Cruise Ship Regeneration Part 02.
The sexual enlightenment of mother, son and tutor.
02.01 Ellie, Joanne and her son Daniel:
02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day:
02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day:
02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test:
02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal:
02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction:
02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm:
02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement:
02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement:
02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning:
02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing:
02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance:
02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat:
02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating:
02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter:
02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Maturbation:
02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm:
02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating:
02.19 Dianne, Joanne, Preparation:
02.20 Joanne, the Girl, Hair removal:
02.21 Joanne, the Boy, harness, Mating:
02.22 Joanne, the Girl, harness, Sybian:
02.23 Joanne and the Golden:
02.01 Ellie and her son Daniel:
Ellie, 23, is a teacher and does in-home tutoring services for high school students in math and science. One of her students, Daniel, 16, is struggling with math and Ellie has tutored him weekly for the past year. Daniel's father was killed in a car crash and his mother, Joanne, has raise him by herself since he was nine.
Ellie has become close to both of them and occasionally takes care of Daniel while Joanne is on business trips.
Joanne had just returned home from shopping and looked out the kitchen window and watched with stunned eyes when she saw her son and her neighbor's boy pointing their fingers at each other's naked bodies. She reasoned that it was just youthful curiosity and told him to get dressed and come into the house. Later that evening, she talked to Daniel and found out he was also doing the same thing with girls. Joanne was becoming alarmed and asked him which he like best, boys or girls. He said, mostly boys because they looked like him. She then asked him if he had masturbated and Daniel said no.
"Has your penis ever become excited when you look at a naked boy or girl."
Daniel smiled and nodded his head.
Joanne didn't know what to think or do.
Her Uncle is a child psychologist and after several meetings, concluded that Daniel's sexual orientation was leaning toward boys but he had not yet crossed the line. He suggested to Joanne that Daniel's sexual education be done within a controlled environment. The alternative could be traumatizing to the boy or worse yet, he could become a victim of a child predator.
He suggested signing Daniel up for sexual guidance on GenTech's cruise ship Regeneration. Joanne knew that her Uncle was a referrer for GenTech and she also knew about the cruise ship and its services. After much thought, she reluctantly agreed and arranged for a cruise during the first week of the school's summer break.
The Uncle would pay the expenses for the cruise and its services.
Two days before the cruise, Joanne found out that she had to attend a two week conference and her attendance was mandatory. Not wanting to delay her son's Joanne asked Ellie if she would accompany Daniel on the cruise. She explained Daniel's problem and discussed, in detail, what the cruise ship Regeneration was all about. Ellie wasn't too sure that she wanted to be part of this but after thinking about it for a few days, told Joanne that she would go with Daniel. Joanne met with her Uncle and he informed GenTech that Ellie would be Daniel's guardian for the cruise. GenTech did their standard research on Ellie and found out that all her relationships with men had failed because of her inability to handle intimacy. They accepted the change on the reservation.
02.02 Ellie, Daniel, First Day:
They boarded the ship and neither couldn't believe the luxury and hugeness of their suite. Three sound proof bedrooms, separate kitchen and a combined dining room/living room. After unpacking, they toured the ship and its three upper decks. With shocked eyes Ellie saw that most of passengers were naked and some wore robes, only a few had clothes on. It didn't escape Daniel either and Ellie just shook her head, not knowing what to say. Soon they reached the ship's video game room and Daniel wanted to stay and play so Ellie sat on a deck chair enjoying the view, trying to ignore the nakedness that was walking past her. One thing she did notice was that all were hairless from their shoulders down to their feet. She thought about the hair on her own body and was glad she wearing clothes.
A woman approached her and introduced herself as Dianne, the senior nurse for GenTech's sexual guidance services. Ellie immediately liked her and for the next half hour, Dianne explained what the services were all about and how they would apply to Daniel. She wanted to run a visual test on Daniel which would indicate the direction of his sexual orientation. While there is no definitive test that will show if Daniel is Gay or bisexual, the test would show, with a high degree of certainty, whether Daniel is heterosexual, Gay or bisexual.
She decided that the time wasn't right to discuss Ellie's guidance. GenTech had added Ellie as her second patient.
Dianne told her that she could observe the session in her office's viewing room. The last thing that Ellie wanted to do was be a witness this but Dianne told her that Daniel would be less nervous and more comfortable if she were there with him.
'Viewing room? .. Oh God!'
They walked into the game room and Ellie introduced Daniel to Dianne. He liked her and smiled when he was told that she was going to do a couple of tests with him in the morning. He said he wanted to continue playing and Dianne suggested to Ellie that now would be a good time for her to come to the office, meet the staff and see the viewing room. She met Sara, the lead nurse and Aron, Daniel's soon to be mentor. She also met Cathy, one of the nurses, who took an immediate liking to Ellie, which Ellie didn't pick up on but Dianne did.
The viewing room had a full length one-way mirrored wall that looked into another room. Ellie saw a sink and a few cabinets along one of walls. One of cabinet doors had a numeric key lock. In the center of the room, facing the one-way mirror was a bed covered by a sheet and two pillows. In front of the bed, a harness from the ceiling lay on the floor and a half dozen cloth covered items lay on the floor beside the wall to the right of the bed.
Ellie looked around the viewing room and saw a similar sink and a numeric locked door on one of the cabinets. A large sectional couch and two recliners faced the mirrored wall. The recliners had a small switch panel at the end of the right arm rests. Dianne had Ellie sat down on the sectional and when she was comfortable, pressed a button on a remote and a 20" HD screen rose up from the floor in front of Ellie. Dianne explained that Daniel would be looking at a 60" HD monitor and everything he saw she would see. Between looking directly into the room and watching the monitor, she would be able to see what Daniel was seeing and doing.
Joanne was right, this ship was built for sex and a sense of foreboding filled her mind wondering what was in store for her, if anything. Dianne sensed her nervousness and would deal with that in the morning. Dianne told Ellie to have Daniel here in the office at 9:00 in the morning. It would be preferable if both of them wore only robes so they would blend in with the rest of the passengers. She then walked with Ellie back to the game room.
She and Daniel spent the rest of the day relaxing at the ship's upper deck swimming pool, she reluctantly changed into a robe and insisted that Daniel wear his swim trunks.
02.03 Ellie, Daniel, Second Day:
A nervous Ellie and Daniel left their state room and walked to Dianne's office. They were met by Dianne who introduced them to Sara and Aron.
"Daniel, this is Sara who will be with you during your tests, and this is Aron, Sara's assistant. I thought you might be more comfortable if a boy your own age is with you."
Daniel saw that Aron was wearing only a robe and asked if he was also taking the test.
Aron smiled and said,
"No, it is sort of an unwritten rule that passengers wear either robes or nothing at all. I also felt that you would feel better if I was dressed the same as you are."
Daniel's nervousness faded, there was something about Aron that made him feel more at ease and was glad knowing that he was going to be with him.
Sara led Daniel into the test room, followed by Aron. Ellie followed Dianne into the viewing room. She sat down on the sectional while Dianne went to the locked cabinet and returned with two pills and a glass of water.
"Here Ellie, drink these down, they will help relax you and take some of that nervousness out of your mind."
Ellie was nervous and she quickly drank down the pills which would induce low level arousal and make her 'open to />
Dianne sat down beside Ellie, it would be a few minutes before the pills took effect. She pressed a button and two monitors rose up in front of them. Ellie watched as Sara, Aron and Daniel walked into the room.
Sara led him to the harness that was laying on the floor. Aron reached out and undid the sash to Daniel's robe and pushed it from his shoulders. A surprised Daniel saw his nakedness in the large mirrored wall and tried to hide his genitals with his hands.
Aron drew close to Daniel and whispered,
"Its Ok Daniel, you don't have to be embarrassed in front us. Besides, you have a wonderful body .. I like it."
Daniel slowly dropped his hands to his sides.
Dianne watched Ellie as she looked, probably for the first time, at a naked eighteen year old. Ellie's mouth opened when she saw Daniel's smooth, youthful body .. and .. and the size of his flaccid penis and testicles.
Sara went to the cabinet and opened the door with the numeric lock and withdrew a package which contained a blue and a brown pill. After pouring a cup of water she had Daniel drink them down. Dianne explained to Ellie that the pills would heighten his normal sexual feelings but not induce arousal.
What she didn't say was that the pills would make his rectal area sexually sensitive and his prostate, along with his seminal vesicle, produce more semen. The rectal enhancement would take effect only if Daniel was touched intimately by another male.
Sara and Aron helped Daniel step into the thigh loops and when the loops were positioned over his thighs, they put his arms into the shoulder loops and connected a supporting strap across his back. When Daniel was ready, Aron pressed a button on a remote and Daniel felt himself being put into a sitting position and then raised upward three feet above the floor. His bent legs were pulled slightly back toward his hips and then spread apart. A blush of embarrassment spread across his face when he saw his reflected image in the mirror. Aron put soft restraining loops on Daniel's wrists and attached them to the thigh loops. These would prevent him from touching himself.
Small radio equipped sensors about the size of an Aspirin tablet, were attached to his head, just above the ears. The sensors were small and lightweight so Daniel would quickly forgot that they were on his body.
Suddenly Ellie felt a wonderful warmth seep into clitoris, labia and vagina. She began to fidget on the cushion and Dianne knew that the pills were taking effect.
Sara pressed a button on the remote and the tile below Daniel was lowered. A gridded tile rose up in its place with a moveable shower head resting on the grid. Aron handed Sara a bottle of liquid depilatory and she stepped in front of Daniel's spread thighs.
"Daniel, I am going to remove all that hair 'down there'. All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy it."
His breathing quickened. when he saw Sara pointing the squeezable bottle toward his genitals and then felt the silky liquid flowing onto and saturating the hair between his spread thighs. The spurting stream then flowed between the cheeks of his buttocks Sara handed the bottle to Aron and looked into Daniel's nervous face,
"You are going to love this."
Sara's hands began mixing the warm, thick liquid into the hair covering Daniel's lower abdomen, thighs, testicles and anal area. He panted as the expert fingers went from mixing to arousing and he cringed when his penis began stirring.
Sara slipped her slick hand around Daniel's thickening penis and whispered,
"Its ok Daniel, your penis is supposed to get hard in this room."
Daniel moaned and his penis soared to its full erection.
Ellie's eyes opened wide when she saw the size of Daniel's full erection, it was nearly seven inches long and two inches thick as it stood vertical between his spread thighs.
Soon Daniel felt wonderful sensations flooding his genitals as his hair slowly began dissolving. The sensations soon faded and Daniel saw Sara pick up the removable shower head and point it toward the junction of his thighs. He gasped as the pulsing waters flooded his hardness, testicles and between the cheeks of his buttocks. As the liquefied remnants of his hair were washed away, Ellie looked in awe at the incredible erection that stood vertical between the boy's spread thighs.
Sara moved the shower head so it was in direct alignment with his erection and swaying testicles. His mind wasn't prepared for the intense waves of pleasure that flooded his loins as the pulsing waters caressed and massaged his hard manhood. The excited gland at the head of his erection throbbed and tingled.
Daniel squealed and his hips jerked forward at the ecstatic contact.
"Ahh .. Ahh.. Ahh .."
Daniel began to instinctively thrust his engorged member into the pulsing flow. Sara smiled and withdrew the shower head and put it back down on the grid. His thrusts continued and a moanful cry of agony was heard.
"Ohhhhhhhh .. Pleaseee .."
Sara stepped back and Aron took her place. He was holding a soft, plush towel and began drying Daniel's body. Daniel threw his head back gasping as the plush fabric massaged his erection, swirled around his heavy balls and caressed his tingling anal area.
Another moan of disappointment when Aron stopped and stepped back. Dianne smiled and leaned close to Ellie and whispered,
"He certainly is well endowed for his age."
All that a stunned Ellie could do was nod her head.
In about a minute, all watched as Daniel's erection slowly softened and slipped down over his swaying testicles.
Sara smiled at Daniel and said,
"Now you are ready for the visual test."
In the viewing room, Dianne pressed a button and a large 60" HD monitor was angled downward from the ceiling toward Daniel. The screen was split into two images. On the left was a large 'B' and on the right was a large 'G'. Ellie saw the same images on her monitor.
02.04 Ellie, Daniel, Visual Test:
Sara said,
"Daniel, the 'B' stands for boy and the 'G' stands for girl. You can watch a series of short video clips showing a boy and boy together or a boy and girl together. At any time you can say 'Boy' or 'Girl' and the videos will change."
Daniel nodded his understanding and Sara said,
"We are going to leave you now, and you can decide what you want to watch."
Sara and Aron left the room and they sat down in front of Sara's control computer watching Daniel. Daniel looked at the screen wondering what he wanted to watch.
Both Ellie and Dianne were surprised when Daniel said "Girl". The monitors quickly changed and showed a naked boy laying on a bed with a naked girl straddling his thighs, her slick hands glistened as they massaged his penis. A sigh was heard as the boy's penis slowly stirred. The girl intensified her actions and coaxed the boy's penis to full erection. One of her hands slipped down to the boy's testicles and began massaging them. The boy gasped as his arousal vaulted.
A stunned Ellie saw Daniel's penis begin to stir. The more he saw, the harder it got. She closed her eyes not wanting to see it but the pills were targeting her arousal and she slowly opened them. She saw the intense look on his face as he starred at the video.
On the monitors, the girl smiled when she felt the throbbing hardness pushing up into her hands. She leaned down and kissed him on his mouth. The kiss was long and deep and the boy wrapped his arms around the girl as she continued masturbating him. The girl broke the kiss and they smiled at each other.
It was then, that Daniel said,
The screen showed two boys standing beside each other. Under one was the name Ethan: Age 17, Experienced and under the other, Jamie: Age 16, virgin.
Ethan was naked and Jamie only had his underpants on. Ethan drew the younger boy close to him and Jamie trembled as he was kissed for the first time. As Ethan played with Jamie's tongue, his right hand reached and began massaging Jamie's penis and balls through his underwear. A small gasp was heard and Jamie pressed himself closer to Ethan's hand as his penis stirred within his underwear. Ethan smiled when he felt the thickening hardness and broke the kiss and looked into Jamie's flushed face. He looked down between their bodies and saw the tell-tale 'tent' in the fabric of Janie's underwear.
Ethan had Jamie sit on the bed and lay back on it with his feet resting on the floor. Daniel's hard penis twitched when he saw a moist spot appear the tip of the 'tent' in Jamie's underwear.
The girl smiled down at the boy and removed her hands from his erection. She shuffled forward on her bent lower legs and guided the flared folds of her labia onto the boy's testicles and began an exquisite shifting motion. The boy gasped and his erection jerked excitedly as his balls were caressed and massaged by the girl's thick, slick outer lips.
Again she shuffled forward and the boy's mind was filled with incredible, new sensations as the girl's slick folds formed over the top and sides of his excited erection. His throbbing erection guided the way as she slipped further forward toward the boy's highly agitated gland. The girl gasped as the engorged thickness pushed between the lips, spreading them further apart. Her clasping inner lips kissed the pulsing thickness as it ground over them.
Daniel's breath was coming in quick pants, he could almost feel the sensations that the boy was feeling.
The girl felt the boy pushing his hardness into her flared sex and saw the look of joy filling his face. The girl now started a slow sawing motion over the boy's straining hardness. The boy whimpered and moaned as the girl's labia made love to his erection. The clenching lips massaged his testicles and her clasping inner lips kissed and caressed the agitated gland as it briefly nestled between them.
Sean picked up a bottle of personal massaging oil and poured the slick contents onto Jason's erection and then onto his hands and fingers. Ethan slipped his lubed hand between Jason's spread cheeks and Jason gasped when the slick finger tips began an exquisite caressing of his tingling anus. Sean smiled when he felt Jason reflexively push against his tracing fingers and saw Jason's penis jerk above his abdomen. Sean ran the palm of his slick hand up and along the sensitive under side of Jason's shaft, spreading the lubricant over Jason's thick member with soft slurping sounds. The ecstatic contact caused Jason to thrust up into Sean's squeezing hands.
