"Well, Randi. I'd say you're living up to your name…"
"Gosh! I'm not normally this horny… oooh, right there…" She hung her head down between her shoulderblades, focusing for a moment on thrusting her hips back against my cock while I drilled her doggy-style. "But then sex has never been this good />
"I get that a lot." I fought back a smirk. Then I settled in, watching the red pigtails bouncing and the gentle curve of Randi's spine as she flexed and thrust on all fours, trying to eat my dick alive inside of her pussy.
Eventually, I slapped her ass and Mrs. Robinson's pretty, young secretary turned around and waited patiently as I blew my creamy load (my second of the last 30 minutes) all over her pouty lips and face.
Her body trembled with what was at least her fifth orgasm, her own fingers still buried between her legs. And then she sat back on her heels with a happy sigh, content to stay there forever.
But I tucked myself away and started straightening out my clothing. "Well, you said Mrs. Robinson would be back at 3. So you'd better get dressed and get yourself cleaned up. I'll just wait here in her office.
Once alone, I sank into Mrs. Robinson's plush executive chair. Randi was cute, and I knew I'd be seeing her for as long as she worked here. But new pussy was starting to lose its appeal. Just another day at the office.
It had been two years after graduation, and the company was doing well. Even better than the company, Marissa and I were celebrating our four year dating anniversary and I was seriously thinking about settling down. My special biology had brought so much to my life, but perhaps it was time for the Ultimate Playboy to hang up his spurs. Imagine that, a 25-year old sex-god wanting to settle down.
Marissa was the one girl in my life completely unaffected by the spray. She did try it once, but since it didn't do anything to her she wrote it off as a well- marketed product that brought me a ton of money, but nothing more than a placebo for psychosomatic arousal.
In the meantime, every other female on the planet was still vulnerable to me, and Marissa had been witnessing, first hand, the indescribable impact I had on the female population. She accepted it as an oddity of nature, and accepted that I loved her dearly even though I had never been fully monogamous with her. Hell, I even had the occasional tryst with Mrs. Robinson and Gabrielle for the fun of it, and Marissa was completely aware of all my extra-dating encounters. That was the unspoken contract, to be honest and upfront with what I was doing.
And she loved me for it.
I couldn't imagine anyone else completing me as a person quite like her. I wish I could say that life was just happily ever after. But there was one more major hiccup before that could happen.
Sitting on a pile of cash, I finally sprung for a mansion in Beverly Hills and we moved out of our sleepy college town. I wasn't needed at the office, Mrs. Robinson could come to me to get pints of blood every few months or so. So with visions of living like a King, I went all out: servants, cooks, the whole nine yards. It was just down the road from Hef's place to boot. Formal ballroom, lavish infinity-pool, private gym, movie theatre, the place was a palace.
Marissa was joining me, of course. We moved in just after that four year anniversary, and after three months of renovations and construction, we finally had made the place our own.
Obviously, we now had to throw a massive housewarming party. And with grounds this big, it was going to have to be a BIG party. So I invited everyone I knew, including old friends from school. I invited the neighbors, thinking a few curious old biddies would come snooping around and never dreaming that Hef would actually show up with all three of his girlfriends.
But what got me most excited was when a few past lovers sent RSVPs to tell me they would be coming as well. Marissa giggled and didn't stop smiling or bouncing around when we got word that Kaia and Jamie would be dropping by. They lived fairly close by (Jamie was from SoCal anyways), and both pouted that they could've visited with us as soon as we arrived had they known we were coming to town. Marissa's best friend from college, Nina, was also flying in. And I had a rush of nostalgia sweep over me when Daniela and Evie, the lesbian couple from Brown 106, sent back a message to add them onto the guest list.
Word spread about my new fortune and my party, and a week later the house was bombarded with calls from people I barely knew. The were mostly the "hey, remember me from high school?" kind of leeches I hated. So the staff spent a lot of time turning them down.
The next month flew by faster than anything else. The time itself was business as usual, and then suddenly the fateful night was upon us.
