Mutual attraction – part 4

sex stories

This story continues on directly after my last story, Mutual Attraction Part 3.

The following day, as expected, our parents returned from down the coast, and they told us that our dad had been put in charge of a couple of local projects, so he would be spending more time at home for a while. This was good news for us as a family, because we would be able to see more of him for a change, but it meant that Louise and I had to keep our hands off each other, because we had agreed that we could not even look like doing anything while our parents were in the house.

Still, Louise had a way of letting me know it was not over.

Firstly, one morning, she came to breakfast in her silver satin brunch coat, which was nothing unusual, but she made sure I knew that underneath, she was wearing the pink pyjamas she had worn the night she showed me that a girl can still come after her man has already taken his pleasure. She casually leaned over the table at one stage, looking me in the eye and giving me an excellent view of her creamy, pink nippled breasts, and gave me a look that was usually accompanied by the words, What do you think? That’s the thing about brothers and sisters; you get to know what each other is thinking just by the look on their face.

A few nights later, as I was going to bed, I found a pair of her freshly worn, plain white cotton briefs under my pillow. I had confessed to her that I had a thing for them, a few days earlier, and after I found them, I couldn’t help wondering what my mother would have thought if she had suddenly decided to change my bed linen.

Still another time, I was lying in my bed late at night, just dropping off to sleep, and I heard the sound of soft moaning from the bathroom next to my bedroom, while she was having a bath in there. In my whole life, I had never heard her moaning as she masturbated, so it was no coincidence that she had suddenly decided to do it in the bath, next to my room. A few minutes later, as the bathtub was emptying, I heard her voice in the darkened hallway, outside my room, saying, “Did you have your ears pricked up?”

“Not just my ears,” I said into the darkness. Fortunately, our parents’ bedroom was on the other side of the house.

Finally, just before dark on a Friday night, three weeks after we had last laid hands on each other, I was sitting with my parents in the family room, watching TV, and Louise walked into the room. She was wearing a short black skirt, a cream coloured sleeveless top that showed some cleavage, and a pair of sandals. She bent down and put her hand on my face, and said, that on your face, Wayne?” as she brushed away an imaginary crumb. As her hand touched my mouth, I could smell and taste the unmistakeable flavour of fresh pussy juice on her fingers, and I gently touched her hand with my tongue to let her know I didn't miss it. She stood back, maintaining eye contact, and said, “I’m going across to Fiona’s place for a bit. Do you want to come?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” I said, getting up off the couch. We both headed out the door and down the corridor towards the front door, and I heard my mother say, “They get on so well together,” and I think I heard my dad say, “She seems to be over that other galoot.”

Fiona Tarrant was an only child, who lived across the road and two doors down from Louise and me. The best way I can describe her is to say that if my sister, Louise, was the girl next door, then Fiona was the hottie from across the street. Like me, Fiona was eighteen years old, and in her last year of high school. She had turned eighteen a few months before me, and with her age being midway between Louise and mine, she got on equally well with both of us, and over the years, we had all had a lot of fun together. She had moved in across the road when we were both six years old, and we had been in the same class at school for a few years, but when high school started, her parents had sent her as a day student to a private school on the other side of town. She had made a whole new group of friends there, and most of them were stuck-up bitches, and even Fiona agreed on that, but she was nothing like that herself, in fact she was the exact opposite.

Fiona was petite. She was only about five feet tall, but she had a very curvy figure, with a lovely, well-shaped butt, heartbreakingly beautiful legs, and breasts that were not large, but full in shape, so at first glance, in proportion to her small frame, they looked bigger than they were. She had a medium complexion, big brown eyes, and her hair was very dark brown, almost black. For most of the time we had known her, she had kept her hair long, and parted in the middle, with two long pigtails down her back, but in the last year or so, she had started wearing it shoulder length, in a layered style. With her hair parted in the middle, and pigtails down her back, she used to remind me of those little Indian squaw dolls they sold in the toy store when I was a kid. Fiona shared Louise’s crazy sense of humour, but she was also an incredible chatterbox.

In her school uniform, consisting of a red tartan skirt and white blouse with the school crest on the breast pocket, Fiona looked like total jailbait, but one look at her driving licence would show you she was fully street legal. The girls in their final year at her school were allowed to wear panty hose under their uniforms, but the junior girls all had to wear white knee socks, so a year ago, when she was dressed for school, she looked like a walking invitation to the lockup. She had been in the same gymnastics squad as Louise for a few years, but she gave gymnastics up at seventeen, so she was still pretty fit and flexible herself. She was a total honey, and my mother once referred to her as a “pocket Venus”. For the last few years, Louise’s nickname for Fiona had been or Midge for short.

When Fiona and I were ten, she had asked me to kiss her, behind the garden shed in her back yard. Naturally, I did, and I had kind of hoped things might go further, but they never did. You may be wondering why, if I was such good friends with this pretty little china doll sex goddess, why didn’t I make some moves on her? The best explanation I can give, is that I was very unsure of myself with girls back then, and I had known Fiona so long that I thought, if she rejected me, it would be three times as bad as rejection from any other girl. That was my excuse, anyway. Even so, when she grew into such a beautiful girl in her teen years, I had the satisfaction of knowing I was probably the first guy ever to kiss her.