Sean's left hand slipped downward between the spread cheeks of Jason's buttocks and his slick fingers massaged their way toward Jason's eager anal entrance. Jason panted and moaned as the fingers teased the excited entrance and then then he gasped when the finger nudged inward with an ecstatic twisting and turning motion. It was quickly followed by a second finger.
Jason squealed as the exquisite sensations flooded his mind and body. His hips thrust his hard into Sean's oil slick, massaging hand and then pushed his excited anal opening down onto Sean's twisting fingers. Sean felt Jason's rectal sheath clenching around his fingers and saw Jason's engorged gland drooling with long strings of precum. The rapid jerks of Jason's erection within his hand, told Sean that Jason's ejaculation was close.
The boy's mind reeled with deep need every time his twitching gland came in contact with the girl's warm, clenching vaginal entrance. Something in his mind was telling him that he needed to push into it but couldn't. The girl smiled and intensified both the speed and pressure of her ecstatic sweeps along the boy's enraged member. Her vaginal sheath was beginning to spasm and her hard clitoris was jerking wildly as it brushed over the boy's pulsing thickness.
The boy's breathing was coming in quick, deep pants and his erection pulsed and throbbed within the grasping clenches of the girl's incredible folds. The girl pulled back until she felt the boy's large gland nestle into her clasping entrance and pushed down just enough so it pressed into her enflamed opening. She squealed in joy as her orgasm exploded across her loins. Her vaginal juices spurted from her sex drenching the boy's lower abdomen and thighs.
The boy felt a new and intense pressure building within his testicles and the base of his erection. His mind was saturated with sensations he had never felt as his first ejaculation surged his straining hardness and swirled around his hyper-excited gland and then spurted outward, flooding the girl's encasing folds and splattering onto his abdomen.
As their orgasmic aftershocks faded the girl looked down into the boys surprise and happy face.
Jason was gurgling with incoherent sounds and his head was thrashing back and forth in sync with his gyrating hips. Sean felt Jason's ejaculation start at the base of his erection. His hand quickly positioned Jason's enraged erection so it stood vertical between his thighs. Jason's mind reeled with sensations that he had never felt before as his first ejaculation exploded out of the head of enraged erection. Sean smiled when he saw the strong, thick stream of semen explode out of the puckering slit and fly spew high into the air, splattering back down onto Jason's abdomen, thighs and balls.
Sean wasn't finished yet, he knew he could coax another stream Jason's orgasming body. He inserted a third finger in Jason's convulsing rectal sheath and he tightened his lubed hand around Jason's jumping hardness. Jason was now thrusting into Sean's hand with an unexplained sense of urgency. His thick stream of semen surged up his erection and the liquid jot swirled around his hyper-excited gland and jettisoned into the air, splattering back down into the pools of warm semen that were spreading across Jason's abdomen.
Daniel's body and mind were thrown into a sexual frenzy when he saw the long strings of semen erupting from both of the boys erections. His wild thrashing tested the strength of the harness as his body screamed for release. Suddenly his mind became saturated with a cloud of intense joy that he had never experienced before and his erection began jerking uncontrollably as an incredible pressure filled his balls and spread into the base of his erection.
Daniel closed his eyes, his hands fisted and his legs kicked franticly into the air as his first ejaculation soared up his straining hardness. The liquid joy swirled around his hyper-excited gland and shot high into the air, splattering back down onto his lower abdomen, balls and thighs. With a loud intake of air he screamed again as his second ejaculation was unleashed. Daniel went into sensory overload and he slumped unconsciously onto the harness's supports.
An aroused Ellie looked in awe as Daniel orgasmed without being touched and at the incredible amount of semen that spewed from his jerking erection. She could feel her dampness between her closed thighs and wanted to run from the room.
Sara walked into the viewing room and handed Dianne the computerized report on Daniel's sexuality to Dianne.
Finally, Dianne turned to Ellie and said,
"Daniel is bisexual. The results are based on the emotion of attraction and not the sexual visualization. The sensors recorded the same emotional readings for the girl and the boy.
We are going to give Daniel an injection that will remove the visual images of the video from his working memory. The injection will keep him asleep for about an hour, perhaps a little more. When he awakes, Aron will attempt to become intimate with him. Whatever the outcome, we will then arrange an intimate session with a female.
Dianne was mentally going over her list of girls about Daniel's age when she suddenly smiled and whispered something to Sara, who walked quickly back to the office.
Ellie saw Sara enter the test room and give Daniel the injection which included bonding pheromones from Aron's and Ellie's DNA. Dianne thought it would be a nice finishing touch to have tutor and tutoree sexually discover each other. Included was a drug that would make Daniel's sexual rejuvenation rapid, immediate if stimulation were present.
Sara and Aron washed and cleaned Daniel's body then removed him from his harness. He was laid on the bed and a sheet placed over his nakedness.
Ellie had gone through two emotional phases. The first was the shock at seeing Daniel's erection and then his ejaculation which she didn't expect from the visual test. The fact that it happened without anyone touching him, coupled with the force and volume of his semen filled her mind with wonder. The second was the unwanted arousal that was building within her body. Since Daniel would be asleep for an hour she knew could return to the state room and take care of herself, like she always does.
Ellie told Dianne she would be in her room and to have Sara call her when Daniel wakes up.
Dianne drew close to Ellie and in almost a whisper, said,
"Ellie honey, you don't have to go there to find relief. I don't know how much you know about GenTech, but they have something that will satisfy and fulfill your sexual needs."
Ellie was being pulled in two directions. One was the need to return to her room and the other was the 'open to suggestion' that compelling her to accept what Dianne was telling her.
"No .. I am not ready for anything like that!"
Dianne saw Ellie's hard nipples pushing into the robe and she swirled a finger over the cloth covered nipple of Ellie's right breast. A sharp intake of breath told Dianne that Ellie was more than ready and listening.
Dianne whispered again,
"It is called a GelPod and it knows more about the female anatomy than you do."
Ellie's body was now trembling with her arousal and all she could do was nod her head.
Dianne said,
"I promise you, that you will not regret it."
Dianne led her through a door into an adjoining room. It was like a small suite with a sectional couch, a HDTV, a bed and an open walk-in shower. Dianne dimmed the lights so the room was bathed in a soft warm glow and adjusted the sound system so it played romantic mood music.
Cathy entered the room and Ellie couldn't help but look at her curvaceous nakedness.
Cathy came close to Ellie and said,
"I will help you get ready for the GelPod. The first thing we will do is remove all that thick hair from between your thighs."
She leaned in close to Ellie's ear and whispered,
"A nuded labia really excites a GelPod."
Ellie shook nervously as Cathy led her to the walk-in shower. Her mind was trying to make sense of everything that was happening and wondered why she was consenting to any of this.
The shower was prepared so the flowing water was nice and warm and then turned off. Cathy, put on a shower cap, helped Ellie with hers. She took Ellie's hand and they both stepped into the shower stall.
Dianne checked with Sara and confirmed the programming of the GelPod.
02.05 Ellie, Cathy, Hair Removal:
Cathy told Ellie to hold her arms level with her shoulders and to spread her legs wide apart. Ellie had never been naked in front of another female and an embarrassed flush spread across her face but did what Cathy told her to do. She saw Cathy lift a bottle from a corner ledge that contained a depilatory and a liquid soft. She closed her eyes when she felt Cathy squeeze the thick liquid onto her arms and armpits. Cathy knelt down in front of Ellie and saturated the thick patch of hair at the junction of her thighs and between the cheeks of her spread buttocks. She continued downward onto both of Ellie's thighs and legs.
Cathy put the bottle back on the ledge and her hands began massaging the satiny liquid into the hair of Ellie's arms, legs and genitals. Ellie flinched when she felt the hands work the depilatory into the thick hair that covered her sex. She tried to shift her hips in an effort to evade the massaging fingers and a reluctant sigh escaped her mouth when Cathy's hands went from mixing to arousing.
Soon wonderful sensations flooded her genitals, arms and legs as her bodily hair slowly dissolved. The sensations soon faded and Ellie saw Cathy turn 'on' the removable shower head. When the waters were nice and warm, Cathy directed the spray onto Ellie's arms, her breasts and abdomen. The sigh turned into a low moan when the Cathy teased her aching breasts and tingling nipples. The shower head moved downward so it was in direct alignment with her labia and clitoris. Ellie's mind wasn't prepared for what happened next. Intense jolts of pleasure flooded her loins as the pulsing waters rushed onto the flared folds of her labia and onto her clitoris.
She gasped and her hips jerked forward as incredible sensations flooded her sex and her hips began a grinding and sawing motion into the pulsing flow. She moaned and gasped as Cathy gave her pleasure that she had never felt before.
"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!"
Cathy's eyes feasted on Ellie's nuded labia and rigid clitoris. She couldn't resist the temptation and leaned inward. Her tongue curled around the protruding organ and her fingers slipped between the swelling folds and into Ellie's excited vagina. Ellie's mind was awash with waves of pleasure and she squealed as an unexpected and quick orgasm exploded across her loins.
She moaned in frustration when Cathy turned off the waters and returned the shower head to its cradle. She smiled at Ellie and turned her so she could see herself in the shower's mirrored wall. For the first time Ellie had an unrestricted view of her sex and a smile crossed her face. Cathy dried Ellie with a soft towel and removed the shower cap. She led Ellie toward Dianne who was standing by the bed and then left the room.
02.06 Ellie, GelPod, Introduction:
A mix of emotions filled Ellie's mind as she approached Dianne. Cathy had ignited her body and now she needed release more than ever but her mind feared how she was going to get it. Dianne had arranged two pillows so they rested against the bed's headboard and helped her onto the bed with her back resting them and her closed legs stretched out in front of her.
Dianne asked,
"Are you ready for you special friend?"
Ellie shook her head and Dianne thought,
'That will soon change.'
Dianne pressed a button on a remote.
Ellie heard a whirring sound then she saw a small panel open at the bottom of the mirrored wall at the foot of the bed. She saw a bluish glow highlight the opening and her eyes opened wide when a round, transparent, light-bluish, Gel mass moved into the room. Dianne stepped back a few feet from the bed and watched as the GelPod rolled toward the foot of the bed and bounced onto to it.
Ellie flinched and her heart raced when it rolled on to closed legs and, in a reflex action, pushed herself back against the pillows. The GelPod moved forward along her legs and settled onto her bare lap, purring and glowing. As the soft sensations filtered down onto her clitoral hood and labia, her fears and apprehensions disappeared from her mind.
Dianne said,
"You can pick it up Ellie, it won't hurt you."
An unsure Ellie reached down with both hands and lifted it up and felt a warm tinglyness spread into her hands and fingers. She smiled and brought it up to her chest and sighed as it nestled onto her shoulders and neck.
As her hands caressed the glowing surface, the Gel began to spread across her upper chest and move downward. Ellie closed her eyes as the warmth reached her breasts and flowed over them. The rippling Gel caressed her tingling nipples as it slowly encased her firm breasts in two silky pouches and began to massage and knead them. Within the pouches, two internal depressions formed into suckling and each descended onto her stiffening nipples. The contact made her head spin and she moaned as her erect nipples pushed into the suckling and ripples of pleasure radiated across her chest.
"Ohhhhhh .. that feels so />
The GelPod continued its downward flow across her abdomen. The delicious rippling warmth spread to the upper part of her labia and onto the protective hood of her hardening clitoris.
"Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!"
Dianne came close to Ellie and whispered,
"Bend your legs and bring them back to your hips."
Ellie did so and she gasped as the GelPod flowed downward between her spread thighs and molded itself over her swelling sex. The Gel mass spread under the cheeks of her buttocks and upwards under thighs. As the Gel massaged her soft folds, a soft Gel tube was extended out of the mass which slowly made its way towards her protruding clitoris. It slipped over the extending organ with an ecstatic suckling action and Ellie squealed as jolts of joy raced across her sex. Ellie's hips jerked outward as her clitoris leaped out of its hood and her hands shot down and began massaging the Gel mass that was giving her so much joy.
Ellie's breasts, nipples, clitoris and labia were now fully encased within a rippling blanket of purring Gel. Her arms fell to her sides and she leaned her head back against the pillows and moaned as new and wonderful sensations flooded her body and mind.
Dianne, Sara and Cathy smiled as the GelPod took full control of Ellie's body.
02.07 Ellie, GelPod, First Orgasm:
The Gel mass that was formed over her labia now slipped between the flared folds and snuggled into the pink furrow, pushing the folds further apart. A delicious massaging action was started and Ellie felt as though a hundred tongues and mouths were adorning her clitoris, labia, breasts and nipples.
The massaging Gel kissed and caressed her fluttering inner lips that were already moist with their early juices. Her clitoris throbbed within the suckling sheath and she pushed her bullet-like nipples into the of the Gel's suckling pouches.
At the same time, the Gel that was spreading her folds apart nestled into Ellie's clasping inner lips. It formed small 'lips' and and began to kiss and suckle the excited entrance to her womanhood. Her mind reeled with sensations that she had never felt before and her arousal soared.
"Oh God ..Oh God ..
A thickness pushed between the suckling 'lips' and and nestled against against the excited entrance to her womanhood. The head of GelPod's phallic slowly nudged inward, stretching the elastic opening of Ellie's vagina. Ellie's mind was filled with past memories of forced or unwanted penetrations and her body stiffened and she cried out,
"No .. No .. No …"
Her fears were quickly erased as the GelPod slithered slowly inward. Ellie gasped at the wonderful fullness that was filling her stretching vaginal passage. The Gel phallic began circling the sensitive lining of her passage, as if it was looking for something. Its circling head intensified as it neared its target.
Suddenly, a squealing Ellie arched upward, her hips began grinding her sex in the air. The Gel's phallic had found her spasming sweet spot and Ellie's mind was filled with sensations that she never felt existed.
After years of denial Ellie wanted more, she needed more. She thrust her sex onto the GelPod's phallic and wailed as eight inches of pulsing thickness dove into the depths of sexual being. Her Gel Lover pulled slowly outward and then slipped back in, filling Ellie's mind and body with waves of joy. It started a methodic, well planned series of thrusts and lunges. All the way in, all the way out, fast then slow. It would interrupt its ecstatic strokes and begin a series of twists and flexes. Every time she neared her orgasmic trip point, her Lover would back off just enough to keep her at her orgasmic edge. Ellie's hips and body bucked and thrashed as her body was catapulted into a sexual frenzy.
She squealed as explosions of joy erupted from her suckled clitoris, her nipples felt like bullets and her vagina was desperately clenching and milking her long, thick Lover. Her leg's shot outward in a wide 'V' and began kicking franticly in the air.
The GelPod lunged deeply into Ellie's cervix and the massive head touched the portal to her womb. Suddenly Ellie felt an incredible, ecstatic pressure flood into her cervix and backflow out past the enflamed folds of her labia. The GelPod was unleashing its warm, thick ejaculant. Her hands fisted tightly, her toes curled and her eyes rolled back into her head as her total body orgasm exploded across her bucking and convulsing body. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound was heard. In a few short seconds, her mind caught up with voice and her orgasmic wail echoed around the room.
Ellie lost consciousness and her bucking body slumped back against the pillows. She slowly recovered as delicious aftershocks rippled across her body and she felt her Lover still deeply imbedded within her spasming vaginal sheath. She moaned with disappointment as it slowly withdrew then moaned with pleasure as the purring head stayed nestled against the wet, clasping entrance to her womanhood.
02.08 Ellie, GelPod, Breast Enhancement:
The GelPod let Ellie rest against the pillows while her body slowly came down from her orgasmic high. Dianne, Sara and Cathy knew that Ellie had shed her cocoon of resistance and now embraced the rebirth of her sexuality.
The purring silky pouches on her breasts now released their enhancing chemicals and Ellie felt a wonderful warmth seeping into each breast. The delicious massaging, kneading and suckling was restarted and she moaned as her arousal was rejuvenated.
Suddenly an exquisite firmness gripped each of her breasts and her erect nipples twitched with excitement. She looked down and a beaming smile filled her face when she saw her breasts begin to expand within the clear Gel pouches. Delicious quakes pulsed across her chest as her breasts and nipples expanded in spurts.
