Judy went off by herself where she could keep an eye on the driveway.
Dinner was on hold for thirty minutes when Judy came storming down
stairs to confront Joy as she sipped wine at the prepared table. "What
is the matter with that boy? I thought he'd rush home after the way we
parted company. He could not have misconstrued my message, could he?"
"No, I think you made yourself quite obvious. If you ask me, he's out
knocking off number twenty-five. He probably has renewed confidence.
Perhaps all he wanted was to know that he could have you begging for a
"You hold your voice down. The girls don't need to be hearing shit like
that. And it is shit. Besides, he wouldn't do that to me. I'm number
twenty-five, god damnit!"
"Whatever you say, Judy."
"Don't patronize me, Joy. I hate when you do that."
Another hour passed with no sign of John. Judy had the girls calling
all of his known hangouts and friends to no avail.
Finally, Judy said, "Let's eat. I'm sure he'll be along soon."
The dinner was a somber affair. They all knew Judy was frustrated, and
she felt ridiculous sitting in a wooden chair, practically naked with
her bare ass kissing timber. The girls seemed to be holding back
snickers at the unusual dinner attire and more unusual situation, at
least, Judy felt they were.
Half way through the meal, Judy slammed her fork down and declared,
"God damnit, I'm sick of this!" Unfortunately, she also squared her
shoulders; tits popped out, east and west. Judy glared, saying, "If you
girls want to laugh at me, go ahead. I dare you. And you, you slut. You
sit there all smug and
Judy turned to the two stunned teenagers and said, "You think she's so
cool, one of the girls, cool Aunt Joy. Let me tell you about your cool
Aunt Joy. She's the biggest slut that ever lived. She not only screwed
all three of her sons, she screwed every guy she ever met, including
your father more times than I care to count. She even screwed dogs to
entertain her boys and their friends. Yes, Brenda, your Aunt Joy had
sex, anal, vaginal, and oral sex with dogs, any male dog would do. Your
Aunt Joy is a bitch, a real bitch."
Joy listened unaffected, continuing to eat her meal. Brenda appeared
genuinely shocked at her mother for bringing this up at the dinner
table. Bonnie found the revelation amusing, though she tried not to let
it show. Judy was hoping for disgust, or for someone to get up and
leave the table to throw up. Her girls were not even close to disgust.
If anything, they looked upon Joy with new respect and awe because of
the way she was taking the abuse in stride.
Judy saw this and said to Joy, "Jesus Christ, have you corrupted these
girls so much that they can accept that behavior, even admire it?"
Joy said in defense, "Look, regardless of what you think, I have not
made a move on these girls. Yes, we've had frank talks about sex and
boys, and we got involved in a little show and tell. I just did what
you never had the guts to do. I told them about the birds and the bees;
and yes, I told them about dogs, too. I even showed them />
"Well that's great. Now I'm going to have my piece, and you'd better
all listen up. John and I have a unique relationship. It's not sick and
tawdry as Joy's was with her sons, so I'm sure you girls will be
disappointed. There won't be any perverse acts to ogle at, or dogs to
cheer on. You'll just see plain old ordinary lovers doing what lovers
do. I'm sure you'll all be bored to tears. You three can all get naked
and climb into bed with each other. You can all take turns licking
everything that smells bad. Lick each others cunts. Suck each other's
pussies until your jaws ache. Have yourselves a lesbian love fest and
invite all the horny mutts in the neighborhood with my blessing. John
and I will try to ignore you. You leave us alone, and we'll leave you
Joy interrupted, "Judy, you're making a huge ass of />
"Fuck you, bitch! You slimy dog-fucking piece of crap. You incestuous
whore. Stand up!" Joy stood with resignation.
"Drop your pants, girdle, panties…fuck it, take off everything." Joy
did so with casual aplomb. "Now stand on your chair." Joy climbed onto
the chair and stood with her feet at the outside edges. "Now play with
yourself while you admit you're a whore."
