Michelle – sleepover 2 – ch 10

sex stories

Oh my God! Penises! The box contained several different pretend sizes…but no mistaking what they were!
"Jen," I squealed, "Where did you…how did /> "These are some of my very best friends," she whispered in a conspiring voice. "Sometimes when there's no guys around and my fingers just aren't /> "Oh my God!" I gasped again, even as my hand reached into the box and began fondling and sifting through the different pieces.
on a string…beads on a plastic wand…some really wierd penises…narrow at one end…very fat at the a flat base.
"Jen," I gasped again, " /> "This is my pussy's favorite," she confided. She was holding a pink penis. It looked so real. I reached out and touched it…gripped it. It even felt real…just like my like Jeff's. But it was a lot bigger than either of theirs. Not really any longer, but a lot fatter.
She continued showing me the contents. "This is my clit's favorite," she breathed, holding up a shiny metal penis.
"You clit's favorite?" I asked, somewhat confused.
"Yeah," she murmured. She twisted the base of the piece and held it out to me. /> I reached out and clasped the shiny penis. Oh my God! It was buzzing and vibrating. I felt an instant flood of juices, just imagining what that would feel like buzzing against my clit!
She twisted the base back and laid it down, picking up the beads. "These are my butt's favorites," she confided.
"Your I asked, somewhat increduously. My mind was in a whir. I couldn't believe what I was seeing…or hearing. This is the girl that had just licked my pussy! I had just licked hers! I licked her butt! She had her fingers in mine! And now this?
"Yeah," she replied, holding up the string with the six beads on it. "You slide these up inside your butt one at a time, and then when you're ready to come…when you start to come…you pull them out. It's fantastic! I come so hard!" she added quickly.
I examined the string in her hand, and the beads on it, and tried to imagine what it would feel like to have them pushed inside my back hole…and then pulled out…while I was coming!
"Then what about these?" I asked, grasping the firm plastic wand with the beads on it.
"Same thing," she replied. "The beads feel just the same, except with this one you can push it in and pull it out…pump it. With the string, it takes forever to push them back inside once you've pulled them out.
My imagination was going crazy, my pussy was pulsing as I reached back into the box and pulled out one of the wierd shaped pink rubber things. "And this?" I asked.
"That's a butt plug," she replied nonchalantly. "See how skinny it is at the tip and how fat it is at the base?" she asked.
I just nodded dumbly…still somewhat stunned.
"When you first put the tip in your ass it will open you up…but as you push it in further and deeper and get to the bigger parts…it stretches you way open. It's great," she continued, "Even better than a guy's cock because this will open you up slowly. It doesn't hurt as much at first like a guy's cock does."
I sat frozen, dumbfounded. Still, the tingles rushing through my pussy were getting stronger, more and more /> "This," she said with a wicked grin, holding up another penis, "is my very special favorite friend."
I looked at the penis in her hand, and noticed the way the top of it was curved to one side. My mind instantly flashed back to my private pleasure party, and the banana…with the curved end…how I had twisted it inside of me…how it touched my channel in places I had never felt before.
Jen's grin grew even more wicked as she held it up in front of my face. "Check this out," she said and reached for the base. She started twirling the small lever in the bottom. Oh my God! The curved head was rotating around and around!
My pussy spasmed and I felt a flood of juices as I imagined what that thing would feel like up inside of me…the head twirling around and around…
My eyes must have been wide as saucers…my mouth agape…because Jen just sat there for a few seconds.
"Well," she whispered finally, "you ready?"
I replied weakly.
"Yeah," she replied firmly. "We gotta educate you girl!"
I just sort of nodded…not sure what to say.
"Get up on your hands and knees," she instructed, taking charge.
I did as she asked and for a moment felt nothing…except silly. There I was, naked on my best friend's bed, on my hands and knees, her right behind me…I'm sure staring at both of my holes.
A moment later I felt her tongue probing my little back hole, followed in seconds by feeling her pushing something up into my pussy.
"What are you doing?" I asked, confused and turned on at the same time.
Her tongue left my butt as she replied, "These are the beads on the wand. We gotta get them good and wet first or else they won't go in…or else they'll hurt."
Her tongue returned to teasing my butt opening, and I felt the "thing" sliding in and out of my pussy. She kept this up for a few moments, then I felt her pull it all the way out. Within seconds, I felt something much larger trying to push up into my pussy.
