The next morning, I woke up late. Luckily it was Saturday.
"Good morning." Said a quiet, mousy voice. I looked over and saw the fairy I rescued last night.
"Yes it is." I replied, watching her blush. "So. What can I call you?"
"You cannot pronounce my name." She said sadly.
"How about Lilly?"
"Ok." She said happily. "What are we doing today?"
"Well first, I would like to see what you can do.
"What ever you want. I owe you." She said.
"First, my cat needs to be friendly toward you. Second, I want my acne gone. Third, I want us to have telepathic capabilities. I don't believe telepathy is magic, but is a dormant capability that we all have."
"Done." She said.
<Now, can I make wishes affecting you?> I asked.
<yes> she replied.
"Perfect. Now, I wish you had a human form." I said.
"I already do. But I must warn you that for every two inches of my fairy height, I am one foot tall. So, I'd be six feet tall. Would you like to see?"
"Yes." I replied. She then grew swiftly, and was now a life size version of a barbie doll.
"Any changes you make will be reflected across both sizes." She said.
"Well, I wish you were five feet tall, and not nearly as skinny. I want you to look healthy."
"Done". Now she was 5 feet tall and looked to be around 150 pounds.
"Now, let's take you shopping. You need clothes." She looked down, noticed she was naked, and did her best to cover up. I retrieved some boxers, shorts, and a shirt for her to wear.
'BONG!' "The fuck?" I went to see who was at the door. There, standing outside, was my half sister, her mother, and a man in a suit. "What can I do for you?" I asked.
"Here is a form to sign over the house, car, and your trust fund to my client." Said the suit. "You have until Monday, or legal action will be taken." He said.
"I turn 18 in a month. You'll get the house by then. As for the trust fund, I'll agree to give you their full value. As for the car, it was willed to me, and is in my name. It is also paid in full. If you try to take it, I'll take custody of Mikaela and you'll never see her again. As for legal action, you have no foothold.
"We will have the BoE put you in foster care." Said the wicked bitch of the west.
<Come down here.>
I smiled as Lilly appeared by my side. "Teleport these two across the country, and make sure they don't remember you or how they got there."
"Done". She said as the gold digger and her lawyer disappeared.
"This is Mikaela, or Mikey. She is my baby half sister."
Said Lilly.
"Are you a genie?" Mikey asked.
"Something like that. But don't tell anyone."
I said. "Lilly, scan her whole body for health issues, and report them to me." I watched her face go from casual, to concerned, to worried.
<Her heart rate is all over the place. She has tar build up in her lungs. I fear it is much worse but I can't tell. She has several bruised bones.>
"Mikey, come inside please." I said as I walked into the living room.
"Jimmy, I hurt." She said.
"Take off your shirt, and let me see where. I said as she did so. She looked like her body tried to tan blue, green, and yellow.
"Oh my…" Said Lilly.
<put those two back at her house, and put the their car in her driveway.>
"Jimmy I …" Mikey started to pass out. I picked her up and started dialing as a walked, ignoring the fact I was still only in boxers and a shirt.
"Dispatch, it's James again. My little sister was just dropped off at my place. She is heavily bruised and is starting to pass out. I'm gonna be driving her to the hospital.
"Blue Dodge Charger?" He said
"Yes. Also I want her mother taken into custody, as I…
"We're on it. Go!"
Pulling out onto the street, I flipped a switch on the dash. Inside the cockpit of the car, all I heard was the battle cry of the 440, accompanied by the whine of the supercharger. All I saw was the road ahead of me, and my sister's beaten body. What I did not see, what I did not hear, was the two outer headlights of the charger flashing, or the police up ahead clearing my path, or the loud siren as it blared. I got glimpses of the siren in between gears, until I got into third. If Lilly hadn't been busy with Mikaela, she'd have been scared out of her mind. <keep her alive> I told her. <and don't look up.> the hospital was 5 miles away. I was gonna have to make it in 2 minutes or less. My tachometer was hovering on 7,000 rpm's already, and I was in top gear. I flipped the safety on the shifter, and pressed the red button. In no time we were within 2 miles, and I started to prepare for the turn onto the hospitals main road. I shifted down through the gears, and took the turn at 30 mph. Luckily it was a large intersection, because we were virtually sideways through the turn. Coming up on a half mile and I shut off the siren, and coast all the way to the immediate care entrance, where hospital staff are waiting.
