The Dream:
Blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as he pulled her close. Sharp fangs pressed against her skin followed by the hot wetness of a tongue, tasting the juncture of her neck and shoulder; her sweet spot. She was wearing a sheer silky slip edged in lace that left nearly nothing to the imagination, her heavy breasts bouncing gently with each shuddering breath she took, her taut rosy nipples pulling the fabric taut, pulling the neckline down ever lower on her breasts. Strong hands teased and touched her body as he sucked on her neck and kissed his way up to her ear, teeth gently nibbling her earlobe.
"You will do anything for me…" The low rumble that was his voice was strong and firm; he wasn't asking. When she didn't answer, he pulled his hands away from her, taking away her sweet pleasure, yet his lips remained at her ear. One strong hand clamped down on her jaw and forced her head to nod. His smile was wicked but oh so seductive and sexy…
"Yes..of course." Her lips trembled as she forced the words out. They felt unnatural and she had the eerie feeling that she didn't really speak them, as if he were in her mind.
"Good, now please, my sweetest Josephine…wake up" His fingers faded to black smoke and she gasped and turned to find nothing but black silk covering her face, suffocating her.
Josephine scraped the sheets away from her face and breathed heavily, the blood pumping through her veins had yet to slow and she felt as if she wasn't yet fully awake. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she pulled her body up like a marionette, her limbs moving stiffly as if pulled by strings. She shuffled to the bathroom and splashed cool water over her face then looked into the mirror. Wet crimson curls framed her pale round face. She opened her long lash shadowed, almond-shaped eyes wide and examined her iris. They had been changing steadily for a year now, the whiskey colored centers fading and shrinking into a feathered ring around the pupil and surrounded by a jade green. She liked the idea of having green eyes and loved the way that, in the right light, the whiskey and jade would mix to create a liquid honey effect. She dabbed on some chap-stick to keep her plush-lipped mouth silky smooth and wiped away the smeared remains of yesterdays makeup and pinched her cheeks for color. As she pulled back to examine her body she began to wonder when she started doing this to make herself look so pretty in the mornings, there was no one in their large house except for Josephine and her father.
Lifting her black polka-dotted tank top she examined her belly. It was slightly rounded but not obscenely so, with a cute belly button and a tiny waist that most girls would kill for. The bottoms of her breasts showed and she glowered at them. Most girls want theirs at about a C cup. Josephine would like that too, but for a different reason. The fabric of her top pulled up higher and she examined the hefty globes that she was cursed with. At such a small size around and a large cup, she was forced to buy sexy bras at lingerie shops because no one but her was a 36F without implants. A loud sigh escaped her rose petal pink lips and she dropped the tank top down and brought her hand down and touched her smoothly shaven mound beneath her black boy-short style panties. Her middle and index fingers brushed against the dampness between her legs and a slight blush crept onto her face. Turning, she took one last look in the mirror at her adorable, at least she thought it was adorable, ass. The bottoms of the pale cheeks were showing and she fixed her panties so that it wouldn't show off too much. Ever since she turned eighteen three weeks ago, Josephine had been relishing in her new found adult freedom. She'd bought twelve "adult" books and even a tiny vibrator that she has yet to come up with the courage to use, but she'd be damned if she wouldn't sleep and walk around her own home the way she wanted.
In the Kitchen:
Lucas Dylan sat at the kitchen table with one hand around his cooling coffee and the other clicking away at the computer. Over half of the table was littered with receipts, reports and business memos that he'd printed, emailed, made copies of and faxed at least twice since the moment his alarm had gone off. Lucas worked from home most of the time, only going in to the office for a meeting or to meet with high-profile customers. It was hard work keeping everything straight, but it was worth it to see his darling Josephine every day. Lucas was a tall man with broad shoulders and the trim muscular body of a runner. His hair was an uncanny shade of brown that seemed to incorporate every shade of brown in the forest, including a few brown-gray hairs at his temples. With ocean-blue eyes that had a splash of whiskey around the pupil, he was a handsome man with high-cheek bones and a strong jaw.