"Now what?" I asked rather meekly.
"This is the first one I showed you," she replied. "Trust me…it's gonna fill you up just /> She pushed and I felt if enter me. She was right! It was fat enough that it stretched me a little bit, but didn't hurt at all. It was wonderful! She pushed it in furthur and I moaned. I had never felt so completely full! (Well…maybe with the cucumber) But this was different…it wasn't me doing this…it was my best friend…and a girl at that!
She started a slow in and out movement with the fake penis and within moments I was breathing heavy…almost panting.
"Hang on," she breathed. Seconds later I felt a pressure against my tiny back hole…and then she pushed. The first bead on the wand popped up inside of me! It wasn't really pain…just a slight discomfort as my little opening accepted the bead, and then closed right back up after it was inside.
She pushed again…and I felt the second one slide inside me. The penis in my pussy was moving faster now, and my breathing was getting ragged.
I felt the third…then the enter my butt, and then the movement in my backside stopped. The penis in my pussy was now moving faster, and I thought I could maybe feel the beginnings of another orgasm approaching.
The movement in my pussy stopped just as I was starting to feel the first waves. "What now?" I whimpered.
"Trust me," was all she replied.
Moments later, I felt the fake penis pulled from my channel, and within seconds felt something else being pushed up inside of me.
This one was a little longer, but not as thick. All of a sudden, I felt the tip rubbing against my inner wall. Oh God! I thought…the one with the curved head!
She started twisting the lever, and I could feel the curved end rubbing all around my insides. This was incredible! My very depths being even the banana had felt like this. She increased the speed, and the rotating penis head was now driving me crazy! Again…I felt my orgasm approaching.
Again…she stopped.
"Now what!" I cried out, the apparent in my voice.
She crawled up next to me and looked me in the eye as she held up the shiny metal penis. She twisted the base and held it lightly against my cheek.
"Take this," she murmured, "and hold it against your clit."
She pressed the buzzing toy into my hand and moved back down the bed. Moments later, I felt the head of the penis in my pussy start to rotate again. This was heaven! I reached down between my legs with the buzzing toy in my hand and brought it to rest against my clit.
Electricity shot through me! This was incredible! I had never felt…never like this! The buzzing…the my clit…the head of the curved penis twirling around in the depths of my pussy!
My orgasm was quickly approaching, and I knew this time there would be no stopping it. She twirled the toy inside of me faster, and I pressed the vibrating penis harder against my clit. My hips were bucking…my chest ragged…and it started…
Wave after wave after wave of the most unbelievable ecstasy crashed through me. I couldn't /> I was panting as my orgasm built…and built…and built.
I was moaning and whimpering as it peaked…but then it didn't stop…the waves just kept coming and coming and coming…stronger and stronger and stronger.
I think I was sobbing…maybe even screaming…I don't know…
Just when I was sure I had reached the very absolute peak of pleasure…I felt the first bead being pulled out of my butt.
It started growing all over again…wave after wave…
The second bead…
The third bead…
Dizzy…light with pleasure…
/> Fifth…
Sobbing /> Sixth…

I came to kind of slowly…not too sure at first where I even was.
I opened my eyes and saw Jen looking down into my face…a kind of a wry smile on her face.
She reached out a hand and gently brushed the hair from my sweating forehead.
Still disoriented, I mumbled, "What /> "You came girl…I mean you really came…" she whispered in a husky voice.
"But Jen…" I protested weakly, "I've come /> "Well you did it right this time," she chuckled. "I think you actually passed out for a couple of minutes."
"Oh God," I mumbled. What was happening to me? This…coming like that…with a girl…not even a guy…with toys?"
"It was a good one girl," she chuckled again. "The comforter underneath you is soaking wet."
I was suddenly The most unbelieable powerful orgasm I had ever had…with a girl…not even with a girl…with her toys!
I didn't know what to say…my face bright red with an embarassed blush.
Jen cooed, "That's the way a good come is supposed to be."
Trying desparately to regroup and regain my senses, I managed to mumble, "But what about you?"
"Don't worry," she chuckled again. "I can play with these anytime…this one was for you…"
The warm afterglow of my incrediable orgasm was still filling me as we looked into each other's eyes. Somehow, I knew our relationship had just

story by: michellev

Tags: masturbation true story toys teen female/teen female female exhibitionist sex story

Author: michellev

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