The next morning I woke up somewhat sore but nothing compared to yesterday. I really didn’t even want to think about it. I felt so humiliated for crying like that. Brad has seen me cry only a few times but nothing like yesterday. I could count how many times I cried in front of him, most of those times were because of movies the other was a fight we had gotten into.
I turned to my side and checked Brad’s alarm clock and yawned noticing we had slept in quiet late. It was almost 1 in the morning. I knew he felt me move since he tiredly wrapped an arm around my waist and yawned.
“What time is it?” He said somewhat muffled but mostly tired.
“It’s almost one.” I turned over to face him and kissed his forehead then rested my head on his shoulder.
“Damn we went to bed at eleven. We weren’t even out that late.” He groaned slightly and pulled me slightly closer.
“I was pretty tired last night.” I shrugged slightly and got up out of bed messing with the amount of hair that had came out of my bun and sighed.
“I was tired too, but not tired enough to sleep in till one.” He looked over at me and watched slightly.
“I don’t know I might have been.” I shrugged looking over at him then grabbed my bag setting it on the bed and pulling out a change of clothes for the day.
“Want to join me for a shower?”
“Yeah I could probably go for one. Unless you want to hit the gym before we get something to eat.” He looked over at me raising an eyebrow running his hand through his sexy bed head.
“No I was probably going to go on Sunday since I have my game Monday afternoon.” I looked over at him and shrugged leaving my clothes for the day on the bed and started putting my extra clothes in his closet.
“Sounds good to me. I might have to join you on that one actually. I can warm you up an hour before the game.” He shrugged and watched me.
“That would be lovely babe.” I smiled and leaned over putting my hand on his chest and brushed my lips against his and I felt his smile, but I broke away from him before he could start anything and finished with my things.
He raised an eyebrow at my words of choice and I laughed sitting on the bed looking at him.
“Do you even remember our conversation last night?” I laughed when he shook his head then fell back on the bed and looked at him.
“Well I disgusted the fact that I agree with you. I think we should be />
“You know I just wanted to hear you say that didn’t you?” He looked at me raising an eyebrow then I laughed and pushed him shaking my head and got up.
“”You could have just told me that!” I said and rolled my eyes grabbing my clothes off the bed and went over to the door unlocking it and looked back at him.
“Coming or am I going alone?”
“I’m coming. You don’t even know where anything is.” He got up and laughed guiding me to the bathroom and I walked in and was somewhat disgusted. In the light I was now noticing how much of a college guys apartment it looked like.
The toilet was somehow already disgusting not to mention the shower had bottles of empty Axe and any of his things. The floor seemed somewhat soggy to me not seeing a bath mat. It was littered with used raggy towels that the dorm would give us. Not to even mention the nasty things in the overflowing garbage can.
“No. I am not taking a shower till you take that fucking trash out and clean up the towels Brad.” I looked at him somewhat disgusted then watched for a second as he picked up the towels. I just walked out and into the living room which was also trashed aside from the spot on the couch where Callie was sitting.
“I made that boy go clean his fucking room. That shit smelt nasty.” She said and shook her head looking around I pushed a blanket off the new couch the guys had gotten and swept crumbs off the cushion as well before I sat.
“I made Brad clean the bathroom. This place needs a women’s touch.” I looked at her and then around the room and shook my head.
“Girl we need to shower then we need to get our asses to target.” Callie said and ran her hand through her hair then found a notebook and I watched as she started making out a to do list for the boys.
“We need them to throw those towels in the bathroom away. Not to mention the shower curtain.” I said to her and she paused for a second then continued with her list adding my suggestion.
“Bathroom is clean now if you want to go start the shower I will be in a second.” Brad said as he came out with the garbage and the dirty towels, leaving the towels on the washing machine.
I got up in somewhat horror having to face the bathroom. I slowly walked back in then got undressed leaving the door unlocked and turned the shower on starting to wash my hair as Brad walked in and started doing as I did then got in with me.
“Callie and I are going in town later.” I said as I let the water run through my hair to get all the conditioner out of my hair.
“Oh really? Is this a girl’s only trip?” He asked and I felt him reach around me to grab something off the self of the shower.
“It is since you two will be staying home and cleaning.” I said and then moved back so the water could run over my face then opened my eyes pushing my hair back.
“I cleaned my room for you and half of the mess is his.” He said and faced the opposite shower head.