As he stared into the 2-D depths of his silver laptop he thought of his ex-wife. She had fire-red hair and a thin impish body that, though was the envy of every model from L.A. To Paris, had never truly made him lust after her. What made him fall in love with her, though, was her smile and the way she laughed. If lightning were lavender in coloration and silver could be liquid without burning, that beauty and all the beauty of modern-art rolled into one wouldn't come close to the beauty within her laugh. She had thin lips but a large grin that showed how truly happy she always was. However, the laughter and smiles didn't last long. When they'd met, both Lucas and his wife had been eighteen and starting college. Two months into the relationship and a pink plus on a pregnancy test made the engagement for them. When Josephine was two, though, Laura, his wife, had run off with her art-history professor and the divorce was handled quickly and neatly as she had effectively cut them out of her life and was now living in Reno with the professor who just happened to his the jack-pot while playing roulette. That woman infuriated him.
The squeak of a floorboard brought him back to the hear and now and it took him a moment to realize that the bodacious rump that was settled in front of the coffee maker was his little girl. As she stretched up to get a mug from the cabinet, Lucas could swear he saw the slick outline of her pussy through the stretchy black fabric of her panties. His cock twinged and his red-plaid boxers suddenly seemed a whole hell of a lot tighter. Rubbing a hand across his stubbly jaw, he wiped away the surprise on his face and screwed on his best I'm-the-dad face and waited for her to turn around so he could scold her, yet again, for being half naked in front of a man.
Josephine must have heard his sharp intake of breath, because she sighed loudly, shoulders slumped, and poured her coffee. "I know what you're going to say, so save it."
A wry smile teased his lips. "Oh really, then I don't have to ask you to go upstairs and put some clothes on, you'll just do it? Because I would love the amount of time that that would save me."
She turned and rested a hip against the counter and sipped her coffee and grimaced at it's lack of sugar or cream. "No, but we can both save time by agreeing to disagree and you letting me do what I want because I'm your little princess." Sticking out her bottom lip and batting her eyelashes like a little girl, she looked at her father in a nearly sincere good-girl pose for nearly five seconds before she started laughing. A large slosh of coffee spilled out of her mug and onto her chest.
Lucas was out of his chair in an instant and pressing a towel to her chest and taking the mug from her. Some habits die hard, and hot liquid on his little girl just hurt him on the inside to watch. "Are you okay honey?"
Josephine nodded and let out a disgruntled noise before dampening the towel with cold water and trying to blot out the coffee stains. "Yeah, I'm fine, just making a fool of myself, like usual."
She made her way to the door of the laundry room and muttered a quick "Don't look" as she stripped off the tank top and dropped it on the floor in a damp mess. "I'll go get />
As she walked away, shoulders hunched, in only her panties, Lucas' cock once again stirred in his boxers and he thought for certain that she would be the death of him. After all, what kind of girl walks around in such a sexy get-up in front of her father? One that didn't know how to grow up, that's what kind. One of these days he'd have to explain to her that she needed to act like an adult… but first he'd have to convince himself that he was ready to lose his little girl.
Slowly walking up the steps, Josephine caught a glimpse of her father and she could almost swear that she could see a lump in the front of his boxers. She mentally chastised herself and told herself that if she was going to start thinking like that about her father then she'd need to release some sexual tension some how.
After closing and locking her door, Josephine rummaged around her underwear drawer and pulled out the little three-inch neon blue vibrator, still in the original packaging. Her face flushed with warmth at the thought of doing something that she'd always considered so naughty but she had to try it, what good would it be if she didn't try it. Though it was cheap, she still hated wasting money. She read the deion and the directions on how to work the multiple speed vibe. As soon as she turned it on, a soft buzzing came from the device and her fingers tingled. She giggled like a little school girl then lay back on her bed and touched the vibrator to her panty-clad pussy and felt her pussy grow wet. She moved it up and down along the black fabric, trying to figure out where she was supposed to put it then felt it brush against her clit and a jolt of pleasure shot through her and before she knew it, she was slipping down her panties and writhing on the bed with her legs spread wide and the vibe pressed against her clit. Her thighs began to tremble as she heard her fathers voice calling up the stairs for her. The muscles in her belly tightened as she climaxed, her juices flowing and covering her fingers and the vibrator. Images of a man burying himself deep within her as she climaxed, teeth against her neck, her back arching and her breasts pressing against his chest and her nails clawing down his back. She imagined herself kissing this man, but when he pulled away she recognized his face all to well but she just pulled him in closer and kissed him more passionately, more feverishly. Daddy? She quickly turned it off and closed her eyes as she waited for the little aftershocks to subside, it was the most intense thing she'd ever felt. But what was with the image of her father kissing her… fucking her…? She told herself that it was just because she heard his name, it was a lie, but she didn't want to admit to herself that she had just gotten off by thinking of her father.
