Vicky and ray

There's thunder and lightning outside your window, and rain pours, loudly drowning out all other noise in your bedroom. It's two in the morning, as can be seen on the alarm clock next to the[…]

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My first attempt

Upon entering the restaurant, the bright lights overtook my eyes. They had become accustomed to the dark during the long walk down the city streets on the way to the restaurant. The scents from the[…]

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Violated passenger

Passengers milled and murmured, watching the glowing yellow light approach. Wheels screeched, the wind blew and the passengers stepped back until the speeding subway came to a halt. The doors open and there was a[…]

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The touch

Ed went to his window to investigate the noise he heard outside and discovered an old man in the alley, rooting through the trashcan for something to eat. He felt a little sympathy for the[…]

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Mommy knows best

“You look absolutely radiant, dear,” Hillary’s mother said after giving her a congratulatory kiss, “is Paul excited about prospect of becoming a father!?!” “Oh, yes, mother,” Hillary gushed, “he’s already talking about how he can’t[…]

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The twins

Lets go down the pub for drink, said Frank on the telephone, its been a while since we saw Seamus at the White Castle. Now the thought of going for a beer was appealing but[…]

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