Reading through this I have found some of the dialect from my area has snuck in,, so to save all the comments about spelling and grammar, I’ll explain it.
We use ‘me’ in place of ‘my’ in some instances and our mother is so when Rachel say’s “I fell off me bike” and “This is me mam” this is correct speak for her.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, that have got through.
I was around 24 and Susan 20 when we married, in under a year I was made head ground keeper, due to Sid retiring, this gave me more flexibility in my working week, if I went in to work at the week end I could finish earlier or start later week day’s, for Sundays I would have the hours accumulated and get extra day’s holiday, thus giving me double time for Sundays.
Part of the course was open to the public so It was nothing new to see groups of children over there, I knew a few by name, but they all knew me, they would ring their bells and wave as they passed, I would wave back and through this relationship we had, they respected me as I did them and we had very little vandalism.
One girl I came to know as Rachel, was of a single parent family, she always looked smart, but her bike had seen better years and often needed something doing to it, some of the older boys in the area would mend it for her, but then one day she was over the course on her own and she got a puncture, she was crying her eyes out as I came up the path, I asked what was wrong, “I fell off me bike and I’ve got a puncture”, I told her it was easily fixed and put it on the truck and she jumped up onto the seat beside me, in the yard I got my tools and I had it fixed in twenty minutes.
The following day I was marking up a few trees that needed felling when I saw Rachel heading my way with an older woman with her, both on bike’s, when they stopped beside me, Rachel said “Dave, this is me mam” the woman held out her hand, we shook hands and she introduced herself as Margaret. She thanked me for being so kind and helping Rachel, I told her it was no trouble, I asked Rachel how she was, “Ok thanks” Margaret said she had asked Rachel if she had cried and she had told her in no uncertain words, “No, I’m 11 and too old now to cry” I saw Rachel give me a little smile, as if saying ‘please don’t tell mam I was crying’, she then piped up “I’m 11 and ¾” turning to me Margaret said “Sorry, she’s 11 and ¾, at her age the ¾ is important” I asked Rachel when her birthday was, “July 18th” I asked what she wanted, “I want a new bike but me mam say’s she can’t afford it this year”, just then the ice cream van came into the course, I saw Rachel look up to her mother as if she was going to ask for an ice cream, but she didn’t, “Would you like an ice cream” I asked Rachel, “Yes please” I told her to tell Bob I would see him later, Margaret said I didn’t have too, I told her an ice cream wouldn’t break the bank.
With Rachel gone I asked Margaret if she would be offended if I got Rachel a new bike for her birthday, I told her I had a brother that worked at a bike manufactures, so I could get one at cost, it took a few minutes but Margaret finally accepted my offer. Rachel came back with her ice cream, when Margaret saw it she said “Why did you get one like that, Rachel”? Rachel replied as she looked at me “I asked Bob for an ice cream and told him you would see him later and this is what he gave me”. She then sat on a bench to eat it while Margaret and I chatted about this and that. As they were about to leave I remembered I had a horn for a bike and asked Rachel if she wanted it as she didn’t have a bell, “Can I mam”? Margaret nodded ‘yes’ I told Rachel to call around my house later and I would fit it for her, not surprisingly she knew where I lived.
After work I was mowing my lawn and Rachel came down the road, she had a few friends with her, she stopped and asked if I could fit the horn now. This done she gave it a squeeze, ‘peep, peep’ thanking me they all rode off, all up the road I could hear ‘peep, peep’, I hoped she would stop as I didn’t want her to annoy the neighbours.
From this I had a steady stream of kids coming to see me to mend punctures or do some other job’s on their bike’s, one of the main things was the adjustment of their saddles, boy’s and girls from the age of 8 up to about 13, would ask me to lift their saddle, this gave me many a view of young camel toes, having adjusted the seat the girls would sit down and I would kneel in front of them to see if it was set right for them, often they wore skirts sp I had a good view.
One 13 year old girl Julie, having adjusted her saddle tried it out, she needed a little more adjustment and remained standing over the saddle as I lifted it, the back of my hand brushed against her pubic mound, she smiled at me, then she sat on my hand, trapping it between her pussy and the saddle, she moved back and forth a few time’s before standing up again, as I twisted the seat to aid in lifting it I rubbed the back of my hand over her pussy again. Nothing more happened as one of her friends called from the front asking how long she was going to be. With a thank you she was off.
