Kiki in england.

sex stories

This story was put together after all the themes were suggested by another poster.

Kiki in England.

Kiki an American was on vacation in England with two of her girlfriends. They had been staying in the hustle and bustle of London for two weeks. Their final week had been booked in a small village situated in the heart of the English countryside. Kiki’s grandfather had been stationed in the area during the Second World War. He had spoken so often about how idyllic the place was; and it was a dream come true for her to visit.

The girls were into their fourth day at the village; from their location they could visit all the nearby towns and historical landmarks. Having just returned from visiting Stratford upon Avon the birthplace of William Shakespeare the girls were ready for a drink and a meal in the village pub. The girls had soon become popular with the locals and were made to feel most welcome. There was a dart competition scheduled for that evening. Two of the girls played darts back home so they were eager to test their ability against foreign opposition.

After their meal they went back to the hotel to shower change in preparation for the evening.

“Girls you two go on to the pub; I fancy a nice stroll along the lane and round past the large house”.

The large house Kiki was talking about was in fact a mansion which was the centre of a huge estate. It was owned by the titled Lord Thornaby; who had just inherited the title from his recently deceased father. The girls had been told all about the local history of the area by the friendly local pub clientele.

“Are you sure Kiki; would you like us to do something else”.

“No not all; you two enjoy your darts. It will be wonderful to walk alone along a peaceful country road in the fall; I will call in the pub well before closing time”.

It was a very safe area to walk alone and freely; with very little traffic along the narrow lanes.

“Right we are off to whip the local’s asses; see you soon Kiki”.

Kiki loved this time of year; it was early fall and some of the leaves were just changing colour. She had bought a new trench coat after hearing many cautionary tales about the English weather. They had all turned out to be unfounded; but she was keen to wear her new purchase. There were also the sexy matching thigh stockings, thong and bra she had not yet worn.

The other two girls were both engaged to be married soon; so there had been no real sexual liaisons during the trip. When they were In London Kiki had danced with a man in a club. He had invited her back to his place for drinks; but she considered it far too big a risk with a stranger in a strange city. There was no way her girl friends would have allowed her to anyway. She did get to kiss him goodnight; but a light touch of his hand down her back to her waist was the only sexual contact Kiki had encountered.

She was feeling rather horny by now and could not even masturbate in comfort; with her friends always in such close proximity. She decided to dress in her new unworn stockings and underwear just to feel them. Looking at her self in the full length mirror Kiki did not know if she looked sexy; but she sure as hell felt it.

“Mmm nice feeling; think I will wear these with just my trench coat on top”.

Kiki set off down the leafy lane with the view of the cattle, sheep, horses plus acre upon acre of green fields. The huge mansion which was always in view looked an intriguing site. It was blissful she thought; the birds singing and the rustle of the leaves in the warm breeze.

Suddenly she found herself at the beginning of a long path leading off the lane; it clearly led to the mansion house. “It must be a rear entrance to the estate” she said to herself.

They had already seen the grand gates at the main entrance which was accessed from the larger road. “I wonder if anyone would mind if I walked along for a close look”. There was nobody around so she decided it would do no harm to have a little venture.

After leisurely walking for a few minutes she stopped at field with a horse in it. Kiki leaned against the fence and the horse instinctively ran over to her. “Sorry I have nothing to feed you; I can pull you some grass”. As the horse was eating the grass a voice suddenly startled her.

“Hello Maam can I help you”?

Where he had sprung from Kiki had no idea; but she was shocked and tried to keep her composure.

“Oh I am sorry; I am just visiting the area and it looked so nice along here; I hope I am not somewhere I shouldn’t be”.

The man was about Kiki’s age and she thought he looked quite rugged in a sexy sort of way.

“I love your accent Maam; you are American; not />

“Yes I am from Virginia U.S.A; please call me Kiki”.

“Kiki it is; so glad I got it right; it’s hard for us yokels to tell the difference between you North Americans; are you staying in the />

“Yes I and my two friends have another couple of days; we have had four”.

