Home education

sex stories

Home Education
Lamia Fangs
I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight hours of flying and two connections, I finally landed at the small airport X, West Virginia. It was almost midnight, so I could not see anything of the landscape. I got off the plane to go to a small cabin that was the airport terminal building; it was empty. I sat down outside the door and quietly wait for something to happen. All what happened was that, after nearly two hours, a beautiful girl, the same age as me, appeared in the doorway laughing euphorically, unable to speak.
— Are you Dedee? — I asked in English.
— Yes, — she replied overjoyed — Sorry for the delay, but the truck broke down. So, here we are, and I am happy — more crazy and contagious laughter — Come on, dad is waiting in the truck.
Parked on the street, a late model green van that did not seemed broken to me, were expecting. We got my luggage in the trunk and we both sat in the back seat. I could not see clearly her father’s face, but I found him very nice and polite. I could see his eyes in the rearview mirror, they were deep and blue.
Dedee did not stop talking all the way home, that is how I found out that there were still a couple of hours on the way to the ranch; there were a younger sister and two older twin brothers, mom and dad living with three dogs. They had cows and horses. The three of us girls would share the room and the bathroom with the boys. I also clarified that the village is two miles from the ranch and we will go twice a week to buy groceries. They all work hard in the ranch during the holidays, but there are also free time for fun and learning.
— We can go swimming in the creek and horse riding — Dedee said. — We also love to spend time together as a family, you know? Not all families are as close as ours is round here, isn’t it Daddy?
— Yes, darling, it is indeed. — Her father replied in a lovely tone —. We are home.
In the midnight’s darkness, I could not saw much, only the entrance to the ranch and a substantial amount of land. I saw an antique American home with porch and windows with lace curtains in the back of a beautiful cobbled street, very beautiful and inviting house it was. We parked the truck at the entrance and the first to appear were three huge mastiffs, they rushed over Dedee and me, playfully sniffing between our legs.
— They are One, Two and Three — Daddy said —. Now I introduce myself properly, I am Jeff. Dedee's father.
A very polite 45 years old man, nearly 1.90 meters tall, with beautiful blue eyes, a perfect smile and huge hands, who had nothing to do with the image of father I had in my head, greeted me. My dad could be that age, too, but is bald and fat, like most of the men in their forties in Mexico, but this dad was a “Super Daddy”.
He picked up my luggage and we walked into the house. It was more beautiful inside than outside, it was really cozy. No one came to greet us, but everybody could hear movement and laughter in the house.
— Honey, we're home! — Daddy shouted — Guys? Where is everybody? — He asked with a flirtatious winking to his daughter. Someone cleared his throat in the kitchen and we could hear footsteps; over the kitchen’s bar appeared the flushed face of a beautiful woman with blond hair and charmingly nervous smile.
— Hi everybody, sorry, we did not listen to you guys coming; I was talking to the kids. — She looked so much like Dedee and her laugh was as loud, but with a different tone. — You must be Lamia? I'm Alice, Dedee's mother.
— Nice to meet you, and thank you very much for hosting me at your home. — I said as I watched that she was beautiful and fresh, and was not wearing a bra.
— Now let us take your luggage upstairs and I will show you the room you will share it with the girls. I hope you do not mind, but we are sure you will enjoy it that way much better.
The bedrooms are on the first floor, ours is the last one to the right. A spacious room with three beds and everything a teenager needs: flat TV screen, computer with internet connection, telephone and big mirrors. — This will be your bed Lamia, — Dedee said — we will sleep in front of you.
— And your twin brothers, when shall I meet them?
— Do not worry about the boys, you will meet them at breakfast, and you will sleep with little Sue, so, you will have time to meet them. Now, unpack and rest.
And so, the next morning there were the twins at the breakfast table, mom cooked for all of us and dad was not around. I enter the kitchen greeting everyone but none of the boys responded, however Alice was more beautiful and effusive than the night before. — Hello dear, do not pay attention to the boys, they are somewhat crazy. Want some coffee? — She placed a delicious steaming cup of coffee in my hands. I took a seat at one end of the table to observe the scene in silence: the twins were indeed very attractive, about 19 years old, with healthy and beautiful bodies. On the other hand, mom was stunning. I'm sure she exceeds her 40’s, and still very good looking, she is very thin and muscular, with great athletic body and a pair of large, round — maybe — nip tucked — breasts — I thought malevolent — and she was not wearing bra, again.
And those were my thought: deliberating how natural those melons were when Dad appeared. — Hello dear, — he greeted to Alice kissing her on the lips and stroking her butt naughty and distracted. — Hello Lamia, did you sleep well?
— Yes, Mr. Geoffrey, thank you very much.
— Have you met A. and B.?
— We have not been introduced properly.
— Guys, say hello to Lamia, she is the Mexican girl who live with us on vacations; I want you to be nice to her.
— Hello Lamia, we will be nice to you — they both answer in chorus.
— Hello Family — Dedee screamed from the door —. This is a great day. Hello Mom — greeted with a kiss on the lips to her mother. — Hello Daddy, — and did the same with him. — Losers! — Said to her brothers, while they kissed both her cheeks at the same time. — Hello Lamia, hope you like kissing; we do it all the time — and furnished a loud kiss on the corner of my mouth.
— I don’t dislike them — I answered, both twins looked at me with complicity eyes — and I would gladly kiss you all, I thought to myself. Then, the door opened again and little Sue made her appearance. That was beauty! A sweet blond 13 year old girl, with adorable blue eyes, tiny woman's body and denim mini-shorts. Little Sue, — I thought to myself — do I have to kiss her, too?
— Hello everyone and hello to the Mexican friend — she came around the kitchen giving a kiss in the lips to everyone there until she get to my side, — Good morning — and kissed me too near my lips.
— Hi Sue. — I replied to the greeting and to the kiss, and I kept silence thinking that everyone there was too beautiful and radiant, and that it was probably an exaggeration that the American family does not create bonds of affection; that they do not live together; that they are cold and all those negative reviews said about them. To me, this family seemed much like any Mexican family on any Sunday morning … although I do not lip kiss any member of my own family. Do not even think about it!
— We will not do much today, — Dedee said — we will just make a tour to the property to get to know it and come back early for dinner, is that okay?
— Whatever you say Dedee. — I replied distracted by Sue’s amazing beauty, Mom’s cleavage and Dad’s knee touching mine.
I am not going to tell you everything that was there, but I witness a 120-acre estate planted with wheat and barley, pasture for livestock, stables, pool, and gym. Everything, absolutely everything you can think of.
Dinner was not special; next morning’s plans: everybody would go shopping in town, so we were sent to bed early.
I was the first one to arrive to the bathroom, I wanted to take a quick shower and write some of my adventures before bed. Therefore, I was alone in a beautiful room, with a delicious hot bath when the door opens and I hear Dedee’s crazy laughter and Sue's voice at the door in the distance. — Bathroom is busy! — I yelled from the shower a little surprised.
— We are too many people in this house, you cannot have the bathroom to yourself —Sue said grumbly, — and I will only brush my teeth.
And it was so, two minutes later I was alone again in the bathroom; I am not used to this level of intimacy with the guests or hosts, so I was a little nervous. I finished my shower, got out of the tub and looked at myself in the mirror wrapped in my towel. I was thinking that I am not as beautiful as The Family, but I have my charm, too. There I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly the door from the boys’ side opens and one of the twins appears with a towel around his waist.
— It is my turn to take a shower, take your time to finish, you are not in my way — said A. or B. throwing the towel on the floor and going in the shower.
I panicked and run out of the bathroom. Outside in our room, there was Sue in her underwear sitting on her bed.
— What happened? Looks like you saw a ghost.
— Your brother came almost naked into the bathroom!
— Does that scare you? — She asked and jumped out of bed, walked next to me winking an eye and went into the bathroom. I stayed there frozen thinking that girl was a little weird. I finally got into bed and started to write; half an hour later, Dedee came laughing as always looking for her sister, I told her what had happened and where she had gone. — Well, then let’s go to sleep, do you always sleep with pajamas? I prefer to sleep like this, — and she takes off her dress, which she wore with no underwear, and jumps into bed covering herself up to the neck — See you tomorrow, you turn off the light.
I stay frozen for 5 seconds thinking everyone was a little strange … or very modern. After not too long, I fell asleep. Later I heard the bathroom door open and saw Sue coming naked out of the bathroom heading to her sister's bed, I heard them whispering a few seconds and then silence again.

