My date?s daughter

sex stories

Fbailey story number 580

My Date’s Daughter

I had finally decided to ask Linda to go out with me. We had worked together for a few months and several of the other guys had tried to go out with her but had struck out. Word had it that she was a lesbian, but a couple of the girls said that they had struck out too. I have no idea why she said yes to me but I wasn’t going to complain.

She told me to pick her up at her apartment at seven o’clock on Friday evening and not to be late.

I arrived a few minutes early and was greeted at the door by a very pretty and very sexy young lady. She introduced herself as Linda’s daughter Suzy. Suzy was about to turn thirteen and was highly energetic. She talked fast and she stood still.

Linda called out that she had just gotten out of the shower and that she would be a few more minutes. Suzy asked me if I wanted to see her bedroom so I followed her down the hallway. As we passed Linda’s bedroom the door was partially open and when I looked in I saw Linda leaned over drying her hair with a big bath towel. She could not see me so I stopped to admire her nude form. Leaned over like that her breasts hung down nicely. They took on a tear drop shape with her long dark nipples pointing directly at the floor. They shook wildly as she rubbed her hair vigorously.

Suzy caught my attention and whispered, “Her tits are too soft like jelly, mine are firm. Want to see?”

Before I could answer Suzy had lifted her T-shirt up over her head and removed it. I must admit that her B-cup breasts were definitely firmer than her mother’s D-cup breasts. However, she was way too young for me, where Linda was just right…in the age department that is.

I followed Suzy to her bedroom and listened as she pointed at the posters on her walls and explained to me who they were.

Linda walked in on us and said, “Suzy why are you />
Suzy replied, “Because you were. He was watching you through your open door and he liked your big saggy tits so I thought that I would show him my firm tits.”

I figured that I was in trouble but instead Linda asked, “So who’s tits do you like best?” In a moment she added, “You can feel them if you want too.” Then Linda removed her blouse and bra and stood next to her daughter.

I looked at the twelve-year-old and I looked at the then I reached out to fondle them both. They smiled as I held a breast and flicked my thumb across their nipples. They both got excited.

Linda asked, “Do you still want to go out or would you prefer playing with us all night long?”

There was no discussion to be made, of course I wanted to play with them both all night long and all weekend long too. I said, “I would love to stay here and play with you two all weekend long if I may.”

Suzy replied, “You may.”

Linda said, “Well I guess I had better get out of these clothes then. Want to watch me />
Suzy said, “He has already seen you naked. It’s my turn. I get to go first.”

Linda just smiled at her daughter then stood next me so that we could watch Suzy remove her shoes, blue jeans, and panties. Suzy stood before us in all her natural glory. Her B-cup breasts stood out proudly, her rounded belly looked very girlish, and her pubic mound had just enough peach fuzz on it to look wonderful. Her little slit was pressed together by her legs compressing her outer pussy lips. Her feet were together and her shoulders were back. She was standing tall and proud as I looked her over.

Suzy said, “I picked you out.”

I looked at her then I looked at Linda. Linda said, “Yes, she did. I let her come to work one day after school and you were the only man that she took a liking too. Apparently you smiled at her and held the door for her to come in. She though that you were nice. All I had to do was wait until you asked me out.”

Suzy added, “And it took you more than a month.”

I said, “Hey it’s not my fault. You see every guy that I work with has tried to get your mother to go out with him. Word had it that she was a lesbian but two of the girls that we work with got shot down too. I was scared to ask her. I think I finally did out of />
Linda looked at me and said, />
I think I blushed then I said, “What I meant to say was that I wanted to go out with you so bad that I just could not stand it another day and I had to ask you out. In fact I could not believe that you said yes. Then I wondered what was so special about me that made you say yes.”

Suzy said, “Now you />
We then followed Linda to her bedroom and Suzy stood next to me as we watched her mother remove her shoes, skirt, and panties to stand before us.

Now I had seen Linda from the side bent over drying her hair but now she was standing up straight. Her breasts sagged slightly under their massive weight. I had been wrong they were Double D’s. Her nipples were fatter than I had seen on women in the past and her areolas were wider too, perhaps as much as three inches in diameter. Her shoulders were back, her tummy was taunt, and her pussy was shaved bare. It was a fresh job too.

She noticed me looking at her pussy and said, “I shaved just for you. I hope you like it.”

As I looked at it I knew I wanted to put my cock in it but I said, “It looks good enough to eat.”

Suzy said, “It is.”

Linda snapped, “You didn’t have to tell him that.”

Suzy replied, “But when the three of us are in bed together he’ll know. Won’t he?”

I just smiled at the precocious little girl.

Linda took in a deep breath and said, “Well now that the cat is out of the bag, Suzy and I have been lovers for about a year now and it was her idea to invite a man to join us in bed for a threesome. She wants to feel a stiff cock in her virgin pussy instead of just my tongue and our sex toys. I wouldn’t mind a good stiff cock either. Won’t you please join us in bed?”

Suzy added, you, please?”

What could I say other than, and then start taking my clothes off. Both women seemed to enjoy it when I lowered my underwear to reveal my cock. It was only your average cock but to Linda it was a welcome sight and to Suzy it was absolutely amazing. She had never seen an adult cock before. Apparently she had seen a few that were attached to boys her age because she had been giving them blowjobs. Suzy was certainly into oral sex whether it was giving or receiving.

