There are instances that really alter your life, for better or for worse. But never the less the alterations change your perspective. I had been a virgin till 15 and lost to it to a Prostitute. Not really a great start. Well, things really got interesting after that.
Since childhood I had a fetish for boobs. I loved to see boobs and didn’t let any opportunity a miss to grab one. At nine I got one of a maid, at about the very next year convinced another to let me grope her breast for merely couple a dollar. I got more than that of her breast in the deal. Then I was kicked off to a Boarding school for reasons not attributable to the statements mentioned above.
The sexual experiences at our boarding school was different and I don’t consider them as to losing my virginity. The discretion is upto you. After couple a years in the school, one fine night I felt a hand groping my dick. I opened my eyes to find my friend who lay on the next bed was looking at me with a grin on his face and his hand getting more busy with my private. I was feeling good. I closed my eyes and lay on the bed and enjoyed the massage. Then, all of a sudden he stopped and whispered me to come out. It was about two at night and the Hostel resembled a graveyard. I followed him. He led me two floors above to reach a vacant dorm. The dirty mattresses lay on the floor without any care. He ushered me to lie down in one of them and I obliged. He pulled my short down and slowly came down on me to kiss my lips. Now, that was an absolute no-no. I pushed him aside and said, “ No kisses or I am gone”. I could see his disappointment but he obliged and instead kissed my dick. Then sucked the hell out of my dick. I was stunned with the way he worked his tongue. He must have had a good practice on others to do that. Well, I enjoyed it and I don’t feel ashamed to mention that. Next, he got his dick to my mouth. I just couldn’t do it. I liked boobs, cunts, lady lips not dicks or cracks. I asked him to finish it off with me and I will take care of him. He, instead, lay on his abs, folded his knee to his chest and urged me to fuck him through the anus. Honestly, at that age I had no idea of the STDs otherwise I would not have done that. Moreover, not for the rest of my stay in my hostel. As for my friend, for that day he only got as far as a hand-job but eventually with days of his continual persuasions I gave in. He introduced me to his other sex-mates and I often released my sexual tensions on them.
The day came when I couldn’t stop myself from getting some from a woman. I was in my home-town and expressed my urge to my maternal cousin. He was three years older to me and instantly advised to join him in a night excursion. “The night excursion” went straight to the town’s brothel. When we reached our destination, I was briefed about the brothel as I had no clue of its existence. Been the largest brothel in South –east Asia the quality of the working ladies and the ambience varied with price. I could see queue of ladies standing on either sides of the street and on the balconies. The streets were chaotic and resembled a fish market at its prime hour. My cousin yelled out to me that the treat to my loosing virginity was on him and that he would take me to the Well, his declaration was right on the money.
We reached a house and the doorman ushered us in. We were led to a lobby and I could see the building was centrally air-conditioned. I was speechless. I have been carrying quiet a inferior or paltry image of brothel from the movies and dialogues overheard between help. This magnum and mammoth representation overawed me to the height of speechlessness. What really took my breadth away was the sheer beauty of the Ladies that entered the Lobby, next. An elderly lady greeted my cousin as an aunt who has seen her nephew after a decade and was just not sure what to offer. After a very long hug and kisses, the lady shifted her sight on me. The lady goggled me for a minute and announced me as a first-time visitor. To that my cousin whispered something to her ear (I am sure he declared my virginity to her) and she cried out a laugh and assured my cousin that I would be “well taken care of”. She ushered a beautiful looking girl to me and asked for my approval. The girl shouldn’t be over 17 or 18 years and to my best I convinced myself that I will not get any better if that I was not paying. As I nodded my approval, the girl whisked my hand off my lap and pulled me up through the stairs to reach a room on the floor above.