Joy rolled her nipples while crudely finger-fucking herself in a squat,
saying, "I'm a whore! I'm a whore! Can I finish my meal now, Mistress
Judy." Judy stormed from the table, went upstairs, and slammed her
Twenty minutes later, she came prancing down the stairs excitedly
saying, "He's here! He's here! Everybody go to the living room and act
natural. Damnit, Joy, why are you still naked?"
"Those were my last orders."
"Quick, slip your robe on, but if I so much as see a wisp of a cunt
hair, I'll pull them all out with pliers."
When they were all situated in the living room, Judy turned her back to
them and said, "How do I look?"
While slipping on the short robe, Joy said, "You look like a bitch in
Judy turned wearing a smug smile and said, "I hope so. I want him to
fuck me. We're going to make love, but don't worry, we'll start in here
to give you perverts the show you want. I'll make it nasty. I know
you'll all like it better that way. I'll be in the kitchen. I'm sure
he'll be looking for me. Just send him in." She sauntered off with a
flip of her skirt to show her ass.
When John entered he saw Joy sitting on the sofa with Brenda and Bonnie
at her feet, lying prone on the floor facing the TV. Joy was silently
motioning for him to go upstairs and not say a word. John got the
message and bounded up the stairs. He was halted halfway up by Judy's
astonished cry, "John, I'm in the kitchen."
"Yeah, that's where I figured you'd be. I'm not hungry."
"John, I was hoping we could talk."
"I was just going to shower and relax a bit."
"Can't that wait?"
John looked to Joy and saw her nod toward the kitchen. He said, "Yeah,
I guess so." He walked slowly into the kitchen and froze on seeing his
sexy mother washing dishes with her legs fully exposed and never
looking sexier. The invitation and purpose was obvious. He just stood
and stared for the longest time as his mouth watered and his dick
became rampant.
He couldn't believe his eyes when his mother bent slowly forward and
revealed her shaved pussy. When she reached through with one soapy hand
and used her painted nails to tease the slick flesh, he felt weak in
the knees. He watched a sudsy finger go inside, then draw through the
glistening slit.
He knew right away that things hadn't gone well. He was on his own, but
tried to recall the principles. He came up and casually ran his hand up
the back of her right leg, up under the skirt, and let it rest on the
most luscious piece of bare ass he'd ever felt. He thought, "Oh, God!
How the fuck does Joy expect me to resist this?"
Judy stood straight and turned into his arms with a sultry smile. She
smiled when his eyes lit up on seeing her top. On impulse, she squared
her shoulders. Her smile broadened as she watched John's wide eyes dart
east and west. She touched his nose with her slimy finger and cooed,
"Did I surprise you?"
"Yeah, you surprised me. I love your top. You even shaved your cunt."
Joy pushed him to arm's length and looked stunned, even hurt, saying,
"Don't be crude, John. I find that />
"It looked to me like you wanted to be crude."
"I was being sensuous, not crude. I thought you'd know the
I'll teach you the />
Judy pulled him into a belly to belly embrace and draped her arms
around his neck. She kissed the wet spot on his nose, then whispered
sexily, "I had a talk with Joy and the girls. I told them about us. You
needn't be bashful around them. I thought you'd like that. We can both
express our feelings for each other openly, anywhere in this house. Are
you happy?"
"You mean I can fuck you in front of />
"John! Why must you put things like that? We can make love in front of
them, if you wish, but I prefer making love in private. It'll be much
better in private. I won't be inhibited in the bedroom. Would you like
to go sit out there with them and love on each other. I'd like that."
"Yeah, I guess. I am kinda hungry, though."
"John, honestly, I wonder if you really care. Eat if you want. I'll be
in my room."
She brushed past, but he caught her by the hand, spinning her into his
ass-cupping embrace. He smiled and said, "I was teasing you, being
sensuous. I'd like to see you go out there in your uniform. I dare
"You mean just wear the belt and heels?"