Louise and I had not seen much of Fiona for about a month, and we walked quickly across the street to her place. “Are you in a hurry?” I asked, and she simply said “Yep. You’ll find out why in a moment.”

When we reached Fiona’s house, instead of going to the front door like normal people, Louise led me to the electricity meter box at the side of the house, reached in, and took out a key. Then we walked to the front door, and Louise unlocked it, and we went inside.

Inside the front foyer, Louise turned to me and said, “Fiona ‘s mum and dad have gone to some kind of conference in Sydney. They won’t be back till Sunday night. She rang me from downtown. She went down straight after school, and she said she’d be home in twenty minutes. She said to come over and make ourselves at home. That gives us about fifteen minutes alone.” She raised one eyebrow.

I asked, as I realised what she meant.

“Why not?”

“It’s not our house for a start,” I said, although it did occur to me that there were no set guidelines for what’s right and wrong where screwing your sister is concerned.

“It’s as good a place as any,” Louise said, as she walked to the couch in Fiona’s family room, and sat on the middle cushion. She lifted her legs out straight, and held her arms out to me, and I could see that under her short skirt, she was wearing some white cotton briefs. “Come to me,” she said.

I walked across to her, and she smiled and said, “You should have been able to tell from the taste of my fingers that I’ve already taken care of the foreplay, so I’m already primed for the main course. And, judging from that bulge in your jeans, it looks like you are too.”

It was true, my cock had already responded, and made the decision for me. amazing,” I said.

is the word I like to use,” Louise answered, “In fact, at work, Mrs Cairncross says I’m the most efficient girl they’ve ever had.”

She pulled me down to her, and kissed me on the mouth. We hadn’t done anything like this for three weeks, and I felt an urgency inside me that surprised me a little. “Now, we don’t have much time,” Louise said, with our faces almost touching, “So the key word here is not marathon. Now come on, there are orgasms waiting to be had, here.”

Louise lifted her short skirt and I pulled down her panties, and put them close by on the couch, in case she needed to grab them in a hurry. Even though time was short, I said, “Just one second,” and I put my face down between her legs and took a quick moment to inhale the scent from her pretty little pussy. It was as exciting and arousing as always, and she looked at me and smiled, without saying anything. Then, I quickly kissed her inner lips, which were already slightly puffy. She moved down so her pussy was at the edge of the couch, and I entered her easily, even though the fit was nice and snug inside. I could feel that she was already very wet.

I started to move my cock in her pussy, just gently at first, and almost immediately, she said, “Ohhh, that’s good, Wayne, but we don’t have much time.”

“I don’t think it it’ll take long,” I answered, as I picked up the pace a little with my thrusting. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, with Louise on the couch and me bending to get my cock inside her, but then she said, a little breathlessly, “We don’t want to leave any evidence here. How about I turn around and you can do me from behind?”

“Sounds good,” I said, and I pulled out. Louise got up and turned around, and knelt on the couch, with her back to me, and put her hands over the backrest. I slid my hard cock into her pouting, wet pussy, and I watched it sliding between the cheeks of her bottom. After a few strokes, I started to thrust fairly hard and moderately fast, and I heard Louise say, the way! We’re on a roll, now.”

It wasn’t long before she started to arch her back, and I heard her say, getting better, that’s getting better, Wayne. Are you far off?”

I could feel that I wouldn’t last long. The sight of her beautifully shaped backside, with my cock thrusting deep into her pussy, between those cheeks, was making me more excited than ever, and I hadn’t come for days, because I had been trying not to wank too much, just in case we got an opportunity to do this.

getting me right in my sweet spot, Wayne,” Louise said, with the strain starting in her voice, and a moment later, she bowed her head, and cried out, “I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m coming!” Her hands gripped the backrest, and she made a long moaning sound. The sight of her having her own orgasm, and the feelings in my cock as her pussy contracted, were all it took to send me over the edge, and I orgasmed myself, as my cock spurted several times in her pussy.

As soon as I had stopped, and Louise had relaxed, she said, “No time to waste basking in the afterglow,” and she grabbed her pants from the couch beside her, and stood up.

I pulled my jeans up, and fixed my clothing, and just as Louise finished pulling her pants up, smoothing her skirt down, and giving her hair a flick, Fiona’s little Hyundai pulled into the driveway and entered the garage.

A moment later, the door from the garage to the family room opened and Fiona stepped in, casually flicked on the light switch, and said, “Hi, guys,” with a big smile.

“Hey, Midge,” Louise called, breezily, and Fiona walked over to us. She was wearing her school uniform, and she said, “What have you guys been up to?”

“Nothing, we just got here,” Louise answered. I didn’t say anything.

Fiona looked back at the doorway, and the light switch, and then around the room, and she said, “Why do I get the feeling like I’ve just walked in on something?”

“No idea,” Louise answered.

“Yeah, we just got here,” I added.

Fiona looked around the room, and then she looked at the television, which was off, and then she looked back at us. She walked quickly, in her short-stepping way, to the kitchen, which was built off the family room in her house, and picked up the kettle in her left hand, and patted it with her right palm. She shook her head, and put the kettle back, and walked back to us. She looked around the room again, and Louise said, “What are you doing, Midge?”

