Friday night and wednesday morning.

sex stories

Friday Night and Wednesday Morning

It was still early (8.30ish) on Friday night and my friend Julia and I were about to leave the Centurian Bar near the railway station in Newcastle when a male voice called to me;
“Nice jeans, what make are they?”

Stunned; I stopped in my tracks and fingered the spangly logo on the back pocket.
“Victoria Beckham,” I replied as I looked up to see the voice belonged to a chubby thuggish looking bloke wearing a peach coloured CP Company polo shirt, />
“They make your arse look bloody sexy!” He shouted and his boisterous friends all laughed out loud as I blushed and stuck my tongue out.

He smiled and raised his glass as I left the bar with a little spring in my step.

“The cheeky bugger!” Julia giggled as she curled her arm inside mine and we crossed the road towards the Union Rooms.

“I know; but I can’t remember the last time somebody gave me a compliment and meant it.” I sighed as we queued to get into the next pub.

It was true; I’m 37 and divorced with two young daughters; who had just gone on holiday to Spain with their father this morning. I’ve had a couple of boyfriends and one night stands since my marriage broke up four years ago, but each one had been as big an idiot as my ex-husband. As we eventually made our way into the left hand side bar I struggled to remember the last time I’d had sex; then struggled even harder to remember the last time I’d enjoyed it! Thank God for Anne Summers sex toys!

My biggest problem was living in a small village where everyone knows your business and I can’t even go into Darlington anymore in case I bump into one of my ex-brother in laws or their cousins; which is why Julia and I had jumped on a train to Newcastle tonight.

the matter?” Jools asked after she’d ordered our drinks.

I thinly smiled.

be back before you’ll realise that they’ve gone.” Julia told me; thinking that I was missing my kids.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, before we made our way to the corner near the giant TV screen.

I soon cheered up by ‘people watching’, gossiping and gazing at the TV which was showing the final instalment of Big Brother with the sound turned off.

There was a bit of a commotion at the entrance which made me look up. It was the bloke in the peach polo shirt and his friends arguing over whose round of drinks it was.

He immediately caught my eye and cheekily winked. Seconds later he was standing next to us.

“Are you following us?” Julia asked as she sipped her Vodka and Red Bull.

“Did you want me to follow you?” He grinned as his friend passed him a pint of Guinness.

“Not really.” Julia pouted then gave me a little smile and a nudge.

he gasped as he looked at the TV screen, you lot go out for a drink without having to watch this load of shit?”

“It’s not shit,” Julia told him, “and it’s the final tonight. They’re the last three.”

As they bantered about the merits of Big Brother I looked him up and down.

He had close cropped hair, just like his friends, only his was flecked with grey making him look the oldest. He was a bit overweight but his arms and chest looked like he worked out in a gym. He must have been in his late forties or even fifty and had gorgeous brown eyes that twinkled like a naughty schoolboy and he had a fading suntan. We both towered above him in our heels as he sat back on the edge of a table drinking his Guinness and laughing with my friend.

“Fucking wanker!” I suddenly blurted out, all fucking />
It took him a few seconds to realise that one of the finalists had Tourettes Syndrome and I couldn’t stop repeating the lads’ catchphrase which was, “Fucking />
When I’ve had a drink I love swearing; I find it very liberating and the effect it has on people always tickles me.

“I get it,” he snorted, what the blonde kid says; isn’t it?”
Julia and I looked at each other and giggled.
He held his hand out and stroked my arm; sending a shiver through my body, “For a second I thought that you were calling me a wanker.”

“Are you a wanker?” I asked; the Vodka numbing my senses.

He narrowed his eyes then he suddenly chuckled, “Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays!”

As we carried on joking and laughing Julia asked him if his group where a Stag Party.

“Not really,” he laughed as one of his friends brought him another pint; “we all go to the match together and this is a sort of pre-season party.”

a fellow skinhead said as he handed him the glass, “Mark and Tony want to go to the Sports Café, are you coming?”

We all turned to look at the dozen or so men who were all dressed alike in variants of Lacoste and Stone Island, blue or black short sleeved shirts and polo shirts. Only Scott looked different in his peach polo shirt.