"I think I'd like that top to be part of the uniform, only let me fix
your tits." Judy passively watched as John pushed the rolls fully
outside each breast, forcing the twin mounds high on her chest and
close together, in obscene offering. Judy looked at her out-thrust
hooters and laughingly said, "This looks obscene, but it'll be perfect.
I'll take that dare. Would you like the honor of removing my skirt?"
John unbuckled the two-inch wide patent leather belt, saying, "You're
really going to go out there like this, huh?"
He handed Judy the belt and worked on the skirt's fastener and zipper
as Judy replied, "You dared me. I must."
John dropped to his knees to drop the skirt. He dropped it fast, and
planted a wet kiss to his mother's clit after she stepped free. He then
stood back as she posed seductively, looking like the ultimate whore,
saying, "Well, how do I look?"
"You look like a whore."
"JOHN! Oh, what am I getting upset about? Of course I look like a
whore. I forgot how I was dressed, or not dressed. I've got to tell
you, I feel more naked than absolute naked. I feel vulgar."
"That's how I like my women, vulgar. Come on. Let's go show them how
it's done."
Judy smiled, but said, "Woman, John, not women," then walked hand in
hand beside John into the living room. Joy relinquished the sofa and
they sat while all eyes turned on them in amused surprise. John
immediately hung an arm around his mother's shoulder and dipped his
hand to cup her naked right tit. He mauled that tit. Judy turned redder
and whispered, "John, don't be so crude. Stroke, don't knead them like
John eased up a bit, but was soon back to honking her hooters. He ran a
hand up her leg and grabbed her by the cunt. She tore his hand away and
told him to settle down. She tried to give him a tender kiss, but he
licked her lips like a dog. She wiped her mouth and settled for a
snuggle in the crook of his arm. John pulled her steadily until she
laid across his lap.
Judy didn't like being pushed, and resisted. She soon found herself
over his lap with her naked ass in the air. He pinned her in place with
a firm left hand in the center of her back as she looked up at him and
cried, "John, stop this. What do you think you're doing?"
John ignored her protest and ran his hand over her luscious ass as the
others moved closer too look at her ass. Judy began kicking and
struggling hard, but not hard enough to break free, even as John's
finger rudely skewered her defenseless asshole. She reached back with
both hands to pry his hand off her back, but only succeeded in getting
those hands trapped my John's one hand.
The girls thought this was marvelous. Judy continued shouting protests,
flailing her legs. She looked to Joy and shouted, "Do something." Then
back at John shouting, "Damn you, John! Stop that this instant. John,
I'm not playing around. Get your finger out of my ass, you son-of-a-
Judy wasn't aware, but Joy had shucked off her robe. She sat at Judy's
head, then turned in place to face Judy with her leg's straddling her
shoulders. Judy looked up just in time to have her head grabbed by
Joy's strong hands and shoved face first in Joy's wide open beaver,
muffling any further />
The kids were awed, and just stared with open mouths. Judy's struggles
were real and real hard, but with two people securing her, real futile.
Joy had her hands cupped over Judy's ears. She reclined against the arm
of the sofa and said, "John, keep up the finger fucking of her ass.
Bonnie, you help by using both hands to pull her cheeks wide apart.
Brenda, purse your fingers and thumb and shove your whole hand up her
Brenda cried, "I can't do that. It'll kill her."
"Just do as I say, Brenda. I was doing that to your mother when she was
your age, and my hand was as big as it is now. She can take your little
hand easily. When you get inside, make a fist and fuck her, not hard,
but not easy. Do it. I'll explain latter."
Judy heard none of this, though she was sure Joy was directing the
assault. She struggled, though the effort was wasted. She accounted for
everyone's hands but Bonnie's, so the hand pushing into her pussy had
to be her little angel's. Judy, grimaced into the cunt, then realized
she had her mouth firmly against her sisters cunt. She couldn't help
but lick, then probe with her tongue. Twenty-one years of dreaming
about doing so had a powerfully numbing effect. Though strong
sensations were flooding her mind from below, especially after Bonnie
made a fist and began fucking motions; still, Judy focused mostly on
the pussy in her face. She gradually stopped struggling.
