Chapter Two
Mr. Forester paced in front of the class as Kyle fought sleep. This class always bored him. “For your assignment, I want you to pick one of the writings of Shakespeare and write a short story that is a modern day version of the writing. My personal favorites are MacBeth and Hamlet.”
As the bell rang, he quickly gathered his things. His friend, Jordan, approached him. “Hey, Kyle. How come we never see you with any girls?”
“I have been busy, Jordan.”
“I heard that you and Michelle broke up.”
“Yeah. I just think I will stay single for a while.”
“What about Katie?”
He froze, not wanting to turn and look at Jordan. “Katie has nothing to do with this,” he told Jordan.
“Michelle said that's the name you yelled during sex. Kyle, hanging out with her so much is going to make people get the wrong idea.”
Kyle rounded on his friend. He wanted to hit him, but knew that the action would only cause more problems. “You keep my twin sister's name out of your mouth! Michelle is a selfish, conceited bitch! Leave my family and I alone!”
As he stormed out of the class room, his blood was boiling. The second he saw Katie leaning against his car, though, everything seemed better. She was wearing her tiny green t-shirt that showed a lot of her flat abdomen, and her low riding jeans looked as if they were painted on. She was Aphrodite in mortal form. “So, to the picture store?” she asked as they slipped into his car.
“Yeah. Let's go.”
The picture store was nice. The lady behind the counter showed them several package options. So as they browsed the options, she looked up at them. “So, tell me about the two of you,” she said.
Katie squeezed his hand. “We just started our romantic relationship, so we figured that we should get our pictures made.”
The lady smiled. “It's always nice to see young /> They followed her to the back and posed for several pictures. Once they were done, they went to view the pictures on the computer. Katie's favorite was one of him hold her from behind as she looked up into his eyes. Kyle's favorite was one of them kissing in a spring meadow. They ordered both two 8'' by 10'' pictures. Once they were done, they got their pictures and left.
Katie looked at her picture the entire way home. “You can tell how much we love each other,” she said as she ran her fingers over the picture.
“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
She smiled. /> Suddenly, a sharp pain racked his skull. Kyle was glad that they had pulled into their drive way. He groaned as the pain went on. “Are you okay?” Katie asked as she rubbed his back.
“Yeah. Just go inside. I will be in after a couple of /> Once she was out of the car, he breathed deeply. This was his second terrible headache in a week. With a sigh, he brushed it off and got out of the car. He didn't want to worry her too much.
Katie smiled as she walked into her brother's room. As she slid under his covers, he turned to face her. He looked so tired. she said, and then kissed him softly.
Kyle smiled. “You should be in bed. You have a big game /> “I had to come see you. Something is wrong with you.”
Hey smirked. “I am fine, Katie. I am just tired. It has been a long week.”
“You are lying. Tell me the truth.”
He sighed heavily, and she knew that he was keeping something from her. The moment he kissed her, though, her thought became jumbled. He pulled her close as he pulled off her shirt, the only garment covering her naked form. Katie palmed his cock, stroking it gently as he kiss her neck and kneaded her breast.
Suddenly, he brought her leg up over his and guided himself deep into her. She sighed as her cunt stretched around him, and moaned as hips moved gently. What she thought would be soft and romantic, though, quickly became passionate and hard. He thrust deep and fast, ramming into her. She bit her lip to keep from waking their parents, loving the force with which his hips met hers. Her orgasm was almost instantaneous. She moaned softly as she came, enveloping his cock with her sweet juice.
Kyle flipped her onto her back and began pounding into her. He thrust faster and faster, seeming to ram in deeper than ever. Orgasm after orgasm rolled through Katie. Then he raised her hips and came hard, spilling his seed inside her, the heat coating the walls of her sex. “I love you,” he said, holding himself there.
“I love you too,” she said breathlessly.
“No matter what happens to either of us, this love will be our greatest memory. I could never love anyone more than I love you.”
She smiled. “Same here, />
Chapter Three
One Month Later
Her stomach felt twisted as Katie knelt over the toilet for the eighth morning in a row. She cried as she puked. Then smiled when a gentle hand rubbed her back. She was surprised to look over and see her mother. “Are you okay?” her mother asked in her sweet voice.
“No. I feel terrible. I am puking and peeing like crazy, and I feel like I am on my period. This sucks.”
The look on the woman's face could have killed if it were lethal. “Who have you been with?”
“What? No one, Mom.”
“Have you been having sex?”
She rolled her eyes. “What? Are you insane?”
“Stay here. I am going to call the doctor. Your brother can take you.”
Katie sat on the toilet as her mother stormed out of her bathroom. In her mind, she knew what was happening. Her mother's questioning had pieced it all together. But this couldn't happen. She cried. And when Kyle came in to get her, she didn't even want to look at him.
On the way to the doctor's office, she looked out the window. Her mind was spinning. By the time the doctor had ran his tests, she knew that he would confirm her fears. She held Kyle's hand and cried as they waited in the examination room.
He kissed her cheek. “It will be okay.”
“But what if I have a baby with down syndrome or /> “That isn't a guarantee.”
She wiped her tears. “I need you now more than ever, Kyle. This isn't going to be easy.”
He nodded, and then kissed her hand. “I will stay by your side, no matter what.”