He grinned at his mates then at us; “Give me a knock when you’re going and I’ll decide then.”

Scott was the most self-assured guy I’d ever met. He absolutely oozed charm and confidence but also gave the impression that he had a dark and menacing side too…exactly what turned me on in a man.

When the blonde girl was voted out Scott shook his head.

like her.”

special about her?” I slurred.

“I like curly blondes and she looks dirty with it.” He grinned at me.

“Is that what you look for in a woman?” Julia asked him.

“Not always.” He nonchalantly replied.

“So; what do you look for?” She persisted.

“A pulse!” He howled with laughter.

We both laughed out loud at his joke then Jools tittered, “I’ve got blonde curly hair too.”

Scott looked confused as Jools has fairly straight shoulder length dyed blonde hair.

“Not up there!” Julia cackled raising her eyes upwards then quickly in the opposite direction, “Down there silly…AND the collar and cuffs match!”

“But are you dirty as well?” Scott replied as sharp as a tack.

she raised her eyebrows and pretended to act all coy, “it depends what you mean by dirty.”

He pursed his lips and thought for a second; making sure that he wasn’t going to upset us. Then looking Jools straight in the eye; “Blow jobs, stockings and sussies, hand jobs, titty fucks, swallowing; doggy it up the arse.”

Jools considered his question then pursed her lips and nodded, “That probably sums me up.”

There was a brief silence then Scott asked me, “What about you?”

“Me? I stuttered, still reeling from my friends’ confession.

“Are you curly…down there?” He laughed to himself.

I lied.

He genuinely looked amazed. “Really? I love going down on a bald gash it always tastes nicer.”

I beamed and shrugged my shoulders, “No ones ever gone down on mine.”

“What? You’ve never been licked out!” he asked incredulously, “I fucking love licking a woman out.” He then closed his eyes and took a long intake of breath through his nose while feigning being in ecstasy.

Jools elbowed me and made a facial expression that told me she didn’t believe me either.

I slurred, “I’ve never had my…you know />
“I’ve sucked loads of cocks but no one’s ever returned the I continued shaking my head. “I’d fucking love to know what it feels like.”

My use of Anglo-Saxon English didn’t embarrass him; in fact it seemed to turn him on.

“Well can I volunteer to be your first?” Scott chuckled.

The next five or six minutes carried on like this with our new friend and us talking about sex in very robust terms, it was only when one of his friends tapped him on the shoulder that I realised that he was very subtly seducing us.

going now. What are you doing?”

The super confident guy looked at me with longing in his eyes.

“Have you got a pen,” he asked as he tore up a beer mat.

I fumbled in my bag and handed him a pencil.

He scribbled something down and handed it to me.

my mobile number. Call me or text lick you out if you want.”

I was still staring at it as he was nearly dragged out of the bar making a ‘phone me’ signal with his hand.

“This calls for more drinks!” Jools giggled, />
It was all we talked about for the rest of the night and the journey back to Darlington on the train. Jools admitted that she did like getting fucked up the bum but her husband wasn’t as keen as she was but she loved swallowing his cum. She was quite sympathetic to my ‘no real sex’ for two years predicament but only suggested loaning me a dildo as a way of relieving my sexual tension. She grinned when I told her that I already had that area covered.

By the time my taxi arrived at my empty house my knickers where soaked through and I drunkenly stripped my clothes off as I stumbled upstairs as I couldn’t wait to fuck myself with my own large Dildo.
I was still dragging my jeans and knickers off as I fumbled with my bedside cabinet in my haste to find my favourite sex toy.

I gasped as I flicked the switch and it roared into life as I kicked my panties across the bedroom.

I shuffled into my favourite wanking position – on my back, facing away from the headboard with my feet pressed as high up the wall as possible. I stroked my hairy cunt and quickly parted my flaps with one hand as I pressed the stubby end against my soggy opening. I was so fucking wet it sailed in like a torpedo!
I gasped when I pressed the switch again and the vibrations shook my whole lower body. In seconds I was imagining Scott’s head bobbing up and down between my legs while he licked my cunt as I drunkenly drilled my cunt with 8 inches of throbbing plastic.
At one stage my feet were so far up the wall I was resting on my shoulders and my arse was waving in the air meeting every plunge from my plastic cock as I tore at my aching tits with my free hand making me grunt and groan like a 10 bob whore.