The party mostly got going in the garden. It was well lit, and the weather was perfect for a lazy California evening. That is, it was warm enough for all the ladies to be wearing rather brief cocktail dresses that exposed a lot of cleavage. The DJs had a good beat going, the open bar was flowing, and the bouncers were very efficient at keeping out anyone who wasn't on the guest list.
I mingled with everyone, getting the frequent congratulations on the company's success and getting myself a light buzz. Marissa predictably gushed over her sorority sisters. I predictably gushed over Hef and the lifestyle he was living (a lifestyle I wouldn't mind myself).
I especially made time to have a long chat with Kaia. Even after a few years, she was still the most gorgeous woman I'd ever laid eyes on, Marissa included. Her body was absolute perfection, a goddess sent to walk on earth. Her brilliant emerald green eyes were piercing and sparkled of their own inner light. And when she moved, she moved with a grace and power that had everyone captivated by her, waiting with baited breath to see what she had to say.
It was easy to see how she intimidated people so easily. But for me, there was only a warm smile and a happy hug.
We shared a light peck right in front of Marissa, and then caught up on all the things that had been going on in our lives. We'd accidentally drifted apart in the intervening years, so much that we didn't even know we lived so close by to each other. She was sharing an apartment with Jamie right on the beach, and they had a bevy of men constantly pursuing them at every turn.
Kaia praised me on my success, and even joked with Marissa about how much she regretted letting the rich, sexy stud get away from her.
For the first time, I saw a flash of green envy in Marissa's eyes, but then the moment passed and we continued on with the pleasant conversation. Marissa did squeeze my hand a little tighter, however.
Gradually, things started winding down and people began to slowly trickle out. We'd gotten started before the sun went down, and now it was after midnight. Everyone was inside the mansion by now, clustered together in little groups. My party had been a good excuse for a reunion by many a classmate, and quite a few people were still around just to hang out with their old friends.
But as usual, my condition meant that there were quite a few horny girls around, some of them with a nostalgic eye towards me, perhaps remembering some of the best sex of their lives. For the moment, I ignored the hungry looks and just kept socializing. My effect did not have an "off" button and I'd gotten used to it.
On some level, I would have been just fine staying and chatting with everyone, Marissa glued to my hip so we could rub each other's backs and exchange loving caresses. The two of us were saying goodbye to a few of the neighbors, and I had planned on moving on to another conversation. But my dick had some ideas of its own.
Daniela and Evie picked the perfect time to approach us. We'd just finished our goodbyes and had a few pregnant seconds of silence before the neighbors left. Both girls had grown up into lingerie model-esque ladies, and Evie had also become a lot more outgoing from the shy innocent I remembered. She popped in, flexing her legs and pouting her lips perfectly while to get my attention.
"We never got the tour!" she whined. Daniela stood right next to her and I paused a moment to admire them before responding. Both were tall and slender, with piercing blue eyes and high cheekbones. They looked almost the same except for their hair, Daniela the blonde stunner and Evie now the sexy brunette.
"Well, we'll just have to give you one then!" I stood up, reaching my hand out to Marissa. She smiled up at me, then took my hand and finished our goodbye and turned to start up the tour.
Daniela and Evie didn't giggle as much now that they were young ladies, but they still both ooh'd and ahh'd at the nice digs: in-house theatre, billiards room, 5-car garage, etc. They complained I didn't warn them to bring swimsuits for the expansive pool and secluded grotto. And eventually we ended up on the second floor checking out the bedrooms and luxurious bathrooms.
Now this whole while, Daniela had been quietly flirting with Marissa while Evie stayed up front with me during the tour. I hadn't warned Marissa that Daniela and Evie were a lesbian couple (still strong after all these years), and it looked like Daniela was actually more interested in Marissa's smokin' body and perfect ass than she was in me. Again, the effect gets girls aroused, but how (and to whom) they react is entirely within their control.
And Marissa didn't look like she minded the attention at all. Really, if a gorgeous blonde with a sexy European accent was hitting on you, would you mind?
So we just brought our little foursome up into the master bedroom when I heard a muffled squeal and then turned just in time to see Daniela tackle Marissa onto our oversized bed.
