Laura and ross

sex stories

Fbailey story number 618

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I had a very nice and unusual request, one that is easy to do. Thank you Laura and Ross.

THEY WROTE: “When you write one of your stories could you have a married couple with the names Ross and Laura. The rest is up to you. Thanks, Laura and Ross.”


Laura and Ross

Well, it wasn’t what Laura had in mind, not at all what she had expected, and certainly not what she had hoped for.

However, there she was standing absolutely naked along side the railroad tracks. Her husband Ross was sort of hiding behind a bush with a camera. She was trying to figure out how he had talked her into it. She was barefoot and standing about twenty-five feet away from the tracks on a concrete block that diverts a small stream from washing out the tracks. She was up a few feet above the ground and in perfect position to be seen by the passengers on that commuter train as hundreds of men ride home to their cars, their families, and to their wives.

She was nervous and scared. What if she got caught, what if she got arrested, what if the story of her arrest appeared in the newspaper. Then the whole town would know her as the Train Track Exhibitionist.

Her breathing was becoming labored, her nipples were hard from the slight chill in the air. She had goose bumps on her arms and legs. Ross had shaved her pussy bare just that morning. It excited him so much that he took her right there on the bathroom floor.

She was sure that she could hear the train coming. They knew the schedule. They had parked their car at a crossing near there on several occasions and that commuter train was very punctual, five twenty-seven on the dot, day after day.

Her husband held up two fingers. That meant that she only had two more minutes to panic.

Her mouth was dry, her eyes were blinking, and her pussy was wet. Yes, her pussy was wet. She hadn’t touched it but she knew.

Her legs started to tremble. Ross held up one finger. Should she run? Should she hide?

She had to pee.

Then she heard the sound of the train. It was coming closer. The noise was getting louder. She could see it way off in the distance.

When it got closer the adrenaline kicking in. She started to jump up and down, she waved her hands, and all of her fears went away.

The engineer spotted her and honked his horn, and he kept honking it until his three big engines had passed by her. There in the windows were a few men looking out. Some waved. Most hadn’t even seen her.

As the last passenger car passed by, she felt disappointed that the whole thing hadn’t been more spectacular. There were no heads sticking out hooting at her like she had wanted. No one other than her husband had even taken her picture.

She watched as Ross came toward her smiling and cheering. He had gotten a bunch of great pictures. He was carrying her clothes so that she could get dressed and then he would walk her back to their car and drive her home.

When he offered her, her clothes she took her shoes and said, “I’ll walk to the car like this. I am so excited. I wish that I could do this every day.”

Ross said, “My thoughts />
Laura froze in her tracks. She wanted to but she was scared. Her mouth was dry again, her breathing was labored, and she had those damn goose bumps again. Her fear had returned. She had been flying high then her husband had taken that away from her.

Ross said, “I was thinking that you need to do this a few more times. Most of the men on the train didn’t even know that you were there. You really need to do it again, maybe all week.”

Laura listened to him talk, she had thought that too. Yes, she would do it again. />
Ross said, “I think we can get away with this same spot a couple more times but then maybe we should move down the line a mile, just in case.”

That was what Laura was hoping he would say. He really did care about her safety even though she loved him so much that she had promised to do anything sexual that he asked of her.

She put on her clothes at a small clearing and then walked to the car where Ross drove her home.

They were too excited to eat so they just went up to their bedroom. Laura’s clothes melted off from her body. Ross was already naked and coming at her. She fell into his embrace and together they fell onto the bed. Laura felt his knee caress her pussy as he hit the bed. His other knee found its way between her legs and there she was spread eagle on her bed with her husband’s cock about to stab into her. Her arms were stretched out to the far corners of the bed and she had grabbed handfuls of sheet. She was ready for her eager husband to ravish her body.

Her pussy was so wet that she was afraid that Ross wouldn’t get the feeling that he was used too. She wanted his cum and she wanted a lot of it.

Ross practically fell into his wife’s very wet pussy so he pressed her knees into her fleshy breasts and leaned into them. He kissed her, he told her that he loved her, and then he stabbed his cock into her cervix. She jumped. He hadn’t done that in a few years. It surprised her at first and it even hurt a little but she had succeeded in bringing out the animal lust in her husband. After all he had brought it out in her at the railroad tracks.

He thrust, she cooed. He hit her cervix, and she cried out. He gave her that one last thrust before he emptied his balls into her. That sent her flying high, over the rainbow. It was magnificent up on top like that and then she enjoyed the slide down the other side.

He rolled off of her, thanked her for sex, and cuddled her into his strong arms. They basked in the afterglow remembering the day’s event. She loved her husband and she was willing to do anything that he asked. Anything!

The second day was Tuesday and there were a lot more men looking out the windows at her. It helped that the engineer had held that horn blast for so long. She even saw a few cameras. Her husband had set up a video camera too. He had captured it all from behind her that time as the train approached her. After the last passenger car had gone by she turned to look after it and then continued to jump for joy for the camera. She could hardly wait until they got home to watch it and relive the adventure over and over.

She wanted to show him her appreciation. She wanted to give Ross a blowjob. It wasn’t something that she did very often but she wanted him to know that that day was special to her. She had had an incredible orgasm as those strange men ogled her naked body. At her age she was starting to question her own beauty and if she could attract a man if she had too. Now she knew. She still had what it took.

On the third day, Wednesday, she was very excited, the engineer blasted that horn, and every window had a face in it and there were a lot of cameras. That was what she had been hoping for. Her pulse raced and her orgasm was so strong that she could feel cum flowing down her leg. She had been wet before she had even left the house. She got wetter when she had undressed and watched her husband walk away with her clothes. But standing there exposing herself to all of those men had put her over the edge. That was the most powerful orgasm that Laura had ever had. The excitement had been too much. After the last passenger car had gone by she fell to her knees.

As she waked back the car naked, they walked through the woods on the same trail that they had traveled the last few days. She knew that there was a small clearing to cross first but she had decided to get in the car naked and let her husband drive her home that way. At home she was going to walk tall and proud to her front door. She knew that Ross would like that.

That night right after they had made love she told him that she did not want to change their location. After all her audience expected her to be there and she didn’t want to disappoint them.

So Thursday and Friday she took her position and greeted hundreds of horny men on their way home from work. She would have two day to rest and relive the week over again in her mind and watch the pictures and video images of her wanton display.

Over the weekend Ross had come up with a new plan, Laura was going to walk out onto an overpass with a six-lane highway running underneath it. She would be wearing a wrap around dress with no bra and no panties. When her husband gave her the signal she would drop the dress to the roadway and dance around for the cars. She could not stop, get dressed, or run for cover until at least twelve cars had honked their horns for her. Ross would get as much as he could on video and still pictures.

That next Monday at work Ross heard rumors of some naked woman waving at passing trains all week and that the police were trying to catch her in the act. A friend of a brother of a police officer had said that someone had tipped them off but the photograph that they had received could been any one of a thousand women.

Ross called off the overpass a while anyway. However, he had several other ideas.

They played out all of Ross’ fantasies over the next few years and they never did get caught. Laura returned to that railroad spot every few months just for old time sake.

The End
Laura and Ross

story by: fbailey

Tags: fiction blowjob consensual sex exhibitionism male/female romance wife sex story

Author: fbailey

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