“Just a minute,” Fiona answered, as though she was deep in thought, and she looked at the couch. She stepped to it, and sat on each of the three cushions in turn, sitting for a moment on each one, and then she sat back in the centre cushion, where Louise and I had just fucked each other to orgasm. She looked as though she had discovered something, and she stood up, and said, “What were you guys doing just before I got here?”

Louise said, although I thought I detected a little concern in her voice. My stomach was starting to get serious butterflies, “Like I said, we just got here,” Louise continued.

Fiona looked at both of us and said, “Look, I walked in here, and you’re in the dark. Okay, you just got here, so that’s fair enough.” She looked back at the television and said, “The TV’s off, so you weren’t watching TV, the kettle’s cold, so you weren’t making coffee.”

She looked, as if to see if we were paying attention, and said, “But, there’s one warm spot on the couch. Okay, so one of you might have been sitting and the other one standing,” she looked at me, “or maybe Louise was on your lap.” She had a funny smile when she said that.

Then, something seemed to occur to her, and she narrowed her eyes. She turned, and dropped to her knees, and actually sniffed the middle cushion of the couch. She stood up, and she said, simply,
She turned and looked back at us, and said, “Come to think of it, you’ve both got that freshly fucked look about you.” Then, the penny dropped completely, and she looked at Louise with pure astonishment on her face, and said,

She looked at me, and then back at Louise, who had turned white, and said, “Omigod, Louise, you fucked your />
Then, she looked at me again, and then back at Louis, and said, “Louise, that’s dis-gust-ing! I love it!” She snapped to attention, and with a finger to her lips, and a smile on her face, she said, “Naturally, I’ll never tell a soul.” The butterflies in my stomach had turned to a sick feeling of nausea, but hearing that was a little of a relief, but then Fiona added, “on one condition.”

I was too shocked to speak, but Louise said, the condition?” Her voice sounded flat and deflated.

“You do it again, and let me join in,” Fiona said, with a smile.

Suddenly, the idea of getting my hands on Fiona's hot little body made the back of my throat go even drier than it already was, and I looked at Louise, who looked completely astonished herself. Neither of us spoke.

“Come on guys, none of us are virgins any more,” Fiona said. She looked at me when she said that, and added, “It’s not like we’re saving ourselves for anything. Come on, this’ll be fun!”

“What do you think?” Louise asked me, over the top of Fiona’s head.

I had to swallow before I could speak. I said, “sounds like a great idea.”

Fiona started to walk to the door that led to the hallway down to her room, and she said, “I’ll just go and freshen up a little, and when I get back, the three of us can start making passionate love.” She giggled, and I said, “Just one thing, Fiona.”

that?" she asked, smiling.

“Can you keep the uniform?” I asked back.

Fiona looked down at her clothing, and said with a smile, “What is it about Then, she turned and headed quickly down the hallway.

Louise looked at me and said, “Looks like your lucky day.”

“You okay with this?” I asked.

“Put it this way,” she answered, “it’s your first time with another girl, and my first time with any girl, so it may as well be with someone who's as pretty as Fiona, and we’ve been friends forever, so she’s right, it’ll be fun.”

A few minutes later, Fiona stepped back into the room. She was still wearing her school uniform, but was now barefoot, with no panty hose. She said, “I put on some fresh underwear, and had a quick freshen up,” giving her hips a sexy little wiggle, “but for the perverts in the room,” looking at me and smiling, “I left my uniform on. Now, where do we start?”

She walked over to Louise and me, and the three of us looked at each other for a moment, but no-one said anything. Obviously, talking about a threesome was one thing, but actually doing it was another.

Fiona said, “somebody do something. This is not as easy as I thought.”

As usual, it was Louise who took the initiative. She stepped forward, and took hold of Fiona’s shoulders, and gently turned Fiona around to face her. With her hands still on Fiona’s little shoulders, she said, “A few minutes ago, you pointed out that Wayne and I looked ‘freshly fucked’. Well, that’s true, we are.” She paused, and looked Fiona in the eyes, and said, “But you, my little midget friend, have been slaving over a hot study desk all day, so what kind of friends would Wayne and I be, if we didn’t take you down to your room, and help you get rid of some of that built-up sexual tension?” She looked at me, and said, “You think you can help me with that?”

“I’d be glad to help an old friend,” I said, as the cold wave of excitement grew in me.

The three of us walked out into the hallway, and down to Fiona’s bedroom. I had been in there many times over the years, but never like this. We walked into the bedroom, and Fiona turned to me, pressed herself up against me, and said, “Wayne, I kept this uniform on because you asked me, but the most important thing you need to remember is, it comes off, too.” She reached up behind my neck and pulled my head down, and kissed me on the lips with her pretty mouth.

It was a soft, sexy kiss, and she broke from it, and held her face close to mine and said, “Not bad.” Then, she kissed me again, and held the kiss for a moment, opening her mouth just a little towards the end, and adding some tongue to the equation. It was a kiss that made you want more, but she drew back and said, get back to that in a moment.”

Fiona turned to Louise, and said, “Have you ever kissed a girl?”

“A couple of times, just fooling around,” Louise said, and looked over at me. I smiled. I’d never known that. “What about you?” she said to Fiona.

“Same here. Three times to be precise,” Fiona answered, never turn me lesbian, but it was fun.”

“Shall we?” Louise asked.

