudly.
Fred pulled out of Anne and looked around for Cody. He bent her over the bed and slipped the length of his cock into her. As he pushed it in, it brought her to her tip toes. Alisha had gone down on Anne and was sucking all the cum out of her she could get. Anne was pushing the cum out of her vagina for Alisha. When she got all she could get, she licked Anne’s pussy clean and laid back on the bed.
“Now, it’s your turn Mom, clean me up.” Anne smiled and dived into Alisha’s pussy and began sucking the cum out of her. As Alisha pushed the cum out, Anne had slipped two fingers into Alisha drawing cum out of her. When she got all she could get, she licked Alisha’s pussy clean. They finished just in time to hear Cody screaming, “GIVE ME ALL THAT BIG FUCKING ROD OF YOURS, I WANT YOUR CUM FRED, I WANT YOUR CUM ON MY FACE AND IN MY MOUTH. SHOOT OUR CUM ON ME FRED, OH FUCK I’M CUMMING, FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE.
Cody had a huge orgasm and soon after she relaxed, Fred pulled out of her and rolled her over on her back. He straddled her stomach and put his cock between her big tits and began to tit fuck, pushing his long cock into her open mouth. After a few strokes, he began to shoot his load all over her face and mouth. She was swallowing all the cum she could get. In a minute, Fred had finished cumming and got off of her.
Alisha and Anne went up on each side of Cody’s face and began licking Fred’s cum off of her and tonguing her mouth as they licked. Fred stood back and watched, his cock still rock hard. Anne had laid on top of Cody, kissing her and fondling her breasts. Cody’s ass was still on the edge of the bed. Anne had walked up and bent forward over her, kissing her and fondling her breasts.
Fred came up behind her and spread her cheeks. He placed his cock at her ass hole and began to spit down on it. He slowly pushed his cock into Anne’s ass, pumping it slowly, goin deeper with each stroke till it was all the way inside her colon. He began to fuck her steadily.
She and Cody were still kissing and fondling each other’s breasts as Alisha got down on the floor and backed up under her mom’s pussy and Fred’s probing cock. She began to lick Fred’s balls and her mom’s clit. When Fred’s cock came out, Alisha would run her tongue along the underside of it, tasting her mom on his dick. Anne began to cum and had pushed her ass up against Fred. Fred began to cum again.
He pulled out and Alisha took it in her mouth and received most of this load of hot semen. Fred pulled away from them while the three of them untangled, waiting to see who would be his next victim. Anne and Alisha backed off and sat down in chairs, watching. Cody had rolled over on her back and spread her legs wide saying, “Come on big boy, you’re needed here.” Fred walked up to her and put it in. Cody wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled his torso down on top of her. She was kissing him as he plunged deep into her, feeling her push her pussy to him, wanting it all. Within minutes the two of them were moaning and groaning, cumming in unison.
When he finished filling her vagina, he pulled out and laid back on the bed, his cock going flaccid. They all knew that they had completely worn him out, Fred had shot his last load for today.
The three of them worked franticly trying to revive his dead cock, but to no avail. Alisha tried every trick in the book to get his cock hard again, but couldn’t. The three Moore women, all cleaned themselves up and left. Fred just told them bye, but couldn’t get up to see them out. As they drove away Anne said, “We took all the piss and vinegar out of poor old Fred, didn’t we?”
The three of them laughed all the way back over to Anne’s house. When they got there, Alisha and Cody decided to go up and take showers to make sure their afternoon romp wasn’t detected by their fiance’s. Fred had just done all three of the hottest women in Alamosa, or had they done him.
Tomorrow night was in all their minds as Cody and Alisha traveled to their respective homes. Anne cleaned up and got ready for David to come over. She thought it best to not tell him about the afternoon fling either.
Alisha got home and Colin had not yet arrived. She had stopped at KFC and brought chicken home for dinner. She went to the bedroom and changed into a sheer tank and her silk jogging shorts. It was very comfortable and she wanted to be ready just in case Colin wanted her. She was amazed how horny she still was. After the fucking that Fred had given all of them, a normal woman would be more than satisfied and not want any more sex for a few days, but she still wanted more dick. She wondered what is the matter with her, her obsession with cock was consuming her, she just never seemed to get enough, she always wanted more. She heard Colin driving in so she went to the kitchen to get him a beer from the frig. She arrived at the front door just as Colin opened it. Much to her surprise, he had someone with him, a tall good looking man about 40 years old.