When the doctor entered, he sat down and looked at Katie. “Ms. Hunt, you are two weeks pregnant. I will guess your due date at about January 9th, 2012.”
She nodded, refusing to cry. Whatever was going to happen would happen. She loved Kyle, and would love their child. Any future that included Kyle was fine with her.
Their mother hadn't been happy about discovering that Katie was pregnant. Softball was now a distant dream. She wouldn't be able to finish the season. That also meant that no scouts would see her for college. She laid in her room and cried as she realized that her mother would keep her from leaving the house for the next 9 months. But at least she had Kyle. He was happy about the two of them having a child. It was a living testament of their love.
She was drifting to sleep when she heard him walk into her room. Part of her wanted to turn around, but she was too tired. She slid under her covers and held her in his arms. “It will be okay. You worry too much.”
“Mom hates me.”
“She will get over it.”
“But I can never tell her that you are the father. She would kick both of us out.”
“We don't have to tell her. You and I will know. That is what /> Katie turned and face him. Their foreheads rested on each others. “So, what will we name it if we have a girl?” she asked.
“Anastasia Marie Hunt,” Kyle said proudly.
“You had that picked out already,” she said, giggling happily.
“Yeah. It's the perfect name for our little /> “And if it's a prince, we will name him Cory Alexander Hunt.”
“My middle name? I hate that name.”
“Too bad. Because he will be just like you.”
Kyle smiled and kissed her soft lips. Their kiss went on longer, seeming as if it would never end. She ran her tongue over the roof of his mouth, moaning softly as his finger tips ran up her side. “I love you,” she whispered.
“And I love you. No matter how many times I say it, I still feel the same way as I did the first time.”
“So you don't think it's weird that we're having a child /> “No. I think it would seem strange to others, but this is all about you and I. We are in love, and no one else matters. To us, this is /> She looked into his eyes. Inside, there was so much that she wanted to say. Kyle already kew every thought in her mind, though. It was the benefit of being a twin. “Will you always love me? If we have this child, will you stay with me?”
“Of course. And on our eighteenth birthday, you and I can disappear together. We only have a couple more months of high school.”
Katie kissed him. “I just don't want you to think that I am intentionally keeping you from living your life.”
“I could never live a life apart from you.”
They held each other as they laid there. The world melted away until it was just the two of them. Then morning came, and they would have to act normal again. It would always be an endless lie to their friends and family.
Kyle yawned as he stretched out on the couch. Katie and Stephanie, the new girl, were hanging out at Stephanie's house. He was actually surprised that his mother had let her go. Then again, another girl couldn't do her much harm. “How are you?” his mother asked as she and his father entered the living room.
“I am good. A little tired. I haven't been sleeping well.”
“Spending too much time with your sister. You need to distance yourself. That girl got herself in this situation.”
Kyle looked at his father. “What are you saying?”
“I am saying that there are rumors going on around town. People say that Katie has never dated. They think you're the father. I know you better than that, though. You need to meet a nice girl and form a /> He nodded. right, Dad. Well, I will see you guys later. I need to go pick up Katie. Maybe I will see if she has any cute /> As he left the house, his head pounded. He groaned as another headache hit him full force. Instead of letting it affect him, though, he drove to Stephanie's house. He had to see Katie.
Kyle groaned as he knocked on Stephanie's front door again. Finally, it opened, and Stephanie's father stood there. “Can I help you?” the middle-aged man asked.
“I am Katie's brother. Is she here?”
“Yeah. She's in Stephanie's room. Up stairs and first door on your right.”
He stepped aside, and Kyle entered. As he ascended the stairs, he heard his sister and her friend giggling. So he entered the room and smiled. They were laying on Stephanie's bed in their t-shirts and panties looking through porn. “I like that one,” Stephanie said.
“My boyfriend and I did that position,” Katie said.
He looked over their shoulders. It was the position they had made love in whwn she came to his room. He smiled. “You two supposed to be looking at porn?”
The girls jumped. “Jeez, Kyle,” Katie said.
“Sorry, Sis. I had to get out of the house for a minute. What's up?”
“We were just /> “Yeah. I guess most teenage girls look at porn /> Stephanie blushed. Then she stood up in her tiny t-shirt and panties. “I'll be right back. I have to use the rest room.”
Once she was in her bathroom, Kyle climbed onto the bed and began kissing Katie. He pulled her close and rubbed her crotch with his free hand as the other ran through her soft hair. She moaned softly. Then they looked toward the bathroom door. It was wide open. Stephanie blushed as she stepped out. “You were watching us,” Katie said, jumping up.
“No. Please, I didn't mean to trick you. I just had to know.”
“Now you do! I fuck Kyle! I am in love with him!”
Stephanie just stood there, looking like she might cry. “Please, don't leave. I won't tell.”
Kyle said, “she can help us.”
Katie gave him a confused look. “What? /> “Yeah. People are catching on to us, Katie. If I am dating Stephanie, you can get through the pregnancy without /> Katie looked at Stephanie. She knew that the girl wouldn't risk losing her friend. “Would you do it, Steph?”
Stephanie nodded. “I'll do it. I like you guys. You're perfect together. I knew you two were more than twins the first moment I met you.”
Kyle smiled. “Then it's settled. We'll go to the movies this weekend to throw everyone off. People from school will see us together.”
story by: simon461
Author: simon461
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