“But of course,” Fiona answered.

Louise took Fiona in her arms, and they both embraced in front of me. Louise had to bend slightly to kiss Fiona, who had to look up. They kissed softly and sensually, and then they drew back from the kiss, made eye contact, and did it again. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand the effect it had on me, to watch my beautiful sister kissing this lovely, petite girl on the mouth, and to know that I was about to be part of their lovemaking. I had to swallow again, and my dick, which had started to respond when Fiona had pressed herself to me and kissed me, was now hard again.

Then, the girls broke from their kiss, and Fiona said, “You look lonely over there.” She reached out and took hold of the front of my belt, and pulled me to her, still with the other arm around Louise’s waist. Then, an idea seemed to occur to her.

“So,” she started, “you guys have been having sex, eh?”

Louise nodded. I didn’t answer. “Show me how you kiss,” Fiona said, eagerly.

Louise stepped closer to me, and we embraced, and we kissed, slowly, sensually, and sexually, as Fiona looked on. “Ohhh, that’s nasty-y-y!” Fiona said, “But I didn’t see much tongue happening there. Show me how you kiss when you’re />
Louise and I kissed again, this time a little longer, and with a little more tongue. “You guys are bad!” Fiona said, “and what’s worse, you didn’t invite me.”

“All this kissing is getting me excited,” Fiona said, and she took my hand and placed it on the button at the left hip of her school uniform skirt. She made sure my fingers were under the button, and it was obvious she was inviting me to undo it. I undid the button, and then I unzipped the skirt and it fell to the floor. Underneath it, she had been wearing a pair of black lace panties. She stepped out of her skirt on the floor, and said, “Now about that sexual tension you guys were going to help me

Fiona’s parents had bought her a queen size bed, and I had often thought a small person like her must have got lost in a bed that size, but she took us by a hand each, and walked backwards to the head of her bed. “Has Wayne ever licked your pussy?” she said, looking at Louise.

“He’s a total genius at oral,” Louise said, “You should try it.”

“Well, I do love oral,” Fiona said, “Do you think you’d like to practice on me?” she said sweetly, looking at me. “I’d love to,” I answered.

Fiona sat back on the bed, and she lay back so her pussy was on the edge, lifting her bottom to allow me to slide her black lace pants off. Then, I gently moved her legs apart, to allow myself room to put my face to her pussy, and Louise grabbed two footstools for Fiona to rest her feet on, and Fiona put a pillow under her head, so she could watch us.

Like Louise, Fiona had her pubic hair trimmed neatly, but with a little more hair down the sides of her labia. “I think I’d like to see how this is done,” Louise said, kneeling down beside me.

I put my face up to Fiona’s open pussy, and I gently inhaled her scent. Her pussy was already moist, and her inner lips slightly open, and they were a little darker in colour than Louise’s. I kissed her on the inner lips, just at the fleshy part as they join her clit, and I held the kiss, gently placing my tongue between them, and tasting her. Louise put her head close to Fiona’s open pussy, and said, “So, that’s what pussy smells like.”

I turned to her, and with Fiona’s juices on my lips, I kissed her on her mouth, and said, with our faces close, “I don’t know what it’s like for a girl, but when a guy smells pussy, it’s so exciting, it’s

Louise tentatively placed her mouth on the inner lips of Fiona’s pussy, and licked her. “Not bad,” she said, turning to look at me, in the confined space between Fiona’s legs. “Do I taste like that?” she asked.

“Yes, and I love the taste,” I said.

Louise looked up at Fiona’s face, and said, “You don’t mind if Wayne shows me how to do this, do you?”

“What are friends for, if you can’t practice oral sex on them?” Fiona answered.

“Okay, Sensei,” Louise said to me, “how do I do this?”

I used the first two fingers of my right hand to part Fiona’s pussy lips, so her clit was more exposed, and I said, “Just lick her inner lips with your tongue, and see what it tastes like, first.”

Louise did as I suggested, and gently licked Fiona’s inner pussy lips, and my cock got even harder, as I got a close-up view of my sister going down on her best friend. This was something I had only ever seen in porn magazines, but I was right there, in the middle of it, showing my sister how to lick a pussy.

“Just wet your lips with her juices, and gently suck on her clit, and move your lips back and forth on it.” Louise used her tongue to gently part Fiona’s inner lips, and she scooped up some of her juices with it. She wet her lips and placed her mouth onto Fiona’s clit. “Just move your mouth back and forth, like it’s a little cock,” I said, almost quoting word for word from a dirty magazine I had once read.

Louise started to do as I had said, and almost immediately, Fiona started to moan, and move her hips. “Ohhhh, that’s good, that’s good,” Fiona said, and Louise gently released Fiona’s clit from her mouth and said, “I can’t believe how easy it is.”

She turned and kissed me again, with her lips slick with Fiona’s juices. The taste was incredible, and so exciting I thought I was going to explode. Then Fiona said, “Hey, guys, now that you’ve exchanged my body fluids with each other, how about sending Wayne up her to exchange some with me, the old fashioned way.”

I looked at Louise, and she said, “Looks like it’s showtime.” I looked at Fiona’s moist, open pussy, inches from our faces, and I said, “I’m going to be coming in there before long.”

“Just save some for me,” Louise answered.