I had only a moment to see Marissa eagerly kissing Daniela right back before my head was turned and Evie brought her lips to softly tease against mine. My body's instinct took over the rest, and then with a comfortable familiarity, as if our fingers remembered from long ago, hands slipped inside of various pieces of clothing, groping and caressing while we slowly stripped each other.
My palms definitely remembered Evie's big tits, and setting her onto the bed beside Marissa, I began to kiss my way down her body. Finally, after tugging her thong out of the way, I found Evie's bare shaved lips waiting for me, wet in anticipation.
Evie and Daniela had been quite instrumental in teaching me how to properly perform cunnilingus, and I was eager to show off how much I remembered.
Meanwhile, Daniela had similarly stripped Marissa, and had two fingers already embedded in Marissa's quim while she continued her tongue-war inside of Marissa's face. I listened to the familiar moans of Marissa mingling with Evie's newer ones, and together Daniela and I thrashed our lovers until they cried out for mercy after receiving an excessive amount of pleasure.
At last, I slid myself up onto the bed, and with Evie's panting body beneath me, I planted my hands onto her round tits and thrust my pecker into Evie's pussy. She was incredibly tight, and only a few inches went in on that first thrust despite her multiple recent orgasms. She must have had very few, if any, male lovers since me.
And so wriggling my hips and applying a steady pressure, I pushed lower and lower until at last I was embedded deeply inside of her. Having achieved my goal of full penetration, I did the first thing that came to mind. I pulled all the way out.
And then I went all the way back in.
And then all the way out. And Evie was screaming at me to stop playing with her and just FUCK her. So I did just that.
Marissa by now had taken charge of her own situation and finally gotten Daniela fully naked, leaving all four of us fully nude. And they were now in a happy sixty- nine, lying side by side on the bed and curved together while they showed off their individual expertise to each other. I could not explain how thrilling it was to see my girlfriend and the first college girl I'd ever lusted after now tonguing each other to screaming orgasms.
Evie was tossing her head side to side, lost in the sensations I was producing in her while my mental effect was focused down right into the pleasure centers of her brain. I was determined to make her remember this fuck for the rest of her life.
And so putting in just enough focus to stimulate her, but not so much to give myself a headache, I slammed my dick into her and set off a series of fireworks in Evie's brain. Her eyes flew open wider than I'd ever seen them before, and her entire upper body vaulted off the bed as she howled at the ceiling and climaxed HARD.
I couldn't hold myself any longer while the hot brunette thrashed around on the bed beneath me, and then I was blasting load after load of sperm into Evie's quivering insides. I kept firing away as I got tossed around, riding out her bucking motions until at last she collapsed. Her eyes fluttered as she teetered on the edge of consciousness. Evie rarely ever swore, but now she muttered, "Holy fucking SHIT…"
Daniela popped her head up, looking at what I'd done to her girlfriend. "I gotta get a piece of that." Her vocabulary was American, but the European accent was still there and still intoxicating.
I was still embedded in Evie's pussy, and turned a pained expression to the blonde beauty. "It's gonna take a minute to get recharged again. I'm not as young as I used to be."
"Then let me take care of it," came Daniela's immediate reply.
I pulled out and flipped onto my back across the bed, and Daniela quickly pounced, taking my cock deep into her mouth and sucking powerfully. And I was still on my back when a new sight caught my attention. Just past Daniela's bobbing head in my lap, I saw Kaia leaning against the doorway, one hand obviously buried under her skirt. It was such an erotic pose, like a Michelangelo painting of a half naked goddess brought to vivid reality.
Kaia saw me for a moment, and then she was looking rather more hungrily at the white jizz oozing out of Evie's worn pussy. And then she began to step across the room to the bed.
Marissa caught my gaze as well and then gasped when she noticed Kaia joining the party. And then Kaia's perfectly sculpted face and dark ringlets of hair disappeared into Evie's crotch to be followed by loud noises of Kaia slurping out mine and Evie's juices.