Linda confessed to sharing her bed with Suzy’s girlfriends whenever they would sleep over. She liked sex a lot but the only thing that was available lately was sex with little girls so she took what she could get. She was looking forward to having sex with me and I with her.

I asked, “Who wants to be first?”

Suzy looked at her mother and asked, “Can I go first?”

Linda smiled and said, “Yes, Dear, you can go first. We both know that it will fit but you will love the feel, I promise you.”

Suzy took my hand and led me to the bed. She climbed up onto it and opened her legs for up. Then she asked, “Mommy will you get me wet enough, please?” Linda got in between us and applied mouth to pussy lubrication. Quicker than I thought she backed off and pushed on my ass to get in there closer.

When I looked down I could hardly believe the moisture that had been applied. My cock practically slipped inside. Once the head was tucked in there nicely I looked into Suzy’s face and found her smiling up at me. As I slowly pushed it in, her smile got bigger and bigger. When I was fully into her love opening she closed her eyes and whispered, “Thank you. That feels />
Together we enjoyed each other for several minutes. I tried to prolong the wonderful feeling and Suzy herself tried too. Neither one of us wanted our closeness to end. However, like they say, all good thing must come to an end. I thrust into her more savagely than I had in the past fifteen minutes. She took it all and came back for more. I hit her cervix a few times right at the end and felt her flinch and tighten up her vaginal muscles clamping down on my cock. Then together we climaxed. As she was rolling through her orgasm I was pumping spurt after spurt of my cum into her depths. I didn’t want to collapse on her tiny body so I rolled ever so slightly to one side, taking her with me. As I caught my breath Suzy kissed me and thanked me for making her a woman. I told her that it was all my pleasure and I meant it too.

After a good cuddle Suzy rolled onto her back and let her mother get to her pussy. I fell asleep and when I woke up Suzy was cuddled back into my arms and asleep too.

Linda popped her head into the room and smiled at me. She walked over and kissed me on the lips. Then she whispered, “You were fantastic. She fell asleep while I was eating her pussy and that was not the first time that that has happened either. But never that quickly. Thanks to you, she was completely />
Again I said, “My />
So as not to wake my little Sleeping Beauty, Linda covered us and I fell back to sleep.

We woke up at six in the morning quite refreshed. I could not believe that we had gotten close to nine hours sleep. Suzy kissed me and said, “Thank you for last night. Now you need to give Mommy the same pleasure. You just have too.”

We found Linda sleeping in Suzy’s bed so we went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. Together we woke Linda up and served her breakfast in bed. She smiled and told us that it had been years since anyone had given her breakfast in bed. I looked at her big beautiful breasts hanging over the covers that she had pulled up and tucked under them and then I smiled. Linda looked down and smiled back at me. She knew that her breasts were superb and she was glad that I though so too.

After she had started eating her breakfast, Suzy and I got our trays and joined Linda. After we had finished the trays hit the floor and my cock hit her pussy. It wasn’t exactly like that it certainly wasn’t that quick either.

What really happened was that I licked Linda’s pussy until it was dripping wet from her two orgasms. Then I slipped my cock into her and it felt so unbelievably tight that I felt like I was in heaven. That was when Linda told me that she had to pee really badly. Her bladder was full, that’s what made it so tight. I thought about letting her up to go to the bathroom but then I remember her holding it until I had given her two orgasms, so I thought that she could hold it a few more minutes. Just as soon as I had finished cumming in her she pushed me off and ran like hell for the toilet. Suzy and I were hot on her heels. She didn’t quite make it. There was about a ten-foot piss trail from the hall into the bathroom, stopping at her feet. We laughed but Suzy grabbed a towel, threw it on the floor, and used her feet to sop up the mess.

Linda said, “This is />
I said, worry about it. I loved it. I have always wanted to watch a woman pee.”

Linda asked, “Why didn’t you let me up when I asked?”

I laughed and told her, “Because I gave you two orgasms and it was my turn to get my rocks off.”

Suzy said, only fair. How come you didn’t asked him to stop when it was your turn?”

Linda laughed and said, “Because it felt so good.”

We all laughed. However, every time that one of them had to pee that day they came and got me first. That Saturday was a very long, long day for me. Those two women fucked me to death. I was rode hard and put away wet. I figured that I passed out somewhere around ten o’clock that evening.

I awoke Sunday morning early and found the two women cuddled up together in Suzy’s bed. I had my morning wood so I rolled Suzy over and fucked her from behind, face down. After the first full stroke she looked back at me and said, “I have to pee.” I told her to hold it like her mother had. She did but then she ran for the bathroom right afterwards too, however she made it and pissed in the toilet.

The women were a little gentler with me. I think they had finally gotten their fill of my cock. Either way I was happy. I had never screwed two women for an entire weekend before. Hell, I had never screwed two women together before either. I certainly had never screwed a mother and a daughter before. Hell, I had never screwed a twelve-year-old either. That weekend had filled in a lot of />
Monday morning we dropped Suzy off at her school and the two of us walked into work holding hands. Every guy at work congratulated me on getting Linda in bed. I made it perfectly clear that it was her idea for us to go out, not mine. Linda got a few congratulation too letting her know that I was a good guy and a great catch. A couple of the girls that had tried to hit on Linda in the past offered to join us in a threesome sometime. Little did they know!

That week the two women moved into my house on the outskirts of town and gave up their apartment.

The End
My Date’s Daughter

story by: fbailey

Tags: fiction male/teen female consensual sex male/female virginity incest water sports/pissing oral sex sex story

Author: fbailey

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