Topside, Joy said, "I want to show you kids something about your
mother. Just watch and learn."
Bonnie was straining to see her mother's face in Joy's crotch, and
said, "Aren't you afraid she might bite you?"
"No, sweetheart. The thought never crossed my mind."
"Can she breathe?"
"Yes, her nose is clear."
"What's she doing?"
"She's trying to lick my tonsils from the back side."
"I wanna see her tongue in your pussy. Can I?"
"Just wait. She's almost there. Watch her closely. See how she's going
totally limp. John, release her hands." John looked puzzled, but
relaxed his grip. Judy's hands came down slowly, then settled on Joy's
inner thighs. Joy said, "Now, I'm going to let go. Don't say anything
with her ears uncovered. Just do as you're doing. Watch what I do, and
watch what she does. Okay, she's ready. I'm letting go."
Joy relaxed her grip then eased her hands away. With her head free, Joy
didn't raise up. She used her freedom of movement to move her mouth
over yet unlicked portions of Joy's crotch. The kids watched in rapt
fascination. Joy used her hands to widen the spread she offered her
sister, then made the offering more obscene by pulling her knees up to
her shoulders. This rolled her loins up and made the asshole easily
accessible. Judy ran her tongue over everything, and probed deep in
both holes while her kids watched in awe.
Joy slowly lowed her feet to the sofa on either side of Judy's
shoulders, then began humping her cunt in Judy's face, face fucking her
as Judy had face fucked her earlier. After a minute of this, Joy eased
her ass to the sofa and placed her hands back over Judy's ears. She
moved Judy's head wherever she wanted it while saying, "Look at her
legs, now. See how she's welcoming what you guys are doing to her. See
how she's wiggling and />
Brenda said, "She sure seems to like it, now. Boy, this really feels
weird, neat, but weird. I thought she'd be screaming her lungs out."
Bonnie said, "Look, I'm in up to my forearm. God, this is so neat."
John said, "I've never seen anything like this, Joy."
"I learned this as a teenager, but I never had the guts to make her eat
me. I could kick myself now. I did everything else but. She lost her
cherry this way, and got gang banged this way a bunch of times. She
even got her pregnant twice in high school. Mom made her get abortions,
that's why your mother won't ever get another. She never ratted on me,
Bonnie said, "Wow, Joy, you are so cool."
"Okay, pay attention. Your mother will fight almost anything sexual
that is forced on her, but when she realizes that resistance is futile,
she'll gradually surrender and relax. You saw that. Now, when she is
totally relaxed, that's a turning point. She somehow clicks into
another personality. I call it her slut mode. If you keep up the
stimulation without hurting her, she gets hornier and hornier, sluttier
and sluttier. She can't help it. She can't fight it. She can't resist.
That knowledge may come in handy some day, so remember it.
"Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to let go of her head and have myself
a good cum. John, when you see me get my nut, you brush the girls away
and start wailing the tar out of her ass. I mean, spank the shit out of
her, hard and fast, one right after the other. She can take it, trust
me. You'll have to do it hard to break this state she's in. Can you do
"Yeah, sure, if you say so."
"Good. You girls might want to move down here at that time. I think
you'll get a good show, because your Mom will want to eat my cum from
my pussy hole in spite of the spanking. That should be fun to watch.
Get right in close, because she won't even know you're there. All
she'll be aware of is juicy pussy and a fire burning on her ass. Sooner
or latter, though, she won't be able to take anymore, and she'll fight
her way off. That would be a good time to get out of the way, because
she'll come flying of John's lap. Don't stop her, John. Let her go."
John said, "She's going to be pissed, Joy."