“You didn’t tell me anyone was coming home with you this evening darling.” she said handing him a beer.
“I’m sorry Alisha, this is Howard Simms, a customer from over in the 4 corners area.” he told her. “I we ran a little late this evening, so I invited him to stay here />
“Nice to meet you Howard,” Alisha said, “I really wasn’t expecting company, I kind of dressed down to relax.”
He was looking at her and getting his eyes full, ok, Alisha, I don’t mind, at all.”
Colin led the way to the bar and asked him if he wanted anything. He told him beer was fine. They all sat at the bar and talked for a while. Alisha told them that she had picked up KFC, she would have cooked if she’d known Colin was bringing company.
Howard said, “That will do just fine for me, I don’t need much. She brought it to the bar and they all helped themselves. While she ate, she noticed that Howard kept looking at her tits and ass when he thought she wasn’t looking.
“And what are you doing here, Howard, getting a new vehicle?” Alisha asked.
“No, Alisha, I’m here to buy a fleet of 75 vehicles, I wanted to deal with the owner directly on this deal and we’re pretty close to making a deal. That’s why I’m here so late.” Howard told her. “Colin said that you were half owner and you would have the final say over the final deal and I must say you are a very, very beautiful woman, Alisha.”
“Well thank you Howard. And just where are we on this she said rather sarcastically.
Colin said, “Well Alisha, my last offer to him was 1.25 million and he is offering me 1.1 million. We’re 150.000 apart.”
Alisha smiled at Howard, “So, that’s not very far apart, surely you guys could make a deal.”
Colin said to her, stuck, neither of us will budge, so, I thought you could settle it for me, kind of like you closed the deal on the dealership down in New Mexico.”
Just then she figured out what he was doing, he wanted her to fuck this customer and get him to pay the 1.25M. She thought to herself, “I’ll bet I can get 1.4 out of this guy. Mmmmm, ok.”
“Alisha got up and moved to the chair next to Howard. “Well Howard, when Colin has a problem closing a deal, he brings the deal to the closer around here. Now what do you think, do you want to pay 1.25M to Colin or pay 1.4M to me?”
She had leaned forward a little and put her hand on his shoulder while she was making the offer to Howard and he was taking in every bit of the cleavage she was showing him.
“And just why would I pay you 1.4M when Colin is offering the vehicles at 1.25M.” he asked her as he put his hand on her thigh.
Alisha knew she had him. “Because, with Colin’s deal, you don’t get anything but the my deal you get all of this, all night.” she said standing and holding her arms out.
Howard almost choked on his chicken as he fearfully looked over at Colin, wondering what his reaction was. Colin was leaning on the bar smiling, “Are you interested Howard?” he said.
Howard sat there looking at Alisha, his eyes checking her out from top to bottom and a thin smile on his face.
Alisha was still standing, showing herself off to him. She could see Colin behind Howard, smiling and winking at her. Alisha reached down and grasped the bottom of the tank and pulled it over her head and tossed it onto her barstool. “Maybe I’ll sweeten the offer a little.” she said as he gazed at her beautiful big breasts.
“Damn, Alisha, you are driving a hard bargain, I just don’t know what to all do I get with your offer?” he said lustily looking at her.
“Well Howard, I guess you would get all of this that you want till sunrise.” she said as she pulled her shorts to her knees and kicked them away sanding there bare ass naked.
Howard looked over at Colin, “I’ll take the deal for 1.4M Colin, and know that it is the absolutely best deal on the table.”
Colin shook hands with Howard as Alisha moved up close to Howard and put her arms around his neck. Colin opened his briefcase and pulled out the contract, got a pen from his pocket and put in the figures. He pushed it over to Howard for him to sign. Howard took the pen, read the amounts and signed it.
“Now, where do we culminate this deal?” he asked. Alisha took him by the hand and led him down the hall to the first guest room. She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers off of it. She then walked over to him and removed his pants and shirt. She went down on her knees and pulled his boxers to his ankles and he kicked them away. He had a nice cock about 6 inches long and it looked to be about 4 inches in circumference. She took him in her mouth and began to suck his cock. She held him by his balls and licked it like a popsicle, keeping eye contact with Howard.