“Oh what a pity I never met you earlier: I could have introduced you to Lord Thornaby. He and his wife have just gone away for their first wedding

With that statement Kiki knew she was not in any trouble for being there unauthorised and said; “That would have been special I so admire the house; that is why I walked along here; I thought I might take a closer look”.

“Please be my guest; I am Lord Thornaby’s herdsman Garvet”.

“You mean I can walk right on up there”?

“Only till you reach the door then you will have to go inside; Lady Thornaby would not be happy if she discovered I had left a guest />

“Oh thank you so much; you are so kind”.

Kiki told Millers of their trip and all about her Grandfather on the way to the house. Garvet in return revealed that he and Millers the gamekeeper were in charge and the only two there while the Lord, Lady and very senior staff were away.

“Yes; even on their anniversary it seems the gentry can not manage on their own” he joked.

On reaching their destination Kiki was overwhelmed; she had seen large mansions, but this was aristocracy.

“I seen the Queens place in London and it did not match this” she exclaimed.

“I have had the honour of attending to their majesties here at Thornaby Hall” Garvet informed her with raised eyebrows.

“Now please let me take you for refreshments; then I can give you a guided tour of the house”.

They entered by a side which led to a kitchen area obviously used by the staff. Kiki with a cringe suddenly realised what Garvet’s next words were going to be.

“Here let me take your coat Kiki”.

Trying to act and speak as normal as possible she said;”Oh I will leave it on if you don’t mind: I still haven’t acclimatised to the English weather yet”.

“Would you like me to turn the heating up although it’s always very warm in here?

Trying to ignore Garvet’s puzzled look Kiki replied; “No thanks I am sure I will be fine in a minute or two”.

“Take a seat; now what can I get you to drink”?

“Whatever you are having will be fine thank you”.

“Good you can join me in a fine white from the Lords personal cellar”.

“Oh thank you a lovely choice of wine” Kiki smiled.

“Good maybe after that you will relax and take your coat off”

“As much as I want to stay; I said I would call into the pub; my friends will be worried about me and I haven’t brought my phone with me”.

soon fixed” said Garvet producing his phone and dialling. “Hi Amos this is Garvet have you got two American girls in there”?

Kiki heard the reply jokingly say “How many women do you want; any chance of leaving some for me”?

Garvet acted as though he had not answered; “Amos can you put the American girls on; I have their friend here and she would like to talk to them”.

“Oh sorry Garvet I will get them” she heard.

“Hello I have Kiki here for you” he said passing the phone.

They had a conversation and between chats with the pub landlord and Garvet all parties were satisfied everything was okay. Garvet assured them that Kiki would be driven back to the hotel if it got late.

Conversation between the two came so naturally and it was the best wine Kiki had ever tasted. The bottle was almost empty so Garvet began opening another one saying “I wish you would take your coat off”

The wine was making her feel very relaxed; and she felt at ease with Garvet’s easy going manner.

“Garvet if I tell you something; will you promise not to laugh”?

“Of course I won’t laugh; what do you want to tell me” he asked now very curious.

she said then stopping. “Under my coat I am only wearing my />

He looked as if he was about to burst out laughing.

“I knew you would laugh; I feel such a fool”.

She went on to tell him about how it came about; leaving the part about feeling horny out”.

“You must be roasting in that thing; at least open the buttons up”.

“I am rather warm now” she opened the buttons and untied the belt before taking another drink.

“Oh why am I worried it’s only like wearing a bikini; and I expect you have seen plenty of them Garvet”.

With that she stood up and removed her trench coat.

“You are wrong Kiki; I have NEVER seen anything as beautiful as you”.

Kiki was not bothered if he was spinning a line; his company and the wine had her feeling very horny. She almost wanted to stand up and twirl round for him. As they drank and talked across the kitchen table Garvet’s eyes began wandering down to her sexy flimsy bra and cleavage.

Kiki soon forgot that she was only in her underwear and was talking and laughing in the atmosphere. Garvet opened a third bottle and said “Here let me take you somewhere with more comfortable seating”

She stood up to follow and when he seen her at full length he could not resist her any longer. The matching stockings, thong, bra and her long legs; turned his already growing cock into one of steel.