“Just be happy I’m not making you scrub the floors. I mean your scrubbing the toilet.” I shrugged then grabbed his body wash and took some in my hands and rubbed it into his shoulders and down his back massaging gently.
“We can’t all pitch in and pay someone to come clean the place for us?” He asked and I felt him sigh once i started to massage his shoulders and back. I knew his weakness and right now he was trying to fight it.
“No you guys need some actual dishes and better towels. I mean you guys have the bone basics in this place.” I said and moved my hand his front and rubbed his abs gently then moved down to his cock and felt it already hard.
“We don’t need a girly place.” He said but let out a groan as his body betrayed him since he was trying to remain serious as I jerked him.
“If you and John want me and Callie here then we are going to have to get some things straight around here.” I said quietly into his ear and then kissed his ear gently as I kept on jerking him.
“Fine, but you owe me one for cleaning up this place.” He said and I ran one of my hands over from his stomach down to his balls and massaged them gently against his shaft.
“Oh trust me I will make it up to you tonight…As long as the place is clean before I come home from town.” I basically purred against his neck biting the skin gently and began to suck on his neck making him groan.
I noticed his balls started to tighten after a couple minutes of my jerking and massaging. I then gave his balls a slight squeeze and firmed my grip on his raging member which sent him over the edge as cum started to erupt from his cock.
I then released his member and got out of the shower grabbing what smelt like a clean towel and dried off hearing him turn off the shower soon after I got out. I got changed into yoga pants and a tank to that matched the zebra print waist band of my yoga pants.
“Are you wearing a thong?” Brad said as he had started drying off and seemingly watched me get dressed. Now see I wasn’t the kind of girl that wore thongs all the time. Only with sweatpants or yoga pants. I usually stuck to my sexy Victoria’s secret hipsters.
“Yes I am actually. If I wear my regular it shows the outline of them.” I shrugged and picked up the towel and my other clothes leaning against the door and laughed as I noticed him starting to become hard again while he got dressed.
“Well either way I love yoga pants.” He said looking at me as he finished getting dressed and grabbed his stuff walking with me to the stacked washer and dryer with the basket in front of it and we dropped our dirty things in the basket.
“You love anything with the word yoga in it.” I rolled my eyes then walked into his room and he followed.
“There are some things I don’t like with the word yoga. Like yoga shoes. I think personally they are just regular shoes.” He shrugged and laid back on the bed watching as I put my hair into a high pony tail and grabbed my purse looking through my phone.
“You don’t own a pair so you wouldn’t get it.” I said and shook my head with a smile and sent a few texts before putting my phone back into my purse and looked for my wallet.
“Well I’m glad I don’t since I don’t think they even have such a thing.” He looked at my and chuckled.
“They do actually. I checked dick’s sporting goods and they had some.” I shrugged then looked through my cash.
“Do you want anything while I’m out?”
“I’m going to have to pass on those and yes I would love it if you could pick me up a blue Gatorade.” He smiled then sat up and put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me passionately.
“Also you look beautiful today baby.”
“I will if when I get home you can give me some cash. Since I was thinking about possibly skipping class for a day and having the whole week to go to I said and pulled back so I could see his face and raised an eyebrow.
“I need to talk to the dean about dropping all my classes and I need to stop at the base so I can turn everything in and if I have to I need to get my exam.” He looked at me and sighed.
“Then do that all Monday Brad. You will only have a couple weeks till you have to go to training and I just want to have a week with you.” I looked at him and frowned at his hesitation.
“Fine I think your right, but just us alright?” He said and raised an eyebrow then kissed my forehead as I nodded.
“So you’re really going through with it? I mean going away for months on end.” I said and pulled away again then moved to sit with him on the bed and he took my hands gently and sighed.
“I am going to do it. I mean I haven’t been doing so great all through college and you and I both know I’m probably not going to graduate this year. I just think I need to at least try it.” He said and looked at me sadly.
“I could help you. You know I have the patients and time to do that brad.” I said and looked at him trying to come up with a solution to everything.
“You know it won’t help. I mean Callie couldn’t even help me.” He looked at me and sighed. Callie was one of the smartest people in our entire college and I knew my suggestion would be hopeless.
Our conversation was interrupted by Callie yelling for everyone to come to the kitchen and we looked at each other then got up. I grabbed my purse and went out to the kitchen in time for her to rip out two pages from the note book. She handed each of the guys and page.