The next morning breakfast was full of kisses and pancakes with honey and butter, when we finished, we all climbed into the van and drove towards town. We left Dad in the garage and the boys in the sports shop. And we ladies went to the market. All without incident, we met for lunch in the cafeteria to decide what we would do next.
The cafeteria was just like in the old movies: with jukebox, hot wigged waitresses and a fat angry chef in the kitchen. We took a cabinet next to the window, Dad and Sue sat in front of me, I was between Mom and A or B, and the other twin and Dedee were at the other end of the table. We were a big family. The waitress brought coffee for adults and iced tea for us, we all ate burgers and fries. When we finally finished, Dad asked what we wanted to do since he had that afternoon off. — I suggest we come back home and play a game all together. We can give an official welcome to our beautiful Lamia — Dad said rubbing his knee with mine under the table.
— It seems like an excellent idea to me— Mom said taking my hand — I suggest the same, I think it is time to give you a formal welcome to the family. We all like you very much and it is time for you to join us … and, I bought some ice cream and it will melt in the car if we do not hurry up — she ended saying in a loud laugh.
— But let us play something really fun — little Sue replied— as fun as when we play together, not in pairs. Lamia deserves a luxurious and fun welcome, right?
— Wait, — Dedee said — I really think we should ask her first, What if she does not like to play?
— You are right, hunny — Dad said with sweet and even concerned gesture. Ask your friend what she wants to do?
I did not understand much, it seemed that a welcome party was very important to the family, that was fine; and the group games are always fun, I did not see what the problem was.
— Listen Lamia — mom asked me with her sweet voice and her low-cut tank-top — Dedee have explained you that ours is a very close family, haven’t she? — I nodded. — And we really like to spend time together, play and live intimately, you know? — I nodded again, even if intimately made a little noise to me.
— Let's say that we prefer to play at home than with the kids outside — explain the twin beside me.
— And can I ask what do you like to play?
— Sure, funny games: poker, Twister, bottle, challenges … always with a… family touch — Sue said — but I like it much more when we finished altogether.
— I do not understand very well that last point, but playing game is OK for me — I made myself clear.