"She'll be madder than a hornet. Don't worry. Her bark is worse than
her bite. Let her vent, and she'll quickly calm down. You girls just
sit there and don't act intimidated. I wouldn't smile at her, but don't
shy away or look sorry or guilty. John, I'm counting on you to pour on
the charm. I think she'll respond after she vents her steam. Don't stop
being a jerk. Be a bigger jerk. Remember what we talked about.
Nothing's changed. What we did should help, but I doubt we changed the
way she feels about you. She'll blame this nasty interlude on me, not
"Good. She should."
"She always gets embarrassed by the way she acted, and that's
understandable. She always gets over it, though, and ends up blaming
herself. That's why I say, don't worry about her threats. They're
hollow, and whatever she threatens you with, she'll undo. Okay, are we
all set? Here we go."
Joy released Judy's head and got in position for a face fuck. She
planted her feet as wide as the sofa allowed and laid her knees out as
well. When she lifted her ass, the kids could see their mother
devouring their aunt's beaver like a mad woman. They all strained to
see better while doing their respective jobs.
Joy cried out, "Oh, yes, Judy, eat my cunt, you whore. Suck my pussy,
bitch. You know you love it, you little cunt lapping slut. Move your
head from side to side so your kids can see your tongue in my pussy.
Show your kids how much you love eating your sister's nasty cunt."
The kids watched in amazement as their mother eagerly followed Joy's
lewd suggestion with enthusiasm. She first laid her cheek on Joy's left
thigh so the girls could see her extended tongue licking feverishly up
and down the wide slit and inside the hole. She laid her cheek on the
other side to show John the same thing. She repeated this while Joy's
cunt fucked her face, and while Joy heaped filthy insults that spurned
her on. The kids watched the most erotic spectacle they'd ever seen,
and it lasted ten minutes."
Joy came explosively. John brushed the girls away, and they immediately
took places at Joy's left hip, overlooking the scene where their
mother's tongue lapped furiously in Joy's hole. Joy had stopped humping
and pulled her cunt lips apart to further expose the hole as the first
hard smack came down on Judy's ass.
Judy jerked in response, but the surprising smack didn't slow her down.
Slaps came one after the other, and they soon had Judy squirming and
flailing her legs. Still, she licked at the pussy. Still more slaps
fell, and Judy's ass turned bright red all over. She tried to protect
her ass with her hands, but John always hit where they weren't until
Judy finally broke contact with the pussy and shouted, "STOP HITTING
ME, GOD DAMNIT! JOHN! John! God damn you. STOP!"
In a wild flurry of flailing arms and legs, Judy came flying from
John's lap to land at his feet. She sat up quickly with a face red as a
fire engine. She glared at the girls who immediately sat on the floor.
She stood and glared down on Joy, still sprawled obscenely, saying,
"You fucking bitch! You get out of my house. I hate you. You slimy
cunted whore."
She turned to her daughters and yelled, "As for you two bitches, you're
both grounded for the rest of the school year. No more phone. No more
TV. No more allowance. How could you two humiliate me that way? Her, I
understand. I know she put you up to it, but you both have minds of
your own. You could have said, no. Well, you'll wish you had."
She then turned to John and said in a softer, more hurt than angry
tone, "And you, how could you do that to me? You hurt me, John. You
humiliated me."
She was about to ream him royally when John pouted and said, "I'm
sorry, Mom. I can't help myself. I must be sick."
As predicted, she melted. She knelt on the sofa and cupped his face,
softly saying, "John, don't you ever do anything like that again. You
must try to control those urges, at least in public, even here at home.
That wasn't what I meant when I said you could do />
"You're pissed at me, aren't you?"
"No, sweetheart. I'm not pissed. Look, let's just start over." She
snuggled back into his shoulder, saying, "You girls better just sit
quietly. I told you if I couldn't ignore your presence, there'd be
trouble. I'm going to give you a second chance to redeem yourselves. If
you'll sit quietly, and just watch, you can forget what I said."