She could tell that he was very excited and just moments away from cumming. She took him down her throat and squeezed his balls instantly shot his hot load into her mouth. It wasn’t a big orgasm, so she was able to hold it all in her mouth. She removed his cock from her mouth and opened it so he could see his cream lying on her tongue. She closed her mouth and swallowed, opening it up for his inspection.
Evidently, no one had ever done that for him before and he was smiling very wide and pulling her to her feet. He led her to the bed and as she lay down, he went down on her and ate her pussy like he was starving. Alisha was feeling good and running like a river. She scooted up into the middle of the bed and held her arms out for him to come to her.
He crawled on top of her and she felt his cock penetrate her wet cunt. She had her legs spread as wide as she could and her arms were wrapped around him pulling him to her. She wrapped her legs around his ass and began thrusting her pelvis into him.
They fucked hard, locked together, for the next hour. Howard kept looking at her telling her how beautiful she was and what a great piece of ass she was. She kept telling him he was a real stud and his cock felt great buried deep inside her. Alisha experienced 4 orgasms during that hour, each time clamping down hard on his cock and driving him crazy with her super tight pussy.
Howard pushed as deep into her as he could as he began a long, very wet orgasm. He was cumming very hard, his strong streams of semen were spraying all over her insides. He had filled her vagina and cum was running out of her pussy and down her ass. He had collapsed on top of her as his cock continued to deliver the gobs of thick juice into her.
When he finished he rolled over on his back. Alisha laid over on him and kissed him. Then she got a huge said, “ Alisha, bring that beautiful bare pussy of yours up here to my mouth, I want to suck my cum out of you.”
Alisha immediately complied with his wishes. She straddled his neck, her ass sitting on the top of his scooted her pussy to his lips and he began to lick her clit and run his tongue up into her vagina. He sucked his cum out of her and swallowed it all. Alisha was cumming again and giving him a little squirt to go along with it. He gulped it all down as fast as she gave it to him. He put his hands on her ass and lifted her slightly while he licked the remnants of his cum from her puffy outer lips. When he finished she laid down beside him, then rolled onto her side, up next him and lay her leg across his wet cock and her head on his chest. He started rubbing the side of her breast as they lay there recuperating.
Both of them drifted off to sleep and slept for maybe 2 hours. Alisha had rolled over on her other side and Howard had moved up to her back, in a typical spoon position. Alisha was awakened by the feel of his dick entering her ass. It felt good and she didn’t move, she just let him continue to penetrate her. One of his arms was under her neck and his hand was squeezing her boob. The other arm was across her hip, his fingers rubbing her clitoris. It felt really good, he definitely knew how to fuck a woman and make her feel good. He fucked her this way for quite some time, kissing her on the back of the neck. Alisha came two times while he continued to pump her. An hour and a half later, she felt him spurting hot cum deep into her bowels. When he finished, he just laid there, his cock still buried in her ass. He was pinching her nipples and caressing her tits. She pulled off of him and rolled over and faced him. They kissed deeply and held each other close. His cock began to harden again. It was between her legs, sliding along her sopping wet crack, rubbing her clitoris. He continued to fuck her crack, slowly pushing her to orgasm two more times. In a few minutes she felt him shoot a load between her outer lips. It was hot and she felt it run across her ass cheek.
The two of them fucked and ate each other till the sun came up and illuminated the room. Alisha was exhausted as was Howard. Before she left the room, she gave him one last blow job and swallowed it all. He told her, “Thank you Alisha, I think you’re the most beautiful women in Colorado and the best fuck any man could ever hope for. I’ll be dealing with you again when I trade like your style of />
She smiled as she left the room and told him, “I’ll make breakfast in an hour, if you’re up for it.”
He told her he wouldn’t be late.
Alisha was up and around, very happy and chipper. She was preparing breakfast when Howard came into the kitchen. He sat down and took a long look at what he had fucked all had been well worth the $150.000 dollars he had paid for the privilege. No woman had ever made him feel as good as she had. He’d pay another $150,000 to have another night with her, hell, it was only corporation money he was spending, he could write it all off.