The appointment was in 30 minutes in the living room. We went up to the bedroom and Dedee had the detail to advise me wearing light and comfortable clothing for the welcome party and the games. — Lamia, I never thought today would be your welcome party — she explained getting too close to me and holding my hand — I would have had a better gift to you— she half-mouth kisses me and leaves.
I decided to get in tune with United and Pretty Family and chose to wear short dark dress with cotton underwear and sandals, ponytail and a little lip-gloss.
In the living room there were Dedee with the twins on the floor next to a dozen games. — Choose one — said one of the twins. I knelt beside them to browse the options: cards, an alternative model of Twister with curly cartoon characters involved in some kind of activity that brought my attention, when mom’s voice coming from across the kitchen’s bar called. — Lamia, can you help me with this please? I came to pick up a bucket of chocolate ice cream and find out that Mom had taken very seriously light clothing and wore a frayed denim shorts and a white low-cut T-shirt showing her yummy braless breasts. — Do not forget the whipped cream and cherries sweetheart. Gee, you look great in that dress!
When I returned to the living room, Dad was sitting in his chair wearing trousers and a T-sport basketball, Dedee was kneeling in front of him between his knees, a position a little strange for a father and daughter, I thought; they both smiled at me but did not change their attitude. As always, Sue is the last to show up — complained a twin with a hand in his pants.
— I am listening B. — Sue said coming into the living room.
— I am waiting sis. It was obvious that B was having an erection in front of all of us.
— Do we have a game already? — Mom asked taking a seat next to me on the couch; she looked very sexy with that outfit. — Why not play stip-poker to get started?
— Stip-poker? — I said quit surprised
— Oh Mom, — Sue replied with a bottle in her hand — do not scare Lamia please, let us play Question or Punishment with this bottle. Come on Lamia, relax and it is your turn.
We all sat in a circle on the carpet; I took the bottle warning them that I had never played anything like that.
— The top of the bottle points to the person who answer the question from the one pointed by the bottom of the bottle. You have to choose if you want to answer a question or to have a punishment, if you do not answer the question, then you will have a punishment, do you understand, hunny? — Dad said with an extremely gentle voice and a hand rubbing my thigh,
— I think so. Here we go.
I threw the bottle with trembling hands. There was something very suspicious in the environment; there was something too abnormal in their behavior. I did not want to accept it yet but it was as if all flirt with all and some with me, but it seemed a completely crazy idea, although having everyone so close and with that attitude made me hesitate. The bottle indicated that Dedee would question little Sue.
— Very good little sis, what would you prefer?
— Question. — Sue replied cynical
— How many beds did you sleep in last night, princess? — My soul almost leaves my body when I heard that, but apparently, no one else was surprised.
— Well, to sleep, only one, yours — naughty Sue replied giggling — but visited two, if that is what you are asking.
Everyone laughed out loud and I could not believe it. Dedee then spin the bottle, the second turn was to mom questioning me. I immediately felt a hole in my stomach.
— Choose Lamia, Questions or Punishment? — I could barely answer: question because my voice did not come out of my chest and my hands were sweating.
— Lamia dear, I must ask you something easy, let me think, — but my hands were shaking; so, after lengthy five seconds she made the fatal question: Lamia, are you a virgin? I froze; six pairs of eyes were on me, so I had no other chance but to nod yes, because the monosyllable yes never came out of my mouth audible. — But relax Lamia — Mom said crossing the game circle on all fours to reach and tenderly caress my cheek. — Do not be nervous, it is just a questions game, harmless. Besides, it is delicious that you are still virgin, /> I insist that everything was very eccentric: why does Mom show everybody breasts? Why did Daddy touch my thigh in front of everybody? Why do I have wet pants?
—I will spin the bottle now, and the next turn is Dad to ask B.
— Question — B interrupted abruptly.
— Well Big Boy, my question is the following: was one of the beds that Sue visited last night yours? — Dad asked with a mischievous and accomplice attitude. I almost had a heart attack right there, but apparently, I was the only one with moralizing and panic attacks because they were really enjoying the evening. Sue and B. cracked and both responded in chorus a resounding yes. Again tachycardia in my chest and general laughter in the audience. The B twin took the bottle and spun it, the next turn to ask was Dedee’s, and she will play with A.
— Will I ask or punish you, brother?