I stood up, and Fiona moved over on the bed to let me lay beside her. I took my jeans off, and my cock was rampant. “Is that for me?” Fiona said, smiling.

“Are you safe?” Louise said, and Fiona answered, “I’ve been on the pill since I was seventeen,” Then, with a smile, she added, “and now that I’m taking notice of these things, I can tell you, I’m smack in the middle of the horniest part of my cycle.”

I got on the bed, and I took Fiona’s little body in my arms, and I kissed her gently on the mouth. Louise moved around to the opposite side of the bed, and lay next to Fiona. There was plenty of room for us on Fiona’s queen size bed, and Fiona turned to kiss Louise on the mouth. “Do you like girls kissing?” she said to me, as they broke their kiss.

I nodded, and Louise said, “Trust me, he does.” I was kind of glad she didn’t elaborate on that. I leaned over and kissed Louise on her mouth, and then I kissed Fiona again, soft, slow and sensual. Her mouth tasted totally wonderful, and I was so aroused, I couldn’t wait any longer to enter her. I used my hand to guide my cock into her pussy, and I even though it was oozing with her juices, it felt a little tighter than I expected. I took about four or five strokes before I was fully inside her, and then I got down to a nice steady motion, as she moved her hips to meet me with each thrust.

a very snug fit,” I said, softly, as I kept my steady fucking motion going.

because I’m small,” Fiona answered, as she reached up and put her arms around me, “I get it all the time, not just in bed, but everywhere. ‘Fiona, you’re so petite’, and ‘Fiona, you’re such a petite little thing,” she said, giggling, but keeping up the sexy movement with her hips, and she continued, “Okay, everybody, I get it, I’m small, but being a petite girl means I’ve got a petite vagina. Hello, my name’s Fiona, and I’m petite, so I’ve got a petite vagina.” Then, she giggled again, and said, “Hey, that almost rhymes- Fiona, vagina… vagina, Fiona.”

She had said all of this without even missing a beat, as she met each of my thrusts, but I was beginning to wonder if I was making any impression, until she looked into my eyes, and said, “Oh, and by the way, Wayne, in case you think I haven’t been paying attention, I happen to be a multi-skilled, multi-tasking, future career woman, who can talk and enjoy great sex at the same time.”

She paused for breath, and said, “And, speaking of great sex, this really is great sex we’re having here, and if it continues on much longer, I’m gonna come my brains out, but I’ve got a brilliant idea, so if you’d like to slow down and come to a stop, nice and gently, I’ll explain.”

I slowed my thrusting and stopped, and Fiona looked at Louise and said, “No wonder you’ve been keeping this to yourself.”

this idea you’ve got?” Louise said, eagerly.

Fiona and I disengaged from each other, and she said, “You guys are brother and sister, and you’ve have been having sex, right? But so far, all I’ve seen is some kissing. I want you to show me the real thing.” She paused and looked at both of us, and went on, “ So, as temporary custodian of the Tarrant residence, I request, no, I command you, to have sex in front of me, for my viewing pleasure.” She smiled, and took a breath, and said, “And, by having sex, I mean fucking, and by fucking, I mean I want to see Wayne’s cock in your pussy, and I want to see evidence of ejaculation, and if I’m starting to talk dirty, it’s because the very idea is getting me so excited I’m about to come in my pants, except, I’m not wearing any.” She paused for breath again.

“What do you think?” I said to Louise.

“Well we have been commanded by Ms Custodian here,” Louise answered, as she moved up into position on the bed. She looked at Fiona and said, “Any particular position?”

Fiona put a hand under her chin, in the classical thinking pose, and after a short pause, said, “Definitely missionary, after all, you are brother and sister. I don’t want anything kinky happening here.”

Louise undid her short, black skirt, put it on the floor, and slid her white panties off, and lay back on the bed. Her pussy was still slightly puffy from its last encounter with my cock, and I moved along the bed beside her. Fiona moved to the left side of the bed, “I get a ringside seat,” she said, brightly.

“Be gentle,” Louise said, “This is my first time, in front of an audience, I mean.” Then she reached out and ran her thumb and finger along my hard tool, and with a smile, said, “No stage fright here, though.”

I entered Louise again, and after three strokes, I was all the way inside her, loving the snug fit of the walls of her pussy around my hard cock. I started to thrust gently but deeply, just getting into a nice comfortable rhythm, and I kissed her mouth, holding the kiss, as we fucked in perfect harmony. Louise was lifting her hips to meet me with each thrust, and kissing me hungrily, while Fiona looked on, standing next to the bed to my right, wearing only her school uniform blouse.

“Ohhh, you guys are bad,” Fiona said, “really bad!”

I was starting to feel the excitement mounting in me already, and I was a little surprised it happened so easily, because I knew I was being watched so closely by Fiona, who was now kneeling beside the bed, with her head resting on her hands. Fiona got up and bent over, so she was looking right down between my legs, and, putting on a sports voice, she said, “Well, folks, the testicle-cam view shows full penetration with every stroke, a nice tight fit, and plenty of fluid oozing out around the sides. This can only mean one thing, sports fans, Louise’s pussy is juiced up and ready to party.” She giggled and then stood up, as I continued to thrust in and out of Louise’s pussy, which was now very wet, and Fiona continued on, still in her voice, “I think we’re going to see fireworks here any minute now.”
Louise had not said much for a while, although she had giggled at Fiona’s antics, but she started to breath a little heavier, and said, “How are you going there, Wayne? I don’t think I’m far off.” Her voice was starting to sound urgent.