It was 5 pm when they stopped operating. Mikey was stable, critical. There were no broken bones, but she had been slammed around a lot. The heart rate was because she was fed coke. They also found that she had been raped. At 6, her mother arrived along with the pig faced lawyer. She opened her mouth as if to speak when I stopped her. "Not one mother fucking word. Not one." I said. "They find anything in your house with her blood on it, you'll need a better suit." "I'd like to know how you evaded your arrest, but that can wait."
"Can I just see my /> I pointed inside the room. "There she is. She needs new lungs, and her heart is permanently damaged. She can't take any stress, or she'll have a heart attack, and that's not cool because she's only eight. Now kindly fuck off." I spat.
I barely saw the suit move before I felt the blow to my gut. I watched them move past me into the room. Before I could even draw my gun they froze. I paused. Lilly then came out of the restroom and smiled at me.
<our magic automatically protects the life of children.> she explained. your sister is already healing. I am slowing her healing so that it will take a year, as to not draw suspicion.> I looked over at Lilly with what I thought could only be love. This little pixy virtually fell from heaven into the worst days of my life, and was making them better.
<Make them be able to hear me, and get an officer up here.>
"An officer is on his way. As you have probably guessed, you are fucking with the wrong man. Said officer will check you, Mr. Suit, to see if you have raped my sister. Both of you are going away for a long time.
<soon as they are in handcuffs, they may move.>
<Ok.> said Lilly.
8 o'clock and Lilly and I was heading home.
"Lilly, do you think you can stay like this tonight?" I asked.
"No. I cannot stay human size for longer than twelve hours. She said, as we cruised down the street.
"Can your magic affect matter, such as steel?"
"As long as you own it." She said.
"Acquire knowledge about engines, then use that knowledge to repair any damage to this cars engine please."
" What ever clothes you wear need to be able to shrink and grow with you. Human made cloth won't do that."
"Ok." Said Lilly, happily.
When we pulled up to the house, she was already down to fairy size, so I had her turn all eyes away from us, as we went inside, and straight to bed. I took off my shirt, and she undressed completely, the clothes she borrowed immediately returning to size. She got into her sock-sleeping bag, and we went right to bed. My last thought was that I was in love with this creature.
The next morning, I woke up early. I scooped Lilly up in my hands, and carried her to the shower, where I proceeded to hand wash her, using the corner of a wash cloth. As she woke up, she noticed she was naked, and tried to cover up as best she could. I then wrapped her in a dry cloth, and carried her to my, or our room.
I looked outside and noticed it would be a pants and sweater kind of day, and picked the appropriate clothes, as Lilly expanded to human form. We dressed, and then I grabbed some clothes for Mikey before we headed back to the hospital.
When we arrived, Mikey was just starting to wake up. She asked me.
"Yes little one?"
"Is Mom really gone?"
"She is in custody." I answered. "Sweaty, a police man is going to come talk to you okay? Make sure you answer all his questions truthfully." I said. "I also brought
You a set of PJ's." I said.
"Thank you." She said.
"Lilly, will you please help her?" I asked.
"Yes." Said Lilly. I then stepped out, closing the curtain, and door.
"The hospital is no place for an eight year old." I thought as a tear rolled down my cheek.
With a snap of my fingers, I had little Mikaela changed. She giggled. "That was cool." She said. She then pointed behind me. "Who's that?" She asked I turned, and jumped. There, in front of me was my brother, Sean.
"He's a friend of mine."