“Alisha, I have to tell you, I had a wonderful time last night and I want to do it again sometime. I will keep the image of your naked body in my mind forever. You are a beautiful woman with the body of a is a lucky man to be able to have you whenever he be buying all my vehicles from you in the future.” ‘Howard said to her.
too kind Howard, I just love to fuck, especially when it’s a handsome, virile man like you. I’ll be looking forward to another night of pleasure with some coffee?” Alisha asked him.
“Sure, black is fine,” he said as Colin came into the kitchen.
“How are you feeling this morning, Howard?” Colin asked him.
be better, Colin, had a wonderful time last night, I’ll never be the same. I think I’d like to steal her from you, I know that for sure.” he told Colin.
Alisha served breakfast and sat down to eat. They all talked about business. Colin told Howard about Alisha’s ranch and her other business interests, plus the fact she would receive her PhD late in the summer. “She is a very versatile woman, and did I tell you, we are to be married a week from today.”
“Colin, you’re a lucky guy, she is definitely an asset to have. I think the two of you will be an unstoppable combination in business. They finished breakfast and Howard told Colin he needed to get going. “You can bet that I’ll be back to do a lot more business with you, I really like your sales staff,” he was laughing as he said it.
Colin told Alisha he would be back by noon and that if she needed him to pick up anything, just call.
Alisha had a lot of things to get done. She needed to change the sheets in the guest bedroom and clean house. She was glad she was not having to prepare dinner this evening, she had a lot to get done today. She put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen. She got a few things out of the freezer to make snacks for tonight then went about gathering the laundry.
She has an appointment with Mike Hockman this morning. He is a landscaper that she is hiring to do the yards around the house. The weather is beginning to warm up. She wants to get the landscaping done and finish off her new home and make it a real show place. The house is a little over 6,000 square feet living space, with an additional three car garage, a deck and flagstone patio. She is having a pool and hot tub installed and she is having a shooting range put in around back of the house. One of her favorite pastimes is shooting and she is putting in a range with electronically controlled targets, all integrated into the landscaping. Way out back on the other side of the house, she is having a tall hedge put in to block the view of a kennel and shelters for any she may want to keep. There will be a small building out there for storage for feed and other activities. She has drawn up a general diagram of what she wants and will explain it to Mike when he arrives. Hopefully, it will be completed by the time she gets back from their honeymoon or soon thereafter.
The day passes quickly. Colin came home at noon and has helped her get ready for the activities this evening. Mike arrived just after Colin got home. She explained her landscape diagram to him with a few changes that Colin wanted done. He told them he could get it done within a couple of weeks and would get started on Monday. Alisha still needed to get hold of the paving people and get the lane and parking in front of the house paved. That couldn’t be done for a while yet, the weather had to warm up a lot more first.
She went to the kitchen and prepared some snacks and Colin went to the liquor store to replenish the supplies in the bar. Alisha told everyone to arrive about 7 so they could have drinks and some snacks. She told everyone to dress down, as she wanted them to all undress when they arrive. She has turned the heat up some so everyone will be comfortable with nothing on. This should put everyone at ease right from the start, after all, they’d all soon be naked anyway. Everything is ready so Alisha and Colin go get ready for their guests to arrive.
Colin and Alisha have everything ready for the evening. They come out of their bedroom naked and go to the bar and get a drink. The door bell rings so Alisha goes to answer it. She checks throught the peep hole, to make sure that it’s not someone not invited, then opens the door for Cody and Justin. Justin squeezes her tit softly as he comes in, then kisses her on the cheek. She takes his hand and leads them to her bedroom so they can disrobe. “When you guys get naked, join us at the bar, what do you want to drink?” she asks.
Cody wants Patron and Justin wants Jack Daniels on the rocks. She goes back to the bar and tells Colin what they want to drink, when the doorbell rings again. Alisha goes to the front door, peeps out and opens it for David and Anne. David smiles wide when he sees Alisha is naked. She steps up to him and kisses him then gives her Mom a hug. She takes them to her bedroom for them to strip. “Ok, get naked then come to the bar, what would you guys like to drink?”
