Staring in the mirror shaving, I'm considering if the course of action I've embarked upon is right, or if it's going to backfire on me in spectacular fashion. We've talked about visiting a sex club loads of times, exposing ourselves and fucking whilst others watched. But was it fantasy or did she really have the desire to see it through? Either way I'm going to find out tonight as I've arranged a visit to a swingers party in Hertfordshire, just north of London.
"Babe, are you ready" she calls out to me " you've been in there ages and you're normally nagging me about how long I take to get ready"
" Yeah, just give me a minute" I yell back " just trying to look my best for you." That much at least is true, after all it's best not to look too shabby when you're walking out with a beautiful Filipina girl who looks like she could grace the cover of many a magazine. Mercy, is 39 years old and is a real head turner, easily able to pass for at least ten years younger.
Throwing on my jacket I make for the front door and compliment Mercy on what she's wearing, a light blue shift dress and hold up stockings, not a thing more ,except her medium height spiked heels. She knows I get a massive thrill from her not wearing underwear and obliges me at every opportunity, mainly I think, as she knows it makes our spontaneous fucking so much easier. I've lost count of the amount of times we've given in to the urge and ended up in semi- public places fucking like teenagers, in the park, the pub, on the bus and even at times in the street, including one memorable occasion on a building site with Mercy holding on to a semi collapsed staircase while I plowed her from behind with a guy watching from his apartment opposite. Lucky him!!
Jumping in to the car , we set off. I've decided to take a rather scenic route hoping to find the right time to bring up what the suprise night out entails, when………
"So, what is the big suprise then" she blurts out " you going to tell me or not?"
Not sure how to reply I try to skirt a little around her question, but I achieve nothing, except to make myself appear guilty of some terrible crime.
" Well, cough it up"
Here goes going to a swingers club"
Silence, not a single word passes, until the expected.
"I don't do swinging, if I've told you once I've told you a million times I woudn't ever consider that. So why the fuck do you think I'd go there?"
Taking a deep breath I try to explain what I've gotten planned. "We're not going to swing. I phoned the girl who runs the club and she said we're more than welcome to come along and just mingle and that if we want to just be watched together that's ok too, as they have a policy that people only touch or join in by invitation. I just thought it might be the opportunity to fulfil the fantasy."
Expecting a barrage I'm pleasantly suprised or should I say relieved that you say nothing. I decide to take the opportunity to drive, motoring down some lovely country lanes and through picture postcard villages. I'd probably be enjoying myself if the silence wasn't so deafening. Then unexpectedly you turn to me…
" I not going to say this again" you blurt out " take me to that club now before I change my mind"
Looking over in your direction, I smile, seeing the familiar red blush on your neck and chest ,signalling your excitement. Reversing the car I set off toward our destination, dreaming of what lies ahead.
On our arrival I 'm suprised to find our venue is an absolutely run of the mill semi- detached house in an ordinary street. Infact it could've been my parents place, perish the thought!!
I whisper to you " if once we're in you feel uncomfortable or just want to leave for any reason, just say so and we're out of there. ok?"
To my suprise you start to giggle "getting nervous are we" you snigger "afraid you won't be able to perform infront of an audience?"
Laughing, I open the door and playfully pull you out. All of the time thinking that although you're joking there maybe an element of truth in what you said, after all it's not everyday you plan to perform infront of others.
So, with a dry mouth I guide you up to the front door and ring. After what seems an eternity the door opens and a slight figure with flaming red hair and the shortest skirt I have ever seen ushers us inside.
"You must be Miles and Mercy" she says " I'm Annie your hostess, let me take your coats and I'll give you a tour of the facilities. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. Infact I'm sure you'll cause quite a stir, especially you Mercy, it's not often we get a guest as beautiful and exotic as you"
Annie, leads us in the living room of the house, which in my opinion is quite tastefully decorated to give the feel of a modern bar, the main difference being the dozen or so people frequenting it were either naked or well on the way to getting there. And rather more disturbing to me were all rather rotund and to be honest quite ugly. Annie explains that all the drinks are included in the price I had paid to attend so we both have a glass of wine and pass the time in chitchat with some of the people present.
Mercy grasps my arm tightly and whispers to me, "these people are so ugly looking, how on earth could I swing here, even if I wanted to?"
"Yeah I know, I was thinking the same. Hopefully we'll be shown the rest of the place soon this doesn't seem too />
However ,Mercy smiles, "oh I don't know, it's making me kinda horny thinking about showing off for them, after all, they get to see you and that big cock of yours but it's me who gets it all"
I scan the room at the other guests and smile to myself, " I don't think it's my cock they wanna see babe, from the look on their faces it's all about all, and that includes the women"
Our conversation is interupted by the approach of a middle aged guy with small beer belly and an even smaller cock, sporting the biggest piercing I have even seen, it really was bizarre the ring was half the size of his knob!!
"Hi, I'm Bob, Annie's partner. How would you like to come and see the rest of what we have to offer?"
