Giving into darkness (part eight.)

sex stories

(Hey guys once again the WARNING not all chapters will have sex, I'm not sure which ones but I got a message in my inbox stating the chapter without sex was boring and this was a PORN site. Either way it will not change my perspective or my mind to continue this story based on that. I hope you enjoy and if you like this please feel free to comment or request another chapter.)

Part Eight.

The storm outside woke her up, she set straight up in the bed and her eyes strained against the dark. It seemed the power was still out, pulling the sheet up she realized Leon was no longer sleeping next to her.
As she was met with no answer a paralyzing fear filled her, no more like a bad feeling. Taking the sheet along with her she moved around the apartment and called out to him again, once again there was silence. He wouldn't have left would he, than again if she knew him as well as she did she knew he would have and did. Feelings of anger and despair replaced her fear as she searched for her clothing, perhaps he had left a note. However after careful inspection she saw he hadn't even done that, "Damn it Leon." she said just to get rid of the air of silence. No that wasn't true either she was angry he had left, how could he have just up without notice and left? He had to be a damn saint and save her, she sighed and dialed his cell phone.
"Come on Leon pick up." she said after five rings, he hadn't turned his phone off so either he was ignoring her or he wasn't around his phone. She let out a frustrated growl and considered throwing her cell phone at the wall yet what good would that do, she had to remain calm and think about what to do next. Excitement filled her as her cell began to ring but she felt her excitement leave as the caller ID read the call was from Hawes. She knew she had no reason to not answer as it would draw suspicion from her, "Sage here."
"Sorry to wake you Sage but we need you to come in and make a statement, a report so to say on the situation. I know it doesn't seem right doing this right after Ethan's death but the more we know the better chance we have at finding his killer." rubbing her temple she said, "No, it's fine I completely understand. Give me about thirty minutes and I'll be there." hanging up she slumped in the chair and wondered how the hell she could do this and make it convincing.

He had made it about fifty miles outside of town before her phone calls started, after the tenth one he chose to shut his phone off. If he listened to the voice mails he might be tempted to turn around, hell he had been tempted to turn around for about forty five miles now. The further away he got the less his temptation got the best of him, if he went back he was endangering her life sure he would be with her but it wasn't worth the risk. He couldn't lose someone else he loved, he had given in years ago and it had cost him his families life. He could still hear his wife screaming as she fought to protect Arabella their daughter, however it had been useless. He had been forced to watch as they tied first his wife to a stake and than their six year old daughter next to her and light a match. Their screams still haunted him till this day, he let out a growl and slammed his hand into the steering wheel again as he tried to shake the memory. That of course had been after he was turned, before that he had been human when he met Moria, that was how Arabella had been conceived. An unfortunate accident and one vampires curiosity had been the cause of his vampirism, when Moria found out she knew what it meant and begged him to turn her. Out of love and his own selfish desire to not lose her he had obliged, they both agreed they would let Arabella remain human till she was old enough to make the decision to join them. However he had lost them both over five hundred years ago, to him it felt like eons ago yet it had been a dark chapter of his past he had suppressed or at least tried to. With a sigh he pulled over at a rest stop and glanced at his phone lying dormant on the passenger seat, should he call her? He wanted to hear her voice however he felt like if he did he would turn around and go to her. Leaning back in the seat he cursed himself, "Leon you damn fool…"

Resting against the wall after speaking with the council she tried to call him again, his phone was going straight to voice mail now so she knew he had switched it off. Lightly banging her head against the wall behind her she sighed and held the cell against her chest, he was gone.
"Everything okay?" she cleared her throat and nodded at Hawes as he left the council room and took notice of her, "Yeah just thinking about Ethan." he gave a sympathetic nod and said, "Yeah well based on the info you gave us I bet we can find him in no time."
She was getting good at lying she thought, she nodded at Hawes and said, "Good I really hope we find him." before he walked away she added, "Hey Captain, can you get me a file on everything we know about Leon Church?" Hawes raised an eyebrow and said, "You still obsessed with bringing him in?" with a shrug she said, "You know me."
"Well, I can get it for you but you'll have to come pick it up. Thanks to Ethan's murder I'm ear deep in paperwork."
"I'll go with you now." she began to follow him.
"So I heard you and Ethan were close?" she gave a light nod allowing the charade to continue, "Based on rumors they said you and Ethan were a couple and you were fighting before the murder took place." she gave another nod, "It all happened so fast, me and Ethan were having a disagreement and to avoid drama in the office we took it outside yet…we were attacked." Hawes opened the door to his office and let her through, "Mhm, that is what we were told too and it matches your story." Matched her story, was he suspecting her? She was being paranoid she decided and instead nodded, "It was awful I just have been trying to avoid thinking about it." she saw Hawes relax and his eyes seemed to reflect his belief in her. He began to dig through a three drawer filing cabinet before handing her rather decent sized manila envelope, "Everything we have on Church is in those files dating all the way back to the Helsing groups first attempt at capturing him." Taking the envelope she gave him a half hearted smile and left his office saying,