<How bad is it?> He asked.
<Bad.> I said. I then explained the situation. <I want you on board to cover her. We will be in it for the long haul, possibly the rest of our lives.>
<Let's do it.> He said. <I've been looking into her mind. She is a very strong girl, who will do great things. Does James know you love him?>
<I know he loves me.> I replied. <I'm glad my ship crashed where it did. Make the appropriate connections with her.>
<Done.> said Sean.
<Come back in James. I want you to meet someone.>
As I entered the room, there was another man who seemed the same age as Lilly and I, six feet tall, with brown hair. "Hello. I'm Sean. I'm like Lilly here, in that I am what you call a fairy." I shook his hand in relief.
"So that is her name?". I asked.
"It's not what your name is, but what you're known for." Said Sean.
"Wise words." I replied.
"Thank you. I will be appointing myself to protect your sister. Even though technically I am under her rule, you will have final say."
"Thank you." I said.
around 12 in the afternoon, an officer came by to ask Mikaela some questions. He recorded the conversation and left with a smile, giving me a thumbs up. "We got 'em. He said.
An hour later, Lilly and I left, leaving Sean and Mikaela to get to know each other, and drove to the nearest DMV.
"Atain any and all knowledge required for driving. You will need a driver's permit. Also, your last name will be Thomson. Your birthday will be the same as mine, so you can take your driving test by then, and get a license." I informed her.
"Done. I'll also be making changes to the car so that it passes inspection." She replied.
"Good idea."
Approaching the parking lot entrance, I shifted from 3rd straight to 1st gear, attempting to rev the engine, but getting only a muffled increase in sounding. I looked over at Lilly with a blank stare.
"You restored the muffler, didn't you." I said.
"Their required." She said.
"Hello Mr. Thomas." Said the woman appointed to us. Everyone here knew me. "Who's your friend here?"
"Mr. Thomas was my dad." I joked. "Lilly Thompson. She needs her permit, so she can get some practice before she turns 18."
"We're empty today, so Ms. Thompson, go on in."
"Thank you." Said Lilly.
"And you, James, can go bring that race car around back, and give me your license. We heard about your adventure yesterday.
One-thirty in a
"I have papers for everything under my hood." I said. "Besides, I'm getting ready to park it anyway. I need something with four doors. I'm thinking either a Chevy SS or a Ford Taurus."
Lilly came out just as the Charger was done being inspected. I had to admit, the engine never looked so pretty befor. Everything looked brand new. "I passed with flying colors!" She said excitedly.
"Good." I said happily. "Because you're driving." I added as I tossed her the keys.
"Auto Plaza, please." I said.
The way Lilly drove felt like the transmission only had one single gear. She was perfect. I couldn't decide which car I wanted, so I had her drive to the Toyota dealership. As we got out, a salesman came right over.
"What can I do for you today?" He asked, eager to make a sale.
"Do you have a paper and pen?" I asked.
"Right here." He pulled out a notepad.
"Start with a Toyota Camry, all the bells and /> "Okay?" He asked.
"I want mid profile tires, on D-window rims, and the track package body kit, but replace the spoiler with a duck tail stabilator.
"We can do that." He said.
"Now give it a police protection package. No middle divider.
"Roll cage. Got it."
"Now here's a challenge." He looked at me confused. "I want an RWD conversion, four speed manual transmission, coupled to a seven liter V-eight, and pinned hood."
"You're a mad man!" The salesman exclaimed . "We'll make it happen. Follow me."
"I'd also like the car dropped to five inches off the ground."
"Done." He noted my final request, as we followed him to his office. He got on his computer, and I assumed imputed all the information. "Okay, we can make it happen, however, it will take two days to get here. You're looking at a one hundred thousand dollar car, so let's check your credit… and good!" He paused. Normally I'd say ten thousand up front, and five hundred a month, but if you can give me twenty thousand up front, I'll get that car on the next truck out here.
"Done." I said as I took out my debit card.