BREASTS: 34C NIPPLES: 5/16" H x 5/16" D
It started as a rippling firmness that gripped each breast and flowed into her nipples.
BREASTS: 34D NIPPLES: 3/8" H x 5/16" D
Ellie couldn't believe how full and firm her breasts were beginning to feel. Her nipples had never felt so hard.
NIPPLES: 7/16" H x 3/8" D
Soon, the expanding pouches had more to work with and the kneading, massaging and suckling intensified.
NIPPLES: 1/2" H x 3/8" D
Ellie's pants became quicker as her mind was filled with sensations that she had never felt before.
NIPPLES: 9/16" H x 1/2" D
She moaned as her breasts reached their targeted size.
The pouches settled down to a wonderful action and she gasped with joy when she saw her enhanced breasts within the clear Gel pouches.
02.09 Ellie, GelPod, Clitoris Enhancement:
The Gel mass restarted its exquisite massaging of her swollen folds and the suckling clitoral 'mouth' intensified its actions on her rigid clitoris. Her hands shot down and pulled the devouring Gel mass further onto her enflamed sex and cooed as the GelPod purred into her grasping hands and fingers.
Ellie squealed loudly when she felt her engorged clitoris begin to expand within the rippling and suckling sheath.
EXTERNAL CLITORIS: 1/2" x 3/16" .. 5/8" x 1/4"
With each ecstatic jerk of her hips, Ellie's clitoris lengthened and thickened.
EXTERNAL CLITORIS: 3/4" x 3/16" .. 1" x 3/8"
Her hips bucked and thrashed as the suckling 'mouth' had more and more of the excited organ to work with.
EXTERNAL CLITORIS: 1.25: x 1/2" .. 1.50" x 1/2"
The long rigid organ's natural downward angle insured an ecstatic contact against a thrusting erection.
Ellie lay back gasping and panting. She looked down into the clear mass and saw her rigid, pink organ extending well beyond the soft confines of its clitoral hood and an excited smile lit up her face.
Her hands massaged the purring mass between her thighs and whispered,
"Oh! God, Thank you!"
As if in an answer, the Gel kissed and squeezed her engorged clitoris and Ellie gasped in joy.
The Gel mass that was nestled within her clasping inner lips now began to tease and caress the eager opening to her vaginal passage.
02.10 Ellie, GelPod, Conditioning:
The head of the GelPod's phallic nudged inward and Ellie's excited inner lips eagerly slipped over the thick head as it slowly twisted and turned its way into her more than welcoming vagina. She squealed with joy as the long thickness sunk into the depths of her sexual being and then rested with delicious 'purrs' and flexes as it began secreting its enhancing chemicals.
Ellie would become bisexual. The chemicals included bonding pheromones from Cathy's and Daniel's DNA. Her sexual rejuvenation would be rapid, immediate if stimulation were present.
The elasticity and vaginal depth was changed to accommodate an 8.5" x 3.5" erection. The sexual sensitivity was expanded to take in 50% of the vaginal sheath and her sensitive 'G' spot was expanded and enhanced. A sudden rippling orgasm saturated her enhanced vagina and her wail echoed around the room.
The Gel phallic was now ready to test out Ellie's 'new' body enhancements and withdrew its phallic from her vagina. The GelPod kept its purring mass over breasts and the swollen, wet folds of her labia.
02.11 Ellie, GelPod, Vaginal Testing:
Ellie saw Dianne walk to the foot of the bed and pull up a support rail which spanned the width of the bed. She walked beside Ellie and said,
"Your Lover is about to test out your enhancements. I suggest a 'doggy' style position to get the most orgasmic sensations that a GelPod can give you. Trust me, keep your eyes on the mirror in front of you. There is nothing like seeing yourself in the throes of an orgasm."
A dazed Ellie could only nod her head.
She thought,
'How much better can this get, I have already have had multiple orgasms.'
Dianne helped Ellie move forward onto her hands and needs. The Gel didn't let up on its arousing assault and Ellie gasped and shook as Dianne helped her crawl toward the rail. Just as she reached it, the clitoral 'mouth' renewed its exquisite sucking actions and Ellie cried out as her hands grabbed the rail tightly. She looked forward and saw effects that the GelPod was having on her body. She saw her disheveled hair and deeply flushed face. The mirror showed the clear pouches that her swaying breasts had fitted so nicely into and her erect nipples that seemed to be moving by themselves with delicious swirls and presses.
Again the Gel tweaked her clitoris and with a loud gasp her bent legs spread further apart to give her Lover easier access to her enflamed sex. She cooed and mewed as her friend's loving foreplay caused her arousal to soar. She pushed her labia back against the massaging mass between her legs and shifted her breasts into and around the Gel's kneading pouches. Her body trembled with ecstasy as her Lover suckled on her jerking organ of joy, massaged her labia, breasts and nursed on her excited nipples. Her hips pushed back and ground her aroused sex against her Lover's devouring />
"Ohhhhhhhh />
Ellie felt something bump against her inner thigh. It was warm, long and thick.
She looked under her body toward her spread legs. Her eyes flew open and her breath came in a deep gasp. She saw the Gel forming its massive 8.00" x 3.00", erection and her vagina began clenching rapidly in anticipation. She tried to shift her excited entrance down toward it but the GelPod teasingly kept moving it away.
"Oh please .. Don't tease meeee!"
Ellie felt the wonderful, suckling tube withdraw from her hard clitoris and moaned as it pulsed and throbbed in the air. The Gel slowly slipped its massive upward over Ellie's left thigh toward her steamy folds. She moaned as the long hardness ground over her erect organ of joy. The head finally reached her swollen folds and pushed them wide apart as the thick head sunk between them. With agonizing slowness it traced Ellie's swollen crease from erect clitoris to clenching inner lips. Her clasping entrance kissed and caressed her Lover's flexing gland each time it came in contact with the fluttering lips.
Ellie didn't move, she couldn't move. Her hands gripped the rail, her kneeling body tensed and her eyes were tightly shut as her mind tried to will the Gel's glorious erection to penetrate her raging sex.
With an almost incoherent plea,
"Oh .. Please .. now .. now .."
Her Lover obliged her frantic plea. In one fluid motion, the thick head nudged past the eager lips and slid slowly inward. A loud hiss of ecstasy escaped her wide open mouth as the full length of her Lover's pulsing hardness slipped deeply into the grateful and lubricated sheath.
Ellie felt the most incredible stretching of her vagina and a wonderful sense of fullness. She gurgled and drooled as The GelPod's organ slipped inward, inch by glorious inch. In a few seconds, Ellie felt the gates to her womb flare open to receive her thick Lover. She felt the Gel slowly slide its way outward then slip all the way inward. Then it withdrew part way, flexed, wiggled and then again stroke deeply back into the depths of her vagina.
The Gel adjusted its position behind Ellie's wide spread thighs. The angle of its penetration changed and the head now pressed against the upper lining of her vagina. It started a back and forth dragging motion until .. something electric bolted throughout Ellie's body. An intense wave of pure pleasure and joy surged through her labia and across her loins. The Gel's flexing head pressed and swirled around the highly excited tissues of her sweet spot and Ellie screeched in ecstasy.
The Gel now plunged all the way into Ellie and then came back out. Once again it teased her magic spot. It was incredible. Ellie's mind was overloaded with waves of raw joy. It started a methodical rhythm to its massive thrusts. Sometimes sliding all the way in, filling her completely, once, twice, three times, before pulling back and sparking her sweet spot again and again.
Ellie gasped and groaned, unable to fully catch her breath. She lewdly thrust back and swung her hips in ecstatic circles. Her vaginal muscles desperately clenched around her Lover's thickness in a desperate attempt not to break the ecstatic connection. The Gel's thrusts were now all inward and full outward. Her mind was basking in the glow of ecstatic waves of joy and ecstasy. Again that wonderful suckling tube slipped over Ellie's engorged organ of joy. The contact was so ecstatic Ellie's entire body spasmed and she lifted her head and her wail echoed around the room.
Ellie was catapulted into an orgasmic frenzy. The GelPod had now found the buttons of all her erogenous zones and was now manipulating each of them like a symphony conductor. Ellie's body began lunging back onto the Gel's thrusting erection with a new sense of urgency and her fists tightened their grip on the rail. She saw the wild, frantic movements of body in the mirror and her ecstatic excitement soared. Low guttural moans escaped from her mouth as her orgasmic wave built higher and higher.
Ellie's hips became blurred as they counter thrusted like a pistoning engine. Suddenly her Lover lunged inward and froze. Ellie could feel the gigantic head enter her womb and then thicken. Her eyes flew open and her vaginal muscles clamped tightly around the engorged erection as it swelled and pulsed. She felt a deep throbbing within her spasming vaginal passage accompanied by an ecstatic flood of a warm, liquid pressure that boiled and gushed into her cervix and womb. Her eyes snapped opened as her body started convulsing with her orgasm. The GelPod quickly did a withdrawal and re-entry and her Lover's erection unleashed another torrent of hot thick ejaculant. The intense sensations spread explosively throughout Ellie's thrashing body.
Her entire body was spun into an vortex of orgasmic explosions. Bright colors swam in her vision as she spasmed and shook. Every cell vibrated with joy. It went on and on, as the Gel continued to feed on her sexual frenzy. She looked at the mirror and through a dense euphoric fog, saw her body unleash its all consuming orgasm. She saw her wide open eyes and mouth and then heard her orgasmic wail as it echo around the room.
Ellie's sensory system couldn't absorb any more sensations and her shoulders slumped onto the bed. Her hands still grasped the rail and her raised buttocks were still grinding her sex onto her Lover. She slowly recovered as her body continued to spasm and shake within the throes of delicious aftershocks. She raised up, and moaned as the wonderful fullness slipped out of her reluctant and clenching vagina with a loud slurping sound.
"Ohhhhhh .. Slowly!"
The GelPod released her breasts and the suckling 'mouth' withdrew from her still rigid clitoris. Its mass returned to its round shape and Ellie, with Dianne's help, slowly turned and crawled back to the pillows. A trail of orgasmic fluids and ejaculant followed her. As she recovered, light cooing sounds were heard when the GelPod rolled between her thighs and began cleaning the remnants of her orgasms. When it finished, Ellie picked it up and the glowing GelPod snuggled onto her neck and shoulders.
In a few minutes, the GelPod slipped away from her body and rolled back to the panel from where it had come from. Cathy returned and helped Ellie off of the bed and Cathy held her close as they walked to shower.
Dianne and Sara waited in the viewing room for the return of for Cathy and Ellie. Both saw the flushed look on Ellie's face and knew the GelPod's programming was successful.
Dianne said,
"Was I right or was I right?"
Ellie smiled and hugged Dianne.
Dianne said that Daniel will be waking soon and they all should sit down on the sectional. In a few minutes they saw the sheet moving as Daniel began to waken. Shortly, the door opened and a naked Aron walked into the room.
02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance:
Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was retracted back up into the ceiling and he placed a tube of lubricant on the floor by the foot of the bed. He then sat on the bed and waited. Daniel lay on his right side and soon Aron saw him open his eyes. At first, Daniel wasn't exactly sure of where he was. The injection was making his short term memory a little fuzzy, it was also sending a building gentle warmth that flowed across his loins. He saw Aron looking at him and then remembered that he had helped put him into a harness or something.
They both smiled at each other and Daniel said,
"I guess I dozed off for while."
Aron told him it was only for a little while and asked him if he remembered anything. Daniel was glad that Aron was still with him and shook his head. Daniel looked at Aron's nakedness and couldn't understand the feelings of attraction that were filling his mind. He then realized he was also naked and wondered how he got on the bed and who put the sheet over him.
Daniel smiled and rolled over onto his back. He wasn't prepared for the sensations that the silky sheet gave him as it glided over his body. Again, he looked at Aron and this time, an unexplained warmth flowed into his penis and balls and closed his eyes, trying to stop the sensations from spreading. Aron knew what was happening and laid his right hand on Daniel's covered thigh with a gentle massaging action. Daniel's hands fisted as an exquisite tinglyness spread into his penis and testicles. He closed his eyes as his penis stirred and then a low gasp was heard as the surface of the satiny sheet stimulated his rising member. Aron smiled when he saw the 'tent' slowly rise under the sheet, knowing its silkiness was adding unwanted excitement to Daniel's the hardening penis. Daniel could feel the massaging hand on his thigh and his mind wanted it to stop .. and .. at the same time to continue.
Daniel's conditioning was now coming to the surface and he looked up into Aron's face as if pleading for an explanation of what was happening to him.
Aron leaned down to Daniel's face and whispered,
"Your body is trying to tell you something. If you let me, I can help you."
All that Daniel knew was that feelings of attraction for Aron were becoming stronger.
Aron whispered again,
"I want to kiss you."
Without knowing 'why' Daniel could only nod his head.
Daniel saw Aron's face coming toward his face. He closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly. He felt lips touch his lips and then felt a tongue slip though his parted lips and into his mouth. As their tongues touched, a light lightheadedness filled his mind as his first kiss sent tremors of pleasure rippling throughout his body.
As Aron's kiss became more passionate, Daniel's anus began to tingle and the sheet's 'tent' pushed up higher. A deep yearning in Daniel's rectal sheath flowed into his prostate and up into his erection. Something made Daniel break the kiss. With a flushed and aroused face he looked at Aron and said,
"I don't think I ready for this .. I .. I .."
Aron noticed the circle of moisture at the tip of the 'tent' and moved his hand so his index finger pressed against it with an exquisite swirling action. Daniel gasped and instinctively pushed up onto Aron's finger. At the same time Aron renewed their kiss and this time their kiss was mutual.
Ellie watched Daniel as he pushed upward onto Aron's massaging finger while he returned Aron's deep kiss. She heard the aroused moans from his mouth and knew Daniel was in full submission to his male Lover.
This time Aron broke the kiss and whispered,
"Stay the way you are."
As Aron stood up, Daniel saw that he was fully aroused and he couldn't stop his eyes from gazing intently at Aron's erection. Aron went to the foot of the bed, looked at Daniel and smiled as his hands started to pull the sheet down over his body.
This time it was Ellie's turn to stare at the twitching 'tent'. Small, soft pants were heard from Daniel as the sheet's satiny surface glided over his nakedness. The edge of the sheet teased his erection as it slipped over the gland. Aron smiled when he saw Daniel's erection as it jumped into the air over his abdomen. Aron dropped the sheet onto foot of the bed and then helped his onto his feet. They briefly kissed again and then Aron led Daniel so they were about six feet from mirrored wall. They stood there for a few moments gazing at each other's reflected bodies. Aron wanted to give Ellie a close up view of what Daniel looks like when he is fully aroused, something that did not go unnoticed.
02.13 Aron, Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat:
Aron turned Daniel and himself so Ellie had a side view of their bodies. Her eyes opened wide when she the glistening glands of both erection within an inch of touching each other. Aron snuggled in closer to Daniel and a loud moan was heard as their erections touched and throbbed against each other. An excited Daniel couldn't believe the sensations that the two erections were giving him and began a slow up and own action as gasps of pleasure escapes his mouth. Aron let him continue but stepped back when he felt that Daniel was becoming too excited.
Aron turned Daniel so he gained faced the mirror. Ellie and Dianne saw Daniel's straining erection and the glistening gland that was oozing with its precum. Daniel saw the erotic sight of his reflected image in the mirror which added to his excitement.
Aron knelt down in front of Daniel and reached out and rested his hands on the soft skin of Daniel's inner thighs and watched his straining erection twitch and jerk. The hands began to slowly massage the their way upward, his right cupped and lifted Daniels balls and the left hand grasped his straining hardness. It glided up and down the thick tube of flesh with a gentle squeezing action and he smiled when he saw the drooling drops of precum ooze from the the engorged gland. Daniel moaned and shifted his hips, grinding his enflamed member and churning testicles into Aron's manipulating hands.
