Lessons Want to be Tied up and tortured? FREE BONDAGE Knock first, ask for Scott I ripped down the fake flyer some joker put on my door, keyed it and walked in. Ever since my[…]
this told in a direct form, as in one to one. its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany[…]
Party crasher
Susan age 29 never married has just moved in last week to the condo next to mine. I was having a party and she came over to introduce herself to me. People started to filter[…]
Return to earth – 6
Sorry for the delay. I have been writing but the chapter got way to long, perhaps to much deion/detail for some. Trying to cater to a few requests, it will take time to accommodate some.[…]
Dirty basement
Heather slowly approachs the closed dark basement door with trepidation and caution; what lies beyond is a world that is messy and dangerous. It is John's private workshop full of sharp tools, dirty workbenches, vise[…]
1. Night is a silent partner Benjamin’s mother died well before midnight. All the fuss with the doctors, the confirmation, the papers, the transport of the body lasted only a couple of hours. When everybody[…]
Playdates, act dos
Lauren was walking down the street when a red Honda came screeching to a stop next to her. “Jesus, Tara,” she muttered, as she slung her backpack off her shoulder and walked toward the car.[…]
A summer with amber chapter 6
By the time I was exiting the bathroom, both girls were exiting the bedroom. I smiled at them both and they returned the smile but Amber quickly changed her expression to a questioning look. I[…]
Tattooed tree
As far back as I can remember, its been me and my dad, Ayden. I know he and my mom had me when they were very young. Mom didn’t stick around. She left when I[…]
"How many applications do you think we have now," Dr. Horton asked his research assistant, Doris Brewer!?! "About fifty I'd guess," she replied while scanning the list, "and we have a nice cross section of[…]
My story 2
I opened my eyes to an all too familiar room. I was in the hospital. I looked around the best I could. I saw Ash in the bed next to me. In one of the[…]
My cum-slut wife part 1
When Mandy, my gorgeous cum-slut wife, told me that her younger cousin Gina was going to visit for the weekend, I was both curious and faintly aroused. Mandy’s 15 year old daughter (my step-daughter) Rebecca[…]
The making 1
The Making I never have been much on taking orders. As a child I was a handful for my parents, as a teen I rebelled against any authority whether at home or elsewhere. As a[…]
Using lace pt 2
Stepping out of the limo Lacey relished the cool night air on her flushed body. Leaning against the cold metal for support she tried to calm her racing nerves. Never in her life would she[…]
After school special
The school bell rang as everyone scrambled to find there seats. At the front of the room, John Davis (more commonly referred to as Mr. D) smiled as he watched his students sit down. "Alright[…]
Love story (full story, 6,000 words)
Love Story Author's notes: I wrote this story because I had been writing for quite a while and wanted to move to the other side. I saw the original movie with Ryan O'Neal and Ali[…]