After a few minutes my self-abuse became so violent I was actually hurting myself but this just made me do it even harder as I fanaticised about my thuggish lover using me in a million dirty ways. I couldn’t wait any longer and began frantically rubbing my clit as I impaled myself on Anne Summers’ finest plastic cock.

I screamed as a fucking fantastic orgasm convulsed my body; leaving me shaking like a leaf; with my dildo still vibrating in my soaking wet cunt.

The next thing I new was when I woke up at 3.30 am freezing cold with a stinking headache and a mouth that tasted like the floor of a budgies’ cage, desperately needing to go to the toilet for a pee.

My head, stomach and pussy all ached as I hobbled into the bathroom. It was only when I was sitting pissing like a horse on the toilet that memories of my masturbation frenzy came back to mind and made me feel a little bit until a couple of paracetamol finally kicked in.

I went back to bed and slept until lunchtime; when I woke up I gave myself a very leisurely fuck with my dildo, concentrating on my tits this time until I had a very satisfying orgasm.

When I arrived home from the Supermarket Julia was waiting for me.

She asked, “When are you going to see him?”

“I don’t know if I will.” I lied as I put the tins into the cupboard.
She pestered me for the next 20 minutes until I gave in and said I would send him a text asking if he was serious.

I sat staring at the message on my phone, terrified to press /> ‘Were u serious? Alison’

“Here, give it to me!” Jools squawked and grabbed my phone and immediately hit the green button with her thumb.

we said in unison, then stared at the screen. Nothing happened for a few minutes then, BEEP.
We said in />
“Open it.” Jools whispered.

‘Yeh. If it really is bald. Defo.’

We sent loads of texts over the next few days and agreed that he would come to my house on Wednesday morning at about 10 o’clock. We even discussed what undies I would wear he insisted on stockings and a black G-string (as it would accentuate my ‘gorgeous arse’ – his words) and that he would wear his work suit (he was an Insurance man) so my neighbours would think it was a business call. I was to give him the full address at the last moment …in case I changed my mind.

I was as horny as Hell all day Tuesday; especially when I went into town to buy some new stockings. I didn’t realise it would be so difficult. The first few shops that sold nylons only had hold-ups and I wanted proper stockings as I wanted to wear a Basque that I’d bought 3 years ago and had never actually worn ‘in action’. Eventually I found a small lingerie shop in a part of town I rarely visited. They had a huge selection and I eventually selected a pair of black Pretty Polly vintage ff seamed nylons with a Cuban heel – £13.50! I nearly shit my pants when I saw the price.

not hold-ups; they need a suspender belt.” The immaculately dressed sales woman reminded me.

“I know.” I gulped like a naughty schoolgirl caught buying cigarettes.

She smiled knowingly as she rang up the sale and I handed over the cash. It wasn’t difficult for her to work out why I wanted ‘proper seamed stockings’ – was it? You never see anyone actually wearing them in the street; so she must have known I was going to have sex! I’m 37 and blushed at the thought.

I was like a dog on heat for the rest of the day but decided against playing with myself as I wanted to be ravenous the next morning when Scott arrived.
I’d drank a whole bottle of wine before I had a bath.
I felt incredibly sexy as I lay in the hot bubbles stroking my breasts and tousled pubes. Then as promised, I took a new razor out of the cabinet and nervously stroked it through my wet forest of hair and foam. I couldn’t believe how easily my pubes fell away as I made the razor glide all over my pubic area and very carefully between my legs until I was 98% bald and as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I left a tiny triangle of short hair just above my slit.
After I’d dried myself I rubbed moisturiser all over my ‘shaven haven’ (as my ex-husband called them) to make it shiny and soft and hopefully avoid razor rash.

Perhaps it was the drink talking; but when I stepped into my bedroom I actually admired myself in the long cheval mirror. I didn’t look bad at all for my age; I’ve got long legs, my tits aren’t great (36b) but they don’t flop like some of my friends do, I was always quite pretty when I first got married and my soft tummy and chubby cheeks didn’t look half as bad if I breathed in and stood up straight! But best of all…my hairless gash looked fucking great! My self-confidence was at its’ highest for years…I hoped that it would last over night.