Aron's right hand massaged its way downward toward Daniel's tingling anus and his slick fingers teased and tantalized the clasping anal lips. Daniel squealed at the ecstatic contact and pushed his excited anus onto Aron's exploring fingers. His mind and body were being flooded with sensations that he had never felt before. The slick fingers began teasing Daniel's fluttering anal lips. The left hand let go of Daniel's jerking organ and moved onto Daniel's bucking hips.
Aron slowly nudged a finger inward past Daniel's eager and loosened anal lips. A loud hiss of joy escaped Daniel's mouth as the twisting finger slipped into his rectal sheath. Another finger joined the first and Daniel grasped Aron's shoulders for support as his mind tried to cope with all the sensations that Aron was giving his body. The fingers twisted and turned as they stroked relentlessly into Daniel's seething />
Aron raised upward on his knees and leaned forward. Slowly his open lips descended toward the head of Daniel's straining hardness. Daniel's grip on Aron's shoulders tightened when he felt a warm moist breath bathe his tingling gland and he began panting in anticipation.
Ellie couldn't believe what Aron was about to do and watched as Aron's tongue slithered toward the head of Daniel's excited erection. The warm, wet mouth and swirling tongue slipped over the hyper-sensitive gland and Daniel squealed with joy as the gland was encased within Aron's suctioning mouth.
Aron's head slowly descended downward and Daniel's throbbing member slipped deeper and deeper into Aron's suctioning mouth and throat. Daniel's gurgles of joy continued as his enflamed erection penetrated the warm, slippery cavern. After one or two teasing twists of his head, Aron pulled back upward until Daniel's thick gland rested within his mouth and his cheeks closed around it with a deep sucking action. Aron's tongue slipped into the oozing slit and sucked up Daniel's drooling precum like a straw.
Aron plunged his milking throat back down onto Daniel's thick, hard member and then pulled back, again and again. Daniel's gasps and moans got louder and his hips instinctively began counter thrusting. His mind was flooded with pure joy as his orgasmic wave built up higher and higher. Aron stopped and a shocked Ellie looked as Daniel began deep strokes into Aron's clenching and milking throat. His hips became a blur and his thrusts became deeper and faster. His rectal muscles clenched around Aron's twisting fingers, trying to draw them further into his enraged rectal sheath.
Aron knew Daniel was just seconds from ejaculating and his mouth and throat now matched Daniel's urgent thrusts with deep counter thrusts.
Daniel was catapulted into a sexual frenzy.
His rectal muscles began convulsing and spasming, his prostate swelled and his engorged hardness began jerking wildly. Bright flashes of orgasmic lights flashed and danced across his mind and eyes as an ecstatic pressure surged up his throbbing manhood. The thick stream of liquid of joy stalled when it reach the hyper-sensitive gland and deliciously swirled around it. The puckering slit opened wide and Daniel began jettisoning his thick essence into Aron's mouth and throat.
Aron's thirsty mouth eagerly swallowed Daniel's spewing, delicious nectar. He wanted more and his milking throat didn't let up on its relentless assault on Daniel's lurching member. A second stream spewed up Daniel's enraged erection and his spasming rectal sheath exploded. Daniel wailed as his dual orgasms exploded across his body
Daniel's orgasm was so intense that his knees buckled and he slumped down onto his knees in front of Aron. His still spurting penis slipped out of Aron's mouth. Ellie's thighs opened and closed as her arousal soared. Her mind was telling she shouldn't watching this but her body wanted to see more.
Aron wrapped his arms lovingly around Daniel and held him close to his body as large quantities of Daniel's semen drooled past his lips and down both of their bodies. Daniel rested his head on Aron's shoulder moaning as his aftershocks rippled across his body. Aron slowly removed his fingers from Daniel's clasping anal opening and he moaned as the fingers left his body.
Aron stood up and looked down at Daniel,
Daniel's eyes became focused on Aron's penis and balls. He saw a small pool of his semen resting on Aron's testicles and, as if in a trance, reached out with his hands. He lifted Aron's balls with one hand and used the fingers of his other hand to scoop up the small pool. It felt warm and slick as it flowed between his fingers. He brought his coated fingers up to his mouth and tasted his semen. He liked the slightly salted taste and used his tongue to suck his essence into his mouth. His taste buds exploded and his mind wanted more of the delicious nectar.
Daniel reached out and cradled Aron's flaccid penis in the palm of his right hand and Daniel thought to himself,
'It is a different feeling than holding my own penis. It feels soft, warmer and a heavier.'
He began a gentle squeezing action and his heart beat a little faster as the tube of flesh stirred and grew in his hand.
'Oh yes .. do it .. do it ..'
Under his manipulating fingers, Aron's penis soared to full erection and a smiling Daniel continued to massage and caress the hardening member. Soon it throbbed within his squeezing hand.
'Oh my .. I never thought it would feel like this .. It is soft, yet hard and its pulsing in my hand.'
His arousal came flooding back to him and his own penis stirred and soon stood tall and hard between his kneeling and spread thighs. He reached out with his left hand and lifted Aron's testicles. This time he discovered how soft and heavy another male's balls could feel. Aron moaned softly as both of Daniel's hands explored his genitals. Daniel saw a small drop of precum oozing from the thick gland and he knew he had to taste it. He leaned inward and used his hand to guide Aron's hardness to his open mouth. Daniel's tongue darted outward and the tip slipped into the open slit of the gland and sipped up Aron's drooling precum.
This time it was Aron's turn express the pleasure that he was receiving and a hiss of joy escaped his mouth and his hands grasped Daniel's shoulders.
"Ohhhhhhh .. Daniel .."
Daniel's mind was reeling with his new discoveries and his head dipped further inward. This time it was he who moaned when a warm, thick fullness filled his mouth and his cheeks pressed around the thick gland. His mouth opened wider and his tongue swirled around the partially embedded hardness and his cheeks instinctively began to apply an exquisite suctioning action.
Wonderful thoughts raced across Daniel's mind,
'I love it, I love it. I never dreamed an erection would feel and taste like this.'
Daniel's hands grasped Aron's buttocks and pulled him forward and Aron gasped as his manhood slipped into Daniel's clenching throat. Daniel was now moving on instinct. His hands pushed Aron back and the throbbing member slipped back out of his throat and once again his tongue and cheeks adorned the thick, oozing gland.
Daniel's head pushed forward, his throat muscles began an exquisite milking action and Aron squirmed in Daniel's grip as ecstatic sensations exploded across his loins. Aron pulled his excited hardness outward and then slipped it back into Daniel's clenching throat, again and again and again. Daniel's hands dropped to Aron's testicles and massaged the bloated orbs as Aron stroked into his throat. Both moaned as they escalated each other's arousal.
Daniel closed his eyes and savored the delicious, oozing fullness of Aron's erection as it made love to his mouth and throat. His hardness began jumping wildly between his wide spread thighs as the wonderful sensations flooded into his erection.
Suddenly, Ellie saw Daniel's mouth and throat begin a rapid and deep clenching action. At the same time, Aron threw his head back gasping in joy. Daniel felt Aron's gushes of warm thick semen flood into his mouth and throat. The first spurts caught him by surprise but he quickly recovered and began feasting on Aron's spewing essence. His clenching throat muscles along with his massaging hands on Aron's churning balls caused more and more of the delicious, thick nectar to spurt out of Aron's jerking member.
Daniel's mind reeled with joy as he feasted on Aron's thick essence. Again that incredible aphrodisiac hit raced throughout his body and an intense 'hands free' ejaculation surged up his straining erection. The long, thick stream splattered forcefully toward Aron's abdomen and thighs.
Both of their gushing manhood's slowed to small spurts and shortly, Aron's softening penis slipped out of Daniel's mouth. Daniel swallowed what was left and his tongue licked his lips.
They looked at each other and smiled.
Daniel whispered,
"Thank you. I liked doing that."
Daniel's sexual enlightenment was almost complete.
Aron helped Daniel up from his knees and both held onto each other as they walked to the shower. Soon they were relaxing in the warm flowing waters. It wasn't long before their mutual cleaning changed to mutual arousing.
02.14 Aron, Daniel, Mirror, The Mating:
Aron led Daniel toward the mirrored wall and pressed a button on the remote. A six foot by four foot section of the floor, in front of the bed, was lowered and a gym-like mattress with a front support rail moved up in its place.
Aron walked to the side of the mattress and said,
"I think you know what is going to happen now. The best part is being able to look into the mirror and see yourself as you orgasm. I want you to kneel down on the mattress and put your hands on the support rail."
Ellie watched as an aroused Aron guided an equally aroused Daniel into a kneeling position on the mattress. Daniel reached out and grasped the support rail as Aron's hands spread his bent knees apart.
Daniel looked ahead into the mirrored wall and saw his kneeling body and his testicles swaying in the air between his bent legs. His erection bobbed in the air below his abdomen. He saw Aron pick up the tube of lubricant and watched him pour the slick liquid onto his erection, both hands and fingers. A feeling of nervous expectation spread across Daniel as Aron knelt down behind his raised buttocks. He flinched slightly when Aron's hands touched his cheeks and began to massage his hands up and down his inner thighs from his bent knees to his spread cheeks.
Aron smiled at the exposed sight of Daniel's sex and his right hand slipped inward and palmed the Daniel's still glowing, pink anal lips who moaned softly at the wonderful touch.
.. />
Daniel panted when he felt a lubed hand slip between the spread cheeks and the slick fingers began a delicious tracing action on the sensitive opening to his rectal sheath. He instinctively spread his knees and his thighs further apart and gasped when Aron's other hand reached between his spread thighs and wrapped itself around his throbbing erection with a gentle squeezing and massaging action.
In a few moments Aron leaned up and over Daniel's kneeling body. A moan was heard as his hands reached under Daniel and his fingers pressed and swirled around the erect bullet-like nipples. At the same time, Daniel felt a long, thick, throbbing mass move onto his inner right thigh and then the heavy slickness moved upward pushing between the cheeks of his buttocks, spreading them wider apart. Daniel moaned again as Aron's thick manhood came to rest over his swollen anal lips.
Aron's mouth began planting exquisite butterfly like kisses on the back of Daniel's neck and shoulders. Daniel pushed his tingling anus against the throbbing thickness and shifted his erect nipples into the soft, swirling finger tips. Aron began to tease Daniel by slipping his erection through the flared cheeks, under his heavy testicles and forward along the sensitive underside of Daniel's straining hardness. He paused his joyful sweep and then repeated the ecstatic cycle again and again.
Daniel gasped at the incredible sensations and he began pushing his enflamed sex onto Aron's exploring erection.
"Oh God .. Aron .. Aron .."
Daniel felt Aron slipped off his body and kneel down behind wide spread thighs. He gasped when he felt one of Aron's fingers nestle into his excited anal lips and quickly pushed his against the caressing tip. Aron nudged the finger inward, twisting and turning and Daniel gasped as jolts of joy shot throughout his spasming rectal sheath and his erection jumped wildly under his body. A second and third finger wiggled their way inward and Daniel gurgled with joy as they caressed the sheath with an ecstatic circling action.
Daniel felt the twisting finger tips began circling the walls of his sheath as if they were trying to find something and then they found it … his prostate. Daniel squealed at the incredible contact. He thrust and ground his excited sex rearward against the hand that was giving him so much joy. His erection began drooling with long rivulets of his preseminal fluid.
"Ohhhhhh .. Godddd!"
Aron's fingers began a slow, massaging action over the sensitive mound of tissues. Within 30 seconds small explosions of ecstasy ricocheted throughout Daniel's body. Within a minute the small explosions intensified and Daniel ground his sex in frantic circles trying to get more of Aron's fingers into his seething sheath. The flow of fluids from his engorged gland was now one continuous string and his body quaked with his internal orgasms. With a desperate cry, he flexed his enraged manhood in a frantic attempt to ejaculate.
Just as Daniel approached his orgasmic trip point, Aron stopped and withdrew his fingers and Daniel screamed loudly with orgasmic denial.
Ellie didn't know what was happening and Dianne explained what Aron had just done and how the prostrate relates to a female's 'G' spot. Ellie smiled and nodded her head with understanding.
Aron's foreplay had ended and he now concentrated on the taking of Daniel's virginity. Daniel looked into the mirror and saw Aron snuggle closer to his upraised buttocks with his engorged manhood pointing the way. Daniel felt the wonderful thickness press against his inner thigh. It was long, thick and pulsed as though it had a heart beat. His rectal sheath clenched rapidly with anticipation and he tried to shift his excited anus down toward it but Aron kept moving it away.
Aron slowly and teasingly, slipped his throbbing hardness upward over Daniel's inner left thigh toward his eager entrance. Daniel moaned as Aron's erection ground over his heavy, swaying balls. The head finally nestled into his excited anal lips and Daniel's clasping lips kissed and caressed his Lover's thick gland in an attempt to draw it inward. Daniel didn't move, His hands gripped the rail and his kneeling body tensed knowing that his was about to be penetrated.
With an almost incoherent plea,
"Please .. Aron .. Now .. Please .."
Aron smiled at Daniel's plea and nudged the thick gland into the eager opening. In one fluid motion, the flexing head nudged past the excited lips and slipped slowly inward. A loud hiss of ecstasy escaped Daniel's wide open mouth as the wonderful thickness burrowed into his virginal rectal sheath. The sensations were not like anything Daniel had ever felt before or expected. He felt the most incredible stretching of his rectal passage and a wonderful sense of fullness filled his sexual being. The enhanced lining of his rectal passage was exploding with ripples of intense pleasure.
The flexing, thick head nestled onto his excited prostate and Daniel squealed in joy. His erection jerked wildly as ecstatic explosions rumbled across his body and his mind.
Daniel wanted more, he begged for more.
He gurgled and drooled as Aron's engorged erection slipped inward, inch by glorious inch.
Daniel's virginity had been taken, something that he would remember for the rest of his life.
Behind the mirror, a flushed and aroused Ellie opened and closed her thighs as she watched Daniel's erection jerk wildly as Aron slowly sunk his manhood into Daniel's kneeling body.
Daniel felt Aron slowly slide his long, member outward and then slip it all the way inward. Then he withdrew part way, flex, wiggle and then lunge deeply back into the depths of Daniel's rectal sheath. Aron adjusted his position behind Daniel, the angle of his penetration changed and the head now pressed against the upper lining of his rectal sheath. Aron started a slow back and forth dragging motion until, something electric bolted throughout Daniel's body. An intense wave of pure joy surged throughout Daniel's rectal sheath and across his loins. Aron's thick gland had searched for and found Daniel's spasming prostate. The flexing head slipped over the excited tissues again and again and Daniel's mind and body reeled with waves of joy.
Aron now plunged all the way into Daniel's enflamed passage and then pulled back out. Once again it teased Daniel's magic spot. It was incredible. Daniel's mind was overloaded with explosions of raw joy. Aron now started a methodical rhythm to its massive thrusts. Sometimes sliding all the way in, filling Daniel completely, once, twice, three times, before pulling back and sparking his excited prostate again and again.
Daniel gasped and groaned, unable to fully catch his breath. He lewdly thrust back and ground hips in ecstatic circles. His rectal muscles desperately clenched around his Lover's thickness in a desperate attempt not to break the ecstatic connection. His highly excited erection jumped and jerked below his abdomen.
Daniel cooed and gurgled as Aron's undulating erection plundered his spasming rectal sheath. Aron's thrusts were now full inward and full outward. Daniel's mind was being saturated with ecstatic waves of joy and ecstasy. His stretching rectal sheath clenched and milked the incredible penetrator that was his giving his body so much joy.
.. />
Daniel was catapulted into an sexual frenzy. Aron had now found all the buttons of his erogenous zones and was now manipulating each of them like a symphony conductor. Daniel's body began lunging back onto Aron's thrusting hardness with a sense of urgency.
His fists tightened their grip on the rail as he gasped for air.
Aron's massaging and swirling finger tips were once again began adorning his bullet-like nipples as his orgasmic wave built higher and higher. The sensations were like a pressure cooker about to explode.