Evie was still half-conscious, and without even looking to see who it was, she reached a hand down and rested it on top of Kaia's head to press Kaia's tongue deeper into her slit.
I turned my attention back to my girlfriend, and Marissa came to me at once to swap a tender kiss. But that tender kiss became rather more urgent when Daniela gave me a particularly pleasurable lick. And then after a rather more passionate liplock, I tugged at Marissa until she was straddling my head so I could get my mouth on Marissa's other set of lips.
All five of us writhed in pleasure, both giving and receiving until both Marissa and Evie cried out in orgasm. Daniela, now satisfied with my hardness, clambered onto the bed and pulling my dick upright, sank herself down onto it. Marissa was still glowing in post-orgasmic bliss when Daniela reached out and hugged her, letting her tongue trail across the back of Marissa's neck. Daniela's arms folded around my girlfriend to caress titflesh and other sensitive nerves while she lightly gyrated herself around my pole.
But then Marissa couldn't keep herself upright any more and collapsed onto the bed next to Evie and Kaia. She lay there, watching Daniela fuck herself upon me and panted to catch her breath.
Kaia sucked Evie to another climax, but then before Evie could reach out to thank her, Kaia silently moved up to a nearby La-Z-Boy, and settled in for a new voyeuristic thrill.
Instead, Evie and Marissa curled up together, partly to take a short break from the non-stop orgasms and partly to get to know each other a little more intimately. I grinned at the two satisfied brunettes, Evie's more generous curves built atop a model's body and Marissa's slender elfin features. They kissed gently, almost in that nervous affection of meeting new people for the first time.
"So you're the one who's captured his heart," Evie mumbled to Marissa.
But then Daniela's inner muscles brought my rapt attention straight back to her. She pumped herself upon me athletically, reaching both hands up to play with her hair and pull the blonde locks back into a mock ponytail. This thrust her bosom out towards me, and her wobbly tits bounced enticingly with every up and down motion of her body.
And now that she had my attention, I decided to give her even more attention. My hands shifted to Daniela's hips, and I began to hammer her down against me and drive my cock deeper and deeper up into her body. She gasped, a wonderfully breathy sound, and I kept up my faster assault.
In the meantime, my mental energies directed themselves to a new target, zeroing in on Daniela's pleasure centers and immediately I was rewarded with some loud, involuntary moans of intense arousal while we kept up our fucking.
Now there was bound to be some leakage in the effect, and soon Kaia was out of her chair, straddling my legs right behind Daniela and cupping the bouncing tits from behind. Then one of Kaia's hands snaked down Daniela's stomach until she reached the wet pussy being split in half by my rod. Kaia's hands began to rub away at Daniela's clit, and several sultry whimpers came flying out of the hot blonde's mouth.
I watched as Kaia reached her head around and captured Daniela's lips with her own, and then Daniela was moaning right into Kaia's open mouth as she was attacked from both sides by myself and Kaia. There was only so much Daniela could take, and with her clit in Kaia's fingers and my shaft burying itself within her inner folds, not to mention my brain inside her nerve centers, Daniela's body went rigidly still and then she shook violently with the force of a powerful orgasm.
Daniela was suddenly coming so hard and so much that her box was absolutely flooded with her orgasmic juices. I felt like I was fucking in a washing machine. And her wailing climax was enough to make Evie and Marissa now stop to watch and gape at us.
Per usual, the setting off of mental fireworks in a girl was enough to shred every last ounce of control I had, and I grunted with a desperate, "Gawd, I'm gonna cum!"
Daniela nodded, but then Kaia looked deep into her and begged, "Please, let me taste?"
Daniela nodded again, still too lost in her own pleasure haze to seriously care. But she had enough sense to dismount me, and I had just barely enough time before shooting off right into Kaia's gorgeous face.
The first spurt splattered her nose before she got her lips around me. And then I actually could see her throat contracting over and again as she swallowed each successive burst of semen that coated the inside of her mouth..
When I was finished, I could have melted right into the bed then and there. Every muscle in me went limp, and deflated I sank myself into the bedcovers. But there were others who still had a lot more lust in them.