I struggled to get to sleep for thinking about my impending exploits with Scott but finally woke up in a sweat at 6.45. As I lay half asleep pondering Scott’s arrival it became very tempting to take a dildo out of my drawer and give myself a little fuck but yet again I didn’t. “This had better be bloody worth it!” I thought as I made my way to the bathroom.
By 9am I’d had breakfast, put my make-up on, done my hair and vacuumed and dusted in readiness for my visitor. As I sat drinking a cup of coffee contemplating whether to be in my sexy undies when he arrived or wait until he was here my phone lit up and beeped making me jump with fright.

‘Good luck & give him one for me. Jools X’

As I was reading it, it beeped again, ‘Still ok? Be there in 20 mins. Scott.’

‘Yes’ I texted back and gave him my address.

I finished my coffee and ran upstairs…I couldn’t wait any longer. I’d forgotten how difficult it was putting on the jade green basque but with a few pulls and tugs I managed to get all the clasps fastened then I took the nylons out of the packet – they felt like silk. As I clipped the last suspender to the welt I caught site of my twisted body in the mirror as my tits looked like they were going to tumble out of their cage and grinned. I was going to blow his mind…not just his cock!

As I slid my sexy black G-string up my legs I couldn’t resist stroking my bald pussy before easing them into place over the suspender bumps. Then, finally, I put on a pair of shiny black killer high heel shoes. I’d bought them for a wedding last year but they had been uncomfortable to wear all day so they had remained in my wardrobe ever since. I twisted and turned in the mirror and couldn’t stop approving of how I looked. Regardless of what happened with Scott I would have to dress like this more often.

BEEP. ‘I’m outside. Still ok?’

I immediately heard him ring the doorbell; but waited a minute as I applied one last coat of red lipstick and threw on my dressing gown before I teetered downstairs in my three inch heels to answer the door.

My heart was pounding as I opened the door and nervously popped my head around to make sure that it was Scott. It was. He licked immaculate in a grey suit and pink shirt.

“Hi.” He smiled.

“Hi.” I croaked nervously, “come in.”

As he squeezed past me his eyes immediately went to my cleavage that was being pushed up by my basque. Scott grinned and nodded approvingly.

Once in the living room there was a horrible awkward moment when neither one of us wanted to be the first to speak.

“Do you want a coffee or something?” I stammered as he placed his briefcase next to my sofa.

no sugar thanks.”

My stomach was tied in knots as I teetered across the room to the kitchen; knowing that he was staring at my stocking covered legs and ample arse which was only just being covered by my robe.

I filled the kettle then opened the wall unit to take the cups out.

“Fucking hell a hell of a fucking view!” Scott gasped as my robe lifted up revealing my stocking tops and arse cheeks.

As I placed the cups on the worktop Scott had already unfastened my robe and pulled it off my shoulders.

fucking beautiful!” he whispered as his hands floated over my breasts and arse like a thousand butterflies making my quiver with pleasure. When he kissed my neck and earlobes I had to grasp the edge of the worktop to stop myself collapsing to the floor.

His fingers and lips slowly made their way down my back until Scott was kneeling behind me pressing his face against my bum cheeks and squeezing my tits through the satin of the basque. Apart from our heavy breathing you could have heard a pin drop.

As he began kissing my arse and stroking my nylons I bent forward and eased my legs apart which seemed to please him. He somehow managed to work his face between my legs and started licking and kissing the tiny gusset of my G-string sending shivers up and down my spine.

go upstairs,” I panted as his tongue slid along the pears that masqueraded as the string on my pants, pressing them against my puckered arsehole.

When he stood up Scott’s face was bright red and his eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.

He gasped and took his jacket off; hanging it on the back of a chair, go first.”

He hung back, getting the best view in the house as we climbed the stairs to my bedroom my arse only inches away from his face.
Once inside the bedroom we locked lips and kissed as if I live’s depended on it as I unbuttoned his shirt and trousers. Scott’s hands caressed my boobs, arse and between my legs as if he was checking to see if I really did have a Brazilian!