Daniel's hips became blurred as they counter thrusted like a pistoning engine. Suddenly Aron lunged inward and froze. Daniel could feel the gigantic head enter the depths of his sexual being. His eyes flew wide open and he felt his rectal muscles clamp around the swollen and pulsing erection. He felt an intense flood of a warm, liquid pressure, boil and gush into his convulsing rectal sheath. The sensations were mind ripping and he gasped, moaned and his his hips swung madly around Aron's erupting, buried erection. His own straining erection began flexing wildly. Aron's ejaculating member unleashed another torrent of hot thick ejaculant and the delicious sensations spread explosively throughout Daniel's stunned and dazed body.
Daniel's orgasmic scream echoed throughout the room. Bright colors swam in his vision as he spasmed and shook. Every cell vibrated with ecstasy. It went on and on, as Aron continued to forcefully ejaculate into him. Daniel's thighs shot out wider and he franticly hunched up and down trying to draw his Lover deeper into his spasming sex.
The ecstatic pressure built at the base of his erection and surged up his almost numb erection. His thick essence stalled deliciously at his hyper-sensitive gland and then the liquid joy exploded into the air under his body. His orgasmic eyes saw the long stream jettison out of his thickening manhood and fly toward the mirror and splatter on the floor in front of it.
His orgasmic wail was stifled as his convulsing rectal sheath exploded and melded into the second thick stream of semen that erupted from his enraged manhood. He drew in deep heaving breaths which were matched only by Aron's massive pulses and throbs. Daniel lifted his head and screamed as his dual orgasms were unleashed.
Ellie gasped as she watched Daniel's multiple streams of enhanced semen erupt out of his erection and fly toward her wide open eyes.
The intense orgasmic sensations that saturated Daniel's young mind and body for the first time were overwhelming and pushed him into sensory overload. His hips slumped down onto his bent legs, his head and shoulders rested on the rail.
He slowly recovered and his body continued to spasm as his hardness continued to spurt with delicious aftershocks.
"Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!"
Daniel moaned again as Aron's wonderful fullness slipped out of his reluctant and clenching rectal sheath with a loud slurping sound. Torrents of semen gushed from the gaping opening as it returned to normal. With Aron's help, Daniel was slowly turned around they moved off of the mattress so he could sit against the foot of the bed. His softening penis slipped down over his thigh onto his drained testicles, still drooling with his ejaculation.
When Daniel had sufficiently recovered, Aron said,
"Let's take another warm shower."
When they returned, Aron led a happy Daniel into the office where Ellie and Dianne were waiting for him. As they left the test center, Dianne, Aron and Sara smiled at each other. All knew what was going to happen next when Ellie and Daniel returned to their stateroom.
02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter:
Ellie and Daniel left the office and decided to have a mid-afternoon lunch. As they walked onto the deck, neither were uncomfortable with their nakedness or those of the other passengers. After their lunch they relaxed at the upper deck pool. Ellie couldn't help but see the frequent looks that Daniel was giving her and couldn't understand why she was returning the glances. The thought of an affair with Joanne's 16 year old son made her nervous and she made a conscious effort to direct her thoughts to other things. Not only was Daniel eyes directed toward Ellie, he was also looking at the nakedness of the boys that were running and playing at the poolside. A confused Aron, on more than one occasion, had to jump into the pool to hide his stirring penis. Around 06:00 they left the pool and returned to their state room.
A chime sounded, alerting Dianne and Sara that their had entered the suite. Neither Ellie nor Daniel knew of the forces that were in play that would draw them together. Ellie's memories of the GelPod were now gone including those of her previous failed sexual encounters, as were Daniel's memories of Aron.
They stood in front of each other, Daniel's head was at Ellie's breast level and his eyes were fixed on Ellie's firm breasts and nipples. She fought the attraction that was surfacing in her mind and wanted to move away from the intense stare but couldn't. She felt hands move onto her breasts and tried to block out the wonderful kneading action of the young hands. When Daniel's fingers moved onto to her nipples she sighed as the swirling finger tips caused her nipples to stiffen and her resistance ebbed away from her mind.
She looked down and her breathing quickened when her eyes were reacquainted with Daniel's incredible She saw Daniel looking up at her and she put her hands on his face and leaned down and their lips touched. Daniel closed his eyes as Ellie's tongue slipped into his mouth and they kissed for the first time. Daniel trembled as the tongues touched and played with each other and he moaned softly into Ellie's mouth. His penis tingled and stirred and this time, it was Ellie that moaned when she felt the boy's hardening penis slip upward between their bodies.
Ellie broke the kiss and they looked into each other's flushed faces. Ellie smiled, took Daniel by the hand and led him into her bedroom.
02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation:
They walked to the bed and Ellie opened the drawer to the nightstand and picked up a bottle of personal massaging oil. She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Daniel.
As their eyes stared at each other's bodies, Ellie heard a voice saying,
"Come closer to me Daniel, stand between my legs."
Daniel walked toward Ellie and snuggled in close between her spread thighs. She reached out and lifted his testicles and penis with both hands. A gasp escaped Daniel's mouth and Ellie smiled when she felt the full weight of Daniel's heavy balls. She saw the softening penis reverse itself and shifted her right hand onto the thickening tube of flesh. Daniel's gasp became louder and Ellie's breath quickened as her hands massaged Daniel's penis to full erection.
She looked up into Daniel's face and saw the aroused look in his eyes. Her eyes trailed down his smooth youthful body and came to rest on the throbbing hardness that was in front of her eyes. Ellie took both of his hands and brought them to her breasts and watched as his erection twitched in the air.
"Go ahead Daniel, run your hands over my breasts and nipples."
An innocent Daniel began massaging and kneading the firm mounds. Ellie had to tell him to do it slowly and gently and moaned softly as Daniel's fingers slipped onto her stiffening nipples with delicious swirls and presses. Her eyes were locked on his solid manhood that throbbed in front of her. She saw drops of precum oozing from the thick gland and reached out with a finger and swirled the sticky liquid around the sensitive crown. Daniel gasped, his hips bucked and his hard organ jumped at the ecstatic contact.
Ellie said,
"Daniel honey, I want you to trade places with me. Sit on down on the bed and lay back on it with your feet resting on the floor.
Ellie stood up and Daniel quickly did as Ellie had instructed.
"Shuffle forward just a little .. that's good .. now spread your legs apart."
Ellie smiled when she saw her young Lover's heavy testicles hanging over the edge of the bed and his engorged erection angled over his abdomen. She picked up the bottle of personal massaging oil and moved between his spread thighs and said,
"Daniel, you are going to really love this."
With that, she poured the contents all over Daniel's body. She started at Daniel's left nipple, over to his right nipple, down to his abdomen and right thigh, then over to his left thigh. She finished it off with a liberal portion to Daniel's erection. Daniel gasped as the warm scented oil spread outward on contact with his body and warm, tingly sensations spread onto the sensitive flesh of his erection and balls.
Ellie put the bottle down and leaned over Daniel's body, spreading the oil all around Daniel's nipples. Her slick fingers massaged and kneaded the erect nipples and he moaned as ripples of pleasure spread across his chest. She dropped her head down and suckled on the hard bullet of Daniel's right breast.
Ellie started downward, spreading and kneading the warm oil over Daniel's lower chest and abdomen. She worked both hands on either side of Daniel's body, deliberately bypassing his erection. Her slick hands met at his bloated testicles, lifting them in the palms of her hands and with a gentle massaging action. Daniel gasped and pushed his aching balls into Ellie's wonderful hands. She saw his jerking erection and the oozing precum that was dribbling onto his abdomen.
Ellie now worked her hands upward toward Daniel's raging erection. She ran the flat of her hand up and along the sensitive under side of his member, spreading the lubricant over his thick, straining hardness. Her slick hands closed around the throbbing tube of flesh and audible slurping sound could be heard as her hands spread the oil all around Daniel's thrusting erection.
Daniel's whole body was screaming for release. He felt as though his erection was about to explode and his bullet-like nipples yearned for more attention. Ellie massage the slick palm of her hand over Daniel's excited, oozing gland. Ellie smiled when she saw and felt his straining hardness jerk and flex under her manipulating hands. Daniel's mind was awash with waves of joy as his hips bucked and jerked wildly above the bed. Loud slurping sounds were heard as his engorged manhood thrust and lunged into the loving, oil slick hands.
Ellie, while not losing contact with Daniel's erection, leaned over his body and lowered her suckling lips and swirling tongue onto her Daniel's highly excited right nipple. Her left hand reached down and once again lifted and massaged his aching balls. Daniel's mind reeled with joy as all sensations melded together and he began gurgling with incoherent sounds as Ellie pushed him toward his orgasmic edge. His hips bucked, his chest thrust upward and his head thrashed from side to side.
Daniel felt an incredible pressure building at the base of his straining member which pulsed upward toward his agitated gland. The liquid joy swirled around the hyper-excited head and then exploded out of the puckering opening and spewed high into the air.
Ellie wanted to clap her hands with joy but continued with her relentless assault on Daniel's spurting manhood. She smiled as the thick stream splattered back down, drenching his thighs, balls and her hands. She didn't let up and her hands coaxed another long stream of semen to jettison out of Daniel's spasming hardness. His hips thrust his jerking erection with loud slurping sounds into Ellie's persistent hands. Again he gurgled in joy as his second ejaculation jettisoned out of his excited gland.
Daniel slumped back onto the bed gasping and panting. She reached, out palming the softening thickness, watching it spurt as the aftershocks rippled across Daniel's trembling body. Ellie leaned back on her bent legs, smiling at her accomplishment, as did Dianne and Sara.
While Daniel lay back savoring his incredible orgasm, Ellie got up and dashed to the bathroom. She returned with a warm, wet wash cloth and towel. Daniel moaned as Ellie washed and cleaned the pools of semen from his body.
She whispered,
"What you need is warm shower."
When Daniel stepped out of the shower, Ellie dried Daniel's body and wondered how adventurous Daniel could become. Her drying quickly went to arousing and soon Daniel was thrusting his rejuvenated erection into the plush fabric of the towel. A flushed and excited Daniel followed Ellie back into the bedroom,
02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm:
They reached the bed and Ellie whispered,
"Daniel honey, it is time for you to discover the female body."
She picked up the bottle of massaging bottle of massaging oil and told Daniel to hold out his hands. She poured some of the liquid onto his hands and fingers and smiled at him,
"My body is yours, enjoy />
A highly aroused Ellie then sat down on the edge of the bed and laid back on it. She quickly drew her feet up onto the bed and spread her thighs as wide as she could to give her young Lover full and open access to sex. Her breath came in pants and her clitoris and vagina twitched in anticipation of what was to come.
Daniel shuffled forward and knelt down in front of Ellie. For the first time, his eyes gazed in earnest upon a female's sexual treasures. He saw her rigid, clitoris standing out like a rigid, pink beacon and the clasping entrance to her womanhood that made his engorged erection throb between his thighs. Daniel reached out and began a slow, exploring massaging action on Ellie's inner thighs, close to but not touching the folds of her labia.
He knew he was doing something right when he heard a sigh of from Ellie. Daniel stood up and leaned into Ellie's body and lowered his mouth. His lips pressed lightly against Ellie's lips and she eagerly opened them. Daniel's tongue slipped inward, into Ellie’s welcoming mouth and their tongues danced and played with each other.
Daniel broke the kiss and started to plant light butterfly-like kisses over Ellie's face and neck. Ellie purred as delightful sensations followed Daniel's wonderful suckling lips. Daniel put his hands on Ellie's shoulders and started a slow soothing, massaging action.
Ellie whispered Daniel's ear,
"Oh Daniel, you are doing everything just right."
Daniel's hand slowly worked their way down to Ellie's breasts and cupped them. His massaging hands slipped up onto the stiff nipples and tantalizingly played with the erect buds. All the while, Daniel planted soft butterfly kisses along her shoulders and neck. His fingers slipped deliciously around the nipples, pushing and pressing and then back to kneading the firm mounds. Ellie's sighs got louder and she began pushing her breasts into Daniel's kneading hands.
"Ohhhh .. Daniel .. that feels so good!"
Daniel's suckling mouth moved downward from Ellie's neck. Ellie knew where it was headed and her pants became faster. She felt a warm, moist breath bathe her right nipple and then felt the suckling lips descend down onto it. As the lips suckled, the tongue slipped deliciously over and around the erect, tingling nipple. Ellie gasped at the ecstatic contact and she thrust her breast upward into Daniel’s suckling mouth.
Both of Daniel's hands now started a massaging action down over Ellie's body toward the apex of her thighs. Ellie's swollen labia fluttered as the exploring hands approached the junction of her thighs. His hands stopped at, but not touching Ellie's labia. He then started back up toward Ellie’s breasts. He found the bullet-like nipples twitching and eagerly awaiting his returning hands, mouth and lips.
Ellie's hard, extended clitoris was begging for attention, her swollen labia oozed with her early juices and her body now moved wherever Daniel's hands moved and she moaned with her mounting arousal.
Daniel repeated the massaging process over and over again. Each time his hands came closer and closer to touching Ellie’s enflamed sex. His kisses flowed from breast to breast and his fingers swirled and pressed Ellie's excited nipples. Daniel felt Ellie's breathing become rapid and her hips moved in tight grinding circles.
"Uhh! Uhh! Uhh! .. Daniel .. Please .."
Daniel's hands finally met at Ellie's swollen labia and his hands began kneading the flared folds. Ellie squealed and her sex bucked upward when Daniel's slick thumb slipped and pressed onto her rigid organ of joy.
Daniel leaned in close to Ellie's sex. Ellie felt his warm, moist breath bathe her hard, rippling clitoris. Daniel's tongue slipped over the highly sensitive pink tip with an ecstatic swirling action and his suckling lips drew the excited organ into his mouth. Ellie's hips bucked upward pushing her enflamed sex into Daniel's sucking mouth.
As Ellie thrust her hips up, Daniel slipped his fingers between the folds, pushing them further apart. Ellie gasped as the fingers explored the wet, pink furrow and then nestled into her clasping inner lips. His fingers caressed and traced around the excited entrance and then nudged three fingers into the more than ready vaginal opening. Ellie moaned as Daniel's twisting fingers stroked into her enflamed passage.
Her erect nipples stood up on her breasts like hard bullets as her vaginal muscles clenched around the thrusting fingers. With beginner's luck, Daniel's fingers stumbled onto Ellie's elusive 'G' spot and Ellie bucked upward screaming with joy. His learning finger nestled further onto the enhanced tissues with an ecstatic caressing action and Ellie was thrown into a sexual frenzy.
Daniel intensified his massaging fingers and the deep suckling of Ellie’s engorged organ of joy. Bright flashes of orgasmic lights flashed across her mind and eyes. Her leg's shot outward in a wide 'V' and began kicking franticly in the air. Her thick vaginal juices gushed outward past the stroking fingers drenching her thighs, the sheet and the floor.
Suddenly, Ellie broke out of the orgasmic freeze and her wail echoed around the room.
Ellie's body had absorbed all the ecstatic sensations that it could and she slumped back onto the bed gasping and panting, her body continued to buck and jerk in the throes of her orgasms. Daniel withdrew his mouth and fingers from Ellie's body. His eyes watched in fascination as Ellie thrashed and moaned as the ecstatic aftershocks gripped her body.
Soon she looked up into her young Lover and said,
"You have no idea how good you made me feel."
She held out her arms and Daniel leaned into a passionate embrace of sexual gratification. Their kiss was long and deep. When they broke the kiss, Ellie felt the deep throbs of Daniel's erection on her abdomen and whispered,
"I have a special place for you to put that hardness of yours into."
02.18 Daniel, Ellie, The Mating:
Their shower was quick and when they returned, Ellie put a pillow at the head of the bed and one at the center for her hips. She quickly climbed onto the bed and positioned herself on the pillows, her eyes never left the body of her highly aroused young Lover. She held out her arms toward him and Daniel climbed onto the bed and shuffled forward on his knees, moving between her spread thighs and leaned back on his lower legs. She saw Daniel's glistening erection jerking in the air and her heart raced with anticipation.
