What a night! Started off in Moodys( 'cos it's cheap) then Reflections( 'cos it's bangin) then we went to the Bank( cos it's shit but the queue for Reflex is terrible). Lots of cute boys out tonite but i had a weird urge for a MAN… all muscles and hairy, not my usual type but what can you do but go with it lol.Kirsty as usual was chatting up anyone who gave her the time of day and i was checking out the bouncers because they are literally the only ones in town over 30!
I was feeling pretty pissed by this time so we went down to Stereo and after 10 mins of waiting to get served 'cos it was packed we got our drinks and went to sit outside and made a beeline for two lads sat on their own in a corner, i went straight up to one of them and sat in his lap, the shock on his face was funny but if you're not forward you don't get anything do you?, and Kirsty sat next to the other one. "I'm katie do you like my tits?" i said to him as i pushed my chest to within inches of his face, his face was going red as he tried to mumble something and i could feel his cock getting bigger under my bum. But then it hit me! as he spoke i nearly fainted, BAD BREATH ALERT, i've got this theory that smelly breath equals smelly cock and after a lot of research i can tell you this is 99% accurate! I jumped up, grabbed Kirsty's hand and shouted TOILET, as i pulled her away. We finished our drinks quickly an went round to the Hub.
There wasn't much talent in the Hub so we decided to go to Buzz but after about an hour, several drinks, and no action we decided to leave the club and get a taxi home, Kirsty was bladdered so we joined the queue and waited for our taxi then i looked up and saw,in front of us in the queue, a black suit and tie. It was one of the bouncers i was eyeing up earlier on, i reached out and pinched his bum and when he turned round i gave him my sexiest smile and as we got talking he told me his name, that he was single and he had his own flat. Just then a taxi pulled up so we all piled in and headed to Kirsty's house to drop her off then back to his for lol.
when he opened his front door i thought 'fuck the coffee', i'd had no action all night so i pounced on him and we stumbled into his room and onto his carpet and i practically ripped his shirt open and started kissing and licking his chest as i reached down to grope his cock. He slid his hand up my skirt and pushed my knickers to one side and started rubbing my clit, gently at first, then as he got int a rhythm harder and faster. I was getting wetter and hornier so i knelt up and unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them off with his MICKEY MOUSE!?!? boxershorts (whatever turns you on darling!) and straddling his cock i lowered myself onto him and started to fuck him when all of a sudden he started to moan.I jumped off him just in time for him to cum over his belly!
As i opened his door to leave he mumbled something about not having my phone number so i said "i'll ring you darling" and slammed the door shut and left.
What a night! bad breath and 10 second sex, but at least i got something i suppose and i always had my toy waiting for me when i got home lol. So that's it for me and men for a while, i think i'll go back to boys next week!
Don't know where to start, so here goes,
Went out last night( saturday 8/8/10 ) with Charlotte, you remember her? good looking blonde big tits and long legs(bitch!), and because we were a bit late we started in the Black swan. It was packed as usual but the prices are ok and the music is really loud and good.We approached the bar and it was 3 deep so i gave Charlotte a wink and stood behind a good looking dark haired lad, pretended i was being pushed, and rubbed my boobs into his back he glanced back and gave me a smilethen looked towards the bar again. Suddenly, i saw Charlotte's hand dart in front of me and squeeze the lads arse, he turned round and, not knowing what to say, i mumbled " if you get served before me will you get my drinks?" he replied " 'course i will love" result! two V.K's and he wouldn't take any money off me.
Flares was next( full of old men staring at my tits so i bounce them on purpose when i walk) then down to Mex for a fight( well it's like a wrestling match to get to the bar!) We took our drinks outside and had a laugh watching all the lads sticking out their chests trying to attract the girls attention and the girls sticking out their chests trying to attract the boys attention! So i thought i would show them how to do it and dropped my handbag then bent over to pick it up knowing full well that anyone looking would get a flash of my lacy white knickers as i was wearing a very short mini skirt, then i pretended not to notice as a group of lads started cheering.
Leaving the Mex we went to Havana and queue jumped, with free entry, because i know one of the doormen(shagged him, shit, but the perks were worth it lol) got a drink and went to sit down outside. Guess who came and sat next to us? It was the lad from the Black Swan and his mate! "hiya gorgeous" he said as he sat next to me, his mate sat next to Charlotte and we all got talking.It turned out me and Charlotte had gone to school with his, equally good looking, younger brother whom i'd once given a blowjob at the back of the class during a French what i call a french kiss!).
We all had another drink then decided to go back to his flat for a party so we headed onto Westgate for a taxi and got back to his for about 1 o'clock.He put some music on, got out the vodka and we all sat down drinking and talking and then Charlotte noticed a pack of cards on the table, she jumped up and shrieked " anyone for a game of strip poker!" we all burst out laughing and eventually agreed on the rules, one card each and the person with the lowest card takes off 1 item of clothing and drinks a shot of vodka. I lost the first hand and took off my top to reveal a lacy white see-through push up bra and i could see by the lads faces that they could see my nipples through the lacy material.
The game ended with me and Charlotte in our knickers my lad in his boxer shorts and the other lad taking his briefs off, 'fuck me!' i thought as i saw his erect cock, it must have been 9" long and as thick as my wrist. Charlotte practically dived on him and i sat on my fellas knees and started kissing himwhich had the desired effect as i could feel his cock nudging me through his shorts. I knelt down between his knees and pulled his shorts off and started to lick his cock up and down, occasionally sucking one of his balls into my mouth which he seemed to like and after a couple of minutes he was rock hard so i pulled off my knickers and straddled him.We got into a good rhythm and he played with my nipples while i slid up and down his cock then, with his cock still in me, he moved me onto the floor and started banging me which was really nice.
I could hear moaning so i look to the side and saw Charlotte getting shagged silly by the other lad, she was on her hands and knees and i could see his huge cock sliding in and out of her so thought " fuck this" and shouted "SWAP TIME" and we swapped partners! I pushed Charlotte's lad onto the floor and, squatting over him, eased myself onto his truncheon. Talk about being full, any idea of a kebab went out of the window lol. I rode him for about 5 minutes then could feel him tensing so i jumped off him and took about 3/4 of his cock into my mouth and sucked just as he started to cum. I didn't spill one drop and continued sucking 'till he started to go limp.
Charlotte had finished as well so as we got dressed one of the lads called us a taxi and we all swapped phone numbers then we headed home, shattered and stretched and i can tell you, that's one night that we'll be repeating!
story by: dirty katie
Tags: school boys/teen female female/female oral sex older male / female female exhibitionist diary sex story teen female/boy
Author: dirty katie
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