“I won’t be far behind you,” I said, with a little strain in my voice, as I continued thrusting.

“If you guys are going to start coming, I better stop talking and let you Fiona said, “but first, a few words of encouragement, for you, Wayne.” She leaned closer to me with a mischievous smile, and said, “Fuck that pussy, Wayne. Fuck it. Fuck your sister’s pussy. Work it baby, work it. Own it, baby,” giggling, “Go on, give it to her, big guy.”

I kept up my fucking motion, trying not to be too distracted by the sexy little nutcase beside me, and as I felt myself getting closer to orgasm, I picked up the pace a little.

“I can hear it in your breathing, Wayne, you’re gonna come soon,” Fiona said, and then in a stage whisper, she said to Louise, whose face was now starting to twist as her own orgasm approached, “I think he’s gonna come!”

“Oh, Wayne, that’s fantastic!” Louise cried out, with her eyes shut, and her face twisted, amazing! Fiona, you’ve gotta get some of this!”

My own orgasm was starting, as Louise began to thrust back, deep and hard, and she threw her head back, and pulled me to her, moaning at first, and then saying, “Ohh, God, ohhhhh God!!!” then a long low sound that was almost a scream.

I felt the familiar waves of pleasure starting in me, and I started to thrust as fast as I could, being only vaguely aware of Fiona stepping back a couple of paces as she watched. I felt myself spasm twice, as I started to spurt in my sister’s sweet little pussy, watched intently by Fiona, who had gone silent. I kept thrusting hard, as I spurted, letting the ecstasy wash over me, as Louise locked her arms around me, and held me to her beautiful body, shaking with her own orgasm.

After it was over, and we returned to reality, I looked over at Fiona on my right, and she had her mouth open, with a look of wonderment on her face. It was not often I saw Fiona lost for words, but she was looking down at the place where my body was still united with Louise, and her voice was almost a croak, as all she said was,

Then, Fiona sat heavily on the side of the bed, and said, “Next time you guys do that again, I want to be part of it.”

Fiona slid back to the head of the bed, as I rolled off Louise, and the three of us lay there, me in the middle, with Louise on my right, and Fiona on my left. We stayed there, talking and laughing for what seemed like ages. We had done this sort of thing before, lying around talking and laughing, but never like this, the three of us naked from the waist down, with each other’s sex juices drying on us.

After a while, as arousal returned, Fiona lay on her right side, facing me, and she reached down, and placed the first two fingers of her left hand into her pussy. She then sucked on her first finger thoughtfully for a moment, and then placed her second finger in my mouth, so I could taste her pussy juice. Louise looked on intently, without speaking, and Fiona said, “Wayne, a while back, I heard you say something about how you were going to come in my pussy. Do you remember that?”

I smiled, after she took her finger away.

Fiona said, “as far as I can see, there are two vaginas in this room, and only one of them’s got any sperm in it.” She moved a little closer to my face, and said, “Can you help me out here?”

I looked at Louise, and she said, look at me, Wayne. I can’t help you. That’s your />
Fiona then climbed on top of me, as I lay on my back, and placed the very opening of her pussy onto the tip of my cock, which had already been half-hard, but was now rock hard at the taste of her pussy juice. I tried to push my cock up into her, but she moved her pussy up and away from my cock, and said, “Not yet,” with a mischievous smile. She stretched a little, and with her pussy poised on the tip of my cock again, she kissed me on the mouth, slowly and sensually, then drew back from the kiss, holding her pretty face close to mine. Then, she repeated the kiss, making eye contact the whole time.

“It’s been a long time between kisses, hasn’t it Wayne?” she said, “Do you remember the last time you kissed me?”

“Yes, I do,” I said.

“How old were we? Ten. That’s right, we were ten, weren’t we?” she said.

be right,” I answered. Louise was now lying on her left side, on my right, watching, but not saying anything.

“Well, Wayne,” Fiona continued, not ten years old any more, are we? We’re eighteen. We’re grown up now, and we can do adult things.” With the word Fiona thrust her pussy down, talking in about half of my cock in one movement. “Oh!” she said, as her eyes widened, “and that is grown up!”
She started to gently fuck me, taking in a little more of my cock with each movement, and continued on with, known each other twelve years, Wayne. That’s a long time. We’ve played hopscotch together, climbed trees together, watched movies together, studied together. I helped you with your history assignment last year, and I got you good marks, didn’t I?”

I nodded, and Fiona said, “You showed me how to change a tyre, and I told you what a tampon was.”

Louise looked surprised at that, and Fiona turned to her and said, “Well, he asked me.” Then, she looked back at me and said, done all sorts of things together over the years, but until tonight, we’ve never made love.” Then, she turned again to Louise, and said, “Well, technically, we’re only fucking,” and then the sweet note returned to her voice again, and she looked back at me, and said, “But, after twelve years, Wayne, there’s got to be some love there somewhere, don’t you think?” She kept on gently moving her pussy up and down on me as she spoke.

I swallowed, and said, “There has to be.”