"Oh God! Daniel .. It is so />
Daniel looked at Ellie and smiled as he flexed his straining member. Ellie as if in a trance, lifted herself up from the bed and crawled toward the pillar of joy that was beckoning to her. A sharp intake of breath was heard as her hands wrapped themselves around it with soft squeezes and massages. Her vagina and clitoris rippled with expectancy as the massive thickness throbbed in her hands. Her hands dropped down lifting Daniel's swaying balls and her mind reeled when the heavy, soft pouches lay within her hands.
Ellie saw the clear liquid oozing over the glistening head of Daniel's erection and was drawn to it like a magnet. Her hands left Daniel's testicles and she renewed her exploration of the straining hardness. The fingers of her right hand slipped onto the slick gland and began swirling the slick precum in delicious circles. She heard Daniel moan and his erection jerked in her hands. Ellie leaned inward and her tongue replaced her fingers and Daniel moaned again as Ellie adorned the excited head of his erection. Her tongue slipped into the puckering opening and she felt the slick warmness seep onto the tip of her tongue. It was like an aphrodisiac and Ellie began sucking it up as if her tongue was a straw.
Daniel gasped loudly and gently pulled Ellie away from his erection and she looked at him with puzzlement in her eyes. The young Daniel was learning how to control his rising excitement.
Ellie settled back down on the bed and adjusted her hips on the pillow. Her breathing quickened and her labia twitched as Daniel shuffled forward between her spread thighs. Ellie grasped the back of her knees and pulled them back beside her breasts giving Daniel open and full access to her sexual treasures. He slithered up and over her panting body, pressing the length of his engorged hardness between the swollen lips pushing them further apart. Ellie cooed as Daniel began an ecstatic sawing motion, up and down, up and down, causing her to twist her sex in a futile attempt to get the thick gland to nestle into her clasping inner lips. Her body and mind screamed for penetration and she reached between their bodies and grasped the Daniel's hard tube of flesh with both hands. With a sense of urgency, she guided the slick head so it slid up and down her swollen, wet crease not letting it lose contact with her sex until it was poised at the clenching opening to her womanhood.
Ellie looked at her Lover with pleading eyes,
"Please .. Daniel .. Please."
Daniel smiled and nestled further between Ellie's clasping inner lips. Her loins rippled with ecstatic sensations as the head nudged against the entrance to her enflamed vagina and then slowly slipped inward. Her elastic entrance stretched eagerly to accommodate the wonderful thickness and a sharp hiss of joy escaped her mouth as the gland inward and her vaginal entrance kissed and caressed the slick crown of her Lover. Daniel nudged the first inch of his hardness into her seething vagina which eagerly stretched to accommodate the throbbing thickness. Daniel pushed further inward and was rewarded with a deeper groan.
Ellie felt the most incredible stretching of her vagina and a wonderful sense of fullness. Four inches of hard, thick joy pushed and stretched its way into her enflamed passage. Ellie wanted more, she begged for more. She gurgled and mewed as Daniel sunk into the depths of her sexual being. Ellie's eyes opened wide as her vagina was ecstatically stretched and filled. She gasped as the thick erection kept slipping into her, inch by glorious inch.
Ellie could feel every fleshy ridge of the massive organ buried within her. Her vaginal muscles expanded and started to clench around the flexing organ. Daniel waited a moment, flexed again as another moan of rising pleasure escaped Ellie's open mouth. Daniel slowly withdrew, almost all the way out, and then slipped all the way back in. He withdrew part way, and seemed to wiggle slightly as he adjusted his position. The angle of penetration changed, and pressed oddly into her for a moment, dragging back and forth until … something electric shot through Ellie's sex. Daniel had remembered where this spot was. An intense wave of ecstatic joy surged through her highly excited vagina and shot upward, connecting with her rigid organ of joy and then onto her excited bullet-like nipples. She wailed as the flexing head teased and caressed her sweet spot as it ecstatically stroked across the hyper-sensitive tissues. Shards of electric joy charged across her dazed and stunned body. Her rigid clitoris throbbed and ached as it tried to stretch further outward from its protective hood.
Daniel thrust fully inward then withdrew to tease her magic spot again and again. It was incredible. Ellie was overloaded with raw pleasure, and she knew she was rapidly climbing toward orgasmic trip point. Daniel's strokes continued to enrage her enflamed vagina, sometimes sliding all the way in, filling her completely, once, twice, three times, before pulling back and sparking her sweet spot again. She gasped and groaned, unable to fully catch her breath. Her body was frozen, spread open and lewdly thrust upward, unable or unwilling to move, not wanting the incredible connection to be broken.
"Oh God! .. Yes .. More .. Deeper .. Faster!"
Suddenly, Ellie thrust her enraged sex forcefully upward impaling herself completely on her Lover's granite hardness and her legs shot outward in a wide 'V' kicking franticly in the air. Her eyes and mouth snapped open as her body ecstatically exploded with her first orgasm. The orgasmic lightning struck inside her ecstatic body and she screamed. Her arms curled around her young Lover's, her toes curled and her hands fisted.
Ellie couldn't stop convulsing or screeching as her body wide orgasm exploded throughout her sexual being. She was so completely full and her orgasming juices squished and gushed around the hard organ which was giving her so much joy.
Ellie's foaming wetness gushed outward past her swollen and clenching folds. Her inner muscles squeezed and massaged the pulsing flesh that was deeply embedded within her body. Her rigid, jerking clitoris felt as though it was going to explode. Her whole body shook and trembled as her orgasm seemed to last forever.
Daniel let her rest while his flexing manhood remained buried deeply within in her. Soon, Ellie cooed again as her Lover withdrew and began to stroke into her with gentle, full length thrusts. She felt his huge, heavy testicles push between her spread thighs with each inward thrust as delicious aftershocks continued to flood her satisfied body.
He lunged inward and Ellie felt incredibly full when the wonderful thickness entered her cervix and pushed against the flowering portal to her womb. She breathed heavily in quick pants in response to the delicious impalement. Daniel withdrew so the thick head teased the sucking inner lips and then slithered back into the depths of her seething passage.
Ellie once again moaned and gurgled as her body vaulted up the arousal ladder.
Both of Daniel's hands grasped her thighs and again started a slow, building rhythm as his member stroked steadily in and out of Ellie's, frothy, excited vaginal passage and her deep gasping sounds registered her body's rising levels of ecstasy. She began thrusting and grinding her hips back onto the long, thick organ that was plunging into the depths of her sexual being. For the first time she was hearing Daniel's deep, gasping pants as his strokes took on a sense of urgency. She wanted to return the joy that he was giving her and began clenching her vaginal muscles with intense squeezes and massages. Daniel gasped as his straining manhood became encased within a deep sucking and milking sheath.
Ellie now wanted, now needed and now craved for Daniel's thick, jettisoning essence to flood into her enflamed sex. Daniel's deep strokes intensified and Ellie tightened her arms around her young Lover and skewered her enflamed sex in tight circles. Suddenly Daniel plunged inward and his jerking member began to thicken and flex wildly within her milking passage. Ellie felt the most incredible ballooning sensation in her seething vagina as a flood of thick, hot semen spewed from the flexing gland. She thrust her hips forcefully upward and squealed with joy.
Daniel pulled his straining erection outward and then thrust inward again and again as his spasming gland unleashed another forceful, flood of semen. The ecstatic feelings spread throughout Ellie like a series of freight trains, rumbling from her vagina and connecting with her exploding clitoris, up to her breasts, nipples and then flooding into her mind.
Ellie's second, climatic orgasm was total and all consuming.
Her toes curled and her arms again tightened around his neck. Her orgasmic scream drowned out the deep moans of her Lover. Bright flashes of orgasmic lights danced across her wide open eyes. Every cell in her body vibrated with ecstasy. His spewing essence went on and on, his hips grinding is turgid shaft deep into her frenzied sex, flooding her clenching womanhood again and again with his thick essence.
Her sensory system went into overload and she lost consciousness for several moments. Her body continued to orgasm as Daniel flexed his erection as he continued to ejaculate.
He leaned over Ellie and waited for her to regain consciousness. She awoke to intense multiple aftershocks and felt his huge member still flexing within her. She wrapped her arms around him and aggressively kissed him as her body spasmed and convulsed. She moaned into his mouth with sexual fulfillment and satisfaction. Daniel hunched up his hips and slowly his hardness slipped out of her reluctant and stretched vagina with a loud slurping sound. Torrents of vaginal juices and ejaculant gushed out of the gaping opening and flowed down her thighs.
Daniel bent down and planted a suckling kiss on each of her erect nipples. His large warm hand formed onto the swollen folds of her slick labia. She moaned and ground her sex against his hands as strong aftershocks coursed throughout her body.
Daniel looked down at her and smiled.
Ellie said,
"Let's have a nice warm shower before we restart."
Daniel asked,
Ellie grinned,
"There are so many positions to try and so little time."
Daniel helped her off the bed and they held each other as they returned to the shower.
Ellie thought to herself,
"If only Joanne knew what she was doing to her son."
In the morning a ship's concierge delivered a transmission that it had received from the ships office in Amsterdam. It stated that Joanne's business trip had been cancelled and she was in Amsterdam. A helicopter would fly her to the ship and her arrival time would be around 01:00pm today.
Daniel was happy when he learned his mother was going to join them. A nervous Ellie went to the test room to talk to Dianne. Dianne assured Ellie that she would take care of Joanne and not to worry.
02.19 Joanne, Arrival and Preparation:
Dianne, Ellie, Daniel and Aron were at the heliport waiting for Joanne. The Helicopter arrived and Joanne looked at Daniel's and Ellie's nakedness with embarrassment and confusion. Dianne informed her of the ship's rules and after a few awkward moments she hugged Daniel, being careful not to move too close to his body. She did the same to Ellie and thanked her for looking after her son.
Daniel introduced his mother to Aron.
Dianne saw the puzzled look on Joanne's face and told her that the ship's concierge would take her luggage to the suite and now would be a good time to talk about Daniel's test results. Ellie and Daniel returned to the suite with the concierge and Joanne followed Dianne to her office.
Dianne introduced Joanne to her staff and took her on a tour of the test theater, which included the test room, viewing room and the Game room. They relaxed in the viewing room and Dianne asked Joanne if she wanted something to drink and Joanne said coffee, no cream or sugar. Sara prepared the coffee and cooled it down a bit so Joanne would drink it faster. For the next ten or fifteen minutes, they talked as Dianne reviewed Daniel's test results. A look of disappointment spread across Joanne's face when Dianne finally told her that Daniel was bisexual. She told Joanne that her son has had sexual encounters with a male and a female which confirmed the results. If she wished it, she could review the video recordings of the sessions. Joanne decided not to, at least not at this time.
Suddenly Joanne began to feel lightheaded. She started to get up and then slumped back onto the sectional, unable to move her arms or legs. The staff had to work quickly because the effects of coffee would last just a few minutes. Joanne was vaguely aware of being lifted onto a gurney and then being wheeled into the test room. Something new had been added to the room, a Gynecological Chair was sitting in front of the mirrored wall beside bed. Directly below it was a gridded tile with a movable shower head laying on it.
Joanne felt hands removing her clothing and trembled when she felt her body being exposed to the air. The staff lifted Joanne onto the Chair, positioning her legs onto the extensions and soft restraints were applied to her wrists and ankles. Sara pressed a button on the Chair Joanne's bent legs were spread apart.
Just as Joanne was regaining control of her senses she felt pin pricks in both of arms and she relaxed onto the Chair with a long sigh. One of the injections contained two drugs that would make her docile and open to suggestion. The second targeted her sexuality. She would become bisexual and any negative thoughts toward mid-teens, incest and bestiality were removed from her mind. Included were bonding pheromones from Daniel's and Ellie's DNA. As with Daniel and Ellie, her sexual rejuvenation would be rapid, immediate if stimulation was present.
It would take a few minutes for the injections to fully take affect and Dianne and Sara left the test room and went into the viewing room and watched as a dazed Joanne stared at her spread nakedness in the mirrored wall. She knew all about GenTech and its sexual research, and her nervousness intensified wondering what was going to happen to her. She cringed with embarrassment when she saw the thick patch of genital hair. Her legs and arms were hairless but she had never trimmed the hair between her thighs.
Suddenly Joanne closed her eyes and her hips began shifting on the seat of the Chair. A delicious warmth flowed across her loins, her clitoris tingled and her nipples began to stiffen. Dianne knew the effects of the injections were taking effect. She pressed a button and shortly a young, curvaceous, 17 year old entered the test room pushing a cart that had a bottle of liquid depilatory, wash cloths and towels.
02.20 Joanne and the Girl:
Joanne saw the girl move in front of her and as she looked at the girl's naked body, something that she could not explain filled her mind. She tried to block the sense of attraction of the girl's nakedness that were seeping into her mind and the stirrings of arousal that were building within her body.
The girl smiled at Joanne and said,
"My name is Lisa and I am going to remove all that hair that is covering your />
The thought of someone doing that to her, especially a young girl, would normally have made her mind recoil with repulsion but all she could do utter a weak plea,
"No .. No .. Please don't .."
She watched nervously as Lisa snuggled in closer between her spread thighs and saw her reach out with her hands toward her breasts.
"Don't touch me .."
Joanne flinched then unexpectedly relaxed as the hands made contact with her body. Lisa lifted Joanne's breasts with gentle massages and squeezes and Joanne sighed as the young hands caused ripples of pleasure to flood across her chest Lisa formed both hands around Joanne's right breast and Joanne held her breath when she saw Lisa's head lean inward and watched as the mouth descended toward her breast. The lips closed over the stiff nipple with a delicious suckling action and the tongue swirled around the tingling tip causing a reluctant moan to escape Joanne's open mouth. Lisa's lips and hands moved over to Joanne's left breast and the moan continued as Lisa's mouth adorned the excited nipple.
A gasp of final acceptance escaped Joanne's lips as she pushed her breast upward the into the girl's mouth. All the tenseness ebbed from her body as she succumbed to the drugs and Lisa's affectionate touches and kisses.
"Ohhhhh .. />
While Lisa's mouth suckled its way back and forth between Joanne's nipples, her hands slipped down over Joanne's abdomen and began to massage the soft inner skin of Joanne's thighs. All resistance had faded and Joanne closed her eyes savoring the wonderful sensations that the girl was giving her. Joanne's arousal soared as she watched and felt Lisa's hands massage their way toward the thick thatch of hair that covered her sex.
She looked at the girl's body and as she gazed at her firm young breasts, perky nipples and hairless labia, feelings of attraction and desire filled her mind. Her breath quickened and her clitoris tingled as it began edging out of its protective covering. Joanne felt the hands move toward the junction of her thighs and a soft gasp was heard as Lisa formed her hands over the hair covered labia and began to massage the hidden folds.
Lisa saw the pink tip peeking through the hair and she leaned down and swirled her tongue around it. A jolt of joy shot across Joanne's loins and her hips thrust her excited organ into Lisa's suckling mouth. After a few moments, Lisa stood up and looked into Joanne's flushed face and smiled. Joanne returned a trembling smile.
Lisa said,
Let's get rid of all that hair down />
Lisa picked up the plastic bottle and began squeezing a generous amount of the silky liquid into the hair between Joanne's thighs. Her hands then began mixing the depilatory into the hair and Joanne panted as the slick fingers moved over her folds, clitoris and between the cheeks of her buttocks. Soon wonderful sensations flooded her genitals as the unwanted hair was slowly dissolved.
"Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!"
The sensations soon faded and Joanne saw Lisa reach down and pick up the shower head from the gridded tile. When the waters were nice and warm, Lisa teasingly directed the spray onto Joanne's aching breasts and erect nipples. The shower head was moved downward so it was in direct alignment with her labia and clitoris. Joanne's mind wasn't prepared for what happened next. Intense jolts of joy flooded her loins as the pulsing waters rushed onto the flared folds of her hairless labia and protruding clitoris. She gasped as her hips jerked forward as incredible sensations flooded her sex. Her hips began an ecstatic grinding and sawing motion into the pulsing flow and she moaned and gasped as Lisa gave her pleasure that she had never felt before.