Julie started coming around more and more for the smallest of thing, she even came for me to check the tyre pressure, and every time she would flash her knickers, a couple of time I saw a little damp patch, then one day she came around wanting new brake pads fitting, she had gone to the bike shop and bought some, but didn’t know how to change them and adjust the callipers. I took the bike from her and started to remove the old pads, Julie stood by me watching what I was doing; she was wearing a short skirt and boob tube, which was pulled tight across her small bust, about half a grape fruit in size. I dropped one of the nuts and she bent down to pick it up, it was then I saw she wasn’t wearing any panties, looking back at me she smiled, standing up she moved a little closer to me, I looked up and she asked if I thought she was pretty, I told her I did, I decided to see if she was up for some fun, or just teasing.
I ran the back of my hand up her leg, up to the hem of her skirt, she didn’t tell me to stop, I turned my hand over and moved higher, her legs opened a little, I rubbed my thumb against her pussy and heard her moan, I turned to face her and was about to push her skirt up so I could kiss and suck her pussy when ‘peep, peep’. Rachel was heading our way; Julie picked her bike up and left.
Rachel came into my back garden all excited, “Me mam is letting me have a birthday party and I asked if you could come, do you want to”? I thanked her and said if I get off work early I would call in. It was then it happened, she was excited about her party, and she wasn’t paying must attention or looking where she was going and as she rode off, her skirt got caught in the chain and she crashed into a low wall I had around the garage and she cut her knees and arm, tears started to flow, I picked her up and cuddled her telling her she was a big girl and big girls don’t cry, she giggled, probably remembering what she had told her mother. I freed her skirt and carried her into the kitchen, sitting her down I looked at her knees and arm, she then said her side hurt, she lifted her top and she had grazed her side, she started to cry again and I calmed her once more, I then said she should have a bath to clean up, then we could see how bad the cut’s were.
I showed Rachel to the bath room and started running the water for her and got a couple of towels, as I was about to leave her she said, “I cant have a bath on me own” I asked why not, “Me mam is frightened about me drowning, she nearly did when she was little and now she stay’s with me and helps me wash” “You should be alright” “No please, you’ll have to stop with me” I explained it wouldn’t be right but I could tell she was really concerned about bathing on her own, so I told her I would stop with her.
She undressed and got into the bath, she was a small girl, fair skinned with big blue eye’s, light but not blond hair, as she sat in the bath I noticed her little pubic mound, she had no more than a slit and her bust was a couple of little bumps with a nipple that was hardly noticeable.
As she washed her hair, she didn’t have a care in the world, then she started washing her face and neck, I was sat on the toilet lid a few feet from her, even though she had took a fall and was injured she was in good spirit and singing, she then turned to me and splashed me, I told her off, but not sternly, she splashed me again, looking down at my shirt I told her she was getting it all wet, she laughed and splashed me again, “Stop it, I’m all wet” care” and she splashed me again, it, I’ve got to take it off now” , I took my shirt off and started to dry myself, I told her that was enough, she had a wicked look in her eyes and smiled, then took a hand full of water she threw it over me, laughing her head off.
“Look at me now, you’ve soaked my trousers” “Take them off then” “I don’t think so” I had another hand full of water thrown over me, my trousers were soaking wet, I should have gone to my room and changed, but then I would be leaving her alone and she didn’t want this, I could have kept my trousers on, but they were soaking wet and uncomfortable, so I slipped them off.
When Rachel saw my cock she looked down at herself and back to me, that”? I thought I should tell her to speak to her mother about the differences between boys and girls, but then she would want to know how she knew we were different, so I decided to tell her.
It’s my penis, boys and men have them” “Why don’t I have one”? “What you and all women have is a vagina, at this time I was semi hard, but not for long. “Can I touch it”? “No you can’t, it wouldn’t be right” “Because it “But why”? I had to think hard what to tell her, and how to explain it. I went on to explain why we were different and that the man and woman should be special friends for the man to let the woman touch his penis, then about babies. She listened and as far as I knew she understood what I was telling her. When I had finished she asked if we were special friends, I said we were before I realised I had used the wrong term when explaining things, “So why can’t I touch your penis”? She had me backed up into a corner, if I wasn’t careful she would be upset and then she might tell her mother she had a bath in my house and I stayed with her, this would open up a Pandora’s box full of trouble. But if I did let her touch me, this too could open the box, what to do, I was asking for trouble either way.