My tits were heaving when he stepped out of his trousers and was left standing in his pants; my hands automatically went to the lump that was sticking out under his hairy belly.

“MMMmmm that feels nice.” I purred.

“It does, but this is your little treat…not mine.” Scott grinned, “Lie back on the bed”.

I stepped backwards and shuffled along the bed leaving my shoes resting on the edge.
Scott dropped to his knees again and slowly stroked and kissed my legs from my ankles to my thighs until he was within sniffing distance of my cunt.

He looked up as if to ask permission. I eagerly nodded my head.

Scott eased the thin black material to one side revealing my bald pubic area and very wet love-hole.
He covered it in a million soft kisses then eased my labia apart with the tip of his tongue leaving me panting with anticipation his tongue ran the length of my hot pink gash making my shake with excitement.
He looked up again but my eyes were full of tears; so he continued pleasuring me by flicking his tongue along, across, up, down, along and inside my tingling tunnel. I grabbed hold of my metal headboard as I twisted and ground my hips so that his face was squashed between my legs.

Scott reached up and pulled the cups of my basque down revealing my tits to his hands then tugged, squashed and caressed them until I thought that my nipples would explode.

I was in fucking Heaven as he mauled my tits and licked my pussy for three or four minutes. My arse was bouncing off the bed as he took one hand off my tits and quickly slid it between my legs and teased my cunt lips apart as he sucked on my engorged clitoris.

I groaned as two long stubby fingers glided into my cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes I squealed as he finger-fucked me and licked and sucked then blew hot air onto my throbbing clit.
“YESSSSSSS that’s it!” I screamed as I came like an express train.

Scott took his fingers out but kept licking and gently kissing my thighs and bald pubis as I lay shaking in the afterglow.

When my breath had become manageable he looked up and smiled;
“What do you want to do now?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders, rubbing my thighs together to try and free my G-string which was now sticking to my crack.

“How about a 69?” he chuckled as he climbed off the bed and began pulling his pants off.
I must have gasped when I finally saw his cock. It was magnificent; by far the biggest and thickest I’d ever seen in real life.
Scott winked and said, “Not bad for a fat lad; is it?”

I nodded /> He quickly got on the bed and lay next to me; his cock swaying in front of my face. I took hold of it and tentatively licked the tip then ran my ruby red lips across it before I hungrily gobbled on it as Scott lay on his side watching the show.

I definitely couldn’t get it all into my mouth – nowhere near; so I sucked as much as I could – two or three fat inches then greedily licked the veins on his shaft and nibbled on his huge hairless bollocks.

Scott pulled my G-string off then spread my legs apart so that he could dip his head back in between them. I let out a huge sigh when he began licking my juicy cunt but didn’t stop sucking on his monster cock.

He was right ‘it wasn’t bad for a fat lad’! I’d never been a size Queen like one of my friends but I couldn’t wait to feel this huge fucking thing banging into my cunt.

It didn’t take much manoeuvring by Scott until he was on his back and I was straddling his head with my bald quim and his cock was buried as deep into my mouth and throat as humanly possible. I couldn’t understand why I’d been missing out on this much pleasure; it was fucking awesome getting my cunt licked out by an expert; he knew exactly what to do and where to put his tongue, altering the pressure and direction of his tongue every few seconds; driving me fucking wild as I tried to suck his balls out through his knob as he turned my cunt to mush.

When he stuffed his fingers into my twat again I nearly came in an instant but he wouldn’t let me. Instead he slowly twisted his fingers (I daren’t think about how many fingers he had inside me) and licked my labia and clit until I began trembling and shaking so hard I had to stop sucking his cock but kept hold of it in my hand, rubbing and squeezing it as hard as possible.

I was now delirious and did nothing to stop him when I felt a fingertip tickle my arse hole as the others filled and stretched my cunt.

I squealed with pain when his finger slowly edged into my arse but soon began rocking backwards and forwards as I tried in vain for a second orgasm. I soon let go of his cock and lay flat out with his cock jammed down my basque and between my tits; inadvertently giving him a titty-fuck while he did the most wonderful things to my cunt and arse with his mouth and fingers.

