One day, Ricky's stomach was bothering him. He took a bromide. He was wearing a sparkly red brassiere. He wrote a poem…
She wore a sparkly red brassiere
A sparkly red brassiere
A sparkly red brassiere
She wore a sparkly red brassiere
And I knew I wasn't queer
When I saw that red brassiere
Later, Ricky was hungry. Since his stomach was still bothering him, he decided to make some Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup. He opened up his cookbook and read…
Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup! It has incredible healing powers and it tastes great.
First, bring 8-10 well soiled thongs to a rapid boil in 2 quarts of water in a large soup pot. Reduce heat and simmer for about 45 minutes.
While the thongs simmer, spread a portion of newspaper on the floor and stand on it while you dry shave off your ass hair. A dry shave is recommended (no water and of course, no shaving cream) because it is easier to collect the ass hair when you are done.
Collect all the ass hair
After the thongs have been simmering for 45 minutes, remove them and add the ass hair, 1 can of Chicken Broth and 1 cube of Chicken bullion
Stir in 1-3 loads of freshly ejaculated baby batter (this is the cream) and add about 1-2 teaspoons of menstrual juice for extra zing.
Let simmer for about 20 more minutes and enjoy!
You can make Cream of Beef Ass Hair soup by substituting beef broth and beef bullion for Chicken Broth and Chicken bullion.
You will find that the soup is different depending on how much ass hair it has in it. A hairy ass makes for a thicker soup. Cream of Chicken Italian male Ass Hair soup would be much thicker than Cream of Chicken Swedish Lass Ass Hair soup. Try as many different kinds of Cream of Beef or Chicken Ass Hair soup as you can.
Ricky realized he would need to obtain 8-10 well soiled thongs and a teaspoon or two of menstrual juice to make the Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup. He decided to make a pastrami sandwich to tide him over until he could get the 8-10 well soiled thongs and the teaspoon or two of menstrual juice to make the Cream of Chicken Ass Hair soup. He ate the pastrami sandwich he made. It made his stomach feel far worse!
End of part 1
story by: crustybunger
Tags: erotica hardcore romance poem drug male solo transvestite sex story
Author: crustybunger
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