As they stood by the edge of the table their lips fell together in joint craving. It was tongue searching tongue from the start. His hands began wandering up and down her back; before releasing the clip to expose her firm nippled soft breasts. Kiki in her passion was trying her best to unbutton his shirt.

He forced her up and across the length of the long kitchen table; seeing the damp patch between her legs drove him on at a rate of lust. He pulled his shirt over his head in one go and pressed his chest against hers to resume their tongue lashing. He raised himself to make way for his hand to feel her breasts and nipples.

“You have a fine pair of fucking tits Kiki” his mouth began moving from one nipple to the other sucking them in with as much tit flesh as he could each time.

Kiki was biting his nipples and trying to open his trousers “I want to feel your fucking cock in my hands, cunt, mouth and ass”.

In a gasped voice he said “You sound like you are up for it as much as me”.

“I fucking am up for it; I am in England in almost naked on a huge kitchen table with a near stranger in a fucking big mansion; I want you to give me a fucking I will never forget the rest of my life”.

“Take my cock out yourself if you want it cunt” he said and kneeled in front of her head.

“Worth fucking waiting for” she said after she pulled the zip down and yanked his trousers down by the sides.

“A fine cunt of a cock and balls; that’s the highest rating I ever give” she said caressing them in both hands

“You certainly know how to feel cock; not many women have that gift”.

“Do you know how to feel cunt? My thong is still on get the fucker off”.

Garvet climbed off the table removing what were left on of his trousers and dragged Kiki down the table by her ankles. First his hands began caressing her thighs on the bare flesh between her stockings and thong; and carefully rolled each stocking down and off.

Then in complete contrast he roughly put his mouth to her thong covered crotch. Biting in a full mouthful he yanked savagely at them; dragging them first to her knees then all the way off.

Holding her legs apart by the ankles he announced “I am a fine connoisseur of wine and cunt juice; let’s put yours to the test” he bent slightly down to gain an excellent vantage point; before licking and sucking at all her wetness.

After a minute or so he raised his head and with a straight face delivered his verdict. “Chateau Kiki should be bottled in every fine cellar in the world; I give it all five stars”. He then returned his mouth to her gushing pussy and began giving her some well deserved clitoris stimulation.

Kiki was ecstatic; her cunt juice was so enjoyed; and so highly rated by someone who is a master; and her clit was now being stimulated by a knowing tongue. Knowing there was a solid cock ready to fuck her also was too much; and she squirted with a huge orgasm.

“More Chateau Kiki for everyone” he shouted in delight as his face was drenched.

He climbed back on the table and after kissing her said “Lick my face; see how delicious you taste”.

“I have never tasted myself like this before it is so fucking hot; you are fucking hot let me taste you”.

“I can’t Kiki I am too desperate to fuck you” he raised her knees and thrust his cock in he knew he could not last long.

“Kiki rub your clit while I fuck you I like to see it” He raised his body and looked down to see his cock thrusting and her fingers working her clit.

“You are one filthy fuck slut; and I love it” he shouted out and began shooting stream after stream of his hot cum into her cunt. Feeling him cum she raised half her body from the table in a cock fucked, clit rubbed wet orgasm. They both rested a while in their finishing positions.

Then suddenly the door they had come through could be heard to open. Kiki’s eyes and mouth both opened as one. Garvet raised an open hand in a manner which said stay calm.

“Hi Garvet just taking these muddy boots off” he shouted in.

“Okay Millers” he shouted back.

Then from outside Millers said “I heard some interesting news today; there is three American birds staying in the village. They are all smoking hot as well; I am surprised you never found out Garvet; are you losing your touch?

With that he walked into the kitchen and his eyes nearly popped out. “Garvet stood up naked and said Kiki this is Millers. Millers this is Kiki”.

He could not speak as he looked down at a naked lady lying on the kitchen table with her legs open and cum dripping from her cunt.

“Hi I’m from Virginia U.S.A”.

He was still dumbfounded as his brain was scrambling for some understanding of the situation.