My hips were bouncing like a bronco-rider as I fucked his face and hand. Eventually he touched something deep inside my hole and I couldn’t stop FUCKING WOW! I had the most intense orgasm and I felt myself get very, very wet. I guess that he’d found my G-Spot and I’d gushed all over his sweet face; covering him in my juices.

I crawled off him and lay trembling as he knelt between my legs; his cock standing proud and angry; the purple tip going up past his belly-button.

Without another word he lay on top of me wiggling his fat hips until his cockhead was touching my hairless flaps. His red face was now shiny and sticky from whatever substance I’d covered him. With a grin and a firm push his cock slid into my cunt like bull into a cow. I had to throw my head back as I gasped for air. After two or three thrusts I wrapped my nylon covered legs around his waist digging my spike heels into his hairy arse.

I gurgled, “Fuck me…fuck me hard!”

“Like this?” He grinned as he grabbed the headboard and hauled himself deep into my belly.

me…fuck ME…FUCK ME!” I screamed as I kept digging my spikes into him like a cowboy urging his horse on, as Scott kept pulling himself forwards ramming his big cock into my cavernous cunt.

His fucking became fast and furious until he closed his eyes and contorted his face in that familiar way then…he froze…and my cunt filled up with loads of his lovely red hot spunk.

Scott raised his weight onto his wrists and slowly rolled his hips making sure that he was spewing the last of his load into my receptive hole.

“Ha, ha, ha,” he wheezed as he raised himself onto his knees with his cock still partially inside me, “that was fucking fantastic.”

“I can’t remember the last time I had sex sober!” I giggled, “If it’s always like that I’ll go teetotal.”

When Scott pulled his dick out cum was still oozing out of the tip and it was as shiny as a new pin.

His eyes were now transfixed on my bald cunt which was also oozing spunk. Scott slowly scooped up and smeared the excess juice across my labia and anus.

one of my favourite sights,” he wheezed, “my spunk pouring out of a bald pussy. What’s that they call it in the pornos’s? A />
“Come here,” I told him, “and let me clean that for you.”

His flaccid cock still looked bigger than my ex-husbands as he shuffled towards my face.

It felt fat and podgy when I took it in my fingers and began licking his spunk and my cunt juice off the sides then I pulled his foreskin back and firmly squeezed the last drops of spunk out of his tube onto my tongue before I gave him another blow job.

“Fucking Hell Paula,” he chuckled as his cock began to jerk back into life, forgot how old I am! You’ll give me a fucking heart attack!”

I took it out of my mouth, squeezed his balls and gave the stiffening shaft a real hard rub.

“Are you telling me that you’re finished?” I pouted as I licked another couple of spots of warm cum off his pubic hairs.

“I’m not saying that,” he laughed as he stroked my hair, “I just need a little rest first.”

“Well I I giggled as I moved onto all fours with his cock going back into my mouth again.
He was now sitting in front of me as I fucked his cock with my mouth until I was satisfied that he was hard enough to fuck me again.

With a twinkle in my eye, I asked him, “Fuck me again.”

Scott raised his eyebrows and replied, “Seeing as you’ve asked so nicely it would be rude not to!”

In a nano-second he was positioned behind me parting my arse cheeks and prodding my sticky cunt with his bell-end.

He grunted. I nodded my head and braced myself.

I groaned as his cock filled my hole again, />
Scott cackled and began fucking me like a wild animal; making me shake and thrash when his cock bashed against my cervix.

“Oh shit…ha, ha, ha.” Scott laughed as I quickly fucked me to a standstill, “I can’t keep that up for much longer.”
I couldn’t speak but managed to look over my shoulder longingly into his eyes.

“But you’re not finished,” Scott grinned, “are you?”

I smiled and shook my head.

“How about this?” He asked as he smeared some of his cum across my puckered anus, “You enjoyed it when I fingered it before.”

“Yes, I nodded my head and tried to relax but couldn’t, worry; I’ve put my vibrater up before.”

“Fair enough,” he nonchalantly told me as he pulled his cock out of my pussy and dribbled spit onto my cum covered arse hole; then he pressed his fat knob against my tight ring, “Are you ready?”

I grimaced and clenched my teeth as the elastic of my arsehole begin to stretch.