"Ohhhhhhhh .. />
Lisa eyes feasted on Joanne's nuded labia and rigid clitoris. She couldn't resist the temptation and leaned inward. Her tongue curled around the extended organ and her fingers slipped between the beautiful folds and into Joanne's excited vagina. Joanne's mind was awash with waves of ecstasy and she squealed with joy as a quick orgasm exploded across her loins.
Lisa put the shower head back down on the tile and stood up. She picked up a soft plush towel from cart and smiled at Joanne as she knelt down in front of her spread sex. Lisa pushed the softness onto Joanne's swelling folds and began a deliciously caressing action. Joanne moaned as the fabric flooded her sex with new sensations. The lushness was pressed onto her rigid organ and the moan turned into a gasp of joy. Lisa used the towel to explore every nook and cranny between Joanne's spread thighs, from the cheeks of buttocks to her her excited clitoris that stood out like a bright pink beacon. Joanne's hips thrashed back and forth as the towel went from drying to arousing.
"Lisa .. Lisa .. Oh God .. What are you doing to me!"
All good things must come to an end and Lisa stood up and returned the towel and the bottle to the cart. Joanne sat gasping and panting within the soft restraints of the Chair.
With a whimpering voice, Joanne pleaded,
"Don't leave this way."
Lisa came near to Joanne's ear and whispered,
"A wonderful boy is going to take care of your needs, but first I am going to move you into a harness."
A smile filled Joanne's face, the thought of a boy, an aroused, naked boy sent ripples of anticipation cascading throughout her body. Dianne and Sara looked at Joanne's face and saw a woman whose sexuality now crossed the barriers of gender and age.
Dianne pressed a button and the harness was lowered from the ceiling in front the bed. Lisa saw it being lowered and released the restraints holding Joanne in the chair. With Lisa's help, Joanne stood up from the chair and the mirror reflected her erect nipples and beacon-like clitoris back into her aroused eyes. She stood submissively as Lisa attached the harness's loops to her thighs and shoulders. When the harness was ready, Joanne felt herself being lifted up into a sitting position, four feet above the floor. Her bent legs were pulled back toward her body and spread apart.
Lisa said,
"I will be back shortly and in the meantime I will leave in the capable hands of Daren."
Lisa left and in a few seconds the boy entered the room and walked in front Joanne. Joanne couldn't believe her eyes. The boy was handsome beyond words. His body was smooth and his abdomen rippled with muscles as though he was training. A soft gasp escaped her mouth when she gazed upon the incredible package that was swaying between his hairless thighs. Her mind wanted to hold him, kiss him and run her hands over his young body.
02.21 Joanne, the Boy, harness, Mating:
Daren stood in front of Joanne and smiled,
Hi Joanne, my name is Daren."
A sharp exhale of breath escaped Joanne's mouth. Her eyes were still locked onto his flaccid four inch penis and testicles the size of large plums. Daren moved forward between Joanne's spread thighs and her eyes got a closer look at the boy's long, thick penis and her breathing quickened. Her right hand slowly, tentatively, reached down toward it and Daren moved closer toward her spread thighs. She gently lifted and cradled the thick tube of flesh and her breathing quickened when the warm thickness pulsed and stirred within her massaging fingers.
"Oh God .. it's incredible .. its />
A sense of awe and excitement flooded her mind as it grew longer and thicker, pushing her curled fingers apart.
4.50" x 1.50" .. 5.00" x 1.75" .. 5.50" x 2.00" .. 6.00" x 2.50" ..
6.50" x 2.75" .. 7.00" x 2.75
Joanne's heart beat faster as her hands glided up and down the throbbing hardness. Her left hand reached down and lifted the boy's swaying testicles and sighed openly as she massaged the wonderful silky, heaviness. She smiled when the massive erection jerked before her eyes. She saw Daren's hands reaching down between her thighs and tried to spread them wider, offering her sex to this sweet 16 year old. As if in a trance, she watched Daren's hands form over the folds of her labia.
The contact was electric.
She gasped when they started to massage and knead her slick lips and his thumbs pressed and swirled onto her excited organ of joy.
"Ohhhhh! God />
The fingers slipped between the flared folds, pushing them further apart and the slick fingers began caressing her clasping inner lips. She threw her head back gasping and moaning. Daren moved further inward between her wide spread thighs and his engorged hardness pressed ecstatically against her rigid clitoris. She squealed in joy and reached out grasping his buttocks and pulled him in tightly to her sex.
Dianne pressed a another button and Joanne felt the harness adjusting the height of her position so her breasts and genitals were in alignment with Daren's shoulders. She saw his eyes roaming up and down her body, feasting on her breasts and the lick sexual treasures that were between her spread thighs. She saw Daren's head lean inward toward her and she knew the boy was going to kiss her. She waited breathlessly with closed her eyes and parted her lips.
Daren lowered his mouth and his lips pressed gently against her lips. Joanne's mouth eagerly opened and Daren's tongue slipped through the parted lips and their tongues danced and played with each other.
Joanne's mind reeled and she moaned into Daren's mouth,
He broke the kiss and began planting light butterfly-like kisses over her face and neck. His hands started a slow soothing, massaging action along her shoulders and slowly worked their way down to her breasts. Joanne sighed as the hands began a gentle massaging and kneading of the firm mounds. His fingers slipped up to her nipples and tantalizingly played with the stiff pink buds. All the while, his mouth continued to plant soft butterfly kisses along her neck and shoulders. His fingers slipped deliciously around the nipples, pushing and pressing and then back to kneading the firm mounds. Joanne moaned and began pushing her aching breasts into Daren's loving hands.
Daren's suckling mouth moved downward from Joanne's neck. Joanne knew where it was headed and the pants became deeper and faster. She felt a warm, moist breath bathe her right nipple and then the suckling lips descended on the stiff nipple. As the lips suckled, the tongue deliciously swirled over and around the excited nipple. She gasped at the wonderful sensations and thrust her breast into Daren’s loving, nursing mouth. The boy's mouth suckled its way over to the eager left nipple and the soft moans continued as the lips and tongue adorned the erect, tingling nub.
Again Joanne arched up and gasped at the delicious sensations.
"Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!"
The suckling lips and massaging hands now left Joanne's aching breasts and moved downward across her rippling abdomen. Her body squirmed as they approached the junction of her thighs. Daren's hands finally met at her labia and his hands massaged and kneaded the flared and swollen folds. Joanne gasped loudly and her hips arched upward and outward when his slick thumbs pressed ecstatically against her engorged organ of joy.
Daren's open mouth neared Joanne's enflamed sex and she felt his warm, moist breath bathe her hard, excited clitoris. Her body bucked and she squealed as the suckling lips and swirling tongue slipped her rigid organ and began sucking on it as though it was an erection.
As Joanne thrust her hips toward him, Daren slipped his fingers thumbs down the slick crease and played deliciously with the opening to her clasping womanhood. Joanne wailed again and her hips squirmed as her treasured entrance was teased and caressed. Daren sensed that Joanne was nearing her orgasmic edge and backed away from her body.
Joanne screamed in orgasmic agony,
Dianne now adjusted the harness so Joanne was in a slightly reclined position then adjusted the height of her body so her dripping sex was aligned with Daren's straining hardness. He nestled the head of his erection between Joanne's flared folds, pushing them further apart. Joanne gurgled and mewed when she felt her labia being pushed apart by a warm, throbbing thickness. Her eager inner lips felt it nudging against them and began to kiss and caress the thick twitching gland as her Lover slowly pushed inward.
Joanne squealed with joy when she felt her excited vaginal opening being stretched wide apart as the boy slowly penetrated her seething passage.
"Ohhhh! Yessssss! Thank you .. Thank you."
Joanne gurgled as four inches of throbbing hardness inched its way into her womanhood. She couldn't restrain herself, she needed it all, she wanted it all and her hips bucked sharply outward, impaling herself totally on her Lover. She wailed loudly as Daren's erection plunged into the depths of sexual being.
Daren leaned into Joanne's euphoric body and their kiss was deep, wild and frantic. The Daren flexed his imbedded erection and Joanne gurgled with joy into his mouth. He slowly withdrew until the engorged head was being kissed by Joanne's excited inner lips and then he plunged back into her enflamed vaginal passage. He withdrew again and began a rhythmic series of lunges. Full in, full out, part way in, part way out, throwing Joanne into a sexual frenzy.
"Ohhhh Jesus! Yess .. Deeper .. Faster .."
Joanne reached out and grasped Daren's buttocks and drew him forcefully inward to skewer herself deeply onto his granite-like erection. Her thighs jerked out to her sides as wide as the harness would allow and her hips became a blur as she counter thrusted with a desperate sense of urgency. Suddenly Joanne's mind was exploding with orgasmic waves of ecstasy as her vaginal muscles clenched urgently around the boy's deep penetrations Joanne arched up and froze as her first orgasm was unleashed from her body.
The Daren continued his forceful thrusts into Joanne's seething passage. Her orgasmic juices foamed and gushed out past her swollen, spasming folds. Loud slurping sound accompanied Daren's deep flexing strokes. Joanne's body basked in her intense orgasmic release and she wanted more. Her sounds became incoherent as her body again surfed another orgasmic wave.
She now heard Daren's deeps gasps and felt his urgent thrusts and knew he was approaching his orgasmic trip point. Daren felt the intense ecstatic pressure building at the base of his erection, his balls churned and his prostate throbbed. He thrust into the depths of Joanne's sexual being and froze.
The first of his long, thick streams of enhanced ejaculant surged and pulsed up his hyper-excited shaft. The liquid joy swirled around the flexing head and exploded outward into Joanne's welcoming sheath and cervix. Within a second, a more powerful stream jettisoned out of the boy's excited gland.
Her mind reeled as the liquid pressure ballooned within her frenzied sex and her legs flew upward and outward in a wide 'V' and kicked franticly in the air. She gurgled and squealed as the massive streams of thick semen gushed and spewed into her spasming womanhood. For the second time Joanne was catapulted over her orgasmic edge and she arched outward and froze as her body went into orgasmic convulsions. Bright flashes of ecstatic lights flooded her mind and eyes as jolts of raw joy exploded throughout her body.
The intense sensations saturated her mind and she slumped onto the harness's supports, her unconscious body continued to buck and jerk as powerful orgasmic aftershocks rippled across her body. In about a minute, Joanne recovered and she ran her hands over the boy's head and face. This time, Joanne kissed Daren with a sense of thankfulness and gratefulness.
Soon, Daren withdrew his softening penis and it slipped outward with a loud slurping sound. Joanne moaned as the wonderful fullness left her body.
Joanne's mind and body basked in the glow of sexual fulfillment. Years of abstinence, dictated by her professional career, had been removed by a boy, twenty years younger than herself.
Much to the disappointment of Joanne, her young Lover left. She saw Lisa coming toward with the cart. This time the cart held a basin of warm water, sponges and towels. Joanne cooed and mewed as Lisa used the damp sponges to clean the remnants of her orgasmic juices from her labia and thighs. Lisa's expert hands used the sponges and plush towels to rejuvenate her sexual arousal.
Lisa pushed the cart off to the side and picked up a remote.
"Joanne honey, you are ready to experience the ultimate of sexual devices. It is our own version of a Sybian and you don't have to do anything but sit there and enjoy your mechanical Lover."
02.22 Joanne, the Girl, harness, Sybian:
Despite her mounting arousal, Joanne wasn't sure she wanted a toy invading her her body. Lisa pressed a button on the remote and Joanne saw a strange, rounded box moving along the floor toward her. It followed sensors imbedded in the floor tiles and stopped just far enough in front of her so she could see it.
The case was made of a clear plastic and the internal mechanisms could be seen. The most distinctive visible features was the multi-lipped labia and clitoral massagers. The labia massager was soft and pliable and was made up of dozens of small, self moving, suctioning 'lips' and The clitoral massager was a velvety tube with a suckling 'mouth' and />
The 'box' started to do things by itself. The cover swung open and began to install attachments that were within it. The first was an 7.50" by 2.75" deep ribbed phallic. Each rib would independently ripple and pulse. The base of the phallic attached itself it to a mechanism inside the Sybian. Two tubes were then connected to its base. One would deliver a strong jets of artificial ejaculant and the second would supply a lubricant to the phallic.
The cover then closed back over the top of the Sybian. Joanne could see the head of phallic resting just below a slit in the center of the multi-lipped labia massager.
Joanne looked wide eyed with fascination as the Sybian readied itself for her. The apprehensions in her mind quickly faded and breathing quickened. The Sybian moved under Joanne's sitting body until it and locked into special slots in the floor.
Lisa did a final adjustment to the harness so Joanne was sitting with her open sex directly above the labia massager. She looked at the mirror and saw the Sybian directly below her and a look of excited nervousness and anticipation filled her eyes.
Lisa positioned the stool to the front and right of Joanne and sat down on it. She was going to have a 'bird's eye view' of Joanne's love affair with the Sybian.
Dianne and Sara waited anxiously for the />
Joanne's eyes were focused on the mirrored wall, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly she saw the and 'lips' of the labia massager start to move and then felt the harness and her body slowly being lowered downward. Her eyes were wide open as she watched labia near the massaging 'lips' of the Sybian.
"Lisa? .. Lisa? .. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .."
Joanne's sex made contact with the slick, suckling massager. Ecstatic sensations flooded her labia and spread inward into her vagina. A soft mouth-like tube opened and Joanne gasped as her thickening clitoris was manipulated into a suckling 'mouth' and it leaped outward into its The 'lips' that were between her swelling folds pushed them apart and began sucking on the excited entrance to her vagina. The ecstatic sensations from both massagers caused waves of pleasure to explode across her loins.
Joanne felt the suckling and 'lips' explore her flaring and swollen More 'lips' slipped between them and joined in the teasing and caressing of the excited entrance to her womanhood. She closed her dazed and aroused eyes and began moving her swollen sex back and forth on both massagers. Soft slurping sounds could be heard as her juices mixed with the massager's slick />
Joanne was jolted out of her euphoric daze when she felt a slight pulsing pressure nudge against her vaginal opening. The nudging pressure built and Joanne gasped when she felt the entrance to her vagina being gently stretched opened. She knew the phallic was at the portal to her womanhood. A slickness oozed from the phallic's thick head and a delicious warmth spread around her eager entrance. She felt the opening widen and the warmth spread inward as her elastic entrance slipped over the advancing head as nudged its way into her eager vagina. Her body now hungered for more of her Sybian Lover.
"Ohhhhhhh .. Faster .. Oh God .. Moreeeee .."
The Sybian was in no hurry and teased her ripping vaginal sheath with its expanding and contracting ribs. Joanne wailed in joy as her vaginal muscles began spasming in sync with the ribs. The suckling clitoral 'mouth' made her rigid clitoris feel as though it was going to explode. The probed now sunk deeper into her enflamed passage twisting and turning, soon its 7.50 x 2.75 inches of flexing thickness made Joanne's mind reel with sensations that she had never felt before. The phallic partially withdrew then slipped back in.
It began an ecstatic rhythm, all out then all in, slow then fast. The massaging lips now extended themselves and began a delicious suckling all around her swollen and fluttery folds. Her engorged clitoris jerked wildly as it was sucked and suckled upon.
Joanne's head thrashed back and forth gasping and moaning.
"Oh God! .. Oh God!"
The undulating probe thickened. Thousands of tiny cilia-like fingers pushed outward from the body of the phallic and started massaging and caressing Joanne's enflamed vaginal walls. She screeched as jolts of ecstasy shot across her sex. Her mind and body were catapulted into a sexual frenzy. She couldn't keep up with her frantic grinding actions and she slumped down onto her Sybian Lover and let the waves of ecstasy explode across her body.
The clitoral massager now began to push Joanne toward her orgasmic trip point. The suctioning rippled along the full length of her extended organ of joy. It felt as though dozens of warm, wet tongues and lips were swirling and sucking on her enraged clitoris. At the same time the phallic began deep, full length thrusts into her seething passage
Suddenly, the phallic lunged inward and stopped. It swelled to a full three inches inside Joanne's enraged passage. The pulsing ribs along it flexing length teased and tantalized the sensitive nerve endings of her clasping virginal walls .Her mind went into an ecstatic freeze when she felt her Lover begin deep jerks and flexes. Joanne was at her orgasmic trip point and her spasming vaginal muscles could feel the expanding pulses of the phallic's ejaculant as it surged toward its flexing head. It began unleashing its forceful torrents of thick ejaculant which jettisoned into her seething sex causing her spasming sheath to balloon from the joyous pressure.
