
sex stories

We sit with our feet in the lake.When ever we kiss your body begins to shake.As my hands move slowly through your hair.Ihold you tight so you know that im here.After our kiss I look into your beautiful eyes.Now looking at mines with quick mivements like butterflies.I remember when we first met you were so shy.Now we can take each other so so high.As we strip off each oters clothes and lay in each others arms.In each others arms we take some time to look at each others you wisper in my ear "Take me im yours".I happily agree but before i do i let my mouth take a tour.As i begin to drink passion deep fom the mountain.I love your taste rich and sweet fountain.As i mount you you say you love me.I the say "I love you to because i am me and she is she". I insert my love in your warm imbrace. loving and knowin there is nothing we havent faced.As we near the end of our love filled night. i push my love in you with all my might.Then you squeeze my love with your love. Im proud to say your a angel from above.

story by: Dashann22

Tags: poem sex story

Author: Dashann22

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