— Ask me.
— What do you like most about my friend Lamia?
No please, here we go again: I blushed when I realized that A’s eyes roamed over my body.
— What I like about the most about our Mexican friend is that she blushes at the slightest provocation; that she has a firm, round ass; and that she is virgin.
— Excellent selection brother — B assured.
— Now that you mention it, I like the color of her skin — Sue added softly grazing my thigh with her fingertips. I wanted to run away, but the humidity of my underwear and the morbidity of the situation did not allowed me to. Dedee spun the bottle again, it stopped pointing to the Mom and Dad couple. Suddenly every face changed, became suspects and accomplices.
— Punish me dear. — Dad said in the most submissive and sensual voice that I had never heard. Little Sue approached my ear and said — here comes the best part.
Mom got up and crossed the circle voluptuously moving her hips. We all slightly changed positions. My head was spinning, but I tried to pay attention to everything that was going on not to forget it.
— I will think for a moment about a punishment for you, my dear — she said —. Before, I would like to inquire something very important. The truth is that we cannot continue the game without asking Lamia if she is comfortable, because from now on the game might rise slightly in tone. We all have to remember that Lamia is a virgin and probably do not know much about sex. — Talking about my virginity and sex seemed irrelevant to me at the time; she continued approaching to me now —. That is why I will ask you something Lamia, — she said holding my chin and bringing her face close to mine — would you like to learn more about sex than what it is said in your school theory textbooks?
First, I did not know what to do: should I answer this direct and rude question? Why would she ask me if we are playing “spinning the bottle”? Is it OK to talk about it in the presence of so many people? — I think so. — I automatically answered with a dry mouth.
— Have you ever seen a living penis?
I decided to tell the truth even if it was embarrassing. — No, Ma'am.
— Would you like to see a couple of them?
— I do not know, I think so. — I managed to answer when both twins were already next to each other in front of me stroking the inside of their boxers.
— Dear Lamia, you have noticed that we like kisses, — I nodded afraid that things will become embarrassing. — Well; and just as we like and enjoy showing how much we love kissing each other, we like and enjoyed a little more intimate physical contact. Do you understand what I am talking about?
— I do not know. I have never…
— Relax my dear, relax. — She whispered in my ear. — I know that you never … I have a proposal to you, Do you want to learn more than English language in your vacation? How about attending a top-quality sex education course taught by your loving foster family? Discretion and satisfaction guaranteed! — She said in a delightful laugh. Everybody was watching us, but I did not paid attention to them, I was mesmerized by her beauty and by what she was telling me: sex classes? We both laughed holding hands, that I relaxed me. — Lam, what do you say? Would you like to see a pair of beautiful penises right here and now?
— Yes, I do. — I answered without thinking twice and ready to whatever it may come. Then the twins brought out of their underwear two white erect penises. It was the first time that there were two live specimens of human cocks in front of my eyes. All penises that I had seen until then were living modestly in my biology books, but those two were biting in front of me.
— Look honey, — Mom said with an educational and fun tone of voice — these are two gorgeous young specimens of human penises, do you like them? They are beautiful, do not you think? Tell me Lam, would you like to touch them? Your friends can teach you how to do it. Do you want to learn how to do it?
I have nothing more to say in my defense: I am the highest grade in my class, I'm on the Honor Roll since 2nd grade; I am the captain of the chess team, I work out, I am a good daughter, I have no boyfriend and therefore I am virgin . Then I thought, why not? Nobody has to know, and I doubt this could happen in every American home where dumb foreign girls like me are host. From that moment on, I freed my mind and I decided to do everything they told me and invited me to do. Although the word incest rumbled in the depths of my consciousness, making the whole situation more sensual and exciting, I would continue.
— Yes, I want to see how they do, and yes, I want to have sex classes with you, and yes, I want you to teach me everything you know.
Dedee and Sue began stroking their brothers’ dicks, both of the girls kneeling in front of a brother, and the four of them in front of me. I was squatting with Mom behind me stroking my shoulders, while she explained "… kids should be tutored at home. At the girl’s age, it is very easy for men to try to seduce them, they are in the most beautiful and vulnerable point in their life. We love our children and we do not want anyone to hurt them, and we care about their education and happiness, we teach them things that none would teach them at school.