I had cleared the transaction with the bank prior to the offer via Email. Not hard to do when you make 30,000 a month buying and selling commodities.
On the way back to the hospital, Lilly was driving the car perfectly. "Take us to third street." I said. Third street being a 2 mile long 4 lane stretch of road that ended in a cul de sac and was never used. When we got to the end, I had us switch seats.
"This car has a couple of special features." I started. "Under the steering wheel there is a switch. Flipping it will activate the siren and strobe lights. I use this if I need to respond to a problem as I am a first responder." I flipped the switch to show her. "Notice the two hazard light buttons?"
"Yes." Said Lilly.
"The one on the instrument panel activates a microphone, and transponder. It relays my position to Dispatch, as well as any conversations and sound taking place." I then pressed the button, just as a black Toyota Supra pulled up, along with 4 Kawasaki Ninjas.
"First one to the end gives up his car and his girl." Said the ass hole asian in the Supra.
"Don't try to back out now. My friends would hate to get blood on their hands." He sneered. I watched his girl get out, and walk between us."
tshhh.' His car sang. Turbocharged. Possibly 300 horses. No muffler.
<deactivate the muffler.> I said.
<Done.> What fuck boy didn't see was the cop waiting at the cul de sac.
VOOM VOOM VOOM VOom.' My Charger rocked back and forth under the power of the engine.
"Your mother sent me to collect your car." Said the Asian guy.
"My mother died seventeen years ago getting run over by one of you drunk fucks." I said. "This is your last chance to back out."
All he did was smirk.
"Go!" Said the girl. I mashed the gas and flowed smoothly into 2nd gear. As I hit 3rd, his dumb little buddies surrounded me on their bikes, and began slowing down. I pressed the gas even further, forcing the bike in front side ways. It's rider ended up on my hood, as the bike went to the side, taking out one of the other bikers. A jink of the wheel sent the other side biker down. The dumbass on my hood then pulled a small pistol out, but an opposite jink sent him flying, as well as the biker behind me, who ran into the car. All the while Lilly looked bewildered. I then shifted down into 2nd, to make up for lost momentum, the Supra pulling alongside me.
"Surprise mother fucker". I said as I went code 3, watching his eyes go wide, as we were joined by four police cruisers, behind us. I then let him by, and pitted him, not thinking about how fast we were going. I accidentally sent my car into a deep slide, but was able to keep from hitting anything, coming to a stop. He on the other hand, skidded across the road, hitting a tree, at about 120 miles per hour. Luckily, the tree was fine, save for a huge gash in the bark.
Pulling up to the crumpled up piece of plastic and metal that was his car, I got out to see if he could be saved, but there was nothing left of the interior of the car. I then took a picture of his body and car with my phone, and emailed it to my ex mother with the caption "nice try". Don't get me wrong. I felt bad for the guy, but he should have backed off and let me go about my day.
Lilly and I then headed back into town.
"By the way, I heard your whole conversation, with Sean before you introduced us." I said.
"Oh." She said, surprised.
"Two things. I want a telepathic connection with him, and what's the range on it?"
"Done, and infinite. Just think of him, and he will hear you."
"Good, and thank you." I said. <Sean.>
<Yes?> He answered.
<I'm not one to give orders, but could you stay with Mikey tonight?>
<Yes.> He answered.
<Thanks. We will see you tomorrow, around noonish.>
The next morning, I had school, so Lilly and I got dinner and went straight home, and went to bed. Lying next to her miniscule form, I had a thought. "Hey Lilly?"
"Make my teeth and mouth permanently clean, and healthy."
"It's done, my lo…" She stopped.
"Good." I said "because I intend on using it on you every chance I get. I love you too, Lilly." I then placed my hand protectively over her sleeping bag, pulling her to me. "For everything." I added before sleep took me.
story by: Brields
Tags: consensual sex fantasy romance teen male / teen male body modification sex story
Author: Brields
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