Joanne screeched as waves of ecstasy flooded her body and her own orgasm was unleashed. Her vagina went into deep convulsions, her organ of joy exploded within the clenching as an all consuming orgasm exploded throughout her body. Joanne screamed as the orgasmic waves hit her. Her hands fisted tightly and her toes curled. Her legs shot outward in the air in a wide 'V' and kicked franticly as deep orgasmic spasms and convulsions racked her body.
Joanne's body went into orgasmic overload and she lost consciousness for a few seconds. When she recovered, her body was still in the throes of orgasmic aftershocks. The phallic was still twisting and plunging and her convulsing body thrashed and squirmed within the harness. The phallic exploded again and the thick mix of Sybian ejaculant and vaginal juices spurted past her swollen and flared folds drenching her thighs and her Sybian Lover.
This time Joanne's exhausted and drained body shutdown and the Sybian slowly whirred to a stop, still deeply imbedded within her body. Joanne recovered and she cooed and gurgled as deep aftershocks rippled throughout her body.
Lisa got up from stool and stood in front of Joanne satisfied face and whispered,
"I am going to lift you up from the Sybian."
Joanne nodded.
Lisa pressed a button on the remote and Joanne began to slowly rise upward. She gasped as her clasping vaginal sheath slipped off of the Sybian's long, thick phallic. A loud slurping sound was heard as her reluctant inner lips cleared the head of the phallic. Torrents of ejaculant and vaginal juices gushed from the gaping entrance as her vagina returned to its normal size.
Joanne moaned with disappointment as the wonderful fullness left her body.
"Ohhhh .. slowly .. slowly .."
Lisa stood up and smiled,
"Was I right or was I right."
Joanne's face beamed and radiated with her post-orgasmic glow."
Using the remote, Lisa returned the Sybian to its place beside the wall. She then lowered Joanne to her feet. Sara helped Lisa removed the harness's thigh and shoulder loops and Lisa walked with her to the shower. Shortly, they returned to the viewing room.
02.23 Joanne and the Golden:
Sara prepared three glasses of Lemonade and poured a packet of powder into the glass that was destined for Joanne. It contained a drug that would reinforce Joanne's 'open to suggestion'. Sara handed out the glasses and Dianne turned on the next video. GenTech's research into Joanne had shown that she has a love for dogs, especially Goldens and she wanted to find out deep that affection went.
In a few minutes Dianne saw the signs that Joanne was succumbing to her drink and she switched on a video showing a naked woman in her bedroom, standing in front of a Golden Retriever. Joanne stared with riveted eyes when the dog pushed its head toward the woman's thighs and began a series of quick licks and probes onto the folds of her labia. The woman gasped and her legs spread apart, allowing the darting tongue to press onto her protruding clitoris and then slip downward between the folds and nestled into her clasping inner lips. The woman squealed with joy as her legs buckled and she slumped down onto on the floor on her hands and knees. With pants and gasps the woman crawled toward a mattress with the Golden's tongue lapping at her sex.
The woman knelt on the mattress with her hands grasping the support rail. A gasp was heard as she spread her kneeling legs apart and her moans of joy got louder as the male's long tongue licked her at her exposed sex and extended clitoris. Joanne watched with wide open eyes as the woman's upturned buttocks ground in tight circles as the dog's long tongue slipped into her welcoming vaginal passage with long twisting strokes.
Dianne saw Joanne's flushed face and heard her quick breathing as she watched the Golden's tongue explore the woman's sex. She leaned in close to Joanne and whispered,
"How would you like to experience something like that. GenTech has a trained Golden that can give your body sensations that you have only dreamed about."
Joanne had always considered bestiality as a perverse act and couldn't understand why she found the video so stimulating.
"I don't know Dianne, I am not really into this …"
Dianne said,
"You will never know until you try it, aren't you at least a little curious?"
Dianne led a bewildered Joanne into a room that she hadn't seen before. There were only two items in the room, a bed and a gym-like mattress with a support rail facing a mirrored wall.
Dianne said,
"Behind that door is the answer to your dreams. Its name is Prince"
Joanne opened the door just enough to see a beautiful Golden sitting on his hind front her. When it saw Joanne looking down at him, it smiled as only a Golden can smile. Her face beamed with happiness and she opened the door a little wider. The dog continued to sit there looking up at her.
Joanne remembered its name and said,
"Come on in Prince."
The dog walked into the suite wagging its tail and went to the foot of the bed. Joanne closed the door, apprehensions filled her mind as she approached the dog and knelt down in front of it. The dog put its head on her shoulder and Joanne began rubbing its ears and head.
Prince dipped its head toward Joanne's slightly spread thighs. His extra long tongue shot outward and the thick tip pushed between the folds of her labia and pressed onto the hood of her clitoris. A stunned Joanne wasn't prepared for what the dog did and she gasped in surprise as her labia and clitoris sent jolts of pleasure across her loins. Prince's tongue slipped further downward and teased the inner lips to Joanne's vaginal opening. It then it slipped the tip of its thick tongue back up to her hardening clitoris.
Joanne's dazed mind was trying to cope with the delicious sensations that were flooding her loins. For a fleeting moment, Joanne's mind reeled with conflict, she didn't know if she wanted this to continue or not, but the swirling tongue on her rigid organ of joy quickly pushed the thoughts away. She unconsciously spread her knees apart giving the dog easier access to her treasures. The tip of the tongue curled around the excited appendage and pushed into its protective cover with an ecstatic squeezing action.
The tongue slipped away from her clitoris and dipped into her flared folds, pushing them further apart. She gasped as the darting tongue pushed against her clasping inner lips and her treasured opening began fluttering with excitement. Her clitoris jerked and her labia swelled as her arousal soared. Her hands reached down grasped the dog's head, pulling it closer to enflamed sex.
Prince's tongue began a joyous sweep from Joanne's inner lips to her rigid clitoris. She gasped and moaned and began grinding her sex in sync with the dog's incredible tongue. Again the curled tongue nestled against into her quivering opening and slipped inward twisted and turning. It was enough to catapult Joanne into her first orgasm. Her body began convulsing and spasming, her hands tightened around the dog's head and her body froze as ecstatic explosions rippled across her loins.
Her hips slumped down onto her lower legs and Prince lifted its head and rested against Joanne's breasts as her body rippled with orgasmic aftershocks. She cooed as her hands rubbed the soft fur of her Lover. Prince let her rest for a few moments then dipped its head dipped downward and began picking up the drooling juices from her flared labia. She lifted her head up moaned as that wonderful tongue coaxed a minor orgasm from her stunned sex.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh .. Princeeeeee .."
Joanne felt Prince's head move to her face and began to lick her face. The scent of her sex was on its tongue and her mind loved it. Joanne turned around and sat on the floor, her back rested against the bed. She put her hands on Prince's head and lovingly petted the dog's ears and she kissed him on the forehead.
She whispered softly at the dog,
"Thank you..thank you!"
Prince's tail wagged and he pushed his head into Joanne's shoulder. Joanne began to run her hands along the dog's neck and upper body. She closed her eyes, and savored the waning sensations of her sudden orgasm.
Prince lifted his face away from Joanne's shoulder and lowered it downward. Joanne followed the movement and wondered what the Prince was going to do next. His nose sniffed around her still aroused nipples and suddenly his long tongue shot out and Joanne felt the dog's warm, wet, smooth tongue wrap around her entire right breast and slip deliciously up and over it where it found Joanne's still engorged nipple. It swirled around it, pushed on it and suckled on it.
The dog switched to Joanne's left breast and did the same to it. The long wide, slippery tongue tantalizingly switched from breast to breast. As it slipped past each nipple the smooth tongue pulled and pushed the engorged tips making it feel as though they were going to explode. Joanne's whimpers turned to gasps and moans. Never in her entire life had she ever experienced such exquisite, arousing sensations. She closed her eyes and leaned her shoulders back against the bed and let her body flood her mind with new and wonderful sensations.
"Ohh .. Ohh .. Ohh .."
The dog started a slow sensuous slippery glide downward. Joanne opened her eyes and was stunned at how large and tingly her nipples had become. She saw and felt the long tongue sweep toward the junction of her closed thighs. The warm, wet tip slid along the hood of her clitoris and curled around her engorged button.
Joanne quickly bent her legs and brought them back toward her body, spreading them wide apart. Her swollen folds begged for attention. The dogs tongue slipped down the parted furrow and Joanne moaned in joy.
Suddenly Prince pulled away from her body and a surprised Joanne saw him walk away from her. She watched as it sat down beside the mattress looking back at her and a sense of excitement filled her mind knowing what the dog wanted her to do.
She quickly stood up and knelt down on the mattress. Her hands reached out and grasped the support rail and spread her thighs wide apart. The dog saw the swollen folds open and he caught the scent of her arousal. Joanne knew she was in the perfect position to be mounted by a dog. There was no fear or revulsion only sexual need and desire.
The dog edged further toward Joanne's upraised and open sex. He slipped his entire flat tongue forward along the swollen lips of her labia and then back toward his mouth. Prince repeated this fantastic sweep again and again. Joanne pushed rearward gasping and moaning. Prince shuffled up closed behind Joanne and in an unbelievable action, raised his upper body and positioned his front paws beside her hands on the rail. A stunned Joanne looked back underneath her body toward her wide spread thighs and saw the dog's, huge glistening erection.
She knew that Prince was going to mount her and her heart pounded and her breathing came in gasps and pants with anticipation. Her eyes feasted on Prince's drooling eight inch long by three inch thick erection as it lay between her wet, swollen folds. The throbbing hotness caused her labia lips to eagerly fold themselves around the pulsing thickness. Joanne slid her enflamed sex back and forth with an ecstatic sawing action and she gurgled gleefully as jolts of joy rippled into her along her spasming vagina.
"Ohhhhhhhh .. Yessssssss .."
The thick head of the dog's erection probed around the clenching inner lips and then slowly nudged inward. A hiss of joy was heard as her elastic opening excitedly stretched over the pulsing gland as it slowly pushed its way into her womanhood. Prince nudged inward and then withdrew, nudged inward a little further and then withdrew. Joanne's mind reeled with the sensations as the dog teased and stretched her seething passage. She thrust rearward and squealed as four inches of the dog's flexing erection stretched its way into her needful passage.
Prince felt the rapid clenching of Joanne's vaginal muscles and thrust forward, impaling Joanne completely on it eight inches pulsing hardness. She squealed in with joy at the impalement and ground her sex in tight circles.
The dog pulled back and Joanne's clenching vagina fought its withdrawal. It plunged back in and Joanne's rearward thrusts matched it. The rhythm was set, animal and woman worked in unison to bring each other toward their respective climatic orgasms.
Joanne hips were a blur as she matched the dog thrust for thrust. Incoherent sounds of gurgles and gasps escaped her mouth, the dog whined as Joanne's vagina milked his lunging erection and her rigid organ of joy was exploding as the engorged tip was dragged along the stroking erection.
Joanne saw nothing except white spots of ecstatic lights dance across her closed eyes. She spread her thighs as wide as she could and hunched down to give her Lover easy access to her enflamed vaginal passage. With every outward pull, her thick vaginal juices spewed past her swollen labia lips and down her thighs.
Suddenly she felt the most incredible sensation she had ever felt in her life. A hot bloating fullness was filling her vagina and cervix. She cried out in ecstasy as the dog started ejaculating deep inside of body. It catapulted Joanne into a sexual frenzy and she wailed at the top of her lungs. Her body froze in time as explosions of orgasmic joy cascaded across her mind and body. Her vaginal muscles clamped and clenched all the length of Prince's spewing erection.
Joanne lost consciousness and slumped down. Her hands continued to grasp the rail tightly as her hips continued to grind around the dog's lunging thickness. In a few seconds, Joanne recovered. The dog was still ejaculating its hot thick essence and Joanne was propelled in a series of intense orgasmic aftershocks.
Her body unleashed her third orgasm. Her eyes opened wide and saw nothing, her mouth opened wide and saw nothing. Her toes curled and hands fisted tightly onto the rail. Her vaginal muscles franticly milked the dog for more of its warm thick essence.
Joanne came out of her orgasmic freeze and her wail echoed around the room.
Her mind couldn't absorb any more sensations and her head and shoulders slumped onto the support rail unconscious. Slowly Joanne recovered moaning as the ecstatic post-orgasmic aftershocks rippled across her kneeling body.
Prince withdrew his deflating member. It slipped out of her reluctant vagina with a delicious slurping sound and Joanne moaned as the wonderful fullness left her body.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh .."
Suddenly, Joanne felt that wonderful tongue lapping her thighs. Prince was cleaning her. She gasped as it licked and lapped her twitching labia and thighs, feasting on her thick juices and its own semen. A weak Joanne turned and sat on the mattress with her back resting against one of the rail's support posts. Prince lay down beside her and she lovingly rubbed its ears and talked softly to him. Prince wagged his tail and looked up into Joanne's face.
Joanne's life was now irreversibly changed. Dianne smiled at Joanne and let the two of them enjoy each other for a few minutes. Soon Prince got up, licked Joanne on her face and returned through the door that Dianne had opened for him.
Sara joined Dianne and walked Joanne to the shower. A happy Joanne walked with Sara back to the viewing room and Dianne told that her clothes had been taken to her stateroom where Daniel and Ellie were waiting for her. Joanne's thoughts returned to when she had arrived at the heliport and the sight of her son's well endowed nakedness filled her mind. She also remembered Ellie's curvaceous body. Both images caused a smile to cross her face.
She told Dianne that now would be a good time to review the recordings of Daniel's tests. As they settled down onto the sectional, Dianne lowered the 60" HD monitor and asked Joanne if she wanted to see just the testing or the results following the testing. It was then that Joanne remembered Daniel introducing her to Aron and said,
"I want to see />
The first video showed Sara and Aron preparing Daniel as he sat in the harness. She saw Sara removing the hair from between her son's spread thighs and Aron as he used the towel to adorn her son's incredible erection.
Joanne, in almost a whisper, told Dianne that he had inherited that from his Father.
She watched as Daniel looked at the videos and heard him switching between "Boy" and "Girl". She knew her son's arousal was growing stronger and stronger. The final scene of 'Boy" caused her to lose her control and she gasped when she saw her son's incredible, 'hands free' ejaculations.
Dianne now switched to the recordings of Aron and Daniel. She thought she would be disgusted and turned off by the sexual mating between two males but she watched spellbound as her son and Aron sexually discovered each other. When she saw Aron thrusting into Daniel as he knelt on his hands and knees, it reminded her of her Prince doing the same thing to her body.
The last video that Dianne showed Joanne was from the HD cameras inside the state room. Joanne couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was Ellie masturbating her son. As she watched, she couldn't understand the feelings of envy that were filling her mind. The feelings intensified when the scenes turned to the bed and she saw Ellie moaning and thrashing as Daniel thrust into her raging sex for what seemed like hours.
The recordings ended and Joanne just sat on the sectional. Her conditioned mind now wanted and needed to feel her son doing the same to her. She visualized herself with Ellie and could almost feel Ellie's mouth and fingers exploring her body.
Dianne smiled at her achievements and had Sara walk with Joanne back to the suite. She switched the monitor so she could watch Joanne as she entered the suite. The naked trio stood in front of each other and Joanne held out her arms to both of them. They hugged and kissed. Daniel couldn't stop his penis from stirring as their nakedness's pressed against each other. Joanne looked at her son's arousal and took Daniel and Ellie by the hand and led them into the bedroom.
When Sara returned, she saw Dianne laying on the bed in the test room watching the monitor. She smiled and quickly lay down beside her.
Next: The Pleasure Deck, mother, son and tutor.
story by: chinookwind
Tags: blowjob erotica fantasy cum swallowing anal bestiality drug toys enema sex story
Author: chinookwind
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