— We know that you are a great student, and we feel that a student like you cannot miss a class like this, don’t you dear?
— Oh yes, indeed — Daddy replied from his seat — The best education is the one that you receive at home and we strive that this house is the best.
— That is why, my dear Lamia, I ask you again, just to hear the delicious answer, would you like to learn a little of what our children know? I am sure that you can be as happy as they are, too.
— Yes, ma'am, I do.
— Now you will meet another kind of a penis, not a kid’s one, but a man's penis, an adult-sized penis, I mean. Geoff please come closer, it is time for your punishment. Introduce your cock to us. We all will do whatever we want with it and you will not end until you hear my order, do you agree?
— Your wish is my command, Lady — Dad said, rising from his chair and heading up to me, I was kneeling with Mom behind me. Through his sweatpants, I could see a huge erection. Dad stroked it over his clothing.
— Touch it Lam, feel it. Mom took my hand and put it on it: it was like touching a pole, round and hard, too hard to be a part of the human body. My mouth and eyes were wide open; this was the first penis I played with in my life. — do you like how it feels? Is it hard? Are you ready to see it? — I nodded sheepishly without losing sight of what had in front of me. Someone behind Dad pulled his pants down to reveal a monster phallic with the thickness and length of my forearm, which aimed directly at my face.
— We all have been very happy with this weapon before. — Sue said holding it from behind. Her hand was so small in comparison with that monster.
— Show yourselves to Lamia — Mom ordered. The brothers came close to me—, there you have them Lam, three specimens of human penises completely different, all perfect and functional. Touch them, observe them. Let them know you, too.
It was amazing what was happening to me, I was there with my underwear getting wet and three erect penises at my disposal. I could choose which one I wanted to play with, and which one I wanted to see, and which one to study. I went over the three of them, holding them with both hands, then one by one in each hand to compare them and to watch them carefully. I could feel their heartbeat, their firmness. I was able to smell them and I could see precum slipping out of their tips. I could see their testicles and pubic hair. The twins’ penises were dripping precum from the tip, while Dad’s super dick beat incredibly strong in my hands.
— Easy Lam, otherwise you will make them cum all over you! — Mom scolded and took my hands away from them, I heard them sigh. — You better let me ask you another thing about sex: Have you ever touched you?
— No ma'am, I have never.
— Then you have never meet a vagina in person, I mean not even yours?
— Yes, ma'am.
— Well, I will show you some of the vaginas we have around here.
The boys and Dad went to sit naked together on the couch while Dedee replaced men in front of me — come Lamia, I will show you mine — she said taking her underwear off in front of me. She climb on the back of the couch and opened her legs wide open, to reveal a small patch of blond hair.
— Come, sit here and pay close attention, this is very different from boys, we are magical.
When I change my seat, I noticed that her pussy was wet; same here, I could feel my panties wet. Then little Sue came to our aid — I will help you, I do not want you to have any doubts, Lam. Well, here we have a young blonde vagina with its mayor labia — Sue stroked with two fingers the outside and her sister's pubic hair, — the hairy upper part is the Mount of Venus. Now help me open her lips apart, come on, do not be shy. — She brought my hand close to Dedee’s pubis; I was trembling with nerves and excitement. The view was much more beautiful that the giant poles I saw before. This was like an opening flower. I spread her lips to meet something even more wonderful: her large and pink inner labia —. This little spot here Lam, is your best friend — Sue said approaching her fingertip to Dedee’s pussy — Clitoris, look how it get swollen! Here is Vagina — Sue separated the wavy inner lips to let me see a small hole where watery fluid dripped. — Any kind of artifacts can fit here. Can you believe it? Look, touch here. — Sue took my index finger and made circles around Dedee’s clitoris, she hummed with her eyes closed, and then Sue took my finger into the opening and pushed it a bit. What a weird sensation! It is so soft, warm, wet. The word inside echoed in the back of my mind —. You see, you have plenty spots where to play: you can touch it, eat it, suck it, open it, close it, go in, come out, and whatever comes to you mind. How is that, are you surprised?
— Yes, very. — I said. I could not help long sight that beautiful and juicy flower opened before me.