I think she guessed what I was thinking because she said “I won’t tell, if you let my touch your penis, I promise” at this point all rational thinking was fast leaving me and I took a step closer to the bath, Rachel reached out and touched my cock, “It’s so soft” immediately my cock grew, she looked surprised, “Did I make it do that”? I nodded, “Will it get bigger”, I was now lost and ready for the gates of hell to open, but I couldn’t stop it. “If you touch it some more” she reached out again and ran her hand up my length, as It got bigger she giggled, at my full length she couldn’t hold me in one hand so she had to hold me with both, she rubbed her hands up and down a few time’s, and a little pre cum seeped to the tip, “is that what makes babies”? “No that is to help the man put his penis into her vagina, but if you keep going you’ll see what make’s babies”.
For five minutes Rachel’s hands went up and down my cock, she had to keep stopping as her hands got tired. Then I could feel my balls tightening, “Get ready, it’s going to come now” Rachel pulled her hands away and looked on with wide eyes as my spunk shot out of my cock. As my cock stopped jerking she asked “Is that what make’s babies”? “As I told you, this is what fertilises the egg, and that the woman has the egg in her body, she thought for a second or two, then parting her legs and put her hands to her slit and looked at herself, “How will your penis go in my vagina, it’s so big”? “It would, your vagina would stretch to take it” “Will you show me”, I had gone past worrying now and thoughts came back to me when I first had Kelly and later Susan, my wife.
I bent down and picked Rachel up and carried her through to my bedroom, laying her on the bed I lay beside her and started fingering her pussy, she was small and I worried I might really hurt her if I try and make love to her. But then she surprised me as she started having an orgasm and she came more than I would have thought.
Taking this as my timing I rolled between her legs and slipped the tip of my cock into her, she looked up into my eyes, I could see love and excitement in her face, I warned her it would hurt for a little and to be a brave girl, “I am nearly 12 you know” I pushed a little more and felt her hymen, “Are you ready”? “Yes, daddy” this didn’t register with me at first, I thrust into her, I saw her face show pain, but she didn’t cry out, I paused until I could see the pain had eased, slowly I pulled back, her legs closed around my back, this must have been a natural instinct, as I pushed back she let out a long breath, as I moved in and out she pushed her hips into mine, again this must have been a natural instinct.
With her being so tight I knew I wouldn’t last long and I told myself I must pull out, even thought she was only just around the age of being fertile I didn’t want to take any chances. As they say the best laid plans of mice and men. My cock swelled and before I could pull out my spunk hit the back of her womb, “Oh God, no, no, no” I said. But there was nothing I could do, my balls emptied into this little girl’s pussy, Rachel had stopped breathing as she felt my warm spunk entering her body, it was a few seconds before she took a deep breath, “Have you made a baby in me”? This brought me down in a flash, “I jumped off her and sat on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands, up daddy”? “I shouldn’t of had sex with you, and I shouldn’t have cum in you” she kissed my head, “There, there daddy, don’t worry” I realised then she was calling me daddy and looked at her and asked why, “I heard some older girls talking and they said how the men they have had sex with, like them to call them daddy, so I thought you would like it”. I told her I was so sorry for what I had done, “You shouldn’t be, I wanted sex, and when you said I could have a bath, I had to do it today” “So you lied when you said about your mom not letting you have a bath on your own”? “No, that is true, but I had to get you naked, so that’s why I splashed you” I had to laugh, a naughty girl, you know” she hugged me and asked if I was upset with her, I should have been but her big blue eye’s melted me and I hugged her and said I wasn’t.
I noticed the time and said we should clean up before my wife got home, I knew she wouldn’t mind me having sex with Rachel, but I didn’t want her to find us in bed together, this would be pushing things too far.
It turned out Rachel’s cut’s weren’t as bad as I first thought and she had obviously forgotten about them, she gave me a big hug and asked if I was coming to her party, see” “I remember, I promised I would tell and I wont”. She rode off and turning the corner she stopped and waved, Susan came around the corner and spoke to Rachel, she pointed towards me and they exchanged a few words, then Rachel was gone, Susan asked who she was, “Rachel, she’s the girl I’m getting the bike for, as you could see the one she has is well passed it’s sell by date.
She asked how long Rachel had been here, "A few hours, she needed a bath and we had sex afterwards" I feeling her up and as we made love I told her all about Rachel’s accident and how her mother wouldn’t let her take a bath on her own, then about us having sex.
She asked if I was going to have sex with her again, I couldn’t say, in a way it was down to Rachel, she might not want to, but if she did, I wouldn’t say no.
I have more
story by: pappa smurf
Tags: consensual sex true story older male / female sex story
Author: pappa smurf
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