“These are your chores for the day. The girls and going to finally fix this place up.” She said and I laughed softly as the boys looked over there lists making for the perfect time to slip out the door without them being able to question.
Once me and Callie had came back home it was dark out. We had basically gotten all the small things they needed. Which we basically everything. We had gotten plates, cups, sliver wear, new comforters for each of the beds, pillows for the couch, new towels, basically everything aside from new furniture.
We were both so tired we each went into the bedrooms. I had noticed that everything was extremely clean for once. I yawned and went over to where Brad was laying down and laughed softly dropping my purse. I got onto his lap with the blanket in between each other.
“What you are going to fall asleep with out me paying you back for cleaning?” I leaned down and purred into his ear pulling the blanket off and putting my hand on his bare chest. I had imagined that he was hot from working most of the day and he had just skipped the shirt.
“I was just waiting till you got home baby.” He said groggily and opened his eyes wrapping his arms around me.
“Mmm good I was kind of looking forward to it actually.” I smiled and nipped his earlobe playfully as he laid back and groaned.
think I wasn’t looking forward to it.” He said between a groan and ran his hand up my shirt pulling it off gently.
I ran my hands down to his basketball short and helped him get them off kissing his neck and his chest teasing one of his nipples as I threw his basketball shorts. I quickly resumed kissing down his chest and stomach noticing he wasn’t wearing boxers made me think he knew what I had planned.
I decided to change it up a little bit and got off the bed taking the rest of my clothing off. Bending at the knees I gave him full view of my pussy. Once I had finished I got back onto his lap and sat on his stomach.
“Do you want to eat my wet little cunt out? Umm I missed it yesterday.” I purred running my hand through his hair and looked at him as he nodded and grabbed my legs pulling my up to his face.
I felt his tongue flick across my clit which sent a shiver up my spine. I then let out a small moaned as he moved his tongue to my opening and probed inside of me. It had been a good 2 minutes of him exploring my pussy before he went back to my clit. He shoved two fingers into me and pushed deep into me. I felt a slight pressure and I move off his face then back to his waist.
He pulled his fingers out of me and I noticed him lick his fingers off. I move my hand to his member and slowly guided the head into my wet pussy. I put my hands on his chest and sighed biting my lip.
“Please just go easy.” I said quietly and with that he turned us over so I was on my back and he leaned in close to me.
I instinctively gripped his shoulders and he gently pushed deeper into me. I felt an extreme pressure and that when I knew he had pasted my freshly broken hymen. He started to pull out and I let him. I knew he was going to stop I was just wondering what he was planning on doing.
I looked down at him and noticed he had a slight trace of blood along his shaft. He looked at me for reassurance.
“Go ahead it doesn’t hurt.” I said quietly trying to comfort him. I knew the look on his face all to well. He was concerned and I think he was slightly scared.
“I just am make me so nervous Jane.” He said and shook his head kissing me softly and managed to start up again.
He pressed into me again but now that I had loosened my grip on his shoulders he began to thrust. The pressure began to fade and soon it turned into pleasure. I let my head fall back onto the pillow and bit my lip trying to hold in moans. He finally pressed hard against my womb and I let out a loud moan.
I felt my muscles contract around his hard cock. I knew I was nearing my climax and I tried to keep it together.
“Damn Jane I’m going to cum!” He groaned and I gasped as I finally felt his hot cum spill out into me.
That sent me over the edge as my muscles tighten even more then they had been before. I gasped and gripped his shoulders hard as our cum mixed and some spilt out onto my thighs.
“Oh my god Jane you are so freaking amazing.” Brad said as he lay down next to me and kissed me in which I returned. I soon got up and put on some girl boxer short and one of brad’s shirts on and he got up and got his original clothes on.
“You are so incredible you know that?” I said as we both got back into bed and I laid my head down on his chest and yawned.
“How am I He asked and wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head.’
“I don’t know. Your personality, your looks, just everything about you. I mean you were exactly what I was waiting for growing up.” I said and smiled looking up at him a brushing my lips against his chin.
“Well I’m glad I waited for someone like you to come along. You are beyond words.” He said and looked down at me with a soft smile.
And that was how we ended our night.
Should I continue?
story by: Armystrong
Tags: school young consensual sex teen male/teen female fantasy virginity reluctance teen sex story written by women massage
Author: Armystrong
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