Back at her desk she began to sort through the file, Leon was over five hundred years old. Five hundred and thirty to be exact, he had been thirty at the time of his attack. The Helsing group knew very little other than the vampire who had turned him, they had captured him and he had been more than happy to turn Leon in to avoid his death. Little good it had done him, the Helsing group killed him either way and had used his information to try and capture Leon too. The end result had been the burnings of his wife Moria Church and their six year old daughter Arabella, her eyes raised in surprise at that information. He had never spoken of a daughter, how was it possible? She had been under the impression Vampires couldn't procreate, reading on further she saw more information on the matter. Turns out the Helsing group had been interested in Vampire procreation too and looked further into the matter, however their lead had ended when they discovered that it had been five years ago he had been turned. Arabella would have been born before he had become a vampire, yet their were more notes here. Her mouth would draw open, based on autopsy of the burnt corpse Moria had been carrying a child. A foot note had been added to look further into the matter of vampire procreation and his file went on to her notes of her encounters with him and his involvement in the Helsing bureau as he had tried to infiltrate it. Swallowing hard she reread the file on his past two more times to make sure she had read it right, had he known this? If that were true than vampires could have children, but was it with each other or could they have children with humans too? Her breathing quickened as she placed a hand on her stomach and her other covered her mouth, could it be possible?

Twiddling her thumbs she waited nervously for the doctor to return with her results, she almost hoped her paranoia was wrong. Yet part of her prayed it was a reality, she looked up as the doctor returned with and gave her a smile, "You're about eleven weeks pregnant."
"Your sure?" she asked in shock.
"I assume this was an unplanned event." unplanned was reaching, she never suspected this were even a possibility. She gave a dumb nod and said, "What do I do now?" the question seemed dumb however she was at a loss for words. The doctor laughed and said, "Follow up with an OBY/GN, I have a list of recommended ones right here." he handed her a piece of paper followed by a list of prenatal vitamins to start right away, "You are showing signs of being slightly anemic so I wrote a preion for iron pills to steady it." another dumb nod as she gathered her things and left, everything moved slowly as she cradled her stomach. A part of Leon was nestled deep within her and the shock of it was proving to be to much. Once inside her car she held the steering wheel and stared straight ahead, if rumors of her being pregnant escalated what could she say? Those at work thought she was with Ethan, perhaps she could allow them to assume the baby was his too till she figured out a way to make things work. With a sigh she leaned back, or perhaps she could resign on the premise she was over wrought with grief over Ethan. Those who suspected she was with Ethan would probably believe it to be true, she couldn't get ahold of Leon and this was something that required face to face conversation over. It was suddenly evident to her, she had to find Leon and she had an idea how to do so.

Rubbing sleep from his eyes he set up in the bed his hand on his pistol as he heard the rough knock come again, what the hell no one knew he was here? It could be a housekeeper, than again he had left a do not disturb sign on the door. Glancing at the time on his cell he saw it was barely six am, so who the hell was banging at his door when no one knew where he was? Opening the door he almost died of shock when he saw Sage standing there looking rather cross at him, "How the hell did you find me?" he asked. She scoffed and moved past him, "Hello to you too." he glanced around outside and finally shut the door, his first instinct was to take her into his arms and kiss her yet something told him that was not the best thing to do.
"So care to explain how you found me?" he had used an alias he knew she wouldn't be able to trace and had paid for the hotel in cash.
"I tracked the GPS on your cell."
That was right, he had turned his cell back on a few hours ago, "Clever little wench." he had to hand it to her, once she set her mind to something she followed through.
"Okay so care to explain what you're doing here?"
"Look Leon we could play twenty questions all day long however I have something to tell you." something about her tone worried him and he would uncross his arms, "What is it?" she began to bite her bottom lip, never a good sign with her.
"Damn it Sage you're starting to worry me, did the council found out about us?" she shook her head and he found himself getting inpatient as his worry grew, "Than what damn it?"
"I'm pregnant."
Her words hit him with enough force to draw the very breath from his lungs and he found himself backing up in shock, "Come again?" he finally managed. He could barely make out what she was saying as explained how she had come to suspect her pregnancy. He listened as she retold her tale of going through his file and than revealing his late wives autopsy report, "Moria was carrying my child?" Sage nodded and looked away, "I'm sorry to have to tell you, however this made me think if she could be pregnant perhaps a vampire could procreate and I realized I had skipped my last period. I am regular and always on time, it was than I began to take note of more recent symptoms."
"So you are saying you're carrying my child?" he couldn't stop the joy he felt but he knew what this meant, he now had put her in even more danger and now the child she carried inside, his child. He stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of her, "Now what?" she shrugged, "To be honest Leon I have no idea, this is all unfamiliar territory to me." he could relate to that, he hadn't heard of this ever happening. In legend sure, the children had been called Dhampir's. A child born of a human and vampire relation, it was said they were human with vampire abilities with no vampire weaknesses. There was no record of them, than again why would a vampire knowingly give away the knowledge this was possible, things were about to get very complicated.

(If you guys want me to continue plz let me know in the comments, I hope you enjoyed this!!)

story by: Lover2122

Tags: fantasm sex story

Author: Lover2122

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