Anne told her that she would like white wine and David told her Crown and Coke. As they started to take their clothes off, she went to the bar and joined the rest. “David and Mom want a Crown and Coke and a white wine.” she tells Colin.
In a few minutes Anne and David come to the bar. This is the first time that David has met Cody. He is really enjoying looking at her. Colin comes around the bar and says, “Ok girls, I want you all to stand here next to each other.” The three of them giggled and stood next to each other. Colin said, “Look at that guys, put a bag over their heads and you can’t tell them almost identical.
The girls were giggling as the guys were checking them of them had erections so the girls whispered to each other and each picked out a guy and went down and began giving him a blow job. Alisha had Justin, Cody had David and Anne had Colin. All the men were enjoying what they were getting while they continued sipping their drinks. David blew his load in Cody’s mouth rather quickly. She did good, not losing a drop of that wonderful treat. She licked him clean and stood up and kissed him, leading him out of the room to a bedroom.
Justin shot his load down Alisha’s throat and into her stomach. She had deep throated him when he went off. When Alisha felt what was happening she grabbed his ass cheeks and held him deep down her throat and let him cum. She stood up and led him out of the room to a bedroom.
Anne had been deep throating Colin and then sucking on his balls. She took him all the way down and slid her finger up his ass. It was more than Colin could handle, he started cumming in her mouth, she swallowed most of it, but some ran out around his cock and dripped on her tits. She cleaned him with her tongue, then wiped up the sperm on her tits with her fingers and licked it off. Colin took her hand and kissed her then took her to another bedroom.
In all the rooms there was moaning and groaning and the sounds of people fucking. Periodically, they would go back to the bar, get a drink and take off with a different partner. Justin and Colin double penetrated Anne while she sucked David.
Alisha and Cody had paired up in a sixty nine on the couch in the play room, David and Justin doubled on Alisha while she sucked Colin then David and Colin doubled on Cody while she sucked Justin off.
They all played till almost 3 am. That’s when everyone began to wear down and needed sleep. No one had paired up with their partner all night, except when the gal was getting dp’d. When they decided to go to sleep, no one slept with their partner.
In the morning, Alisha was the first to wake, as usual. She rolled over and took David’s cock in her hand and began to stroke it. When he got hard she went down and sucked his cock till he woke up. When he woke up, he was smiling and told her that that was the best wake up he had ever had. Alisha had him move down further in the bed and she straddled his face and went back to sucking his cock while he ate her out.
Similar things were going on in the other rooms. Colin was on top of Cody banging her brains out and Justin had Anne in a doggie position fucking her in her pussy and in the ass. The sex continued until well after noon. After a while, everyone was in the bar having a drink. Alisha told them she would fix lunch if anyone was hungry, Anne and Cody offered to help, so they went to the kitchen and fixed lunch. The guys all took a shower while the girls did the meal. As the women finished doing their part of the meal, they went to shower and douche also. Everyone had gotten cleaned up and came to the kitchen to have lunch.
It was a rather unique lunch, everyone naked, laughing and recounting the events of last night. All of us had a great time, a little perverted maybe, but it was satisfying and pleasurable for everyone. Alisha sits and thinks, I’ll be married this time next week, I can’t wait, I’m so ready. When lunch was finished and the dishes done, everyone went their separate ways.
Alisha and Colin sat out on the patio with a cold glass of iced tea and talked. She looked directly at him and asked, “Colin, are you absolutely sure you want to marry me, do you have any reservations, if so, I need to know right now. For some reason, I’m feeling really insecure right now.”
Colin got up and took her by the hands and pulled her to her feet. He looked deep in her eyes as he held her close and said, “Yes, I’m absolutely sure I want to marry you and I have no reservations at all about it. You and I are so very compatible. We think alike, we like to do the same things. We’re not concerned if the other fucks someone else, we know we love each other above everything else and that no one can come between absolutely sure.”
Alisha pulled him close and hugged him tightly. She felt so secure with Colin and knew nothing could ever come between them. They went back to bed and made love, slowly and sincerely then fell asleep. They awoke at around 4 and lounged around watching TV till later that night. Tomorrow is another work day, they needed the rest after last night.
story by: glyn613
Tags: fiction blowjob male/female cum swallowing anal threesome incest oral sex sex story
Author: glyn613
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