Dream Lover
Somehow your face is in my dreams each night,
And thoughts of you come with each morning's light.
You haven't done a thing to bring this on,
But still I find my heart is now your pawn.
You've only been polite to me, it seems,
So why are you so often in my dreams?
You're a good friend, but how I wish it would
Occur to you to be — well, less than good.
I want to find out how your kisses taste,
To feel your arms come stealing round my waist;
I think I want to have you strip me bare,
From face and breasts right down to pubic hair;
To spend the night, all night, in loving you,
And have those dreams that trouble me come true.
story by: Otzchiim
Tags: consensual sex erotica male/female romance poem sex story
Author: Otzchiim
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