“Lost my touches have I />

“He has a good touch I can vouch for that; a very good touch in fact” said Kiki figuring now her nakedness was of little consequence as she would be back in the States in a few days.

“Kiki is here for the fuck of her life and we are not going to let her down are we />

“Me” the first word he had managed to muster in shock.

“Well it saves you going down to the village and getting to know her first”

“You want me to join in”?

“Look at her; if you can resist that you don’t deserve a cock”.

The shock was taking a long time to get over he just kept staring at her nakedness.

“Lift your knees and spread them Kiki” said Garvet.

She did so sending him into further shock. At the same time Garvet pulled his zip down and opened his trousers.

“Well at least your cock knows the time of day even if your brain />
It was stood up facing his chin.

very nice Millers” said Kiki as her urges began to escalate again.

“The lady like it; don’t keep her />

Millers quickly undressed revealing another hunky body for her; he was very similar to Garvet who she had found delicious.There was not much foreplay he kissed her roughly groped her tits and entered her cunt immediately.

“Do you think she’s a good fuck”?

“I can’t believe this is happening she’s fantastic” said Millers pounding for all he was worth as her body thrust up from the table as if to capture his cock.

Garvet shoved his hand between them to twist her nipples; “Make her cum fuck her like a slut. Feel my cock and balls while he fucks you Kiki. Wait till she feels your cock Millers; I have never known a hand like hers”.

Millers began panting “Give her your full load deep in her”.

“Fuck me faster when you’re cumming feel my clit Garvet” she shouted as both the fucking pair celebrated in a climax.

“This is definitely the best part of my trip” she could feel juices running down her leg; and had felt stream after stream of cum shoot deep inside her in orgasm.

take some wine into a lounge” said Garvet.

The three of them rested naked on the plush rug in front of a warm fire. The surroundings were all millionaire exclusive; but Kiki’s focus was on the two male hunks. Millers was told how it all began; and they laughed about what Kiki was wearing originally.

“I always wanted to dress like that; it’s just a pity I never had the four inch stiletto heels”

“I know where there are some stilettos;” grinned Millers.

“You don’t wear them in secret do you” joked Garvet.

“No there are lots of sex toys in the Lords private room; the new Lord and Lady are only young and they are modern in the />

“Kiki, Millers knows about every single item in this place; nothing gets past him”.

Kiki laughed “I don’t think he knew I was naked on the table when he walked in tonight”

“I do now though” he laughed and leaned across her; he ran his finger up her slit while nibbling her nipples. Kiki gasped and caressed his balls before moving to his cock which grew solid in her hand.

“Fuck you are a dab hand with a cock like Garvet said”; he moaned.

“Hang fire; why don’t you show us around the Lords private room; Kiki here could get to try the heels on with her other clothes. She is quite something dressed as well as naked” he told Millers.

Although reluctant to move his hand away from her pussy he asked “What do you think Kiki; In the Lords private play room you will definitely get that fucking you will never forget”.

Kiki did not think that things could get any better; but it seemed they were about to. She first phoned her friends up and told them not to wait up for her; as she was having an extensive view of the house.

Millers led the way and Garvet brought along all her clothes. She was told to dress outside the door; the stilettos were found and fitted perfectly.

While fondling her ass cheeks Garvet said “When you are ready; knock on the door and come right in”.

All Kiki’s wildest fantasies were coming true; her pussy lips were sucking up her thong. She entered the room and Millers was in a designed chair. His wrists and ankles firmly secured; still naked his cock was pointing up.

Seeing her in her attire brought a gasp from him; “Fuck; Garvet you sure can pick them”.

Garvet said “Leave your clothes on and take care of his cock”.

“It will be my pleasure” Kiki beamed.

Garvet produced two shaped pieces of lined fur; “These must be what Lady Thornaby wears; they fit over your knees so you can crawl; it will be fucking hot to see you crawling to his cock dressed like that”.

Kiki loved the idea and after fitting them on she began crawling towards Millers stiff cock.

As she approached his cock began jerking in anticipation. On arrival she placed a hand on each of his knees to slightly raise herself to take control of his cock. First both her hands soothed his balls and base of his shaft. Although he was strapped in there was not a chance in the world that Millers would have tried to escape the bliss.