Kaia just grinned, then opened her mouth to show off the pool of cum she still had there. She still had her mouth open when a body hurtled past me, and then Marissa had tackled Kaia, kissing her sloppily and fishing out as much of my white juice as she could. Kaia for her part just played tonsil hockey with my girlfriend, and all I could do was groan and watch my favorite lovers all playing together.
This had been a GREAT party.
My eyes opened, my body nearly half-awake, feeling like I was in heaven.
I was warm, and pressed up against the naked back of a gorgeous woman. My left arm was snaked beneath her neck so I could spoon myself tightly against her in our sleep, my right arm draped over with the palm cupping a very firm breast. My morning wood was neatly folded in the cleft of her asscheeks. And she smelled absolutely wonderful.
I gazed down at the dark hair of my girlfriend, watching the rhythm of her body rising and falling in her sleep. The comfortable familiarity soothed me like a nice bubble bath, and I leaned down to nuzzle at her neck and shoulders. It was still in the dead of night, and I felt like we were the only people in existence.
She began to stir at my gentle touch, and her eyes were still closed when she rotated in my arms and leaned up to kiss me. I happily gave her my lips, and we kissed each other a welcoming hello. The love I felt for this woman floated me away, and the half-remembrance of pleasant dreams stirred my blood.
Our kiss built in intensity, until with heated exchanges our tongues duelled and we rotated our bodies until she was flat on her back and we were pressed chest to chest. Her hard nipples grazed against my pecs. I could feel the lust in me come alive to join the love beating through my heart, and she moaned quietly in her own arousal as well.
It took only a few more moments before we suddenly found ourselves joined together, my penis fully embedded in her vagina. And I rested deep inside of her, pleasantly enjoying the feeling for a long while. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the pillow beside her while she kissed my cheek. We were both still half- conscious but wonderfully happy at our quiet lovemaking.
And then my girlfriend began to squeeze her inner muscles, and we set into a comfortable rhythm. Just the two of us were encapsulated in a bubble, the world beyond ceasing to exist so that there was nothing left but the passion between us. This wasn't frantic sex and pumping to search out and find our own release. We took our time, and felt so fantastic that I wished my orgasm would never come so that I might have this feeling forever.
Alas, male bodies don't work that way, and so the pleasure built up and up and up until neither of us could bear it any longer. I leaned down to kiss her, and we passionately made love with our mouths before I lifted my head and grunted, feeling the built-up pressure leaving my body as I spewed out jet after jet into the willing folds of this woman I adored.
She came at the same time, back arching and emerald green eyes blazing at me to meet me with one of the longest, happiest climaxes of her life.
Ultimately, it was those green eyes that brought me back to the world of the living once we were done. I realized where I was, and the entirety of who I was with.
Daniela and Evie were cuddled close together off to my left, still asleep. It was Kaia, my ex-girlfriend, who lay beneath me awash in the glow of post-coital bliss. And Marissa, my sweet Marissa, lay to my right, still blissfully unaware that her man had just fucked his ex-girlfriend two feet away.
It wasn't that I was embarrassed or felt like I had done anything wrong. After all, Kaia had fully been a part of last night's orgy, and Marissa herself had tongued Kaia to several nice climaxes. But it was the way I had felt about Kaia while we were doing it that bothered me a little. I had remembered the love and the girlfriend, Marissa not even entering my mind. It was as if we'd been transported back in time when Kaia was my everything. And I knew then that there were still some lingering feelings left behind.
And for her part, Kaia looked up at me with tenderness and love. It was an expression she had always reserved for only me. The Ice Queen persona was her daily life, but here she lay, basking in the radiance of our lovemaking, looking upon me as if we were madly in love once again.
I'd screwed dozens of women in my life, but only Kaia had ever captured my memory like that. If her job had not taken her away, I would never have wanted to break up with her. And I didn't know if I could let her go again now that she was within reach.
story by: Huge_World
Tags: fiction blowjob erotica male/female bi-sexual anal hardcore lesbian female/female group sex male / females sex story
Author: Huge_World
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