“I love you guys,” Fiona said, like the brother and sister I never had.” Then, the mischievous smile returned, and she said, “Except, when Wayne fucks me, it’s not incest.” We all giggled at that, and Fiona said, “I’ve got a brilliant idea.”

“Out with it,” Louise said, smiling, still lying on her side.

Fiona said, still fucking me gently as she spoke, “When I saw you guys coming together, I just wanted to be part of something like that. So, here’s my idea. Let’s have a threesome.”

“I thought we were,” I said, rather stupidly when I look back on it.

“I mean,” Fiona said, “we all do it together, and see if we can all come together.”

“How do we do it?” Louise asked, with eager interest showing in her face.

“Well, when I said I kissed three girls,” Fiona answered, “I actually experimented with two of them. You know what I mean? So I’ve got a little pussy licking time in my log book.”

“Fiona, I’m surprised!” Louise said with a wide smile. I was too excited to speak, hearing that, as Fiona gently fucked me at the same time.

Fiona went on, “I’ve been studying logistics in Economics class at school, and I think I know how to make the best use of resources here.”

the plan?” Louise said, eagerly.

Fiona said, “I get in the middle, and Wayne can fuck me doggy style, and I’ll go down on you at the same time. I love doggy, so I should be able to come pretty quick, and I’ve got plenty of faith in Wayne getting there, so if I can get you off, it’ll be totally awesome!”

“You in?” Louise said to me.

do it,” I said.

Fiona lifted her pussy off my cock, and said, before climbing off me, “One thing.”

that?” I asked.

“I’m small,” she said, “and when I do it doggy style, it goes in pretty deep, so you’ve got to start me off gently. Once we get in the groove, I can take all you got, but you just need to start me off gently. Okay?”

“Got it,” I answered.

worry,” Fiona smiled, “that thing’s designed to give birth, so you won’t break it, but you just need to be gentle at the start.”

Louise moved to the head of the bed, peeled off her top, and took off her bra, exposing her creamy breasts with their pretty pink nipples. Then, she put a pillow under her bottom to give Fiona better access to her pussy, and lay back on another pillow under her head. “Are you sure you want to do this after what Wayne’s been doing down there?” she asked, looking at Fiona.

“I have tasted come before,” Fiona answered. As she started to move down to get between Louise’s legs, I reached over and started to unbutton her white uniform blouse, and said, “After all these years, I’d like to see what these look like.”

Fiona looked down at what I was doing, and then looked at Louise. “What have you done with the real Wayne? You know, the one that acts like he doesn’t even know I’ve got tits.” Louise didn’t answer, but she pursed her lips and shook her head.

I undid the buttons on Fiona’s blouse, and peeled it off her, and she reached around and unclipped her white bra, slipped it off, and handed it to me. “There, happy now?” she said with a smile. Her breasts were rounder in shape than Louise’s, and her nipples, and the circles around them, were a little darker. “Can I touch them?” I asked, jokingly, seeing I’d already licked her pussy. “I’d be disappointed if you Fiona answered.

I gently touched her left nipple with my right hand, stroking it with my thumb a couple of times. very nice,” I said, “and I’d like to get to know them better.”

“All in good time,” Fiona said, as I took my hand away, and she turned and got down on all fours in the middle of the bed. I moved behind her, and waited for her to get settled into position.

Fiona’s bottom was beautifully shaped, and her pussy was open and glistening with moisture as I looked down at it. I could feel the excitement mounting inside me, and I gently ran both hands down along her hips, as she put her head down between Louise’s legs. From my position, I could not see her mouth on Louise’s pussy, but I could see from the look on Louise’s face, and the sharp intake of her breath, that Fiona had already started licking her.

I placed the head of my hard cock into Fiona’s tight, wet pussy, and very gently pushed it inside her. “Just remember, start off gently with her,” Louise warned me, with her voice already starting to waver, as Fiona worked on her pussy with her mouth.

I took a few strokes before I was fully in, and Fiona’s pussy was a snug fit, and very wet. I could feel the walls hugging my hard cock, and the entrance of her pussy seemed to stick to my cock with each outward stroke, even though I was being gentle at the start. As I began to push deeper into Fiona’s pussy with each stroke, I was a little surprised to see how deep my cock was going inside her, considering she was such a small person, but I kept the pace nice and steady. “Are you enjoying yourself?” Louise asked, still with a little waver in her voice, as Fiona attended to her pussy’s needs with her pretty little mouth.

“Oh, this is excellent,” I answered, and Fiona took her mouth away from Louise to say, “You can pick it up now, Wayne, moving along nicely back there. Give it to me.”

I started to thrust a little faster, but no deeper, and Fiona started to shuffle her knees forward on the bed, to get her pussy into a better angle, so I started to go even deeper inside her. She actually wanted more of my cock inside her, even though it felt like she was totally full of cock as it was. With the change in her position, the walls of her pussy were now squeezing on the very sensitive part of my cock near the head, and I knew that all I had to do to come was pick up the pace and let it happen, and from what Fiona had said, she would probably come pretty quickly once we picked it up. That meant that it was all up to Fiona to get Louise off with her mouth, so we could come together. It was all a matter of timing.

