Girlfriend to stepmother

sex stories

Fbailey story number 280

Girlfriend To Stepmother

When I was in high school I dated Candice for about a year and a half when we were freshmen and sophomores together. We gave each other our virginities and then proceeded to fuck our brains out for the next eight months or so. She was hot as hell. She was the girl next door type that you take home to meet your mother and you marry. Not only was she ‘hot’ but she was a total exhibitionist too.

I was glade that Candice was not a slut because I know for a fact that every boy in high school wanted to fuck her but she stayed faithful to me the whole time. That is up until she stopped being faithful and I dropped her. Yes, I dropped her. I went from being envied for my entire high school career to being the laughing stock.

Candice knew that seeing her excite other guys excited me. So practically every time we were out she would lift her T-shirt for somebody. Most of the time she had a sexy bra on but not all of the times. She loved to lift the back of her miniskirts or bend way over to show off her bare ass. She did wear panties but they were always and I repeat always the string bikini kind. With little more than a piece of fishing line up her butt, her ass was bare and I can attest to that. Then of course Candice would open her legs up and flash her pussy often too.

Being an exhibitionist really turned her on too because she would tell me what she was about to do, then she would do it, and then she would drag me off somewhere to fuck her. And did we ever fuck. We did it in just about any place you can imagine. I think we had sex in every store in the shopping mall. We did it in bathrooms and right in the clothes racks. We did it on the floor behind counters and behind stacked up boxes. We did it in the changing rooms and any corner that we felt that we stood a chance of getting away with it. Getting away with it was not our top priority either because Candice enjoyed getting caught just as much as she enjoyed fucking.

One time in particular we were in an elevator with an older couple. Candice fished my cock out of my pants, lifted the back of her miniskirt, and backed onto my cock with them right there. Then to top things off she said things like, “Oh God you really are hard. Push it in deeper if you can. I love doing it in elevators.” Then I think the clincher was when she said, “I wish these old geezers would get out so that you can throw me on the floor and do it right.” Well they did got out at their floor. However, the mall security was waiting for us when we got off. We were detained and our parents were called. Candice wanted to do it in the detention room while the staff was watching us through the two-way mirror. That was the first and only time that I refused her request and did she ever get pissed. Our relationship ended soon after that because I just couldn’t go on any further, I had reached my limit of exhibitionism even though it was apparent that she hadn’t.

A couple of days later she was the center of attention during a gangbang in the boy’s locker room in school. It didn’t take long for word to spread either. Candice was letting the boys stick their cocks in her pussy for one minute at a time. She wanted to set a school record that no other girl would ever be able to break. At our school we had so many students that we ate in shifts. There were three periods in the lunchroom. Anyway Candice walked into the boy’s locker room near the end of the period before the lunches, took all of her clothes off, and offered herself to the boys. She had a good ten minutes left during that period and then she had three forty-minute lunch periods before anyone really noticed that she had missed a couple of her classes. It wasn’t hard for the Principle and his staff to locate her since every boy in school was whispering her name wherever they went. When they walked into the boy’s locker room there she was on her back on a wooden bench with a stop watch in one hand and a cock in her pussy. There were several cocks sticking out of boy’s pants waiting for their turn. When the Principle confronted her Candice said, “I don’t give a fuck who you think you are. Get in line and wait your turn like everyone else.” Needless to say things came to a sudden stop and the room cleared out fast. Her parents were called and she was suspended from school for a week. In that one hundred and forty-five minutes Candice figured that she had let at least a hundred and twenty-five boys stick their cocks in her.

Even though everyone knew that I had split up with Candice two days before that, I got ribbed constantly. A hundred and twenty-five other boys knew just how tight and juicy her cunt had been.

After that Candice could get any boy to fuck her anywhere that she wanted him too. I swear to God that in our senior year of high school that Candice got three guys to fuck her right in the middle of Main Street at high noon on a Friday. They were all naked when they got out of a parked van. She sat on one cock, took a second one up her asshole, and sucked the third guy into her mouth. Needless to say all four of them were arrested for indecent exposure and sentenced to public service. I heard that Candice had to were one of those orange jumpsuits to pick up trash along the side the road and that she had nothing on underneath it when she dropped the top half to her waist and tied the arms together. That time she served thirty days in the county jail.

After that I went away to college and got my four-year degree in Engineering. When I went back home to live and look for a job I was invited to be my father’s best man. He was marrying Candice of all people.

I assumed that she had changed but as you can plainly see assume can be separated into ASS U ME translating that into, when you assume you make an ass out of you and me. If anything Candice had gotten worse.

Dad met her in a Stripper Club and she never danced with a G-string on or pasties either. It was total nudity or she wouldn’t dance. All she ever wore on stage was a pair of high heels and a smile. On Saturday at closing time she would accept hundred-dollar tips from the patrons and give them a half-hour time slot to fuck her. When the bar closed at two in the morning she would hand out as many tickets as she could sell. The Strip Club was closed on Sunday’s so it worked out good for her.

My Dad apparently had a strange desire. Every week he bought the very last ticket. He loved her sloppy wet hole I guess. In fact he loved it so much that he had decided to marry it. Candice told him that he would still have to pay for his Saturday night ticket but that the rest of the week would be free as long as he never fucked her in his own bed. Dad really loved her.

The wedding took place in the Strip Club where she worked on a Saturday at Noon. It was only open to men that had paid a hundred dollars to get in. The festivities started out with every one getting totally naked. Then the first activity was a gangbang. Being the Best Man I got to go first, then every guy in the place got to fuck Candice while Dad and I watched, and then Dad got to fuck her last. Even the man performing the wedding got to fuck her before Dad did. Then after a good thirteen hours of fucking he performed the shortest ceremony that I had ever heard. “Roy do you want to fuck Candice?” “Yes, I do.” “Candice will you let Roy fuck you?” “Yes, I will.” “I now pronounce you Then round two started with me fucking the new bride. After that I went back home because it was around two in the morning and I was tired.

Fortunately I got a job clear across the country soon afterwards and moved. Even though I keep in touch with them I have never gone home for a visit. Besides I wouldn’t dare subject my wife and our two daughters to that kind of a life style.

The End
Girlfriend To Stepmother

story by: fbailey

Tags: fiction school consensual sex exhibitionism teen male/teen female romance group sex sex story

Author: fbailey

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