She closed the door shut. The room had a separate air-conditioning apart from the central one. She switched on the AC and pushed me on the bed.” My name is Pushpa(with a slight emphasis on the letters SH), I am from GHGHGHG, what can I call you by?” I answered by name and she responded by repeating my name with a giggle. Now, my eyes went straight for her tits. The voluptuous breasts spoke volumes of exposure and in my curiosity I grabbed one. Pushpa laughed out aloud and hold my hands with hers, gradually taking it down to her abdomen, she said, “ Well hold on, there is no hurry. I am going to be with you, ……. for you for this entire night”. It was ten, then. Saying that she switched on the TV and left the room. As my curiosity brewed over, pushpa reappeared with a tray. On that tray there was couple of beer bottles and mugs, an opener, a packet of chips on a plate and some strange looking chicken, prepared in dark Soya sauce. She filled up the mugs and offered one to me. Then, she locked the door, switched on the music and dimmed the light. To the beats of the Ray Charles music she rhythmically oscillated her pelvis and crept up on my lap. Takes a swig from her mug she kisses me on the forehead to the chin. She grazes her chick to my chick. Her soft skin, her smell, her lips , tongue, quickly floods blood in my penis. We put down our glass and I kissed her with my lips. Our tongue swirled in and she bit my tongue. I responded by biting her nipples through her T-shirt and bra.
Then she pushed me on my back and sat on my abdomen. She takes off her T-shirt and bra. As she undid her bra the bosoms fell slightly to give me a look at her brownish pink nipple. I got up and suckled on her nipples as if waiting for milk to dribble out. She giggled and then screamed out in an exotic agony. I shifted my suckle to the other side. She ran her finger through my hair and gripped it tight and pulled me out of my vigorous suckle. She looked deep into my eyes and softly kissed me on my lips, then sucked my lower lip apart and forced in her tongue. The smooch continued till I broke out and started running my tongue on her nipples, through the chest, neck, to the ears and softly bit it. Then I cupped her breasts in each palm and started caressing them with often letting my fingers play with nipples as if trying to fine tune a radio. She moaned and her breadth started growing deeper and hot. My penis was screaming freedom and I could not wait. She probably understood my situation and she undid the buttons of her jeans to reveal a nearly hairless pubic area apart from a thin strip of hair extending from above her cunt. She unbuttoned my shirt and pants and stripped me off my under-wears. She sucked on my nipples and neck and then ran finger over my chest and complemented my built. I was barely sitting on the bed with my feet touching the ground. Pushpa, started kissing me from my forehead to my chest, to my abdomen until she reached my penis. She looked up and smiled. Then she opened her mouth and got busy with my dick. She was good. She sucked and licked and sucked. She spit on my dick and then suck harder. She spreads my legs and bends my knees a little till she finds enough space to force her mouth to suck on my testicles. Now, I moaned and pushpa continued her quest between my dick and balls. As I am reaching my orgasm, I hold her head by my right hand and push her head deeper and she would try to suck in. Suddenly, just before I could reach my orgasm she pulls of and I am left gasping. Pushpa stands in front of me and hugs me with her bare body sliding up on me. She grips her feet on the edge of the bed with me holding her and navigates her cunt through my hot-rod. She starts to ride on it and push in and out thrusting her pelvis. Now, she starts making loud sounds and her movement picks up momentum and then she pushes herself all the way and cry out a shrilling moan. I felt wet on my dick and then on my thighs. I pick her up and lay her on the back. I re-enter her and slowly and rhythmically thrust my dick forward and back to the beat of the jazz playing in the system. With the beats picking up its tempo my thrusts grew deeper and faster. I could feel gushes of fluid run out with each orgasm and then I cum inside her. She holds my head and pulls me on her chest and thrust her pelvis. I respond immediately with reciprocating thrust as we both ooze out our own juice.
As we lay beside each other she holds my hand and said,” Its after a long time that I have cum and let someone fuck me without wearing a condom”. I looked at her in absolute horror as I realized that I have just had sex with a sex-worker without a condom. As if she read my mind, she cried out in a laugh and said, “Well mate, don’t worry , you are in luck. I have just had my blood tested today and I am clean. You are my first customer since I have taken the test. The possibilities are really bleak that you may get any STDs from me. However, It an be the other way around.” I immediately responded, “ You do know that you are my first. I have just lost my virginity to you.” “It doesn’t seem that you are a virgin. It really takes a lot of experience to do, what you did with me.” Said Pushpa. Feeling a slight embarrasement I responded, “ Its just that I Read a lot of books.” Pusha cried out a laugh and reached for the beer mugs.
If you like it , send in request so that i am inspired to write more, tnx m8
story by: bigwiz
Tags: virginity fantasm sex story
Author: bigwiz
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