— Now, try what you have learned with mine. — Sue suggested leaving the couch and climbing up to sit under her sister between her legs. I kneeled on the floor in front of her, when I was in position she spread her legs. It was a great impression to discover that this was a beautiful hairless preteen’s pubis, demarcated by a thin tan line. According to me, Sue was an extraordinary case: no girl of that age is as beautiful as she is in my neighborhood or at school, and now that I know so many intimacies, she is even more extraordinary! Strange sounds behind me interrupted my surprise: Mom had Dad in her mouth and one of each twin in each hand. The image froze me.
— She is the best — Sue said bringing me to another scene equally incredible.
— Lam, concentrate and be inspired, you will learn from the best. — Dedee said sitting in the back of the couch with her sister lying between her legs displaying to me her vagina, stimulated by her skillful hands. She brought her face close to mine and I could not resist a tender kiss on the lips. Gee, my first kiss and it was with a girl! Everything has turn so strange in my life since she appeared laughing at the airport. I will continue with this adventure as far as I could, ever if I had my doubts and regrets about the sort of a relationships that the family was involved in. They were totally incestuous and that was not right. Incest is something that is sinful and indecorous; it is considered against the law, but from my actual perspective, it seemed so educational and harmless. Everyone was happy and I would venture to be happy, too.
I placed my index finger on her Mount of Venus and slowly slid it to reach the wettest spot of that exotic jewel. I never thought something like that could happen to me. I separate her lips to meet a tiny wet hole, without thinking I approached my finger and slowly introduced it to feel it from the inside.
She was extremely tight, small and juicy: When removing my finger from her vagina a mouthful of water came splashing my dress.
— Oh dear Lamia, forgive me. Your dress got wet with my juices, but you turn me on so much that this is the result. We can take your dress off not to spoil it and be more comfortable the three of us.
— I will help you — twin A said to me, — Come. I stood up and B, behind me, pulled the dress over my head, leaving me in underwear, which was not as sexy as the one that the girls wore; mine was white cotton, as a child’s underwear. I felt ridiculous standing there in front of the whole family with this outdated and infant clothing. Suddenly I realized that my eyes were closed and six mouths gently kissed my entire body. Kisses on the thighs, shoulders, behind my neck: Dad kisses level with my panties from behind; the twins kissing me over the bra, Sue kissing my pubis over my panties and Dedee kissing my stomach and my ribs. Delicious sensation, the sweetest and most erotic scene that I had never ever imagined, but where's Mom? Suddenly, I open my eyes and there she was, staring at my eyes. Saying nothing, she took my face in both hands and passionately kissed me on the lips. Delicious kisses, bites on my lips, her tongue scouring the corners of my mouth. I will never forget that kiss, even if there were many more, that one was especially memorable. After Mom, the twins took turns kissing my lips with tangled tongues. Then Sue came to me to put her wet kisses on my mouth, and then Dad came with his huge hands to my face to fill my mouth with his, astonishing me and brushing my chin with his beard and mustache’s hair. No need to explain that, while someone was kissing my mouth, the rest of the family was kissing my body and on my underwear. When Dad decided that it had been enough kissing, I opened my eyes to find the beautiful smiling face of my friend Dedee who comes to take her turn on my lips. We both laughed madly with our faces in each other’s hands. — Do you like it? Are you happy? — She asked me while depositing small, sweet peckers around my mouth.
— Yes, I love it. Kiss me. Without delay, I kissed her with all the experience that the previous kisses had brought to my lips. French kisses, biting kisses, sweet and horny kisses. Then my panties were wet from my juices and everybody’s saliva. Suddenly everyone's lips left my body and I opened my eyes, the scene was divine: all in front of me laughing innocently.
— From now on, — Mom told me — you are officially welcome to our family circle. You must keep the secret because not all families are like ours and if someone finds out, we all are in danger, and you know that. However, starting today, you can sleep in the bed that you want and caress and kiss whomever you want, whenever you want. Regarding to the treasure between your legs, it is your decision to lose your virginity or not and with whom. You will learn more secrets throughout your holiday and you will come back home with fond memories of your American family. By now the game is over. Go take a shower to have dinner in an hour, okay?
— Yes, Ma’am. — I said picking my dress up from the floor and heading upstairs to shower and rest my mind before coming back between them.