Her lips then took in his head and began sucking more into her mouth; Garvet was jerking his cock before kneeling behind her raising her coat and pulling her thong to her knees. He parted her ass cheeks; the small hole was too much to resist. He rubbed her saturated pussy juices around his target and after three surges he found himself ball deep inside her ass”.

he asked not sure if he should of asked first about anal.

“Okay? It is fucking fantastic; bang me like you want to punish me”.

He needed no further clarification as he grabbed her hips and tried to hurt her with his thrusts. It made Kiki even crazier for Millers cock; and he reaped the benefit of her ass bashing.

With a yell Garvet exploded deep inside her asshole A little angry his ample cock had not hurt her; he jumped to his feet and began forcing her head down on Millers cock with the instructions.

“Shoot deep in her throat; make sure the slut takes plenty of our cum back to America with her”.

Far from hurting her Kiki was in her element and had Millers cock bursting; filling her mouth she wallowed in the swallow of it.

Still on her knees she turned and a couple of feet away Garvet’s cock was dripping. She quickly crawled to it and took the whole length in her mouth and gratefully licked it clean. Garvet in an instant realised how stupid he was for being angry at not being able to hurt her; and decided.

“Our turn to do the work Kiki you just relax and enjoy; anything special you would like”.

“Mmm anything; how about you strip me and give me some double penetration />

Millers was released from the chair and eager to be the one to strip her. Naked in an instant they led her to the grand four poster bed across the room.

“I’ll take her ass” said Millers.

“No” said Kiki; “You both will” she added with a grin.

It was decided that Garvet would lie on his back with Kiki on top facing him to fuck her pussy; and Millers would work his cock in her ass from behind. It was an easy access for all concerned; their balls touching as they got into a rhythm.

“Like that slut” teased Garvet?

“I sure fucking do” Millers answered first.

“There is no feeling like two cocks fucking me at once” she moaned.

“We promised you the fuck of your life and you are having it”.

“Kiki could feel her self nearing climax and begged “Faster, harder fuck me”

The boys knew she was ready and gave it everything; the trio splashed out their discharges almost simultaneously. “Thanks boys; that was my first ever double up; don’t know about taking you’re cum back to America; but I sure would like to take you two fuckers”.

“We are not finished yet” said Garvet as he moved her arm behind her to the attached silk cord and fastened her wrist; Millers did the same with her other hand.

“You are going to have the oral and fingering of your life as well as the fucking”

The tongues and fingers got to work on her cunt; the main target was her clit as it made her ooze with sighs. They soon found her G. Spot and the inevitable orgasm followed.

“You two are fucking good”

“We are? You are one in a million Kiki” they both agreed.

“I’m ready for the second double up” enthused Millers.

“Fuck me on the side” she asked.

After untying her they first had a good grope of her tits as they were difficult to access during the double up; and they were not tits you wanted to neglect. It was another pleasure for Kiki to feel two mouths around her nipples.

“This is so nice my fuck holes are />
Sandwiched between them on her side; again her cunt and ass entry was easy.

“Kiki said “I don’t think any of us need instruction; let’s fuck”.

They began pounding away as if it was their first fuck; faster and harder.

“What a gorgeous gripping pussy you have” moaned Millers.

“Fuck it then, fuck it;” she cried.

Millers was almost ready to cum and he took it out of her pussy and began violently face fucking her shouting “Swallow it you fucking bitch slut”.

Kiki had no intentions of doing anything else but swallow it; and she had her orgasm with a mouth full of cum and the feel of Garvets spunk streams flowing into her ass.

The trio were now just about fucked out; “One more thing to do: bring your cock to my mouth Garvet”.

She took it deep in her throat before releasing it shiny clean.

They both kissed her in sheer admiration; “What will you tell the other girls” they asked her.

“I will tell them I have been riding a horse around the estate that is why I am walking bow legged”.

story by: Resemble

Tags: fiction cum swallowing anal males / female threesome oral sex sex story

Author: Resemble

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