Lucas knocked on Josephine's door and for an instant thought he heard a vibrator and heavy breathing, but quickly dismissed the thought, not wanting to face that very real possibility. />
"Yes Daddy?" Her voice sounded shaky and breathless when she spoke, and she hadn't called him daddy for such a long time.
Lucas shrugged it off as a fluke and leaned against the door as he spoke. "I've got to run into town for a meeting and it'll run late… I was wondering if you'd like to run around the mall for a bit when I go then we'll go out to eat dinner, maybe catch a movie, wasn't there one out you wanted to see?" He hoped that this would help make up for how embarrassed she felt for spilling her coffee earlier.
Josephine quickly slipped on her white lace boy-short style panties and her white lace bra then stood next to the door and cracked it open a bit so that she could look at him. "Do I get to decide where we get to eat?" She raised an eyebrow and smiled when he did.
"Of course sugar! I'll even buy you an iced coffee, with whip cream…and a lid" He winked at her and she laughed and, in a streak of bravery, threw open the door and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight then quickly disappeared back into her room.
Lucas was stunned for an instant. Seeing Josephine like that, having her press against him while she still faintly smelled of sex made his cock instantly hard and he shivered at the thought of her pressing just a little bit closer. Something has to be wrong with me, he thought, no way in hell am I lusting after my daughter… I hope.
The red dress she picked out was perfect for a day like this with her father, it was bright red with big white skulls and anchors. She was still giddy after doing something so naughty, but she couldn't help it, she needed to do it and she would never ever do it again, at least that's what she told herself. After zipping the dress up, she slipped on her red stilettos and fluffed her hair in the mirror then applied a light layer of smokey-shadow and thin eyeliner with mascara to make her eyes pop. She looked gorgeous.
Back Downstairs:
As soon as she stepped downstairs and into the living room, she knew that she'd done well. Despite her love of skulls and black and red, she always managed to look adorable and sweet despite what she wore. Lucas smiled and motioned for her to come sit next to him on the couch. She snuggled up to him as he watched the news and she didn't even notice that it was near when her father stood and stretched and told her it was time to go.
In Town:
Once they were in town it was nearly four-o'clock and he dropped her off at the door to the mall with fifty dollars in cash and his credit card. For the next three and a half hours, Josephine found nothing of interest except for a set of lingerie, that she really had no good use for, and a black European-style bikini that just barely fit her lovely bust. For the hell of it, she bought both.
After the Meeting:
The meeting ran a half hour longer than expected and by the end Lucas was a much richer man for it, yet that didn't change how tired he was feeling. Sitting in a small room around an oval table wearing a suit was not his idea of a good time, at least he had his time with his daughter to look forward to.
"Hey Luke!" Jack Sanders slapped Lucas on the back, a big cheesy grin on his face. "Good work today! It was you we have to thank for landing us that deal!"
Lucas smiled politely and nodded. "Yeah, but now I'm late for dinner with Josephine. She spilled coffee on herself this morning and I figured I ought to do something to make it up to her."
Jack's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Well, I would have thought that a cute girl like her would want to be out with some young stud on a Friday night rather than hang out with her boring old dad." He laughed loudly as they stepped into the elevator, obviously making a curvacious Latina maid uncomfortable.
Lucas' smile faded. "Josephine doesn't date…"
Jack nudged Lucas with his elbow and nodded. "Right, and she doesn't have sex, drink or smoke pot either?"