There was a horrible stinging feeling as the tip forced its’ way into my brown hole which was immediately followed by the most delicious uncomfortable feeling as inch after inch of cock filled my rear end to capacity.

that like?” Scott grunted.

I groaned as he slowly pulled backwards. “Oh great!”
Scott took hold of my hips and slowly fucked my arse. It was the most amazing feeling of pleasure, pain, discomfort, excitement and gratification as I willingly let a virtual stranger bugger me.

I soon began to relax and enjoy getting buggered but buried my face in the pillow to hide the tears running down my cheeks. When he realised that I wasn’t complaining Scott began fucking my arse with ease, occasionally spanking my arse cheeks to add to my discomfort and pleasure.

Scott laughed as he spanked me making it wobble. “I can’t believe you’ve never done this before fucking loving it!”

My body was convulsing with so many different sensations I couldn’t speak.

Scott kept fucking my arse for what seemed like a lifetime; spanking me, fingering my cunt, pinching my dangling tits and calling me all of the dirty names under the sun. It was fantastic!
I was in danger of passing out but had to spread my pussy lips and frig my clit in time to his arse fucking until I came for a third time. My legs collapsed from under me as Scott grunted and fired a load of spunk into my arse.

We lay joined like this for a minute or so panting and gasping for air then he eventually rolled off me leaving my anus stretched beyond recognition. When I turned onto my side I felt something running out of my arse and down my legs.
I immediately covered my aching hole with my hand and ran as best I could to the toilet; Scott laughing at my predicament from the comfort of my bed.

Once inside the bathroom I stood over the toilet and looked at my hand; I smiled at the sight of a handful of spunk… as I thought that I’d shit myself.

I sat on the toilet and had a long satisfying pee then cleaned myself, front and back, with toilet paper.

Back in the bedroom Scott was lying half asleep on my bed.

“Have I worn you out?” I giggled when I returned.

“You have,” he replied with a sheepish grin, “I can’t remember the last time I came twice in an hour.”

I lay next to him and we cuddled for the next 10 minutes until he looked at his watch and said that he’d have to leave soon.

As he got dressed I threw on a dress over my sexy underwear; but left my knickers on the floor. We went down to the kitchen where we finally had the cup of coffee that I’d offered an hour and a half previously.
My arse was stinging so much I could hardly stand still as we stood chatting but Scott took my mind of my discomfort by lifting the front of my dress up to have a look at my Brazilian pubes every few minutes.

He promised to come back again the following week if I wanted a repeat performance – I did.

As we kissed goodbye on my front doorstep (with his hand up the front of my dress fingering me) he asked if there was anything else I’d never done but wanted to.

I told him that there wasn’t, but I’ve just sent him a text message:

‘I’ve never had a threesome!’

story by: Magpie Amy

Tags: fiction masturbation blowjob male/female anal oral sex sex story

Author: Magpie Amy

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    Her light skin tone was perfect, so smooth and flawless...she was young, smart and experienced, she went on to teach me things that night that we will never forget. After fifteen minutes of flirting and intense eye contact, I finally decided to approach her. I was never really big on the whole, "I don’t give out my number, so I'll take yours." Never liked playing that game, it never seemed to work out in my favor. But her flat s...

  • She never knew

    this happened two years ago, in the summer of '05. none of the names have been changed. i enjoy good cigars and watching a fire in the evenings, my buddy mike shares my interest. we sometimes sit for hours, smoking cigars, having a beer or two, and solving all the worlds problems. this particular evening was perfect, weatherwise, in southeast pennsylvania. slight breeze, little or no humidity, about 70 degrees. a perfect june night. we had been sitting about thirty...

  • Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine

    It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it.She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism.He handed her another cuff and lock...

  • True love sex story

    His eyes narrowed and his face grew intense. He pressed his lips against mine and we pushed ourselves against each other, feeling as much flesh as we could. I ran my fingers through his hair and threw my head back as he kissed my neck. The way he grazed my arms gave me goosebumps and the way he kissed me sent me over the edge. This is a true love sex story. Some girlfriends and I decided to go to...

Very strange encounter

The First Time Doesn’t Have to Be the Last

Oh, New Mexico

Teenage Dream

Setting up my wife

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