Fiona started to bend her back forward, just tiny bit with each of my in-strokes, and every few thrusts, I could feel the head of my cock touching something inside. It was probably her cervix, so this beautiful little sex machine was now taking as much of my cock as she possibly could, and still working on making it better for both us. I placed my hands on her hips to hold us in place, not that there was much chance of my cock coming out, the way she was fucking me back, and I just kept the pace steady while I waited for signs that Louise was starting to come. The feeling of Fiona’s tight little pussy on my cock was incredible, and the sight of my slick, wet cock moving in and out of her just added to the excitement.

Louise had not said much for a while, although I had heard a few moans from her, but she started to lift her head back, with her eyes half closed, and her lower lip pulled in. She gently placed her right hand behind Fiona’s head, and I saw her begin to stroke her right nipple with her left hand. I had not seen her do that before, and it added to my excitement. It didn’t seem to matter where I looked, there was something happening to make me more excited, and I began to wonder if I could last the distance. Looking down, I could see my cock moving in and out between Fiona’s buttocks, then there was the sight of Fiona’s head moving gently between Louise’s legs as she licked her pussy, and Louise stroking her nipple, and throwing her head back as the pleasure washed through her. I’m amazed I didn’t just lose control, and come there and then, but I managed to hold on a little longer.

Then, it started. Louise just said, “Ohhh, fuck!!” then she closed her eyes and threw her head back, her face contorted with ecstasy. She took her hand away from her breast, and from Fiona’s head, and she clenched both fists and twisted her forearms, across her chest, crying out. “Omi-god, that’s good!!!”

I stated to thrust harder and faster, and immediately, Fiona started to grip Louise’s thighs harder with her hands, and she started to thrust her own pelvis back at me. I gripped her hips tighter, and began thrusting into her little body for all I was worth, feeling my own orgasm start. My cock spurted into her tight pussy, and the bolts of pleasure started, as I rammed my cock home, squeezing the first spurt of come out of her pussy, and up into the crack of her butt. The second spurt came, and I thrust in again, squeezing it out the same way. Then, as the pleasure overtook me, I started thrusting in short but hard strokes, still spurting as Fiona shook and shuddered on the bed in front of me, while she kept her mouth on Louise’s pussy the whole time, keeping that motion going with her head.

Louise now had her arms crossed over her chest, her fists still clenched, and breathing in gasping, shuddering breaths, she threw her head back again, and said, beautiful, beautiful,
Louise relaxed, and let out a deep sigh, and Fiona took her mouth away from, Louise’s pussy, but still gripped her thighs, bowing her head, and making a series of rasping gasps, then a long as she too relaxed, leaving only me to finish. I was still spurting and feeling the waves of pleasure passing through me, then I too was satisfied, and I felt my whole body relax, as my orgasm passed.

“You okay back there?” Fiona asked, with her head lying on the bed, facing to the right between Louise’s thighs. “I am, but I gotta lie down,” I answered, and I withdrew my cock from her, and flopped down on the bed on Louise’s right.

Fiona lifted her head, and kissed Louise in the centre of her triangle of pubic hair, and then rolled over, so she was on her back, her head between Louise’s thighs, and her legs over the end of the bed. “I’ve gotta say”, she said, looking up at the roof, “that was fucking good.”

“Well done,” Louise said, between breaths, as she lay on her back, with her head turned, looking at me.
Fiona turned over, and crawled up the bed to lie on top of me, hugging me as I lay there, and kissing me softly on the mouth. I could taste Louise’s pussy juice on her lips, and she leaned over to Louise, who was now lying on her right side, up against me, and they kissed deeply. From my position, I could see there was a lot of tongue action happening between them.

“Can you taste that?” Fiona asked Louise when they broke their kiss.

“My pussy?” Louise said.

Fiona answered, “I think this could be the continuation of a beautiful friendship. Sleepovers will never be the same again, after tonight.”

“I guess not,” Louise said, looking at me.

The three of us stayed there that night, in Fiona’s big, queen-sized bed, kissing and making love. We’d stayed over at each other’s places many times over the years, but this was the beginning of a new stage of our relationships with each other. The three of us fucked, and made love, many times together after that night, and over the years, as Louise and I moved in and out of relationships, we continued to sleep with other.

Louise and I stopped doing this when Louise became engaged to Brendan, the man who is now her husband, and we marked the occasion with a night of hard fucking, followed by slow lovemaking. Brendan is a good man, and he doesn’t know about Louise and me, but he is truly fortunate to have found Louise, and to have her bestow on him the three gifts of beauty, physical love and womanly companionship.

As for Fiona, she and I became a couple a few months after our first night in bed with Louise, and she told me she didn’t consider it cheating if I got together every now and again with Louise, as long as she could also have what she called “sexy fun” with her, both with and without me.

Fiona and I parted on good terms a couple of years later, when our work took us in different directions, but we got back together in our twenties. Maybe one day, we might get married, but for the moment, we are happy to live together. Fiona is no longer the sexy little nutcase she was back then, but is now a petite and beautiful young career woman, with grace and poise, and a crazy sense of humour. Even though we've known each other long enough to have played hopscotch together as kids, and first made love at eighteen, we can still strike sparks off each other in bed, as we approach thirty. What more could I ask in a woman?

story by: taverner

Tags: fiction consensual sex threesome incest teen male/teen females oral sex sex story

Author: taverner

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