Sam was down in the dumps. The college year was over and now most of the apartments where he worked were empty. All the pretty girls were gone and with them all the pussy he had enjoyed during the past year. There was Slyvia, Julia, Laura, Bonnie what a hot piece! Oh well, there was next year. Then he brightened up as each year brought a new crop of girls and new challenges. Sam loved challenges, especially when it came to chasing pussy.
The weeks dragged by for Sam until the week of college registration finally arrived. With came a flood of new tenents in the apartments. Fortunately for Sam the majority of them were young pretty girls. Already they were moving in. On the first day five new girls moved in and the next eight more. Things were definately looking up for Sam.
Sam was working late one evening a few days later when he went past the window of the apartment occupied by Claudia, an eighteen year old from Kentucky. Claudia had caught Sam's eye the minute she moved in. She had a curvaceous body that even her loose fitting clothes failed to hide. As Sam started past her apartment he suddenly cam to a halt as he realized she was inside undressing with the curtains partially open.
Sam could hear her radio playing as she began removing her clothes, moving with the rhythm of the music. Slowly she unfastened her blouse, one button at a time. She removed her skirt, letting it slide down over her hips to the floor. Next came the black lace bra. Her breasts were spilling out over her 38-Dcups. She slipped the right strap off her shoulder, then the left. She reached inside her bra, freeing one tit. She began massaging the nipple until it became hard. She did the same with the other tit, holding it up high. She took both tits into her hands now, caressing and now circling each nipple with her tongue. Her head was tilted backward, her eyes closed, her lips spread apart. She was groaning with the pleasure of it all. Clad only in her black lace panties, her tits still in her hands, she walked over to the mirror which was on the opposite wall of the apartment. She gently released her breasts, her hands now slowly following the contour of her body, keeping with the rhythm of the music. Slowly, oh so slowly, her hands caressed herself as they worked their way down past her naval, to her panty line. She put her hands inside the top of her panties.
Sam thought for sure he was going to get to see all her glory when all of a sudden she looked up and realized the curtains weren't completely closed. She crossed the room and quickly closed them shutting off Sam's view. Damn, thought Sam and went on about his business.
"What's the matter Sam?" said a female voice out of the darkness.
Sam stopped in his tracks and tried to see where the voice had come from. Just then from behind a bush stepped a gal who Sam recognized as Glorida who had just moved in for the new college year. Glorida walked up to Sam and rubbed his hard cock through his trousers. "Hmmm looks like your friend created a problem for you." said Glorida as she continued to rub his dick.
Sam studied the girl for a moment. Now she was outlined in the brightness of the moon. He could see she didn't have much on because her nipples were poking out her tee shirt and he could see through her thin skirt and tell she certainly didn't have on a slip and maybe not panties. He pulled her to his body and ran his hands under her short skirt to check and see if she had panties on. His fingers brushed her bare pussy. "Want to help me out with my problem?" he inquired.
In answer to his question Gloria grabbed Sam and pulled him into the bushes where she undid his trousers and pushed them to the ground. His dick sprang forth hard as a rock and Gloria started licking up and down the shaft. When she got to the knob she ran her tongue all over it sending goosebumps through Sam. The tip of her tongue ran around the rim of his knob and down through the slit before she took him fully into her mouth and began sucking him in earnest. Sam wanted to explode in her mouth but he wanted to bury his cock in her young pussy even more so he pulled her up off her knees where she had been giving him a blowjob. He turned her around and had her bend over at the waist as he pulled her short skrit up and plunged his cock all the way into her throbbing pussy. He reached under her tee shirt and began playing with her tits as he rammed in and out of her cunt. Gloria began bucking against him as Sam drove his nine inch cock in and out faster and faster until he was fucking her so hard it seemed he would drive her into the ground. Suddenly they both exploded in a simultaneous climax. Gloria quickly pulled away and took Sam's dick into her mouth and milked him dry.
"Sure glad you came along when you did" observed Sam.
"I heard you liked young college girls and I just had to try you for myself" replied Gloria. "How long do you figure it will take you to fuck all of us this semester?"
"Oh it's hard to say" replied Sam. "Last year I didn't get the last girl until a few days before the school year ended."
"Well I know of several who want to fuck you already" said Gloria.
"Well then, how about we have a party and get things rolling" suggested Sam.
"Sounds good to me" replied Gloria "as long as I get my share."
story by: anonymous
Author: anonymous
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