Lucas wasn't amused. "No, she doesn't. She is a good girl and I'm not sure I like you talking about her that way…"
Jack threw up his hands in temporary defeat. "Hey, all I'm saying is that an attractive young girl probably has some boyfriend she doesn't want you to find out about. Hell, she probably has lingerie and some sex toys stored away for when he sneaks in at night, with the way she dresses I bet she'd into whips and collars and fun shit like that." A dangerous sparkle in his eye sent Lucas' temper to the boiling point.
He turned and looked straight at Jack. "Listen, you don't talk about Josephine that way, she is my daughter, not some hot young slut for you to fuck in the supply room, okay? Next time you talk that way about her I will rip out your heart and feed it to you, got it?"
The doors opened and Lucas turned and left without so much as a thought as to what Jack was thinking or doing. If he would have looked back, though, he would have seen a red-faced monster in a nice suit. Jack was lucky that Lucas didn't know about all the times that Josephine had come to see her father at the office and fled, crying, because Jack had felt her up or slipped a hand under her dress between her thighs despite her cries of protest. Even though Lucas knew Jack was an asshole and an idiot, what he said still got to him. How well did he really know his daughter? It was possible that she did all those things and just didn't want him to find out, she was a gorgeous girl…
Back at the Mall:
When he walked into the food court Lucas saw that Josephine had two bags with her, one from one of the department stores and the other from a store that sold sexy lingerie and other little naughty things. He smoothed his face and tapped her on the shoulder. "Well hello there pretty lady."
Josephine looked up at him and smiled brightly. "Hey you, ready to but me that coffee now?"
At the Restaurant:
Josephine sighed and dropped her napkin over her half eaten plate of fettuccine Alfredo. "What's wrong? You haven't eaten barely more than a bite and you look like you've seen a ghost."
Lucas snapped his attention back to his daughter and frowned. "Nothing, why would you think that?"
She shook her head and nibbled at a bread stick. "I changed my mind about the movie, I'm not in the mood."
Lucas opened his mouth to object then thought better of it. He wasn't feeling all to well either, faced with the terrifying possibility of Josephine being a slut. Though he had no proof and was simply feeling the effects of Jack's suggestion, he couldn't shake the feeling like she was interested in some guy and the bag from the lingerie store didn't help that.
Back at the House:
"Josephine, could you come here-oh, and bring those bags!" Lucas shouted from the living room and rubbed his sweaty palms nervously on his jeans.
Josephine walked in and sat down at the edge of the couch, the bags at her feet. "Okay…what is this about?" She chewed on her bottom lip nervously and Lucas couldn't help thinking about how sexy he always thought it was when women did that.
"What did you buy today?" Leaning back in his chair, he tried to make himself look calm and nonchalant.
Arching an eyebrow at him, she shrugged and pulled out the swimsuit and tossed it to him and frowned. "That's what I bought…" She did not like the way that this was going. "I don't see why you care, I'm eighteen you know…"
He knew all too well and wasn't one damn bit happy about it, but he ignored her question and pointed at the other bag as he touched the sexy bikini he held in his hand. "And that one?"
She sighed and leaned back and crossed her legs, giving him the tiniest flash of white lace panties. "Just some new bras and panties, stuff that I really don't think you need to be looking at."
Lucas scoffed and leaned forward, eyes pinned on her. "Oh, really? Is that why you traipse around here showing off yourself to me? Maybe Jack was right and you are a hot blooded little slut!" As soon as he said it, Lucas wished that he could take it back. The wounded look in her eyes hurt him, but there was also something else in her eyes that he didn't understand, then as soon as tears started to stream from her eyes he knew what that look was; fear.
"You!" Her voice was accusing and the feral look in her eyes made her look all-too much like a hurt animal trapped in a cage. "You would dare listen to that…that rapist rather than your own daughter!?" At this point she was standing in front of him and pointing an accusing finger straight at his nose. "That bastard has been trying to get in my pants for two years and you accuse me of being a hot-blooded slut!?"
story by: Ejikeme
Tags: fiction job/place-of-work hardcore incest sex story
Author: Ejikeme
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