story by: LamiaFangs

Tags: fiction incest group sex sex story written by women

Author: LamiaFangs

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    One night my wife and I meet with a fellow ( no name ) at a truck stop just outside the edge of our town we live in. We was in our Ford Fusion and wife wae wearing a short mini skirt, no panties and a sheer top with no bra. wife has double d breasts and a totally shaven pussy. We pulled up to the male in his truck and wife got out to greet him and so did...

  • Out of control

    Well I have never done this, but here goes a true story that hasn't stopped. I am a service man with a good family life and great friends. That's were i got into trouble. We are all pretty close the guy"'s I surved with i wouold do anything for. Well a good buddy of mine had to deploy out. Well from the first time I had them over to the house and i met his wife there was like this...

  • Sean shows me how sex should be

    I feel warm, loved and truly, truly sexy. In 25 years of marriage I never once felt sexy and loved like this – and this gorgeous new man has achieved this in just a few short minutes on our first time together. I feel like the Queen.He undoes my bra and lets my breasts spill out. He looks in the mirror and fondles them gently from behind heightening the warmth I feel. “Lie down on the bed beautiful lady.†Sean...

  • The princesss punishment and reward

    Its early saturday afternoon now, the princess has been without an orgasm or a fuck for a whole week at 3 pm. It seems she has displeased her Master the weekend before and she is being punished. She does not recall what it was she did, but it must have been something. Everytime she came to him with her pink ribbon in her hair he took it out and put it in his pocket. She thought to herself I am...

My night with a sexy Mum

On the freeway

Wal mart wife

His First Pegging

Hardcore sex story

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