"Thank you Bob" smiles Mercy " I'd love to look around but I'd like to make myself a little more comfortable first" with that she slips straight out of her dress leaving herself naked but for her shoes. "Well, why don't you join me? we did come here together"
Noticing all the eyes boring in to Mercy, I quickly slip out of my clothes. My cock starting to thicken as I catch a glance at Mercys pussy, her lips are starting to swell and open, I can tell the idea of turning on all the other guests is starting to really excite her.
"Off we go then" she cries, grabbing me firmly by the cock and following Bob up a rather plush carpeted stairway.
Bob explained that there were five play rooms upstairs, two that were free for all to enter, two that could be entered only by invitation of the occupants and one that was kitted out for more extreme fun, this was the last room in the corridor and he suggested we might like to take a look in there first.
The room has a large window in to the corridor and Bob invites Mercy to take a look..
" What the fuck" she squeals "Miles, take a look at this"
Peering over her shoulder I could see the most perverse scene I've ever witnessed. A young, quite well muscled guy, is on his hands and knees eating out the pussy of a woman that had to be at least 30 years older that him while another older woman was , what can only be described as fucking him up his arse with a strap-on. All this was being witnessed by two older men sitting in the corners wanking.
"Bob, what the fuck is that all about" Mercy pants " it's perverse"
Not too perverse I noticed to stop her from playing with her now soaking pussy though.
"Oh, that's just the old time swingers having a bit of fun. Doesn't do much for me but they like to humiliate young boys while their husbands watch. Guess it's a case of everybody to there own"
As we walk back down the corridor we stop and glance in the group rooms and Mercy is the subject to a number of invitations from both men and women to join in with their fun. She graciously declines but wishes them all a fun time. As we approach the stairs we notice that one of the rooms that is invitation only is vacant and Mercy call to Bob.
" Bob, we're going to be using this room now. Please tell the guests down stairs that we're available to watch if they would like, but strictly no touching, they can wank and have sex themselves if they want ,but no touching Miles or myself"
I take Mercy in to my arms and kiss her with passion and intensity, telling her how proud I am of her new found confidence and she confesses that she had no idea that the idea of showing herself off would effect her and turn her on so much and that now she she here she was going to make the most of it.
Pulling away from me she sinks to her knees and starts to kiss the length of my rapidly expanding cock, caressing my heavy balls and scraping her nails over my skin. My hands stroking her hair and pulling her on to my cock. It's obvious others have entered the room and I open my eyes and smile as I see about nine people, all naked and either wanking themselves or playing with each other.
"Can I see his cock" somebody calls out.
Mercy ,smiling ,squeezes my cock and holds it out in the direction of the woman who asked to see it.
"You're a lucky girl to be getting that" the lady moans, rubbing herself and pushing two finger deep inside her pussy.
"What about him?" Mercy laughs, "he's getting this" laying down she opens her legs and starts to play with her wet cunt, "so who's the lucky one?"
The guys in the rooms are noticibly getting more excited as Mercy starts to let out the real slutty side of herself, their cock rubbing getting more and more energetic. So I decide to up the ante, kneeling beside I start rubbing my dribbling cock all over her lips before pushing deep into her mouth, causing her to drool and spit.
One of the men in the room calls out that he's about to cum and asks Mercy if he came cum on her, as expected she gives hm short shrift but says he should stand where she can see him so she can witness his donation to her evening enjoyment. A small portly fellow comes forward sporting a quite magnificent erection that he wanks using both hands before blasting off a volley of cumshots a porn star would have been proud off.
"Fucking hell, Miles. That was so horny" Mercy gasps, "I'm gonna ride you reserve cowgirl now so I can watch them all shoot their loads infront of me" With that you push me down, squatting over my cock, and facing our audience, you rub the engorged head of my cock over and over on your clit before sinking down and starting to ride me like a woman possessed.
The sight of you riding me and rubbing my ball sack must be absolutely mind blowing for the audience to be watching, but the feeling I'm recieving is indescribable.
My legs are starting to get soaked with your juices as I feel you building up to your peak but you don't slow down at all, riding me with a power I've never experienced before. It feels like you're losing almost total control. When almost out of nowhere your voice explodes.
" All you men get closer I want to see you all cum for me, it's not often you'll see a Filipina girl like me riding cock so show me your fucking gratitude and spunk for me"
Almost instantaniously 4 men surround us, cocks in hand wanking like mad, eyes fixed on Mercy, who's furiously rubbing her clit while bouncing on my cock. The atmosphere is incredible, I sense breathing starting to quicken and then hear the sounds of ejaculations all around us.
"yes, that's it you bastards, cum for me, let all that spunk out" Mercy crys, " and that includes you , Miles, I want your cum filling up my cunt"
Well ,who am I to deny my lady?, I start to twitch and unload shot after shot of hot sperm in her as she reaches her peak and floods my cock and balls with her excitment.
As we are cooling down in a heap on the floor we sense our audience leaving us.
"Don't go yet" Mercy calls out "I've one last treat left for you"
I'm as confused as they look, and shrug at Mercy looking for an explaination, she smiles leans down and kisses me before throwing a leg over my face,lowering herself down for me to eat my sperm from her wet cunt, watched by our appreciative audience.
Something is telling me this won't be our last visit to a swinging club.
story by: Devil_in_his_Witch
Author: Devil_in_his_Witch
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