Never forget part 2

Chapter Two Mr. Forester paced in front of the class as Kyle fought sleep. This class always bored him. “For your assignment, I want you to pick one of the writings of Shakespeare and write[…]

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Ltttle girl slut

I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4'11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she[…]

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Debbie gets ganged

Debbie’s boyfriend Jay was nowhere close to being old enough to drink but he was friendly with some of the older guys who frequented the bar on the corner where he hung out. Often they[…]

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Birthday sex-t part 2

After my aunt jokingly declined my offer. She stood there for a bit smelling the air. Her conscious was fighting her thoughts in a battle of trust and wits. As she looked towards her daughter,[…]

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Her taste pt.2

I left the room and got in the shower and was still fantasizing myself with my mother. I still couldn’t believe that I just fucked my mother. While I was showering I was cleaning my[…]

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Awakenings 5

Awakenings 5 I didn’t think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked what’s going on, so here[…]

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Private duty nurse

The air was slightly crisp and cool that night. Crickets are softly chirping behind the sound of the ducks swimming in the water. Heather is standing along the side of the pond, looking up at[…]

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Route 66

Well, there i was. Driving home on my way back from visiting friends. I was stuck in traffic yet again. Along side me pulled up truck with one female driver, i looked at her trying[…]

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