Joy was still sprawled beside her; in fact, Judy had to squeeze by her
to kneel before John. Joy's pussy was now against Judy's bare hip. Judy
looked to Joy, then looked at her cunt, then back up to say, "Forget
what I said about leaving, but I'm still upset with you. You've earned
yourself a shaved head, but I'll forgive that too if you'll just sit
quietly and not interfere. And cover yourself. You're being
Joy pulled her lips apart, drawing Judy's eyes to the spread as she
said, "Are you sure you wouldn't care for more pussy cream before I
cover it up."
"Stop it, Joy. You've had your fun, now behave yourself."
Joy sat up and reached for her robe. While putting it on, she said,
"That was a great cum, sis. Thanks for eating my pussy."
"Joy!" Judy turned away from Joy to John saying, "Forget her. I'll deal
with her later. Now, where were we?"
Her left hand drifted over the bulge in his jeans, and she lightly
carressed his manhood. John unbuttoned his fly and pulled the fly open.
Judy did not want to go this far, but considering where they'd already
been, her curiosity got the best of her. Her hand went inside his BVDs
and soon encountered a throbbing male hardness, a sticky male hardness.
She brought her hand up to her nose and instantly made a face on
getting a whiff of very ripe pussy. She pushed away to sit up and glare
at him, saying, "You were out with another girl?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"I suppose you knocked off number />
"No, I was polishing two old notches. What's the bid deal? I can manage
three, four, or five in one night."
Judy slumped with disappointment, but let her hand return to the
exciting cock. John whispered, "Are you mad at me?"
"I'm disappointed. We're going to have to work on that, John. I'm not
mad. How could I be mad at you, sweetheart. At least you came home to
"Prove you're not mad. Kiss my dick. Lick it, too."
Judy tried not to convey her surprise at his lewd suggestion. Her
surprise was obvious, though they couldn't hear the reply. She leaned
to his ear and whispered, "How could you ask me to do such a thing in
front of them? If that really turns you on, I'll do it in the bedroom."
John whispered, but not softly enough so that the others couldn't hear,
"It would really turn me on if you licked my dick in front of them.
They know I just fucked two girls. I want them to see you licking their
pussy juice off my dick. That would really turn me on."
"John, please don't ask that of me, and whisper quieter. They heard
every word you said."
"I really, really want you to do that, though."
"All right, I'll kiss it, but I won't lick it until we get in the
John spoke in a voice that was loud and clear, "I want you to lick
every inch of my cock and balls. I want you to clean my crotch with
your tongue. You said we could do anything. Well, that's what I want to
do." He punctuated this statement by rudely grabbing her by the cunt
while shoving his two middle fingers inside.
Judy had enough. She tore his hand away, struggled free, and led him up
the stairs. Once out of sight and ear shot, in the upstairs hallway,
she backed him to the wall and said, "Slow down! I am not a piece of
meat. We won't be doing that again until you've had a few lessons." She
then smiled warmly and said, "You really liked what happened down
there, didn't you?"
"I loved it. I love watching you suck cunt."
"John, we're alone now. You can stop showing off. There's no one to
show off to but me, and I already told you that I hate that kind of
crude talk. Look, that wasn't the real me down there. Joy has that
effect on me. She makes me do crazy things, things I have no control
over. I hate when she does that, and she knows it. I'll straighten her
out later, but you must remember not to ever treat me like that again."
"But it was fun. I liked treating you that way."
"I know. Look, we can play games when we're alone. You can spank me, if
that's what you like. I know other games you might like to play, but
they're just games. I'll tell you when I'm in the mood to play a game,
then we'll mutually decide what game we'll play. I am not in a game-
playing mood now. I'm in a loving mood, and I'm loving you. I bought
you />
"Yeah, I heard you are having my MG fixed."
"Not that, something sexy. It's on your bed."
"Well, let's go check it out."
story by: Raymond
Tags: fiction spanking incest lesbian reluctance male / females fisting sex story
Author: Raymond
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