the following is a true story. I was 18, and a senior in high school. my name is Will. (not real name) I was excited that it was my last year in high school, and so was my buddy Tyler. We've been friends since 5th grade. He moved next door, and we instantly became friends. it was just his mom and him. His dad died when we went to war in Iraq. our moms would talk all the time while we played outside, mostly playing soccer. by the time we got to being freshman in high school, i started to notice that his mom was really attractive. she had beautiful, long dark brown hair, and a somewhat hour glass body type. Her ass was perfect, and she was also carrying some double D's. i went to Tyler's house all the time. he was somewhat rich, so the house was pretty big. they had a pool, and a sauna. living next door to them was great. my bedroom window was right across from his mom's. she had curtains mostly shut but sometimes i could peer across the yard and see her. i never saw her naked but i did happen to catch her in some underwear. tyler was in the school band, so every summer he had band camp for two weeks. this year was his last, and i used it to my advantage this time around.
i was trying to think of a plan to get over and hang out with his mom. i finally thought of something somewhat good, and went to try it out. it was the day after he left for camp, and i went over to his house, and rang the door bell. Heidi answered the door and said
Heidi: Hey Will, Tyler is at band camp remember?
Me: Yeah i know, but he asked me to help you out by doing his chores while he was gone if that's ok.
Heidi: Oh! Of course that's ok! i'll need all the help i can get.
Me: Awesome where should I start?
(she walked me over to the laundry room.)
Heidi: Ok Will, Tyler usually does the laundry if you're ok with doing that for me. after you finish that just come find me and i will have more stuff for you to do.
Me: yeah that sounds great to me.
Heidi: OK, thanks SOOOO much! you're such a nice young man. i still have to take a shower so i will go do that right now.
(she left and i started sorting the blacks and whites.)
i eventually got to some of her underwear, and i couldn't help but check em out. there were a lot of small colorful ones and then some black and white lacy pairs, but then i got to some sexy thongs. i was in awe.
after i put a load in the washer, i decided to go look around. i went down a hall where Heidi's bedroom was. the door was slightly cracked. i peeked in, and saw some clothes on the bed. the shower was running and she was in it. i knew if i waited i could possibly see her naked, so i just stood there and waited. 10 minutes later, the shower turned off. another minute and the door opened, and out came Heidi in a white towel. Her hair was still wet. she walked over by her clothes that were laying on the bed, and then came the time to lose the towel. she slowly undid it, with the back of her facing me. she dropped the towel, and her ass was all i looked at. it looked firm, and so beautiful. i kept wanting to leap in and hump the shit out of it, but held back. she suddenly turned around showing off her gorgeous breasts and shaved pussy. i started freaking out in a horny way, and my dick started growing just from looking upon her body. i didn't notice that i was making so much noise though, bumping the door and all. she covered herself back up slightly with the towel though it barely covered her boobs. she yelled "Is that you Will?"…. i decided to go into the room, and said "Yeah it's me." she started to freak out a little bit asking me "What are you doing?!" i replied with "I couldn't resist looking at you. you are so damn perfect Mrs. Bradley!" she started to blush a little. she was caught off guard a little bit, so i went and lunged at her, landing my mouth on hers. I kissed her romantically, and she didn't pull away. my hands were on her hips and i moved them to her ass as i pulled away. she was speechless. i spoke, "I've wanted to do that for a very long time." she finally responded, "Will, i'm your best friends mother." "I know, and i dont want to hurt Tyler. that's the reason why i'm doing this now!" i said with confidence. she replied "Look, I'm not going to lie. that was the best kiss i've had in a very long time, but i'm not sure about this." i answered with a cheesy return, "well let me make up your mind." we started to kiss, and our tongues joined the party as well. i was feeling her ass with both of my hands, meanwhile my dick was harder than a fucking diamond. we laid down on the bed, and i threw the towel off. i gazed upon her breasts, and started licking her nipples frantically. she started moaning, which told me that it's been a while since she's gotten some. I sucked away gently and hard at the same time, while my hand slid down towards her pussy. she let out a shrieking moan when i shoved my fingers in. after another minute of that i dropped down and started eating her out. she was going nuts and kept pushing my head down into her shaved pussy, shouting "OH MY GOD! OH led to "I'm /> after she was done having her orgasm, i quickly took my clothes off and she immediately grabbed my 6 inch cock. she started off with licking the tip and i couldn't help but moan myself. i wasn't huge into the blow job thing, so i came quickly, and she swallowed it all. i laid her down on her back, and my dick was hard again. she said "I can't believe what's happening." "i know what you mean." i replied. she inhaled and exhaled and said "you're going to be my first real cock since last year." i just said "I'll be the best cock you'll ever have though." I immediately shoved my cock into her tight hole. sliding in and out as she moaned constantly. it only took 1 minute before i blew my load inside her. we switched positions, and i was so horny my dick was already hard again. she got on top and started riding me. i lasted a little bit longer this time and managed to make her come a little bit. two loads down for me, and i still got back up and fucked her doggy style. after that i told her that we should take a shower, and so we did. we fucked in the shower, and then ended on the bed again. I ended up staying there all week since my mom was out of town anyways for business. we fucked everyday until Tyler got back home. after we graduated Heidi gave me a present. we fucked at Tyler's open house party. once i went to college, we didn't have sex anymore, since she met some guy, and i started tapping the sluts at my school. she was my only milf, and the only woman i've ever wanted.
story by: corndogtugger
Tags: mature true story male / females sex story
Author: corndogtugger
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